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Sample Problems: Material (-CM/FT) T (C) at 20 C

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THE BIG THREE IN ELECTRICITY Sample Problems Properties of common materials

1. VOLTAGE - The unseen force that tend to push or pull electrons. It 1. What potential difference must be applied to the circuit if it takes 40 Material (-CM/ft) T(0C) @ 20
is an electromotive force ( emf ), potential difference, Joules of energy to move12.48N X 10 18 electrons ? C

IR drop. Unit is in Volt ( V ). Named after Alessandro a) 10 volts b) 20 volts *

Silver 9.9 243 0.0038
c) 30 volts d) 40 volts
Giuseppe Antonio Anastacio Volta, Italian physicist Copper 10.37 234.5 0.00393
(1745 – 1827). One unit of work done per one 2. A certain conductor, has a resistance of 0.5 ohm. What is the Aluminum 17 236 0.0039
coulomb of charge . resistance of the conductor of the same material as the first at the Tungsten 33 202 0.0045
same temperature but, twice as long and with diameter half as much ? Zinc 36 250 0.0037
W a) 8 ohms b) 4 ohms *
Q c) 6 ohms d) 3 ohms Sample Problems
3. ( EE Bd. Oct.’98 ) 1. Calculate the temperature coefficient of resistance of an
No. of electrons A meter rod of 2 cm diameter is drawn until its resistance is 100 times
Q= aluminum at 2 0C using the value thus obtained, determine
6.28x1018 electrons / coulomb the initial resistance, its length afterward is. . . the resistance of an aluminum conductor at 62 0C if its
a) 10 meters * b) 12.5 meters resistance at 2 0C is 7.5 ohms.
c) 100 meters d) 5 meters a) 6.39 ohms b) 7.39 ohms
2. CURRENT – Electrons in motion. Unit is in Ampere ( A ) . Named
after Andre Marie Ampere, French Physicist (1775 – 4. A copper wire of unknown length has a diameter of 0.25 inch and a c) 8.39 ohms d) 9.39 ohms *
1836) resistance of 0.28 ohms. By several successive drawing dies the 2. A shunt winding of a motor has a resistance of 80 ohms
diameter of the wire is reduced to 0.05 inch. Assuming that the at 150C. If the temperature coefficient of resistance at 00C is
Q resistivity remains the same or unchanged in drawing process, 0.004 per Deg. centigrade, what is its resistance at 500C?
I= calculate the resistance of the reduced size wire.
t a) 49.25 ohms b) 90.57 ohms *
a) 150 ohms b) 6 ohms c) 63.50 ohms d) 105.65 ohms
c) 175 ohms * d) 8 ohms
3. RESISTANCE – The property of conductor that opposes the flow of 3. The resistance of the field coils with copper conductors of a
electrons. Unit is in Ohm. named after Georg dynamo is 120 ohms at 25 oC. After working for 6 hours on full
THE RESISTANCE - TEMPERATURE RELATIONSHIP load, the resistance of the coil increases to 140 ohms.
Simon Ohm, German Physicist (1787 – 1854).
Calculate the mean temperature rise of the field coil. Take the
L L2 V temperature coefficient of the conductor material as
R2 T  t2 1
R= =  =   t1 = 0.0042 at 0 oC.
A V A2 R1 T  t1 T  t1 a) 41.3 oC b) 44.7 oC
c) 43.8 oC * d) 45.8 oC
Where : W =Work done in Joule R2 t = t 2  t1
Q =Charge in coulomb  1   t1  t CIRCUIT CONNECTIONS
t =time in second R1
ρ =resistivity of the material in CM, ohm-meter 1. Resistances in series 2. Resistances in parallel
L =length of the material in ft. or in meter or cm. where:
A =Cross-sectional area in Circular Mil (CM) or R1 = initial resistance RT = R1 + R2 + . . + Rn 1 1 1 1
= + + . .+
sq. m. or sq. cm. R2 = final resistance RT R1 R2 Rn
V = Volume of the drawn material T = inferred absolute temperature
= temp. when the resistance of the material is VT = V1 + V2 + . . + Vn VT = V1 = V2 = . . = Vn
Note: The circular mil area of a conductor is equal to its diameter in
t1 = initial temperature IT = I1 = I2 = . . = In IT = I1 + I2 + . . + In
mils squared (1 in. = 1000 mils). For example, the circular mil area of
t2 = final temperature
an 8 AWG solid conductor that has a 0.1285-in. diameter is calculated
as follows: t = change in temperature 1 1 1 1 GT = G1 + G2 + . . + Gn
= + +..+
 = temperature coefficient of resistance GT G1 G2 GT
0.1285 in x 1,000 mils/ inch = 128.5 mils
128.5 mils x 128.5 mils = 16,512.25 CM
= 16.5 MCM
franciscan2009@gmail.com ENGR. DENNIS E. LAUTA EE - ECE
equations. All meshes are assumed and equations are established
using sign convention. The equations can be solved using the principle
of simultaneous equation. DELTA TO WYE / WYE TO DELTA TRANSFORMATION
- The current flowing in any type of conducting material is directly
A method which uses voltage analysis. It started by applying BC
proportional to the voltage applied and inversely to material resistance. Y=
kirchhoff’s current law initially, and convert it to voltage terms found in A +B+C
the circuit. The number of nodes minus 1 will determine the number of CA
voltage equations. ( node means junction or crossing ) Z=
I= R= A B
XY + YZ + ZX
A circuit analysis which employ the use of one source at a time, WYE TO DELTA : X
ELECTRICAL POWER, HEAT AND ENERGY RELATIONS that is for circuit having many number of sources and are independent XY + YZ + ZX
to each other. All currents being run by each source will be summed up B=
algebraically to arrive a common and real current of the circuit.
Q = 0.24 P t = m c ( t 2 – t 1 ) XY + YZ + ZX
A theorem which states that a complex circuit can be reduce into
Q = 0.24 i2 R t V2 Q = 0.24 V i t Sample Problems
Q = 0.24 t simple series consisting of a load resistance and circuit looking back
R resistance across an open circuit voltage as source.
1. Three identical resistances of 75 ohms are connected in
6. NORTON’S THEOREM delta across 440 V, 3 phase supply. The value of resistance in
each leg of the equivalent star connected load would be ?
Sample Problems A theorem which states that a complex circuit can be reduce into a) 15 ohms b) 25 ohms *
simple parallel consisting of a load resistance and circuit looking back c) 7.5 ohms d) 30 ohms
1. Two resistors when connected in series has a total resistance of 24 resistance in parallel across short circuit current as source.
ohms. When the same resistors connected in parallel it has a total 2. Three identical capacitors of 50 uF are connected in wye. If
resistance of 6 ohms, one of the resistors has a conductance of ? 7. MILLMANS’ METHOD one of the capacitors is busted what is the total capacitance of
a) 0.16 mho b) 0.125 mho the remaining capacitors ?
c) 0.05 mho d) 0.083 mho * A circuit method which can be applied for connections having many a) 150 uF b) 50 uF
sources of different internal resistances. The load voltage can be c) 25 uF d) can’t be solved
2. A resistor connected across 100 volts dc line draw 200 watts of real readily solve using the relation :
power. If the resistance is doubled, the power consumption will be?
c) 100 watts * d) 80 watts
In any circuit, maximum power is transferred to the load resistor if, 1. What potential difference must be applied to the circuit if it
3. A process equipment contains 100 gallons of water at 25 0C. It is it has a value which is the same as the circuit internal resistance. takes 40 Joules of energy to move12.48N X 10 18 electrons ?
required to bring it to boiling point in 10 minutes. What is the kW rating a) 10 volts b) 20 volts
of the heater ? c) 30 volts d) 40 volts
Sample Problems
2. A current of 2 amperes has been set up in an electric circuit.
1. A series circuit of 20 ohms load resistance and internal circuit How long does it take for a 4 Coulomb charge to pass a
resistance of 5 ohms is energized by a 24 volts supply battery. particular point in the circuit ?
Compute for the load power and the maximum power the source a) 2 seconds b) 4 seconds
Voltage Law : The algebraic sum of all voltages in a loop is zero can deliver. c) 6 seconds d) 8 seconds
Current Law : The algebraic sum of all currents in a junction is zero
2. A circuit consisting of a load resistor in series with an internal 3. If it takes 50 joules of energy to move 10 Coulombs of charge
resistance is supplied by a 60 V dc source. What is the available through a resistor. What is the potential difference across the
maximum power the source can deliver to a 10 ohms load? resistor ?
A theorem which employ the use of mesh current in which the a) 20 volts b) 15 volts
number of current meshes will determine the number of current c) 10 volts d) 5 volts
franciscan2009@gmail.com ENGR. DENNIS E. LAUTA EE - ECE
c) 1.5 ohms d) 2.0 ohms

4. What is the resistance of a 1,000 ft long copper wire if the cross- 13.How much energy is used in 30 days by a 120 V clock having an Bring Home Problems
sectional area is 3,200 CM internal resistance of 3 kiloohm ?
with a resistivity of 10.37 ohm-CM per ft. at 20 0C ? a) 5.5 kw – hr b) 4.5 kw – hr 1. What is the charge carried by one electron ?
a) 2.24 ohms b) 3.24 ohms c) 3.5 kw – hr d) 2.5 kw – hr a) 1.6 x 10 –19 Coulomb b) 2.6 x 10 –19 Coulomb
c) 4.24 ohms d) 5.24 ohms c) 3.6 x 10 –19 Coulomb d) 4.6 x 10 –18 Coulomb
14.Three resistors are connected in parallel with values of 10, 5.5 and
5. A copper wire has a diameter of 0.325 inch and a resistance of 0.6 12 ohms each. The total resistance of the combination is 2. In electric circuit, enough electrons are moved past a particular
ohm at 20 0C, calculate its length. a) 2.74 ohms b) 3.84 ohms point in two minutes to give a total charge of 40 coulombs. How
a) 5,799.86 ft b) 4,799.86 ft c) 4.94 ohms d) 5.94 ohms much current is this ?
c) 3,799.86 ft d) 2,799.86 ft a) 133 mA b) 233 mA
15.One of two resistors connected in parallel has a value of 100 ohms. c) 333 mA d) 433 mA
6. A given wire has a resistance of 17.5 ohms. If its length is 560 If the total resistance of the combination is 33.3 ohms, what is the
meters, how much length must be cut-off from the wire in order to value of the other resistor ? 3. What potential difference must be applied to the circuit if it
reduce its resistance to 12.5 ohms? a) 20 ohms b) 30 ohms takes 40 Joules of energy to move12.48N X 10 18 electrons?
a) 160 meters b) 170 meters c) 40 ohms d) 50 ohms a) 10 volts b) 20 volts
c) 145 meters d) 155 meters c) 30 volts d) 40 volts
16.Two resistors carrying the same current have measured voltage
7. A 500 MCM – ACSR cable has 37 strands. Determine the diameter drops of 12 volts and 46 volts respectively. The first resistor has a 4. A electric motor operates 20 hours a day, 20 days a month, at
in mils of each strand. resistance of 30,000 ohms. What is the resistance of the other an average output of 20 Hp. Calculate the cost of supplying
a) 116.25 mils b) 120.24 mils resistor ? this energy if the billing rate is constant at 1.5 cents per kwhr.
c) 118.34 mils d) 110.35 mils a) 114 k ohm b) 115 k ohm a) P 356.09 per month b) P 358.08 per month
c) 2 ohms d) 200 k ohm c) P 035.81 per month d) none of these
8. A current in an electric lamp is 5 amperes. What quantity of
electricity flows toward the filament in 5 minutes. 17.What is the power rating of a toaster which draws 5 amperes 5. A 20 ohms resistor is connected in parallel with resistor “ R “ and
a) 30 coulombs b) 3600 coulombs current from a 120 volts source ? the combination is then connected in series with 10 ohms resistor.
c) 72 coulombs d) none of these a) 600 watts b) 800 watts Find the value of “ R “ if the equivalent total resistance between
c) 1000 watts d) 1200 watts them is also equal to “ R “ ?
9. A coulomb represents the quantity of electric charge carried by a) 10 ohms b) 20 ohms
how many electrons ? 18.A toaster has one ampere when connected across 10 volts supply. c) 30 ohms d) 40 ohms
a) 7.24 x 10 18 Coulomb b) 6.24 x 10 18 C How much current will flow if the toaster is connected across 12
c) 5.24 x 10 Coulomb
d) 4.24 x 10 18 C volts supply ? 6. Two equal resistors when connected in parallel takes a total
a) 2.2 amperes b) 1.2 amperes power of 12 watts. How much power will they consumed if they
10. What is the current if 12.48 x 10 17 electrons pass through a wire in c) 0.2 ampere d) none of these are connected in series ?
100 milliseconds ? a) 12 watts b) 48 watts
a) 0.5 ampere b) 1.0 ampere 19.What resistance must be connected in series with 100 ohms c) 3 watts d) 6 watts
c) 1.5 amperes d) 2.0 amperes resistor for the unknown resistance to dissipate heat at the rate of
30 watts when the combination is connected to a 120 volts source ? 7. Two equal resistors R1 and R2 are connected in parallel. If the
11. The resistance of a cylindrical brass conductor, 0.5 cm in diameter a) 40 ohms b) 42 ohms total voltage is equal to the total current, find R1 and R2 .
and 3 meters long, is 0.0108 ohm. Determine the resistance of a c) 44 ohms d) 46 ohms a) 0.5 ohm b) 1.0 ohm
cylindrical conductor of the same material at the same c) 1.5 ohms d) 2.0 ohms
temperature, and having a diameter of 0.25 cm and a length of 8 20.Two equal resistors when connected in series takes a total power of
meters. 9 watts. How much power will they consumed if they are connected 8. The resistance of a given electric device is 46 ohms at 25 0C. If
a) 0.12 ohm b) 0.22 ohm in parallel ? the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material is
c) 0.32 ohm d) 0.42 ohm a) 9 watts b) 18 watts 0.00454 at 20 0C determine the temperature of the device when
c) 4.5 watts d) 36 watts its resistance is 92 ohms.
12. An electric circuit generates 84 watts of real power, how power was a) 150 ohms b) 145 ohms
delivered to a load resistance at maximum power condition ? 21.Two equal resistors R1 and R2 are connected in series. If the total c) 140 ohms d) 135 ohms
a) 84 watts b) 42 watts voltage is equal to the total current, find R1 and R2 .
c) 168 watts d) cannot be solve a) 0.5 ohm b) 1.0 ohm
franciscan2009@gmail.com ENGR. DENNIS E. LAUTA EE - ECE

17. The resistance of a copper wire at 30 0C is 50 ohms. If the 25. A 12 Volts battery of 0.05 ohm resistance and another battery
9. A length of wire has a resistance of 6 ohms. The resistance of a temperature coefficient of copper at 0 0C is 0.00427 / 0C. What is of 12 Volts and 0.075 ohm resistance supply power to a 2
wire of same material three times as long and twice the cross- the resistance at 100 0C ? ( EE Board Sept. 2008 ) ohms resistor. What is the current through the load ?
sectional area will be ? a) 72.26 ohms b) 63.24 ohms * ( EE Bd. Sept. 2009 )
a) 9 ohms b) 18 ohms c) 54.25 ohms d) 58.15 ohms a) 5.85 Amp. b) 5.72 Amp.
c) 27 ohms d) 30 ohms c) 5.63 Amp. d) 5.91 Amp. *
18. The resistance of a wire is 126.48 ohms at 100 0C and 100 ohms
10. A coil of copper wire (  = 10.37 ) has a length of 600 feet. What is at 30 0C. Determine the temperature coefficient of copper at 0 0C. 26. Two 6 volts, 2 ohm batteries are connected in parallel, with
the length of an aluminum conductor (  = 17 ) if its cross-sectional ( EE Board Sept. 2008 ) like polarity to like. The thevenin’s of the combination are
area and resistance are the same ? a) 0.00427 / 0C * b) 0.00615 / 0C _____ volts and _____ ohms.
a) 364 feet b) 365 feet c) 0.0256 / 0 C d) 0.0356 / 0 C a) 6 and 2 b) 6 and 1 *
c) 366 feet d) 367 feet c) 12 and 1 d) 3 and 1
19. Number 00 ( 2/0 ) AWG wire ( formerly Brown and Sharpe
11. Three resistors with values 1, 2 and 3 ohms respectively are gauge ) has an effective diameter of 9.26592 mm. Determine 27. A 100 volt carbon filament lamp takes 1 Ampere when glowing
connected in parallel. The combination is in series with 6 ohms its cross-sectional area in MCM. with a filament temperature of 1615 0C. Calculate the
resistor across a supply battery. The resistor that carries minimum a) 52.6 b) 105.2 momentary current when the lamp is first switched on in air
current is c) 133.1 * d) 266.2 temperature of 15 0C. The temperature coefficient of resistance
a) 1 ohm b) 2 ohms for carbon may be taken as – 0.000265 / 0C at 15 0C over the
c) 3 ohms d) 6 ohms 20. A 1000 ft length of #14 AWG copper wire of diameter 64 mils has range of temperature under consideration.
a resistance of 2.58 ohms at 25 0C. Determine the resistance at a) 1.724 Amp. b) 0.56 Amp.
12. A electric motor operates 20 hours a day, 20 days a month, at an this temperature of a 1200 ft, #16 AWG wire of diameter 51 mils. c) 0.58 Amp. * d) 0.84 Amp.
average output of 20 Hp. Calculate the cost of supplying this a) 0.4875 ohms b) 48.75 ohms
energy if the billing rate is constant at 1.5 cents per kw-hr. c) 487.5 ohms d) 4.875 ohms * 28. A voltage source delivers 4 A when the load connected to it is
a) P 356.09 per month b) P 358.08 per month 5 ohms and 2 A when the load becomes 20 ohms. What is the
c) P 035.81 per month d) none of these 21. What is the size in square millimeter ( mm2 ) is the cable 250 maximum power which the source can supply ?
MCM size ? ( EE Bd. Oct. 2005 ) a) 180 W b) 360 W
13. A variable resistor R is connected in parallel with a 30 ohms a) 118.656 b) 112.565 c) 60 W d) 90 W *
resistor and the combination is connected in series with a 6 ohms c) 132.348 d) 126.675 *
across a 120 volts source. What are the values of R so that the 29. The temperature coefficient of carbon at 0 0C is – 0.000515 /0C
power in it is equal to that of a 6 ohms resistor ? 22. The Norton equivalent of a circuit consists of a 1 Amp current and that of the platinum is 0.003571 / 0C at 40 0C. A carbon
a) 80.54 ohms b) 76.54 ohms source in parallel with an 8 ohm resistor. The Thevenin’s coil has a resistance of 15 ohms and a platinum coil has a
c) 13.46 ohms d) 11.46 ohms equivalent of this circuit is _____ Volt source in series with a 4 resistance of 12 ohms each at 0 0C. At what temperature will
ohms resistor. the coils have the same resistance ?
14. 8 ohms, 12 ohms and a variable resistor are connected in parallel. a) 2 * b) 0.5 a) 52 0C * b) 43 0C
To what value in kilohm should resistor R be adjusted so that the c) 6 d) 8 c) 25 C0
d) 34 0C
power in 12 ohms resistor shall be 441 watts, if the total current is
20 amperes. 23. How many calories does an electric heater of 100 Watts generate 30. A process equipment contains 100 gallons of water at 25 0C.
a) 5 ohms b) 10 ohms per second ? ( EE Bd. Sept. 2005 ) It is required to bring it to boiling point in 10 minutes. The heat
c) 15 ohms d) 20 ohms a) 10 b) 1000 loss is estimated to be 5%. What is the kW rating of the heater?
c) 23.88 * d) 42.25 a) 125 b) 252
15. A certain enclosure requires 1,400 BTU per Hour to maintain a c) 50.5 d) 207 *
given temperature. How many watts of electrical power are 24. Five batteries are connected in parallel to supply current to an
required to furnish this heat ? external resistor of 3.2 ohms. Each battery consists of 12 cells
a) 5,833.3 watts b) 408.33 watts connected in series. The emf of each cell is 1.20 volt, and internal SOW TODAY . . . .
c) 147.0 watts d) 509.0 watts resistance of each is 0.08 ohm. Determine the power dissipated
by the load. WHAT YOU WANT
16. Find the current in a conductor through which 2.5 x 10 21 a) 103.75 W b) 57.67 W *
electrons pass in 5 seconds. c) 64.24 W d) 115.23 W TO REAP TOMORROW . .
a) 40 Amperes b) 80 Amperes
c) 20 Amperes d) 10 Amperes
franciscan2009@gmail.com ENGR. DENNIS E. LAUTA EE - ECE
c) 6.66 ohms d) 3.33 ohms *
8. What is the efficiency of the system at
maximum power transfer ?
16.Three resistors A, B, and C are connected in
a) 100% b) 80%
series and to a 120-V source. The resistance of
B is twice the resistance of A and the
9. A dry cell has an internal resistance of 0.04 resistance of C is three times that of A and the
1. A 125 volt dc generator whose internal resistance is 0.15 ohm is
ohms and is assumed to have a constant emf total power taken by the circuit is 200 W.
connected through a 0.45 ohm line resistor to charge two 90 volt
of 1.5 V. Calculate the power dissipated to a Calculate the power dissipate by resistor C.
storage batteries A and B in parallel. If the internal resistances or
0.02 ohm resistor connected across the cell. a) 120 W b) 66.6 W
batteries A and B are respectively, 0.32 and 0.4 ohm, what are the
a) 12.5 W * b) 14.1 W c) 100 W * d) 60 W
charging currents?
c) 13.0 W d) 10.5 W
a) 21 A & 23 A b) 25 A & 20 A * 17.What should be the value of a resistor to be
c) 30 A & 27 A d) 16 A & 12 A 10.How long will it take a 480 W, 120-V percolator connected across one of two 30-ohm resistors
to raise the temperature of 1 quart of water in series across a 115-V source if the total
2. In the figure shown, solve for the value of the current I.
from 15oC to 100oC ? Assume a heat loss of 22 circuit power is to be 250 W ?
a) 33.2 A b) 25.9 A
percent. (Water weighs 8.33 pounds per gallon) a) 69.8 ohms b) 89.6 ohms
c) 36.0 A * d) 22.4 A
a) 36 min. b) 8 min. c) 96.8 ohms * d) 98.6 ohms
3. A 620-V source connected to a resistor network described by c) 15 min. * d) 22 min.
18.A generator delivers a load through a pair of
RT = 50 + R || 20 provides 120 V to the 20 ohm resistor. What is the
11.Two equal wire-wound resistors are connected wires each of which has a resistance of 0.06
value of R ?
in parallel and to a 120-V source. What ohms. If the load voltage and power are
a) 36 ohms b) 18 ohms
potential difference exists between the mid- respectively 120 V and 4.8 kW, calculate the
c) 24 ohms d) 30 ohms *
point of one resistor and a point that in one- power loss in the lines.
4. A 12-V battery has a 50 ampere-hour capacity.The internal third from either end of the other resistor ? a) 192 W * b) 220 W
resistance is 0.1 ohm. A 5-ohm load is connected for 5 hours. How a) 18 V b) 24 V c) 155 W d) 128 W
many ampere-hours are still left ? c) 14 V d) 20 V *
19.Evaluate: ( 6 || 12 + 10 || 40 ) || ( 6 + 2).
a) 28.51 b) 41.24
12.A 12 ohms resistor is connected in parallel with a) 9.6 b) 4.8 *
c) 38.23 * d) 35.29
a series-combination of resistors of 8 and 16 c) 59 d) 7.2
( nay kapariha sa part I no. 22 )
ohms. If the drop across the 8 ohms resistor is
20.A 60-A current flows into a resistor network
5. Two resistors R1 and R2 in parallel has an equivalent resistance of 48 V determine the total current.
describe by RT = 40 || ( 12 + 40 || 10 ). Find the
10/3 ohms. When a current enters the parallel circuit, it divides a) 22 A b) 15 A
current in the 10-ohm resistor.
between the resistors in the ratio 2:1. Determine the value of the two c) 12 A d) 18 A *
a) 52 A b)
13.What is the greatest voltage that can be applied c) d)
a) 3 and 1.5 ohms b) 20 and 10 ohms
across a 1/8 watts, 27-megaohm resistor
c) 10 and 5 ohms * d) 15 and 7.5 21.Two 30-ohm resistors are connected in series.
without causing it to overheat ?
( nay kapariha sa part I no. 21 ) When a resistor R is connected across one of
a) 622 V * b) 581 V
them, the total circuit resistance is 40 ohms.
6. A 10-ohm resistor is in series with a parallel c) 455 V d) 525 V
Find the ohmic value of R.
combination of two resistors of 15 and 5 ohms. 14.Three resistors A, B, and C are connected in
a) 30 ohms b) 15 ohms *
If the constant current in the 5 ohm resistor is 6 parallel and take a total of 7.9 amperes.
c) 45 ohms d) 10 ohms
amperes, what total power is dissipated in the Resistor A takes 2.5 A and has a resistance of
three resistors ? 48 ohms. If the current through B is twice as 22. A telegraph circuit consists of a 250 ohms
a) 880 watts * b) 620 watts much as that of C, calculate the line voltage. relay in series with the fine wires having a
c) 320 watts d) 150 watts a) 80 V b) 120 V * resistance of 50 ohms. If it takes 72 mA to
( nay kapariha sa part I no. 19 ) c) 150 V d) 100 V operate the relay, what voltage must be
impressed at the sending end of the circuit ?
7. A star connected circuit has element of 15.Three resistors A, B, and C are connected in
a) 36.2 V b) 24.2 V
resistance R/2, the equivalent element in delta parallel and take a total of 7.9 amperes.
c) 21.6 V * d) 12.8 V
will be Resistor A takes 2.5 A and has a resistance of
( nay kapariha sa part I no. 12 )
a) R/6 b) 3/2 R * 48 ohms. If the current through B is twice as
c) 2R d) 4R much as that of C,calculate the resistance of B. 23.A 72 ohm coil of wire is connected in series
a) 1.11 ohms b) 5 ohms
franciscan2009@gmail.com ENGR. DENNIS E. LAUTA EE - ECE
with an adjustable resistor whose resistance
can be varied from 0 to 88 ohms. If the
potential is 115 volts, calculate the rheostat
resistance when the power taken by the coil is
90 watts.
a) 52 ohms * b) 61 ohms
c) 105 ohms d) 45 ohms
24.The resistance of a conductor with a uniform
circular cross-section is 1.5 ohms. The
conductor is stretched until the final length is
increased by 10%. Determine the percent
change in resistance of the wire. ( Assume a
uniform cross-section for the stretched wire ).
a) 15% b) 21% *
c) 10% d) 36%
25.A 500-W 230-V electric kettle takes 15 minutes
to bring 1 kilogram of water at 15oC to boiling
point. Determine the heat efficiency of the
kettle. (Specific heat of water = 4.186 J / g-oC)
a) 79.06% * b) 88.20%
c) 93.11% d) 82.59%

franciscan2009@gmail.com ENGR. DENNIS E. LAUTA EE - ECE

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