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Computer System Servicing Teaching Styles And Learning Satisfaction

Among CSS Senior High School Students

A Research Tittle Proposal

Presented to
School Research Management Team
School of Davao Del Norte
Ising, Carmen

Jeo Harisson Pastolero

Maria Jade Fontanilla
Sharmen Shane Avila
Jaleo Aldrix Rosario
Jian Blaire Arasani
Alexander Ornopia
Leah Jane Cillote
Niel Andrie Terre
Vanessa Mayuga
Shaelby Olayer
Wendyl Paras
Daryl Camino
Joshua Gaas


Nowadays, senior high school students must take Computer

System Servicing because it provides them with the knowledge and abilities

needed to maintain and troubleshoot computer systems. Janet Kay Q. Llorera

Shiela Lashie M. MascariñasStudent (2019) participation is usually

dependable on teaching styles, yet some of it fails to match with the learner's

styles of learning that leads to poor comprehension, competency, and

excellence. As enhanced Basic Education Act of or K-12 program was

introduced to the Philippines, additional two years in high school resulted to

the expectations of senior high school students that they will be academically

treated like those in their junior college We'll discuss several teaching

methods used in computer system maintenance in this introduction, as well as

how they affect senior high school students' learning satisfaction.

Student engagement and effective learning are greatly

influenced by the teaching methods used.(Llorera, 2019) This study aimed to

compare the learning impacts of individualized adaptive learning courseware

to two common instructional approaches Teachers may use a variety of

strategies, including traditional lectures, practical sessions, group projects, or

a combination of these, while teaching computer system servicing. The

teaching methods used by their instructors have an impact on senior high

school pupils' satisfaction with their learning.

Students are more likely to be pleased with their educational

experience when they are actively engaged in the learning process. Linda C.

Hodges ( 2020) active learning can lead us to believe that if students are

doing content-related work in class rather than listening to lecture, their

learning will naturally be improved. But research has shown that this is not

necessarily the case. Successful active learning strategies in face-to-face

classes depend on a multitude of factors. Teaching methods that promote

student involvement, like practical exercises and group projects, can improve

engagement and build a deeper comprehension of computer system servicing

ideas. These interactive teaching techniques also give students the chance to

practice critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, all of

which are crucial for their future jobs in computer science or information


Furthermore, educators can enhance learning satisfaction by

incorporating technology into the teaching and learning process. The use of

educational software, simulations, virtual labs, The Future of Education:

Integrating Technology in the Classroom, n.d.) (2020) technologies transform

classrooms, making them more interactive, student-centered, and customized

to individual students’ learning styles, and online resources can make the

subject of computer system servicing more interactive and dynamic. These

technological tools not only make the learning experience more engaging but

also help students develop digital literacy skills, which are increasingly

important in today's technology-driven world.

(Punzalan, 2019)Computer System Servicing is a course offered

to students in grades 9 and 10 in the Technology and Livelihood Education

section of the K–12 curriculum. As a teacher who teaches this topic, the

researcher encounters a variety of student opinions regarding it. We

conducted tests on the factors instructor, competency, environment, and

family to determine which one affected children the most.

Based on the study of Mitchell, Sutherland, David, and Dean

“Google Scholar," What Really Works in Special and Inclusive Education:

Using Evidence-based Teaching Strategies, 2020 elaborates on the

implementation of teaching strategies and learning. The twenty-nine

techniques discussed in this book each have a strong theoretical foundation,

clear implementation instructions, and, when appropriate, cautionary advice.

The research for each of the strategies is extensive and comes from a variety

of nations. The third edition's key features include: an easy-to-follow structure

divided into four categories: behavioral approaches, social strategies,

cognitive strategies, and mixed strategies; eight new chapters, focusing on

timely subjects like neuroscience, social and emotional education, visual

learning and communication, and the change from school to post-school


There are some studies that are related to our research.

According to Ventayen and Randy Joy Magno, Level of Competency in

Computer Systems Servicing of Teachers in One Town in Northern Luzon: A

Needs Assessment and Analysis (March 30, 2018), the national government

has implemented a DepEd computerization program for primary and

secondary schools, requiring teachers to possess computer operating skills

and knowledge in computer system servicing.

In conclusion senior high school students' satisfaction with their learning

is greatly influenced by the instructional methods used in their computer

system service classes. This study entails that teachers can create a fun and

active learning atmosphere by using a variety of instructional techniques, such

as traditional lectures, practical sessions, and group projects. Additionally,

incorporating technology into the classroom can improve student satisfaction

and give them the fundamentals of digital literacy, senior high school students

will be equipped to excel at computer system servicing and will be prepared

for future academic and professional endeavors through a mix of effective

teaching methods and high levels of learning pleasure.

Objectives of the Study

The primary focus of this research is to determine the impact of

teaching style and learning satisfaction on student engagement in computer

system servicing among senior high Specifically, this research aims to.

1. To determine the level of teaching style in terms of:

1.1. Time management
1.2. Creative
1.3. Concentration
1.4. Comprehensible

2. To determine the level of learning satisfaction among the senior high school
students in terms of;

2.1. Academic Achievement

2.2. Engagement in Learning Process
2.3. Teacher-Student Relationships
2.4. School Environment

3. To determine the significant relationship between teaching style and

learning satisfaction among senior high school students.

4. To determine which domain in teaching style and learning satisfaction best

influence student engagement among senior high school students

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to identify various teaching methods and

student satisfaction with learning in this field of computer system servicing.

The purpose of the study is likely to be to evaluate the efficacy of various

teaching and learning approaches in the field of computer system servicing.

The study may aim to determine which methods or strategies are most

effective in assisting students acquire the necessary skills and knowledge in

this area. This study also aims to improve teaching methods to help and

ensure optimal learning for senior high school students.


1. There is no significance relationship between learning satisfaction and

teaching styles among senior high school students

2. there is no domain in the learning satisfaction and teaching styles among

senior high school students


This section contains related literature and studies that explains

each the variables and their associations. More specifically, it contains

notions, theories, findings from researches and publications, and valuable

insights from different authors relevant to related topics of the study that

provides substantive proof to support clearly the research objectives that is

essential for the manifestation of understanding in the study.

There are two variables used in this study that represent the

independent variable and dependent variable. Respectively, these two

variables are teaching styles, and learning satisfaction.


There’s also a study that looked at the relationships between

students' enthusiasm and commitment to studying after school hours and

three distinct communicative teaching philosophies: gain-framing, loss-

framing, and a motivational style. as stated by (Ruiz-Alfonso et al., 2023); 407

students were recruited, and path analyses were used to assess the data.

The findings demonstrated that three types of teachers' communication styles

were positively correlated with students' passion: gain-framing teachers' style,

which emphasizes the benefits of student engagement in an activity loss-

framing teachers' style, which emphasizes the necessity of avoiding failure

and the cost of not participating in the activity; and amotivational framing

teachers' style, which emphasizes the lack of a relationship between student

behavior and academic performance.

The relationships between students' enthusiasm and

commitment to studying after school hours and three distinct communicative

teaching philosophies: gain-framing, loss-framing, and amotivational style.

407 students were recruited, and path analyses were used to assess the data.

The findings demonstrated that three types of teachers' communication styles

were positively correlated with students' passion: gain-framing teachers' style,

which emphasizes the benefits of student engagement in an activity; loss-

framing teachers' style, which emphasizes the necessity of avoiding failure

and the cost of not participating in the activity; and amotivational framing

teachers' style, which emphasizes the lack of a relationship between student

behavior and academic performance. Which stated by (Aysun Ata-Aktur et.al.,

They’re study aims to determine the learning styles of University

Malaysia Pahang students registered in a course on programming techniques,

as well as to explore the relationship between the teaching styles of teachers

and the learning styles of their students. Participants in the study included 251

students and five lecturers. The VAK Learning Style Survey, developed by

Leonard and Enid, was used to gather student data. In the meantime, the

Teaching Style Survey by Grasha and Reichmann was used to determine the

lecturers' preferred methods of instruction.(Chetty, n.d.)

They stated that the comprehensive statistical modeling of a

large corpus of educational research data on student performance and

teaching styles is presented in this paper. A latent class model is used to

group teachers into different teaching philosophies. Unbalanced variance

component ("mixed") models are then used to compare the latent classes for

variations in student achievement. In comparison to the initial Teaching Styles

project findings, the probabilistic clustering of the latent class model modifies

the differences between the classes, and when the correlation between

students taught by the same teacher is taken into account, the statistical

significance of the differences is significantly diminished.(Aitkin et al., 1981)

In order to close this gap, this study will look at two main areas:

(i) the direct relationships between academic self-efficacy, self-regulated

learning strategies, and achievement emotions; and (ii) the direct and indirect

relationships between academic achievement, life satisfaction, and

adaptability through and over other study-related factors. Although

adaptability controls people's emotional, behavioral, and cognitive reactions to

novel, unexpected, and uncertain situations, no research has examined

whether adaptability also favors the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional

aspects of learning in the present. (Tommaso Feraco et al.2022);

In the context of the flipped classroom based on the information

system (IS) success model, the study examined the relationships among

quality dimensions, three types of interactions (i.e., learner-content, learner-

instructor, and learner-learner interaction), perceived learning, and learning

satisfaction with flipped courses by (Guan-Yu Lin et al.,2022); The quality of

the flipped learning platform, the quality of the instructional video content, and

the quality of the teaching (i.e., instructor monitoring and instructor facilitation)

were used in this study to replace the quality dimensions in the original IS

success model. Structural equation modeling with partial least squares was

used to analyze the data from 70 participants. The findings show that, through

the mediation of learner-content or learner-instructor interaction, all quality

dimensions have an impact on perceived learning as well as learning

satisfaction with flipped courses.

Through the mediating role of student satisfaction, (Limna et al.,

2022); this study explores the relationship between student performance-

effectiveness and the 21st-century learning model (4Cs). For the quantitative

approach, 512 students in Thailand were selected through stratified random

sampling. The PLS-SEM software and SPSS Version 27 were used to

analyze the gathered data. The findings show that the twenty-first-century

learning model—which emphasizes collaboration, communication, creativity,

critical thinking, and performance—and student performance-effectiveness

are significantly mediated by student satisfaction. It suggests that critical

thinking, creativity, teamwork, and communication all have a big impact on

how satisfied students are. Furthermore, effective communication influences

student performance more than any other factor, with collaboration and

creativity coming in second and third.

To the best of our knowledge, (Ji et al., 2022) no prior research

has examined second language (L2) learners' satisfaction in a synchronous

online learning environment at two waves of data collection, despite the

growing number of synchronous online learning studies looking at the

relationships between engagement, readiness, and satisfaction. In order to

investigate this matter, the current study uses self-report assessments to

measure a sample of 82 undergraduate Korean students at the start and end

of the semester.
To sum up, this quantitative research paves a way for studying

the levels of teaching styles, and learning satisfaction. Moreover, the related

literature established the concepts of the independent and dependent

variables together with the indicators that will be used as parameters of this

study. Hence, in investigating the relationship between teaching styles, and

learning satisfaction may be considered as a deep analysis that there are

underlying elements that shape these variables. The readings provided the

researcher ample baseline in conceptualizing the study and contextualizing

the questionnaires to fit the local research venue. The presentations and

discussions of related studies provided invaluable information on these

relationships which would be beneficial in the professional discussion of the

findings of the study and in the sound formation of the recommendations.


It is somewhat ironic that Conti's (1990) discussion on identifying

teaching styles centers on a quantitative approach to measuring style, based

upon the respondents' teaching Cumputer System Servicing as reflected in a

Likert-types self-evaluation questionnaire, given the criticisms of the scientific

approach to teaching that have been raised previously. It is assumed that we

can learn something about a teacher's teaching style if we can quantify their

ideology, personality, and other characteristics. In fact, according to Eble

(1988, p. 64), "style is the image of character." However, Morrison and

McIntyre (1973, p. 156) have contended that there doesn't appear to be a

connection between personality assessments and the pedagogical stance that

many educators hold. However, teaching remains a method of assisting

others in learning.

This study investigates how students' study engagement and

learning satisfaction with online instruction are impacted by new ways of

learning (NWL) and if subject lecturer assistance attenuates the impact of

NWL and study engagement on learning satisfaction. Hong Kong

undergraduate students were asked to respond to a survey on their opinions

of online instruction. NWL were found to be favorably connected to both

learning satisfaction and study engagement by hierarchical regression

analysis. Support from the subject professor mediated the interaction between

NWL and study engagement, which in turn mediated their impact on learning

satisfaction. The findings suggest that educational institutions may convert

conventional in-person instruction into online instruction that gives students a

satisfying learning experience.Chan, S. C. H. (August 2023)

People learn differently utilizing various learning modalities,

however lecturers might not always present information and learning

opportunities that suit their students' learning preferences. Misalignments

between teaching and learning methods might cause students to lose interest

in their studies and perform poorly. The purpose of this study is to determine

the learning preferences of the students registered in the Programming

Technique course at Universiti Malaysia Pahang and to look into the

compatibility of these preferences with the teaching preferences of the

instructors. 251 students and 5 professors participated in the study as

participants. Students' responses to the Leonard, Enid's VAK Learning Style

Survey were gathered. Grasha and Reichmann's Teaching Style Survey was

used to determine the lecturers' individual teaching philosophies.Chetty, et.

al(December 2019).

According to (Conti, 1985) adult education literature, a teacher's

behavior has an impact on students' academic performance. This study

investigated the association between student academic progress based on

teacher assessment and the teacher's application of the principles in the

literature as judged by the Principles of Adult Learning Scale in order to

determine the suitability of the adult education theoretical base. In an adult

basic education program, there were 29 teachers and 837 pupils. Academic

success and teaching methodology were found to be significantly correlated.

The findings matched the literature used in the basic level and ESL schools,

but not the literature used in the GED environment. This discrepancy was

explained by the different goals in each type, as well as the different cognitive

and emotive focus.

The study examines the impact of IT characteristics elements on

students' satisfaction with their online education during the COVID 19

pandemic lockdown. IT complexity, pace change, and presenteeism are some

examples of IT characteristics. The study also looks into the mediating

function of perceived value, which is a second-order construct made up of

perceived behavioral control, perceived usability, and considered ease of use.

The information was gathered from 470 students in Malaysia during the period

of the Movement Control Order (lockdown), when colleges switched their

classes to online learning platforms. Following data cleansing, normality and

reliability testing, confirmatory factor analysis, validity testing, and finally

structural equation modeling were all performed on the data using IBM SPSS

AMOS 24.0. The results indicate that all three(Safie, 2020)


The study's conceptual framework is illustrated in Figure 1. The

arrow on top indicates the relationship between teaching styles and learning

satisfaction that impels changes in senior high school CSS students at

Carmen National High School. The study will investigate the students'

behavior and the various teaching styles that cater to their learning. The

researcher will then determine the impacts of learning satisfaction and assess

the students' time management skills in allocating time among the ease of

use, academic commitments, and learning contentment of their strand.

Finally, the study will evaluate the degree of self-regulation students display

regarding their learning satisfactions and the teaching strategies in the

Computer System Servicing strand.


Teaching Styles Learning Satisfaction

Academic Achievement
Time management

Engagement in Learning
Creative Process


School Environment

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm Showing the Variables of the Study.

This research has two (2) main variables which are the Teaching Style

and Learning Satisfaction towards the Computer System Service. The researchers

also wanted to determine if these variables will influence their attitudes to their

academic performance of the Senior High School, Computer System Servicing


According to Hamzeh(2014), there are several teaching

strategies that can be used by teachers to improve the academic performance

of the students in Computer System Servicing. Teaching strategies, on the

other hand, are the pattern of belief, knowledge, performance, and behaviour

of teachers when they are teaching (Grasha,1996). According to Grasha and

Hicks (2000 in Shaari, Yusolf,Ghazali,Osman & Dzahir, 2014), teaching

strategies also need to be considered an important element in the success of

a lesson. Moreover, these instructional techniques are applied in the

classroom and taken into consideration for various time periods.


On a smaller scale, this research will help pertinent institutions,

specifically: learners, instructors, administrators, legislators, and scholars.

When This study will provide information regarding the importance of study

skills for pupils. and customs. Students in senior high school will benefit from

the outcome. image to help people examine their own learning preferences

and determine how they thought of the class. On a grander scale, the

findings of this research could potentially foundation for DepEd

representatives to develop trainings and programs for students to improve

their engagement, abilities, and habits, administrators can

use the study's findings to assist their pupils in adjusting to disruptions who

cause problems in the classroom.

Additionally, educators can learn more about how What student

study and how that could impact how well they succeed. This is how

educators can create plans for studying pupils' habits and abilities. Lastly, The

research output can add to the body of knowledge already available to other

scholars. of information regarding study techniques, routines, and student

involvement that will enable them to create research agendas and implement

procedures that would more the pupils' participation in the lesson.


The following terms are defined operationally:

Teaching styles In this study, this refers to the different teaching

techniques for performing regularly and ensuring that students accomplish

their learning tasks, such as time management, creativity, concentration, and


Learning satisfaction in this study refers to the quality of satisfaction

of students themselves with doing educationally purposeful activities that

contribute directly to the desired outcome. In this study, the term refers to

academic achievement, engagement in the learning process, teacher-student

relationship, and school environment.

Chapter 2

This chapter depicts the various methods of the study including

research design, research locale, research respondents, research

instruments, data collection procedures, and statistical treatment.


The research design for this study will be a mixed-method

approach, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods to gather data on

the teaching styles and learning satisfaction of senior high school students in

computer system servicing strand.

This study used correlational technique which is concerned with

establishing relationships that exist among variables and describes them in

relation to their direction either positive or negative. This study is correlational

because the researcher can control or manipulate and alter the predictor

variable or subjects, it relies on interpretation or interaction to come up with a



The study was conducted in one of the secondary schools in the

Municipality of Carmen, Davao del Norte (Figure 2) Carmen was chosen as

the locale of this study since the researcher is a senior high school student In
one of the schools in Carmen, Davao del Norte, and observed the problem

firsthand, where some of the senior high school students are engaged in their

lessons due to their learning satisfaction, as intensified by the onslaught of the

pandemic. Students, especially Generation Z, are less engaged in their

lessons, and this greatly affects their engagement. The less engagement with

the lesson has been observed in their low scores in examinations, which

resulted in low academic performance.

Figure 2. Map of the Philippines highlighting the Municipality of Carmen,

Davao del Norte

Research Respondents

The respondents of study were the 152 senior high school

students in engaging Computer System Servicing Strand in Carmen National

High School ,Carmen Davao del Norte. Total sampling method used to the

sample size of 152 population of css senior high school students. The

selection of the respondents was due to the fact that the researcher is a

senior high school student at the target institution. Specifically, only those who

were senior high school students engaging in computer system servicing were

considered. In the event that one or more students withdraw in the middle of

the survey, getting an alternative of the same gender within the same strand

of school shall be taken as a replacement for voluntariness.

The total sampling technique was used in choosing the respondents

of the study since the specific population for the research only has 3 sections

and a total of 152 senior high school students currently engaging in computer

system servicing.

In this study, the 152 respondents came from the 3 sections of

senior high school students who were certainly engaging in the Computer

System Servicing Strand of the target respondents in Carmen National High

School, Davao Del Norte. Each section was considered a total sample of

respondents, wherein total sampling was utilized. In this study, all senior high
school students who engaged in computer system servicing had the

opportunity to be selected.

Moreover, the selection of respondents followed the inclusion criteria: (a)

a senior high school student who is engaging in the Computer System

Servicing Strand from Grades 11–12; (b) a senior high school student who is

taking the Computer System Servicing Strand and is enrolled for the school

year 2023–2024, where the researcher selected them. For the exclusion

criteria, students in junior high school were excluded. Hence, students in

grades 7 through 10 were not given the chance to be selected as respondents

to this study since it only focused on senior high school students.

However, students who declined or were unavailable to answer the

questionnaire were not forced, and they were excluded from the study. The

researcher established respect for unavailable respondents. Respondents

who felt awkward and uncomfortable in answering the survey questionnaire.

free to withdraw from their participation. They were neither coerced nor forced

to be part of the study. Their decision to withdraw was respected.

Furthermore, The respondents’ welfare is given utmost importance in the

conduct of the study.

Research Instruments

There were two instruments which were used in this study,

namely: Computer system servicing teaching styles and learning satisfaction

of senior High School students

Computer system servicing teaching styles. The researcher

made use of the correlation survey method with the use of the survey

questionnaires adapted (22 April 2014) and to determine the Computer

system servicing teaching styles. The questionnaire focuses on the strategies

and inventories on Computer system servicing teaching styles. The said

instrument shows a high degree of several forms of validity: content validity,

construct validity, and discriminant validity. The Cronbach’s Alpha values for

the study skills and habits is 0.945, indicating that the test items have high

reliability index.

The parameter limit used for the independent variable which is

the study skills and habits are as follow:

Range of Means Descriptive Level Interpretation

4.21-5.00 Very High This means that the items

relating to teaching styles

are manifested at all

3.41-4.20 High This means that the items

relating to teaching styles

are oftentimes


2.61-3.40 Moderate This means that the items

relating to teaching styles

are sometimes manifested


1.81-2.60 Low This means that the items

relating to teaching styles

are seldom manifested.

1.00-1.80 Very Low This means that the

items relating to teaching

styles are not manifested

at all.

Learning satisfaction. This academic performance

questionnaires was adapted of Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences

128:380-386(april 2014). This will be used to measure the level of learning

satisfaction of senior high school in one of the schools in Carmen, Davao del
Norte. This questionnaire has a cronbach's alpha of 0.976 indicating that the

items have high reliability index.

Range of Means Descriptive Level Interpretation

4.21-5.00 Very High This means that the level

of the learning

satisfaction of the

students is very much


3.41-4.20 High This means that the level of

the learning satisfaction

of the students is


2.61-3.40 Moderate This means that the level

of the learning

satisfaction of the

students is moderately

1.81-2.60 Low This means that the

level of the learning

satisfaction of the

students is less


1.00-1.80 Very Low This means that the

level of the learning

satisfaction of the

students is not


The questionnaires were contextualized to the local setting.

Refinement of the questionnaire was made possible through the assistance of

the adviser and expert validators who evaluated the contents of the

questionnaire for construct validity, and it garnered a score of 5.00. The

questionnaires have undergone pilot testing with 30 senior high school

students who were not part of the study. The items in the instruments were

subjected to Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test to determine their internal



There are many sources of evidence available that document

teaching effectiveness. Evidence should include contributions from students,

colleagues, and the instructor. Evidence collected by students might include

student ratings and letters from students who have been supervised by the

instructor Important process that can help professionals and organizations

understand their impact on the world. Knowing what data collection is and

how to perform it step by step can help you accomplish your research and

decision-making goals. In this article, we discuss what data collection is and

how to do it, including types of data collection and tips for collecting data.

Interviews are a way to gather a lot of information from a small

population. You can perform an interview by finding a small target population

and asking them questions about crucial data. This method of data collection

is used to gather qualitative information, such as an individual's opinion and to

understand why they may feel a certain way about a product, brand, company

or event. Interviews are a way to gather a lot of information from a small

population. You can perform an interview by finding a small target population

and asking them questions about crucial data. This method of data collection

is used to gather qualitative information, such as an individual's opinion and to

understand why they may feel a certain way about a product, brand, company

or event.

Systematic process of gathering information through

observations or measurements via research. Professionals, companies,

governments and other organizations use it to inform decisions they make in a

process called data-based decision-making


For more comprehensive interpretation and analysis of the data,

the following statistical tools were utilized.

Mean was used to measure the levels of teaching styles, and

learning satisfaction.

Pearson Product Moment Correlation was utilized to

determine the significant relationship between teaching styles, and learning


Multiple Linear Regression was used to determine the

significant influence of teaching styles, and learning satisfaction. and to the

domain in the teaching styles that best influences the learning satisfaction of

senior high school students.


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