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Group 2 Research LEF

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The Impact Of Blended Classes

To The Mental Health Of All Grade 11

And 12 students in Palo National Highschool

A Disquisition

presented to the

Palo National Highschool

12 LEF (Recreation)


Group 2


To all the teachers, friends and other

schoolmates especially with Denice

Oreola for helping us to cope this



This study was jointly funded by the Senior Highschool

in grade 12 - LEF (recreation). This students wish to thank the

participating respondents, teachers and other students ,without

whom the sutdy would not have been possible. We also would like

to thank Cathy Verterra,for her invaluable advice and commitment

throughout the design, assisting and who tirelessly carried out

all the necessary administrative details of the study.


TITLE : The Impact Of Blended Classes To The Mental

Health Of All Grade 11 And 12 Students In

Palo National Highschool


ADVISER: Elena Susaya

SCHOOL: Palo National Highschool

YEAR COMPLETED: September 27,2022 - October 4, 2022


To gather this data, we uses survey research in which, it

is used to gather information from group of people by selecting

and studying samples chosen from a population. It may be done in

various ways like face-to-face,phone,email,and online.But more

often, we uses face-to-face way of collecting datas.

We uses evaluation research as well, this aims to assess

the impacts,effects, or outcomes of blended classes to the stude-

nts in Palo National Highschool.



TITLE PAGE: ......................... i

DEDICATION: ......................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGE: ........................ iii

ABSTRACT: ........................... iv

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: ............... v

FINDINGS: ........................... vi

CHAPTER I- The Problem And Its Scope

Rationale Of The Study ....................... 1

Statement Of The Problem ....................... 2

Theoretical Background Of The Study ............ 3

Conceptual Background .......................... 5

Significance Of The Study ...................... 7

Theoretical Frameworks ........................ 8





This study desires to conduct the problem ,effects

and solution as well. It aims to know if it is more challenging

to the students to make adjustments for the new normal classes .

Many students nowadays are experiencing hardships with their

academic subjects especially with the task that are given to them.

This school year is getting tense and strictful that is why many

students are decided to drop with their studies. However we also

must know that the way it is getting rigid , the more we become

competitive and aware of the learnings that we had.Many educators

recommend the importance of making adjustments in the curiculum .

This adjustments has become necessary for the continued survival

and progress.


This study aimed to asses the impact to the students

for having blended classes in Palo National Highschool.One of the

consummation of this research is the agreements of the parents

about this system of education where students learn in shortage

time. This research generally desires to impose the concern about

the students mental health for experiencing this kind of educati-

nal system. Self-harm, suicidal attemps, depression, addictive

disorder and other mental disorders that are growing among young

people especially in Grade 11 and 12 students in Palo National



Mental health awareness is a crucial demand for the students

especially in Grade 11 and 12 students in Palo National High-

school.Government compelled to change the system of education for

the particular reason of experiencing this kind of circumstance.

There are two systems that are encountered, namely; modular/

online classes and half day face-to-face classes. Modular system

is a kind of educational system that distributed the learning

materials to the homes of the learners. They decided to come up

this system to avoid the shortage knowledge and low self- esteem

of the students. The half day face -to-face classes encountering

the actual learnings in school. But still, it is very crucial to

abide the rules and regulations in school like, hand washing,

wearing facemask, and maintain social distancing. Both system

have blended teachings and guidance through parents and teachers.

Senior Highschooler got frustrated to the present learnings

that they encountering right now. The tasks are becoming over-

whelmed to the students who do not have enough time to review

and to cope some information regarding to their studies for the

reason of shortage-time. Having a blended classes has a great

impact to the students,both positive and negative. Students have

vacant time due to half day classes ,they have quality time to

bond with their families. And also they have much time to do

their homeworks.On the contrary, this system can affect their

studies as well. Lack of time in learning can lead to the

negative for this issue that we are facing right now. Due to

lack of time, we can experience shortage of knowledge. Poor

academic performance in school resulting in disappointments,

self-blaming, and depression, then it will lead to worst

impact to the sudents.


As the pandemic spread worldwide and the ccountry

saw a surge of postive cases, strict isolation measures were

put in place to protect individuals from exposure to the

virus while curbing the risk of community spread. When the

cases decreases, Palo National Highschool (PNHS) moved its

teaching to half day face-to-face classes of the ongoing

semester to ensure that highschool students continued to

receive their education. We re-emerging surges in the

pandemic,traditional taching and learning cannot be gruanteed

on a sustainable basis. As social dstancing is of vital

importance at this stage to protect all communities, there

has been a rapid pedagogical shift from modular to face-to-

face classes. Many educators recommend the importance of

making adjustments in the curiculum. Some factors affect the

students academic performance that contributes to both

positive and negative effects which found in their human

aspects such as health, financial, capabilities, relation-

ships with respective communities and the most important is

their mental health. This data concerning the impact of blen-

ded classes to the students mental health. This acute impact

seems clear,the long-term consequences are unknown and altho-

ugh suicidal thoughts have risen substantially, it seems

likely this will result in deaths. Over the past twenty

years,mental health difficulties among children and ado-

lescents have been increase worldwide, becoming a leading

cause of disability. Mental health problems can affect

many areas of students lives, reducing their quality

of life, academic achievements and physical health;

There is highly impact of blended classes to the students,

students can cope less information or learning for the

circumstance of shortage-time. There will be considerable

difficulties adjusting back to normal classes. School

routines are important coping mechanisms for young people

with mental health issues. Going to school had been a stru-

ggle for some students with mental illness (depression) prior

to the pandemic, but atleast they had school routines to

stick with.


Mental health difficulties have a significant adverse

impact on different aspects of childrens and young peoples

development, contributing to poor school adjustments,reduced

concentration and problem in in achievement and social relation-

ships. Mental health issues are also associated with poor school

attendance, suspension, and early school dropouts. It is a public

concern towars which policy-makers needed to target their actions.

WHO recommends that schools functon as one of the primary mental

health suport systems for students, enabling the planning and the

implementation of broad spectrum of mental health actions that

encompass promotion, prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation

(WHO,2000;2005;2007). The Global School Health Initiative empha-

sized the importance of focusing on and enhancing the psycho-

social environment in schools with a view to fostering emotional

and social well-being. The significance of this study is to offer

comprehensive guide to the students especially in Grade 11 and 12

of Palo National Highschool. Hence, a further aim of the present

study is to specifically include students mental health as a key

component of a whole-school approach to mental health promotion.

Many students are lacking their time in school, so some strand at

Senior Highschooler are extending their time with their studies.

This study has an important research about the students sit-

uation about the system of education. Blended classes has a great

impact to the mental health of the students due to lack of

information that they are able to cope, therefore the students

will get frustrated and having difficulties in studies, and then

it will ended to depression and any other mental health disorders.

Our findings are important to provide the evidence so it can

serve to promote the enhancement in education.


Effective school mental health programs mainly target the

promotion of social and emotional learning and resilience as well

as the prevention of social, emotional, and behavioural

difficulties, including risk behaviours. Therefore, the proposed

framework, which is based on existing research on mental health

promotion and prevention for having a blended classes in Palo

National Highschool. Mental health is defined as a state of well

being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential,

copes with the normal stresses of life, works productively and

fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his

community (WHO, 2005, p. 12)

The incidence of diagnosable mental, emotional , or

behavioural disorders is how estimated at between 10% and 20%

among school. The predominant internalizing disorder, mood

disorders, social phobia, specific phobias, and obsessive-

compulsive disorder (Borann & Falissand, 2018, Ogundele, 2018).





Grade 11 students Grade 12 students



In this abrupt shift to blended classes teaching,

students of Senior Highschooler in Palo National Highschool in

our study identified both positive and negative experiences

including the impact on their mental health. Students own

emotional health needs are neglected or inadequately addressed

by majority of mental health programs. These findngs are

importantant to provide the evidence so it can serve to promote

the enhancement in education. Our findings also aim to promote

the importance of addressing mental health issues of the Senior

highschool students of Palo National Highschool through provision

of emotional and mental health support and appropriate programs.

This research has documented a significant positive impact in the

students mental health.


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