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Mitigation of Automotive Radar Interference: Abstract-This Paper Presents A New Approach To Miti

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Mitigation of Automotive Radar Interference

Faruk Uysal and Sasanka Sanka
Microwave Sensing, Systems and Signals (MS3) group,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science,
Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands.

Abstract—This paper presents a new approach to miti- and avoidance or detect and mitigate techniques to
gating radar interference and focuses on the application counter the interference effects. [4]. Post detection,
of automotive radar. Traditional interference mitigation interference could be completely avoided by strate-
techniques in automotive radar depend on detection and
gically changing the operational frequency [4] [5].
identification of the interference. With this paper, we
propose a novel method based on advanced signal sep- But the probability of another interferer existing at
aration techniques which do not need any prior detection this shifted frequency may not be low. Hence many
of the interference. The success of the proposed method existing techniques look into mitigating interference
is demonstrated into simulated and real automotive radar by repairing the interfered samples and possibly
data sets, in the presence of Continuous Wave (CW) and reconstruct the required signal (such as using sparse
Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) inter-
sampling signal recovery in [6]).
ference. Significant improvement in Signal-to-Interference-
plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) is observed after range-Doppler The knowledge of interferer is essential to mit-
processing. igate and reconstruct the desired signal. Since a
CW or FMCW interference would have a time-
Index Terms—interference mitigation, signal separation,
automotive radar
varying frequency component after down conversion
of the received signal, a short-time Fourier trans-
form (STFT) of the received signal would reveal
I. I NTRODUCTION most of the information regarding the interference in
Modern vehicles are equipped with radar systems FMCW radar [7]. In this paper, by using compressed
whose principal goal is to support drivers in driving sensing, we propose a novel technique to mitigate
for increased traffic safety. Moreover, automotive the interference without detecting or identifying it.
radar is becoming a key element for autonomous Use of compressed sensing techniques for mitiga-
vehicles due to its all-weather, day and night capa- tion, [8] and separation of clutter [9], [10], for radar
bilities. Recent advancements in the semiconductor signals without any detection or identification, are
industry have made the low-cost mass production proposed in the literature.
of single-chip automotive radars possible. Soon, the In this paper, we propose a novel time-domain
coexistence of multiple radars in congested traffic solution for the interference mitigation problem by
will be an issue with the increasing number of radar- taking advantage of signal separation and signal
equipped vehicles on the roads. The interference reconstruction using dual basis pursuit. We show
caused by other automobile radars negatively affects that we can mitigate the interference blindly without
the functionality of the radars by decreasing its any detection or identification.
detection capability [1], [2], [3]. In Section II, we look at a traditional FMCW radar
Most of the existing automotive radar interference model in the presence of interference. We discuss
mitigation techniques rely on detection or identi- how the interference is time limited by FMCW
fication of interference before mitigating it. The system’s low-pass Anti-Aliasing Filter (AAF) so
existing state of the art techniques use either detect that our received signal can be considered as a
combination of two distinct time-varying functions.
*This work is partially supported by NXP Semiconductors N.V. We look at the domains in which these two time-
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed
in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect varying functions namely the beat signal and the
those of NXP. interference are sparse respectively. Subsequently,
978-1-5386-4167-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 0405

we propose an algorithm using dual basis pursuit which can be written explicitly as
for interference mitigation in Section III. With a 2 −2tτ )
description of our experimental setup in Section y = Pr ejπk(τ e−j2πfc τ +
Pi ejπ((ki −k)t −2ki tτi +ki τi ) e−j2πfc τi (5)
2 2
IV, we discuss the results that were obtained by
applying this method to the automotive radar inter-
ference problem. Finally, we look into the signal to Then, an analog low pass filter (LPF) is applied. The
interference plus noise ratio (SINR) improvement impulse response of the LPF should not produce any
achieved using our algorithm and conclude with a unwanted distortion due to the presence of interfer-
summary and further implementations. ence. To identify the limits of the interference and
for simplicity in derivations, let assume a perfect
II. FMCW RADAR AND INTERFERENCE Brick wall filter which is defined as
In this section, the system and signal model for a H(f ) = rect , (6)
traditional FMCW radar are revisited to describe our fL
approach for interference mitigation. where fL is the cut-off frequency of the LPF.
Let the baseband LFM signal for a single chirp be Note that, in (5), the second part represents the
defined as received interference
y = P ejπ((ki −k)t −2ki tτi +ki τi ) e−j2πfc τi , (7)
2 2 2
st = ejπkt for 0 < t < T (1) i i

where T is the duration and k is the slope of the where the phase change of the received interference
chirp signal (k = B/T where B is the bandwidth signal can be written as
of signal).  
In a traditional FMCW automotive radar, the base- φ(t) = π (ki − k)t2 − 2ki tτi + ki τi2 − 2fc τi .
band signal is modulated with a carrier signal fc (8)
and transmitted through free space. After free space The received interference signal’s instantaneous fre-
propagation, return echoes are collected by the quency fi (t) can be computed as
antenna(s) and demodulated at the front end. The 1 d
fi (t) = φ(t) (9)
received signal at the end of the receiver chain 2π dt
s = sr + si is a combination of interference signal = ((ki − k)t − ki τi ) (10)
si and the signal of interest sr . Explicitly, signal of
interest is which is bounded by the cut-off frequency of the
LPF [11],
sr = Pr ejπk(t−τ ) e−j2πfc τ , (2)
− fL ≤ ((ki − k)t − ki τi ) ≤ fL . (11)
where τ is the round trip delay of the signal of
The lower- and upper-bounds of the beat frequencies
interest and Pr is the free-space power received by
are illustrated in Figure 1. Considering the fact that
an antenna according to the free-space path loss
the interference is symmetric around the reference
model. Assuming an interference from a similar
signal due to these bounds, the duration of the
type of radar having the same center frequency as
interference over the beat signal can be re-framed
that of the transmitted signal, received interferer
signal at the end of the receiver chain can be written  2fL 
Ti ≤  . (12)
2 ki − k 
si = Pi ejπki (t−τi ) e−j2πfc τi (3)
Thus, the received signal post LPF can be written
where ki is the slope of the interferer Pi is the as
received power and τi is the time delay of the  −fL +ki τi
y r + yi (ki −k)
≤ t ≤ f(k L +ki τi
i −k)
interferer with respect to transmitted chirp. Subse- yL = (13)
quently, the received signal is mixed with complex yr otherwise,
conjugate of basebend signal (which also known as
where received signal of interest is
y = sr s∗t , (4) yr = Pr ejπk(τ −2tτ ) e−j2πfc τ . (14)
978-1-5386-4167-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 0406



The proposed method depends on formulating the

interference mitigation as a signal separation prob-
lem. We propose to use morphological component
analysis (MCA) to decompose received signal into
its components, namely the interference and re-
ceived beat signals.
Let’s write the observed signal y in terms of two
components from (5). We consider the two compo-
time nents to be yr and yi so
interference duration Ti
y = y r + yi (16)
Fig. 1. Illustration of beat frequencies due to the interference in same where yr is the beat signal component and yi is the
carrier frequency.
interference component.
The morphological component analysis (MCA) ap-
Note that, the interference is time-limited and has an proach assumes the two components of the received
oscillatory behavior (quadratic-phase signal) [12]. signal (beat and interference) are sparse in different
Figure 2 shows the behavior of beat and interference domains [13]. A particular formulation of MCA
signals in time-domain with a dependency of LPF aims to find the sparse coefficients with respect
as described in (13). to the different transforms. Therefore, instead of
With information on the time period in which inter- finding yr and yi , this formulation of MCA seeks
ference is localized, the number of samples that are coefficients c1 and c2 in different domains (like A1
being interfered is given as and A2 ) such that

Nint = Ti fs (15) y = A1 c1 + A2 c2 ; (17)

To simulate this interference effect, a baseband sig- where yr = A1 c1 and yr = A2 c2 . This problem
nal is transmitted at a bandwidth of 1 GHz and 30.6 is ill-conditioned since there are infinitely many
μs transmit time. This signal is interfered against a solutions. The separation of yr and yi from received
CW interferer (ki = 0) having a center frequency signal y can be meaningful if and only if these
of 500 MHz in baseband. The cut-off frequency of two components have distinct properties which are
the LPF is 20 MHz and the sampling rate is at 40 known or approximately known. To find a particular
MHz. Substituting these values in (12), the duration solution, MCA follows a variational framework and
of the interferer is 1.224 μs as shown in Figure 2. minimizes a cost function chosen so as to promote
The ringing artifacts are observable before and after sparsity of coefficients.
the time limited interference due to the ideal (brick- To promote sparsity, we have considered the beat
wall) low-pass filter. signal to be sparse in Fourier domain since the spec-
trum of beat signal represents the range information
which is sparse. On the other hand, interference has
quadratic-phase so it spans over frequency spectrum
ringing artifacts
0.01 ringing artifacts
and can not be classified as sparse in Fourier do-

0.00 main. As seen from (10), instantaneous frequency

of interference is a function of time, thus interfer-
interference duration
ence signal can be assumed to be sparse in time-
6 8 10 12 14 16 frequency domain. Consequently, the transforms can
time( sec)
be selected as a discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
Fig. 2. Simulated received signal consists of interference and beat
A1 and a short-time Fourier transform (STFT) A2
signal after LPF. Interference is in the form of a time-limited to represent the signals sparsely in two different
quadratic-phase signal. domains. Note that the beat frequencies are also
978-1-5386-4167-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 0407

Algorithm 1: Signal Separation algorithm for N542A PNA with a WR-10 frequency extension
automotive radar module and is transmitted via a 20 dB standard gain
1 Input : y horn (Flann 27240-20).
2 Initialize: di ≥ 0 for i = 1, 2
3 Repeat until converge:
v1 ← sof t(c1 + d1 , 2μ ) − d1 V. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
v2 ← sof t(c2 + d2 , 2μ ) − d2 To demonstrate the success of the algorithm under
a ← y − A1 c1 − A2 c2 worst-case scenario, we select a data where interfer-
di ← 12 AH
i a ence and target signature overlaps in range-Doppler
c ← d i + vi (velocity) domain. The time domain snapshot of
where sof t(y, T ) = ymax(0, 1 − T / |y|) collected data set is shown in Figure 3a. To mini-
mize the effect of stationary objects (ground clutter)
and demonstrate the effect of algorithm clearly,
sparse in STFT domain. However, beat signal is we apply a ground clutter filter as a preprocessing
sparser in DFT domain than the interference signal, strategy before applying proposed signal separation
which allows the MCA separating these two compo- algorithm.
nent successfully. Then, we can define interference Figure 3b and Figure 3c show the time domain
mitigation problem as a optimization problem using signature of interference and signal of interest after
the 1 norm of coefficient vectors as follow1 , processing, respectively. Beat signal is separated
successfully from the interference signal in the
arg min (λ1 c1 1 + λ2 c2 1 )
c1 ,c2 (18) presence of a dominant interferer. The sinusoidal
s.t y = A 1 c1 + A 2 c2 behavior of beat signal can be seen in Figure 3c
which is also known as the dual-basis pursuit since there was only one moving target present
problem. To solve this optimization problem, we during the experiment. Figure 4 illustrates the same
use split augmented Lagrangian shrinkage algorithm
(SALSA) [14], which is based on the alternating
direction method of multipliers (ADMM) [15]. Note 0.05 a)

that proximal splitting methods, such as a Douglas- 0.00

Rachford approach, could be also used to solve
this problem [16]. The final algorithm is shown in -0.05

Algorithm 1 and details of the derivation can be 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
found in [8]. samples

0.05 b)

We set up an experiment in the presence of con- 0.00

tinuous wave (CW) interferer to demonstrate the

success of proposed algorithm. A new generation
NXP Dolphin transceiver chip at a 78.8 GHz center 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
frequency with a bandwidth of 1.0 GHz is set up as
an automotive radar. A simple pendulum is used to 10-3

simulate a moving target. The pendulum, consisting 1.00 c)

of a 0 dBm2 (at 77 GHz) trihedral reflector mounted

on a swinging arm of 1 m length, is located at 5 m
range from the radar unit. The interference source is -1.00
located at the same range with a 20◦ degree offset. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
A 78 GHz CW signal is generated using a Keysight samples

The 1 term promotes sparsity inoptimization problem. 1 norm Fig. 3. Real data snapshot: a) Collected signal y, b) separated
of a vector x is defined as x1 = |x(n)| interference signal yr and c) separated beat-signal yi after processing.
978-1-5386-4167-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 0408

amplitude (dB)

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Fig. 5. Real data processing: a) collected signal, b) collected signal after pre-processing c) signal of interest and d) interference after

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