Distribution and Collection of Modules: An Evaluative Research
Distribution and Collection of Modules: An Evaluative Research
Distribution and Collection of Modules: An Evaluative Research
Administration: For the gathered information will help them how to plan and assess
distance learning program and to promote them reasons to plan and expand the program
more efficient and effective.
Teacher: The result of this research will provide ideas or knowledge to the school officials
and administration on how to plan more effectively to meet the goals of providing
assistance on every pupils.
• Parents: The result will help them to do more and support their children in achieving their
goals and help them excel on their academic performance, By the help our teachers and
• Learners: The result of this research will encourage them to give more time and effort
to answer and study their modules and will inspired them to achieve their goals and finish
their schooling.
Scope and Delimitation
Research Instruments
This study will utilize a semi-structured research interview guide as an
instrument in getting the status of module distribution in terms of instruction,
quality of printing and timeliness.
Data Analysis
According to Braun and Clarke (2006), the data will be analyzed thematically following the
specific steps.
1.Familiarizing yourself with your data- This step requires the researchers to be
fully immersed and actively engaged in the data by firstly transcribing the
interactions and then reading (and re-reading) the transcripts and/or listening to
the recordings. Initial ideas should be noted down. It is important that the
researcher has a comprehensive understanding of the content of the interaction
and has familiarized him/herself with all aspects of the data. This step provides
the foundation for the subsequent analysis.
2. Generating initial codes - Once familiar with the data, the researchers must
then start identifying preliminary codes, which are the features of the data that
appear interesting and meaningful. These codes are more numerous and specific
than themes, but provide an indication of the context of the conversation.
3.Searching for themes - The third step in the process is the start of the
interpretive analysis of the collated codes. Relevant data extracts are sorted
(combined or split) according to overarching themes. The researcher’s
thought process should allude to the relationship between codes,
subthemes, and themes.
4. Reviewing themes - A deeper review of identified themes follows where the
researchers needs to question whether to combine, refine, separate, or
discard initial themes. Data within themes should cohere together
meaningfully, while there should be clear and identifiable distinctions
between themes. This is usually done over two phases, where the themes
need to be checked in relation to the coded extracts (phase 1), and then for
the overall data set (phase 2). A thematic ‘map’ can be generated from this
5. Defining and naming themes - This step involves ‘refining and defining’
the themes and potential subthemes within the data. Ongoing analysis is
required to further enhance the identified themes. The researcher needs
to provide theme names and clear working definitions that capture the
essence of each theme in a concise and punchy manner. At this point, a
unified story of the data needs to emerge from the themes.
6. Producing the report - Finally, the researchers needs to transform his/her
analysis into an interpretable piece of writing by using vivid and compelling
extract examples that relate to the themes, research question, and
literature. The report must relay the results of the analysis in a way that
convinces the reader of the merit and validity of the analysis. It must go
beyond a mere description of the themes and portray an analysis
supported with empirical evidence that addresses the research question.
Research Procedures
In this study, the researchers will write a letter first to the principal for the approval to
conduct the study. When the consent will be granted, a letter of invitation will be given to a
preschool teachers and parents to ask their consent to be part of the study through
interview. It will be clearly stipulated in the letter that the interview will be conduct at the
participants’ most convenient time which will last for 20 minutes only. This is done to avoid
conflicts with the teachers other task or activities. When consent will be granted, the data
gathering will eventually Transcription and analysis will be done afterwards for the
formulation of themes. The conclusion and recommendation will be drawn after the data
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