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Porcelain Plumbing: Class-Based Ode Solvers and Event Detection in Scipy

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Class-based ODE solvers and event detection in SciPy

David R Hagen1 and Nikolay Mayorov 2

1Applied BioMath, Concord, Massachusetts 2WayRay, Russia

Abstract Porcelain Plumbing

In SciPy 1.0, a new interface for solving ODE initial value problems was Most users will interact with the new solvers through the solve_ivp The internals of the new solvers revolve around the OdeSolver abstract
added to scipy.integrate. The solve_ivp function takes a initial convenience function. This function internally handles the standardization base class. The central idea is that each ODE solver method is a subclass of
vector of states, the time derivative of those states, and various options and of inputs, stepping of the solver, storing of the solution, detection of OdeSolver. Each integration is a new instance of the appropriate class,
returns the solution over time, like the the odeint function it is intended to events, and reporting of status. Users who do not need to implement their initialized with the ODE function, the initial conditions, and other
replace. The new interface provides a few features not previously own solvers or do unusual procedures at each step of the solver will likely parameters. The solver can be advanced one step at a time, each step
available, such as event detection and dense solutions, along with various only ever use solve_ivp. solve_ivp is intended to replace odeint in mutating the internal state of the solver. OdeSolver is intended to replace
usability improvements. The OdeSolver class, an abstract base class SciPy as the standard IVP solving function. ode in SciPy as the class-based IVP structure.
which all solvers in the new framework inherit, is an extensible
replacement for the ode class. This pure-Python base class makes it easy to solve_ivp(fun, t_span, y0, method='RK45', t_eval=None, Constructor
dense_output=False, events=None, vectorized=False, OdeSolver(fun, t0, y0, t_bound, *, vectorized, **options)
add and use new solvers, whether in a user’s code, an external library, or **options) -> OdeResult
SciPy itself. The solver classes can be used by themselves to walk through Every OdeSolver has this signature as its constructor. User-created classes
• fun: (t: float, y: array_like) -> array_like System of ODEs. must follow this if they want to be usable by solve_ivp. Every solver
the integration one step at a time if specialized behavior not provided by • t_span: Tuple[float, float] Integration interval (t0, tf). The
solve_ivp is desired. Currently implemented are the RK23, RK45, takes solver-specific options. It raises a warning if it receives options it
solver starts with t=t0 and ends at t=tf. does not understand. A warning strikes a balance between raising an error
Radau, BDF, and LSODA solvers. • y0: array_like Initial conditions. (which would make it more difficult to try different solvers) and silence
Background • method: str | Type[OdeSolver] If a str, the solver is looked up (which could confuse the user when options were not obeyed).
An initial value problem (IVP) is a combination of a system of explicit by name among the built-in solvers. If a subclass of OdeSolver (either
first-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and a vector of initial a built-in one or a user-defined one), it is used as the solver. Public attributes/properties/methods
conditions (ICs). • t_eval: Optional[array_like] Values of t at which to store the Clients of a solver can expect that these attributes, properties, and methods
solution, must be sorted and lie within t_span. If None, the solution at are present on all instances of OdeSolver.
d𝑦𝑦 each step of the solver is stored. • .t: float Current time of solver.
𝑡𝑡 = 𝑓𝑓 𝑡𝑡, 𝑦𝑦 𝑡𝑡 • events: Optional[List[(t: float, y: array_like) -> float]] • .y: ndarray Current state vector of solver.
𝑦𝑦 𝑡𝑡0 = 𝑦𝑦0 or single callable Either a single event function or a list of event • .t_old: Optional[float] Previous time of solver. None if before
functions. Each event function must be a continuous function of t. If first step.
Here, y is the vector of states. Its value at t other than t0 can be determined the sign of the event function changes in a single step of the solver, a • .step_size: Optional[float] Absolute difference between t and
by numeric integration of the system of ODEs f, starting at (t0, y0) and root finding algorithm is applied to find the precise value of t where t_old. None if before first step.
taking small steps in t, using dy/dt to project new values of y at each step, event(t, y(t)) == 0. Each event may have the following attributes: • .step() Advances the solver by one step.
until all desired values of y(t) are obtained. • terminal: bool If True, the integration terminates when this • .dense_output() -> DenseOutput Returns a callable that, given
event is detected. The default is False. a value between t_old and t, will return the state at that value using
Problems of this form are central to many fields of science and • direction: bool If positive, event will only trigger going negative interpolation.
engineering, usually as a kind of simulation. A system can be modeled as to positive. If negative, event will only trigger going positive to
an IVP if its internal state can be represented as a set of real numbers and negative. If 0, event will trigger in either direction. Abstract methods
the change in that state can be written as a function of the current state. To create an event function (a callable with attributes), the user can New subclass of OdeSolver need to implement only these two methods.
This includes proteins transformed by reactions in systems biology, planets • ._step_impl() The actual implementation of a single step. t, y, and
either make a class with __call__ implemented or directly assign
moved by gravity in astronomy, and prey eaten by predators in ecology. attributes to any Python function (e.g. event.terminal = True). any other internal state is updated here.
• vectorized: bool If True, then fun accepts multiple time points at
• ._dense_output_impl() -> DenseOutput The actual
Many numeric integration methods have been written. Which method is implementation of the interpolant for the previous step. Each solver has
best depends on the structure of the system of ODEs and the desired once. This speeds up certain operations. The default is False.
a specific subclass of DenseOutput, depending on how interpolation is
accuracy, among many other things. When working on a new problem, the The following options are accepted by one or more built in methods.
• first_step: Optional[float] Initial step size. Default is
done with that solver.
user often tests the methods available in his platform to find one that works
efficiently and reliably. determined by the method. Performance
• max_step: float Maximum allowed step size. Default is inf.
Previous SciPy integrators • rtol, atol: float Relative and absolute tolerance.
SciPy has included numeric integrators for IVPs since time immemorial • jac: array_like | (t: float, y: ndarray) -> ndarray | None
via the scipy.integrate.odeint function, which produces the solution Jacobian, the derivative of fun with respect to y. If None, the Jacobian
to the IVP over a given time interval, and the scipy.integrate.ode is computed via finite differences. Used by Radau, BDF, and LSODA
class, which provides an interface for taking one step at a time through the methods.
solution. By wrapping some C and Fortran libraries, a basic ODE interface • jac_sparsity: array_like Sparsity of the Jacobian. This only
was obtained. This interface has a number of warts and limitations that the affects the finite difference jac. Used by Radau and BDF methods.
new interface seeks to address: • lband, uband: int | None Bandwidth of the Jacobian. Used by
LSODA method.
• The odeint function wraps the LSODA Fortran library alone and • min_step: float The minimum allowed step size. Default is 0. Used
cannot be used with any other method. by LSODA method.
• By default, the signature for the ODE system is f(y, t), whose An object of type OdeResult is returned. This is simply a bunch object
arguments are opposite the convention in this field. that holds the solution and diagnostic information.
• It is not straightforward to implement additional algorithms for the ode • .t: ndarray The times at which the solution was obtained.
class beyond the five for which it was designed. • .y: ndarray The solution at t.
• Three of the five methods are not reentrant; if used in a multithreaded • .sol: OdeSolution | None The dense solution, which is callable at The figure above is an example comparison of all ODE solvers in SciPy.
environment, undefined behavior will result. any time within t_span. This comparison was made with a stiff system having 32 states
• There is no event detection (the ability to record when given functions • t_events: List[ndarray] | None The times of detected events. (specifically the EGF-NGF model from systems biology). The three lines
of the state cross zero, from above or from below, and optionally • nfev: int Number of function evaluations. at the bottom are odeint, the lsoda method of ode, and the LSODA
terminating the integration early upon detection). • njev: int Number of Jacobian evaluations. method of solve_ivp. Unsurprisingly, they have similar performance
• There is no possibility to obtain a dense solution (an object which can • nlu: int Number of LU decompositions because they all wrap the same algorithm. There is a mild performance
provide an accurate value of y at any t, not just predefined t, by storing • status: int Reason integration stopped. -1: a step failed. 0: reached penalty to using the new wrapper written in Python. The two lines in the
the intermediate polynomials). the end of t_span. 1: a terminal event occurred. middle are the new stiff solvers, Radau and BDF. Future work will
• message: str human-readable reason for step failure. investigate if cythonizing the Python classes improves the performance of
• success: bool True if reached end of interval or terminal event the new solvers. The cluster of lines at the top are the non-stiff solvers, all
detected. False if step failed. of which perform very poorly on this stiff problem.

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