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Agravante, Remart C.
Chica, Renz Ivan C.
Evea, Carlos Miguel A.
Gapas, Verlyn D.

Banahaw Technological Inc.

Senior High School
December 2021



In an age where educational innovations are rapidly evolving, the Internet has

emerged as an important platform for providing learners with a global alternate learning

environment. The Internet and distance learning have had a major impact on how we

connect and learn (Leh, 1999).

Distance education fosters learning and teaching in a variety of ways. One of the

many advantages of distance education is that it offers instructors and students a flexible

learning setting in terms of time and location. “Distance education is becoming a good

way to acquire knowledge separate from the traditional method of attending the

classroom” (Schmidt & Gallegos, 2001, p. 2)

Students’ happiness is one of the reasons that influences their knowledge and

learnings. In order to enhance learning methods, it's important to determine how happy

students are. Enhanced learning is an aspect that reveals how strong a school can be. A

strong school is entitled to have a very satisfied student.

Successful pedagogy in online classes differs from those in face-to-face courses, it

is becoming clear. Teaching online is radically different from teaching face-to-face,

according to studies, and allows teachers to learn new instructional planning skills

(Johnston et al., 2005; Mayer, 2014b).


Students’ satisfaction is usually based on how teacher delivers the lesson to them.

When the lesson is easily to understand and make it clearer by the teacher, for sure they

are satisfied. Many students want to have teacher that is not having much age gap to


Background of the Study

Students’ satisfaction can be defined as a short-term attitude resulting from an

evaluation of students’ educational experience, services and facilities. Earlier it was

measured by common satisfaction frameworks but later higher education specify

satisfaction models were developed. The researcher wants to identify the satisfaction of

students, so that it can show how good diploma program was. In the previous year

learning is much easier to do not like now it is much harder to understand a specific topic.

The researcher wanted to know if the students of diploma is satisfied with the

learning, skill acquiring activities and experience. Students’ response will be the basis of

what conclusion this research will assess. The students play a vital role in this study

where they are the participant of this.


Objectives of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to determine the satisfactory level of Diploma

students toward the learning experience during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Specially, this study answers the following objectives:

1. Determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Name

1.2. Age

1.3. Course

2. Determine the highest satisfaction level in learning experience of Diploma

Students in terms of:

2.1. Online modality

2.2. Modular

2.3. Face to face

3. Determine the highest and lowest satisfaction level in learning experience of

diploma students.

Significance of the Study

The study will be beneficial to the following:

Students - This helps the students to identify what factor does affect their

satisfaction in terms of pace of learning that is occurring in the modern time.

Teachers – This would be beneficial to the teachers because it gives them the

idea on how to improve their techniques so that students in diploma program would be

satisfied with the learnings and lessons they teach.

School Administration- The study can help them to take an action as a school

personnel to improve their strategies on how to gain satisfaction of diploma students at

Banahaw Technological College, Inc.

Future Researchers - This can help the researchers to have data regarding with

researcher’s perspective of satisfaction level of first year diploma students on the learning

experience they had during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Scope and Limitations

The study aimed to identify the satisfaction level oof students in learning

experience during the Covid-19 pandemic. This also discusses the experiences of diploma

students’ satisfaction level of learnings. The data were gathered by conducting survey

questionnaire to the students of Banahaw Technological College, Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021.

Their answers served as the key to the researchers.

The study was done in the month of February and there is extra time given for

editing some errors. Further discussion may apply.


Definition of Terms

The following terms are hereby defined conceptually and operationally for better

understanding of the study:

Educational innovations - educational innovations are goods, systems methods, and

techniques that greatly build on the status quo and reach a large audience. In their

effort to develop, local, state, and national systems and services should be in the

business of recognizing and scaling what works.

Traditional - adhering to or belonging to long-standing traditions or ways of behaving in

a community of individuals or culture.

Flexible learning - Flexible learning is a form of learning where students have the ability

to learn how, when, where and where they learn. Learning may take place in a

classroom, at home over the Internet, while commuting, or as part of a work-study


Chapter II


This chapter presents related literature and studies of foreign and local concepts.

The materials use provide researcher with insight to give to give light to some aspect that

show similarities and differences to the present study. Its supported readings

gaineddifferent insight and definition by instinct authors and references considered for

better understanding of the subject matter.

Related Literature

Enlistment in online courses is developing quickly, and public organizations are

the biggest teachers of distance schooling understudies (68%; Allen and Seaman, 2017).

One justification expanding on the web course contributions is to oblige more

understudies without causing tremendous expenses of building new framework (Seaman

et al., 2018). As of now, distance learning remains profoundly focused, as practically

50% of distance instruction understudies are restricted to 5%, all things considered.

Critically, expanded online course choices can possibly arrive at understudies with

restricted admittance to advanced education because of financial, geographic, monetary,

instructive, and individual hindrances (Davis, 2000; Hara, 2000; Haugen et al., 2001;

Liaw and Huang, 2002; Chen et al., 2010; Flowers et al., 2012; Hansen and Reich, 2015;

Willging and Johnson, 2009).


Not with standing these benefits, some open undergrad establishments actually

have not accepted half and half and completely online course models because of negative

misguided judgments (Smart and Cappel, 2006; Allen and Seaman, 2017). Specifically, a

few teachers accept that online schooling lessens the understudy insight, weakens the

capacity of understudies to interface with personnel, and diminishes instructional quality

(Brown, 1996; Hara, 2000). Other institutional components, like absence of assets,

preparing, and motivations, additionally obstruct the development of online guidance in

state funded colleges (Brownell and Tanner, 2012; Gormally et al., 2014; Harvey et al.,


In the interim, the proceeding with instruction, progressed preparing, and

testament programs across open, private, for benefit, and charitable areas are

progressively conveying e-learning programs (Allen and Seaman, 2017).

Hence, knowledge of web-based learning is getting dynamically more significant

for proficient development and professional success, especially in a globalized economy

(Davis, 2000). To deliver serious alumni who can satisfy the changing needs of the

cutting-edge labor force, public foundations should increment online course

contributions. One of the difficulties with online schooling is to make engaging video

exercises while keeping up high instructive worth. A few investigations show that online

training isn't just about as successful as eye-to-eye conventional guidance (Krause and

Coates, 2008; Pickering and Swinnerton, 2019). Helpless course plan, helpless oversight,

and helpless teaching method in online guidance are potential factors that lead to helpless

learning results and low excitement for this arrangement (Woodworth et al., 2015).

It is turning out to be clear that powerful teaching method in online courses is not

quite the same as that of eye-to-eye courses. Studies have shown that training on the web

is essentially particular from instructing vis-à-vis and expects teachers to grow new

exercise arranging abilities (Johnston et al., 2005; Mayer, 2014b). Intellectual clinicians

have distinguished successful practices in mixed media gaining from deliberately

controlled research facility tests (Quitadamo and Brown, 2001; Mayer, 2014b, c; Mayer

and Fiorella, 2014; Mayer and Pilegard, 2014).

The investigations from Mayer and partners have uncovered media learning rules

that are rules for exercise arranging in the sight and sound setting. Mayer's standards

direct teachers to recognize and work inside a student's psychological limit. Surpassing

intellectual limit diminishes learning results, in an interaction known as fundamental

over-burden. Overseeing fundamental over-burden, decreasing incidental handling, and

utilizing meaningful gestures can improve taking in results from address recordings

(Mayer, 2014b; Mayer and Fiorella, 2014; Mayer and Pilegard, 2014; Paas and Sweller,

2014). By making recordings with student paced sections (portioning standard), utilizing

natural names and terms (pretraining guideline), and talking as opposed to utilizing on-

screen text (methodology rule), course creators decline the danger of surpassing the

understudy's psychological limit while watching a video (Mayer and Pilegard, 2014).

Taking out unessential data (soundness rule), joining portrayal with movement at the

same time (repetition guideline), utilizing prompts to feature fundamental data (flagging

standard), and putting together words and pictures to be proximal both in space (spatial

contiguity rule) and on schedule (worldly contiguity rule) are on the whole practices that

decrease interruptions that may add to fundamental over-burden (Mayer and Fiorella,

2014). At last, captivating understudies with a human (voice guideline) and a

conversational talking style (personalization standard) is ideal for learning results

(Mayer, 2014c).

Online courses likewise vary from vis-à-vis courses in their strategies for

execution. Establishing a climate for achievement in online courses requires an alternate

methodology, since innovation use, content plan, learning appraisal, understudy

inspiration, understudy variety, and best practices are distinctive in online settings (Davis,

2000; Quitadamo and Brown, 2001; Boettcher, 2011; Clark, 2014; Fayer, 2017). These

prerequisites require preparing, time, and assets for teachers to create quality online

courses. Ensuing examinations explored learning results and understudy fulfillment in

online versus vis-à-vis courses yet yielded uncertain outcomes (Johnson et al., 2000,

Swan, 2001; Baylor and Ritchie, 2002; Picciano, 2002; Koohang and Durante, 2003;

Wang, 2003; O'Neill et al., 2004; Johnston et al., 2005; Eom et al., 2006; Eom and Ashill,

2016; Smart and Cappel, 2006; Kirkwood and Price, 2014; Mayer, 2014a; Biel and

Brame, 2016; Brame, 2016; Pickering et al., 2017).

A few investigations showed that web-based learning was profoundly fulfilling

and accomplished preferable learning results over conventional eye to eye learning

(Morton et al., 2016; Dooley et al., 2018; Green et al., 2018; Riddle and Gier, 2019),

while different examinations showed no distinctions (Pickering and Swinnerton, 2019),

but different investigations showed helpless commitment with online instruction (Krause

and Coates, 2008).


Since viable online course configuration is a costly undertaking, more

examinations are expected to recognize best practices in online course configuration to

improve quality and decrease costs pushing ahead (Rubenstein, 2003)

From its origin, internet learning has been defied by worries about quality from

the set up instructive local area and society everywhere (Carnaghan and Webb, 2007;

Akdemir and Koszalka, 2008). Regularly, intending to these worries understudies' view

of their course experience turns into a substitute for learning commitment with regards to

fulfillment (Swan, 2001; Arbaugh, 2001; Richardson and Swan, 2003; Bolliger, 2004).

Since contemporary understudies see data as a ware which can be exchanged

straightforwardly among a local area of students, cooperation gets essential to an

assortment of instructive results (Shirky, 2010; Dziuban et al., 2013). Present day

advances are adding to the disintegration of conventional study hall limits (Shirky, 2008).

Understudies interface with their teachers and each other through modalities of pretty

much every assortment, enormously extending roads of correspondence. Norberg,

Dziuban and Moskal's (2011) advancement of a time sensitive mixed learning model, for

example, adjusts the educator's job (Liu and Hwang, 2010) in learning conditions

dependent on understudies coordinated and offbeat learning inclinations. The requirement

for new and more genuine appraisal strategies notwithstanding difficulties to

conventional instructive designs (for example semester length time limits) raises issues

about what moderates’ understudies' scholarly assumptions and fulfillment. Studies

propose that online understudies wish to diminish their uncertainty toward formal

training by acquiring some feeling of a painstakingly portrayed way to progress (Dziuban

and Dziuban,1998; Dziuban, Moskal and Dziuban, 2000; Long, 2011; Young and

Dziuban, 2000). Understudies favor dynamic, as opposed to inactive learning conditions,

and, on the grounds that they partake in an exceptionally intelligent world, they anticipate

the same in their classes (Dziuban et al., 2003). The present students require more source

for inventiveness and cooperation which internet learning conditions can oblige through

an assortment of instructional models that are given whenever, wherever. Specialists

ought not be shocked that recognizing the characterizing components for fulfillment has

become substantially more unique and complex.

The develop has different features that will in general be stochastic as a specific

course advance. In this examination, we endeavor to explain the hidden (dormant)

components of understudy fulfillment with regards to generally speaking course

assessment for understudies who react emphatically to online encounters on finish

obviously assessment conventions. Feldman (1993) depicts the evaluation challenges we

experience as conveyances of contemplations when he contends that reactions to study

questions give just a gauge of the focal propensity of a person's disposition or conviction

about a subject or item. Craig and Martinez (2005) sum up the issue: "everything

considered, it appears rather oversimplified to consider mentalities continually being

unidimensional. All things considered, who hasn't encountered blended sentiments about

individuals, spots and things that we have experienced or visited in our lives?" (p. 1)

Conceptual Framework

Enlistment in online courses is developing quickly, and public organizations are

the biggest teachers of distance schooling understudies. One justification expanding on

the web course contributions is to oblige more understudies without causing tremendous

expenses of building new framework. As of now, distance learning remains profoundly

focused, as practically 50% of distance instruction understudies are restricted to 5%, all

things considered. Critically, expanded online course choices can possibly arrive at

understudies with restricted admittance to advanced education because of financial,

geographic, monetary, instructive, and individual hindrances.

One of the difficulties with online schooling is to make engaging video exercises

while keeping up high instructive worth. A few investigations show that online training

isn't just about as successful as eye-to-eye conventional guidance. Helpless course plan,

helpless oversight, and helpless teaching method in online guidance are potential factors

that lead to helpless learning results and low excitement for this arrangement. It is turning

out to be clear that powerful teaching method in online courses is not quite the same as

that of eye-to-eye courses.


Research Paradigm

Dependent Variable Independent Variable

Diploma Students Satisfaction Students

Figure 1. The Dependent and Independent Variable Model the satisfactory level of

Diploma students toward the learning experience during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The figure above shows the dependent and independent variable model. The

student’s satisfaction is the dependent variable because the satisfactory level of students

is depending on students. On the other hand, the students are the independent variable

because even without satisfaction students will always occur and present.

Chapter III


This chapter discusses the procedure and materials that the researcher will use in

the study. It includes the research site of the locale of the study, respondents, treatments,

sampling technique, data gathering procedure, research design, and research instruments.

Research Locale

The research was carried out at Banahaw Technological College Inc., a technical-

vocational education provider in Lucban, Quezon. It hosts a TESDA-accredited training

center for courses such as Automotive Servicing, Electrical Installation, Electronics

Product Assembly Servicing, and Shielded Metal Arc Welding. Also there is a Senior

High School and a Diploma Program. This is where the respondents studying and

completing their diploma degree.


The study's respondents were all BTCI Diploma Program students. They became

college students for the 2019-2020 academic year.

The respondents were selected at random because the survey was mainly

concerned with the level of satisfaction of students enrolled in a diploma program. This is

due to the fact that they are the only ones who can have a good vision of how a campus

newspaper really operates.

Research Design

The analysis contains the least satisfied factor for students and the most satisfied

factor for students. It gathered the requisite data using a quantitative analysis method.

In this analysis, the descriptive testing approach was used. It is used to collect

knowledge about the current state of the research. It also addressed the method of

defining, collecting data, and obtaining responses about the satisfaction level of the

diploma program at Banahaw Technological College, Inc. for the school year 2020-2021.

Data were gathered through survey questionnaire.

The phase of these questionnaires includes the student’s info and checklist on the

students ‘satisfaction regarding to diploma program.


The researcher utilized survey type questionnaire to gather information on the

Diploma Program students at Banahaw Technological College, Inc. The questionnaire

was divided into two main sections: a) the profile, and b) the survey proper. The profile

comprises of the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents such as name, age,

gender, name of school, and year level. The survey proper explores the satidtafction level

of diploma program students at Banahaw Technological College, Inc.

The questionnaire was constructed by the researchers and was submitted to the

adviser for comments and suggestions on the layout and statement structures. Then the

researcher revised the statement and other components in the questionnaire. The

instrument undergoes a final checking before being approved and distributed to the


Data Gathering Procedure

Necessary permits to conduct the research were first secured. A letter of approval

was sought from the School Principal to allow the researcher to conduct the study. The

conduct of surveys and interviews with the respondents was also scheduled. These would

substantiate the needed information for the study. The analysis and interpretation of the

gathered data followed. Afterwards, transcription of the surveys/interviews and analysis

of results of the study were done using the quantitative method.

Statistical Treatment

The data collected were tallied, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted. The weighted

mean was used to determine the satisfactory of diploma program students.

Weighted mean was used to determine the level of satisfaction on the diploma

program students. The following summated scale score, range interval and rating

description was used.

4 f +3 f + 2 f +f

Where x = mean
f = frequencies
n = number of respondents

The following summated scale points and adjectival interpretation were referred

for analysis.


4 3.50 – 4.00 STRONGLY AGREE SA

3 2.50 – 3.49 AGREE A

2 1.50 – 2.49 DISAGREE D


Chapter IV


This chapter presents the research findings of the data collected from the case

study samples. The findings will be presented in relation to the research objectives stated

in the study. The method used to analyze the data is already discussed in the methodology


Table 4.1.1 (Demographic Profile of the Respondents) Category of Informants

Table1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Demographic Profile of

the Respondent in terms of Age

Informants (Age) Number Of Percent


22 4 10%

21 21 52.5%

20 15 37.5%

Total 40 100%

Table 1. shows that the respondent was consisting of four people that ages 22 equivalent

to 10% of the population, twenty-one people that ages 21 equivalent to 52.5% of the

population and fifteen people ages 20 equivalent to 37.5%. The table shows that the most

people that share the same age was 21 years old and the least people that share same age

was 22 years old. The total population was consisting of 40 respondents from second year

diploma program in Banahaw Technological College Incorporated.


Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Demographic Profile of the

Respondent in terms of Gender

Informants (Gender) Number Of Percent


M 34 85%

F 6 15%

Total 40 100%

Table 2. shows that the respondents were consisting of 34 male students equivalent to the

85% of the respondents and 6 female respondents equivalent to 15% of the respondents in

a total of 40 respondents

Table 3. Determine the highest satisfaction level in learning experience of diploma

students in terms of online modality through Moodle

4 1 GWA DR
3 2
Statement Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree
Determine the highest satisfaction level in learning experience of diploma students in terms of online
modality through Moodle
1. I found it interesting 9 21 7 3 2.9 A
attending the online class in
Moodle website/app.
2. I found myself interactive in 3 25 11 1 2.7 A
participating in any activity that
takes place in Moodle
3. I see myself enjoying the 7 21 10 2 2.8 A
interactive communication that
takes place in Moodle website/
4. Online class meets my 4 14 18 4 2.45 D
expectation about studying
5. I found myself satisfied in the 5 19 12 4 2.6 A
end of the day when taking class
6. I found it boring attending the 4 16 13 7 2.4 D
online class in Moodle
7. I found myself not interacting 4 16 14 6 2.45 D
in participating in any activity
that takes place in Moodle
8.I did not see myself enjoying 5 14 15 6 2.45 D
the interactive communication
that takes place in Moodle
website/ app
9.Online class did not meet my 4 19 14 3 2.5 A
expectation about studying.
10.I did not find myself satisfied 3 11 21 5 2. 3 D
in the end of the day when
taking class online
TOTAL 2.57 A
Table 3. Determine the highest satisfaction level in learning experience of diploma

students in terms of online modality through Moodle

The table shows the factor that affects the satisfaction level of a student of diploma

program in online learning through online modality application called Moodle. The

highest factor that affects the satisfactory level of the students was the statement number

1 “I found it interesting attending the online class in Moodle website/app.” With a

general weighted average of 2.9 and has a descriptive rating of A. And the least factor

that affects the satisfactory level of students was statement no. 10 “I did not find myself

satisfied in the end of the day when taking class online” With a general weighted average

of 2.3 and has a descriptive rating of D. The above table shows the factors that affect the

satisfactory level of the students of diploma program in Banahaw Technological College


Table 4. Determine the highest satisfaction level in learning experience of diploma

students in terms of online modality through Actual Learning.

Table 4. Determine the highest satisfaction level in learning experience of diploma

students in terms of online modality through Actual Learning.

4 1 GWA DR
3 2
Statement Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree
Determine the highest satisfaction level in learning experience of diploma students in terms of online
modality through Actual Learning.
1. I find myself more interactive 23 16 1 0 3.55 SA
when I attend class physically.

2. I see myself doing more 24 15 1 0 3.58 SA

effectively when taking class in
face-to-face mode of education.

3. I found myself gathering more 25 13 1 1 3.53 SA

information about the lesson and
activities in face-to-face mode of

4. I found my self interacting often 20 17 1 2 3. 38 A

when in actual room

5. I am satisfied in actual learning 26 13 1 0 3.63 SA


6. I didn’t find myself more 7 7 20 6 2. 38 D

interactive when I attend class

7. I did not see myself doing more 6 8 19 7 2.33 D

effectively when taking class in
face-to-face mode of education.

8. I don’t find myself gathering 2 9 19 10 2.08 D

more information about the lesson
and activities in face-to-face mode
of education.
9. I found myself interacting rarely 6 11 17 6 2.43 D
when in actual room
10. I am not satisfied in actual 4 4 14 18 1.85 D
learning experience.
TOTAL 2.87 A

The table shows the factor that affects the satisfaction level of a student of

diploma program in online learning through online modality through actual training. The

highest factor that affects the satisfactory level of the students was the statement number

5 “I am satisfied in actual learning experience.” With a general weighted average of 3.63

and has a descriptive rating of SA. And the least factor that affects the satisfactory level

of students was statement no. 10 “I am not satisfied in actual learning experience.” With

a general weighted average of 1.85 and has a descriptive rating of D. The above table

shows the factors that affect the satisfactory level of the students of diploma program in

Banahaw Technological College Incorporated.

Chapter V



This chapter presents the summary of the study. This also presents the findings

derived from analysis and interpretation of the results. Moreover, this imparts the

conclusions framed and the recommendations thereafter.


This study aimed to identify the satisfactory level of students in diploma program

in this time of the pandemic in BTCI. The study took place in Banahaw Technological

College Inc. Furthermore this study has the following objectives: (1) determine the

highest satisfaction level in learning experience of Diploma Students in terms of: Online

modality, Modular and, Face to face. (2) Determine the highest and lowest satisfaction

level in learning experience of diploma students. In this study the respondents consisted

of 40 Diploma Program students from in BTCI in the school year 2020-2021. Moreover,

the study used the descriptive method of research that made use of checklist

questionnaire. The questionnaires were then administered to the respondents. The

researchers used the Average Weighted Mean to evaluate the answers from the

respondents. The result shows that most of the respondents are satisfied by attending the

online class in Moodle website/app .The students are satisfied to the learning experience

they had in actual training/classes they had. The researchers by then recommended other

researchers to investigate on how this new normal satisfies the needs and wants of

diploma program student in BTCI in school year 2020-2021.


After careful consideration, interpretation and examining of the results of the researchers

come to up an answer with the following conclusions.

1. The results show that the students are satisfied in attending their online classes through

moodle app and/or website. And it also shows that the students are satisfied to the

experience they had in online learning through moodle app

2. The results show that the students are not satisfied in attending actual training through

their online class. And also the students are satisfied to the learning experience they had

in actual training.

3. The results shows that most of the respondents are male compromising to 85% with a

total of 34 male students while the female students were only 6 person compromising of

15% aged between 20-22 years old.


In the light of the above findings and conclusions, the following recommendations

are hereby offered:

1. The future researchers can maximize the target respondents of the study.

2. Other researchers can investigate on how the satisfactory level affects the academic

performance of the students.

3. Other respondents can also investigate the most factor that helps the students survive

the academic year.

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