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Yang-Mills Theory and The QCD Lagrangian: Christopher Cedzich

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Gauge Symmetries
The QCD Lagrangian

Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Christopher Cedzich

April 5, 2009

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Gauge Symmetries
The QCD Lagrangian


1 Introduction
2 Gauge Symmetries
Abelian gauge symmetry
Non-abelian gauge symmetry
SU (2)
General case

3 The QCD Lagrangian

The spin-statistic problem
The QCD Lagrangian and gluon elds

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Gauge Symmetries
The QCD Lagrangian


Why gauge symmetry?

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Gauge Symmetries
The QCD Lagrangian


Why gauge symmetry?

Gauge symmetry

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Gauge Symmetries
The QCD Lagrangian


Why gauge symmetry?

Gauge symmetry
- possibility to chose freely a local parameter without
changing the physics
- oers a way to describe interactions due to invariance
properties of Lagrangians

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Abelian gauge symmetry

In QED: Lagrangian is invariant under local phase rotation.
Not a result of the theory but an assumption that determines
the theory.

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Abelian gauge symmetry

In QED: Lagrangian is invariant under local phase rotation.
Not a result of the theory but an assumption that determines
the theory.
Assume the theory has to be invariant under
ψ(x ) −→ e i α(x ) ψ(x ) (1)
and expand to rst order in α
ψ(x ) −→ ψ(x ) + i α(x )ψ(x ) (2)

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Abelian gauge symmetry

In QED: Lagrangian is invariant under local phase rotation.
Not a result of the theory but an assumption that determines
the theory.
Assume the theory has to be invariant under
ψ(x ) −→ e i α(x ) ψ(x ) (1)
and expand to rst order in α
ψ(x ) −→ ψ(x ) + i α(x )ψ(x ) (2)
Try to construct a derivative since the Lagrangian L will
eventually contain derivatives of the eld:
ψ(x + n) − ψ(x )
∂µ ψ = lim (3)
Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian
Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

=⇒ problems ↔ don't know how to take the dierence of 2

elds that live in dierent spaces

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

=⇒ problems ↔ don't know how to take the dierence of 2

elds that live in dierent spaces
=⇒ need a quantity that compares the 2 elds ⇒ called
We require it to be a pure phase and to transform according to
i ϕ(y ,x )
e =: U (y , x ) −→ e i α(y ) U (y , x )e −i α(x ) (4)

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

=⇒ problems ↔ don't know how to take the dierence of 2

elds that live in dierent spaces
=⇒ need a quantity that compares the 2 elds ⇒ called
We require it to be a pure phase and to transform according to
i ϕ(y ,x )
e =: U (y , x ) −→ e i α(y ) U (y , x )e −i α(x ) (4)
=⇒ dierence makes sense ⇔ ψ(y ) and U (y , x )ψ(x ) have the
same transformation law.
This denes the covariant derivative:
ψ(x + n) − U (x + n, x )ψ(x )
n Dµ ψ = lim (5)

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

and we can nd an explicit expression via the expansion of the

U (x + n, x ) = U (x , x ) −ie nµ Aµ (x ) + O(2 ) (6)
| {z }

ψ(x + n) − (1 − ie nµ Aµ (x ))ψ(x )

=⇒ µ
n Dµ ψ = lim
= lim (ψ(x + n) − ψ(x )) +ienµ Aµ (x )ψ(x )
|→0  {z }
∂µ ψ(x )
⇒ Dµ = ∂µ + ieAµ (x ) (8)

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Aµ (x ) is called gauge eld and its transformation law is given

Aµ (x ) −→ Aµ (x ) − ∂µ α(x ) (9)

needed to x the gauge invariance of the covariant derivative:

Dµ ψ(x ) → ∂µ + ie (Aµ (x ) − ∂µ α) e i α(x ) ψ(x )

= e i α(x ) (∂µ + ieAµ (x )) ψ(x )
+ e i α(x ) i (∂µ α(x ))ψ(x ) − (∂µ α(x ))ψ(x )
= e i α(x ) (∂µ + ieAµ (x ))ψ(x )
= e i α(x ) Dµ ψ(x ) (10)

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Our Lagrangian is a function

L = L(ψ(x ), D ψ(x ), Aµ (x ), t ) (11)
=⇒ need to include a kinetic term Aµ (x ) .

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Our Lagrangian is a function

L = L(ψ(x ), D ψ(x ), Aµ (x ), t ) (11)
=⇒ need to include a kinetic term Aµ (x ).
by expanding the comparator to order 2 and consider it
around an innitesimal closed rectangular loop

U(x ) := U (x , x + 2̂)U (x + 2̂, x + 1̂ + 2̂)

×U (x + 1̂ + 2̂, x + 1̂)U (x + 1̂, x )
Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian
Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

+ n, x ) = exp −ie nµ Aµ (x + 
+ O(3 ) (13)

U (x n)

we nd
U(x ) = 1 − i 2e |(∂µAν (x ) {z
− ∂ν Aµ (x )) +O(3 )

which depends only on Aµ (x ) ⇒ gauge invariant

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Field-strength tensor
Fµν =ˆ recognized as the QED eld-strength tensor which is
given by
 
Ex Ey Ez
−Ex 0 −Bz By 
Fµν =  (15)
0 −Bx 

−Ey Bz
−Ez −By Bx 0
Aµ ~
= φc , A (16)
∂µ = ∂0 , ∇ (17)

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

QED Lagrangian
requirements to the Lagrangian L:
- 4-dimensional
- Lorentz covariant
- gauge invariant

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

QED Lagrangian
requirements to the Lagrangian L:
- 4-dimensional
- Lorentz covariant
- gauge invariant
Most general L which fullls requirements is given by
L = ψ̄(i D/ )ψ − mψ̄ψ − 14 (Fµν )2 (18)

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

QED Lagrangian
requirements to the Lagrangian L:
- 4-dimensional
- Lorentz covariant
- gauge invariant
Most general L which fullls requirements is given by
L = ψ̄(i D/ )ψ − mψ̄ψ − 14 (Fµν )2 (18)
kinetic and potential term for the elds ψ as well as for the
gauge eld Aµ :
− 41 (Fµν )2 = 1 2
− B2 (19)


Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Non-abelian gauge symmetry

In 1954 Yang and Mills considered the isospin-doublet and
found a general gauge invariant Lagrangian.
isospin doublet ⇔ state which remains invariant under

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Non-abelian gauge symmetry

In 1954 Yang and Mills considered the isospin-doublet and
found a general gauge invariant Lagrangian.
isospin doublet ⇔ state which remains invariant under
spin-transformations. ⇒ consider the doublet of elds
ψ1 (x )
ψ= (20)
ψ2 (x )
and the local transformation
ψ −→ exp iα (x ) ψ (21)
| {z }
:=V (x )

where the 2 are the Pauli matrices.
Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian
Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

V (x ) ∈ 2) ⇔ the Pauli matrices are the generators of a

SU (
Lie algebra LieSU (2)
They do not commute ⇒ non-abelian gauge symmetry

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

V (x ) ∈ 2) ⇔ the Pauli matrices are the generators of a

SU (
Lie algebra LieSU (2)
They do not commute ⇒ non-abelian gauge symmetry
Dene the comparator via its transformation law
U (y , x ) −→ V (y )U (y , x )V † (x ) (22)
with the expansion
U (x + n, x ) = U (x , x ) +ig nµ Aiµ + O(2 ) (23)
| {z } 2

and going through the same steps as before gives the

covariant derivative as

Dµ = ∂µ − igAiµ (24)
Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian
Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Inserting (23) in (22) and doing some algebra gives the

transformation law of the gauge eld up to order 2 as
σi σi 1 σi i σj
i i i iσ j
Aµ −→ Aµ + (∂µ α ) +i α , Aµ + ... (25)
2 2 g 2 2 2

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Inserting (23) in (22) and doing some algebra gives the

transformation law of the gauge eld up to order 2 as
σi σi 1 σi i σj
i i i iσ j
Aµ −→ Aµ + (∂µ α ) +i α , Aµ + ... (25)
2 2 g 2 2 2
compared to the abelian case: new term involving the
commutator of the generators of our transformation group.
Doing some algebra we see that again the covariant derivative
of (20) transforms properly:

Dµ ψ −→ exp i α Dµ ψ (26)
| {z }
=V (x )

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

kinetic energy term

As in the abelian case we have to nd a "kinetic energy term"
for the gauge eld.
⇒ take the commutator of two covariant derivatives, which is
gauge invariant since the covariant derivatives are, i.e.
[Dµ , Dν ] ψ −→ V (x ) [Dµ , Dν ] ψ (27)
and we nd
 j i  i j 
j σ i σ i σ j σ
[Dµ , Dν ]ψ = −ig ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ − ig Aµ , Aν ψ
2 2 2 2
i σi
≡ −igFµν ψ (28)
where Fµν ˆ eld-strength tensor of the gauge eld.
Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian
Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Field-strength tensor in the SU (2)

The eld-strength tensor can be extracted to give

σi σj 2
i j i i j
Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ − ig Aµ , Aν
2 2 σi
= ∂µ Ajν − ∂ν Aiµ + g ijk Ajµ Akν . (29)
where as in the transformation law for Aiµ a commutator

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Lie group ⇔ Lie algebra

A Lie group is:
- a continuous transformation group
- a smooth manifold

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Lie group ⇔ Lie algebra

A Lie group is:
- a continuous transformation group
- a smooth manifold
A Lie algebra
- is the tangential space of a Lie group at the identity
- completely captures the local group structure
- can be represented by the inverse exponential map of a
Lie group

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Lie group ⇔ Lie algebra

A Lie group is:
- a continuous transformation group
- a smooth manifold
A Lie algebra
- is the tangential space of a Lie group at the identity
- completely captures the local group structure
- can be represented by the inverse exponential map of a
Lie group
=⇒ symmetry transformations as elements of the Lie group

ψ(x ) −→ V (x )ψ(x ) (30)

V (x ) ∈ SU (N ).
Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian
Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

The exponential map has as arguments elements of the Lie

algebra and can be expanded as
V (x ) = 1 + i αa (x )t a + O(α2 ) (31)
where the t a are the generators of the algebra. An algebra is
assigned with a multiplication law.
In Lie algebras take the commutator
 a b
t ,t = ifcab t c (32)

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

The exponential map has as arguments elements of the Lie

algebra and can be expanded as
V (x ) = 1 + i αa (x )t a + O(α2 ) (31)
where the t a are the generators of the algebra. An algebra is
assigned with a multiplication law.
In Lie algebras take the commutator
 a b
t ,t = ifcab t c (32)
The covariant derivative in general given as
Dµ = ∂µ − igAaµ t a (33)

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

innitesimal transformation of Aaµ is given by

a 1
Aµ −→ Aaµ + ∂µ αa + fbca Abµ αc (34)

From this and in analogy to the SU (2) case the nite

transformation yields
a a a a i
Aµ (x )t −→ V (x ) Aµ (x )t + ∂µ V

(x ) (35)

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Field strength tensor

The eld strength tensor is dened by
[Dµ , Dν ]ψ = ig ∂µ Aaν − ∂ν Aaµ + gf abc Abµ Acν t a ψ (36)

| {z }

a a
= −igFµν t ψ (37)
and its transformation law by
a a b b †
Fµν t −→V (x )Fµν t V (x ) (38)
a a abc c b a
=Fµν t −f α Fµν t (39)

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Field strength tensor

The eld strength tensor is dened by
[Dµ , Dν ]ψ = ig ∂µ Aaν − ∂ν Aaµ + gf abc Abµ Acν t a ψ (36)

| {z }

a a
= −igFµν t ψ (37)
and its transformation law by
a a b b †
Fµν t −→V (x )Fµν t V (x ) (38)
a a abc c b a
=Fµν t −f α Fµν t (39)
⇒ not gauge invariant anymore!
Reasonable since it has to reect the algebra's structure.
Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian
Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Field strength tensor

Construct gauge invariant terms:

1 h 1 a 2
Lgauge = − Tr (Fµν )2 = −
Fµν (40)
2 4

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Field strength tensor

Construct gauge invariant terms:

1 h 1 a 2
Lgauge = − Tr (Fµν )2 = −
Fµν (40)
2 4
as one can verify
1 1
a 2 a 2
−→ Tr [V (x )] − Tr †
− Fµν Fµν V (x )
4 4
1 a 2

=− F
4 µν

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Field strength tensor

Notice: the denition of the eld strength tensor contains new

⇒ selnteraction of the gauge elds
⇒ gauge bosons carry themselves charge
⇒ can hypothetically form particles only by themself

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Lagrangian density

Now we have all ingredients for a gauge invariant Lagrangian:

- kinetic term for ψ given by the Dirac formalism
- mass term for ψ , i.e. mψ̄ψ
- kinetic and potential energy term for the gauge eld Aaµ

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Lagrangian density

Now we have all ingredients for a gauge invariant Lagrangian:

- kinetic term for ψ given by the Dirac formalism
- mass term for ψ , i.e. mψ̄ψ
- kinetic and potential energy term for the gauge eld Aaµ
1 a 2
=⇒ L = ψ̄(i D/ )ψ − F − mψ̄ψ (43)
4 µν
most general gauge inv. Lagrangian (Yang-Mills Lagrangian)

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Lagrangian density

Now we have all ingredients for a gauge invariant Lagrangian:

- kinetic term for ψ given by the Dirac formalism
- mass term for ψ , i.e. mψ̄ψ
- kinetic and potential energy term for the gauge eld Aaµ
1 a 2
=⇒ L = ψ̄(i D/ )ψ − F − mψ̄ψ (43)
4 µν
most general gauge inv. Lagrangian (Yang-Mills Lagrangian)
A mass term for the gauge eld is ruled out because it can not
be made gauge invariant
⇒ gauge bosons have to be massless!

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

How to nd (40)?

Consider a general Lagrangian

a a a

L = L ψ, Dµ ψ, Dµ Dν ψ, . . . , Fµν , Dσ Fµν , Dσ Dρ Fµν ,...

and the invariance condition

∂L a ∂L a ∂L a
it ψ + it (Dµ ψ) + · · · +
∂ψ ∂(Dµ ψ) a δ Fµν
∂ Fµν
∂L a
+ a δ Dσ Fµν + ··· = 0
∂ Dσ Fµν

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

How to nd (40)?

Other conditions on L:
- Parity conservation
- Lorentz invariance
- L must contain a factor ∝ (∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ )2
dictates the gauge eld term to be
1 a bµν
LF = − gab Fµν F (46)
with gab a constant, real, symmetric matrix
with right scalings it can be taken to be gab = δab
1 a a µν
=⇒ LF = − Fµν F (47)
Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian
Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Conservation laws
Euler-Lagrange equations for gauge eld Aaµ yield:
∂L ∂L
∂µ a = (48)
∂(∂µ Aν ) ∂ Aaν
∂(ψ̄(i D/ − m)ψ) a
=⇒ −∂µ F a µν = −F c νµ fbca Abµ − i t ψ (49)
∂ Dν ψ
| {z }
:=J a ν

=⇒ ∂µ F a µν = −J a ν (50)
easy to show that
∂ν J a ν = 0 (51)
=⇒ J a ν is conserved.
Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian
Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Conservation laws
BUT: partial derivatives ⇔ gauge invariance not guaranteed.
Rewrite the E.-L.-equation
a µν
Dλ F = ∂λ F a µν − gfbac Abλ F a µν (52)
and we conclude
a µν
Dµ F = −J a ν (53)

but with a dierent conserved current

∂(ψ̄(i D/ − m)ψ) a
=⇒ J a ν = −i t ψ (54)
∂ Dν ψ

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Introduction Abelian gauge symmetry
Gauge Symmetries Non-abelian gauge symmetry
The QCD Lagrangian

Conservation laws

which is conserved since using

c b σρ
[Dν , Dµ ] F a ρσ = −fcba Fνµ F (55)

we see that

Dν J =0 (56)
and guaranteed gauge invariance.

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Overview Motivation
Introduction The spin-statistic problem
Gauge Symmetries The QCD Lagrangian and gluon elds
The QCD Lagrangian

Late 1950s and beginning of the 1960s:
- more and more hadrons were discovered in collider
- in Deep Inelastic Scattering it was shown that hadrons
are not elementary particles
⇒ Solution by Gell-Mann and Zweig: hadrons are built up
from two (mesons) or three (baryons) fermionic particles,
called quarks.
⇒ min. 3 "'avors"' were needed ⇒ SU (3)avor taken as
transformation group
In the beginning quarks were supposed to be hypothetical
particles since they could not be observed
Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian
Overview Motivation
Introduction The spin-statistic problem
Gauge Symmetries The QCD Lagrangian and gluon elds
The QCD Lagrangian

BUT: by the investigation of the ∆++ hadron build up of 3

up-quarks new problems arised:
The spin-statistic problem
Wave-function in the ground-state (L = 0):
ψ∆++ = ψspin ⊗ ψavor ⊗ ψspatial (57)
∆++ = u (↑)u (↑)u (↑) (58)
∆++ is symmetric ⇔ needs to be antisym. (s = 23 )

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Overview Motivation
Introduction The spin-statistic problem
Gauge Symmetries The QCD Lagrangian and gluon elds
The QCD Lagrangian

Solution by Greenberg (1964) extended by Gell-Mann (1972):

introduce an internal quantum number:
and color-transformations as an exact SU (3) symmetry

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Overview Motivation
Introduction The spin-statistic problem
Gauge Symmetries The QCD Lagrangian and gluon elds
The QCD Lagrangian

transformation law of the SU (3) color group:

q −→ q = exp −i αk
q (59)
| {z }
:=V (x )

q: fermionic quark eld

where the group reads
3) = C
∈ GL(3, )|A† A = 1, det A = 1 (60)

SU ( A

and the generators of the corresponding Lie algebra are

hermitian and
unimodularity ⇔ Tr[λk ] = 0 (61)

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Overview Motivation
Introduction The spin-statistic problem
Gauge Symmetries The QCD Lagrangian and gluon elds
The QCD Lagrangian

Gell-Mann matrices
generators of the algebra represented by Gell-Mann matrices

0 1 0 0 −i 0 1 0 0
     

λ1 = 1 0 0 λ2 =  i 0 0  λ3 = 0 −1 0 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 −i 0 0 0
     

λ4 = 0 0 0
 λ5 = 0 0 0 
 λ6 = 0 0 1

1 0 0 i 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
   

λ7 = 0 0 −i
  λ8 = 0 1 0 

0 i 0 0 0 −2
Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian
Overview Motivation
Introduction The spin-statistic problem
Gauge Symmetries The QCD Lagrangian and gluon elds
The QCD Lagrangian

Lagrangian and gluons

Nambu, Fritsch, Gell-Mann and Leutwyler:
color charges are sources of gauge eld that transfer the
strong interaction
Write Yang-Mills Lagrangian for SU (3):
1 h 2
L = q̄ (x ) i D/ − m q (x ) − Tr (Gµν ) (62)

with gluon elds Gµk (x ) dened by
Gµν = D ν Gµ − D µ Gν (63)
= ∂ν Gµ − ∂µ Gµ − igs [Gµ , Gν ] (64)
and covariant derivative
Dµ = ∂µ − igs Gµk (65)
Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian
Overview Motivation
Introduction The spin-statistic problem
Gauge Symmetries The QCD Lagrangian and gluon elds
The QCD Lagrangian

Interpretation of Lagrangian ingredients

1 h
Tr (Gµν )2

L = q̄ (x ) /
iD −m q (x ) −
1 h
/ − m q (x ) − Tr (∂ν Gµ − ∂µ Gµ )2
=q̄ (x ) i ∂
k λk
/ (x )
+ gs q̄ (x )G q (x )
2 (67)
+ igs Tr (∂ν Gµ − ∂µ Gν ) [Gµ , Gν ]
1 2 2
+ gs Tr [Gµ , Gν ]

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Overview Motivation
Introduction The spin-statistic problem
Gauge Symmetries The QCD Lagrangian and gluon elds
The QCD Lagrangian


Many thanks to
Michael Fromm
Dr. Philippe de Forcrand

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

Overview Motivation
Introduction The spin-statistic problem
Gauge Symmetries The QCD Lagrangian and gluon elds
The QCD Lagrangian

Christopher Cedzich Yang-Mills Theory and the QCD Lagrangian

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