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Reducing Student's Tardiness Through SSIP (Students Success Intervention Program)

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Volume: 15
Pages: 149-153
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1348
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10140499
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-15-11
Psych Educ, 2023, 15: 149-153, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1348, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10140499, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Reducing Student’s Tardiness Through SSIP

(Students Success Intervention Program)
Jade L. Sorzano*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This action research primarily hoped to reduce student’s tardiness through students’ success
intervention program (SSIP). Tardiness is one of the problems faced by school nowadays. Tardiness
is a problem whether it is practiced by students or teachers. It usually takes two forms; tardiness for
school and tardiness for classes throughout the school day. Tardiness in schools, if left unchecked,
can create serious systemic problems. Tardy students miss important instruction and get lower grades
or fail subjects. Sixteen (16) students from Salabaca National High School, Salabaca, Esperanza,
Sultan Kudarat undergone the program for 20hrs. The students were selected purposely since they
have been noted to have successive late from the month of August-September of this school year
2022-2023. The students spent 30 mins counselling for thrice a week after their class in the
afternoon. It is theorized that SSIP will reduce students’ tardiness and will improve their academic
performance. From the p-value =0.000, this is far lower than the alpha 0.01, then it is shown that the
SSIP is statistically effective in reducing the tardiness of the students. It is recommended by the
researchers that parents and teachers must work hand in hand to solve small or big problems that
happens to the learners. Tardiness indeed is an indicator of responsiveness to problems like this
rooted from parents-teachers guidance and care.

Keywords: tardiness, student success intervention program, academic performance

Introduction punctuality and how it connects to their future working

lives, since the school is also mandated to produce
good citizens and workers should be understood by
The Department of Education (DepEd) advocated students. Tardy students miss important instruction
punctuality and honesty in classrooms, in order to and get lower grades or fail subjects. They also disrupt
eradicate the Filipino's bad reputation of habitual the delivery of instruction as they straggle into class
tardiness. DepEd is set to distribute workbooks on the late during the first 5 -10 minutes or more of each
"how to's" of punctuality and organization to all public class (Edufow, 2013).
schools in the country under its "We Are Time
Conscious and Honest" (WATCH) program being The child’s feeling as their social experience
pursued with the Philippine Association of Colleges mentioned by Scot (2006) has a powerful impact
and Universities (PACU) and JCI Senate Philippines especially in school as well his or her ability to be
Under(philstarglobal-headlines-2008). academically successful. In class when a child
continuously comes late, some students were
Tardy student presents a lack of responsibility and distracted. Probably the teacher’s attention will be
showing sign of carelessness and a waste of time all drawn away and might focused toward the child who
the time is being tardy (Fullo et, al.2017). Lateness or has just arrived. Student who arrived late will be
being tardy to school were believed to hinders the criticize by his classmates which might affect his own
development and achievement of students towards feeling as well. As they reach adolescence, children
academic goals and literally compared to cancer are especially conscious of fitting in or seeking for
sickness that may affects all the aspects of the human sense of belongingness and being accepted by peers. If
body as stated by Maile & Olowoyo (2017). Moreover, student is tardy probably, they may become a target or
students who arrive late to school miss important outcast over time, and negative peer interactions can
lessons, neither some of the core subjects such as math hurt their ability to concentrate on learning.
and science were taught by some elementary teachers
as the beginning subjects in the morning. It has been a common observation among students
who have been successive late from the month of
In school, if tardiness neglected it can create serious August to September are misbehave and can cause
systemic problems. Neither student or teacher were not disturbance in the class and a child continuously shows
excused to tardiness. It usually takes two forms; up late to class, others are distracted. Over time,
tardiness for school and tardiness for classes classmates may begin to criticize this child, affecting
throughout the school day. The importance of how he feels about himself in school. This study

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15: 149-153, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1348, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10140499, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

therefore aims to address reduces students’ tardiness. of good habits, respect and reputation. That's why
students should know how to take advantage of their
Research Questions time and, if necessary, not be late all the time.
Nowadays, stubbornness isn't a big problem for
This action research endeavors to investigate how students; they think it's an ordinary thing. However,
students’ tardiness be lessened among Salabaca certain reasons for students ‘tardiness can be identified
National High School students who undergone the whether the student has committed or not is exerted
Students Success Intervention Program (SSIP). (Fullio et al. (2017).
Specifically, this action research seeks answers to the
following questions: Participation is normally taken toward the start of the
school day, understudy who arrived behind schedule
1. What is the occurrence of tardiness among students might be considered truants. One of the elements that
before the implementation of the SSIP program? adds to this worry, understudies who have TVs in their
2. What are the contributing factors of tardiness among own room are investing an excessive amount of energy
students? in watching motion pictures or one of the late-night
3. What is the occurrence of tardiness among students television shows who awakens and came to school
after the implementation of the SSIP program? late. Some school chiefs were confronting a similar
4. Is there a significant difference between the worry of scaled back lateness, incorporate awards for
frequency of tardiness before and after the understudies who consistently arrive as expected and
implementation of the SSIP program? after school films for the people who are generally
reliable (Murray, Light 2000).
Literature Review The learning of the school day occurs between 8:05
and 9:30 am. Students are the most alert and attentive
Tardiness at this time of day, so important subject matters and
concepts are taught at this time. When students arrive
Student’s tardiness has already developed into a habit late to school, they miss out on some or all of these
in the present. Even though a student's home is just important subjects. They also create a distraction when
next to the school, arriving late to class is still they walk into the classroom after other students have
considered tardy and has an impact on academic already begun working. Teachers must stop what they
performance. A student cannot participate effectively are doing, and refocus the group (Cowan-2007).
in class discussions if they are consistently late, and
turning in their work after the due date is another Nevertheles Odebode (2019) observed in Nigerian
indicator of tardiness (Caroro et al., 2017). Society that student’s lateness is on the increase of
indiscipline and negligence. While in Akoko South
In today's classrooms, tardiness is one of the most East Local Government Area, Ondo State looked at
aggravating issues, claim Sprick and Daniels (2007). lateness as a recurrent problem among secondary
According to some professors, the first four to eight school students. Poor preparation of school, going late
minutes of class are almost a waste of time because to bed, distance to school from home, high level of
pupils arrive late and disrupt the lesson. Tardiness has poverty, peer pressure, single parenting among others
other negative repercussions in addition to robbing that the factors responsible for students’ lateness to
teachers and students of precious instructional time school as expressed by Nigerian teachers in
and momentum. When students are unsupervised in elementary schools. It is concluded that the factors
hallways and restrooms after the tardy bell rings responsible for lateness to school are enormous and
whether at the beginning of school or during passing practical solutions were therefore recommended
periods there is ample opportunity for fighting, (Onoyase, 2017).
bullying, and other misconduct. This misbehavior can
carry over into the classroom, thus wasting even more According to the study conducted by Reid (2000)
instructional time. Teachers’ individual responses to revealed that the relationship between excessive
tardy students range from ignoring them to sending student tardiness have its negative impact on a
them to the office. This inconsistency can confuse student’s future. Being tardy or having the nature of
students about the importance of being on time to arriving late, students would able to less valued time.
class. He identified different possible factors that caused
students tardiness and look for different strategies to
It is a duty to be on time for the students, but also part reduce tardiness. In order to more deeply understand

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15: 149-153, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1348, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10140499, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

student tardiness. logbook and questionnaire in collecting data. For Part

1 to determine the occurrence of tardiness among
However, according to the study of Churchill (2021) students before the implementation of the Student
he indicated that students’ strong connections and Succes Intervention Program, Tardiness Logbook was
communication towards adults who are in school as utilized. Part II is a researcher made questionnaire was
teachers and peers had more positive school outcomes utilized to determine the contributing factor of
and would have minimal incidents of being tardy. tardiness among student.

Table 1.

In this intervention, the SSIP is hoped to address the

possible solution to lessen the occurrence of tardiness
of students in the school. The action proposed herein
involves the community where parents and teachers
work hand and hand to address the problem of
reducing student’s tardiness.

The proposed intervention student’s tardiness after

three months observation among students who are
consecutively late were tallied and the inclusion of
samples for the study on implementing the
intervention will be done. The phases undergone were
the following: First, the independent variables are the For part III, tardiness logbook was utilized to
reasons of tardiness and the occurrence of tardiness of determine the occurrence of tardiness among students
the respondents. After three weeks of observation after the implementation of the student’s success
(August 29-September 16 2022), the SSIP is intervention program.
implemented within 2 months (September 19-
November 25, 2022). During two months of Procedure
implementation, the last 3 weeks (November 1-18,
2022) is the duration of the result observation on the Table 2. Summary of Data Gathering
occurrence of the tardiness among the respondents. It
is hereby theorized that if root causes of student’s
tardiness are addresses, the latter would be lessened,
thus students will encourage to come early to school.


In this study, the possible respondents are the Sixteen

(16) students from Salabaca National High School,
Salabaca, Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat undergone the
program for 20hrs. The students were selected
purposely since they have been noted to have
Data Gathering Methods
successive late from the month of August and
September of this school year 2022-2023. There was
an orientation with parents and students regarding the To collect the frequency of Tardiness among students
intervention. The students spent 30mins after their before the intervention, Supreme Students Government
class in the afternoon for the counseling every thrice a Officers (SSG) were tasked to get the names and the
sections as well as the grade level of the tardy
week. It is theorized that SSIP will reduce students’
students. These were tallied for 3 weeks observation
tardiness and will improve their academic from August 29-September 16, 2023. After the 3
performance. weeks observation, the top 16 highest occurrence of
tardiness were then included a sample of the study,
Instruments of the Study that is why, the researcher uses the purposive sampling
The researcher utilized different instrument such as

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15: 149-153, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1348, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10140499, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

To collect the percentages of common reasons of

tardiness, an interview guide was designed by the The graph shows that 100% of the respondents
researcher which was validated by the master teachers reasoned out that their parents are the reason of being
of the school. The reasons were ranked according to late. This are in the form of task completion before
the theme created by the researcher from the interview going to school, followed by peer, then distance, and
response of the students. the last is behavior.
To collect the data on frequency of Tardiness after the Table 4. Tardiness of Student after Success
SSIP, from September 19-November 25, 2022 during
Intervention Program implementation
the last 8 weeks of counseling and interventions done,
the SSG reports from the Tardiness logbook were
gathered particularly to the 16 respondents of the

To identify the effectiveness of the SSIP, t-test for

dependent samples were used to find the p-value and
its decision from statistical analysis of the statistician. Table 4 shows the mean observation on the occurrence
of the student’s tardiness after the implementation of
Students Success Intervention Program (SSIP). This is
Results and Discussion a last three week or 15 days observation, and it is
found that the mean amount of tardiness of students is
decreasing and it is now 4.7 days. This means that
This part presents the collected data presented in
tabular and graphical form. Reflections were based statistically, from three weeks observation, 10 days are
from the interview from the interview guide. the nontardy days that occurred in their schooling. The
standard deviation of 1.22, indicates that the first
Table 3. Tardiness of Student before Success standard deviation or 68 percent of them have a tardy
Intervention Program implementation that ranges from 9 occurrence to 12 occurrence for the
last three weeks observation.

Table 5. Test on Significant Difference before and

after SSIP

Table 3 shows the mean observation on the occurrence

of the student’s tardiness before the implementation of
Students Success Intervention Program (SSIP). This is
a three week or 15 days observation, and it is found
that the mean number of tardiness of students is 11
days. This means that statistically, from three weeks
observation, 4 days only are the nontardy days that
occurred in their schooling. The standard deviation of
1.82, indicates that the first standard deviation or 68
percent of them have a tardy that ranges from 9
occurrence to 13 occurrence for three weeks

Figure 1. Reasons of Tardiness of the Respondents

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Psych Educ, 2023, 15: 149-153, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1348, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10140499, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

School Community (2007, November). Tardiness hinders student

Table 5 shows the test of difference on the occurrence and school success. Cowan Crier, 61 (6), 1. Retrieved from
of tardiness before and after the implementation of www.lausd.net.
SSIP. Supposedly, there were 16 samples, but at the Department of Education advocating punctuality, philstarglobal-
headlines. Updated December 26, 2008 -
student stopped in the month of August, thus only 15 12:00amhttp://www.philstar.com/headlines/426693/departmenteduc
were included in the final sampling. From the p-value ation-advocating-punctuality
=0.000, this is far lower than the alpha 0.01, then it is
E d u f l o w : T a r d i n e s s in S c h o o l ( J u l y 13, 2 0 1 3 )
shown that the SSIP is statistically effective in https://eduflow.wordpress.com/2013/07/13/tardiness-in-schools/
reducing the tardiness of the students.
Fullo, Glorylourd Joana C. and Gramor, Omar M. February 14,
2017. Causes and Effects of Tardiness of the Senior High School
Conclusion Students of Southern de Oro Philippines College. Southern
Philippine College, JulioPacana Street, Licuan Cagayan de Oro City.
From the results and discussions, the researchers Maile, S. & Olowoyo, M. M. (2017). The causes of late coming
reflected the following, it is observed that when the among high school students in
students were motivated and guided to go to school, it
Soshanguve, Pretoria, South Africa. Pedagogical Research, 2(2), 4.
is because they like schooling or they were properly
guided by the parents, then the students will come to Murray, C., Murray, K. M., & Was, G. A. (2008). Child and teacher
school earlier. Thus, parenting really matters. It is reports of teacherstudent relationships: Concordance of perspectives
and associations with school adjustment in urban kindergarten
observed that teachers instilling care and motivated the
classrooms. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 29,
students to be aware of time, then the students come to 49-61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appdev.2007.10.006
school earlier. Hence, teachers’ guidance is necessary.
Odebode, A. A. (2019). Causes of indiscipline among students as
Based on the conclusions of the study it is viewed by primary school teachers in

recommended by the researchers that parents and Nigeria. Mimbar Sekolah Dasar, 6(1), 126-134.
teachers must work hand in hand to solve small or big
problems that happens to the learners. Tardiness Onoyase, A. (2017). Lateness: A current problem among secondary
school students in Akoko South East
indeed is an indicator of responsiveness to problems
like this rooted from parents-teachers guidance and Local Mimbar Sekolah Dasar, Volume 6 Number 2 August 2019
care. Replication of this study using other variables [197] Government of Ondo State,
such as problem-solving based learning and other Nigeria, implications for counselling. Higher Education Studies,
learning strategy should be used in this investigation is 7(1), 107-113.
also recommended.
Sprick R. and Daniels K. (2007, October). Taming the tardies. Every
minute counts. Retrieved
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