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Nur Iman S.


Charity P. Galligao

Shaakirah S. Pagayawan

A Survey on the Learning Modality Preferences of the DORSHS- Senior High School


Review of Related Literatures

Question #1: What are the different learning modality preferences of students in new


The COVID-19 pandemic has become a global health issue and had a major impact on

education. The pandemic institutions are required to make appropriate away in order to continue

to deliver education and to sustain the continuation of the students’ academic progress. There

were different learning methods used by students wherein students are able to continue

education. Learning modalities of students include Online Learning, Modular Learning and

Blended Learning. In addition, teaching and learning activities were immediately shifted and

delivered in any platform. (Amir, Tanti, Puspitawati, 2020)

It is clear that this pandemic has utterly disrupted the education system. According to

Farah Lalani and Cathy Li (2020), education has changed dramatically, with the rise of online

learning. Online learning is considered to be one of the learning modalities used by students in
which teaching is done and on digital platforms. Online learning is defined as learning that

makes use of Information and Communication Technologies. It is one of the ways in which

students’ study and learn. Even before COVID-19, there was an adoption in online education,

but as the crisis exist, there is now a high rate of online education.

It is found out that there is an existence of blended learning that is considered as new

mode of learning. It is another type of learning wherein students are engaged to. Blended

learning is an approach to education that combines classroom and distance learning to facilitate

an independent, interactive and collaborative learning among students. It incorporates online and

modular education. Students used to adopt as it offers convenience and flexibility Students has

the ability to control their learning pace and learn actively. (Lawless, 2019)

According to Flip Science (2017), modular learning is a form of distance learning that

uses Self - Learning Modules (SLM) based on the most essential learning competencies provided

by DepEd. The modules include sections on motivation and assessment that serve as a complete

guide of both teachers and students, in print or digital format or electronic copy. It can also be at

any form of context of the learner and other learning resources like learner’s materials,

textbooks, activity sheets, study guides and other study materials. Aside from different learning

modalities, many students are also learning in a modular type.

Learning preferences refer to how much a learner prefers certain educational modalities.

According to Mark Anthony Llego (2020), learners has different types of training best through

different delivery methods and provide multiple modalities that will be most effective for

learning. This modality has three types; Online Learning which refers to the learning through the

use of various technologies accessed through the internet, Modular Learning wherein students

are able to learn with the use of printed modules, and lastly the Blended Learning in which refers
to an educational approach that combines online learning with any or mixed with , modular

distance learning, and TV or radio-based type.

Question #2:What are the benefits of knowing the learning modality preferences of


It is essential to know the learning modality preferences of students as it is proved to be

beneficial. Information that is accessed through students’ use of modality preferences shows an

increase in their levels of comprehension, motivation, and metacognition. Also, gaining a better

perspective includes on how to implement these learning styles into your lesson plans and study

techniques(Teach.com, 2020).

There are benefits in knowing learning modality preferences and one is educational

benefits. This will allow to truly maximize potential. This help enable to gain a better

understanding on a chosen field. Also, professional benefits wherein it is necessary to invest

knowledge and skills throughout life. There are also personal benefits, to use knowledge for

personal improvement, it is required to know how to make the most of different learning

opportunities(Los Angeles ORT College, 2016).

Knowing learners' preferences can be helpful when planning group activities. People

learn in different ways and have a style or a preference to help them acquire new skills and

knowledge, and to remember things. If learners can find out their learning modality preference,

then they can adapt approaches that suit them(Gravells, 2020).

There are many benefits to discovering how to process information best. Some of these

include Academic, Personal, and Professional benefits. It will give them a head start and learn
with potential. It expands existing learning and studying strategies. It gives insight about their

strengths, weaknesses, and habits. It also enables them to stay up-to-date professionally (Ezekiel,


Question #3: What is the most preferred learning system in the Philippines during this


During this pandemic students and parents were given choices for the alternative learning

modalities offered by the Department of Education (DepEd) for the upcoming classes, based on

the survey most students prefer “modular” distance learning. DepEd will also implement

Blended Distance Learning because face-to-face classes are not allowed due to this

pandemic[ CITATION Mer20 \l 13321 ].

Most students chose Modular Learning system and Online classes for the next school

year. According to the survey conducted by the DepEd majority was Modular Distance Learning

and the next Learning system chosen was Online Classes or E-Learning [ CITATION Mic20 \l 13321


The partial survey forms conducted during the enrollment way back resulted to the

majority of parents choosing Modular classes which is 8.8 million, next is blended learning or

the combination of modular and online classes that resulted for about 3.9 million, 3.8 million

parents chose online, 1.4 million; Educational TV; and the rest is radio-based instruction

[ CITATION Jan201 \l 13321 ].

During the said enrollment parents and guardians were made to answer the survey forms

given by DepEd. The survey is about their preferred alternative learning mode. The survey says
that the majority was Modular Distance Learning that resulted 8.9 million [ CITATION Jae20 \l

13321 ].

According to the survey conducted by DepEd, 8.8 million out of 22.2 million enrollees

preferred modular distance learning for the upcoming school year. 3.9 million chose blended

learning, and 3.8 preferred online classes, the rest is Educational TV and Radio-based learning

which is 900,000 [ CITATION Pie20 \l 13321 ].

Question #4: How does Learning Modality Preferences Affect the Academic Performance

of Students?

Learning styles are depicted as a unique way made by students when they learn new and

burdensome knowledge. Having cognition about how students learn and how learning style

affects their academic performance is essential for producing more constructive teaching

techniques and new curriculum designs[ CITATION Dan19 \l 13321 ].

There has been a lot of flowing interest in the effects of learning styles in education came

up with many different learning styles. But according to the teachers they claimed that a reliable

and valid instrument that measures learning system and approaches could be a way to an

individual self-development[ CITATION Iva18 \l 13321 ].

The development of every country is based on the academic performance of students

as it will produce graduates and professionals that will serve as a role model to those aspiring

students in the society. It is believed that when a student’s academic performance is very poor it

might not get its job done well, for example if a building collapses it is because the said engineer

has a poor academic performance[ CITATION Tin19 \l 13321 ].

Learning style has been described as a knotty process in which the learner should do all

the process right. Learning style is a mix of environmental factors. There are several methods

that are developed to make learning easier. There are different kinds of learners, the visual

learners, Aural learners, learners with reading or any writing style, and also kinesthetic

learners[ CITATION Nam18 \l 13321 ].

Learning styles can be prepared by the rehashed utilization of explicit learning

techniques. In such cases, when learning styles agree with the learning setting to encourage the

obtaining of new information and its reconciliation with past data, scholarly achievement can be

accomplished all the more normally. To get this match it is needed from educators to adjust their

styles and techniques to their understudies' learning inclinations.[ CITATION Fre17 \l 13321 ].

Question #5: What are the Effects of the New Learning Modalities in the Philippines?

While everybody fights famine, the Department of Education (DepEd) constantly

believes that the abidance of learning must not be affected. Updates from DepEd states that the

school year might start by September given that the COVID-19 cases skyrocketed. Education

Secretary Leonor Briones said that safeguarding the health of all schools’ stakeholders is the

utmost priority — the reason why the agency ought to move the school reopening in the middle

of the calendar[ CITATION She20 \l 13321 ].

Enrollment in public schools has already reached 22.5 million, or about 99.66 percent of

last year’s enrollees, the figure also includes approximately 400,000 transferees from private

schools. A survey conducted by Save the Children International exhibited that at least 10 million

students worldwide will not be able to return to school this year, being lack of access to
technology that is a necessity for distance learning and support their needs at home. The survey

showed that less than one percent of children from low-class households have access to the

internet the new learning modalities, despite more than 60% of national distance learning

initiatives depend on online platforms. At least 40% of students with poor backgrounds said that

they need help with their tasks, but there none available [ CITATION Jan20 \l 13321 ].

Some can’t afford the gadgets that are needed, or to avail Wi-Fi providers and adapt the

use of the technology involved within two months. News reports have noted that a certain count

of teachers is unprepared, either because they don’t have the materials needed or can’t afford

them. This is also because they are as technologically challenged as their students. Another

problem is connectivity. Regardless with the Department of Information and Communication

Technology’s (DICT) oath to make Wi-Fi available throughout the country, the connections are

still weak or nonexistent. Not only in those remote localities, but even in some urban areas.

[ CITATION Lew20 \l 13321 ] Due to the increase of stressors; family problems, low grades,

weak signal and lack of access mixed with elevated pre-existing stress levels and a potentially

dropped ability to rely on typical coping strategies, the COVID-19 pandemic has placed an

unaccustomed mental health weight among students. This instantly requires further disquisition

and immediate intervention. There remains much to be learned about the psychological impacts

that the students are facing and what can be done to lessen their negative effects [ CITATION

Pra20 \l 13321 ].

The mental health problems students suffer during the new learning modalities are due to

an interplay of factors. According to psychiatrists, such issues could not be solely accredited to

the challenges of the new education system. This conflict was effectuated after the Department
of Education (DepEd) declared a statement engaging to the public to refrain connecting the

deaths of teachers and students to the new learning system [ CITATION Bon20 \l 13321 ].

Division of Work

Questions #1 & 2: Charity P. Galligao

Questions #3 & 4: Shaakirah S. Pagayawan

Question #5: Nur Iman S. Godoy

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