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Research Presentation Chapter 1-3

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A Research presented to CITI Global College
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Subject Research

Bthe management of large

amounts of money,
especially by governments or
large companlatibat Ashly Y.
Banzuela Mary Josephine DC.
Jose Michaeljoy
Tenorio Justine
Nato LaurencL.
Oliva, 2023-2024
Academic pressure refers to the situation where learners feel overwhelmed by
educational demands, often leading them to rush against time and expend more
energy to achieve their educational goals. It is an unavoidable burden that frequently
accompanies the pursuit of academic success in today's fast-paced educational
environment. Senior high school students must navigate a complex web of
obligations, challenges, and demands in order to succeed academically.
In his book "The Hurried Child," David Elkind (1981) mentioned that "The pressure for
early academic achievement is but one of many contemporary pressures on children
to grow up fast." This suggests that academic pressure for achievement is one of the
factors that accelerates the growth of children, even when it may not be
developmentally appropriate. Similarly, grade 11 high school students, mostly
adolescents aged 16-17, are still in the process of education.
As they adjust to their new learning environment, they are expected to be
overwhelmed by the transition from junior high school to senior high school. They
are more susceptible to both mental and physical stressors.
Students' academic pressure is influenced by various factors, including internal
ones such as self-efficacy, hardiness, mindset, peer competition, changes in life
circumstances, difficulty in managing life, low motivation, low self-regulated
learning, self-adjustment, and physical factors. Increased academic pressure
often leads students towards unhealthy and deviant behaviors, including
substance abuse and engaging in sexual activity. Academic stress is a serious
issue that affects both the overall performance and wellbeing of students.
This study was conducted in Biñan City, CITI Global College Extension Building,
Bonifacio St. It explores the complexities of academic pressure experienced by
grade 11 CITI Global College students, shedding light on the elements that
contribute to this phenomenon and its effects on academic performance and
Statement of the problem
Academic pressure is a significant concern for students, impacting their mental
health, well-being, and academic performance. This study aims to investigate the
influence of physical and mental stressors on academic pressure and its effects on
grade 11 students at CITI Global College. Understanding these factors is crucial for
developing effective strategies to support students in managing academic pressure
and promoting their overall well-being.

1.What are the biggest sources of academic pressure for senior high school students
at CITI Global College in the academic year 2023-2024?
2.How does academic pressure affect the mental health and well-being of senior high
school students at CITI Global College?
3.What coping techniques do senior high school students use to deal with academic
pressure at CITI Global College?
4.How do teachers and parents perceive the academic pressure placed on senior high
school students, and what responsibilities do they play in worsening or alleviating
this strain?
Scope and limitation

This research aims to explore the lived experiences of students who

have undergone the transition from high school to senior high school
within the educational industry. The study will focus on understanding
the motivations, challenges, and coping mechanisms employed by
grade 11 student participants during their enrollment in CITI Global
College. Data will be collected through surveys. The respondents of
the study are 12 selected grade 11 students. The researchers did not
include grade 12 students since this study primarily focuses on the
impact of academic pressure among grade 11 students. Including both
grade 11 and 12 students would be challenging due to limited funds
and time constraints.
Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: Paradigm of the study

Significance of the Study
This study explores the complexities of academic pressure experienced by the grade
11 CITI Global College senior high school students. This study focuses on how students
frequently experience and feel pressure in academic. This are a serious issue that
requires to manage since Academic pressure can lead to poor academic performance
and irritation. Learners get academic anxiety and suffer various mental disorders.
The following are the beneficiaries of the research:
Students in CITI Global College. The effect of this study will aid students by given
awareness on how to manage their academic effectively so that they do not feel
pressure, as academic problem causes a lot of stress. Like On the positive side,
academic pressure can motivate students to work harder and achieve higher grades.
Parents of the students in CITI Global College. The purpose of this study is to inform
parents about the pressure in academic between their daughter and their relation as a
family that can cause students emotional and affects pressure by that.
Teachers in CITI Global College. This study outcomes could be used as a starting point
for talking about the student’s pressure in academic, so they can help to overcome
and encouraging open discussion with students and parents towards academic
Definition of terms
CITI Global College-Is a private educational institution that offers various academic programs and courses.
Senior high school student- students who are typically around the ages 16-18 are in the final two years of their high
school education. Senior high school students will be much more exposed and prepared for further education or
entry into the workforce.

Academic performance-refers to the level of achievement or success a student shows in their academic pursuits,
measured through multiple ways such as grades, test scores, class rank, and academic awards.
Effect-refers to the result caused by the action, event, or phenomenon. Effects can be both positive or negative and
they can manifest in different ways.

Stressors-are external events, situations, or factors that cause stress or tension in an individual's life. They can be
physical, psychological, social, or environmental in nature, and they often trigger a physiological and/or emotional

Pressure -It can be physical, psychological, or emotional in nature, and it often creates a sense of urgency or tension
to perform or respond to a particular challenge or expectation. Typically, in a demanding or stressful situation

Education - the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through formal instruction, informal
learning experiences, or self-directed
The Student's dependency on better Academic performance for better
Academic performance is dependent on multiple factors, two of which are stress and motivation. It is an
essential aspect for senior high school students as they are are nearing college life and because having
better academic performance yields better opportunities in life(Tus, Jhoselle. "Academic stress, academic
motivation, and its relationship on the academic performance of the senior high school students." Asian
Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 8.11 (2020): 29-37.).

Well-being and academic achievement

Subjective well-being (SWB) and academic achievement are important indicators of positive psychological
functioning. Both are key factors in identifying high-performing education systems. Successful students not
only excel academically but also feel satisfied at school. Schools and higher educational environments play
a crucial role in shaping young people's personalities and social experiences, which can impact their SWB.
SWB is linked to how individuals perceive and think about their lives. High SWB is associated with lower risks
of mental health issues and unhealthy behaviors. In the educational setting, SWB is linked to lower discipline
problems, internal locus of control, self-esteem, and motivation. People with higher levels of education are
more likely to have higher SWB. This highlights the importance of promoting both academic success and
well-being in education systems.(Bücker, Susanne, et al.(2018)
The negative long term effects of academic pressure
The specific manifestations of adolescents’ problem behavior include an inappropriate
learning attitude, poor interpersonal relationships, and bad living habits (Kremer et al.,
Relevant research shows that adolescents’ problem behavior is persistent, which can
significantly affect adult drinking, violence, and even committing crimes (Pol et al.,
2012; Evans et al., 2020).This not only affects adolescents’ behavioral health, but also is
not conducive to the harmonious and stable development of society.(Jiang, M. M., Gao,
K., Wu, Z. Y., & Guo, P. P. (2022). ).
The lasting impacts of academic pressure differ among individuals, but generally result
in heightened stress, anxiety, and burnout. It can also result in adverse effects on
mental health, such as depression and reduced self-confidence. In severe situations, it
can lead to poor academic or professional performance, along with physical health
problems such as insomnia and a compromised immune system. Furthermore, if not
handled properly, it could impact relationships and overall quality of life.
Academic stress and coping mechanism among students

According to psychologist Hans Selye the situations can be both positive and negative; it
a djustment and this could also be stressful. The concept of stress can be divided into ‘Eustress
(Positive stress) and Distress (Negative Stress) [7]. Both stress types can be taxing to a person’s
resources and coping skills though distress will probably do more harm to an individual.
children and adolescents can experience variety of stressors ranging from appalling or shocking
events, unfortunate hassles and tension. These are the vital factors affecting young people’s
being and mental health [8,9].(Nagle, Y. K., & Sharma, U. (2018).
Insufficient sleep among students and learning capacity
The last few years have seen an increasing literature on the relationship between
sleep, memory and learning capacity (e.g. Ref.9). Recent findings have shown that
sleep plays an important role in learning processes and memory consolidation,10, 11
although no direct relationships were found between different kinds of memory,
such as procedural or declarative memory, and different sleep stages, such as REM
or NREM sleep.12 These studies clearly show that sleep deprivation can impair
learning and memory for both motor procedural (e.g. Ref.10) and declarative memory
systems (e.g. Ref.13).
It is well known that the integrity of learning and memory processes are fundamental
in school achievement and academic performance, particularly in individuals like
children and adolescents who are in a particular developmental phase.14, 15, 16, 17,
18 .(Kirschner, P. A., & Karpinski, A. C. (2010). .)
Bridging student health risks and academic achievement through comprehensive
school programs

Participants concluded that healthy children learn better, and they

cautioned that no curriculum can compensate for deficiencies in student
health status. While literature confirms the complexity of health issues
confronting today's students, schools face enormous pressure to improve
academic skills. Local school leaders and stakeholders often remain
unconvinced that improving student health represents a means to achieving
improved academic outcomes. A rich body of literature confirms a direct
link between student health risk behavior and education outcomes,
education behaviors, and student attitudes about education. (Symons, C.
W., Cinelli, B., James, T. C., & Groff, P. (1997).
Research methodology and procedure

This study uses qualitative research as the research method of the

study,to provide better information and in depth datail as it answers
the how and why academic pressure effects students and to better
understand their experiences, the data gathered from the students is
essential for this research as they are the sources of primary
information for this study, the techniques the researchers used to
identify and analyze information are, open-ended questionnaires, face
to face interview, the use of social media as a data gathering tool to
invite and find potential respondents.
Research design
The researchers employed a descriptive method along with a phenomenological qualitative approach
to gather information on the current situation.
Krathwohl, D.R.,(2009) defined descriptive research a purposive process of gathering ,analyzing,
classifying, and tabulating data about prevailing condition, practices, beliefs, processes, trends, and
cause-effect relationships and then making adequate and accurate interpretation about such data
with or without the aid of statistical methods.
A descriptive type of research according to Best(1993), involves the collection of data to answer
questions concerning the current status of the subjects in the study. It is designed to gather
information or conditions existing at a particular period of time. The focus of the whole process is on
the discovery of theory on comparison or contrast of the findings

Respondents of the study

The target respondents of the study was obtained from the 12 selected grade 11
students of CITI Global College under the strand of Accountancy Business and
Management (ABM). Respondents meet certain qualifications, such as their
experience in pressure about the academic in their daily life, and how it affects their
academic performance as a grade 11 students in CITI Global College.
Data gathering procedure
The gathering of qualitative data collection techniques will be open-ended surveys and
questionnaire. The researcher's will be given and use the research surveys or questionnaire
by digital form or face to face interview. Also, the use of social media like facebook,
Instagram and other similar online media, As a data-gathering tool for research will be
employed to invite and find a potential respondents, records and archival review of the
The target respondents will be voluntary selected grade 11 students in CITI Global College.
Qualitative data analysis
Qualitative data analysis is somewhat similar to having a meaningful conversation with someone.
First, we talked with the respondents, inquiring about situations they went through or could
connect and discuss in order to identify the proper kind of information. Then, we determined how
to obtain the appropriate responses, attempting various methods to elicit detailed, transparent
responses. Eventually, after receiving all the information we looked at, we compared the different
stories and pulled everything together to determine the overall response to our research. We put
the pieces in a puzzle, seeking results and thematic connections to understand how everything
fits in with each other, and how it impacts people.

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