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CHapter 1-3

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Republic of the Philippines

Region V
Department of Education
Schools Division of Sorsogon
Oras Castilla Sorsogon



Jovette M. Lovenario

Ma. Angela Aringo

Ashley Dilampasig

Andreline Malumbay

Brenda Lerio

Jay Mario Millena

Gie ann Anzano



Background of the Study

The new academic year beginning in April in

universities from Japan are reporting a drop in new and

ongoing student enrolment linked the COVID-19 pandemic’s

impact on family’s economic circumstances and on student

mental health.

The biggest reasons cited by students for dropping out

are financial difficulties as well as debilitating

loneliness given the lack of campus life as their classes

are now online, said Kokubo(year). She is in charge of

student counselling at JAIC, a recruitment organization

advising students and universities. Additional data released

by the ministry of education last month shows more than

1,300 students dropped out of higher education institutions

including universities since last April.

The figures covered public and private universities and

other tertiary institutions from April to December 2020. Top

reasons given by students were their struggle to pay tuition

fees followed by loneliness and lack of motivation while

forced to study online at home. In national university,

wrote that he had decided to leave his studies due to

financial hardship and lack of friends. The lack of support

offered for students in most universities is becoming a key

issue for management against the pandemic backdrop, she said


Students who are or who are perceived to be difficult,

dangerous or detrimental to the success of the school and

are subtly or not so subtly encouraged to withdrawal from

the school, transfer to another school, or are simply

dropped from the rolls if they fail too many courses or miss

too many days of school(____________).

The impact of teenage pregnancy on academic performance

included poor academic performance after the pregnancy,

increase dropout because of pregnancy related issues and

negative feeling on schooling. Pregnancies are a result of

sexual activities either voluntary or not(____________).

Poverty directly affects academic achievement due to

the lack of resources available for student success. Low

achievement is closely correlated with lack of resources,

and numerous studies have documented the correlation between

low socioeconomic status and low achievement. Students who

are bullied cannot concentrate in schools, so their grades

may be a warning sign that a student is being bullied

In addition, lack of self-confidence can cause for

students' lack of motivation which result can cause

education become compulsory and make student show negative

attitude toward learning. Self-esteem also can have a marked

effect on academic performance. Low self-esteem can lessen a

student's desire to learn, her ability to focus, and her

willingness to take risks (____________).

Based from the different situations happened in other

schools and universities the researchers motivated to study

about the reasons of students who dropped out during

pandemic in their locality. The school chosen is Oras

National High School located at Oras, Castilla, Sorsogon.

The researchers aim to know the possible reasons of dropping

out of students during pandemic and if these reasons also

the same with other countries. There were identified reasons

based from the observation of the researchers such as

poverty, financial hardships, working, early pregnancy,

bullying, stress and loneliness lack of confidence and


Even though the study is about the dropping out of

students, the researchers intended to help and enlighten

students to avoid stop schooling or dropping out of whatever

situation they maybe in.


This study aims to know the reasons of students who

dropout in this time of pandemic.

This research shall find answers to the following


1. What is the status of students who dropped out

during pandemic in terms of:

1.1 Annual Income

1.2 Gender

1.3 General Weighted Average of Last School Year


1.4 Address

2. What are the reasons of students who dropped out

during pandemic?

3. What is the present condition of students who

dropped out during pandemic?


This study focused on the common reasons of students

who dropped out for School Year 2020-2021 in Oras National

High School, Castilla, Sorsogon from Grade 9 to 12. The

reasons stated in this study are early pregnancy, academic

difficulties, financial problem, lack of family supports,

lack of interest to study, absence of teacher, lack of

cellular phone, bullying, lack of teacher support, friend’s

influence, house proximity, family conflict, early marriage.

The researchers also intended to know the status of

students before dropping out because these may be causes of

quitting in school. The focused in their status are the

annual income, gender, general weighted grades, and address.

Moreover, their present condition after dropping out are

also identified.

On the other hand, the researchers did not include

Grade 7 to 8 because they could not able to reach out those

students who dropped out. Other reasons aside from the

stated above were not included and other profile of the

respondents. Only School Year 2020-2021 is included since

this was the first term of schooling during pandemic.


The results of this study may be beneficial to the


Students. This study can help students avoid from

dropping out.

Teachers. The process of this study will stimulate

teachers to be more enthusiastic and open-minded in dealing

with the students. This will give ideas on how to give a

guide and support to the students to cope from difficult

situations especially the students who intend to quit on


Parents. This will be enlightened the parents on their

duties to motivate and support their children on their

classes. They may also solicit ideas on how to help students

avoid from dropping out.

Principal. The school may have ideas on how to help

students from their difficulties to lessen the number of

students who may drop out.

Community. If the students become successful on their

study of interest they shall contribute on the community’s

success. This may also lessen the out of school youth or

unemployed lists in the community.

Researchers. The results of this study may serve as

reference of other future researchers.



Dropped out. Dropping out means leaving high school,

college, university or another group for practical reasons,

necessities, inability, or disillusionment with the system

from which the individual in question leaves(____________).

This refers to quitting of the respondents in this study.

Pandemic. ______________________

Status. ______________________

Annual Income. ______________________

Gender. ______________________

General Weighted Grades. ______________________

Address. ______________________

Present Condition. This refers to the condition of the

respondents after dropping out in school.




This chapter presents the review of related literature

and studies which are related to the study entitled the

reasons of students who dropped out during pandemic from

Grade 9 to 12 students in Oras National High School. This

also includes the summation of synthesis of the state-of-

the-art, Gap Bridged by the Study, theoretical framework and

paradigm, and Conceptual Framework and Paradigm.


Absenteeism from school is a serious mental and

physical health concern for many children and adolescents.

Absenteeism or placement in alternative educational

settings, usually for absenteeism, is a key risk factor for

suicide attempt, perilous sexual behavior, teenage

pregnancy, violence, unintentional injury, driving under the

influence of alcohol, and alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and

other substance use (Almeida et al., 2006, Chou et al.,

2006, Denny et al., 2003, Grunbaum et al., 2004, Guttmacher

et al., 2002, Hallfors et al., 2002, Henry and Huizinga,

2007). Chronic absenteeism is often associated as well with

school dropout, an event that leads to immediate

disconnection from school-based health and mental health

programs, economic deprivation, and marital, social, and

psychiatric problems in adulthood (Kogan et al., 2005,

Tramontina et al., 2001, US Census Bureau, 2005).

Absenteeism from school may also result from physical

and psychiatric problems. As discussed later, absenteeism is

intricately linked to myriad medical conditions, especially

asthma. In fact, some have suggested that absenteeism rates

may be a useful barometer of disease outbreaks (Besculides,

Heffernan, Mostashari, & Weiss, 2005). Psychiatric

conditions related to extensive school absences primarily

include anxiety, depressive, and disruptive behavior

disorders. As such, school absenteeism remains an important

public health issue for mental health professionals,

physicians, and educators.

Recently, the education system has faced an

unprecedented health crisis that has shaken up its

foundation. Given today uncertainties, it is vital to gain a

nuanced understanding of students online learning experience

in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although many studies

have investigated this area, limited information is

available regarding the challenges and the specific

strategies that students employ to overcome them (Barrot,

Llenares, and Del Rosario,____). Thus, the researchers

included the status of the respondents so that they may find

the cause of students from dropping out and this may be

because of their difficulties encountered in schooling

during pandemic.

Using a mixed-methods approach, the findings revealed

that the online learning challenges of college students

varied in terms of type and extent. Their greatest challenge

was linked to their learning environment at home, while

their least challenge was technological literacy and

competency. The findings further revealed that the COVID-19

pandemic had the greatest impact on the quality of the

learning experience and students’ mental health. In terms of

strategies employed by students, the most frequently used

were resource management and utilization, help-seeking,

technical aptitude enhancement, time management, and

learning environment control. Implications for classroom

practice, policy-making, and future research are discussed.

According to Cyril Belvis; Available at SSRN 3584415,

2020; The Child education in the time of pandemic: Learning

loss and dropout and the disruptive effects of the COVID-19

pandemic had affected the education sector at an

unprecedented scale. In order to contain the spread of the

virus, a large number of countries across the globe have

shut their schools to handle the pandemic. However, it has

adversely affected students' learning and school attendance.

In this regard, we assess the impact of COVID-19 on the

learning loss, school dropout, and the economic costs in

term of foregone earnings for children in over the world of



Based on the related literature about the students

learning from home experience during Covid 19 pandemic

school closures policy in Indonesia. The students dropping

out because the lack learning resources, not to access

internet and parent ability to support their children

Based on the related literature about impact of

coronavirus pandemic on educations. the reasons of dropping

out of students because of learning, disruptions and

decreased student debts. online educations were hindered by

poor infrastructure including 5network, power,

inaccessibility issues and poor digital skills

Based on the related studies about Learning loss and

dropout and the disruptive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

had affected the education sector at an unprecedented scale.

However, it has adversely affected students' learning and

school attendance. In this regard, we assess the impact of

COVID-19 on the learning loss, school dropout, and the

economic costs in term of foregone earnings for children in

over the world of educations.


This study aims to determine the reasons of student

dropping out during pandemic. All ideas authors gathered us

basis for this study. However, this study is only focused on

the reasons of a student dropping out during pandemic such

as lack of motivation, lack of parental support, pregnancy,

financial problem, bullying, loneliness and stress. This

will be the reasons and causes of dropping out of a student

during pandemic that observe of the different researchers.


Theories and Reasons for High School Dropouts

Academic mediation theory

Research has shown that poor academic achievement is

one of the strongest predictors of high school dropout. This

theory examines the mediation effect of poor academic

achievement on other factors, such as deviant affiliation,

personal deviance, family socialization and structural

strains, associated with school dropout. Essentially, it

looks at how poor academic achievement interacts with and

affects the relationship between high school dropout and

other factors. The model for this theory was shown to

statistically fit at an acceptable degree.

General deviance theory

This theory looks at the relationship between deviant

behavior and dropout. Deviant behavior includes delinquency,

drug use, and early pregnancy. There is a very strong

relationship as general deviance is a strong direct

predictor of dropout beyond the effect mediated by poor

academic achievement.

Deviant affiliation theory

The relationship described in this theory is one

between an individual bonding with antisocial peers and its

effect on dropout rates. Students receive the classification

of antisocial if they are likely to drop out themselves

and/or have low school attachment. If an individual has

antisocial friends, he/she is much more likely to drop out

of school regardless of how well he/she is doing in school.

Poor family socialization theory

The institution of family appears to very formative for

a developing child. As such, this theory examines the

relationship between family background and dropout rates.

The relationship is not particularly strong, pass academic

achievement has much more of an influence than poor family

socialization. Factors of poor family socialization include

low parental expectations and a parent's lack of education.

Structural strains theory

This theory focuses on the relationship between

demographic factors, such as socioeconomic status, gender

and ethnicity, and dropout. Boys are much more likely to

drop out than girls and dropouts are most likely from a

family with a low socioeconomic status. There has been

contention over the influence of ethnicity on dropout rates.

However, it is clear that it does have some influence. Low

socioeconomic status is a significant predictor of dropout

Academic mediation
beyond poor academic achievement. Ethnicity and gender had
academic beyond their influence on academic
achievement on other
factors, such as
deviant affiliation, The
personal deviance, researcher
family socialization ’s theory
and structural strains,
associated with school The same
dropout. reasons of
Poor family students
socializations theory dropping
out during
The relationship pandemic.
between family is not
particularly strong,
poor family

General deviance theory

Relationship between
deviant behavior and
dropout like early
pregnancy, poor
Parental past experience of
dropping out early marriage,
and work.
Parental supports to
daughters and son education
Lack of motivation of family
SCHOOL The reasons of
Lack of friends dropping out
Lack of confidence in during
academic performance pandemic

Lack of motivation


This study aims to know the reason of students dropping

out during pandemic in Oras National High School. This are

the possible causes and reasons of students dropping out in

terms of the Family background (Parental past experience of

dropping out early marriage, and work, Parental supports to

daughters and son education, Lack of motivation of family)

School background (Lack of friends, Lack of confidence in

academic performance, Lack of motivation, Bullying) and

Individual background (pregnancy, and bullying). To this

problem followed by the feedback that can identify the

results of research process if valid or not.




This chapter presents the methods and procedures that

were used by the researchers in conducting the study. It

includes the research methods, respondents, data gathering

procedures and statistical treatment.


This study tackled about the reasons of students

dropping out during pandemic in Oras National High School.

The researchers used data gathering through Interview

Questionnaire with 10 questions, answerable by yes or no and

the data would be analyzed.


The respondents of this study are the students in Oras

National High School both Junior and Senior High School

absenteeism during pandemic.


Primary data were gathered through distribution of

questionnaire to the respondents. The questionnaire includes

questions to determine the reasons of student absenteeism

and how to avoid or lessen students of absenteeism.

The questionnaire had 15 questions using the Likert

Scale to quantify the responses checklist form.


This study conducted from Oras, Miluya, Amomonting,

Libtong, Bogña, Monte Carmelo, Cogon these are all barangays

from Municipality of Castilla. The researchers provide a

letter to the barangay Captain to allow the researchers for

conducting their study on the different barangays. The

researcher’s interview and distributed a questionnaire for

the respondents.


To gather information and data from the respondents the

researcher will conduct where all the respondents answer the

questions made by the researcher with a survey


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