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IMPACT: International Journal of Research in

Business Management (IMPACT: IJRBM)

ISSN (P): 2347–4572; ISSN (E): 2321–886X
Vol. 8, Issue 2, Feb 2020, 1–12
© Impact Journals



Nitin Kumar1 & Megha Goyal2

Research Scholar, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana, India

Received: 29 Jan 2020 Accepted: 01 Feb 2020 Published: 28 Feb 2020


The objective of this research is to examine the opinion of students about the Indian Education System in Jind region of
Haryana. In this study, several identifiable variables were students’ opinion about Indian Education System. Using
questionnaire as a research instrument, 50 sets of questionnaires had been felled by people on Google docs (online). Pie-
diagram was used to present the findings opinion of student’s opinion about Indian Education System.

KEYWORDS: Indian Education System, Student’s Opinion


In India, education provided by public schools (controlled and funded by three levels: central, state and local) and private
schools. Under various articles of the Indian Constitution, free and compulsory education is provided as a fundamental
right to children between the ages of 6 and 14. The approximate ratio of public schools to private schools in India is 7:5.

India has made progress in increasing the attainment rate of primary education. In 2011, approximately 75% of
the population, aged between 7 and 10 years, was literate. India's improved education system is often cited as one of the
main contributors to its economic development. Much of the progress, especially in higher education and scientific
research, has been credited to various public institutions. While enrolment in higher education has increased steadily over
the past decade, reaching a Gross Enrollment Ratio of 24% in 2013, there still remains a significant distance to catch up
with tertiary education enrolment levels of developed nations, a challenge that will be necessary to overcome in order to
continue to reap a demographic dividend from India's comparatively young population.

In January 2019, India had over 900 universities and 40,000 colleges. [14] In India's higher education system, a
significant number of seats are reserved under affirmative action policies for the historically disadvantaged Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. In universities, colleges, and similar institutions affiliated to the
federal government, there is a maximum 50% of reservations applicable to these disadvantaged groups, at the state level it
can vary. Maharashtra had 73% reservation in 2014, which is the highest percentage of reservations in India.


Takshasila (in modern-day Pakistan) was the earliest recorded centre of higher learning in India from possibly 8th
century BCE, and it is debatable whether it could be regarded a university or not in modern sense, since teachers living

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2 Nitin Kumar & Megha Goyal

there may not have had official membership of particular colleges, and there did not seem to have existed purpose-built
lecture halls and residential quarters in Taxila, in contrast to the later Nalanda university in eastern India. Nalanda was the
oldest university-system of education in the world in the modern sense of university. There all subjects were taught in
Ariano -páli Language.


The following objectives have been framed in the study

 To get the opinion of the students about Indian Education System.

 To Find the Satisfaction level of students about the Indian Education System.


The education system in India has savored a special bond between the teacher and the pupil, since time unknown. Infact,
India was the country to have established what we know as the Gurukul system of education and „0‟ the basic of
Mathematics education was invented by Aryabhatta an Indian. In order to address the purposes outlined by the researcher,
the information from previous research is needed to provide direction for the concepts, relationships and instruments to be
included in the study. So the researcher reviewed related researches of Ph.D. and M.Phil. from different universities. The
researcher also reviewed mathematical references, research paper on mathematics education and software, attitude towards
teaching and learning, new trends, attitude towards female education, opportunities of females in mathematics education.
By reviewing the related researches and literature, the researcher has finalized the studies on the title, „Impact of New
Trends of Teaching Learning Process in Mathematics towards the Competitiveness of Female Students at Higher
Secondary Schools in Mumbai’.

1. Alan B. Henkin, (2009) - “Urban Teacher Commitment Exploring Associations with Organizational Conflict, Support
for Innovation and Participation” This study explores relationship between teachers‟ organizational commitment and
interpersonal conflict, participation activities beyond the classroom and innovations in schools. Potential relationship
among study variables are suggested in research that views affective commitment as a proxy measure for decisions to leave
the school. Increments in experience are negative associated with organizational commitment. Higher levels of
interpersonal conflict are linked to lower levels of organizational commitment. Participation in activities beyond the
classroom is marginally related to commitment where as support for innovation has a strong positive effect on teachers
commitment. The literature suggests the importance of high levels of commitment and commitment norms, in terms of the
teachers work performance and the stability of the professional workforce.

2. Reddy, (2000). Occupation is an important aspect in women‟s life today. The problems and difficulties of working
women fall into three categories: environmental, social and psychological Adams et.al.(2000).Men generally opt for
autocratic type of style. Women show participative style. Thus women are more cooperative and understanding but
interaction should not be linked to being female. The interactive style include encouraging participation from employees,
sharing information, energies others (Rosener Judy, 1999). Although women have turned to being professionals, marriage
plays an important role in their lives, whether they would work with the same motivation after being married is a food for

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Indian Education System – A Students’ Opinion Study in Jind District, Haryana State, India 3

3. Hewlett et. al. (2005) explains that most professional women step off their career fast at a certain phase of life when
they have children to raise, elderly parents to take care of. Thus,women face many obstacles, which leave a gap in their
profession. The main issue then becomes whether they will be able to work with the same motivation after a long gap. For
this, the author suggests using flexible working hours.


The present research is exploratory in nature. The study tries to find the significance of student‟s perception regarding
Indian Education System.

The data for this research project has been collected through self Administration. Due to time limitation and other
constraints, direct personal interview study method is used. A structured questionnaire was farmed, as it consumes less
time duration and is very important from the point of view of information, easier to tabulate and interpret. Moreover,
respondents prefer to give direct answer.

Development of research plan has the following steps:

 Sample Design
 Sample Unit
 Sample Size
 Sample Technique.


Population means the whole universe of study, in which the researcher does his study / research and the population for my
research is people of Distt. Jind.Haryama

Sample Design

The complete study of all items in the population is known as a census inquiry. Sample is a group of few items, which
represents the population is or universe from where it is taken.

The sample is selected by the help of convenient sampling. The size of sample is 50 respondents.

Sampling Size

The sample size of the study was 50. The area of study was Jind Region with the population size in approxemetly1,20,000
literate people.


Data Analysis

The data collected various respondents have to analysis for the drawing conclusion. So in this efforts have been made to
analysis and interpret the collective data.

A brief of analysis and interpretation given below:

Q1. In which class do you study?

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4 Nitin Kumar & Megha Goyal

Table 1
9th - 10th 2
11th - 12th 16
Graduation 56
Post Graduation 26

Figure 1

Comment: About 56% of student‟s are belonging to graduation, about 26% of student‟s are belonging to post
graduation,about 16% of student‟s are belonging to 11 th and 12thand about 2% of student‟s are belonging to 9 th and 10th. So
we cover approximately all level of education.

Q2. Do you feel overburden of studies in this system of education?

Table 2
Yes 46
No 36
May be 16
Don't Know 2

Figure 2

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Indian Education System – A Students’ Opinion Study in Jind District, Haryana State, India 5

Comment: About 46% of student‟s fell overburden in Indian education system, about 36% of student‟s says they do not
fell overburden in Indian education system,about 16% of student‟s says may be they fell overburden in Indian education
systemand about 2% of student‟s do not know about this. So according to this data we can say that most of the student‟s
fell overburden in Indian education system.

Q3. Do you feel that the education system of India pathetically lacks processes to identify your innate skills?

Table 3
Yes 70
No 16
May be 4
Don't Know 10

Figure 3

Comment: About 70% of student‟s fell that education system of India pathetically lacks processes to identify your innate
skills, about 16% of student‟s says no education system of India not pathetically lacks processes to identify your innate
skills,about 4% of student‟s says may be that is possibleand about 10% of student‟s do not know about this. So according
to this data we can say that most of the student‟s fell that the education system of India pathetically lacks processes to
identify your innate skills.

Q4. Do you think that there is a huge shortage of counseling facility in the Indian education system?

Table 4
Yes 78
No 8
May be 12
Don't Know 2

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6 Nitin Kumar & Megha Goyal

Figure 4

Comment: About 78% of student‟s fell that there is a huge shortage of counseling facility in the Indian education system,
about 8% of student‟s says no there is not a huge shortage of counseling facility in the Indian education system,about 12%
of student‟s says may be that is possibleand about 2% of student‟s do not know about this. So according to this data we can
say that most of the student‟s fell that there is a huge shortage of counseling facility in the Indian education system.

Q5. Do you think that education system of India lays extra heavy emphasis on scores rather than education itself?

Table 5
Yes 92
No 2
May be 6
Don't Know 0

Figure 5

Comment - About 92% of student‟s fell that education system of India lays extra heavy emphasis on scores rather than

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Indian Education System – A Students’ Opinion Study in Jind District, Haryana State, India 7

education itself, about 2% of student‟s says noeducation system of India can‟t lays extra heavy emphasis on scores rather
than education itself,about 6% of student‟s says may be that is possibleand about 0% of student‟s do not know about this.
So according to this data we can say that most of the student‟s fell that education system of India lays extra heavy
emphasis on scores rather than education itself.

Q6. Do you think that education system of India encourages flock mentality?

Table 6
Yes 64
No 20
May be 12
Don't Know 4

Figure 6

Comment: About 64% of student‟s fell that education system of India encourages flock mentality, about 20% of student‟s
says no education system of India not encourages flock mentality,about 12% of student‟s says may be that is possibleand
about 4% of student‟s do not know about this. So according to this data we can say that most of the student‟s fell that
education system of India encourages flock mentality.

Q7. Do you think that in this education system more attention is given to theory rather than practical?

Table 7
Yes 84
No 8
May be 8
Don't Know 0

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8 Nitin Kumar & Megha Goyal

Figure 7

Comment: About 84% of student‟s fell that in this education system more attention is given to theory rather than practical,
about 8% of student‟s says no in this education system there is not more attention is given to theory rather than
practical,about 8% of student‟s says may be that is possibleand about 0% of student‟s do not know about this. So according
to this data we can say that most of the student‟s fell that in this education system more attention is given to theory rather
than practical.

Q8. Do you think that more quality checks are required on education institutions?

Table 8
Yes 82
No 6
May be 6
Don't Know 6

Figure 8
Comment: About 82% of student‟s fell that more quality checks are required on education institutions, about 6% of

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Indian Education System – A Students’ Opinion Study in Jind District, Haryana State, India 9

student‟s says no more quality checks are required on education institutions,about 6% of student‟s says may be that is
possibleand about 6% of student‟s do not know about this. So according to this data we can say that most of the student‟s
fell that more quality checks are required on education institutions.

Q9. What is your opinion about reservation of seats at schools, colleges, and universities?

Table 9
This is good 20
This is not good. 72
I do not know about this. 8

Figure 9

Comment: About 72% of student‟s fell that reservation of seats at schools, colleges, and universities is not a good feature
of Indian education system, about 20% of student‟s says reservation of seats at schools, colleges, and universities is a good
feature of Indian education system,and about 8% of student‟s do not know about this. So according to this data we can say
that most of the student‟s fell that reservation of seats at schools, colleges, and universities is not a good feature of Indian
education system.

Q10. Are you satisfied with the education system in which you are studying?

Table 10
Yes 18
No 66
May be 16
Don't Know 0

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10 Nitin Kumar & Megha Goyal

Figure 10

Comment: About 66% of student‟s fell satisfied with the education system in which they are studying, about 18% of
student‟s says can‟t fell satisfied with the education system in which they are studying,about 16% of student‟s says may be
that is possibleand about 0% of student‟s do not know about this. So according to this data we can say that most of the
student‟s fell satisfied with the education system in which they are studying.

Q11. Do you think another reform is needed in Indian education system?

Table 11
Yes 94
No 0
May be 6
Don't Know 0

Figure 11

Comment - About 94% of student‟s think another reform is needed in Indian education system, none of student‟s think

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Indian Education System – A Students’ Opinion Study in Jind District, Haryana State, India 11

there is no need another reform in Indian education system,about 6% of student‟s says may be that is possibleand about 0%
of student‟s do not know about this. So according to this data we can say that most of the student‟s think another reform is
needed in Indian education system.

Limitations of Study

This study too has its limitations that limits the applicability and validity of study . The limitations are below

 The sample size was small and cannot be applied to the entire population.
 The student‟s can‟t show the interest to give there feedback.

Findings of the Study

After Analysis and Interpretation of the data these are followings findings were emerged:

 Most of the respondents are Male.

 About 50% of people feel overburden by this education system.
 About 70% of the students are fell that the education system of India pathetically lacks processes to identify your
innate skills.
 About 78% of the students are fell that there is huge shortage of counseling facility in the Indian education
 About 92% of the students think that education system of India lays extra heavy emphasis on scores rather than
education itself.
 About 62% of the students think that education system of India encourages flock mentality.
 About 84% of the students think that in this education system more attention is given to theory rather than
 About 88% of the students think that more quality checks are required on education institutions.
 About 72% of the students says negative about reservation of seats at schools, colleges, and universities.
 About 66% of the students are not satisfied with the education system.
 About 92% of the students think another reform is needed in Indian education system


Overall we can say that the most of the students(about 92%) says that there is a need of another reform in Indian education
system. Most of the students (about 66%) are not satisfied with this education system. About 88% of the students think that
more quality checks are required on education institutions. About 84% of the students think that in this education
system more attention is given to theory rather than practical. About 92% of the students think that education system of
India lays extra heavy emphasis on scores rather than education itself. About 70% of the students are fell that the
education system of India pathetically lacks processes to identify your innate skills.


1. https://en.wikipedia.org

2. www.gnu.org

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12 Nitin Kumar & Megha Goyal

3. fourthambit.com

4. www.indiatoday.in

5. wenr.wes.org › Education System Profiles

6. Alan B. Henkin, (2009) - “Urban Teacher Commitment Exploring Associations with Organizational Conflict,
Support for Innovation and Participation” SAGE Journal

7. Reddy, (2000). “Occupation is an important aspect in women’s life today.”

8. Hewlett et. al. (2005) “Thus women face many obstacles, which leaves a gap in their profession.”

NAAS Rating: 3.09 – Articles can be sent to editor@impactjournals.us

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