Key Features: General-Purpose Fast Cluster Computing Platform
Key Features: General-Purpose Fast Cluster Computing Platform
Key Features: General-Purpose Fast Cluster Computing Platform
is an open source cluster computing framework that provides an interface for entire programming clusters with implicit data parallelism and
Spark runs computations in memory and provides a quicker system for complex applications operating on disk.
Spark covers various workloads needing a dedicated distributed systems namely streaming, interactive queries, iterative algorithms, and
batch applications.
Spark was founded by Matei Zaharia at AMPLab in UC Berkeley in 2009. It was later open-sourced under a BSD license in 2010.
The Spark project was donated to the Apache Software Foundation in 2013 and then licensed to Apache 2.0.
Spark was recognized as a Top-Level Apache Project in February 2014.
M. Zaharia's company Databricks created a
Key Features
In Spark, tasks are threads, while in Hadoop, a task generates a separate JVM.
Offers a deep set of high-level APIs for languages such as R, Python, Scala, and Java.
Very less code than Hadoop MapReduce program because it uses functional programming constructs.
Utilizes Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) a logical collection of data partitioned across machines, which produces an intelligent fault
tolerance mechanism.
Supports HDFS
Realtime Streaming
Supports streams from a variety of data sources like Twitter, Kinesis, Flume, and Kafka.
Interactive Shell
Provides an Interactive command line interface (in Python or Scala) for horizontally scalable, low-latency, data exploration.
Supports structured and relational query processing (SQL), via Spark SQL.
Machine Learning
Various machine learning algorithms such as pattern-mining, clustering, recommendation, and classification.
In the subsequent slides, we will look into these two problems in detail.
Solving Iterative Problems
The figure demonstrates how MapReduce and Spark respectively handle iterative problems.
The first figure shows how in MapReduce, the intermediate results of each iteration are stored to disk and then read back for the next
The second figure shows how in the case of Spark processing, the results can be kept in RAM and fetched easily for each iteration. Thus there
is no disk i/o related latency.
In MapReduce, the same data is repeatedly read from disk for different queries.
The figure shows how in the case of Spark processing, the input is read just once into memory where different queries act on the data to give
their results.
Spark vs MapReduce
The other aspects by which Spark differs from MapReduce are summarized below.
Difficulty: Apache Spark is a simpler to program and does not require any abstractions whereas MapReduce is hard to program with abstractions.
Interactivity: Spark provides an interactive mode whereas MapReduce has no inbuilt interactive mode except for Pig and Hive.
Streaming: Hadoop MapReduce offers batch processing on historical data whereas Spark provides streaming of data and processing in real-
Latency: Spark caches partial results over its memory of distributed workers thereby ensuring lower latency computations. In contrast to Spark,
MapReduce is disk-oriented.
Speed: Spark places the data in memory, by storing the data in Resilient Distributed Databases (RDD). Spark is 100X quicker than Hadoop
MapReduce for big data processing.
Spark Ecosystem
Now let us have a look at the components that make up Spark Ecosystem.
Spark Core:
Includes the primary functionality of Spark, namely components for task scheduling, fault recovery, memory management, interacting with
storage systems, etc.
Home to the API that represents RDD, which is the primary programming abstraction of Spark.
Spark SQL:
Spark Streaming:
Spark component that allows live-streaming data processing. Eg: includes log files created by production web servers, or queues of messages including
status updates raised by web service users.
MLlib: Spark appears with a library including common machine learning (ML) feature, named MLlib. Here, MLlib offers many types of machine
learning algorithms, namely collaborative filtering, clustering, regression, and classification.
Supported Languages
Apache Spark currently supports multiple programming languages, including Java, Scala, R and Python. The final language is chosen based
on the efficiency of the functional solutions to tasks, but most developers prefer Scala.
Apache Spark is built on Scala, thus being proficient in Scala helps you to dig into the source code when something does not work as you
Scala is a multi-paradigm programming language and supports functional as well as object oriented paradigms. It is a JVM based statically
typed language that is safe and expressive.
Python is in general slower than Scala while Java is too verbose and does not support Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop (REPL).
Applications of Spark
Interactive analysis – MapReduce supports batch processing, whereas Apache Spark processes data quicker and thereby processes
exploratory queries without sampling.
Event detection – Streaming functionality of Spark permits organizations to monitor unusual behaviors for protecting systems. Health/security
organizations and financial institutions utilize triggers to detect potential risks.
Machine Learning – Apache Spark is provided with a scalable Machine Learning Library named as MLlib, which executes advanced analytics
on iterative problems. Few of the critical analytics jobs such as sentiment analysis, customer segmentation, and predictive analysis make Spark
an intelligent technology.
Uber – Deploys HDFS, Spark Streaming, and Kafka for developing a continuous ETL pipeline.
Conviva – Uses Spark for handling live traffic and optimizing the videos.
These configuration parameters can be properties of the Spark driver application or utilized by Spark to allot resources on the cluster, like
memory size and cores.
SparkConf object can be created with new SparkConf() and permits you to configure standard properties and arbitrary key-value pairs via the
set() method.
val conf = new SparkConf()
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
Here, we have created a SparkConf object specifying the master URL and application name and passed it to a SparkContext.
Main entry point for Spark functionality
SparkContext can be utilized to create broadcast variables, RDDs, and accumulators, and denotes the connection to a Spark cluster.
To create a SparkContext, you first have to develop a SparkConf object that includes details about your application.
As shown in the diagram, the Spark driver program uses SparkContext to connect to the cluster manager for resource allocation, submit Spark
jobs and knows what resource manager (YARN, Mesos or Standalone) to communicate.
Via SparkContext, the driver can access other contexts like StreamingContext, HiveContext, and SQLContext to program Spark.
There may be only one SparkContext active per JVM . Before creating a new one, you have to stop() the active SparkContext.
In the Spark shell, there is already a special interpreter-aware SparkContext created in the variable named as sc.
Resilient distributed datasets (RDDs) are the known as the main abstraction in Spark.
It is a partitioned collection of objects spread across a cluster, and can be persisted in memory or on disk.
Features of RDDs
Resilient, i.e. tolerant to faults using RDD lineage graph and therefore ready to recompute damaged or missing partitions due to node failures.
Dataset - A set of partitioned data with primitive values or values of values, For example, records or tuples.
Creating RDDs
Parallelizing a collection in driver program.
E.g., here is how to create a parallelized collection holding the numbers 1 to 5:
Referencing one dataset in an external storage system, like a shared filesystem, HBase, HDFS, or any data source providing a Hadoop
For example, text file RDDs can be created using SparkContext’s textFile method. This method takes an URI for the file (either a local path on the machine,
or a hdfs://, s3n://, etc URI) and reads it as a collection of lines to produce RDD newRDD.
Similar to an RDD, a DataFrame is an immutable distributed set of data.
Unlike an RDD, data is arranged into named columns, similar to a table in a relational database.
Created to make processing simpler, DataFrame permits developers to impose a structure onto a distributed collection of data, enabling higher-level
Creating DataFrames
DataFrames can be created from a wide array of sources like existing RDDs, external databases, tables in Hive, or structured data files.
Creating DataFrames...
Applications can create DataFrames from a Hive table, data sources, or from an existing RDD with an SQLContext.
The subsequent example creates a DataFrame based on the content of a JSON file:
val df ="home/spark/input.json")
SQL on DataFrames
The sql function on a SQLContext allows applications to run SQL queries programmatically and returns the result as a DataFrame.
val df ="home/spark/input.json")
val teenagers = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name, age FROM students WHERE age >= 13 AND age
<= 19")
Dataset is a new interface included in Spark 1.6, which provides the advantages of RDDs with the advantages of Spark SQL’s optimized
execution engine.
It is an immutable, strongly-typed set of objects that are mapped to a relational schema.
A DataFrame is a known as a Dataset organized into named columns.
Dataset will act as the new abstraction layer for Spark from Spark 2.0.
Creating a Dataset
.flatMap(_.split(" "))
.filter(_ != "")
2. High-level abstraction and custom view into structured and semi-structured data
SparkSession, introduced in Apache Spark 2.0, offers a single point of entry to communicate with underlying Spark feature and enables
programming Spark with Dataset APIs and DataFrame.
In previous versions of Spark, spark context was the entry point for Spark. For streaming, you required StreamingContext for
hive HiveContext and for SQL SQLContext.
As Dataframe and DataSet APIs are the new standards, Spark 2.0 features SparkSession as the new entry point.
SparkSession is a combination of HiveContext, StreamingContext, and SQLContext. All the APIs available on these contexts are available on
SparkSession also. It internally has a spark context for actual computation.
Creating SparkSession
A SparkSession can be built utilizing a builder pattern. The builder will automatically reuse an existing SparkContext if one exists; and create a
SparkContext if it does not exist.
// Create a SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession
.config("", dataLocation)
Configuring Properties
Once the SparkSession is instantiated, you can configure the runtime config properties of Spark. E.g: In this code snippet, we can alter the existing runtime
config options.
spark.conf.set("spark.executor.memory", "1g")
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 4)
res17: org.apache.spark.SparkContext = org.apache.spark.SparkContext@2debe9ac
Shared Variables
Usually, when a function passed to a Spark operation is run on a remote cluster node, it runs on individual copies of all the variables used in the function.
These variables are copied to every machine, and no updates to the variables on the remote machine are delivered back to the driver program.
Spark offers two limited types of shared variables for two common usage patterns: accumulators and broadcast variables.
Broadcast Variables
Enables the programmer to keep a read-only variable cached on each machine instead of shipping a copy of it with tasks.
Its value can be accessed by calling the value method. The subsequent code shows this:
scala> broadcastVar.value
Accumulators are known as the variables that are only “added” via an associative and commutative operation and can, hence, be efficiently
supported in parallel.
Named Accumulator
You can create unnamed or named accumulators as a user. As seen in the image, a named accumulator (here, counter) will be displayed in the web UI for
the stage that modifies that accumulator. Spark shows the value for each accumulator modified by a task in the “Tasks” table.
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
Transformations are functions that use an RDD as the input and return one or more RDDs as the output.
randomSplit, cogroup, join, reduceByKey, filter, and map are examples of few transformations.
Transformations do not change the input RDD, but always create one or more new RDDs by utilizing the computations they represent.
By using transformations, you incrementally create an RDD lineage with all the parent RDDs of the last RDD.
Transformations are lazy, i.e. are not run immediately. Transformations are done on demand.
Transformations are executed only after calling an action.
Example of Transformations
filter(func): Returns a new dataset (RDD) that are created by choosing the elements of the source on which the function returns true.
map(func): Passes each element of the RDD via the supplied function.
union(): New RDD contains elements from source argument and RDD.
intersection(): New RDD includes only common elements from source argument and RDD.
cartesian(): New RDD cross product of all elements from source argument and RDD.
Actions trigger execution utilizing lineage graph to load the data into original RDD, and then execute all intermediate transformations and write
final results out to file system or return it to Driver program.
Count, collect, reduce, take, and first are few actions in spark.
Example of Actions
reduce(func): Aggregate the data elements in an RDD using this function which takes two arguments and returns one
take (n): Fetch first n data elements in an RDD computed by driver program.
foreach(func): Execute function for each data element in RDD. usually used to update an accumulator or interacting with external systems.
first(): Retrieves the first data element in RDD. It is similar to take(1).
saveAsTextFile(path): Writes the content of RDD to a text file or a set of text files to local file system/HDFS.
records = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”)
errors = records.filter(_.startsWith(“ERROR”))
messages =‘\t’)(2))
cachedMessages = messages.cache()
In this program, records is the Base RDD and errors is a transformed RDD created by applying the filter transformation.
Count is the action called upon which the transformations start to execute.
Lineage Graph
In the above figure, you can view how transformations like map, filter, combineByKey act on each RDD.
RDDs maintain a graph of one RDD transforming into another termed as lineage graph, which assists Spark to recompute any common RDD in
the event of failures. This way Spark achieves fault tolerance.
Lazy Evaluation
When we call a transformation on RDD, the operation is not immediately executed. Alternatively, Spark internally records meta-data to show this
operation has been requested. It is called as Lazy evaluation.
Loading data into RDD is lazily evaluated as similar to how transformations are.
In Hadoop, developers often spend a lot of time considering how to group together operations to minimize the number of MapReduce passes. It
is not required in case of Spark.
Spark uses lazy evaluation to reduce the number of passes it has to take over our data by grouping operations together. Hence, users are free
to arrange their program into smaller, more controllable operations.
Choose correct statement- All the transformations and actions are lazily evaluated-wrong/execution starts with the call of transformation-
RDD is—All
The transformation which produces one output value for each input value and the operation which produces an arbitrary number values
for each input value.—map(),flatmap()
Spark can store its data in?—HDFS-wrong/All
Spark Sources
The Data Sources API offers a single interface for storing and loading data using Spark SQL.
In addition to the sources that come prepackaged with the Apache Spark distribution, this API offers an integration point for external developers
to add support for custom data sources.
File Formats
The following are some of the file formats supported by Spark.
Sequence File
Hadoop InputOutput Format
Storage/Source Integrations
Although often linked to the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Spark can combine with various open source or commercial third-party data storage
systems, including:
Google Cloud
Elastic Search
Apache Cassandra
Apache Hadoop (HDFS)
Apache HBase
Apache Hive
Developers are most expected to choose the data storage system they are previously utilizing elsewhere in their workflow.
Hive Integration
Hive comes packaged with the Spark library as HiveContext that inherits from SQLContext. Utilizing HiveContext, you can create and find tables
in the HiveMetaStore and write queries on it using HiveQL.
When hive-site.xml is not configured, the context automatically produces a metastore named as metastore_db and a folder known
as warehouse in the current directory.
Consider the following example of employee in a text file named employee.txt. We will first create a hive table, load the employee record data into it using
HiveQL language, and apply some queries on it.
Use the subsequent command for initializing the HiveContext into the Spark Shell
Let us now create a table named employee with the fields id, name, and age using HQL.
scala> sqlContext.sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employee(id INT, name STRING, age
Data Load from Hive to Spark...
Now we shall load the employee data into the employee table in Hive.
To show the record data, call the show() method on the result DataFrame.
Spark can integrate with which of the following data storage systems?-All the options
Which of the following file formats are supported by Spark ?—All the options
An instance of the Spark SQL execution engine that integrates with data stored in Hive:-HiveContext
Spark Cluster
A Spark application includes a single driver process and a collection of executor processes scattered over nodes on the cluster.
Both the executors and the driver usually run as long as the application runs.
Spark Driver
Spark Executors
Cluster Managers
Standalone – a simple cluster manager added with Spark that makes it simple to establish a cluster.
Apache Mesos – a cluster manager that can run service applications and Hadoop MapReduce.
Hadoop YARN – the resource manager in Hadoop 2.
Launching Applications with Spark-submit
--class <main-class>
--master <master-url>
--deploy-mode <deploy-mode>
--conf <key>=<value>
Deployment Modes
Choose which mode to run using the --deploy-mode flag
1. Client - Driver runs on a dedicated server (e.g.: Edge node) inside a dedicated process. Submitter starts the driver outside of the cluster.
2. Cluster - Driver runs on one of the cluster's Worker nodes. The Master selects the worker. The driver operates as a dedicated, standalone
process inside the Worker.
While reading from an HDFS, each executor directly applies the subsequent Operations, to the partition in the same task.
To launch a Spark application in any one of the four modes(local, standalone, MESOS or YARN) use-- ./bin/spark-submit
Which tells spark how and where to access a cluster- Spark Context
Which of the following Scala statement would be most appropriate to load the data (sfpd.txt) into an RDD? Assume that SparkContext is
available as the variable “sc” and SQLContext as the variable “sqlContext.” –val sfdp=sc.textFile(“/path to file/sfdp.txt”)
Which is responsible for task scheduling and memory management ?- Spark Core
Which of the following is true of running a Spark application on Hadoop YARN?- client mode and cluster mode
In Spark, you can utilize few RDD’s multiple times. If we repeat the same process of RDD evaluation every time, it is needed or taken into
action, this task can be time-consuming and memory-consuming, especially for iterative algorithms that look at data multiple times.
To resolve the problem of repeated computation, the method of caching or persistencecame into the picture.
RDDs can be cached with the help of cache operation. They can also be persisted using persist operation.
RDDs can also be unpersisted to eliminate RDD from a permanent storage like memory and disk.
result =<Computation>)
By default, Spark uses the algorithm of Least Recently Used (LRU) to remove old and unused RDD to release more memory.
We can also manually remove remaining RDD from memory by using unpersist().
torage Levels
These are the list of storage levels that can be assigned to an RDD.
RDDs can also be unpersisted to remove RDD from a permanent storage like memory and/or disk.—True
Which of the following is true of caching the RDD ?-All the options
The cache() operation is a synonym of persist() that uses the default storage level MEMORY_ONLY .-True
What happens if RDD partition is lost due to worker node failure—Lost partition is recomputed
Do you need to install Spark on all nodes of Yarn cluster while running Spark on Yarn?—No
Which of the following is true of the spark interactive shell—Allos to write programs interactively-wrong
Which language is not supported for Spark Development ?—Scala-wrong
Spark is 100x faster than MapReduce due to—input data resides in HDFS-wrong
The no of stages in a job is usually equal to the no of RDD's in the DAG. However the scheduler can truncate the lineage when—The
RDD is cached or persisted