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Chapter 1


Background of the study

Absenteeism in school is the habit of staying away from school without providing

a genuine or any reason for not attending classes. Absenteeism is a truant behaviour

that negatively affects the performance among students(Keter, 2013).

Student absenteeism and truancy have become a large problem with students

today and received lesser attention due to the abundance of other issues and priorities

that social workers and other service agencies are faced with (Teasley, 2004).

Family health or financial concerns, poor school environment, drug and alcohol

use, transportation problems, and differing community attitudes towards education are

all condition that can cause a child not to attend school. This kind of situation is not

conducive for a child study (Mervilde, 1981).

Absenteeism can be defined as persistent, habitual, and unexplained absence

from school (Brooks, 1997).

Absenteeism occurs when a student is absent without reason 20% or more of

school time, this is consistently identified regardless of the specific circumstances of the

absenteeism (Bond, 2004).

When a student does not come to school for a lengthy period of time, one may

assume these students are learning elsewhere, but unfortunately in most circumstances

this is not the case (RI Kids Count, 2007).

In relation to this, the researchers are opting to relate this problem on the setting

of Anonas National High School wherein students are prone to absenteeism. Primarily,

this study is focused on factors influencing absenteeism among ANHS students. Through

this study, the researchers are hoping to provide awareness among the students on the

aforementioned problem.

Statement of the problem

This study seeks to determine the level of addiction to Facebook of the Anonas

National High School students.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. grade level;

b. sex ;

2. What is the rate of absenteeism among the students of Anonas National High


3. What are the factors of absenteeism?

4. Is there a significant relationship between between the rate of absenteeism and

factors of absenteeism

Research Hypothesis
Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on factors influencing absenteeism among the Students of

Anonas National High School, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan School, Year 2018-2019.

Moreover, the researchers will be studying on the respondents’ profile as well as the

factors of absenteeism and their relationship between the rate of absenteeism.

Significance of the study

The result of the study is deemed to be beneficial to the following people and


Students. This study will raise students’ awareness with regard to the factors of

absenteeism. With this, the students will become more responsible in going to school.

School Administration. The result of this study can be a basis to the school

administration in finding ways in creating interventions that will help in solving the said

problem if its emergence in proven.

Teachers. The result of this study can be a basis for the teachers to be able to identify

different motivational techniques/strategies on how they can influence students to lessen

or eliminate act of absenteeism.

Parents. Through this study, the parents will be made aware if their children are prone

to absenteeim. Through this, the parents can guide their children to be responsible in

going to school.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as a reference for future researchers who

will be conducting a studies in relation to absenteeism.

Definition of Terms

In order to facilitate better understanding of this study the following terms are

defined lexically and/or operational:

Absenteeism.The term refers to the habitual pattern of absences from a duty or

obligation without good reason (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2019).In the context of this

study, the same definition will be utilized by the researchers.

Influence.The word is defined as the word is defined as the power to cause an effect to

ssomeone or something (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2019). In this research,the same

definition will be utilized by the researchers.

Factor.The term refers to one of the things that affects an event, decision, or

situation.The word is defined as a state of becoming conspicuously notable or significant

(Collins English Dictionary, 2019). In the context of this study, the word shall be used to

refer to the causes of the absences of students in Anonas National High School.

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