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Recson V. Chapter 1, 2 and 3

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Every pupil is distinct from the others; they are endowed with various talents and abilities.
Their parents must send their children to school in order for them to absorb information as they
progress through their formative years. Children and adolescents confront a variety of problems,
and some ability limitations impede their physical, emotional, and social development as they
engage with their families and the larger community.

Different socioeconomic, psychological, and environmental factors influence a student's

participation and performance. Family history, financial income, and many more socio-economic
characteristics are among the socio-economic elements. The socioeconomic status of one's parents
has a significant impact on one's educational success. The researcher argues that when a student's
parents are socially, educationally, and monetarily advantaged, their children will attain higher
levels of success.

In today's educational institutions, absenteeism is one of the most important difficulties

that students face. Students were neglecting a variety of tasks as a result of frequent pauses in their
lessons. Several activities were being neglected by the students because of continual interruptions
of attendance in their classes. Students were missing much of the work discipline when they are
off school. It is an undeniable fact that absenteeism was a hindrance to the development of students
leaning. When students miss a particular lesson or topic, it may affect the understanding of the
next topic because teachers have their step by step flow of lesson and sometimes there were also
pre-requisite lesson. There were also some ideas, concepts, and terminology in other activities in
the classes that the students needed to master for the lesson to continue.

Regular attendance at school is important because pupils who attend regularly are more
likely to thrive academically. When a big percentage of students are missing on a regular basis, it
is difficult for teachers and pupils to develop skills and progress. Students who do not attend school
on a regular basis are more likely to get into legal trouble and cause problems in their communities,
in addition to falling behind in their studies. As a result, an action plan for reducing absenteeism
was necessary because it has a significant influence on students' learning and development.

Background of the study

Students who are absent from school miss out on opportunities to gain new skills that will
help them thrive later in life. They may also lag behind their classmates in terms of intellectual
success. It has been established that absenteeism is linked to academic failure and poor
performance. Furthermore, absence is linked to social issues, which can lead to a kid engaging in
high-risk activities.

The aim of this study is to examine the direct and indirect relationship between student
absenteeism and its effect to their academic performances. Personal factors, Family factors and
academic achievement in structural equation mode. As period of time when a student does not
attend school, has become a major and continuous problem among high school students, numerous
risk factors that contribute to student absenteeism such as family health, low income, poor school
climate, drug and alcohol use, transportation problems, and community attitudes towards
education. Because of absenteeism has a complex nature, the consequences of high-level school
absenteeism can be fortunate for students. In the other words, the absenteeism among high school
students can lead to more negative effect such as low academic performance and many social

Students who have a high incidence of absenteeism have a bad assessment of their
academic competence, and students who have a low academic self-image are more likely to miss
class. Absenteeism among students is linked to a lack of motivation and self-control. This research
backs up the idea that student absenteeism is also a motivational issue, as students who were absent
were less likely to participate in academic work. Additionally, student absence was linked to
unfavorable sentiments toward teachers and schools. This conclusion is in line with earlier studies
that show absentees have a negative attitude toward their teachers and schools.
Objectives of the study

The researcher aimed to determine the Absenteeism and its effect to the academic performances
of selected Senior high school Students of College of Sciences, Technology, and Communication,
Inc. Specifically this study sought to achieve the following objectives.

1. To determine the demographic profile of the respondents of selected senior high school
students of Leon Guinto Memorial College in terms of;

1.1 Gender/Sex;

1.2 Age; and

1.3 Strand.

2. To determine the effect of absenteeism to the academic performances of the Senior High
School Students of College of Sciences, Technology, and Communication, Inc. As to:

2.1 Class participation

2.2 Coordination among peers and Teachers; and

2.3 Academic Achievement.

3. To propose possible solution such as an article that will be their guide towards the negative
effect of absenteeism.

Significance of the Study

Senior High School Students. They will completely Benefit in this Study Because they
will be able to Determine the little things that affects their Study. And they will have the
background knowledge regarding Absenteeism.

Teachers. They will also benefit in this study because this study will also be a big help for
them to encourage their Students to attend class regularly.

Parents. As this research ends, parents will benefit in this study in a way where they can
guide their child in the simplest way they can.
Future Researcher. will benefit this study in a way that they share the knowledge that
they gain to from this study and also to help or guide the researcher. And to be aware to things that
might happen to the researcher if chronic absenteeism happens to them because the researcher is
also a student they will not avoid their absences in school.

Scope and Limitation

The aim of this study is to know the effects behind student’s absenteeism to their academic
performances. This study is delimited only for the grade 12 students of College of Sciences,
Technology, and Communication, Inc. this research studies the effects of chronic Absenteeism to
the Academic Performances of Senior High school students of Leon Guinto Memorial College.

The researcher purposively chooses 15 respondents which are the students of Industrial Arts
Automotive in Senior High School of College of Sciences, Technology, and Communication, Inc.

Absenteeism the practice of regularly staying away from work or school without good reason. In
this study, absenteeism is one of the problems in academic performances of the students in school
particularly in College of Sciences, Technology, and Communication, Inc.

Academic Performances academic is of course simply one very well versed or specialized in
knowledge, education and research. Performance is how one performs: dancers dance; singers sing,
and academic produce findings of current, relevant research. In this study, it refers to level of
performance in written works and exams of the students of College of Sciences, Technology, and
Communication, Inc.

Student a person who studies a particular academic subject. In this study, student is the one who
are experiencing chronic absenteeism that affect their academic performances.


This chapter provides an overview of the related literature and studies after a thorough
research done by the researchers and it is an arrangement of foreign and local literature and
studies that aim to present the possible causes of absenteeism.


According to Chang, Hedy & Romero, Maria Jose, attending school regularly is important to
ensuring that children develop a strong foundation for subsequent learning. During the early
elementary years, children are gaining basic social and academic skills critical to ongoing
academic success. Useless students attain these essential skills by third \grade, they often require
extra help to catch up and are grave risk of eventually dropping out of school. Moreover, when
chronic absence occurs (missing 10%- nearly a month- or more of school over the course of a year
counting both excused and unexcused absences.), everyone pays. The educational experiences of
children who attend school regularly can be diminished when teachers must divert their attention
to meet the learning and social needs of children who miss substantial amounts of school. A major
problem faced by schools across the country is student absenteeism. Although the problem is
pervasive in American schools, the attention focused on this issue has been inadequate. Poor
student attendance has far reaching effects on the individual, the school, and society in general.


According to Michael A. Clores (2010) school absenteeism is an alarming problem for

administrators, teachers, parents and the society in general, as well as for the pupils in particular.
Unaccepted absence has a negative effect on peer relationship which could cause absence. It may
indicate low academic and non-academic structures our policies that address the problem or factors
influencing or reinforcing this behavior. Parents are financially burdened for having their children
to stay longer in the school, having to re-enroll them in subjects where they fail due to excessive

Monika Sanchez (2009) said that when students are not in school, they miss the opportunity
to grow academically, socially, ad emotionally. These are critical for continued success in school,
in the community, and onward into adulthood. Students with low attendance have been shown to
be at heightened risk of high school dropout, as well potentially deleterious behavior.



As said by Epstein, J.L. & Sheldon, S. B. (2002) several family-school-community- partnership

practices predict an increase in daily attendance, a decrease in chronic absenteeism, or both. The
data suggest that schools may be able to increase student attendance in elementary school by
implementing specific family and community involvement activities.

According to Basch, in his report “six educationally relevant disparities”-vision problems, asthma,
teen pregnancy, aggression and violence, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, and concentration
problems-have negative academic outcomes for minority students in urban settings. The piece hits
also on data about the relationship between health and school attendance:
“Compared with children without the condition, some studies have also found, children with
asthma tend to have more problems with concentration and memory, to have their sleep disrupted,
and to miss more days of school. One 2003 estimate, in fact, blamed the disorder for 12.8 million
school absences across the country that year.”. The Intent of this paper is to document the problem,
summarize existing research on mediating factors, provide a summary of inventions for improving
student attendance rates in school, and to offer specific suggestions for school psychologist.


Poor attendance affects the scholastic rating of the Elementary Pupils. School authorities do not
yet do anything to solve the problem. It develops the pessimistic attitude of the youth about
schooling. Attendance should be handled as matter of discipline and must directly scholarship
voting regular deductions from scholarship grades be made of absences or tardiness (Corille,

Most of our public and private schools be it in primary, secondary or tertiary level students
makes absences to the last day of the week referred to as Friday sickness of the students. (Valdez,
Research Paradigm

1. To determine the demographic profile of the respondents of

selected senior high school students of Leon Guinto Memorial
College in terms of;

1.1 Gender/Sex; INPUT

1.2 Age; and

1.3 Strand.
2. To determine the effect of absenteeism to the academic
performances of the Senior High School Students of College of
Sciences, Technology, and Communication, Inc. As to:
2.1 Class participation
2.2 Coordination among peers and Teachers; and
2.3 Academic Achievement.
3. To propose possible solution such as an article that will be their
guide towards the negative effect of absenteeism. PROCESS

 Surveying selected senior high school in College of Science,

Technology, and Communication, Inc.
 Analysis of data
 Evaluation OUTPUT

 Useful advice or a solution on how they might fix the issue that is
causing their absence.

Figure 1. The Paradigm Showing the Variables of the Study

Figure 1 shows the variable of the given study. The independent variable consists of the
profile of senior high school students and the factors cause of absenteeism to the academic
performances of the Senior High School Students of College of Sciences, Technology, and
Communication, Inc. On the other hand, the dependent variable is the cause of absenteeism to the
academic performances of the Senior High School Students of College of Sciences, Technology,
and Communication, Inc.


This Chapter presented the discussion on the research design, instrumentation, data
gathering procedure and statistical treatment which was used for accurate data analysis and

Research Design

This study used a descriptive method to assess socio-demographic profile such as sex,
age, and strand of the selected 10 students of Industrial Arts Automotive in Senior High School of
College of Sciences, Technology, and Communication, Inc. This method focused on the nature of
a certain phenomenon with respect to variables and conditions in a situation. The survey method
was used as the tool for data collection through questionnaires or surveys. This involved gathering
data that described events and then organized, tabulated, depicted, and described the data

Sample Size

This study was conducted in Atimonan, Quezon. In this study, the subject were composed
of 10 students of Industrial Arts Automotive in Senior High School of College of Sciences,
Technology, and Communication, Inc.

Description of the Respondents

In this study there were only 10 students in Industrial Art Automotive Senior High
School of College of Sciences, Technology, and Communication, Inc. They are Mr. John Piolo
Oriel, Mr. Jm Par, Mr. Symon Banal De Jesus, Mr. John Lloyd Labayen, Mr. Jordan Galarosa
Estocado, Mr. Shawn Monroe Estocado, Mr. Cristian Sabaco, Mr. Jayvee Ace Alvarez, Mr.
Lloyd Russel Ramos, and Mr. Jhun Mark Inal.


The researchers used a survey questionnaire to gather data consisting of the outlooks
related to the cause of absenteeism in order to identify the cause of absenteeism of selected students
in College of Sciences, Technology, and Communication, Inc. The first part of the questionnaire
argues with personal data of the respondents (demographic profile) of the research. The factors of
absenteeism will be on the second part. The third part is the absence of the selected students in
College of Sciences, Technology, and Communication, Inc.

Statistical Treatment Data

The data was encoded, tallied, and interpreted using descriptive and inferential, statistics.
This includes frequency distribution and ranking to identify the profile, and employment data of
the respondents.

1. Percentage

The percentage and frequency distribution are used in classifying the respondents
according to age, gender, and years in operation. The frequency also presented the actual response
of the participants to the specific questions. The statistical treatment is used in the Part 1, Part 2,
and Part 3 of the questionnaires. The percentage of an item is computed by dividing it with the
total number of sample respondents in the survey:

%= 𝑥100


% = percentage
f = frequency
n = total number
2. Weighted Mean

Another statistical treatment that is used by the researchers is the weighted mean.
This is applied in order to know the perception of the respondents that are a part of the
survey questionnaire in connection with the Likert Scale.

WM = Weighted Mean

F = Frequency

N = Number of Respondents


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