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Research For Edtcl Group Even

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Name of Proponent(s):

Limalyn Dela Cruz

Rosebelle Casuyon

Geraldine Palacios

Karol Joy Laspinas

Jyhanne Villarna

Kimberly Elamparo

Audrey rose Florido

May Orcojoda

Frela Gane Boca

Maeden Trinio

Jetrel Estanel

Jan Erica Rogador

Jolayka Maquiling

John Paul Egca

Jeisler Depala

Karen Mangoso

Jayran Tingson

Aramila Penuela

Gezil Geanga

Campus: Binalbagan Campus


Focused Agenda: To determine the Contributing Factors Causing Absenteeism

among grade five and six of Nabuswang Elementary School.

Absence nowadays cannot be separated from the individual who was called a

This absence of phenomena, it is easy to see even likened it has become a necessity in

the nature of students. So it is not surprising if this habit continues to fall proceeds

among school students as examples of primary, secondary and even at university


the problem still persists. It cannot be denied that every now and then, students may

miss some school activities and lessons. But it becomes a problem if the student will

be away from school for many days. Going to school regularly is crucially important

for a student’s education and social skills. Chronic absentee students are placed at a

disadvantage both socially and academically. They miss out on critical stages of

social interaction and development with their peers and at the same time impacts

negatively on their academic progress. This can result to low self-esteem, social

isolation and dissatisfaction that could well have precipitated non-attendance in the

first place. School absenteeism is an alarming problem for administrators, teachers,

parents and the society in general, as well as for the pupils in particular. Unaccepted

absence has a negative effect on peer relationship which could cause absence.

Absence nowadays cannot be separated from the individual who was called a student.

This absence of phenomena, it is easy to see even likened it has become a necessity in

the nature of students. So it is not surprising if this habit continues to fall proceeds

among school students as examples of primary, secondary and even at university


the problem still persists. It cannot be denied that every now and then, students may

miss some school activities and lessons. But it becomes a problem if the student will
be away from school for many days. Going to school regularly is crucially important

for a student’s education and social skills. Chronic absentee students are placed at a
disadvantage both socially and academically. They miss out on critical stages of

social interaction and development with their peers and at the same time impacts

negatively on their academic progress. This can result to low self-esteem, social

isolation and dissatisfaction that could well have precipitated non-attendance in the

first place. School absenteeism is an alarming problem for administrators, teachers,

parents and the society in general, as well as for the pupils in particular. Unaccepted

absence has a negative effect on peer relationship which could cause absence.

The society also suffers as the children of school age hang around in the streets. They

can be found just gallivanting around. Since they have nothing to do, they resort to

petty crimes like stealing other people’s belongings and properties. Others may resort

to drug addiction and other behavior that is detrimental to society. Thus, if the student

keeps on being away from school for too long, he may grow up to be a liability of his

community and of his country as a whole.It is the aim of every school to lessen, if not

eradicate absenteeism among its students. One way of addressing this problem is to

identify the causes why students become truant from school. Once they are singled

out, understood and analyzed, specific actions and measures can be undertaken. This

will eventually redound to the better performance of the students, teachers and the

school in general.



2. Personal Factor

3.Teacher Related Factor

4.Home Related Factor

5.Absenteeism Level


Today, the study of school attendance/absenteeism comprises many disciplines such

as child development, criminal and juvenile justice, economics, education,
epidemiology, law, leadership, nursing, medicine, political science, program
evaluation, psychiatry, psychology, public and educational policy, school counseling,
social work, and sociology, among others. These approaches can be divided generally
into systemic perspectives that focus on overarching contexts and structural concerns
as well as analytic perspectives that focus on specific contexts and individual
concerns (Kearney, 2021). Together these approaches have produced a rich and vast
repository of knowledge over the past century regarding the conceptualization of
school attendance/absenteeism with respect to domains such as definition,
classification, risk/protection, trajectory, measurement, and intervention. At the same
time, however, the breadth and multifaceted nature of these varied systemic and
analytic approaches has led to myriad avenues of investigation that are not always
well-coordinated or integrated. In addition, geographical and cultural differences in
systems of education, including areas where education does not exist at all, further
complicate the current landscape of school attendance/absenteeism (Porto, 2020)

Absenteeism in school is the habit of staying away from school without providing a
genuine or any reason for not attending classes. It is a truant behaviour that negatively
affects the performance among students. Absenteeism, according to Merriam-Webster
dictionary means chronic absence. In the context of the school it is the habitual or
intentional failure from going to school. It cannot be denied that every now and
then,students may miss some school activities and lessons. But it becomes a problem
if the student will be away from school for many days.going to school regularly is
crucially important for a student!s education and social s"ills. #chronic absentee
students are placed at a disadvantage both socially and academically. $hey miss out
on critical stages of social interaction and development with their peers and at the
same time impacts negatively on their academic progress. $his can result to low self-
esteem, social isolation and dissatisfaction that could well have precipitated non-
attendance in the first place.%school absenteeism is an alarming problem for
administrators, teachers, parents and the society in general, as well as for the pupils in
particular. &unaccepted absence has a negative effect on peer relationship which
could cause absence. According to some researchers, teachers identified effects of
absenteeism on children as' academic under-achievement, difficulty in ma"ing friends
which could lead to boredom, loss of confidence. Also, prolonged absence can have
deleterious effects for the child in later life. %students who are absent from school are
at the greatest risk" of dropping out of school early.

Today, the study of school attendance/absenteeism comprises many disciplines such

as child development, criminal and juvenile justice, economics, education,
epidemiology, law, leadership, nursing, medicine, political science, program
evaluation, psychiatry, psychology, public and educational policy, school counseling,
social work, and sociology, among others. These approaches can be divided generally
into systemic perspectives that focus on overarching contexts and structural concerns
as well as analytic perspectives that focus on specific contexts and individual
concerns (Kearney, 2021). Together these approaches have produced a rich and vast
repository of knowledge over the past century regarding the conceptualization of
school attendance/absenteeism with respect to domains such as definition,
classification, risk/protection, trajectory, measurement, and intervention. At the same
time, however, the breadth and multifaceted nature of these varied systemic and
analytic approaches has led to myriad avenues of investigation that are not always
well-coordinated or integrated. In addition, geographical and cultural differences in
systems of education, including areas where education does not exist at all, further
complicate the current landscape of school attendance/absenteeism (Porto, 2020).
On top of all of this are relatively recent revolutionary and fundamental changes in
human communication and interaction that are spurred in part by climate change,
demands for equity and social justice, demographic and migration shifts,
globalization, health crises, political movements, and technological advancements
(Krishnamurthy et al., 2019; Mao et al., 2019; Cleveland-Innes, 2020; Rapanta et al.,
2021). As such, the very nature of educating children is being radically altered and
will continue to evolve (or devolve) quickly over the next decades. The challenge
before us in the next century is thus not only to assimilate the different
systemic/analytic and geographic/cultural approaches to school
attendance/absenteeism but also to meld this assimilation process with rapidly
changing undercurrents of essential human functioning.

Statement of the Problem:

Research Questions

Purpose of this study is made to find out the factors that influence student

absences to class. As well, this study helps the school of Nabuswang Elementary

School, overcome absenteeism among grade five and six pupils. In addition, we also

take the responsibility of in given awareness to each student on the future impact on

the attitude of those who prefer not to attend the class and take easily for this kind of


Specifically, the researchers would like to answer the following research


1.What is the Socio - demographic in terms of:

a. Sex

b.Grade Level

2.What is absenteeism Level of pupil?

3.What are the causes of absenteeism among pupils?

a.Personal Factor

b.Teacher Related Factor

c.Home Related Factor

Research Design:
This paper described the topic in descriptive form; all the details were discussed all
over the paper with given supportive details and citation to make the information

Descriptive research is concerned with the description of data and characteristics

about a population. The goal is the acquisition of factual,accurate,and systematic data
that can be used in averages ,frequencies,and similar statistical calculations. It is more
concerned with naturally occurring phenomena than with the observation of
controlled situations (Valdez 2009). In using descriptive research ,the researcher is
concerned with finding out the “what is” (Balneves and Caputi ,2001). Salaria 2012
noted that descriptive research is devoted to the gathering of information about
prevailing conditions or situations for the purpose of description and interpretation.
The main idea behind using this type of research is to better define an opinion,attitude
,or a behaviour held by a group of people in a given subject.

Participants and Sampling Techniques

Fifteen grade five and fifteen grade six were asked to complete a questionnaire.
They rated various situations, reasons, and causes for being absent from school. All
the data was then organized, tallied, tabulated, and presented in a series of tables and
graphs. Frequency counts, percentage weight values and weighted mean were used in
the analysis and interpretation of data.

This study used the purposive sampling ,it is a form non-probably sampling in which
researchers rely on their own judgement when choosing members of the population to
participate in their study. The researchers purposely choose the selected pupils of
Grade 5 and 6 student of Nabuswang Elementary School.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers first establish the validity and reliability of research instrument by
asking help from validators who are also seasoned researchers both in quantitative and
qualitative research.Afterwards,the researchers asked permission form the school
Principal of Nabuswang Elementary School to conduct a survey,In addition to a
consent form,a letter was sent to the school principal for the approval of the said
The researchers schedule a survey at a date and time which was convenient for
them.Before conducting the survey,the researchers asked permission from the student
and explains to the respondents the importance of their response to the study by
giving per numbered question.The researcher provides 1 question for absenteeism
level and 20 questions for causes absenteeism and rate using Likert scale with
following equivalent:(1) NEVER (2) RARELY (3) SOMETIMES (4) VERY OFTEN
(5) ALWAYS.After the respondents answer the questionnaire,the researcher collected
and tallied the data for interpretation.
Statistical Treatment:
The statistical treatment that will be used in this study is Descriptive statistics.
Descriptive statistics summarize or quantitatively describe variables from a dateset
(Sarka, 2021). Descriptive statistics are designed to give you information about the
distributons of your variables(George Mallery, 2018). Using the standard deviation
the researchers can assess the dataset’s average amount of variability. Standard
deviation is a degree of dispersion relative to the mean (Cue Math, 2022).

Responses to the questionnaire by Grade 5 and 6 students were statistically analyzed

with data the requirements of the study. Students were statistically analyzed with the
data requirements of the study. Descriptive statistics such a frequency count, mean,
percent and rank are considered.


The survey was done utilizing the survey questions and the result was tallied and will
be scrutinized accordingly. The complexity of the Survey Sheet was intentionally
prepared to extract valid and trustworthy answers from the subject population. The
explicit outcome of the answers will be categorized in factors that affect their
punctuality values in attending to their classes or other learning related activities.
This will be classified as Personal factors, Teacher Related Factors and Home
Related Factors and further be classified according to the details of each factor. The
presentation will be done according to the intention of the researcher to shed light on
this tricky rationalization.

Table 1
Frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents in terms of grade level and
Grouping Variables f %
Grade level
5 15 50.00
6 15 50.00
Male 15 50.00
Female 15 50.00
The table shows that there were fifteen (15) participants from grade 5,which comprises
fifty percent (50%) of the participants,there were fifteen (15) participants from grade
6,which comprises the (50%) of the participants.
In addition,there were (7) female and (8) male in grade five ,and there is (9)femaleand
(6)male in grade six.Overall there were total of thirty participants (30) which comprises one
hundred percent (100%).

Table 2
The Level of absenteeism among students of Nabuswang Elementary School (N = 25).
Variables Mean SD VI
0-2 days 1.79 0.522 often
3-5 days 2.05 1.085 Very often
6-10 days 1.84 0.78 often
As a whole 1.89 0.62 often

Note. 4.50 – 5.00 (Always); 3.50 – 4.49 (Rarely); 2.50 – 3.49 (Sometimes);
1.50 – 2.4 (Very often); 1.00 – 1.49 (Never)
The "Very often" classification across all categories indicates a consistent and high
occurrence of the measured variable. Further clarification on the nature of the variable is
needed for a more in-depth interpretation.The higher standard deviation in the "3-5 days"
category suggests more variability in responses compared to the other categories.

Table 3
Factors causing absenteeism among students of Nabuswang Elementary School.
Factors causing Absenteeism Mean SD VI
Personal Factor
1. The weather is rainy. 2.68 1.52 Rarely
2. My school is far from home. 2.08 1.41 Very often
3. Nobody accompanies me in going to school. 2.08 1.53 Very often
4. I don’t like going to school. 1.92 1.63 Very often
5. I didn’t study/make my assignment. 1.04 0.20 Never
6. I woke up late. 1.64 1.19 Very often
7. I’m addicted in playing online games. 1.08 0.40 Never

Home Related factor

1. We have a family problem. 1.00 0.00 Never
2. I don’t have money to buy snacks and lunch. 2.00 1.61 Very often
3. I have to help my family in household chores. 1.92 1.41 Very often
4. My parents do not care about going to school or not. 1.84 1.52 Very often
5. I help my parents to their work. 2.68 1.70 Sometimes
6. I take good care of my siblings. 2.88 1.83 Sometimes

Teacher Related factor

1. The teacher is very strict. 2.08 1.53 Very often
2. My teacher scolded me. 2.08 1.53 Very often
3. I don’t like my teacher. 1.56 1.19 Very often
4. The teacher is boring. 2.00 1.63 Very often
5. The teacher has favoritism. 1.48 1.19 Very often
Note. 4.50 – 5.00 (Always); 3.50 – 4.49 (Rarely); 2.50 – 3.49 (Sometimes); 1.50 – 2.4 (Very often);
1.00 – 1.49 (Never)

The higher mean which is the weather is rainy suggests that, on average, respondents
occasionally consider rainy weather as a reason for absenteeism. The standard
deviation indicates variability in responses, implying that while some find it rarely a
reason, others might perceive it more frequently.The mean of 2.08 indicates that, on
average, respondents frequently consider the distance to school as a reason for
absenteeism. The higher standard deviation implies variability in individual
perceptions.Similar to the distance factor, the mean of 2.08 suggests that the lack of
accompaniment is frequently considered a reason for absenteeism. The higher
standard deviation indicates varied individual perspectives.The mean of 1.92 suggests
that, on average, respondents frequently consider disliking school as a reason for
absenteeism. The high standard deviation implies varied perceptions.The low mean of
1.04 indicates that respondents rarely or never consider incomplete assignments as a
reason for absenteeism. The very low standard deviation suggests a high level of
agreement among respondents.The mean of 1.64 suggests that, on average,
respondents frequently consider waking up late as a reason for absenteeism. The
higher standard deviation implies variability in individual perceptions.he low mean of
1.08 suggests that respondents rarely or never consider online gaming addiction as a
reason for absenteeism. The very low standard deviation indicates a high level of
agreement among respondents.

The mean of 1.00 indicates that, on average, respondents never consider family
problems as a reason for absenteeism. The absence of variability (SD: 0.00) suggests
a unanimous agreement among respondents on this matter.The mean of 1.00 indicates
that, on average, respondents never consider family problems as a reason for
absenteeism. The absence of variability (SD: 0.00) suggests a unanimous agreement
among respondents on this matter.The mean of 1.92 suggests that, on average,
respondents frequently consider helping their family with household chores as a
reason for absenteeism. The higher standard deviation indicates variability in
individual perceptions.The mean of 1.84 suggests that, on average, respondents
frequently consider their parents' lack of concern about attending school as a reason
for absenteeism. The higher standard deviation implies varied individual
perceptions.The mean of 2.68 suggests that, on average, respondents sometimes
consider helping their parents with work as a reason for absenteeism. The higher
standard deviation indicates variability in individual perceptions .The mean of 2.88
suggests that, on average, respondents sometimes consider taking care of their
siblings as a reason for absenteeism. The higher standard deviation indicates
variability in individual perceptions.


The mean of 2.08 suggests that, on average, respondents frequently perceive their
teacher as very strict. The higher standard deviation indicates variability in individual
perceptions.Similar to strictness, the mean of 2.08 suggests that, on average,
respondents frequently experience their teacher scolding them. The higher standard
deviation implies varied perceptions among individuals.The mean of 1.56 suggests
that, on average, respondents frequently do not like their teacher. The higher standard
deviation indicates variability in individual feelings toward the teacher.he mean of
2.00 suggests that, on average, respondents frequently find their teacher boring. The
higher standard deviation implies varied perceptions among individuals.The mean of
1.48 suggests that, on average, respondents frequently perceive their teacher as having
favoritism. The higher standard deviation indicates variability in individual

Conclusion and Recommendation

Among all the causes presented, home related factor is the primary reason why

pupils are absent from their classes. “I take good care of my siblings” to be absent is

the leading culprit in this category.

Teacher Related Factor, health factor a reasons follow in that order.

Of all the factors/categories cited, the top 10 reasons of student absenteeism are as :

* I take good care of my siblings.

*I help my parents to their work.

*The weather is rainy.

* My school is far from home.

* Nobody accompanies me in going to school.

*The teacher is very strict.

*My teacher scolded me.

*I don’t have money to buy snacks and lunch.

*The teacher is boring.

* I don’t like going to school.

* My parents do not care about going to school or not.

*I woke up late.

*I don’t like my teacher.

*The teacher has favoritism.

*I’m addicted in playing online games

* I didn’t study/make my assignment.

In order to limit or eliminate absenteeism, it is recommended that educators: Inform

parents about the benefit of keeping their children in school. Emphasize to them

that if they keep on asking their children to be absent, this will set a bad example to

the child. If the parents themselves are keeping the child away from school, they must

believe that household concerns are more important than their education. Emphasize

that academic success is very much dependent on student attitude towards

school. Motivate them so they will be looking forward to attending their classes

regularly. For those who wake up late, encourage them to get an alarm clock. Do not

scold the pupils who come late. Give them a time-table to change their sleeping habits

and to study before bed instead of watching TV or playing computer games. Ensure

that classroom atmosphere is conducive to learning. Noise-reduction among

students should be a priority. Older children, like grade five and six students, tend to

have louder voices so they should be taught how to speak softly and without needing

to shout. The key here is discipline. The teacher must also see to it that the students

are comfortable and have no other concerns except the lesson at hand. There should

be a lively interaction between the teacher and the students, but the teacher should see

to it that noise is modulated so as not to distract pupils from their learning. Refrain

from scolding misbehaving pupils. As much as possible, remind them of their

wrong doing in a most diplomatic manner. Self-control should be a virtue which the

teacher should practice in the course of her teaching everyday of the school week.





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