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Chapter I


The problems of college students is a multifaceted issue that

encompasses various aspects of their lives. From the challenges they face in

school to the impact of their family and home environment, as well as their

physical and health development, self-centeredness, and interactions with people

in general. College students encounter numerous obstacles that can affect their

overall well-being and success.

One significant problem faced by college students is the balancing act

between their academic responsibilities and personal lives. The demands of

coursework, assignments, exams, and extracurricular activities can place

immense pressure on students, leaving little time for personal pursuits, hobbies,

or social interactions. This can lead to feelings of isolation, burnout, and a lack of

fulfillment in their college experience.

The influence of the family and home environment on college students

is another critical factor to consider. Some students come from supportive and

nurturing families that provide them with the emotional and financial resources

they need to succeed. However, others may face challenges such as financial

hardships, dysfunctional family dynamics, or lack of emotional support. These

factors can significantly impact students' ability to focus on their studies and their

overall well-being.

Physical and health development is another area of concern for

college students. The transition from adolescence to adulthood brings about

various physical and hormonal changes, which, combined with the stress and

lifestyle changes that college brings, can have a significant impact on students'

physical and mental health. Factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, irregular

sleep patterns, and increased substance use can all contribute to physical health

issues and hinder students' ability to perform well academically.

Self-centeredness is a common challenge among college students, as

they navigate the process of self-discovery and personal growth. The newfound

freedom and independence that college offers can sometimes result in self-

centered behavior, where students prioritize their own needs and desires above

others. This can lead to strained relationships, difficulty collaborating with peers,

and a lack of empathy towards others (Brown, L., 2019).

Interactions with people in general can be a challenge for college

students. The transition to a new social environment, meeting new people, and

forming relationships can be daunting and overwhelming. Students may struggle

with social anxiety, making it difficult for them to connect with others, build a

support system, and engage in meaningful interactions.

Addressing these problems requires a comprehensive approach that

encompasses academic support, mental health resources, family involvement,

and community engagement. By providing students with the necessary tools,

resources, and support systems, we can create an environment that fosters their

overall well-being, personal growth, and academic success. Ultimately, this will

empower college students to navigate the challenges they face and thrive during

their college years and beyond.

Statement of the Problem

The objective of this research is to identify and understand the various

challenges faced by college students in order to provide insights and

recommendations for addressing these issues and promoting their overall well-

being and academic success.

This research study aimed to achieve then following objectives:

1. Identify the common problems faced by BSCriminology and BECED students.

2. Examine the impact of these problems on the academic performance and

overall well-being of students.

3. Explore the underlying factors contributing to these challenges.

4. Propose recommendations and strategies to support and assist

BSCriminology and BECED students in overcoming these problems.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be beneficial to the following:

Students: The findings can directly benefit students by providing

insights into the specific challenges they face. It can help them better understand

their own experiences, identify strategies to overcome problems, and seek


appropriate support services. The findings can empower students to make

informed decisions, improve their academic performance, and enhance their

overall well-being.

Educators and Institutions: The findings can inform educators and

institutions about the common problems faced by students. This knowledge can

guide the development of targeted interventions, support services, and policies to

address these issues effectively. It can help educators better understand student

needs, tailor their teaching approaches, and create a supportive learning


Parents and Families: Parents and families of students can benefit

from the findings by gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges their

children face. This knowledge can help parents provide appropriate support,

guidance, and resources to help their children navigate through their college

experience successfully.

Counseling and Support Services: Findings on student problems

can inform counseling and support services provided by colleges and

universities. It can guide the development of programs, workshops, and

resources that specifically target the identified problems. This can enhance the

effectiveness of counseling services and ensure that they are tailored to meet the

needs of the students.

Policy Makers and Researchers: The findings can contribute to the

broader field of education and inform policy-making processes. Policy makers


can use the insights to develop evidence-based policies and allocate resources

to address the identified problems. Researchers can build upon the findings to

conduct further studies, expand knowledge, and contribute to the development of

effective interventions and strategies.


Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter covers research on the variable under investigation as

well as related literature. Information was gathered from websites, books, and


A. School

Many students encounter specific problems that can hinder their

educational progress, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Researching and addressing these issues is essential for promoting educational

equity, ensuring that all students have a fair opportunity to succeed.

As students advance in their education, a variety of factors are taken

into account when calculating stress levels. These include difficult-to-understand

course material, demanding assignments with arbitrary deadlines, housing issues

for students moving from other cities, etc (Abbas J. HEISQUAL 2020).

According to Thattil, A. et al. (2018). "Academic Stress and its Sources

Among University Students" University students' academic stress is a

complicated problem that is influenced by a number of factors. Teachers and

institutions can create interventions and support systems to help students

manage academic demands and foster a healthier learning environment by

identifying the causes of stress. Establishing a welcoming and inclusive

environment that promotes stress reduction strategies, candid communication,

and a well-rounded approach to academic success is crucial. This article looks at


the idea of academic stress and its causes in college students. The purpose of

the study is to shed light on the elements that lead to academic stress and the

possible effects it may have on students' health and academic achievement.

"Limited Learning on College Campuses" was written by Josipa Roksa

and Richard Arum. 2011 saw its publication in the journal Society. "Limited

Learning on College Campuses" and was written by Richard Arum and Josipa

Roksa. It was published in the journal Society in 2011.According to the authors,

many college students are not gaining the necessary skills and knowledge during

their time in higher education. Arum and Roksa conducted a study that examined

the learning outcomes of college students and found that a significant number of

students showed little improvement in critical thinking, complex reasoning, and

writing skills. the article raises concerns about the quality of education provided

on college campuses and calls for a reevaluation of the priorities and practices

within higher education institutions.

According to Salmela-Aro et al. (2017), "Academic Burnout and

Engagement among College Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis"

provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship between academic

burnout, engagement, and outcomes among college students. It emphasizes the

importance of addressing and preventing academic burnout to promote student

engagement and well-being.The findings of the review and meta-analysis reveal

a negative association between academic burnout and engagement. Higher

levels of burnout are associated with lower levels of engagement among college

students. Furthermore, the authors found that academic burnout is related to


various negative outcomes, such as decreased academic achievement,

increased dropout rates, and poorer mental health.

"Factors Influencing College Students' Satisfaction with Academic

Advising" by Drake et al. (2011) is a research study that explores the various

factors that influence college students' satisfaction with their academic advising

experiences. the article provides valuable insights into the factors that contribute

to college students' satisfaction with academic advising. It emphasizes the

importance of advisor qualities, the advising process, and student characteristics

in shaping students' perceptions of their advising experiences. The findings can

inform the development of effective advising practices and support systems to

enhance student satisfaction and success.

Dizon and Reyes (2018) "Academic Stress and Its Sources Among

Filipino College Students" is a study that focuses at academic stress experienced

by college students in the Philippines and pinpoints its causes. The study's

conclusions offer information about the causes of academic stress experienced

by Filipino college students. The burden of schoolwork and difficulties with time

management are found by the authors to be important causes of stress.

Students' stress levels are also influenced by peer competition, pressure to

perform well, and fear of failing.

In Gonzales et al. (2017)'s study "Factors Affecting Academic

Performance of College Students in the Philippines" a wide range of potential

factors, including individual aspects like motivation, self-efficacy, and study

habits, are examined by the researchers in relation to academic achievement.


They also take into account outside variables including peer pressure, financial

limitations, parental support, and the accessibility of academic resources. The

study investigates how campus environment, curriculum design, and teaching

quality affect students' academic success in institutions. The study's conclusions

shed light on the variables that have a major impact on Filipino college students'

academic achievement. The authors conclude that a person's motivation, sense

of self-worth, and study habits are all important determinants of academic

achievement. They also highlight the importance of family support and the

availability of academic resources in supporting students' performance.

The research paper "Time Management Skills and Academic

Performance among College Students in the Philippines" by Torres et al. (2019)

focuses at the relationship between time management abilities and academic

achievement among Filipino college students. The article explains the crucial role

of time management abilities in connection to Filipino college students' academic

achievement. It emphasizes how crucial it is to define and prioritize goals wisely,

plan ahead, and have self-discipline and motivation in order to manage time well.

The results can help students and educational institutions create plans and

programs that will strengthen time management abilities and raise academic


The study "Perceived Social Support and Academic Adjustment

among Filipino College Students" (pP) investigates the connection between

academic adjustment and perceived social support among Filipino college

students. The study places a strong emphasis on the social support that schools,

friends, and family may give to adolescents. It implies that social connection-

building and supportive environment-fostering interventions and support systems

can improve students' academic adjustment. The investigators investigate many

aspects of perceived social support, such as informational, instrumental, and

emotional assistance. They also take into account a number of other elements of

academic adjustment, including participation in academic activities, academic

self-efficacy, and satisfaction with academic success.

The article by Alcantara et al. (2019) titled "Academic Dishonesty

among College Students in the Philippines: Prevalence, Factors, and

Consequences" examines the problem of academic dishonesty among Philippine

college students. The authors' goals are to determine the frequency of academic

dishonesty, identify the causes of it, and investigate the fallout from such actions.

The study also looks at the effects of academic dishonesty. The negative impacts

on pupils' learning and growth as individuals are emphasized by the writers.

Academic dishonesty destroys one's trust of the educational process, minimizes

the accomplishments of truthful students, and impedes the growth of critical

thinking and moral judgment.

The goal of the Santos et al. (2017) study "College Students'

Perceptions of the Quality of Education in the Philippines" is to investigate how

college students view the standard of education in their home country. The

writers want to know how kids view the school system, how satisfied they are

with it, and whether there is anything that could be done better. They stress how

crucial it is for educators to pursue ongoing professional development in order to


improve their instructional strategies and stay current with developments in their

domains. Additionally, they advise spending money on improved resources and

facilities to enhance students' overall educational experience. The writers also

stress the necessity of routinely reviewing and revising curricula to make sure

they remain relevant to the demands of the labor market.

The De Guzman et al. (2015) article "The Role of Academic Advising

in College Student Retention in the Philippines" investigates the relationship

between academic advice and college student retention in the Philippines. The

authors' goal is to comprehend how academic advice helps students succeed

academically and stick with their college studies. The essay emphasizes how

important academic advising is to helping Filipino college students stay in school.

The statement underscores the importance of educational institutions making

investments in efficient advising services and cultivating a positive advising

environment in order to guarantee students' academic achievement and


According to Macapagal et al. (2016), the study "Stressors and Coping

Strategies of Filipino College Students: A Qualitative Study" aims to examine the

stressors that Filipino college students face as well as the coping mechanisms

they use to deal with them. The survey found that academic pressure, financial

limitations, relationship problems, concern about the future, and family

expectations are among the many stressors that Filipino college students

frequently face. It was discovered that these pressures had an effect on the

pupils' physical, mental, and emotional health. This study offers insightful

information about the particular stressors encountered by Filipino college

students as well as the coping mechanisms they use. The results can help

educators, counselors, and legislators create support networks and programs to

meet the mental health needs of Filipino college students.

The study titled "Challenges Faced by Filipino College Students in

Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic" by Reyes et al. (2021) explores

the specific challenges encountered by Filipino college students during the

transition to online learning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study

identified several challenges faced by Filipino college students in adapting to

online learning. These challenges included limited access to reliable internet

connection and technology, difficulty in adjusting to self-paced learning, lack of

motivation and engagement, increased workload, and difficulties in managing

time and balancing responsibilities.

B. Money, Work and Future

Financial troubles can significantly impact students’ college

experience. Tuition fees, costly textbooks, accommodation expenses, and daily

necessities often strain their budgets. To overcome this challenge, students must

establish a realistic budget for their income and expenses. Students can gain

better control over their finances by carefully tracking their spending and

pinpointing areas where they can cut back. Additionally, financial aid,

scholarships, or a part-time job can ease the financial burden.


The future and what it may bring is a common subject of discussion

inside people’s heads. Studies show that the so-called future anxiety is

increasingly emerging among students due to fear of failure and lack of job

opportunities. So, looking ahead to the future can be a source of anxiety and

uncertainty for college students. Students can actively engage in career

exploration activities to relieve their worries about the future. Attending career

fairs, networking events, and workshops can provide valuable insights into

various industries and offer guidance on potential career paths.

Understanding and addressing the problems students face is essential

for enhancing their overall well-being and academic success. By identifying and

mitigating these challenges, the study can contribute to improved educational

outcomes, increased retention rates, and higher graduation rates.

The study "Financial Stress and Its Impact on College Students: A

National Survey" by Yang et al. (2018) analyzes the relationship between

financial stress and its impact on college students. The study aims to explore the

level of financial stress experienced by college students and how it impacts their

academic performance and mental well-being. The findings of the study found

that a considerable proportion of college students feel financial stress, with many

citing concerns about their capacity to meet basic demands. Financial stress was

found to have a significant impact on students' academic performance, leading to

worse grades and a higher risk of dropping out.

"Financial Capability and Well-Being of College Students" by Lyons et

al. (2006) emphasizes the significance of financial competence and how it affects

college students' overall wellbeing. The study gives insights into the financial

issues experienced by college students and highlights the need for interventions

and support to better their financial understanding and actions. The study closes

by underlining the need of developing financial capacity among college students

to increase their overall well-being. It argues that educational institutions should

provide financial education programs and tools to help students obtain the

required information and skills to make informed financial decisions.

Chen and Volpe (2002) "The Role of Financial Education in College

Students' Financial Decision-Making" shows how important financial education is

in forming the financial knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of college students.

The study highlights the necessity of including financial education into college

curricula and offers proof that it can have a favorable effect on students' capacity

for making financial decisions. It also looks at how financial education affects

college students' capacity for making sound financial decisions. The purpose of

the research is to ascertain whether financial education courses and programs

improve students' financial knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors.

Allen, J., and Van der Velden, R.'s study, "The Impact of Part-Time

Work on College Students' Academic Performance," (2001) investigates how

college students' academic performance is impacted by part-time employment.

The purpose of the study is to determine how students' capacity to manage work

and academic obligations is influenced by their job type, number of hours

worked, and other work-related characteristics. This implies that working part-

time can offer worthwhile experiences and abilities that enhance learning outside

of the classroom. The type of job and other elements related to the workplace

were discovered to have an impact on students' academic achievement.

Students were more likely to have a better work-life balance and achieve

academic success if their jobs were more flexible and satisfied them more.

C. W. Chan (2019) write an article "The Influence of Part-Time Work

on Students' Satisfaction with University Experience" that provides information on

the connection between students' contentment with their stay at university and

part-time employment. The report highlights how important it is for students to

successfully balance their career and academic obligations in order to guarantee

success in a variety of areas of their university experience. Additionally, the study

showed that working excessive hours (more than 15 hours a week) was linked to

being less satisfied with college. Extended work hours were associated with

worse academic outcomes and decreased social interaction among students.

In 1985, Greenhaus, J. H., & Beutell, N. J. wrote an article "The

Impact of Work on College Students' Time Management Skills" that study on how

to provides insight into the possible effect of part-time employment on college

students' ability to manage their time. The study highlights how important it is for

students to learn efficient time management techniques, particularly while

balancing employment and school obligations. The purpose of this study was to

find out how students' capacity for efficient time management is affected by their

part-time employment. They proposed that students' time management abilities

can be impacted by the obligations and demands of part-time employment. This


may make it difficult to set priorities, adhere to deadlines, and have a balanced


Lapan, R. T., & Shaughnessy, P. (2011) "The Influence of Parental

Expectations on College Students' Career Decision-Making" this study shows

how important it is for parents' expectations to influence college students' job

decisions. In light of parental supervision, the study underscores the significance

of creating a safe, open, and encouraging atmosphere in which students can

explore their own interests, values, and objectives. It implies that more contented

and meaningful professional decisions can result from a balanced approach that

incorporates parental support with students' autonomy. According to the study,

students who had a lot of parental expectations may find it difficult to grow a

strong feeling of autonomy and self-efficacy while making career decisions. They

can struggle to follow their own passions and make decisions on their own, which

could leave them unhappy or unfulfilled.

"Preparing College Students for a Successful Transition to the

Workforce: The Role of Career Development Interventions" by Duffy, R. D., &

Sedlacek, W. E. (2007) emphasizes the value of career development programs in

assisting college students in choosing their professional pathways and getting

ready for the workforce. In order to improve students' career-related outcomes

and raise their level of preparedness for the labor market, the study emphasizes

the necessity for colleges to offer comprehensive career assistance.

C. Pineda (2016) write an article "Managing Money: Financial

Management Practices of College Students in the Philippines" that shares


information about how Filipino college students handle their finances. The study

highlights the difficulties they encounter when handling their money as well as

the variables that affect their financial habits. In order to encourage appropriate

financial behaviors among college students, it highlights the significance of

financial knowledge and family support. The goal of the study is to comprehend

how Filipino college students handle their debt, savings, and other financial

obligations. It looks into the variables that affect their financial habits and the

methods they use to manage their money wisely.

Cruz. A. In 2017write an article about. “The Impact of Rising Tuition

Fees on Filipino College Students”. That studies the effects of rising tuition costs

on university students in the Philippines. The author studies the difficulties that

students are facing as a result of the growing expense of education and looks at

possible effects on their general well-being, mental health, and academic

performance. This study highlights how important it is for decision-makers and

academic institutions to deal with the issue of growing tuition costs in the

Philippines. According to the findings, putting in place financial aid plans,

scholarships, and other forms of assistance can lessen students' financial

burdens and enhance their educational opportunities.

In numerous nations, including the Philippines, college students

frequently work part-time jobs. In addition to earning money to pay for their

school and living expenses, it enables students to obtain useful work experience.

Santos, J., and Gonzales, M.'s article "Part-Time Work and Financial

Independence of College Students in the Philippines" (2019) might go over how


part-time employment and financial independence relate to Filipino college

students. It might look at what motivates students to work part-time, what kinds of

jobs they usually accept, and how part-time employment affects their overall

independence and financial status.

Lopez, R. (2019) conducted a study on "The Role of Financial

Education in Addressing Money Problems among Filipino College Students." The

study aimed to explore the impact of financial education on addressing money

problems faced by college students in the Philippines. Lopez's study highlighted

the role of financial education in addressing money problems among Filipino

college students. It emphasized the need for increased financial literacy and the

importance of integrating financial education into the academic curriculum to

empower students with essential financial skills.

Garcia, L. "Job Search Strategies and Employment Outcomes among

Filipino College Graduates" was the subject of a study done in 2019. The goal of

the study was to investigate the various job search tactics employed by recent

college graduates from the Philippines and how they affected employment

results. Garcia's research provided insight into the job search tactics used by

recent college graduates from the Philippines and how they affected employment

results. It highlighted how graduates should approach their job search with a

varied and proactive mindset, including internet resources as well as career fairs

and personal networks. The report also emphasized how important career

counseling services are to helping Filipino college graduates land jobs that suit


Alba, E. (2020) conducted a study on "The Influence of Work

Experience on Employability Skills of Filipino College Students." The study aimed

to explore the impact of work experience on the development of employability

skills among college students in the Philippines. Alba's study highlighted the

positive influence of work experience on the development of employability skills

among Filipino college students. It emphasized the need for educational

institutions to provide opportunities for students to engage in work-related

activities to enhance their skills and improve their prospects in the job market.

"The Challenges of Balancing Work and Study: A Case Study of

Filipino College Students" by Tan (2017) explores the difficulties faced by Filipino

college students in juggling their academic responsibilities with part-time or full-

time employment. The case study delves into the unique challenges that these

students encounter, such as managing their time effectively, dealing with fatigue

and burnout, and coping with financial pressures. It discusses the factors that

prompt students to take up work, including financial constraints, the desire for

independence, and the need to gain work experience.

According to Santos (2020), "Career Uncertainty and Future Anxiety

among Filipino College Students" explores the worries and difficulties Filipino

college students have with relation to their future possibilities and professional

paths. The study clarifies the elements influencing this subset of students' career

uncertainties and the anxiety that follows. The study investigates the causes of

career insecurity, focusing on the Philippines' limited work possibilities, unstable


economy, and quickening pace of technology innovations. It also looks at how

family and society expectations affect choosing a career.

Reyes (2016)'s article "Barriers to Entrepreneurship among Filipino

College Students" explores the difficulties and roadblocks that Filipino college

students have when attempting to pursue business. The purpose of the study is

to determine and examine the barriers that prevent students from pursuing

entrepreneurial activities, even in the face of the advantages and opportunities

that may arise. The study examines a number of obstacles to entrepreneurship,

such as insufficient resources and networks, fear of failure, lack of business

expertise and experience, cultural and societal expectations, and financial


C. Home and Family

Being away from family, friends, and the everyday environment

students are used to can create a longing for the sense of security and belonging

that home provides. However, connecting with new friends is one of the most

effective ways to overcome homesickness. College campuses are swarming with

people in the same boat, experiencing homesickness, that can help one another

feel less alone. Additionally, the evolution of technology has made it easier than

ever to stay connected with everyone back at home. Regular phone calls and

video chats can help narrow the distance between home and college life.

Josipa Roksa and Patrick Kinsley wrote "The Role of Family Support

in Facilitating Academic Success of Low-Income Students" in 2018. The results

of the research indicate that low-income students' academic success is greatly

aided by family support. They discovered that parental participation, or parents

offering direction, support, and encouragement, had a favorable impact on

students' academic achievement. When compared to students who did not

receive financial support from their families, those who did demonstrate superior

academic results. The study also showed that the influence of familial support on

academic achievement differed based on the personal traits and college

experiences of the students. For instance, students who faced more financial

hardships benefited more from parental involvement.

"The Impact of Family Support on the Academic Performance of

College Students" is a research article written by J. Smith in 2020. The article

explores the relationship between family support and the academic performance

of college students. The purpose of the study is to understand the ways in which

a student's academic performance might be impacted by various forms of family

assistance, including financial, emotional, and academic support. According to

the author's hypothesis, college students who experience greater levels of family

support will perform better academically.

R. Johnson in 2019 wrote a study paper titled "The Challenges of

Balancing Family Responsibilities and College Life among Students". The article

discusses the challenges that students have when juggling their college studies

with familial obligations. The essay underlines how critical it is to recognize these

issues and take appropriate action to make sure that pupils get the help they

need to thrive in the classroom. It recommends putting tactics like flexible

scheduling, financial aid programs, and counseling services into practice to help

students successfully balance their obligations to their families and their studies.

The article "The effects of family conflict on the psychological well-

being of college students" by Williams, A. (2018) studies the effect that family

conflict has on college students' psychological health. The essay addresses how

family conflict can cause stress, anxiety, despair, and poorer academic

performance, among other detrimental effects and mental health problems for

college students. The essay addresses the possible moderating elements and

pathways via which family conflict affects the wellbeing of college students. It

might examine how coping mechanisms, societal support, and personal fortitude

might lessen the damaging impacts of family strife.

A research paper titled "The Challenges of Living Away from Home: A

Study of College Students' Adjustment to Campus Life" by Thompson (2015)

examines the challenges college students have when making the move from

living at home to living on campus. The study looks at the several difficulties that

students face at this time and tries to provide them advice on how to handle

these difficulties more effectively. The study's content comprises an introduction

to the subject, including background knowledge on the growing number of

students leaving their homes to attend college and the possible effects this may

have on their general wellbeing.


"The Effects of Divorce or Separation on College Students' Academic

Performance and Emotional Well-being" by Clark (2018) is a research study that

examines the impact of divorce or separation on college students' academic

performance and emotional well-being. The study aims to understand the specific

effects of parental divorce or separation on college students and provides

insights into the potential strategies to mitigate these effects. It provides insightful

information about how divorce or separation affects college students and makes

suggestions for fostering their academic achievement and mental stability during

this time of change.

The research paper "The Impact of Cultural Differences on the College

Experience of International Students and their Families" by Lee (2020) examines

the impact of cultural differences on international students' and families' college

experiences. The study attempts to comprehend the particular chances and

challenges that result from managing cultural differences in a college setting. It

offers insightful information about the potential and difficulties that result from

cultural differences in international students' college experiences. The study

makes suggestions for promoting intercultural understanding on college

campuses while assisting their academic performance, social integration, and

general well-being.

The research study "The Connection Between Family Problems and

School Difficulties: Examination Through the Lens of Resilience" by Charlotte De

Backer, et al. (2018) investigates the connection while emphasizing resilience's

function. The purpose of the study is to determine how family issues, such as

parental divorce, unstable finances, and domestic disputes, affect students'

wellbeing and academic achievement. The researchers also investigate

resilience's protective function in reducing the detrimental impact of family issues

on students' academic challenges.

In (2019) ,Maricar S. Prudente & Maria Teresa F. Calderon's write an

article "Family Factors and Academic Performance: A Study of College Students

in a Philippine University" that focuses on studying the connection between

family characteristics and college students' academic achievement at a Philippine

university. The purpose of the research is to determine which family

characteristics have a major impact on college students' academic success. It

looks into a number of family-related topics, including communication within the

family, parental involvement, family structure, and socioeconomic position. The

effect of these variables on students' GPA is also investigated by the


The research by Janine O. Serrano (2017) titled "Parental Involvement

and Its Impact on Students' Academic Achievement: A Study in the Philippine

Setting" studies the connection between Filipino students' academic success and

their parents' involvement in their education.The purpose of the study is to find

out how much parental participation there is in their children's education and how

that influences their academic achievement. Additionally, it looks for the precise

means by which parents contribute to their kids' education as well as the

variables affecting how involved they are.


The article "Effects of Parental Separation on Filipino College

Students" by Jeanette M. Ong and Yolanda S. Quijano, published in 2018,

explores the impact of parental separation on college students in the Philippines.

The study seeks to look into how parental separation affects Filipino college

students academically, emotionally, and psychologically. The writers

acknowledge that for some people, particularly as they adjust to college life,

parental separation can be a difficult experience. The results of the research

show that the individuals suffered grave consequences from their parents'

breakup. The college students who experienced parental separation reported

higher levels of anxiety, depression, and stress compared to those who had not

experienced separation.

"Perceptions of Filipino College Students on Parental Academic

Involvement and Academic Performance" by Joyce R. Baluran (2017) study at

how much parental involvement college students perceive to have an impact on

their academic success. The purpose of the study is to ascertain how involved

parents are in their college students' academic lives and how the students

themselves see this engagement. It also looks at the connection between

parental engagement and academic achievement. According to the students, the

most common parental involvement activities are talking about academic goals,

assisting with homework, and offering financial support.

A research study titled "Exploring the Relationship Between Home

Environment and Academic Motivation of Filipino College Students" (2020) by

Mary Grace M. Ceniza and Angelica L. Calapardo explores the relationship


between academic motivation and the home environment among those attending

Filipino colleges. The purpose of the study is to investigate how different

elements of the home environment, such as family communication, parental

support, and home resources, affect students' motivation for their academic work.

A 2017 study by Rina B. Laxamana titled "The Influence of Home

Environment on the Well-Being of Filipino College Students" searches at the

effects that the home environment has on the wellbeing of Filipino college

students. The goal of the study is to comprehend the different aspects of the

home environment, such as family dynamics, parental support, and the existence

of stressors or conflicts, that affect students' general well-being. In order to learn

more about the opinions and experiences of Filipino college students, the

researcher conducted surveys and interviews with them. The study's conclusions

highlight the important role that a college student's home environment plays in

determining their overall wellbeing and offer guidance for developing loving,

supportive homes that foster good mental health and general well-being.

Janine O. Serrano's article "Effects of Home Environment on the

Academic Performance of Filipino College Students" (2016) is a study that looks

into how Filipino college students' home environments affect their academic

performance. The purpose of the study is to determine how different elements of

the home environment, such as family support, parental involvement, and home

resources, affect students' academic performance. In order to examine the

connection between the home environment and academic achievement, the

researcher gathered information from surveys and the academic records of


Filipino college students. The findings of the research provide light on the

important contribution that a stable and encouraging home environment makes to

improving students' academic achievement. They also have implications for

parents, teachers, and legislators who want to create environments that support

students' academic success.

Rosalito G. De Guzman's research study from 2019 titled "The Role of

Family Environment in the Adjustment of College Students in the Philippines"

examines how the family environment affects college students' adjustment in the

country. The goal of the study is to comprehend how different facets of the family

environment—such as communication, support, and conflict—affect college

students' overall adjustment. In order to study the perceptions and experiences of

Filipino college students, the researcher gathered information through surveys

and interviews. The findings of the study provide insights into the important role

of the family environment in shaping students' adjustment to college life and offer

implications for families, educators, and support services in promoting positive

adjustment and well-being among college students in the Philippines.

D. Health and Physical Development

Health issues, including irregular sleep patterns, unhealthy eating

habits, mental exhaustion, or some illness, significantly affect the students. They

must prioritize self-care and make conscious efforts to maintain their health. So,

what can students do?


Research shows that getting sufficient rest is crucial for cognitive

function, memory retention, and overall well-being. Furthermore, maintaining a

balanced diet helps support physical and mental health. Whenever students have

any physical or mental health concerns, it is best to consult with professionals,

whether they are part of the university’s health service programs or outside of it.

The mental health of students is a growing concern, with rising rates of

stress, anxiety, and depression. This study can shed light on the mental health

challenges students face and inform strategies for promoting mental well-being,

reducing stigma, and enhancing access to mental health support services.

Melissa A. Napolitano et al.'s paper "Physical Activity and Sedentary

Behavior Among College Students: A Systematic Review of Correlates" (2008) is

an analysis that looks at the factors related to college students' sedentary habits

and physical activity levels. The purpose of the study is to determine and

examine the different corresponds or factors that affect the lack of movement and

physical activity levels of college students. The study identifies factors that are

related to sedentary behavior and physical activity in this population, including

personal beliefs, social support, environmental factors, and demographic


In 2016, Amanda L. Pennington et al.'s published an article "Physical

Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Sleep Quality Among College Students: A

Cross-Sectional Study" that looks into the connection between college students'

sedentary lifestyle, physical activity, and sleep quality. The purpose of the study

is to determine how these behaviors affect college students' general well-being


and how they are related to one another. The study's conclusions shed light on

the significance of preserving a balance between sedentary behavior, physical

activity, and sleep quality for college students' general health and wellbeing. The

study's conclusions emphasize the necessity of programs and tactics that

encourage college students to lead healthy lifestyles in order to enhance their

general quality of life.

Amal M. Alshwaiyat and Luay M. Naji (2016) published an article

"Dietary Habits and Nutrition Knowledge of College Students: A Cross-Sectional

Study" this research that looks at college students' eating habits and nutrition

knowledge. The purpose of the study is to evaluate college students' nutritional

knowledge and dietary patterns as well as to investigate the variables influencing

their eating habits. The study's conclusions shed light on the common eating

habits of college students, such as their overindulgence in junk food and

insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables.

The study "Sleep Quality and Its Relationship with Physical Activity

and Screen Time Among College Students" by Shuangshuang Hu et al. (2020)

looks into the connection between college students' screen time, physical activity,

and sleep quality. The purpose of the study is to determine how these variables

interact and affect college students' sleep quality. The study's conclusions shed

light on how crucial it is for college students' general wellbeing to maintain a

healthy balance between screen time, physical activity, and sleep quality. The

study's conclusions emphasize the necessity of programs and tactics that


encourage sound sleeping practices and limit excessive screen time in order to

enhance college students' sleep and general well-being.

Xiaoxiao Zhang et al. published "Factors Affecting College Students'

Physical Activity: A Comparison Between International and Domestic Students" in

2020 it is a study that compares domestic and international college students to

find out what factors affect their physical activity levels. The purpose of the study

is to determine the potential causes of the variations in physical activity levels

between these two groups. To compare the levels of physical activity and

determine the potential contributing factors, they conducted an analysis of the

data. The study's conclusions shed light on the particular difficulties and

possibilities that overseas students may encounter in continuing a regular

physical activity regimen while attending college.

The research study "Mental Health Problems and Help-Seeking

Behavior Among College Students" by Auerbach et al. (2016) investigates the

incidence of mental health issues and the ways in which college students seek

assistance. The purpose of the study is to comprehend the mental health issues

that college students encounter and the variables that impact their decision to

seek assistance. The study's conclusions shed light on the high rate of mental

health issues among college students as well as the difficulties they encounter in

getting treatment. The results of the study emphasize the necessity of expanding

mental health services on college campuses as well as the significance of

lowering stigma and encouraging college students to seek help when they need it

in order to enhance their mental health. The information was examined for

correlations between help-seeking behaviors and mental health issues as well as

potential influences on these behaviors, including perceived social support and


Gress-Smith et al. (2015) conducted a study titled "Health Behaviors

and Health Status Among College Students: A Latent Class Analysis" in which

they applied latent class analysis to investigate the health behaviors and status

of college students. The study intends to determine unique patterns or classes of

health behaviors among college students and evaluate the relationship between

these patterns and their current state of health. The study's conclusions shed

light on the various combinations of health-related behaviors that college

students engage in and how those behaviors affect their general health. The

study's implications emphasize how critical it is to encourage college students to

adopt healthy lifestyle practices like consistent exercise, a balanced diet, and

enough sleep-in order to enhance their general health and wellbeing.

A study by Lund et al. (2010) titled "Sleep Problems and Their

Association with Psychological Distress Among College Students" looks into the

connection between sleep issues and psychological distress in college students.

The purpose of the study is to determine how common sleep issues are among

college students and to investigate the relationship between these issues and

psychological distress. The study's conclusions shed light on the high frequency

of sleep issues among college students and how they affect their mental health.

The research's implications underscore the necessity of sleep-related


interventions and strategies for college students in order to improve their mental

health and general well-being.

The extensive literature review "Factors Influencing Health Behaviors

Among College Students: An Integrative Review" by Laska et al. (2015) looks at

the numerous factors influencing college students' health behaviors. The goal of

the study is to compile the body of research and pinpoint the major factors

influencing this population's health-related behaviors. The review offers a

thorough summary of the variables that affect college students' health-related

behaviors and highlights the significance of taking into account a variety of

determinants when developing interventions and tactics to support healthy

behaviors in this population.

Mary Angela S. Reyes and Lourdes A. Carandang (2017) conducted a

study titled "Mental Health Problems and Help-Seeking Behavior Among College

Students in the Philippines" with the aim of determining how common mental

health issues are among college students in the country. The main objective of

the study is to better understand the mental health issues that the nation's

college students face and to pinpoint the variables that affect their decision to

seek assistance. A self-administered questionnaire was used by the researchers

to conduct a survey among 1,200 college students from different Philippine


In 2020, Alyssa Mae V. Cacho and Mary Grace M. Ceniza's study

"Health Behaviors and Lifestyle Factors Among Filipino College Students: A

Cross-Sectional Study” focuses on analyzing the lifestyle factors and health


behaviors of college students in the Philippines. The study aims to offer insights

into the health-related practices and behaviors of college-bound Filipino students.

This study emphasizes how critical it is to address lifestyle choices and health-

related behaviors among Filipino college students. It emphasizes how important

it is to provide this population with focused interventions and support networks in

order to encourage healthier lifestyle choices and general well-being.

Angelica L. Calapardo and Mary Grace M. Ceniza's write an article in

2020, titled "Dietary Habits and Nutritional Status of College Students in the

Philippines" that investigates the eating patterns and nutritional status of Filipino

college students. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the nutritional status

and dietary habits of college students. The study's conclusions shed light on the

eating habits and nutritional status of Filipino college students, emphasizing the

need for interventions and instructional initiatives that support a healthy diet and

address any potential dietary deficiencies in this population.

The study "Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Among Filipino

College Students" (Capanzana et al., 2017) investigates the degree of sedentary

behavior and physical activity among Philippine college students. The study's

objectives were to ascertain the factors linked to sedentary behavior and the

prevalence of physical activity among Filipino college students. A substantial

percentage of Filipino college students were not engaging in enough physical

activity, according to the study's findings, which were gathered from a sample of

1,200 students at different Philippine universities. It was discovered that most of


the participants spent more than eight hours a day in sedentary activities, which

is deemed excessive.

The 2017 study "Determinants of Physical Activity Among Filipino

College Students" by Guevarra et al. investigates the factors affecting the degree

of physical activity among Philippine college students. The study suggests that

interventions targeting self-efficacy, social support, and addressing perceived

barriers to physical activity may be effective in promoting physical activity among

Filipino college students. The research aims to identify the determinants of

physical activity in this specific population and provide insights into potential

strategies for promoting physical activity among college students. The results of

this study add to the body of knowledge on the factors that influence physical

activity and can guide the development of future interventions and initiatives

targeted at raising physical activity levels in this population.

The article by Reyes et al. (2019) titled "Perceived Barriers to Physical

Activity Among Filipino College Students" examines the different obstacles that

prevent Filipino college students from engaging in physical activity. The study

intends to shed light on the obstacles encountered by Filipino college students

and offer suggestions for ways to encourage physical activity in this

demographic. The study offers suggestions for encouraging physical activity in

this population and clarifies the perceived obstacles to physical activity among

Filipino college students. Policymakers, educators, and health professionals can

use the findings to help develop interventions that promote physical activity

among Philippine college students.


According to Dizon et al.'s 2019 study, "Physical Fitness and Lifestyle

Behavior Among College Students in the Philippines" focuses on evaluating

Filipino college students' lifestyle choices and level of physical fitness. The

purpose of the study is to offer important insights into the health and well-being of

this particular population. The study's findings showed that a sizable percentage

of Filipino college students were physically unfit. The bulk of participants

consumed an unhealthy diet, exhibited prolonged sedentary behavior, and

engaged in low levels of physical activity. Inadequate sleep habits were also

common among the individuals.

E. Self-centered concerns

According to Smith, J., & Johnson, S. 2018 study "The Impact of Self-

Centered Concerns on College Students' Well-Being" focuses in exploring

relationship between self-centered concerns and college students' well-being.

Self-centered concerns refer to a preoccupation with oneself and a lack of

consideration for others. The aim of this research is to understand how self-

centered concerns may affect the overall well-being of college students. The

study also found that self-centered concerns were associated with lower levels of

social support and weaker interpersonal relationships. Students with higher self-

centered concerns reported feeling less connected to others, which further

contributed to their diminished well-being.


The article by Brown, L., & Davis, M. (2019) titled "The Effects of Self-

Centered Concerns on College Students' Interpersonal Relationships" This study

looks at how interpersonal relationships among college students are affected by

self-centered concerns. Concerns about oneself at the expense of others are

referred to as self-centered concerns. The purpose of this study is to investigate

the potential effects of self-centered concerns on the dynamics and quality of

college students' interpersonal relationships. The results of this investigation

demonstrate the negative effects of self-centered concerns on these

relationships. In order to enhance relationship dynamics, it highlights how crucial

it is to promote empathy, perspective-taking, and other prosocial behaviors.

Interventions focused on improving emotional intelligence, conflict resolution

techniques, and communication skills may also be helpful in lessening the

damaging effects of self-centeredness on relationships.

In 2020, Thompson, R., & Wilson, K. published an article titled "The

Role of Self-Centered Concerns in Academic Procrastination among College

Students" This study explores how college students' self-centered worries

contribute to their academic procrastination. Concerns about oneself at the

expense of others are referred to as self-centered concerns. The purpose of this

study is to comprehend the potential role that self-centered worries may play in

college students' propensity to put off doing their homework. The study

discovered a negative correlation between self-regulation abilities and self-

centered concerns. Lower levels of self-regulation were shown by students who

expressed more self-centered concerns. These students also had trouble


focusing on tasks, setting goals, and controlling distractions. Higher academic

procrastination was associated with these deficiencies in self-regulation.

According to Garcia, A., & Hernandez, M. (2017) study "The Influence

of Self-Centered Concerns on College Students' Career Decision-Making" that

looks into how self-centered worries affect college students' decision-making

about their careers. Concerns about oneself at the expense of others are referred

to as self-centered concerns. The purpose of this study is to comprehend how

college students' decision-making processes and career choices may be

impacted by self-centered concerns. The findings showed a negative correlation

between self-centered concerns and self-efficacy in making career decisions.

Learners at higher levels.

"The Influence of Self-Centered Concerns on the Psychological Well-

being of Filipino College Students" by R. Santos. In 2019 this study looks at how

self-centered worries affect Filipino college students' psychological health.

Concerns about oneself at the expense of others are referred to as self-centered

concerns. The purpose of this study is to determine how, in the context of the

Philippines, self-centered worries may affect college students' psychological


Reyes, M., and Cruz, J., "Self-Centered Concerns and Academic

Performance among College Students in the Philippines" (2020) The research

looks into the connection between academic achievement and self-centered

worries among Filipino college students. Concerns about oneself at the expense

of others are referred to as self-centered concerns. The purpose of this study is


to investigate the potential effects of self-centeredness on college students'

academic performance in the Philippine setting. The findings showed a strong

inverse relationship between academic achievement and self-centered worries

among Filipino college students. Reduced academic performance, including

lower GPAs and academic achievement, was linked to higher levels of self-

centered concerns. According to this research, students who are self-centered

may find it difficult to focus on their academic work and Reyes, M., and Cruz, J.,

"Self-Centered Concerns and Academic Performance among College Students in

the Philippines" (2020) The research looks into the connection between

academic achievement and self-centered worries among Filipino college

students. Concerns about oneself at the expense of others are referred to as

self-centered concerns. The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential

effects of self-centeredness on college students' academic performance in the

Philippine setting. The findings showed a strong inverse relationship between

academic achievement and self-centered worries among Filipino college

students. Reduced academic performance, including lower GPAs and academic

achievement, was linked to higher levels of self-centered concerns. According to

this research, students who are self-centered may find it difficult to focus on their

academic work and achieve their full potential.

"Self-Centered Concerns and Career Decision-Making of Filipino

College Students" by Garcia, A., & Hernandez, M. (2018) this study investigates

the connection between Filipino college students' career decision-making and

self-centered concerns. Concerns about oneself at the expense of others are


referred to as self-centered concerns. The purpose of this study is to investigate

how, in the context of the Philippines, self-centered concerns may affect college

students' decision-making regarding their careers.

"Social Media Use, Self-Centered Concerns, and Psychological Well-

being among Filipino College Students" by Lim, J., et al. (2021) this study looks

at the connection between Filipino college students' use of social media, self-

centered worries, and psychological health. Social media use is becoming more

and more common in today's society, so it's critical to comprehend how it might

affect people's psychological health, especially when it comes to self-centered

worries. Higher usage of social media was linked to more self-centered

behaviors, such as comparing oneself to others, seeking validation, and

concentrating on how one presents oneself. Furthermore, there was a negative

correlation between self-centered worries and psychological well-being, which

included decreased emotional, self-esteem, and life satisfaction levels.

F. People in general

According to Johnson, S., et al. (2017), the study "Interpersonal

Challenges Faced by College Students: A Qualitative Study" attempts to

investigate the interpersonal difficulties that college students encounter.

Relationships, social support systems, and social dynamics all undergo major

changes when a person enters college. The specific interpersonal challenges

that college students face can be used to pinpoint areas that may require further

support and intervention. The research findings identified a number of important

themes regarding the interpersonal challenges that college students face. Early

in their college careers, the participants said they had trouble establishing social

connections and making new friends. They also talked about disagreements and

misunderstandings with roommates or fellow students, which frequently resulted

from different lifestyle choices, values, or communication styles. Participants

discussed difficulties juggling their romantic relationships with their academic

obligations, navigating long-distance relationships, and managing conflicts.

In 2006, Heinrich and Gullone's write an article "Loneliness and Social

Support among College Students: A Meta-Analytic Review" that aim to

investigates the connection between college students' social support and feelings

of loneliness. A subjective sense of discontent with one's social connections is

known as loneliness, whereas the availability and perception of support,

understanding, and help from others is known as social support. Gaining

knowledge about the relationship between social support and loneliness in the

college setting can help identify the elements that support students' social

wellbeing. The meta-analysis's conclusions showed that among college students,

social support and loneliness were significantly correlated negatively. Lower

levels of loneliness were linked to higher levels of social support, suggesting that

having access to resources and supportive relationships can help reduce feelings

of loneliness.

By Smith, J., & Brown, L., "Understanding and Addressing Difficulties

in Interpersonal Relationships among College Students" The goal of the 2019

study is to comprehend the interpersonal relationship problems that college

students face and investigate solutions. Students frequently encounter new


social settings, a variety of relationships, and greater independence during their

time in college, which is a period of transition and personal development.

Comprehending and resolving the challenges posed by interpersonal

relationships can enhance students' general welfare and academic


The study "The Impact of Social Media on College Students'

Interpersonal Relationships" by Davis, M., et al. (2018) looks at how social media

affects interpersonal relationships among college students. Social media

platforms now play a crucial role in college students' daily lives, impacting their

interactions and communication with others. Gaining knowledge about how social

media affects relationships between people can help one better understand the

opportunities and problems that come with living in the digital age.



To enhance a productive study, the following techniques for obtaining

related information would be adopted:

1.Literature such as related thesis and journals will be reviewed on problem of


2.Questionnaires will be prepared and administered in the study area to obtain

facts, opinions and views of respondents (students).


These approaches will represent an overview of the methods used in the survey,

which will include the Research design, Research Locale, Population and

Sampling technique, Research Instrument, and Data gathering procedures.

Research design

The research design for this study will be a mixed-methods approach,

combining both quantitative and qualitative research methods. This approach will

provide a comprehensive understanding of the problems faced by BSCriminology

and BECED students at Marvelous College of Technology Inc.

The quantitative component will involve the use of surveys to collect

data from a larger sample of students. This will allow for the identification of

common problems and the exploration of their prevalence within the student

population. The qualitative component will involve in-depth interviews and focus

group discussions to gather in-depth insights into the experiences and

perspectives of the students regarding the identified problems.

Mixed methods research is a research method that combines and

integrates qualitative and quantitative research methods in a single research

study. It involves collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data to

understand a phenomenon better and answer the research questions.

According to Creswell, mixed methods research is “an approach to

inquiry that combines or associates both qualitative and quantitative forms. It

involves philosophical assumptions, the use of qualitative and quantitative

approaches, and the mixing of both approaches in a study”.


Research Locale

The research locale for studying the problem of college students in the

board courses of Marvelous Colleges of Technology Inc. would specifically focus

on the students enrolled in the following board courses: BECED and


The researcher would concentrate on gathering data and insights from

students enrolled in these particular programs, understanding the unique issues

they encounter, and exploring factors that may influence their experiences. By

focusing on this research locale, the study can provide targeted insights into the

challenges and needs of college students within these specialized programs,

potentially leading to improvements and support measures tailored to their

specific circumstances.


The population for this research design would consist of

BSCriminology and BECED students enrolled at Marvelous College of

Technology Inc.

Sampling Technique

To obtain a representative sample from the population of

BSCriminology and BECED students at Marvelous College of Technology Inc., a

combination of random sampling and stratified sampling techniques can be


1. Random Sampling:

Random sampling involves randomly selecting participants from the

population. In this case, a list of all BSCriminology and BECED students enrolled

at Marvelous College of Technology Inc. can be obtained, and participants can

be selected randomly from this list. This ensures that every student has an equal

chance of being included in the sample.

2. Stratified Sampling:

Stratified sampling involves dividing the population into subgroups or

strata based on specific criteria. In the context of Marvelous College of

Technology Inc., potential stratification criteria could include year level (e.g., first-

year, second-year, third-year) or program (BSCriminology, BECED). The sample

can then be selected randomly from each subgroup to ensure representation

from different year levels and programs within the college.

By combining random sampling and stratified sampling techniques,

the research design can ensure a diverse and representative sample of

BSCriminology and BECED students at Marvelous College of Technology Inc.

This will help provide insights into the problems faced by students within this

specific context.

Research Instrument

The research instrument for the quantitative component will be a

structured questionnaire. The questionnaire will be designed to elicit specific

information about the problems faced by BSCriminology and BECED students. It


will include closed-ended questions with predefined response options to facilitate

data analysis. The questionnaire may cover topics such as academic challenges,

resource limitations, social issues, and any other problems relevant to the

student population.

For the qualitative component, the research instrument will consist of

an interview guide for individual interviews and a discussion guide for focus

group discussions. The interview guide will contain open-ended questions that

allow participants to share their experiences, perceptions, and insights regarding

the problems they face. The discussion guide for focus groups will encourage

participants to engage in group discussions, share their perspectives, and build

upon each other's insights.

Both the interview and discussion guides will be designed to explore

the underlying reasons behind the identified problems, potential solutions, and

any other relevant aspects related to the experiences of BSCriminology and

BECED students. These instruments will be flexible to allow for probing and

follow-up questions to obtain rich and detailed qualitative data.

Data Gathering Procedures

The data gathering procedure for this research design will involve the

use of surveys, interviews, and focus groups to collect both quantitative and

qualitative data on the problems faced by BSCriminology and BECED students at

Marvelous College of Technology Inc.


To begin, a structured questionnaire will be designed to collect

quantitative data. The questionnaire will cover various aspects related to the

problems encountered by students, and ethical approval will be obtained.

Informed consent will be obtained from participants before administering the

survey. The survey can be conducted either electronically or in-person, allowing

participants sufficient time to complete the questionnaire. Completed surveys will

be collected and securely stored for data analysis.

In addition to surveys, in-depth interviews will be conducted with a

subset of participants. A semi-structured interview guide will be developed,

covering topics related to the problems faced by BSCriminology and BECED

students. Ethical approval and informed consent will be obtained from the

selected participants. Face-to-face or virtual interviews will be conducted, and

with participant consent, the interviews will be recorded and detailed notes will be

taken. The interview data will be transcribed and analyzed to identify common

themes and patterns.

The collected data, both quantitative and qualitative, will be analyzed.

For quantitative data, appropriate statistical techniques such as descriptive

statistics and inferential tests will be applied to determine the prevalence and

significance of the identified problems. For qualitative data, thematic analysis will

be used to identify key themes and patterns emerging from the interviews and

focus group discussions. The data analysis will provide insights into the problems

faced by BSCriminology and BECED students at Marvelous College of

Technology Inc.

Throughout the data gathering procedure, ethical considerations will

be prioritized. Ethical approval will be obtained, informed consent will be obtained

from participants, and participants' confidentiality and anonymity will be ensured.

Data will be securely handled and stored to protect participants' privacy.


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