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Module 3

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Education is the key for our better future. when we are child we enter the school by our parents to
gain knowledge in all the things to improve our skills. But why we need the education in our lives and
it's because for our good life to have a job that suit you that you dream.

Drop out is a student who leave a specific level of education system without achieving first
qualification. A number of drop out students are increasing. School drop outs have a serious negative
impact on the society. Early drop out from the education system leading into low qualification and
most often to unemployment and other social problems is the cause for an increasing education
divide in many countries.

Entering high school can be exciting for some, terrifying for others or maybe just another level that
should be overcome. Here in the Philippines, almost all high school students were in their teenage
years, which can be considered as probably one of the most difficult but undeniably stage of a

This study on several problems faced by most high school at present time. These are the students
who are at high risk to school completion failure, these are dropping out from school, year retention
or commonly known as the repeaters, the balik-aral's and the students with failed grades. Drop out,
the term immediately brings to mind an image, or a myriad of images. It conjures up long list of
adjectives many of them negative (center for child and family policy
Students dropping out of school is one dilemma of the education sectors; dropping out mean is
leaving the school for practical reasons. It is an impediment that is bugging the Department of
Education not only in the Philippines but also many countries around the globe because of its
increasing rate more and more each year. Increase rates of dropout means that there is a big
possibility that the students may not complete the needed years in high school which may result to
future unemploymemt for example that can give a big impact on the country's progress specifically in
developing countries like the Philippines.

Significance of the study

This study was conducted to determine the "Perception of the students about the factors that cause
students to Drop out of school" In senior high school student enrolled for the S. Y 2021-2022. The
result pf the study will be of great benefit to the following:

The result will provide the students well knowledge on having " Factors that cause students to Drop
out of school" and how it affect to them as a students. it will give the students realization that
dropping out is a decision that need of wise thinking.

The parents will be alert and informed about the "Factors that cause students to Drop out of schoo"
because it is for the better future of their child.

The study will benefit the teachers from the school school for them to knoa and to be aware of what
the factors that cause students to Drop out of school.

Future Researchers
This refers to the students conducting the study. They will find self-awareness in the study about the
Factors that cause students to dropout of school that was conducting in Nenita Senior High School.

The readers will be conducted some information about the research details that give their knowledge
about the factors affecting among Senior High School students to drop out of school

Statement of the Problem

The researcher seek to answers the following questions:

1. What are the primary reasons behind students deciding to drop out in Nenita National High School?

2. How do external factors such as family background, academic performance, and school- related
issue impact student dropout rates at Nenita National High School?

3. What role does teacher and parent support play in influencing student engagement and the
decision to dropout of Nenita National High School?

Objective of the study

1. Identify the primary reasons behind student's deciding to dropout of Nenita National High School.

2. Examine how external factors such as family background, academic performance, and school
related issues impact student dropout rates at the school.

3. Assess the roles that teacher and parental support play in influencing student engagement and the
decision to dropout of Nenita National High School.
Scope and Limitation of the study

The study may explore a variety of factors that influence dropout rates, such as disinterest or
disengagement, lack of teacher connection, a sense of hopelessness, and an end to any desire to
succeed in school. Other factor could include ethnicity, school factors and social or student factors.
The study could involve students from all grade levels at Nenita National High School who have
dropped out or are at risk of dropping out. The study might employa mixed-methods approach, using
both quantitative (e. g;surveys) and qualitative (e. g., interviews, focus groups) date collection

The study might only include a limited number of students due to resource constraints, which could
affect the generability of the findings. The reasons for dropping out of school can be subjective and
vary greatly among students, which might make it difficult to identify common trends of causes. The
study is specific to Nenita National High School in the Philippines, so the findings might not be
applicable or generalization to other contexts or regions. There might be limitations in accessing
comprehensive data on all students who have dropped out, especially if they are no longer in contact
with the school.
Theoretical Framework
1. Engagement Theory: This theory suggests that students engagement is crucial for preventing

2. Social Control Theory: This theory emphasized the importance of individual feelings of attachment
and belongingness to socialinstitutions, inclluding schools.

3. Tinto's Retention Theory: This theory categorizes dropout factors into academic, sociocultural,
motivational/ attitudinal/behavioral, and financial factors EREC.

4. Family, individual, community and school factors: These factors consider the students personal
circumstances, such as family support, individual academic performance, community influence, and
school environment slideshare.

Thus research often develop hypothesis based on their specific research question and objective.

Ho: Students with low academic performance are more likely to drop out of school compared to
students with higher academic performance

H1: Students who experience a negative school environment characterized by bullying, lack of
support, and Inadequate resources are more likely ti drop out of school.
Definition of Terms

Affect- in this study, this refers to the emotion or desire especially as influencing behavior or action

Drop out- in these study, this terms refers to a person who has abandoned a course of study or who
has rejected conventionally society to pursue an alternative lifestyle

Factors- in this study, this terms refers to circumstance, fact, or influece that contributes to a result or

Effect- in this study, refers to a change that is a result or consequence of one action or other cause.
Rate- in this study, this terms to a measure, quantity, or frequency, typically, one measured against
some other quantity or measure.
Balik Aral

In the study, this refers to the students who goes back to school after a year or more of and divided
to continue his/her studies

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