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Montemayors Group Final Thesis

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Chapter 1



Absenteeism in school is the habit of staying away from school without providing a

genuine or any specific reason for not attending classes and it is a truant behavior that

negatively affects the performance among students. Student absenteeism is a major concern

among high school students because they were absent with no specific reasons written on

their admission slips for further consideration by the office of the prefect of discipline.

Absenteeism is caused by many factors such as phobic adolescence - a stage in the

growth of a teen wherein a lot of fear developed; lack of interest - wherein students could

be lacking interest in the study; teacher approach - wherein the approach used by teachers

may not be understood by the student that could lead them to lose interest in school,

pamperness from the family - wherein students who get excessive pocket money from their

families are most likely to absent themselves from school since they need time to spend the

money, and the school infrastructural facilities - wherein lack of sports facilities and the

like could lead the students to be absent.

Many studies which show the effects of absenteeism on the academic performance

of the students like poor academic progress - wherein excessive absenteeism by students

may result in poor academic achievement because students are not receiving instruction on

a consecutive basis and this problem also causes low standardized test scores because

absent students are not present to learn key concepts and skills that are assessed on

standardized exams, and future problems - wherein excessive absenteeism increases the

chances of a student eventually dropping out of school and dropouts who lack of education

and resources are more likely to commit criminal activity leading to incarceration.

For these reasons, the researchers being students themselves want to assess the

reasons why students sort to absenteeism and it will evaluate how it affects the

academic performances of the selected subjects of each year level. Based on the result of

the present study, the researchers will formulate an action plan on how to manage the

problem of absenteeism in the school.

Significance of the Study

This section discussed the significance of the study to the following:

Students. They will fully understand the negative effects of absenteeism into their studies

and they will be provided with insights on how to prevent it from occurring again and


Teachers. They will be provided with information why their students engage in

absenteeism. Out of that information they will be guided on how to handle their

absenteeism students so that they will eventually do away with it in the future.

Parents.They will be given insights on how to help and guide their children who are

affected by absenteeism.

School Administrators.They will formulate an absenteeism management program for the

affected students.

Future Researchers.This study will serve as their reference for further research study.

Theoretical Framework

According to Bruner, Discher and Chang (2011), absenteeism becomes chronic if

the certain student is missing 10 percent or more of the allotted school days. Some calls it

as truancy. Truancy is the action of going somewhere instead of going to school and

wherein the student is absent without a good reason. Results of studies show that this thing

keeps on happening because of lack of motivation.

This study is anchored to (DepEd Order No.44, s. 2005) in order to create ways on

how to reduce and keep the students on absenting from school. In DepEd Order No.44;

teachers shall exercise substitute parental authority in relation to their students. This is

where motivation comes in because motivation is one key term for a students success

because they always need a sense of achievement to keep them going and this is when the

parents come in, the ones who will support their children and tell them that education is

important that needs to be prioritize, and the ones who can rely on their childrens problem

and this can be of great helped to reduce the causes and effects of students absenteeism.

Researchers have suggested predictive factors of student absenteeism.

Physical factor is the abiotic environment that influences the growth and

development of a student. Health factor, associated with unhealthy lifestyle and physical-ill

health of a student. While social factor may include the family problems of a student and

personal attitude is the student attitudes towards absence.


Conceptual Framework


Profile of the Respondents

* age
* gender Students
* grade/level Academic
* economic status Performance
based on
Factors Affecting Absenteeism Grade
* physical Point Average
* health
* social
* personal attitude

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1 presents the paradigm of the study. The first frame located on the left side

is the independent variables of the study which includes the profile of the respondents in

terms of gender, age, level, and economic status, and the factors affecting absenteeism

namely physical, social, emotional and mental. While the second frame on the right side is

the dependent variable which is the academic performance of the students based on the

Grade Point Average from their averages in the first and second quarters respectively.

The present study checked if the factors affecting absenteeism really affects the

academic performance of the students engaged in frequent absenteeism last school year

2014-2015 and are presently enrolled in Sto. Nio Catholic School for school year 2015


Statement of the problem

The thrust of this study was to investigate the effects of absenteeism on the

academic performance of the students frequently engaging themselves in absenteeism last

school year 2014 2015 of the junior high school students of Sto. Nio Catholic School

enrolled this Academic Year 2015 2016.

Specifically, the study will seek to answer to the following questions:

1) What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. age;

1.2. gender;

1.3. grade level; and

1.4. economic status?

2) What are the factors affecting students absenteeism in terms of:

2.1. physical factor;

2.2. health factor;

2.3. social factor; and

2.4. personal attitude?

3) Which among the factors is the most prevalent to the respondents?

4) What is the academic performance of the respondents?


5) Is there a significant effect of absenteeism on the academic performance of

the respondents?

6) What management intervention may be formulated based on the findings of

the study?

Hypothesis of the Study

(H 0) :Absenteeism does not significantly affect the academic performance of the


Definition of Terms

The following terms and variables are defined conceptually and operationally to

better understand this study:

Academic Performance.It is the outcome of education, the extent to which a

student has achieved their educational goals.

Chronic Absenteeism.Students who miss 10 percent of a school days prescribed by

Department of Education for any non-valid reasons.

Drop out. Students who abandon a course of study for any reason without

informing the schools management.

Health factor.A factor which states the persons health concerns.

Hindrance.It is an obstruction to something.In this study, it is about the obstruction

that the respondents that hinders them to avoid absenteeism.


Personal attitude.The behavior of a person on how they react.

Physical factor.A factor in the abiotic environment that influences the growth and

development of a student.

Social factor.The things that affect lifestyle, such as religion, family or wealth.

Scope and the Delimitation of the study

This study aims to determine the effects of the students absenteeism to their

academic performance. It will be conducted in Sto. Nino Catholic School, Signal Village,

Taguig City within the academic year 2015-2016. The respondents of this study will be the

students engaged in frequent absenteeism last school year 2014-2015 from Grades 6 to 9 of

Sto. Nio Catholic School that were presently enrolled this school year 2015 2016 in

grades 7 to 10 respectively.

The researchers of this study formulated a questionnaire needed for the supposed

evaluation. This study contains information and data from the survey questionnaire

accomplished by the respondents.

The researchers sought the help of the prefect of students in getting the exact record

at the office, of those students who are always absent from classes through the monitoring

sheet. The researchers got the academic grade of the respondents. The academic grades

were based from the first quarter and second quarter averages of the respondents. The

grades were being divided into two to get the general average. This will be manifested as

their Grade Point Average (GPA).


Chapter 2


This chapter shows the different studies about Absenteeism taken from various

sources. This also presents survey of related literature and writings of recognized experts,

both of which have significant bearing or relation to the problem under investigation. This

chapter will help the readers and future researchers to fully understand the concepts of


Review of Related Literature

Every various reasons on absenteeism have its own valid reason and almost each of

us have something to say in many things but to focus on absenteeism. Creating stories,

documentation and articles about education may be difficult for an ordinary person on

research. Absences can lead to failure to learn a certain topic which is why avoiding it can

get you great grades which can also lead to being successful in the academic path to your

future as it goes harder. Consecutive absences can easily magnet your performance from

great to bad or having absents more than an average student can get per month can be a

huge deal. One low grade pupil having chronic absences can be a disaster for its

performance. One student can comply with the requirements for a good academic

performance in school but they almost can get no absences from which the student can be a

great performer in class.

Sanchez (2012) said that absenteeism is a failure to report on a day can lead to

major consequences a school can get. One of the huge problems every school is facing and

fighting the absenteeism and the number of absentee pupils and students. It can lead to

academic failure and poor performance and participation rate of a student should contribute

and also can lead to a drop-out situation in some cases. This issue continuously been

running in the part of education and teaching through the years passed by. It is a very

difficult task to compromise the certain problem and let it vanish. Every school contains

rules and consequences to respond to the growth of this problem. Prevention to the problem

can be very essential to lower the rate of absenteeism. Though truancy and chronic

absenteeism are hard to prevent theres still some practices for the students to increase the

percentage rate of the prevention for the problem. Though there are many programs have

been made especially for the truancy and chronic absenteeism some school still cant make

it because of lack of shared definitions of truancy and chronic absenteeism and it is also

quite important having a partner to accommodate you.

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 10

Chronic absenteeism is defined as failing to report at least 10 percent or more in a

school year. Chronic absenteeism is more often in intermediate level and also to the high

school level. Surprisingly it was also relevant to elementary level and also pre-school level.

One in 10 kindergarten and first grade students miss the total month of school. In the

intermediate level commonly in this level the consequences starts due to absence of the

pupil. One of the important things about chronic absenteeism is that administrators should

be concern to it before it becomes an issue in the specific school. One of a good way to

counter the effect of the chronic absenteeism is that they should communicate with their

own students and making them feels that having an attendance each day is important to

them in their everyday life as a student. Other is that there should be more after-school

programs of the school which could help them realize and want to attend the school while

thrill and not just boring another day of school and stress. Another is Create a new

attendance goal for the student to set their mindset to find more ways to come to school.

And for the lower grade pupils they can talk to the parent on why these certain pupils

having this amount of absences in a month or in the whole school year. Attendance is a

critical aspect of the student and the school to the journey to the success in life as stated by

Obrien (2013).
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Wiseman (n.d.) asserts that the increasing rate of absents was not a disadvantage for

the central Texas schools. They used it to improve the learning experience of the students

through home works. In Texas almost 2.4 million absences are counted in each year and it

is higher than the average absents that a student could have. The rate seems to be increasing

as the level goes higher to another grade level. Some researchers have asked the student

why they miss their school more than average. The result was majority of them were

because of some acute illnesses or the common sickness the students were actually facing.

Second to the majority is the skipping of class which is clearly a violation for any school

because they strictly discourage students to skip school due to their own reasons. Third was

Chronic illnesses which is a valid reason where a student have this kind of illness that is

long term and months long diseases that just doesnt simply go away or vanish and cannot

be countered by vaccines neither cure the disease. Fourth was family emergency like one of

the relatives died and nobody would simply ignore a funeral especially when the certain

member of the family tree is quite important to you and close to you or one of the member

of the family is facing a life or death situation for they also need moral support to carry out

the pain and survive especially when this relative is far from home where the trip was

almost a day long and could take most of the time there. Another reason is the routine

dental appointment which is some quite important for people who are obsess with their

overall health as a person. Another is suspension by the guidance counselor or the person in

charge of the students disciplinary actions. And last goes the family responsibility which is

quite very seldom to actually go absent for it.

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DepEd (2005) stated that teachers shall exercise substitute parental authority in

relation to their students. This is where motivation comes in because motivation is one key

term for a students success because they always need a sense of achievement to keep them

going and this is when the parents come in, the ones who will support their children and tell

them that education is important that needs to be prioritize, and the ones who can rely on

their childrens problem and this can be of great helped to reduce the causes and effects of

students absenteeism. Researchers have suggested predictive factors of student



Although the effects of aerobic physical activity (APA) on childrens physical health

is well characterized, the effect of aerobic physical activity on cognition, academic

achievement, and psychosocial function has not yet been established. This systematic

review provides an overview of research elucidating the relationship between aerobic

physical activity and childrens cognition, academic achievement, and psychosocial

function. APA is positively associated with cognition, academic achievement, behavior, and

psychosocial functioning outcomes. More rigorous trials with adequate sample sizes

assessing the impact of APA on childrens cognitive abilities, psychosocial functioning,

behavior, and academic achievement are needed, with standardized interventions, valid and
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 13

reliable tools of measurement, and long-term follow-up for sustained cognitive and

psychosocial outcomes. Stated by Caitlin Lee (2013)


According to Doe (2014) obesity, chronic illness, and chronic pain all appear to

significantly predict higher levels of student absenteeism. They concluded that obesity was

thus a significant predictor of student absenteeism after adjusting for the student's age, race

or ethnicity, and gender. They also found that students who had a higher than normal Body-

Mass-Index (BMI) were more likely to miss school than students whose BMI was within

normal range.

Personal Attitude

Not surprisingly, students are more likely to attend classes they find interesting. At

first glance, this may appear to be beyond the professors control, but at least one student

would disagree: "What matters most for me is how much I like the class. Sometimes a class

is good because it is simply an interesting topic. However, an otherwise boring subject can

become an interesting class if the lecturer is able to present the course material in such a

clear and cogent manner that students cannot help finding it interesting. Generally I have

found that if a lecturer genuinely finds the material he/she is teaching interesting, and

he/she is able to connect with students through lectures (present material in a way that
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 14

makes sense), then he/she doesnt have trouble making the material interesting for

students." Said by Tom Clay and Lori Breslow (2006).


According to Ingul (2013) the risk for problematic school absenteeism increases as

the number of risk factors aggregate and that treatment for anxious school refusal should be

based on a profile of the individual's risk factors. Anxious school attenders were less

affected by negative personality traits, total number of risk factors, social anxiety, panic,

and behavioral and family problems. They also displayed greater resilience.

Review of Related Studies

Anthworth (2008) asserts that chronic absenteeism has a large number of events

occurring all around the world. It contains all of the lost opportunities, lost experience for a

day or more which is important to keep up for a student for his/her continuously exceeding

towards their excellence in their academic performance and their participation and to be

socially aware for the incoming events for the school or for the nation. It is also important

to be always updated for the things happening around the student. Most of the people

having this chronic absenteeism are the students whom are suspended by the schools

admins due to legitimate specific activities that have been reported. Researchers studied
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and tried to know and discover this characteristics that the students with have chronic

absenteeism. Some studies shows that the enrollment for the school and the events which

have the school can cause a student to have the chronic absenteeism which is a negative

effect for the student. This kind of discipline can change the student but it also has its own

side effect depending on what type of student they are facing. School admins attempts to

counter this chronic absenteeism by their programs in the school for them to participate, by

their rules to follow and of course consequence for those whom do not follow the rules of

the school. Researchers still kept finding these various specifications for the students. For

this research they encourage teachers to be persistent for the students to be obedience to the

following rules they have. And also for the students to help themselves to participate more

and learn more for their future and for the following higher education coming to them for

they will not regret this happenings in their life while theres still time for them to change

for the better good for themselves.

Welsh Government states that in 2014/15, 6.2 per cent of half-day school sessions

were missed due to overall absence and 1.3 per cent of half-day school sessions were

missed due to unauthorized absence from maintained secondary, special and independent

schools. In general, overall absence has been falling since 2005/06. In 2014/15, overall

absenteeism continued to fall, dropping by 0.2 percentage points since the previous year.

Although unauthorized absenteeism did not change between 2012/13 and 2014/15, if you
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 16

compare it with 2007/08, over seven years it has decreased by 0.5 percentage points. , The

percentage of persistent absentees in maintained secondary schools has decreased every

year since 2007/08. It is now less than half what it were seven years ago, showing a drop of

5.5 percentage points from 10.0 per cent in 2007/08 to 4.5 percent in 2014/15. Truly that

one absent isnt really a big deal, but what if it is done rapidly it can cause too much which

makes it a huge deal for the students to double their presence on the school otherwise the

school will have to take action for the mislead of the students because it is their

responsibility to keep the student in the right track/path that they should really be in. Of

course some days of absence cant be avoided because of maybe the programs of the school

which you have to be absent on the regular school day to comply with the certain absence

but the student should know and its their responsibility too to avoid being absent to lessen

the effects to their academic performance. And to avoid further concern of the authorized

persons to the events and could lead to change of their plan for the whole year.

Ambalan (2014) said that truly it is that every school day counts for a student which

is trying hard to push through his/her studies. One does not simply reason out something

for which you love do cause if you really love something youd fight for it. Now in this

case its all about studies, studies, studies. One absence to a school day sometimes can

mean a lot for both students and teaches just like what teachers say for the young pupils

time is gold. Truly time is gold because once you have done one thing theres no going

backwards time continuously moving on to another stage and to another level which why
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you should enjoy every day of your life for the life is just really short and one , just one

long term mistake can lead to your lifetime regrets. Which is why you should really

criticize every decision you make from the time you wake up to the time to your sleep. One

absence of the student can lead to loosing his/her chance to do something in class or chance

to learn something that he could never ever regret which is having new knowledge to

himself. Trauma is defined as the deeply distressing or disturbing experience. Now from

this everybody has a chance to encounter a traumatic event which is just depending on how

lucky your day was. Now for a child or for the children it could lead to a major effect on

the child because they can just barely handle such events for they are not mature enough,

even other mature people some of them can greatly affect their mindset , their hobbies ,

their everyday life just because of that rooted event which is the traumatic event . Now for

a student this type of event can majorly affect his academic performances and could lead to

the failure for the children which are a major concern for the authorities. And some other

students even just quit school because of the certain event this just explained why students

around the campus or quadrangle of the school is very sensitive. Students that could move

on still needs a lot of time spent just to move on. Of course that just doesnt end in a day or

two it needs some peaceful time at the house comforted by his/her parents and that include

a lot of absences in the school which we went to.

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Samples (n. d.) studies the Administrators at Hallandale high school are stumped.

The school`s absenteeism rate is one of the highest in Broward Country, principal Donald

Cifra said, and a strict attendance policy tested in the district last year did not discourage

students from skipping. Time for a new approach was stated by Sharon Gibson, program

director for the Winner`s Circle, a drop-out prevention project. She said that "We figured,

`We haven`t been able to do anything substantial about it, so maybe the kids can come up

with something". Further, Cifra states that the students cannot just easily be disciplined in

just a short amount of time it needs to be at the time of the students to start mature they

should be disciplined. It is also hard for an administrator to think for the programs or

anything that could lessen the amount rate of absenteeism of the certain schools students.

Additional is that students will have to adjust some more just to comply with the certain

required corresponding action regarding or related to absenteeism to lessen the rate of

absenteeism. It is also partially connected to the performance of the students specially if the

absenteeism rate is way too high from the number of students and the kind of students that

took more than average absents are irresponsible or the one whom does not care of the

lesson they missed and thats why one of the problems of the administrators of the school is

the absenteeism.

Gorman (2015) concludes that poor attendance can account for up to a quarter of the

math achievement gap between poor and non-poor students. He compared the

performances of the students on specific schools to test them and he found that a one-day

increase in absence in a given grade in a given school decreases math score by 0.02
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 19

standard deviations. He also states that in Massachusetts, individual attendance varies by

demographic group and grade but not by gender. Poor students are absent an average of

10.1 days a year, non-poor students just 6.9 days. Just 2% of non-poor students have more

than 30 absences. More than 6 percent of poor students do. By 9th grade, the average black

student is absent more than 14 days per year, the average Hispanic student is absent more

than 12 days per year, the average white student is absent almost 9 days per year and the

average Asian student is absent almost 7 days per year. He also concludes that teachers deal

well with coordinated disruptions of instructional time but poorly with disruptions that

affect different students at different times. The negative effect that absences have on

achievement suggests that lengthening the school day or year will not necessarily have the

desired effect of raising student performance, but that policies to improve attendance might

help. The economic status of the students also contribute to the effect of their absences and

can either motivate them to study hard and be diligent to come to school daily as part of

their life 5 times a week or to some schools that have 6 times a week but half day.

Murcia (2014) states that students around the world found difficulty to maintain the

perfect attendance especially in the times of sickness. But having that perfect attendance is

a very good achievement for a student of any grade because all people are vulnerable to

sickness especially to germs and viruses which are very common among these days. Also
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 20

depending on the season because one of the other sources of sickness is affected by the

seasons like rain fall that is contagious and can infect their other classmates. Other is that

cold then hot temperature and hot then cold again and repeat. The author further states that

absenteeism among my students is one of the problems which I would like to minimize, if

not eradicate completely. That is why I conducted an action research to understand them


Synthesis of Related Studies

Attendance per school year have a huge role in forming the student and practicing the

student to be more diligent and to excel in school and perform to improve the students

sensitivity to the things around. Chronic absenteeism slowly destroys the students

performance from being well going worse. From these different studies and literature it is

more likely to have chronic absenteeism for the student if the student is sick and have low

defense mechanism to the common diseases. In conclusion health is also an important

factor when it comes to academic performance. Students also commit absenteeism when

the student has been punished by the person in authority to discipline the student. The issue

absenteeism can easily plague to the school and authorities should be concern as fast as

possible. Absenteeism is one of the major issues in terms of academic performances of the

students all around the world. Absenteeism can largely affect the academic performance of
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 21

once student in plenty of ways. There is indeed many ways to commit absenteeism and it

has plagued through different countries. One of the reason why the sources were not

focused on one country and almost countries that are not related to each other. One issue of

absenteeism can easily drag the performance of the student down by the time lapse.

Authorities made specific consequences for this type of issue and sometimes can lead to

drop out of a student. The improvement for the lower rate of absenteeism depends on the

strategies of the school councils.

Literatures related to the study were written by Anthworth wherein he asserts that

chronic absenteeism has a large number of events occurring all around the world. It

contains all of the lost opportunities, lost experience for a day or more which is important

to keep up for a student for his/her continuously exceeding towards their excellence in their

academic performance and their participation and to be socially aware for the incoming

events for the school or for the nation. Sanchez (2012) said that absenteeism is a failure to

report on a day can lead to major consequences a school can get. One of the huge problems

every school is facing and fighting the absenteeism and the number of absentee pupils and

students. It can lead to academic failure and poor performance and participation rate of a

student should contribute and also can lead to a drop-out situation in some cases. While

Obrein cites that chronic absenteeism is defined as failing to report at least 10 percent or

more in a school year. Chronic absenteeism is more often in intermediate level and also to

the high school level.

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 22

With regards to health factor Doe shared that obesity, chronic illness, and chronic

pain all appear to significantly predict higher levels of student absenteeism. For social

factor, Ingul said the risk for problematic school absenteeism increases as the number of

risk factors aggregate and that treatment for anxious school refusal should be based on a

profile of the individual's risk factors. Regarding students attitude, the work of Breslow

states that Not surprisingly, students are more likely to attend classes they find interesting.

At first glance, this may appear to be beyond the professors control, but at least one

student would disagree. Ambalans study revealed that truly it is that every school day

counts for a student which is trying hard to push through his/her studies. Gorman (2015)

concludes that poor attendance can account for up to a quarter of the math achievement gap

between poor and non-poor students. Murcia (2014) states that students around the world

found difficulty to maintain the perfect attendance especially in the times of sickness.
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 23

Chapter 3


This chapter represents the proceduresused in the study. The discussions are

divided into five general topics: Methods and Techniques, Population and Sample of

the Study, Research Instrument , Data Gathering Procedure and Data Processing and

Statistical Treatment.

Methods and Techniques:

This study used descriptive method of research because the research describes

what will be where certain variables are carefully controlled or manipulated. It employs

the use of researcher-made questionnaire to be handed out to the respective students who

has their names in the list of students who are frequently and always absent last school year

2014 -2015 at Sto. Nio Catholic School. After filling out their questionnaires the results

were treated confidentially. The results were tallied seeing on each factor has the many

checks that affects their status and absenteeism and also their performance in school. After

tallying the results, it will be summarized in a form from the greatest number of checks to

the least through these the researchers will know what reason in each factors affects them.

The researchers will seek the help of the prefect of students through the monitoring sheets

submitted by the advisers.

Following these steps, the researchers determined the most reasons or causes of

absenteeism happening in the school. After such observations and studies with approval
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from the higher authorities and with the parents consent from the students, the researchers

can formulate a schoolwide policy regarding absenteeism to lessen the problems in classes

that has number of students being absent in the amount of school time through this a

certain progress of attendance will be happening. The attendance rate will be high and

students will be present in their designated classes.

Population and Sample of the Study

Sample is a portion of which is selected from the entire population under

study. The population has to be sampled for effective carryout of project work. In

the study the reliable conclusions are drawn regarding the properties of the

surveyed group. Such a group is called population. To collect required information for

the study from every factor in the population is very expensive. It is more time

consuming, expensive and laborious work under such circumstances , a sub - group

works as the representative of the population.

Polite and Hungler (2000 : 38) state that the term population refers to the

aggregate or totality of all objects, subjects or members that conform to a set of

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Table 1

Total Number of the Respondents

Year Level Number of Respondents

Grade 7 13

Grade 8 14

Grade 9 21

Grade 10 13


Table 1 presents the total number of respondents and their corresponding year level.

Based on the figure, the totalnumbers of respondents are sixty one which is divided into

four levels; from grade 7 to grade 10. This data is taken in the monitoring sheets per section

of the junior high school students from grades 7 to 10 enrolled in the school last school

year 2014 2015.

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Instruments of the Study

This study will use a researcher made questionnaire in gathering data. The

questionnaire includes part I which will include the profile of the respondents as to: age,

gender, grade level, and economic status.The second part is the grade point average of the

respondents. In the second part it will show that their grade point average so that the

researchers will know if there is an effect in their academic performance of being always

absent in school. The third part is subdivided into four categories namely: 1) physical

factors, to know the outside problems that may affect respondents. 2) Health factors, to

know the problems regarding to their health. 3) social factors, to know the problems

regarding to their family.4) personal attitude, to know their attitudes that caused them to be

absent in school. And the fourth part of the questionnaire will be the teachers/school

administrators questionnaire. They will list down what they can do to lessen the problems

of students absenteeism.
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 27

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The researchers will distribute questionnaires to both students and teachers to gather

data regarding students absenteeism. The collected data will undergo strict evaluation and

analysis. With the use of personal information, the researchers can point out which level

has the most number of students being absent and of which age they belong. The answers

given by the respondents will be treated confidentially.

The following statistical treatment will be used for the data analysis:

1. Frequency. It will be used to determine the more frequent occurring rate in the

different indicators. This will then identify the performing levels of the different

indicators on the effect of absenteeism on student learning and school


2. Mean. It will be used to determine the general description of the effect of

absenteeism to the performances of a students learning and school. The mean will

ascertain the fields greatly affected by absenteeism as perceived by the student

and the teachers.

3. Standard Deviation. It is will be used to determine the statistical measure that

will sheds light on historical volatility of the study which can give a

comprehensive verbal description to the indicators or factors of the research study.

4.) Pearsons Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) was used to ascertain

the relationships if there is any, between effects of respondents Lexile scores to

their academic performance in English. The formula is:

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 28

R=n xy ( x) (


r the Pearson r correlation coefficient

n number of classes

xy sum of the products of x and y

x sum of xs

y sum of the ys

x2 sum of the squares of xs

y2 sum of the squares of ys

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 29

Table 2. Interpretation of the Computed Weighted Mean of the Factors of

Scale Range Descriptive Narrative Interpretation

The respondents experienced at

5 4.21-5.00 Always all times the factors of
absenteeism being mentioned.
The respondents experienced
4 3.50-4.49 Oftentimes frequently the factors of
absenteeism being mentioned.
The respondents experienced
3 2.50-3.49 Sometimes occasionally the factors of
absenteeism being mentioned.
The respondents experienced
2 1.50-2.49 Seldom rarely the factors of
absenteeism being mentioned.
The respondents does not at
1 1.00-1.49 Never all experienced the factors of
absenteeism being mentioned.
Table 2 shows the interpretation of the computed weighed mean of the effects of


Table 3. Levels of Correlation

Range Narrative Description

0.01 - 0.24 Very Small Correlation

0.25 - 0.49 Small Correlation

0.50 - 0.78 High Correlation

0.79 - 0.99 Very High Correlation

Table 3 below presented the table of interpretation of the levels of correlation

between the factors of absenteeism and the academic performance of the selected

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 30

Table 4. Academic Performance Levels of Proficiency

Range Legend Narrative Description

90 and above A Advanced

85 to 89 P Proficient

80 to 84 AP Approaching Proficiency

75 to 79 D Developing

74 and below B Beginning

Table 4 presents the academic performance levels of proficiency from the

Department of Education.

Under DepEd Order No. 31, five Levels of proficiency were identified, namely:

Beginning, Developing, Approaching Proficiency, Proficient, and Advanced as shown in

Table 4 above.
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 31

Chapter 4


This chapter presents, interprets and analyzes the data gathered relative in the study.

The presentation focuses on these topics: profile of the respondents in terms of: age,

gender, grade level, and economic status; factors of absenteeism in terms of: physical,

health, social, and personal attitude; the most prevalent factor of absenteeism; the academic

performance of the respondents; and determined the significant effect of absenteeism on the

academic performance of the respondents.

The results of these analysis were based on the information gathered from the

questionnaires accomplished by the 61 respondents from grades 7 to 10 of the Junior High

School of Sto. Nio Catholic School.

I. Profile of the Respondents

Table 5. Age Distribution of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percent
13 - 14 30 49.2
15 - 16 31 50.8
Total 61 100.0
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 32


13 - 14 years old 15 - 16 years old

Figure 2. Graphical Presentation of the Respondents in terms of Age

The survey questionnaires were gathered from the selected students from each

grade level. There were 30 students that have the age of 13 ranging from 14 years old

which are the grade 7 and grade 8, and 31 students that have the age of 15 ranging from 16

years old which are the grade 9 and grade 10.

Table 5 and Figure 1 shows that most of the respondents was age of 15 ranging

from 16 years old while the least was age of 13 ranging from 14 years old.

Table 6. Gender Distribution of the Respondents

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 33

Frequency Percent
Male 35 57.4
Female 26 42.6
Total 61 100.0


Male Female

Figure 3. Graphical Presentation of the Respondents in terms of Gender

Table 6 and figure 2 show the gender distribution of the respondents. It shows that

male has become the leading population with 35 students while the Female got 26 students.

Overall it has 61 respondents.

The table shows that the most gender of the respondents was male with 35 students

and there are only 26 female students.

The distribution of the respondents per grade level was already presented in Table 1

found in chapter 3. It shows that from Grade 7 there are 13 selected students from the

different 4 sections (Our Lady of Assumption, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Rosary

and Our Lady of Guadalupe). From the Grade 8 there are 14 selected students from the

different 4 sections (St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Rose of Lima, St. Claire of Assisi and St.

Therese of Child Jesus). Also from the Grade 9 there are 21 selected students from the
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 34

different 3 sections (St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Vincent De Paul, And St. Thomas of

Aquinas). And from the Grade 10 there 13 selected students from all the 3 sections(St.

Augustine, St. Francis of Assisi, and St. John Mary Vianney). Overall, there were 61

students who have many absences.

Table 7. Annual Income of the Respondents

Annual Income Frequency Percent

5K - 20K 61 100
21K - 40K 0 0
41K - 60K 0 0
61K - 80K 0 0
Total 61 100
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 35








5K - 20K 21K - 40K 41K - 60K 61K - 80K

Figure 4. Graphical Presentation of the Annual Income of the Respondents

Table 7 and figure 3 present the annual income of the respondents which shows that

their parents salary was only 5,000.00 20,000.00.

The table shows the Income of the respondents annual income was only between

the ranges of 5K to 20K.

Frequency Percent

Advanced 2 3.3
Table 8. Levels of Proficiency
Distribution of the Proficient 9 14.8 Respondents
Approachin 43 70.5
g Proficient
Developing 7 11.4
Beginning 0 0
Total 61 100.0
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 36
Indicators Weighte Verbal Rank
d Interpreta
Mean tion
1.) Our home is far from the
school. 2.84 Sometimes 3

2.) Our school lacks some

facilities that suits my 2.61 Seldom 4
3.) The way in going to school
is unsafe. 2.46 Seldom 5

4.) I experience heavy traffic in

going to school. 3.10 Sometimes 1
5.) Some streets are not
passable during heavy 3.08 Sometimes 2

Total Weighted Mean 2.82 Sometime


Table 8 present the levels of proficiency distribution of the respondents. It shows

that there were 2 Advance students that have the gpa of 90 and above. Nine Proficient

students have the gpa of 85 to 89. Fourty three Approaching Proficient students have the

gpa of 80 to 84. Seven Developing students have the gpa of 75 to 79. And there Beginning

The table shows that most of the respondents are Approaching Proficient that have

the GPA of 80 to 84.

Table 9. Factors of Absenteeism in Terms of Physical

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 37

The table presents that statement I experienced heavy traffic in going to school.

ranked first with an average weighted mean of 3.10 and interpreted as Sometimes. The

statement Some streets are not passable during heavy rains/typhoon. ranked second with

an average weighted mean of 3.08 also interpreted as Sometimes. The statement Our

home is far from the school. ranked third with an average weighted mean 2.84 and

interpreted as Sometimes. And the statement Our school lacks some facilities that suits

my needs. ranked fourth with an average weighted mean of 2.61 and interpreted as

Seldom. The statement The way in going to school is unsafe. got the last rank with a

weighted mean of 2.46 also interpreted as Seldom.

This data shows that the most common factor of absenteeism in terms of physical is

I experience heavy traffic in going to school. with an average of 3.10.

Table 9 presents the factors of absenteeism in terms of physical. The overall

weighted mean of grade 7 to grade 10 students in terms of physical factors is 2.82

interpreted as Sometimes.

It could be summed up that the respondents experienced occasionally the factors of

absenteeism being mentioned.

For physical factor of absenteeism, according to Caithlin, the effects of aerobic

physical activity (APA) are positively associated with cognition, academic achievement,

behavior, and psychosocial functioning outcomes.

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 38
Indicators Weighted Verbal Rank
Mean Interpretati
1.) I have a toothache.
2.13 Never 5

2.) I have stomach problem.

2.46 Sometimes 3.5

3.) I have headache.

2.72 Sometimes 2

4.) Im down with fever/flu.

2.89 Sometimes 1
5.) I have other diseases like
diarrhea, etc. 2.46 Sometimes 3.5

Total Weighted Mean 2.53 Sometimes

Table 10. Factors of Absenteeism in Terms of Health

The table presents that statement Im down with fever/flu. ranked first with an

average weighted mean of 2.89 and interpreted as Sometimes. The statement I have

headache. ranked second with an average weighted mean of 2.72 also interpreted as

Sometimes. The statement I have stomach problem. and I have other diseases like

diarrhea, etc.ranked third with an average weighted mean 2.46 and interpreted as

Sometimes. And the statement I have toothache. got the last rank with a weighted mean

of 2.13 and interpreted as Never.

This data shows that the most common factor of absenteeism in terms of health is

Im down with fever/flu. with an average of 2.89.

Generally, the table presents the factors of absenteeism in terms of health. The

overall weighted mean of grade 7 to grade 10 students in terms of health factor is 2.53
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 39

interpreted as Sometimes. It could be summed up that the respondents experienced

occasionally the factors of absenteeism being mentioned.

For health factor of absenteeism, Doe said that obesity, chronic illness, and chronic

pain all appear to significantly predict higher levels of student absenteeism. They

concluded that obesity was thus a significant predictor of student absenteeism after

adjusting for the student's age, race or ethnicity, and gender.

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 40

Table 11. Factors of Absenteeism in Terms of Social

Indicators Weight Verbal Rank

ed Interpreta
Mean tion
1.) I skipped school due to family related 2.38 Sometimes 1
2.) I had to attend in relatives funeral. 2.26 Seldom 3

3.) I had to attend to family reunion. 2.30 Sometimes 2

4.) I took care of my sibling. 2.13 Never 5

5.) I took care of my parent. 2.16 Sometimes 4

Total Weighted Mean 2.25 Sometimes

The table presents that statement I skipped school due to family related events.

ranked first with an average weighted mean of 2.38 and interpreted as Sometimes. The

statement I had to attend to family reunion. ranked second with an average weighted mean

of 2.30 also interpreted as Sometimes. The statement I had to attend in relatives funeral.

ranked third with an average weighted mean 2.26 and interpreted as Seldom. The statement

I took care of my parent. ranked fourth with an average weighted mean of 2.16 and

interpreted as Sometimes. And the statement I took care of my sibling. got the last rank

with aweighted mean of 2.13 and interpreted as Never.

This data shows that the most common factor of absenteeism in terms of social is I

skipped school due to family related events. with an average of 2.38.

Table 11 presents the factors of absenteeism in terms of social. The overall weighted

mean of grade 7 to grade 10 students in terms of physical factors is 2.25interpreted as

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 41

Sometimes. It could be summed up that the respondents experienced occasionally the

factors of absenteeism being mentioned.

For social factor of absenteeism, Ingul said that the risk for problematic school

absenteeism increases as the number of risk factors aggregate and that treatment for

anxious school refusal should be based on a profile of the individual's risk factors.
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 42
Indicators Weighte Verbal Rank
d Interpretat Table
Mean ion
12. 1.) I got fond of
playing computer 2.82 Sometimes 1.5

2.) I feel lazy.

2.82 Sometimes 1.5

3.) I am influence by
my friends to be 2.01 Never 5
4.) I cant concentrate
in my studies. 2.41 Sometimes 4
5.) I did not
study/make my 2.57 Sometimes 3
assignments the
night before.

Total Weighted 2.53 Sometimes

Factors of Absenteeism in Terms of Personal Attitude
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 43

The table presents that statement I got fond of playing computer games. and I

feel lazy. ranked first with an average weighted mean of 2.82 and interpreted as

Sometimes. The statement I did not study/make my assignments the night before.

ranked third with an average weighted mean of 2.57 also interpreted as Sometimes. The

statement I cant concentrate in my studies. ranked fourth with an average weighted

mean 2.41 and interpreted as Sometimes. And thestatement I am influence by my

friends to be absent. got the last rank with a weighted mean of 2.01 and interpreted as


This data shows that the most common factor of absenteeism in terms of personal

attitude is I got fond of playing computer games. and I feel lazy. with an average of


Table 12 presents the factors of absenteeism in terms of personal attitude. The

overall weighted mean of grade 7 to grade 10 students in terms of personal attitude is 2.53

which is interpreted as Sometimes. It could be summed up that the respondents

experienced occasionally the factors of absenteeism being mentioned.

For factor of absenteeism in terms of personal attitude, Tom Clay and Lori Breslow

said that students are more likely to attend classes when they find interesting about the

class. They concluded that a boring class may be the cause of students absenteeism.
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 44

Table 13. Most Prevalent Factor of Absenteeism

Factors Gen. Weighted Rank Verbal

Mean Interpretation

Physical 2.82 1 Sometimes

Health 2.53 2 Sometimes

Social 2.25 4 Sometimes

Personal Attitude 2.53 3 Sometimes

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 45

Table 13 presents the most prevalent factor of absenteeism. The Physical Factor

ranked first with a general weighted mean of 2.82 interpreted as Sometimes. The Health

Factor ranked second with a general weighted mean of 2.53 and interpreted as

Sometimes. The Factor that got the third rank is Personal Attitude with a general

weighted mean of 2.53 also interpreted as Sometimes. And the Social Factor got the last

rank with a general weighted mean of 2.25 and interpreted as Sometimes.

This data shows that the most prevalent factor of absenteeism is physical factor with

a general average of 2.82. It could be summed up that the respondents experienced

occasionally the factors of absenteeism being mentioned.

Table 14. Correlation Table

Variable Weighted Standard Pearsons r

Mean Deviation
Grade Point 82.34 3.02 0.092
Physical Factor 2.82 0.66
Variable Weighted Standard Pearsons r
Mean Deviation
Grade Point 82.34 3.02 - 0.088
Health Factor 2.53 0.83
Variable Weighted Standard Pearsons r
Mean Deviation
Grade Point 82.34 3.02 - 0.161
Social Factor 2.25 0.82
Variable Weighted Standard Pearsons r
Mean Deviation
Grade Point 82.34 3.02 - 0.118
Personal 2.53 0.91
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 46

Table 14 shows the correlation of the Factors which are Physical, Health, Social,

Personal Attitude and the General Average Point of the student.

The result from Physical Factor was 0.092 (very small positive correlation) and its

value was 2.82. So it could be concluded that the Physical Factor of absenteeism has a

significant effect on the academic performance of the respondents.

The Health Factor was - 0.088 (very small negative correlation) and its value was

2.53. It could be concluded that the Health Factor of absenteeism has no significant effect

on the academic performance of the respondents.

The Social Factor was - 0.161 (very small negative correlation) and its value was

2.25. It could be concluded that the Social Factor of absenteeism has no significant effect

on the academic performance of the respondents.

The Personal Attitude was - 0.118 (very small negative correlation) and its value

was 2.53. It could be concluded that the Personal Attitude of absenteeism has no significant

effect on the academic performance of the respondents.

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 47
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 48
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 49
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 50

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations

based on the statement of problem in Chapter 1. This also aimed to know the Most

common problem encountered by Junior High School Students of Sto. Nino Catholic


Summary of Findings

The total number of the respondents was 61. From 57.4% which is 35 males and

42.6% which is 26 were the females. One hundred percent of the respondents have an

average income of 5k 20k.

Most of the respondents have an average of 81-84 which is labeled as approaching


The most prevalent problem in physical factor of students is experiencing heavy

traffic on the way to school which has a weighted mean of 2.82, for health is down with

fever/flu which has a weighted mean of 2.53, for social is family related events which has a
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 51

weighted mean of 2.25 and for personal attitude is fond of computer games and felt lazy

which has 2.53 weighted mean.

Among the four factors physical factor is the only one who had a significant effect

on the academic performance of the students.


It can be concluded based on the findings of the study that physical factor is the most

prevalent as experienced by the students especially on the reason that they experienced

heavy traffic in going to school for the reason that they leave their house almost late and it

is further proved through the result of the correlation table that the said physical factor

affects their academic performance. However allowing students to come in very late can

influence the student to go totally absent.


Based on the conclusions of the study, the researchers recommend the following:

1. There should be a program that involves the parents in concerning their childrens

attendance from the orientation. And other specific parent meetings because some

parents barely have time for it.

2. Let the policy concerning the attendance of the student be more strict. So that

students would not even dare to have schedule of absents they will make.
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 52

3. Prohibit the student to enter the class room from absent especially consecutive

absences till they have schools guidance counselor or prefect of students with

parents signature on it.

4. Let the students have knowledge about time management when leaving the house

on the way to school.

5. Let them feel like it is wrong to just absent for invalid reason than just ignoring

6. Contact the parents if the activities continue to have a further clarification of their

childs actions.
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 53


Absenteeism and Student Performance. (January, 2013). Retrieved, October 3 2015 3:05
pm. From, http://www.philippinesbasiceducation.us/2013/01/absenteeism-and-
student- performance.html

Ambalan N. (2014). A Study on the Factor of Student Absenteeism.Retrieved, September

20 2015 7:00 pm. From, http://www.slideshare.net/nishaambalan/a-study-on-the-

Anthworth R. (2008). Factors Associated With Public School Chronic Absenteeism.

Retrieved, September 20 2015 10:00 am. From,
http://digitalcommons.unf.edu/cgi/viewco September 18 2015 7:00pm ntent.cgi?

Gorman L. (2015). Student Absences, Instructional Time, and Academic

Achievement.Retrieved, September 18 2015 7:00pm @6:06pm, From,

Murcia, L. (2014). Causes of Absenteeism Among the Grade VI Students of Zapote

Elementary School Year 2010-2011. Retrieved, September 18, 2015 @4:00pm, from

Obrien A. (2013). Addressing Chronic Absenteeism. Retrieved, October 19, 2015

@6:01pm, from, http://www.edutopia.org/blog/addressing-chronic-absenteeism-

Sanchez M. (2012).Collaborative Approaches to Reducing Absenteeism Among K-12

Students. Retrieved, September 27, 2015 @4:15pm,
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 54

Walker S.C. et al. (2015). Obesity and Injury-related Absenteeism in a Population-Based

Firefighter. Retrieved, September 26 2015 5:00 pm. From,

Wiseman A. (n.d.). Student Absences in Central Texas What are the Reasons?Retrieved,
October 2, 2015 @2:00pm.from, http://e3alliance.org/student-absences-in-central-
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 55

General Directions: Please fill up the following information accurately and seriously
by checking the boxes below. Rest assured that the data indicated will be treated with

Name: _________________________________


Age: 11 - 12 Gender: Male Grade level: 7 Family Income: 5k - 20k

13 - 14 Female 8 21k - 40k
15 - 16 9 41k - 60k
17 - 18 10 61k - 80k


1st Quarter
2nd Quarter
Overall GPA

PART III. The following are the factors of absenteeism. Which among the indicators
given in relevant to your absences?Indicate by using the scale below.

5 - Always 4 - Oftentimes 3 - Sometimes 2 - Seldom 1 - Never

INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1
Physical Factor
1. Our home is far from the
2. Our school lacks some
facilities that suit my needs.
3. The way in going to school is
4. I experience heavy traffic in
going to school.
5. Some streets are not passable
during heavy rains/typhoon.
Health Factor
1.I have a toothache.
2. I have stomach problem.
3. I have headache.
4. Im down with fever/flu.
5. I have other diseases like
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 56

diarrhea, etc.
Social Factor
1 I skipped school due to family
related events.
2. I had to attend in relatives
3. I had to attend to family
4. I took care of my sibling.
5. I took care of my parent.
Personal Attitude
1. .I got fond of playing computer
2. I feel lazy.
3. . I am influence by my friends
to be absent.
4. . I cant concentrate in my
5. . I did not study/make my
assignments the night before.


List down the things you will do to lessen the problems of students absenteeism.
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 57


20Daisy St. Signal Village
Taguig City


Age: 17

Status: Single

Birth date: February 17, 1999

Birthplace: Paranaque City

Provincial Address: NA

Sex: Male

Nationality: Filipino

Dialects Spoken: Tagalog, English

Height: 51/2

Weight: 39 kg

Religion: Roman Catholic

Fathers Name: Roy Q. Montemayor

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 58

Mothers Name: Gilda H. Montemayor




ELEMENTARY D.F. Tinker Bell School Academic Excellence 2012

72 Gen. Espino St., Taguig City

SECONDARY Sto. Nio Catholic School Academic Exellence 2016

Sampaloc St., Taguig City

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 59

Blk. 17 lot 4 phase 1 EPV Brgy Pinagsama

Taguig City


Age: 15

Status: Single

Birth date: August 28, 2000

Birthplace: Taguig City

Provincial Address: NA

Sex: Male

Nationality: Filipino

Dialects Spoken: Tagalog, English

Height: 53

Weight: 55 kg

Religion: Roman Catholic

Fathers Name: Jesus B. Grospe

Mothers Name: Analee A. Grospe

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 60




ELEMENTARY Sto. Nio Catholic School 2012

Sampaloc St., Taguig City

SECONDARY Sto. Nio Catholic School 2016

Sampaloc St., Taguig City


Blk. 251 lot 7 Atis st. zone 6 Signal Village Taguig City
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 61


Age: 17

Status: Single

Birth date: November 21, 1999

Birthplace: Mandaluyong City

Provincial Address: NA

Sex: Male

Nationality: Filipino

Dialects Spoken: Tagalog, English

Height: 510

Weight: 60 kgs

Religion: Roman Catholic

Fathers Name: Jesus Michael Z. Muceros

Mothers Name: Amalia E. Muceros

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 62



ELEMENTARY Sto. Nino Catholic School 2012

Sampaloc St. Taguig City

SECONDARY Sto. Nio Catholic School 2016

Sampaloc St., Taguig City

Atis St. Zone 6 Signal Village Taguig City
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 63


Age: 15

Status: Single

Birth date: April 14, 2000

Birthplace: Naga City, Bicol

Provincial Address: NA

Sex: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Dialects Spoken: Tagalog, English

Height: 51/2

Weight: 50 kgs.

Religion: Roman Catholic

Fathers Name: Nestor Q. Villanueva

Mothers Name: Gina D. Villanueva

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 64



ELEMENTARY Capt. Jose Cardones Memorial 2012

Elementary School

SECONDARY Sto. Nio Catholic School 2016

Sampaloc St., Taguig City

#35 Molave St. Zone 1 Signal Village Taguig City
STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 65


Age: 15

Status: Single

Birth date: July 27, 2000

Birthplace: Taguig City

Provincial Address: NA

Sex: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Dialects Spoken: Tagalog, English

Height: 51/2

Weight: 38 kg

Religion: Roman Catholic

Fathers Name: Romeo M. Pascual

Mothers Name: Evelyn G. Pascual

STO. NI O C ATH O L IC S C H O O L , IN C . 66



ELEMENTARY Armys Angels Integrated School 2012

SECONDARY Sto. Nio Catholic School 2016

Sampaloc St., Taguig City

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