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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject

Practical Research 1



Jordan, Jiesamae

Cinco, Margie

Buena, Shyrille

Vergara, Mark Noel

Capallar, Ma. Florian

May 2024



Background of the study

This research will talk about the factors that affect students academic performance.

Students are the hope of the nation says by hero named Dr Jose Rizal. Education is one of the

key to success and also the strategy in living that will be the another way to success of an

individual. According to the by Shaked et. al(2020), one of the most significant of human

living is education. Every Students aim something for their lives. However, being a student

aren’t easy. Youngster are facing different challenges in their daily lives as a student. Lot of

youngsters are struggling, especially those slow learners, they were the one who suffered the


Academic performance are affected by some factors. This factors are according to the

statement of the students in Senior High student. The factors of having low grade in academic

is being a slow learners, financial problem, having low self-efficacy and also laziness.

Moreover, according to Irjmets (2023) written by Alejandro Gutierrez et. al. Students

academic performance is affected by several factors: Students learning skill, Parental

background, Peer influence, teacher quality, and learning infrastructures. And according to

the Researchgate.net (2023), factors which affect the student academic performance are

gender, high school grade, student’s parental education, financial background, medium of
teaching, student’s family status, living location, students’ previous semester marks, seminar

performance class, test grade, assignment performance, attendance in class and lab work,

general proficiency, Interest in particular course, Study behavior, Engage Time and Family

Support for study, previous schools marks, admission type, accommodation type, parent’s

occupation, parent’s qualification. All of these attributes are divided into categories such as

personal, family, academic, institutional, and social These are the factors that affecting the

academic performance of the students, Conducting this research will give additional

knowledge for the stake holders and to the future researchers.

Statement of the problem

The study that will be conducting will answer the following questions

1.What are the factors that you encounter as a studens?

2. When you have lower grade, how does it feel?

3. what are the strength you have to faced those challenges that you faced as a


Scope and Delimitation

This study is about factors affecting of having low grades in academic performance

in Senior High at the JE MONDEJAR COMPUTER COLLEGE. The study will involve 13

active student of Grade 11 Gas students. The study will used a survey method in data
gathering. It focused on the factor that they experience as a student. It will also give a deeper

understanding about those factors that affecting their academic performance.

Significance of the study

The study of significant is the following stakeholders.

Researchers- the study is aiming to define the factors, and it is also to have better

understanding about those challenges that face of every youngster.

Students- this research paper will support the sides of students who are struggling in

their daily lives as a students.

Parents – parents will have knowledge or an idea about the certain issues that the

students faced.

Future Research- this study might help or a source of information for those future

researchers .


This Chapter presents the related literature and studies to be used as further reference

for the research.

Related Literature and Studies

A famous quote by doctor Jose Rizal is “Kabataan ang Pag asa ng bayan”, in English

“The youth is the hope of the nation” (emaze). Here’s another one of his quotes “Filipino

don’t realize that victory is the child of struggle that, joy blossom from suffering and

redemption is a product of sacrifice”. According to Aspire training team (2024). It builds

knowledge and understanding of a subject which help prepare you for your future.

However some students didn’t make it they failed their grades. According to the

(typeset.io) students with low grades tend to have lower Self esteem which can lead to the

decreased motivation and engagement in academic task. Moreover according to the LinkedIn

( 2022) a child’s attitude toward struggle in order to accomplish his goals is strengthened by a

good and effective educational process. However, a number of obstacles to education prevent
a child from performing well academically. A child’s personality may suffer as a result of

these factors, which can be either physical or psychological. On the another hand according

to (Jonas bunte.com). A low grade might signal student they that they need to study harder

and devote more time to this course resulting in improved performance in the second-half of


Some studies Show that academic success can be influenced by multiple factors that

can be student-related, social-related, and School-related. However, the presence of these

factors does not in any way, eliminate a student’s responsibility For his or her own success.

According to Brew et al. (2021), teachers and researchers have long been interested In

investigating variables contributing to the quality of academic performance of learners.

Academic performances. Is affected by many factors including parents’ education levels and

income, teachers’ knowledge of the subject, Truancy, textbooks availability and accessibility,

libraries, practical laboratory, meals provision and many other factors. The family is also a

valuable factor that influences a student’s academic success. The family is where the

individual builds up their manners, values, and morals. According to (cram) Family is also

where socialization is mostly affected for an individual. According to Coltrane, family is

defined as “a group of two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth,

marriage, or adoption” . And it is the first place, to everyone to start a life from a womb to a

human person. We’re they can freely dream something for their lives. However it is also a

factor, that make students lives tougher. It called family problem or a broken family sadly

some students experience this factor and it’s hard for them. In such a young age they faced to

be their own, and feel so anxious stress about what’s happening in theirs daily lives.

According to verywellmind (2023) “A broken family is one that includes unhealthy or

severed relationships within the family unit,” explains Anderson. “They are often associated
with divorce but whycertainly can occur in an intact family where various members are in

conflict with or estranged from each other. That is one of the most experienced factor. It

affect the focus of the student thinking about the certain issue.

The second mostly experienced factor is the, Financial problem. According to

(startquestion). Significantly, financial problems were found to affect academic performance,

with many students experiencing a decrease in motivation to study and difficulty

concentrating in class. This correlation between financial problems and academic

performance emphasizes the need for intervention and support. Furthermore, according to

typeset.io (2023). Financial instability can negatively affect students’ academic performance

by limiting their access to resources such as stationery, textbooks, and transportation, leading

to poor attendance, lack of concentration, and inability to meet financial needs. Moreover

according to helpguide. Org(2024). Like any source of overwhelming stress, financial

problems can take a huge toll on your mental and physical health, your relationships, and

your overall quality of life. Feeling beaten down by money worries can adversely impact

your sleep, self-esteem, and energy. Financial problem affect students academic

performance, it because of lack of financial they couldn’t be able to attend their classes.

The next factor is being a slow leaner, based on the statement of the student of grade

11 gas they mostly answer is being slow at leaner. According to (ijamtes)The slow learners

have a short attention span with which they cannot concentrate for long time. They have the

problem of short memory and they do not remember what they learn. They get bored easily

and develop no interest towards learning process. Meanwhile according to hopscotch (2020).

Slow Learning – Causes, Slow learners tend to learn slower and are, in most cases, unable to
retain what they learn. They also have a very short attention span. Learning does not happen

incidentally for slow learners and they have to be directly taught. And they cannot link one

learning to another unless specifically told. Furthermore according to spectrum learning.

Slow learners: Characteristics and TipLack focus, short attention span. Weak in auditory

and/or visual processing. Unable to learn or complete assignments on their own. Functions at

ability but significantly below grade level. Some students says that they were to shy to stand

up and do something during class. Other says that they were afraid of being wrong and being

laugh by her/his co-student.

Conceptual framework.

Financial problem
Slow leaner
Low self-efficacy
Parental background

Academic performance

Students, we’ll have a lower grade.




This chapter discussed the different method and procedure used to answer the

research problem. This included the research design the respondent of the study, the Research

Design and Data Gathering

Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive research method in order to determine the factors

affecting the low grade academic performance of senior high students, using the researcher

made questionnaire as the principal instrument in collecting the data

For analysis of this research, the variables are the factors and the academic

performance. That the factors is the independent that will affect the academic performance of

the student performance at school.

Data gathering

The researcher followed the procedure in the conduct and collection of the study first

a permit was secured from the campus to allow the researcher to conduct a survey in the

target of the research. Which is the grade eleven gas students in JE MONDEJAR

COMPUTER COLLEGE. Researchers will conduct a survey and the target student well

answer those questioners.

Once the questioners has been collected, the data that are collected will be used as a new

information needed for further knowledge, including the tallying of responses from the


The following table of questioners is used to gather data’s that are being presented in the

research study:

Survey Questioners about the Factors that Affect students Academic


Grade and Section:__________________



No. of Respondents:13

No. of Population:18

Direction: put a check (✓) on the corresponding item if you AGREE or DISAGREE to the


Agree Disagree

1. Do you agree that bad parenting can also affect

the performance of the students in school?

2. Do you agree that having peers can influence

you in studying?

3. Do you agree that financial problems can affect

your performance at school?

4. Does being a slow learner, really affect you’re

your performance at academic?

5. Do you feel awful when you got a lower grade?

6. Does having a good grade make you happy?

7. Do you agree that having low family support can

affect your academic performance?

8. Do you agree that the living location, can affect

your academic performance?

9. Do you agree that education is one of the key to


10. Do you agree that being a student is one of the

toughest struggles in your life?

11. Do you agree that this research can help you?

12. Do you believe in the famous quotes of Dr Jose

Rizal that “kabataan ang pag asa ng bayan” ?

13. Does failing at the academic affect your personal


14. Do you agree that failing makes you even

tougher and stronger?

15. Do you agree that this factor can help you to

grow and bloom, to be stronger?

16. Do you even feel disagree to do something to

improve your academic status?

17. Do you agree that the most factors that everyone

faces are financial problems?

18. Do you agree that family problem is one of the

fear factors that every young individuals could

ever faced?

19. Do you agree that low self-efficacy also a factor

that can affect your performance at school?

20. Do you agree that the student need support from

family and friends?

The table of questioners above are the set of in the survey to gather data and

information needed for the study. The Questioners that distributed to grade 11 gas students of

JE MONDEJAR COMPUTER COLLEGE. There are 12 active students who participated in

the survey. All of them agreed to the number one, they all agree that bad parenting can also

affect the performance of the student. The second number has 11 over 12 agree that peers can

influence students academic performance, and 1 disagree. The number 3 got 12 over 12

everyone agree that financial is needed, having a financial problems can be a reason of

having low grade in academic performance. The number 4 has 12/12 vote, they all agree that

being a slow learner can really affect your performance at school. The number 5 has 12 votes

everyone agree, that having low grade make it feel awful. Number 6 everyone agree that

having a good grade make them definitely happy. Number 7 12/12 agree that student need

family support. Number 8 everyone agree. Number 9 has 11/12 votes one of them disagree.

Number 10 11/12 agree and one are disagree. Number 11, has 12/12 they found it helpful.

Number 12, has 11/12 one of them disagree. Number 13 12/12, everyone agree that it affect

their personal emotion. Number 14 it has 12/12 everyone believed that failing can make them

even stronger. The number 15 had 12/12 votes, they believe that those factors well make them

much better person soon. At number 16 everyone agree that sometimes they feel like giving

up on. Number 17 has 12/12 vote everyone believed that financial problems is the most faced

factor of the student. Number 18 has, at this number everyone agree that it is the one of the
fear factors that they could ever imagine. At number 19 everyone also agree that having a

self-efficacy can affect their grades or their performance at school. Number 20 has agree that

everyone has agree that they need a support from family and friends

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