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The Common Problems Encountered by SHS Students

A Research Presented to

Antonio A. Maceda Integrated School

Senior High School

Sta. Mesa, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for the Subject
Practical Research


Kim B. Bella

Charlie L. Choi

Andrea Marie Mangumpit

Kyla Mae C. Gantang

Mary Jane Lumutan

Jasmine Gallardo
Chapter l

Problem and It’s Background


A problem learner is one whose academic performance has

considerably decreased as a result of an emotional, cognitive, structural,

or individual issue. Consequences that may result from it include

addiction, apathy, anxiety, sadness, and even suicide. There are several

reasons that might contribute to problematic pupils, including ineffective

teaching strategies, incorrect use of teaching aids, the physical and

social atmosphere of the classroom, student motivation due to loneliness

and family dynamics. Additionally, rather than being a personal matter,

student academic failure is a significant social problem that needs to be

addressed on a fundamental level.

There is a lot of pressure to perform well academically, make lots of

friends, excel in all of one's classes, and be a "good student." Sometimes

the pressures of school can feel overwhelming. Recognizing a problem

and seeking assistance as quickly as you can be crucial. Admission to a

university might heighten anxiety in some students and deprive them of

their cultural, social, and psychological experiences. In these

circumstances, the student struggles academically because they are

unable to adjust effectively and efficiently. One of the issues facing

educational systems, particularly universities, is the intellectual decline.

Experience-based education has long been promoted by problem-based

learning strategies. The challenges of being a student have probably

increased. They have a lot of problems to contend with, including

studying, time, money, relationships, employment prospects, and more.

The prior experience and education of parents do not necessarily prepare

them to handle such challenges. Due to a variety of factors, many

students refuse to acknowledge their issues, which has an impact on

their future prospects. And over time, these can seriously damage a

student's mental health. Students frequently experience general

emotional imbalances as part of growing up as teenagers, and the busy

student life makes these symptoms more obvious. All this negativity can

be successfully managed with the help of involvement ranging from

parents to education ministers.

Some students come from socially disadvantaged backgrounds, and their

household's financial status is inadequate. A student's ability to study

may be hindered if they lack the necessary resources, especially if they

are constantly hungry. Parents who must spend a lot of money only to

enroll their child in school are affected by the increase in school

expenses. When students are reminded that their education costs a lot of

money, this problem might occasionally trickle down to them. At this

time some students are struggling with learning process because of the

problems that they face and is keeping them distracted from studying
such as family problem, financial problem, and their academic


When there is a conflict within a family, the interaction and relationship

are affected. It causes for one reason or another. It can be between two

parents, parents and child, or siblings. The conflict in the family can

cause a lack of respect, lack of communication, lack of trust, and

inactivity. It may result in a bad home environment such as parents

having separation or divorce. Murphy and O'Farrell (1994) emphasized

the idea that parents are crucial in forming children and their influence

on the development of the child. Therefore, if parents continue to argue

as they get older, kids are sure to experience consequences in their

households. They further claimed that children pick up skills through

copying and identifying with their parents and other influential adults. If

the kids are raised in a home where there is a lot of violence, if no action

is taken, they can end up doing the same in their homes. The initial

Families have a significant impact on children, but families and children

also interact. members of a vast network of social institutions, including

the community, the workplace, and schools. Education and parental

participation benefit the family as a whole. When kids can't buy the same

items as their classmates or can't socialize as much as their peers, they

could feel ashamed. Children may experience shame, anxiety, and a

sense of helplessness when it comes to supporting their parents during

difficult times; this affects their self-worth and confidence. According to

Nnamani, Dikko, and Kinta (2014), student financial issues have a

significant impact on their poor academic performance, which in turn

results in substandard quality of education in many ways. As indicated

in this early literature, financial difficulties cause financial stress, which

in turn influences students' poor academic performance. According to a

Widener University study published in 2017, financial stress has a

continuous negative impact on students' academic performance. This

study helps strength and encourage senior high school students to focus

on what's going right in their life even they are suffering a common

problem that they experience on their daily basis. This research will help

senior high school students find a sustainable healing by learning to

nurture their mental, emotional, and physical need rather than pursuing

dreams that don't reflect their true interests. During their time with their

parent’s young adults process past trauma, to their develop healthy

coping mechanisms for dealing with their common problem that has a

impact of academic performance of a SHS student. This research aims to

assess the common problem of students that can cause impact of

academic performance of student made their mental health and physical

health are suffer and affected due to lot of common problems that they

usually experience on daily basis. This research is dedicated to the

senior high school students in ANTIONIO A MACEDA INTEGRATED

SCHOOL that can cause impact of academic performance of student

made their mental health and physical health are suffer and affected due

to lot of common problems that they usually experience on daily basis.


This research is titled “The Common Problems Encountered by SHS

Students” where the researcher will evaluate the average of Senior high

school students who deal with their problems on their own.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

2. What are the common problems encountered by the respondents in

terms of:

2.1 Peer

2.2 Family

2.3 Financial

3. What is the rated level of agreement of the respondents on how thy

cope up with their problem in terms of:

3.1 peer

3.2 family

3.3 financial


This study aims to provide an important information on developing

awareness about the common problems that affects their academic

performance and learn to understand the different kinds of problems

that the student experience.

To the students, this study helps a lot to the problematic student or to

those who are suffering a lot of problems that affects their lives.

To the teachers, To the teachers, with the result of the study it can help

them identify the problems faced by their respective students whether it's

a family problem, financial or academic performance also they can help

their student to ease the situation not even with money or things but by

communicating with the students. By this, it can also help them to

identify and assess their selves if they are an affective teacher.

To the researchers, will have the opportunity to put their new

knowledge into practice by using it in this study as a type of research.


The senior high school of Antonio A. Maceda Integrated School will be the

main subject of this research investigation. The researchers will conduct

a survey to 50 students at the senior high school of Antonio A. Maceda

Integrated School S.Y. 2022 to 2023. The common problem encountered

by SHS will be utilized to assess them. This study will also determine the

common problems of Senior High School of Antonio A. Maceda Integrated

School and how beneficial this research can be.



1. Data collection of
students’ profile.
2. Gender 2. Survey The assessed level
Questionnaires of SHS students in
3. Frequency in 3. Organization of how they handle
handling the Students data through their problems.
problems by the tables.
Respondents. 4. Statistical Analysis
of data.

Figure 1 presents the input, process and output that are used by the

researchers for this study. The first box which the input, it presents the

SHS Students perceptions for patronizing and problems they

encountered in the family, financial, and academic performance.

The second box which is the process, presents the process outdone to

the present study to gain credible findings. This includes the

questionnaire that the researchers will use in collecting data from the


Lastly the output, displays the desired output which is the proposed

plan to improve satisfaction of the SHS Students and proposed solution

to solve the problems. After conducting the experimentation, they will

proceed to analysis and interpretation to determine the way of the

students in handling their problems.


To ensure understanding and clarify the terminology used in

this study are conceptual describe below.


According to Merriam webster.com academic is

- of, relating to, or associated with an academy or school especially of

higher learning

- of, or relating to literary or artistic rather than technical or

professional studies


According to web. family and kinship family is

- The basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing

their children.
- a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one



- the finances or financial situation of an organization or individual.


- the execution of an action

- the action of representing a character in a play


- a question raised for inquiry, consideration, or solution


- one who attends a school

- one who studies

-this refers to the Senior High School in Antonio A. Maceda Integrated


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter reviews pertinent material that the researchers found

both domestically and internationally to deepen their grasp of the subject

at issue.

The Effect of Family Problems on Students

Numerous families are struggling with issues including finances,

relationships, and other issues that directly impact their kids, especially

those in school. When students arrive at class with any family issue, it

weighs heavily on their minds and affects their motivation in learning.

High school dropout rates are twice as high with kids from broken

homes, according to studies. The pressures of divorce can create

psychological problems for the kids. Some kids may not be able to handle

change as well as others. Most days, divorce seems like the answer to a

marriage falling apart, but with marriages involving children, it may

affect the kids more than the parents. High school dropout rates are

twice as high with kids from broken homes than with kids with families

still together. With divorced parents, kids with a parent who isn't around

often feel like no one will stay in their life or that their parent doesn't

want them. When parents communicate positively, it can result in a

healthy relationship between the parents and the kids. Clemente (2013)

The study found out that family problems seriously affect the

performance of the students in particular to their attendance and

performance. Lack of financial support impacts the student's

attendance and compliance with the school projects and activities.

Wrong culture of the family brings out bad behavior and habit to the

students. Brian et, al. (2019)

Examines relationship between parental treatment methods and

conduct disorder among preparatory school students in schools of Gaza

Strip. The study has demonstrated how crucial it is to advise parents

and educators to refrain from using disdain, ostracism, neglect, and

contradictory ways of therapy. Jabal (2012)

The Effects of Financial Problems on Students

Everyone faces financial difficulties, but students in particular. Students

at universities often struggle with serious financial issues that could

harm their academic performance. Many Americans are impacted by the

economic downturn, according to Dang and Bulus (2015). Even college

students worry about money frequently, and this stress may have an

impact on their academic performance. According to Asri et al. (2017), a

highly motivated student will use any financial difficulties they face as

fuel for their drive to succeed. Their commitment to learning will be

impacted by their financial situation, which will also have an impact on

their academic success. Inflation and the trade war have also caused

most of the country to be in a recession, which has increased the

number of students who are having financial difficulties. We therefore

carried out a study to demonstrate the effects on college students’

academic performance if they don’t spend time managing their finances

and how to fix it.Halliday Wynes, (2014) According to Asri et al. (2017),

students from affluent backgrounds can benefit from a stimulating

learning environment. Nnamani, Dikko, and Kinta (2014) stated that the
students’ financial issues had a significant impact on their poor

academic performance. This is also corroborated by a prior study by

Olufemioladebinu (2018), who noted that pupils from lower

socioeconomic family status typically perform academically worse than

those from higher socioeconomic family status. Financial difficulties

cause financial stress, which eventually has an impact on a student’s

academic performance, as mentioned in this early literature.

This study analyses the relationship of savings behaviour and financial

problems to financial literacy among college students in Malaysia.

Controlling for correlates of financial literacy, multivariate analysis of a

sample obtained at 11 colleges and universities demonstrated that

students who had higher financial knowledge test scores were more likely

to report savings behavior and also reported fewer financial problems.

The influence of childhood consumer experience and financial

socialization agents on savings and financial problems was more mixed,

indicating that financial experience before college may create bad habits

or poor attitudes toward financial management that could be mitigated

through financial education during college. Implications of these findings

for targeting financial education on particular kinds of students are

discussed. Key words: Savings behavior; financial problems; financial

literacy; college students. Their commitment to learning will be impacted

by their financial situation, which will also have an impact on their

academic success. Inflation and the trade war have also caused most of

the country to be in a recession, which has increased the number of

students who are having financial difficulties. We therefore carried out a

study to demonstrate the effects on college students' academic

performance if they don't spend time managing their finances and how to

fix it.

Affects of peer Groups to the SHS students with their Academic


Peer pressure and societal pressure combine in high school to negatively

affect kids' minds. Students in high schools must sit with other students in a

group. The group of pupils can occasionally be the source of intense social

pressure that has a harmful impact on their thinking. Students who require

academic support are influenced by this type of societal pressure. The majority

of the students stated that they would like to enroll in a free course. It's

because their current friends and classmates think a free course would be a

good fit for them. Students' lives are heavily influenced by society and their

peers. It's because people pick up knowledge from other people in society and

from other students. It is only natural for people to listen to and learn from

those in their own age groups. Influences from peers or society can be both

positive and detrimental. It's likely that the other students in the class will teach
you something vital about the solar system that will be highly advantageous to

you. In addition to this, it is also likely that some students will perform pranks to

get notoriety in high school and take exceptional actions to succeed. These are

some instances of how social pressure affects a student's thoughts or actions,

either favorably or unfavorably. school kids experience significant levels of

stress as a result of the pressure to consistently perform well and achieve high

academic standing relative to their peers. The results, comparisons, and

general performance of their children put a lot of strain on the parents of high

school kids. As a result, tension and worry among students are caused by the

mounting societal strain on their minds. Students struggle to perform well in

school and meet the expectations of society and their parents as a result of the

high levels of tension and anxiety. Humans can be characterized as sociable

animals. Humans must abide by the norms and laws that have been

established for generations in order to function in the current society. As a

result, the pupils are under pressure to live up to their parents' and the school's


Social pressure has a variety of detrimental effects on a student's thinking.

Low self-esteem or confidence are the main side effects of social pressure on

students' minds. Students' levels of self-esteem and confidence are lower as a

result of social pressure. Students are thus prevented from believing in their

talents and efficiency due to the declining degree of self-esteem and self-

confidence. This affects a student's ability to act differently from other students

and their ability to use their current abilities and competences. Poor academic
achievement is the second adverse effect of social pressure on a student's

thinking. It is necessary or significant for students to fit in with the social groups.

It indicates that the group's approval is prioritized over that of their parents and

professors. Students' academic performance is directly impacted by this. The

active attempts made by pupils to fit in with respectable social groups both

within and outside of school might occasionally have an impact on their

academic achievement. The third adverse effect of social pressure is that it

causes kids to develop risky behaviours. Students who smoke, drink, or use

drugs are encouraged to do so by social pressure. Technically, students are

more aware of the harmful consequences of these bad habits, but they

rationalize it due to their high levels of confidence and peer pressure. High

levels of anxiety and despair are social pressure's fourth harmful effect.

Students experience significant levels of sadness and anxiety as a result of the

social pressure on their brains, which drives them to kill their own lives or

engage in other harmful behavior. Therefore, it can be claimed that the societal

pressure on students' minds promotes a variety of harmful behaviors that

negatively impact their parents' lives as well as their own.

Peer pressure is the power exercised by members of the same

social group. The phrase is also used to explain how this influence

causes a person to conform in order to fit in with the group. Peers can

be anyone of a similar status, such as those who are the same age,

possess the same skills, or have a similar social status. Peers are

frequently thought of as friends.

Olalekan (2016) notes that peer groups are frequently seen as having a

significant impact on students. This is evident from how important a peer

group is to a student’s life and education. Even a great student who

hangs out with uninteresting companions might become disinterested in

their studies. On the other side, a peer group that is inclined to study

might positively influence and stimulate a member who lacks an interest

in studying toward learning. There is ample evidence that students feel

more at ease and relaxed around their peers, as demonstrated by the

significance that peer groups play in the lives of students and their

educational experiences. Oftentimes, incidents of adolescents of risk-

taking are linked to peer pressure (such as delinquency, drug abuse, and

sexual behaviors). When youngsters are under peer pressure, it can also

have good benefits. Like donating time to a good cause or performing well

in school (Kellie, 2013).

(Moldes et., al. 2019) Peer pressure is often seen during the adolescence

stage of teenagers. Teenagers seek comfort among their peers and intend

to do what their peers do without knowing if it is good or bad for them.

Peer pressure seems to have various effects on student academic

performance in school.











Chapter III

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter discusses research methods and procedures attached

by the researchers to answer methodically the specific problems posed by

the study.

This chapter presents the research method, research instrument,

data-gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of the data used for

accurate data analysis and explanation were explained in this chapter.

Research Methods and Technique

The descriptive design of research was applied to this study. To

acquire the necessary information for the study, the researchers utilized

the use of the evaluated common problems that senior high school

students encountered through the use of statistical processing of the

Quantitative research was used to investigate and connect the aim

statistically with the relationship between the two variables. The study

determined the causes and effects of common problems that they


Research Design

The study made use of descriptive method of research

approach will be used for this investigation. Statistics can be utilized in

quantitative research to identify the numerical data. The researchers also

used a straightforward descriptive design. To achieve the primary goal of

the study, which is to identify the practices of relational maintenance

among SHS students, survey questionnaires were sent to the

respondents. The survey or research itself attempted to outline, examine,

and understand the respondents' practices.

The design is descriptive design. The design is to investigate

the nature of relational maintenance specifically for maintaining the

common problem encountered by Senior High School Students, in

categories of verbal and non-verbal communication also investigating the

problems and solutions to their problems that they encountered .

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were of 50 SHS Students in Antonio A.

Maceda Integrated School during the school year 2022-2023. The four

academic strands in Antonio A. Maceda Integrated School was chosen

including Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Information and

Technologies Communication (ICT), Accountancy, Business, and

Management (ABM), and General Academics Strand (GAS). There are five

(5) sections included in the study Grade 11 and Grade 12 Students.

Sampling Technique

The researchers will use quota sampling technique using a set of

survey questionnaires. A questionnaire is a list of questions or items

used to gather data from the respondents about their attitudes,

experiences, or opinions. This technique is convenient in using survey

sampling for this is the most basic form of probability sampling. It

involves survey questions that is selected independently from the

members of the population or sample frame. The grade 11 and grade

12 senior high school students in Antonio A. Maceda Integrated School,

is the focused population of this study.

Research Instrument

The research instrument was used for data gathering

consisting close and open-ended questions. It has 20 items to be

answered by the respondents specifically 2 topics for the profile of the

respondents, 3 topics for the common problems that they suffered, 4

topics about the effects of the common problems that their occur. The

purpose of the research instrument was to assess the most common

problems that students encounter and how those issues contributed to

problematic situations.

Validity of the Instrument. The researchers presented the first draft of the

questionnaire to their adviser for the comments, corrections and suggestions.

After some corrections and suggestions, it was presented to the Principal for

validation. Survey Questionnaires forms were prepared for the respondents.

Reliability Test. In-order to measure the reliability test of the survey

questionnaire, the researcher choose SHS students in Antonio A. Maceda

Integrated School randomly to answer the questionnaire. The instrument was

validated and copies were reproduce through forms for distribution.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers adopt the questionnaires from Steph Stephanie for

peer pressure, Christopher V. Caurel for Family, and Students Financila

Wellness Survey Reports for Financial problems questions encountered

by the SHS Students.

The study conducted during school year 2022-2023 at Antonio A

Maceda Integrated School it was considered with the following


Identification of Make more copies Asking permission to

target Respondents

Checking the Present to the

responses of the Principal for
target respondents Distribution of Validation

Collect data Analyze the data Presents the

Statistical Treatment

For the respondents' demographic characteristics (sex range

and strand), the frequency and percentage statistics will be utilized. The

term "percentage" refers to a fraction of a "hundred," while "frequency"

refers to the number of times a particular score appears in a given set of


Formula: Percentage (%) = Frequency (f) X 100

Total number of responses

The ranking method will be used to determine the degree of the

common problem encountered by SHS students. When data are sorted,

the transformation of numerical or ordinal values into their rank is

referred to as "ranking" in statistics.

Frequency Scale

5-Strongly Agree 4- Agree 3- Neutral 2- Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree

Scale Range
Scale Visual Interpretation Range

1 Strongly Disagree 4:50- 5:00

2 Disagree 3:50- 4:49

3 Neutral 2:50- 3:49

4 Agree 1:50- 2:49

5 Strongly Agree 1:00- 1:49

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