Lab 3 Lab 4
Lab 3 Lab 4
Lab 3 Lab 4
LAB 3:
The link to download the zipped folder for Power
Generation Lab 3 is:
LAB 4:
The link to download the zipped folder for Power
Generation Lab 4 is:
Students can unzip the downloaded folder & watch the
recorded videos sequentially which are numbered Video 9
to Video 14.
The readings table for this Lab 4 is also in this folder as a
jpeg image.
Watch the recorded videos for Power Generation Lab 3 &
Lab 4 & complete your Lab manual, filling out all readings,
all tables and drawing all graphs on a Graph paper where
Watch the recorded videos & keep updating your Lab
Manuals. In case of any queries feel free to contact me or
Sir Irfan Hussain on WhatsApp or LMS.