IT Advances Improve Access: Bikes Make Life Simple
IT Advances Improve Access: Bikes Make Life Simple
IT Advances Improve Access: Bikes Make Life Simple
Bikes make
life simple
STAFF and students at the University of
Notre Dame Australia swapped their cars for
bikes, running shoes and bus passes when
they travelled to work on September 10.
Campus Car Free Day was part of Simplicity
Week, staged by Notre Dame’s Edmund
Rice Centre for Social Justice, from
September 8-14.
The week focused on making the community
aware of how they can contribute to a sustain-
able future and featured free activities at
various venues in and around Fremantle.
More than 300 students and staff left their ▲ Edmund Rice Centre lecturer Damien Norris, students David Pickett (Study Abroad) and Julia Jones (Communications),
Mayor of Fremantle Peter Tagliaferri and City of Fremantle TravelSmart Officer Piers Verstegan get on their bikes for
cars at home and found alternative transport. Campus Car Free Day last month.
NEWS in brief
n THE University of Notre Dame
Australia’s first intake of teacher assistants
in the early childhood area has graduated.
Forty-one people graduated at a special
ceremony at Notre Dame’s Fremantle
Campus on August 6.
Course Coordinator and College of
Education Senior Lecturer Mary Vajda said
the course had proved an excellent
pathway for some students to go on to a
Bachelor of Education course at the
The course was conducted over six months
on weekends.
It differed from other teacher assistants
courses with its focus on the ethos of the
Catholic school and means of supporting
▲ Mannkal Economic Education Foundation Chairman Ron Manners and Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd Chairman the Religious Education program in the
Gina Rinehart with Hernando de Soto (centre).
Notre Dame plans to run the course again
International speaker in 2004.
▲ Gift Cards (blank inside) ▲ Graduation ▲ Satchel (including shoulder strap) - $15
Notre Dame print series by artist, Bear - $40
Richard Reynolds Ward
Baseball caps
Notre Dame merchandise may be purchased from the Co-op Bookshop - 30 Marine Terrace (cnr of Henry St) , Fremantle • Open Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm
For all enquiries and mail orders, please contact the Development Office on (08) 9433 0690 or email
Host program offers friends
THE University of Notre Dame Australia’s Student Services Director Tracey Bahen
new Student Host Program is giving said Notre Dame students came from
students the opportunity to host Intern- many different backgrounds and the
ational and Study Abroad students for a program was the University’s way of
semester or longer. improving interaction and showing
hospitality to students from overseas in
Share in
The program was launched in August
and within a month more than 60
students had signed up.
their initial settling in period.
citation from Vice Chancellor Peter examiner, and academic leader in the If you have already drafted your Will, you
Tannock at the mid-year Graduation fields of education and English literature,” can make an amendment to include a
Ceremony for the Fremantle Campus. Dr Tannock said. bequest to the University of Notre Dame
Australia. Making a new Will, or chang-
Also at the ceremony in the Drill Hall in “He has taught hundreds of our students
ing your current Will should be done
June, 135 degrees were conferred, and and is greatly admired and respected for
with the assistance of your attorney.
91 study abroad students received the master teacher that he is. He has been
a wise, thoughtful and steadying presence If you would like to discuss your
options for making a bequest to Notre
in a rapidly changing and evolving
Evelyne Regnard received the John Ralph Dame with complete confidentiality
institution. We have been very, very
Prize for the most outstanding student. and without obligation, please
fortunate to have him in our community
Ms Regnard graduated with a Bachelor contact the Development Office on
in these formative years.”
of Laws with first class Honours and a (08) 9433 0692.
Bachelor of Arts with High Distinction. Before coming to Notre Dame Br Carrigg,
If you have already included a gift to
a Christian Brother, taught at CBC St.
Br Carrigg, who taught at Notre Dame Notre Dame in your Will, please let us
Kilda, St. Kevin’s Toorak, Trinity College, know so that we can enrol you as a
for almost eight years, is now in Nairobi,
Perth, and Rostrevor College Adelaide. He friend of Notre Dame, thank you
Kenya, working in Catholic teacher
was Principal of Christian Brothers personally and keep you updated on
Highgate, Trinity College and Aquinas our progress. All information is treated
Dr Tannock said Br Carrigg had been a College for a total of 20 years. in the strictest of confidence.
NEWS in brief BROOME news
■ DR Patricia Kailis, a Governor of the
University of Notre Dame Australia, has
First nurses graduate
been appointed to the board of the The Archbishop Foley Award, which
Australian Research Council. recognises outstanding service and
The three-year appointment was announced commitment to the development of the
by Federal Education Minister, Dr Brendan University community, was awarded to a
Nelson. Broome student for the first time. The
Dr Kailis, a neurologist and geneticist, is award was announced at Notre Dame’s
the governing director of the MG Kailis Awards Ceremony in Fremantle in April.
Group and has been a Governor of Notre Maria Pedersen, now an Associate
Dame since 1995. Lecturer at the Broome Campus, accepted
▲ Nursing graduates Amanda Cahill, Jessica Dawson, Robyn
Hatherley, Felicity Hart and Emily Hunter with Prof Doreen
the award at the Broome ceremony.
■ THE Catholic Institute of WA has moved McCarthy, the foundation Head of the School of Nursing at
The University of Notre Dame Australia. Bachelor of Education graduate Merrilee
to a new home at the University’s School of Lands was presented with the inaugural
Religious Education. THE first group of Broome Campus nurses
Mary MacKillop Foundation Prize for
The institute, a Church body for more than graduated in July this year.
excellence in teacher education. Ms Lands
26 years, is responsible for religious edu- At the graduation ceremony nine women, graduated with High Distinction.
cation and theology at secular universities. including two indigenous students, grad-
Broome Campus Chaplain and Research
The University’s Head of the School of uated as nurses with a three-year Bachelor
Fellow Rev Kevin McKelson received an
Religious Education, Wayne Tinsey, is also of Nursing degree.
honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.
Director of the Catholic Institute of WA. A total 63 students graduated this year,
comprising 22 in the higher education area Rev Kevin McKelson is a linguist and
Meanwhile, Associate Professor Tinsey has
taken on the role of Acting Director of the and 41 Vocational Education and Training Pallottine priest who has ministered in
Edmund Rice Centre. (VET) program participants. the Kimberley for nearly 50 years.
Dr Peter Harney, the ERC’s Director for the Higher education graduates included three The passion of his life has been the study
past four and a half years, was farewelled with a Bachelor of Business, five with a of the languages and culture of the local
in June. Bachelor of Education, two with a Graduate indigenous people.
Br Harney has taken three years’ leave of Diploma of Education (Primary) and one In 1993 Rev McKelson returned to
absence from the University. He has joined with a Graduate Certificate in Education Broome to teach and be Chaplain at the
the Christian Brothers’ international (Early Childhood Education). University of Notre Dame Australia. He is
renewal team, working initially in Peru and continuing his work on the document-
There were also two graduates in
due to move to London.
Aboriginal Studies, one with a Post- ation of Aboriginal languages, and on
Notre Dame Vice Chancellor Dr Peter graduate Certificate and one with a Masters. the inculturation of the liturgy.
Tannock said the ERC, an integral part of
Notre Dame’s mission, had flourished under
Br Harney’s leadership and guidance.
Alumni Locator
which will govern its future and formalise
its standing within the University. FURTHER INFORMATION
THE Alumni Association recently launched a new Please contact the Notre Dame Alumni
While these activities are ‘behind the
search facility on its website. Association by email at
scenes,’ they are essential in laying a solid or at PO Box 1225, Fremantle, WA 6959
Alumni Locator aims to help all graduates locate platform for future growth.
and re-connect with their classmates and friends.
To use this service, you must be registered with
the association. If you are unsure if you are reg-
istered, please visit our ‘Register Online’ page on
our website and enter your contact details.
Alumni Locator works by taking the information
Students mix with lawyers
you provide about the person you are trying to THE University of Notre Dame Australia’s alumni to network was an integral part
locate and searching the association’s database. final year law students got the chance to of the work of the association.
If the search is successful, Alumni Locator sends rub shoulders with working lawyers at a “The sundowner provided a wonderful
an email to that person notifying them that you special sundowner in the city recently. opportunity for graduating students to
are searching for them and providing your email
address, should they wish to contact you. Students mixed with lawyers from firms mingle with practitioners and to ask
Alumni Locator does not give out your infor- including Phillips Fox, Mallesons Stephen questions about the articled clerk
mation to any person without your consent. Jaques, Freehills, Clayton Utz, Minter application process and to hear the
Unfortunately, Alumni Locator cannot guarantee Ellison and Price Sierakowski. experiences of those who have been
that every search will be successful. If you feel through the process before,” he said.
you’ve lost touch with many of your fellow Notre Dame’s Alumni Association organised
“Maintaining the connection with fellow
graduates and would like to re-establish contact the event because final year law students
graduates, and now work colleagues, that
with them and find out what they’re up to, then were due to start interviews for their
we encourage you to visit the Alumni Locator started whilst studying at Notre Dame is
articles of clerkship in August.
page on our website ( also very beneficial to our law graduates
and try out our new service - you might be Alumni Association President Toby Hicks who work in a close, but competitive
surprised who you will find! said providing opportunities for University industry in the WA legal profession”.
First interstate
sport trip
a success
THE University of Notre Dame Australia’s
Rugby Union team’s first interstate trip
has been hailed a success.
Travelling to the Australian University
Games in NSW this month, the 7’s lost
their first game, won the next six, played ▲ Students get into the swing of the 2003 ball.
Student Services Officer David McLean THE 2003 Notre Dame Annual Student Ball in the Grand Ballroom at Burswood on
said throughout the three solid days of September 12 was a huge success with more than 620 people attending.
competition, all players representing the A three-course buffet was served to the sounds of a swing band. After dinner, the DJ
University did so with great spirit and had everyone swinging to the latest dance and party music hits, with a few classics
passion. thrown in.
“They really did do Notre Dame proud,” Afterwards, with the help of some Ruby Room passes and casino vouchers, the fun
he said. continued with people enjoying themselves into the early hours of Saturday morning.
October 29 - Cocktail Party to celebrate Notre Dame’s growth, successes
and future aspirations