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Presentation About QCD Phase Diagram

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Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Description of the QCD phase diagram through

linear sigma model coupled to quarks

José Antonio Flores Gutiérrez

Faculty of Sciences

HUGS Jefferson Lab

Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

1 Introduction
2 Linear sigma model coupled to quarks
3 Exploration of the QCD phase diagram
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram


QCD is the theory of strong interaction which describes the

dynamics of quarks and gluons. The theory consists of Nf = 6
flavours, u, d, s, c, b, t.

X 1 α µν
LQCD = ψia (iγ µ (∂µ δ ab + gs Aab ab a
µ ) − mi δ )ψi − Gµν Gα . (1)
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Heavy Ion Collisions

Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

QCD phase diagram

Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Chiral symmetry

• It is specified by the direct sum of SU(Nf )L ⊗ SU(Nf )R .

• Lattice QCD provides that deconfinement and restauration of

chiral symmetry occurs almost at the same time at baryon
chemical potential µB = 0 and T ∼ 170 Mev. [2]
• With chiral symmetry in mind we can use effective models
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Linear sigma model coupled to quarks (LSMq)

Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Linear sigma model coupled to quarks

The motivation of this model is to study the strong interaction at

low energies where QCD has significant problems, considering the
point of view of the chiral symmetry.

1 1 a2 λ
L = (∂µ σ)2 + (∂µ~π )2 + (σ 2 + ~π 2 ) − (σ 2 + ~π 2 )2
|2 {z } |2 {z } |2 {z 4 }
sigma field pions boson interactions

+ iψγ µ ∂µ ψ − g ψ(σ + iγ5~τ · ~π )ψ . (2)

| {z } | {z }
fermions boson and fermion interactions
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Spontaneous symmetry breaking

We can notice that the chiral symmetry is broken spontaneously
because the vacuum is not invariant under these
transformations, for that reason, the sigma field develops a
expectation value

σ → σ + v, (3)
The effective masses of σ, the three pions ~π and the ferimion ψ are
given by

mσ2 = 3λv 2 − a2
mπ2 = λv 2 − a2
mf = gv . (4)
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Effective potential

• The effective potential considers the quantum and

temperature corrections that allows us to analyze the
restoration of the chiral symmetry to determine the
boundaries of the diagram.

• We regard a high and low temperature approximation taking

into account the contribution beyond the mean field.
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Boson potential

The boson potential is given by:

"q 2
k + mb2 √
Z #
k 2 +mb2 /T

V (1)b (v , T ) = 2 dkk 2 + T ln 1 − e − ,
2π | 2
{z } | {z }
vacuum matter
where we can observe that it is constituted by two pieces: the
former is referred to the vaccuum contribution and the latter to
the matter contribution.
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Fermion potential

The fermion potential is determined by

hHi hi exp
where we can see the same contributions as the boson potential
but considering quark and antiquark part.
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram


Figure: Feynman diagrams which show one-loop corrections of the boson

propagators. The continuous lines represent the sigma fields, the dashed
lines the charged pions, the double lines the neutron pions and the arrows
the quarks.
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Contribution of rings diagrams

After computing the self-energy we can express the contribution of
ring diagrams towards the effective potential

ring T 2
ln k 2 + mb2 + Π(T , µq )

V (mb , T , µq ) = 2 dkk

− ln k 2 + mb2 .

Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Effective potential at high temperature

2 2
eff (v , T , µ ) = − (a +δa ) v 2 + (λ+δλ) v 4
VHT (q " 2 ! 4 # !
m 4 2 mb4 mb2
+ b=σ,π − 64πb2 ln 4πa − γE + 12 −
m2 64π 2
ln (4πT )2
π2 T 4 mb2 T 2 T
− 90 + 24 − 12π (mb2 − (mb2 + Π(T , µq ))3/2 )
( " ! !
mf4 a2 1 1 iµ
− ψ0
+ f =u,d 16π 2
ln 4πT 2
− γE + 2 2 + 2πT
!# " #

− ψ0 1
2− 2πT − 8mf2 T 2 Li2 (−e µq /T ) + Li2 (−e −µq /T )
" #)
+ 32T 4 Li4 (−e µq /T ) + Li4 (−e −µq /T ) .
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Effective potential at low temperature

• To determine the effective potential we consider the following

approximation T ∼ 0 and finite µq .

• For this case we incorporate a boson chemical potential µb .

• This potential is associated to the necessary energy to remove

or add a boson to the system.
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Effective potential at low temperature

2 +δa2 )
eff (v , T , µ , µ ) = − (a
VLT v2 + (λ+δλ) 4
(q b" 2 4
! #
P m4 4πa2 1
− b=σ,~π 64πb2 ln  2 − γE + 2

µb + µ2b −mb2

√ )
µ2b −mb2
µb T 2 µb
+ 96π 2
(2µ2b − 5mb2 ) − 12 2µ2b − 5mb2
( " !
2 2 mf4
π 2 T 4 µb (2µb −3mb ) P 4πa2
− 180 (µ2b −mb2 )3/2 + Nc f =u,d 16π 2
ln  2 −

µq + µ2q −mf2
# √
µ2q −mf2
1 µq T 2 µq
γE + 2 + 24π 2
(2µ2q − 5mf2 ) − 6 µ2q − mf2 −
7π 2 T 4 µq (2µ2q −3mf2 )
360 (µ2q −mf2 )3/2
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Effective potential

Figure: Graph of the second order phase transition close to the minimum
v = 0, at T = 180 MeV and µq = 0 MeV
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Effective potential

Figure: In the approximation at low temperature we can see an evidence

of a first order phase transition which is characterized by a degenerated
minimums at T = 0 MeV and µq = 350 MeV.
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

QCD phase diagram

Figure: QCD phase diagram for mπ 6= 0 with 0.99 < λ < 1.10
1.50 < g < 1.59.
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

QCD phase diagram

Figure: QCD phase diagram for mπ = 0 with 1.15 < λ < 1.30
1.74 < g < 1.85.
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Critical end point (CEP)

The location of the CEP for both cases mentioned, is identified by

the black region whose value is between The value is for
18 < TCEP < 45 MeV for temperature and 315 < µCEP < 349 for
baryonic chemical potential.
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram


• In this work was presented a sistematic study of the QCD

phase diagram through LSMq from the point of view of the
restoration of chiral symmetry.

• It was considered the approximation of high and low

temperature up to one-loop correction. Also we took into
account the contribution of ring diagrams for the
approximation of high temperature.

• It was showed a location of CEP at the region of low

Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

A. Ayala, C. A. Bashir, J. J. Cobos-Martinez, S.
Hernandez-Ortiz, A. Raya, Nucl. Phys. B 897, 77-86 (2015).
Y. Aoki, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. B 643, (2006). .
D. Cross,
http://www.cmp.caltech.edu/∼mcc/BNU/Notes2 2.pdf,
K. Fukushima, T. Hatsuda e-print arXiv: 1005.4814v2
B. Palash, An Intruduction Couse of Particle Physics (CRC
Press, Estados Unidos, 2015).
DOE/NSF Nuclear Science Advisory Committee, The Frontiers
of Nuclear Science, Long Range Plan (2018), e-print
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Spontaneous symmetry breaking

Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Effective potential at low temperature

The one-loop contribution for boson is determined

(1)b (1)b π 2 T 2 ∂ 2 (1)b

VBT = V0 (v , µb )|T =0 + V (v , µb )|T =0
12 ∂T 2 0
7π 4 T 4 ∂ 4 (1)b
+ V (v , µb )|T =0 . (7)
1260 ∂T 4 0
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Effective potential at low temperature

The fermion potential is

(1)f (1)f π 2 T 2 ∂ 2 (1)f

VBT = V0 (v , µq )|T =0 + V (v , µq )|T =0
6 ∂T 2 0
7π 4 T 4 ∂ 4 (1)f
+ V (v , µq )|T =0 . (8)
360 ∂T 4 0
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram


Finally the contribution of the total self-energy is

T2 −µq /T λT 2
Π(T , µq ) = −Nc Nf g 2 [Li2 (−e ) + Li2 (−e µq /T
)] + .
π2 2
Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Coupling constants

mσ2 − 3mπ2
a= . (10)
For the case of high temperature approximation and consider the
pion mass negligible we can obtain the following system.

mπ2 (v = 0, T = T0c , µq = 0) = −a2 + Π(T0c , µq = 0) = 0. (11)

mπ2 (v = v1 , T = 0, µq = µcq ) = −a2 + Π(0, µq = µcq ) = 0, (12)

Introduction Linear sigma model coupled to quarks Exploration of the QCD phase diagram

Coupling constants

v1 is the second degenerated minimum whichs isn’t equal zero.

The other remaining conditions are to determine all parameters

(v = 0, T = 0, µq = µcq ) = 0
(v = v1 , T = 0, µq = µcq ) = 0
VBT (v = 0, T = 0, µq = µcq ) = VBTef
(v = v1 , T = 0, µq = µcq ).

These three conditions reflect the first order phase transition as

T → 0.

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