Presentation About QCD Phase Diagram
Presentation About QCD Phase Diagram
Presentation About QCD Phase Diagram
Faculty of Sciences
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
1 Introduction
2 Linear sigma model coupled to quarks
3 Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
X 1 α µν
LQCD = ψia (iγ µ (∂µ δ ab + gs Aab ab a
µ ) − mi δ )ψi − Gµν Gα . (1)
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
Chiral symmetry
1 1 a2 λ
L = (∂µ σ)2 + (∂µ~π )2 + (σ 2 + ~π 2 ) − (σ 2 + ~π 2 )2
|2 {z } |2 {z } |2 {z 4 }
sigma field pions boson interactions
σ → σ + v, (3)
The effective masses of σ, the three pions ~π and the ferimion ψ are
given by
mσ2 = 3λv 2 − a2
mπ2 = λv 2 − a2
mf = gv . (4)
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
Effective potential
Boson potential
"q 2
k + mb2 √
Z #
k 2 +mb2 /T
V (1)b (v , T ) = 2 dkk 2 + T ln 1 − e − ,
2π | 2
{z } | {z }
vacuum matter
where we can observe that it is constituted by two pieces: the
former is referred to the vaccuum contribution and the latter to
the matter contribution.
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
Fermion potential
ring T 2
ln k 2 + mb2 + Π(T , µq )
V (mb , T , µq ) = 2 dkk
− ln k 2 + mb2 .
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
√ )
µ2b −mb2
µb T 2 µb
+ 96π 2
(2µ2b − 5mb2 ) − 12 2µ2b − 5mb2
( " !
2 2 mf4
π 2 T 4 µb (2µb −3mb ) P 4πa2
− 180 (µ2b −mb2 )3/2 + Nc f =u,d 16π 2
ln 2 −
µq + µ2q −mf2
# √
µ2q −mf2
1 µq T 2 µq
γE + 2 + 24π 2
(2µ2q − 5mf2 ) − 6 µ2q − mf2 −
7π 2 T 4 µq (2µ2q −3mf2 )
360 (µ2q −mf2 )3/2
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
Effective potential
Figure: Graph of the second order phase transition close to the minimum
v = 0, at T = 180 MeV and µq = 0 MeV
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
Effective potential
Figure: QCD phase diagram for mπ 6= 0 with 0.99 < λ < 1.10
1.50 < g < 1.59.
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
Figure: QCD phase diagram for mπ = 0 with 1.15 < λ < 1.30
1.74 < g < 1.85.
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
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Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
T2 −µq /T λT 2
Π(T , µq ) = −Nc Nf g 2 [Li2 (−e ) + Li2 (−e µq /T
)] + .
π2 2
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
Coupling constants
mσ2 − 3mπ2
a= . (10)
For the case of high temperature approximation and consider the
pion mass negligible we can obtain the following system.
Coupling constants
(v = 0, T = 0, µq = µcq ) = 0
(v = v1 , T = 0, µq = µcq ) = 0
VBT (v = 0, T = 0, µq = µcq ) = VBTef
(v = v1 , T = 0, µq = µcq ).