Instructions For Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
Instructions For Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
Instructions For Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
General Instructions
depending upon the organization's gross receipts and total
Overview of Form 990 An organization may not file a “consolidated” Form 990
TIP to aggregate information from another organization that
Note. Terms in bold are defined in the Glossary of the has a different EIN, unless it is filing a group return and
Instructions for Form 990. reporting information from a subordinate organization or
Certain Form 990 filers must file electronically. See organizations, reporting information from a joint venture or
General Instructions, Section E. When, Where, and How disregarded entity (see Appendices E and F, later), or as
CAUTION to File, later, for who must file electronically. otherwise provided for in the Code, regulations, or official IRS
guidance. A parent-exempt organization of a section 501(c)(2)
Form 990 is an annual information return required to be filed with title-holding company may file a consolidated Form 990-T with
the IRS by most organizations exempt from income tax under
Worksheet Line 1. To calculate the number of tuition-paying that ends with or within the preceding tax year of the
students during the preceding tax year (including for purposes of organization.
determining the number of students at a particular location), Section 4968 defines “related organization” to include only
enter the daily average number of full-time equivalent (FTE) the following organizations:
tuition-paying students attending the institution, taking part-time • Organizations that control or are controlled by the educational
tuition-paying students into account on a full-time student institution;
equivalent basis. • Organizations that are controlled by one or more of the same
If Worksheet line 1 is fewer than 500, the organization is not persons who control the educational institution;
subject to the section 4968 excise tax on net investment income. • Supported organizations (as defined in section 509(f)(3)); and
The organization should answer “No,” on line 16. If Worksheet • Supporting organizations described in section 509(a)(3) that
line 1 is 500 or more, continue to line 2. support the educational institution during the tax year.
Worksheet Line 2. Enter the number of FTE tuition-paying When calculating the fair market value of such assets of a
students included in line 1 who were located in the United States related organization, exclude (1) assets of any related
during the preceding tax year and enter it on line 2. organization to the extent that such assets are taken into
account with respect to another educational institution, and (2)
Worksheet Line 3. Divide line 2 by line 1. If 50% or less, the unless the related organization is controlled by the educational
organization is not subject to the section 4968 excise tax and the institution, or unless the related organization is a supporting
organization should answer “No” on line 16. If greater than 50%, organization of the educational institution, omit assets that are
continue to Line 4. not intended, or are not available, for the use or benefit of the
Worksheet Line 4. Calculate the fair market value (FMV) of educational institution.
the organization’s assets not used directly in carrying out the Worksheet Line 6. Add lines 4 and 5.
organization’s exempt purpose as of the end of the preceding
tax year. To determine which assets are used directly in carrying Worksheet Line 7. Divide line 6 by the daily average number
out the organization’s exempt purpose, under these instructions, of FTE students.
follow the principles of section 4942(e)(1)(A) and Regulations If line 7 is less than $500,000, the organization is not subject
section 53.4942(a)-2(c)(3). To determine the fair market value of to the section 4968 excise tax on net investment income and the
the assets, use any reasonable method as long as such method organization should answer “No” on line 16. If line 7 is $500,000
is consistently used. Under these instructions, the principles of or more, the organization is subject to section 4968 excise tax on
Regulation section 53.4942(a)-2(c)(4) will be considered to net investment income and the organization should answer
provide a reasonable method. “Yes” on line 16.
Assets held for the production of income or for
investment aren't considered to be used directly for
Part VI. Governance, Management,
CAUTION charitable functions even though the income from the and Disclosure
assets is used for charitable functions. It is a factual question Check the box in the heading of Part VI if Schedule O (Form 990
whether an asset is held for the production of income or for or 990-EZ) contains any information pertaining to this part. All
investment rather than used directly by the organization for organizations must complete Part VI. Use Schedule O (Form
charitable purposes. For example, an office building used to 990 or 990-EZ) to provide required supplemental information as
provide offices for employees engaged in managing endowment described in this part, and to provide any additional information
funds for the organization isn't considered an asset used for that the organization considers relevant to this part.
charitable purposes.
Part VI requests information regarding an organization's
Worksheet Line 5. Calculate the fair market value of the governing body and management, governance policies, and
assets of related organizations (as defined below) using the fair disclosure practices. Although federal tax law generally doesn't
market value of assets as of the end of the preceding tax year mandate particular management structures, operational policies,
Note. Items marked with an asterisk (*) instead of a star (x) are • Each individual that received, solely in the capacity as a
excludible from Form 990, Part VII, Section A, column (F), if former director or former trustee of the organization, more than
below $10,000. $10,000 of reportable compensation (Part VII, Section A,
columns (D) and (E)) during the year from the organization or
Line 1b. Report the subtotals of compensation from the
related organizations. To determine whether an individual
Section A, line 1a table in line 1b, columns (D), (E), and (F).
received or accrued more than $10,000 in reportable
Line 1c. Report the subtotals of compensation from compensation solely in the capacity as a former trustee or
continuation sheets (duplicate Section A tables for filers that director of the organization, add the amounts reported on all
report more than 25 persons in Section A, line 1a table) in Forms 1099-MISC, box 7, and, if applicable, Forms W-2, box 1
line 1c, columns (D), (E), and (F). or 5 (whichever is greater), and/or issued to the individual by the
organization and all related organizations, to the extent that such
Line 1d. Add the totals of lines 1b and 1c in line 1d for columns
amounts relate to the individual's past services as a trustee or
(D), (E), and (F).
director of the organization and not of a related organization. The
Line 2. Report the total number of individuals, both those listed $10,000-per-related-organization exception doesn't apply for
in the Part VII, Section A table, and those not listed, to whom the this purpose.
filing organization (not related organizations) paid over
Line 4. Complete Schedule J (Form 990) for each individual
$100,000 in reportable compensation during the tax year.
listed in Section A who received or accrued more than $150,000
Line 3. Complete Schedule J (Form 990) for each of the of reportable and other compensation from the organization and
following persons. related organizations. To determine whether any listed individual
• Each individual listed in Part VII, Section A, as a former received or accrued more than $150,000 of reportable and other
officer, former key employee, or a former highest compensation, add all compensation included in Part VII,
compensated employee. To determine whether an individual Section A, columns (D), (E), and (F), but disregard any
received more than $100,000 in reportable compensation in decreases in the actuarial value of defined benefit plans.
the aggregate from the organization and related organizations, The following chart explains which officers, directors,
add the amounts reported on all Forms W-2, box 1 or 5 trustees, key employees, and highest compensated
(whichever is greater), and/or Forms 1099-MISC, box 7, issued employees must be reported on Form 990, Part VII, Section A,
to the individual by the organization and all related organizations and on Schedule J (Form 990). See also line 5 for additional
(disregarding amounts from a related organization if below individuals who must be reported on Schedule J (Form 990),
$10,000) for the calendar year ending with or within the Part II.
organization's tax year.
Line 5. Complete Schedule J (Form 990) for any individual organization for Form W-2 reporting purposes. A, as the top
listed on Form 990, Part VII, Section A, if the person receives or management official of the organization, must be listed as an
accrues compensation from an unrelated organization (other officer of the organization in Part VII, Section A. However, the
than from management companies and leasing companies, as amounts paid by B to A require that the organization answer
discussed earlier) for services rendered to the filing organization “Yes” on line 5 and complete Schedule J (Form 990) about A.
in the person's capacity as an officer, director, trustee, or Example 2. C is an attorney employed by a law firm that isn't
employee of the filing organization. Also, specify on Schedule J a related organization to the organization. The organization and
(Form 990), Part III, the name of the unrelated organization, the the law firm enter into an arrangement where C serves the
type and amount of compensation it paid or accrued, and the organization, a section 501(c)(3) legal aid society pro bono, on a
person receiving or accruing such compensation. See full-time basis as its vice-president and as a board member while
Compensation from unrelated organizations, earlier. continuing to receive her regular compensation from the law
For purposes of line 5, disregard: firm. The organization doesn't provide any compensation to C for
the services provided by C to the organization, and doesn't
1. Payments from a deferred compensation trust or plan
report C's compensation on Form W-2 or Form 1099-MISC. The
established, sponsored, or maintained by the organization (or a
law firm doesn't treat any part of C's compensation as a
related organization), and deferred compensation held by such
charitable contribution to the legal aid society. Under these
trust or plan;
circumstances, the amounts paid by the law firm to C don't
2. Payments from a common paymaster for services require that the organization answer “Yes” on line 5, about C.
provided to the organization (or to a related organization) (see Also, nothing in these facts would prevent C from qualifying as
instructions for Common paymaster or payroll/reporting an independent member of the organization's governing body for
agent, earlier); or purposes of Form 990, Part VI, line 1b.
3. Payments from an unrelated taxable organization that Example 3. D, a volunteer director of the organization, is
employs the individual and continues to pay the individual's also the sole owner and CEO of M management company (an
regular compensation while the individual provides services unrelated organization), which provides management services to
without charge to the filing organization, but only if the unrelated the organization. The organization pays M an annual fee of
organization doesn't treat the payments as a charitable $150,000 for management services. Under the circumstances,
contribution to the filing organization. the amounts paid by M to D (in the capacity as owner and CEO
Example 1. A is the CEO (and the top management of M) don't require that the organization answer “Yes” on line 5,
official) of the organization. In addition to compensation paid by regarding D. However, the organization must report the
the organization to A, A receives payments from B, an unrelated transaction with M, including the relationship between D and M,
corporation (using the definition of relatedness on Schedule R on Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ), Part IV. Also, D doesn't
(Form 990)), for services provided by A to the organization. B qualify as an independent member of the organization's
also makes rent payments for A's personal residence. The governing body because D receives indirect financial benefits
organization is aware of the compensation arrangement from the organization through M that are reportable on
between A and B, and doesn't treat the payments as paid by the Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ), Part IV.
If the organization enters an amount in column (A) for Don't net losses from uncollectible pledges from prior years,
TIP lines 2a through 2e or lines 11a through 11c, it must also refunds of contributions and service revenue from prior years, or
enter a corresponding business activity code from reversal of grant expenses from prior years on line 1. Rather,
Business Activity Codes. If none of the listed codes, or other report any such items as “Other changes in net assets or fund
6-digit codes listed on the NAICS website at NAICS 2017 balances” on Part XI, line 9, and explain in Schedule O.
Census Chart, accurately describe the activity, enter “900099.” The organization must report any contributions of
Use of these codes doesn't imply that the business activity is conservation easements and other qualified conservation
unrelated to the organization's exempt purpose. contributions consistently with how it reports revenue from
such contributions in its books, records, and financial
Column (B). statements.
In column (B), report all revenue from activities substantially
related to the organization's exempt purposes. Use of revenue Reporting on line 1 according to ASC 958 generally is
for the organization's exempt purposes doesn't make the activity acceptable (though not required) for Form 990 purposes, but the
that produced the income (for example, fundraising activity) value of donated services or use of materials, equipment, or
substantially related to the organization's exempt purposes. Also facilities may not be reported. An organization that receives a
report here any revenue that is excludable from gross income grant to be paid in future years should, according to ASC 958,
other than by section 512, 513, or 514, such as interest on state report the grant's present value on line 1. Accruals of present
and local bonds that is excluded from tax by section 103. value increments to the unpaid grant should be reported on
line 1 in future years.
Column (C).
Contributions don't include:
Line 12. For column (A), add lines 1h, 2g, 3 through 5, 6d, 7d,
Many games of chance are taxable. Income from bingo 8c, 9c, 10c, and 11e. For columns (B) through (D), add lines 2a
games generally isn't subject to the tax on unrelated business through 2f, 3, 4, 5, 6d, 7d, 8c, 9c, 10c, and 11a through 11d. The
income if the games meet the legal definition of bingo. For a amounts reported on line 12 in columns (B), (C), and (D), plus
game to meet the legal definition of bingo, wagers must be the amount reported on line 1h, should equal line 12, column (A).
placed, winners must be determined, and prizes or other
property must be distributed in the presence of all persons Part IX. Statement of Functional
placing wagers in that game.
A wagering game that doesn't meet the legal definition of
bingo doesn't qualify for the exclusion, regardless of its name. Check the box in the heading of Part IX if Schedule O (Form 990
For example, instant bingo, in which a player buys a or 990-EZ) contains any information pertaining to this part.
pre-packaged bingo card with pull tabs that the player removes Use the organization's normal accounting method to
to determine if he or she is a winner, doesn't qualify. See Pub. complete this section. If the organization's accounting system
598. doesn't allocate expenses, the organization can use any
Line 9b. Enter on this line the expenses that relate directly to reasonable method of allocation. The organization must report
the production of the revenue portion of the gaming activity. amounts accurately and document the method of allocation in its
Direct expenses of gaming include: records. Report any expense described on lines 1–23 on the
• Cash prizes, appropriate line; don't report such expense on line 24. Don't
• Noncash prizes, report in Part IX expenses that must be reported on lines 6b, 7b,
• Compensation to bingo callers and workers, 8b, 9b, or 10b in Part VIII.
• Rental of gaming equipment, and Column (A)—Total
• Cost of gaming supplies such as pull tabs, bingo cards, etc. Section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations must complete
Line 9c. Enter the difference between line 9a and 9b. Show any columns (A) through (D).
loss in parentheses. All other organizations must complete column (A) but can
complete columns (B), (C), and (D).
Line 10a. Enter the organization's gross income from sales of
inventory items, less returns and allowances. Sales of inventory State reporting requirements can be different from IRS
items reportable on line 10a are sales of items that are donated ! reporting requirements applicable to Part IX.
to the organization, that the organization makes to sell to others, CAUTION
Line 10a. Land, buildings, equipment, and leasehold im- Line 15. Other assets. Report on this line the total book value
provements. Enter the cost or other basis of all land, buildings, of all assets held and not reported on lines 1 through 14.
equipment, and leasehold improvements held at the end of the If an amount is reported on this line that is 5% or more of the
year. Include both property held for investment purposes and amount reported on Part X, line 16, answer “Yes” on Part IV,
property used for the organization's exempt functions. If an line 11d and complete Schedule D (Form 990), Part IX. The
amount is reported here, answer “Yes” on Part IV, line 11a, and amount reported on Part X, column (B), line 15, must equal the
complete Schedule D (Form 990), Part VI. The amount reported total of Schedule D, Part IX, column (b).
on line 10a must equal the total of Schedule D, Part VI, columns Line 16. Total assets. Add the totals in columns (A) and (B),
(a) and (b). lines 1 through 15. The amounts on line 16 must equal the
Line 10b. Accumulated depreciation. Enter the total amount amounts on line 34 for both the beginning and end of the year.
of accumulated depreciation for the assets reported on line 10a. The organization must enter a zero or a dollar amount on this
Line 31. Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated in- Part XII. Financial Statements and
come, or other funds. For corporations, enter the balance of
retained earnings as recorded on the corporation's books, or Reporting
similar account, minus the cost of any corporate treasury stock.
For trusts, enter the balance in the accumulated income or
similar account. For those organizations using the fund method Check the box in the heading of Part XII if Schedule O (Form
of accounting, enter the total of the fund balances for the net 990 or 990-EZ) contains any information pertaining to this part.
assets without donor restrictions funds, and the net assets Line 1. Accounting method. Indicate the method of
with donor restrictions funds, as well as balances of any other accounting used in preparing this return. See Part D, earlier.
funds not reported on lines 29 and 30. Provide an explanation on Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (1)
if the organization changed its method of accounting from a prior
Line 32. Total net assets or fund balances. For
year, or (2) if the organization checked the “Other” accounting
organizations that follow ASC 958 enter the total of lines 27
method box.
through 28. For all other organizations, enter the total of lines 29
through 31. All filers must enter a zero or a dollar amount on this Line 2. Financial statements and independent accountant.
line. Answer “Yes” or “No” to indicate on line 2a or line 2b whether the
organization's financial statements for the tax year were
Line 33. Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances.
compiled, reviewed, or audited by an independent
Enter the total of line 26 and line 32. This amount must equal the
accountant. An accountant is independent if he or she meets the
amount on line 16. The organization must enter a zero or a dollar
standards of independence set forth by the American Institute of
amount on this line.
Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the Public Company
Part XI. Reconciliation of Net Assets Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), or another similar body
that oversees or sets standards for the accounting or auditing
Check the box in the heading of Part XI if Schedule O (Form 990 professions.
or 990-EZ) contains any information pertaining to this part.
If “Yes” on either line 2a or 2b, answer “Yes” or “No” on line 2c
to indicate whether the organization has a committee that is
Line 1. Enter the amount of total revenue reported on Part VIII,
responsible under its governing documents or through
line 12, column (A).
delegation by its governing body for (i) overseeing the
compilation, review, or audit of the financial statements, and (ii)
Line 2. Enter the amount of total expenses reported on Part IX,
the selection of an independent accountant that compiled,
line 25, column (A).
reviewed, or audited the statements. Answer “Yes” only if both (i)
and (ii) apply. If this process has changed from the prior year,
Line 3. Enter the difference between lines 1 and 2.
describe on Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ).
Line 4. Enter the amount of net assets or fund balances at the Line 3a. Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A-133. Answer
beginning of year reported on Part X, line 32, column (A). This “Yes,” if during the year the organization was required under the
amount should be the same amount reported on Part X, line 33, Single Audit Act of 1984, as amended in 1996, and OMB
column (B), for the prior year’s return. Circular A-133 to undergo an audit or audits because of its
receipt of federal contract awards. The Single Audit Act requires
Line 5. Report the net unrealized gains or losses on investments states, local governments, and nonprofit organizations that
reported in the organization's audited financial statements (or spend $750,000 or more of federal awards in a year to obtain an
other financial statements). This amount represents the change annual audit according to the Act.
in market value of investments that weren't sold or exchanged
Note. The Single Audit Act of 1984 and OMB Circular A-133 are
during the tax year.
superseded by Uniform Guidance, 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Subpart F,
and now requires states, local governments, and nonprofit
Line 6. Report the value of services or use of facilities donated
organizations that expend $750,000 (previously was $500,000)
to the organization (net of services or use of facilities donated by
or more of federal awards in a year to obtain an annual audit.
the organization) reported as income or expense in the financial
statements. Line 3b. Required audits. If “Yes” on line 3a, indicate whether
the organization has undergone the required audit or audits.
Line 8. Report the net prior period adjustments during the tax Answer “Yes,” if the audit was completed or in progress during
year reported in the financial statements. Prior period the organization's tax year. If the answer to line 3b is “No,”
adjustments are corrections of errors in financial statements of explain on Schedule O (Form 990 or 990-EZ) why the
prior years, or changes in accounting principles applied to such organization hasn't undergone any required audits and describe
years. The errors may include math errors, mistakes in applying any steps taken to undergo such audits.
accounting principles, or oversight or misuse of facts that existed
at the time the financial statements were prepared. Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the information
on these forms to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the
Line 9. Enter the total amount of other changes in net assets or United States. You are required to give us the information. We
fund balances during the year. Amounts to report here include need it to ensure that you are complying with these laws and to
losses on uncollectible pledges, refunds of contributions and allow us to figure and collect the right amount of tax. You are not
program service revenue, reversal of grant expenses, any required to provide the information requested on a form that is
difference between FMV and book value of property given as an subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form displays
Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting 511140 Directory and mailing list 533110 Lessors of nonfinancial 621300 Offices of other health
publishers (except Internet) intangible assets (except practitioners
and Fishing 511190 Other publishers (except copyrighted works) 621400 Outpatient care centers
Code Professional, Scientific, and 621500 Medical and diagnostic
512000 Motion picture and sound laboratories
110000 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and recording industries Technical Services
fishing 621610 Home health care services
515100 Radio and television Code 621910 Ambulance services
111000 Crop production broadcasting (except Internet)
541100 Legal services 621990 All other ambulatory health care
Mining 517000 Telecommunications (including
541990 Consumer credit counseling services
paging, cellular, satellite, cable,
Code other telecommunications, and services 623000 Nursing and residential care
Internet service providers) 541200 Accounting, tax preparation, facilities
211120 Crude petroleum extraction
519100 Other information services bookkeeping, and payroll 623990 Other residential care facilities
211130 Natural gas extraction services
(including news syndicates and 624100 Individual and family services
212000 Mining (except oil and gas) libraries) 541300 Architectural, engineering, and 624110 Community centers (except rec.
Utilities 519130 Internet Publishing related services only), youth Adoption agencies
541380 Testing laboratories 624200 Community food and housing,
Code Data Processing Services 541511 Custom computer programming and emergency and other relief
221000 Utilities Code services services
Construction 518210 Data Processing, Hosting, and 541519 Other computer-related services 624210 Meal delivery programs, Soup
Related Services 541610 Management consulting services kitchens, or Food banks
Code 624310 Vocational rehabilitation services
Finance and Insurance 541700 Scientific research and
230000 Construction development services 624410 Child day care services
236000 Construction of buildings Code 541800 Advertising and related services
522100 Depository credit intermediation
Arts, Entertainment, and
Manufacturing 541860 Direct mail advertising
(including commercial banking,
541900 Other professional, scientific, Recreation
Code savings institutions, and credit
unions) and technical services code
310000 Manufacturing
323100 Printing and related support 522200 Nondepository credit Management of Companies and 711110 Theater companies and dinner
intermediation (including credit theaters
activities Enterprises
card issuing and sales financing) 711120 Dance companies
Wholesale Trade 522210 Credit card issuing Code 711130 Musical groups and artists
Code 522220 Sales Financing 551111 Offices of bank holding 711190 Other performing art companies
423000 Merchant wholesalers, durable 522291 Consumer lending companies 711210 Spectator sports (including
goods 522292 Real estate credit 551112 Offices of other holding sports clubs and racetracks)
424000 Merchant wholesalers, 522298 Other nondepository credit companies 711300 Promoters of performing arts,
nondurable goods intermediation sports and similar events
Administrative and Support
523000 Securities, commodity contracts, 713110 Amusement and theme parks
Retail Trade and other financial investments Services 713200 Gambling industries
Code and related activities 713910 Golf courses and country clubs
441100 Automobile dealers 523920 Portfolio management 713940 Fitness and recreational sports
561000 Administrative and support
442000 Furniture and home furnishings 523930 Investment advice services centers
stores 524113 Direct life insurance carriers 561300 Employment services 713990 All other amusement and
443142 Computer and software stores 524114 Direct health and medical recreation industries (including
561439 Other business service centers skiing facilities, marinas, and
444100 Building materials and supplies insurance carriers
561499 All other business support bowling centers)
dealers 524126 Direct property and casualty services
445100 Grocery stores insurance carriers Accommodation and Food
561500 Travel arrangement and
445200 Specialty food stores 524130 Reinsurance carriers reservation services
446110 Pharmacies and drug stores 524292 Third-party administration of Services
561520 Tour operators
insurance and pension funds Code
446199 All other health and personal 561700 Services to buildings and
care stores 524298 All other insurance-related dwellings 721000 Accommodation
448000 Clothing and clothing 721110 Hotels (except casino hotels)
accessories stores 525100 Insurance and employee benefit Waste Management and and motels
451110 Sporting goods stores
525920 Trusts, estates, and agency
Remediation Services 721210 RV (recreational vehicle) parks
451211 Book stores and recreational camps
accounts Code
452000 General merchandise stores 721310 Rooming and boarding houses,
525990 Other Financial vehicles 562000 Waste management and dormitories, and workers’ camps
453000 Miscellaneous store retailers (including mortgage REITs) remediation services (sanitary 722320 Caterers
453220 Gift, novelty, and souvenir stores services)
Real Estate and Rental Leasing 722410 Drinking places (alcoholic
453310 Used merchandise stores Educational Services beverages)
454110 Electronic shopping and Code
Code 722511 Full-service restaurants
mail-order houses 531110 Lessors of residential buildings
and dwellings (including equity 611420 Computer training 722513 Limited-service restaurants
Transportation and REITs) 611430 Professional and management 722514 Cafeterias and buffets
Warehousing 531120 Lessors of nonresidential development training 722515 Snack and non-alcoholic
buildings (except 616000 Other schools and instruction beverage bars
Code minwarehouses) (including (other than elementary and
485000 Transit and ground passenger equity REITs) secondary schools or colleges
Other Services
transportation 531190 Lessors of other real estate and universities, which should Code
493000 Warehousing and storage property (including equity REITs) select a code to describe their 811000 Repair and maintenance
531310 Real estate property managers unrelated activities)
Information 812300 Drycleaning and laundry services
531390 Other activities related to real 611710 Educational support services
estate 812900 Other personal services
Code Healthcare and Social
532000 Rental and leasing services 812930 Parking lots and garages
511110 Newspaper publishers (except
Internet) 532420 Office machinery and equipment Assistance
511120 Periodical publishers (except rental and leasing
621110 Offices of physicians
511130 Book publishers (except Internet)
NOTES: • Words in bold within a definition are defined elsewhere within the Glossary.
• All section references are to the Internal Revenue Code (Title 26 of U.S. Code)
or regulations under Title 26, unless otherwise specified.
• Definitions are for purposes of filing Form 990 (and Schedules) only.
35% controlled entity An entity that is owned, directly or indirectly (for example, under constructive
ownership rules of section 267(c)), by a given person, such as the
organization's current or former officers, directors, trustees, or key
employees listed on Form 990, Part VII, Section 1, or the family members
thereof (listed persons) as follows:
1. A corporation in which listed persons own more than 35% of the total
combined voting power;
2. A partnership in which listed persons own more than 35% of the profits
interest; or
3. A trust or estate in which listed persons own more than 35% of the
beneficial interest.
Accountable plan A reimbursement or other expense allowance arrangement that satisfies the
requirements of section 62(c) by meeting the requirements of business
connection, substantiation, and returning amounts in excess of substantiated
expenses. See Regulations section 1.62-2(c)(2).
Activities conducted outside the United States For purposes of Schedule F (Form 990), Statement of Activities Outside the
United States, include grantmaking, fundraising, unrelated trade or
business, program services, program-related investments, other
investments, or maintaining offices, employees, or agents in particular
regions outside the United States.
Applicable tax-exempt organization A section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), or 501(c)(29) organization that is tax-exempt
under section 501(a), or that was such an organization at any time during the
5-year period ending on the day of the excess benefit transaction.
Art See Works of art.
ASC 740 See FIN 48 (ASC 740).
ASC 958 Financial Accounting Standards Board, Accounting Standards Codification 958
(ASC 958) provides standards for external financial statements certified by an
independent accountant for certain types of nonprofit organizations. ASC 958
doesn't apply to credit unions, voluntary employees' beneficiary associations,
supplemental unemployment benefit trusts, section 501(c)(12) cooperatives,
and other member benefit or mutual benefit organizations.
While some states may require reporting according to ASC 958, the IRS
doesn't. However, a Form 990 return prepared according to ASC 958 will be
acceptable to the IRS.
ASC 2016–14 Accounting Standards Update 2016-14 is codified in Accounting Standards
Codification 958, Not-for-Profit Entities (ASC 958).
Audit A formal examination of an organization's financial records and practices by an
independent, certified public accountant with the objective of issuing a report
on the organization's financial statements as to whether those statements are
fairly stated according to generally accepted accounting principles (or other
recognized comprehensive basis of accounting).
Audited financial statements Financial statements accompanied by a formal opinion or report prepared by
an independent, certified public accountant with the objective of assessing the
accuracy and reliability of the organization's financial statements.
Legislation Includes action by Congress, any state legislature, any local council, or similar
governing body about acts, bills, resolutions, or similar items, or action by the
public in referenda, ballot initiatives, constitutional amendments, or similar
procedures. It doesn't include actions by executive, judicial, or administrative
Lobbying See lobbying activities.
Lobbying activities All activities intended to influence foreign, national, state, or local legislation.
Such activities include direct lobbying (attempting to influence the legislators)
and grassroots lobbying (attempting to influence legislation by influencing the
general public).
Maintaining offices, employees, or agents For purposes of Schedule F (Form 990), Statement of Activities Outside the
United States, includes principal, regional, district, or branch offices, such
offices maintained by agents, independent contractors, and persons situated at
those offices paid wages for services performed. “Agent” is defined under
traditional agency principles (but doesn't include volunteers).
Management company An organization that performs management duties for another organization
customarily performed by or under the direct supervision of the other
organization's officers, directors, trustees, or key employees. These
management duties include, but aren't limited to, hiring, firing, and supervising
personnel; planning or executing budgets or financial operations; and
supervising exempt operations or unrelated trades or businesses.
Medical research For purposes of a medical research organization operated in conjunction with a
hospital (see Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ), Public Charity Status and
Public Support), medical research means investigations, studies and
experiments performed to discover, develop, or verify knowledge relating to
physical or mental diseases and impairments and their causes, diagnosis,
prevention, treatment, or control.
Member of the governing body A person who serves on an organization's governing body, including a
director or trustee, but not if the person lacks voting power.
A Exempt Organizations Reference Chart
B How To Determine Whether an Organization's Gross Receipts Are Normally $50,000 (or $5,000) or Less
C Special Gross Receipts Tests for Determining Exempt Status of Section 501(c)(7) and Section 501(c)(15) Organizations
D Public Inspection of Returns
E Group Returns—Reporting Information on Behalf of the Group
F Disregarded Entities and Joint Ventures—Inclusion of Activities and Items
G Section 4958 Excess Benefit Transactions
H Forms and Publications To File or Use
I Use of Form 990 or 990-EZ To Satisfy State Reporting Requirements
J Contributions
Fraternal Beneficiary and Domestic Fraternal Societies and Associations 501(c)(8) & (c)(10)
Organizations of Past or Present Members of the Armed Forces 501(c)(19) & (c)(23)
Trusts described in section 4049 of the Employer Retirement Income Security 501(c)(24)
Appendix B. How To Form 990-EZ. Gross receipts are the considered normally to be $5,000 or less
if the organization is:
sum of lines 5b, 6c, 7b, and 9 of Form
Determine Whether an 990-EZ, Part I. 1. Up to a year old and has received,
Organization's Gross Example. Organization M reported or donors have pledged to give, $7,500
or less during its first tax year;
$50,000 as total revenue on line 9 of its
Receipts Are Normally Form 990-EZ. M added back the costs 2. Between 1 and 3 years old and
$50,000 (or $5,000) or and expenses it had deducted on lines
5b ($2,000); 6b ($1,500); and 7b ($500)
averaged $6,000 or less in gross receipts
during each of its first 2 tax years; or
Less to its total revenue of $50,000 and 3. Three years old or more and
To figure whether an organization has to determined that its gross receipts for the averaged $5,000 or less in gross receipts
file Form 990-EZ (or Form 990), apply the tax year were $54,000. for the immediately preceding 3 tax years
(including the year for which the return
$50,000 (or $5,000) gross receipts test
(below) using the following definition of
$50,000 Gross Receipts would be filed).
gross receipts and information in Figuring Test
Gross Receipts below. To determine whether an organization's
Appendix C. Special
Gross Receipts gross receipts are normally $50,000 or Gross Receipts Tests
less, apply the following test. An
Gross receipts are the total amounts the organization's gross receipts are for Determining Exempt
organization received from all sources
during its annual tax year (including short
considered normally to be $50,000 or
less if the organization is:
Status of Section 501(c)
years) without subtracting any costs or
1. Up to a year old and has received, (7) and 501(c)(15)
Don't use the definition of gross
or donors have pledged to give, $75,000
or less during its first tax year;
receipts described in Appendix Section 501(c)(7) organizations (social
CAUTION C. Special Gross Receipts Tests
2. Between 1 and 3 years old and
clubs) and section 501(c)(15)
averaged $60,000 or less in gross
for Determining Exempt Status of Section organizations (insurance companies)
receipts during each of its first 2 tax
501(c)(7) and 501(c)(15) Organizations, apply the same gross receipts test as
years; or
to figure gross receipts for this purpose. other organizations to determine whether
Those tests are limited to determining the 3. Three years old or more and they must file Form 990 or 990-EZ.
exempt status of section 501(c)(7) and averaged $50,000 or less in gross However, section 501(c)(7) and section
501(c)(15) organizations. receipts for the immediately preceding 3 501(c)(15) organizations also are subject
tax years (including the year for which the to separate gross receipts tests to
Gross receipts when acting as an return would be filed). determine whether they qualify as
agent. If a local chapter of a section If the organization's gross receipts are tax-exempt for the tax year. The following
501(c)(8) fraternal organization collects normally $50,000 or less, it must submit tests use a special definition of gross
insurance premiums for its parent lodge Form 990-N, Electronic Notice receipts for purposes of determining
and merely sends those premiums to the (e-Postcard) for Tax-Exempt whether these organizations are exempt
parent without asserting any right to use Organizations Not Required to File Form for a particular tax year.
the funds or otherwise deriving any 990 or 990-EZ, if it chooses not to file Section 501(c)(7). A section 501(c)(7)
benefit from them, the local chapter Form 990 or 990-EZ. In general, organization can receive up to 35% of its
doesn't include the premiums in its gross organizations excepted from filing Form gross receipts, including investment
receipts. The parent lodge reports them 990 or 990-EZ because of low gross income, from sources outside its
instead. The same treatment applies in receipts must submit Form 990-N. See membership and remain tax-exempt. Part
other situations in which one organization filing exceptions described in General of the 35% (up to 15% of gross receipts)
collects funds merely as an agent for Instructions, Section B. Organizations can be from public use of a social club's
another. Not Required To File Form 990 or facilities.
Figuring Gross Receipts 990-EZ, earlier. Gross receipts, for purposes of
Figure gross receipts for Form 990 and $5,000 Gross Receipts determining the tax-exempt status of
section 501(c)(7) organizations, are the
990-EZ as follows.
Test club's income from its usual activities and
Form 990. Gross receipts are the sum of include:
To determine whether an organization's
lines 6b(i), 6b(ii), 7b(i), 7b(ii), 8b, 9b, 10b,
gross receipts are normally $5,000 or • Charges,
and 12 (column (A)) of Form 990, Part
less, apply the following test. An • Admissions,
organization's gross receipts are • Membership fees,
• Dues,
• Assessments, and
Request for a copy of parts of a b. Request made in writing. If a granted for filing the return) or is actually
document. A tax-exempt organization tax-exempt organization charges a fee filed, whichever is later.
must fulfill a request for a copy of the for copying and postage, it must accept
organization's entire application for tax payment by certified check, money order, Documents Provided by
exemption or annual information return or
any specific part or schedule of its
and either personal check or credit card
for requests made in writing. The
Local and Subordinate
application or return. A request for a copy organization can accept other forms of Organizations
of less than the entire application or less payment.
Applications for tax exemption.
than the entire return must specifically Avoidance of unexpected fees. Except as otherwise provided, a
identify the requested part or schedule. Where a tax-exempt organization doesn't tax-exempt organization that didn't file its
Fees for copies. A tax-exempt require prepayment and a requester own application for tax exemption
organization can charge a reasonable fee doesn't enclose payment with a request, (because it is a local or subordinate
for providing copies. Before the an organization must receive consent organization covered by a group
organization provides the documents, it from a requester before providing copies exemption letter) must, upon request,
can require that the individual requesting for which the fee charged for copying and make available for public inspection, or
copies of the documents pay the fee. If postage exceeds $20. provide copies of, the application
the organization has provided an Documents to be provided by submitted to the IRS by the central or
individual making a request with notice of regional and district offices. Except parent organization to obtain the group
the fee, and the individual doesn't pay the as otherwise provided, a regional or exemption letter and those documents
fee within 30 days, or if the individual district office of a tax-exempt which were submitted by the central or
pays the fee by check and the check organization must satisfy the same rules parent organization to include the local or
doesn't clear upon deposit, the as the principal office for allowing public subordinate organization in the group
organization can disregard the request. inspection and providing copies of its exemption letter.
Form of payment. application for tax exemption and annual
a. Request made in person. If a information returns. However, if the central or parent
tax-exempt organization charges a fee organization submits to the IRS a list or
A regional or district office isn't directory of local or subordinate
for copying, it must accept payment by required, however, to make its annual
cash and money order for requests made organizations covered by the group
information return available for inspection exemption letter, the local or subordinate
in person. The organization can accept or to provide copies until 30 days after
other forms of payment, such as credit organization is required to provide only
the date the return is required to be filed the application for the group exemption
cards and personal checks. (including any extension of time that is ruling and the pages of the list or
directory that specifically refer to it. The