Pauli-Villars' Regularization of Ghosts in Path-Integral String Formulation
Pauli-Villars' Regularization of Ghosts in Path-Integral String Formulation
Pauli-Villars' Regularization of Ghosts in Path-Integral String Formulation
Yuri Makeenko
NRC “Kurchatov Institute”– ITEP, Moscow
Abstract: I introduce Pauli-Villars’ regulators for the ghosts in the path-integral string
formulation and show how they preserve conformal invariance. I calculate the regulator
contributions to the effective action and to the central charge and demonstrate the con-
sistency of the mean-field quantization of the Nambu-Goto string in 2 < d ≤ 26. The
higher-derivative corrections to the Liouville action are briefly considered.
1 Introduction 1
2 The setup 2
1 Introduction
This Paper continues my previous Article [1] on the mean-field quantization of an effective
string. The motivation for that was a global instability of the usual classical ground state
of the Nambu-Goto string in the target-space dimension d > 2. On the contrary the mean-
field ground state is perturbatively stable for 2 < d ≤ 26 both under global and under wavy
local fluctuations, while the classical one is stable only for d < 2. The latter describes a
vast amount of the models of Statistical Mechanics and the former is associated with the
QCD string in d = 4.
The mean-field approximation becomes exact when the number of interacting partners
is large. One might think that d → ∞ would be enough for this purpose but it is not
the case because of the presence of the fixed amount of ghosts associated with fixing the
conformal gauge for the two-dimensional metric tensor gab . This is why (26 − d) with
26 coming from the ghosts and −d coming from the target-space coordinate X µ becomes
negative for d > 26. To overcome the problem, we consider strings in Rd ×O(N ) when both
X~ µ and the ghost fields ~b and ~c become O(N )-vectors. Then (26 − d) ⇒ N (26 − d) and
the mean field becomes exact as N → ∞. I shall imply but omit below the O(N )-vector
So, the idea of Ref. [1] was first to deal with the mean-field approximation which
sums up an infinite number of bubble diagrams of perturbation theory about the classical
ground state and then to consider a “semiclassical” expansion in h = 1/N about it. Such an
approach is well-known, for instance in the two-dimensional sigma-model where it perfectly
works. The one-loop correction to the mean field was explicitly computed [1] using the
Pauli-Villars regularization for X µ .
One of the most interesting results of Ref. [1] is that the mean-field quantization of
the Nambu-Goto string is apparently consistent for any 2 < d ≤ 26 contrarily to the usual
canonical quantization which is consistent only in d = 26. It was proposed that the usual
central charge (d − 26), where d comes from X µ and −26 comes from the ghosts, cancels
in the mean-field approximation against the contribution from the Pauli-Villars regulators
which equals (26 − d). This is like for the noncritical Polyakov string where the consistency
is linked to the presence of the Liouville field. However, only the Pauli-Villars regulators
for X µ were considered and shown to give −d. Those for the ghosts were not considered.
The objective of this Paper is to introduce Pauli-Villars’ regulators for the ghosts and to
show they to add +26 to the central charge.
My motivation for writing this Paper has been also the recent interest [2–5] in higher-
derivative actions of two-dimensional gravity. So one more goal of this Paper is to develop
the technique for computing the higher-derivative corrections to the effective action, gov-
erning fluctuation of the metric, which emerges after the path integration over X µ , its
regulators, ghosts and their regulators. For the proper-time regularization a part of it is
known from the DeWitt-Seeley expansion [6–8] of the heat kernel in the UV cutoff a2 . But
this expansion applies to the path integrating over X µ rather than to ghosts, where only
the leading order (the conformal anomaly) is known. Using the Pauli-Villars regularization
for X µ and ghosts, I compute below the expansion of both determinants applicable for
computing higher-derivative terms in the effective action.
The organization of the Paper is as follows. After a brief reminding of the setup in
Sect. 2, I introduce in Sect. 3 the Pauli-Villars regulators for the ghosts. These regulators
are massive fields but still preserving conformal invariance. Then I compute the contribu-
tion from the ghost regulators to the effective action in Sect. 4 and to the central charge
in Sect. 5, demonstrating the consistency of the mean-field quantization in 2 < d ≤ 26.
2 The setup
Let us begin with reminding the Nambu-Goto action of the bosonic string which is the
area of the string worldsheet. It is highly nonlinear in X µ but can be made quadratic,
introducing the Lagrange multiplier λab and an independent metric tensor gab , as
Z p Z h
1 i
SNG = K0 det (∂a X · ∂b X) = K0 g + λab (∂a X · ∂b X − gab ) , (2.1)
where K0 = 1/2πα0 stands for the bare string tension. We consider a closed string which
wraps along the compactified dimension of circumference β and propagates through the
distance L β which can also be compactified. The string worldsheet has thus topology
of a cylinder or a torus. There is no tachyon for such a string configuration if β is such to
guarantee that the classical energy of the string dominates over the energy of zero-point
In the mean-field approximation the path integral over the (imaginary) Lagrange mul-
tiplier λab has a saddle point at
λab = λ̄ g g ab , (2.2)
where λ̄ is constant for the worldsheet parametrization. Classically λ̄ = λ̄cl = 1 so the
action (2.1) reduces to the action of the Polyakov string
K0 √ ab
S= gg ∂a X · ∂b X (2.3)
which is quadratic in X µ that makes it easy to integrate it out in the path integral. It
is convenient to diagonalize gab , choosing the conformal gauge where gab = ρδab , so that
g = ρ. This procedure adds ghosts which are the same as for the Polyakov string formu-
The mean-field values of λ̄ and ρ̄ are calculated for both a cylinder [9] and a torus [10].
The result is remarkable simple
2 Λ2 2 dΛ2
1 Λ 1
λ̄ = + + 1+ − , (2.4)
2 2K0 4 K0 2K0
ρ̄ = r 2 ρcl (2.5)
Λ2 2dΛ2
1+ K0 − K0
At the critical value K0 = K∗ the square root in (2.4) vanishes. The classical ground state
is recovered by Eqs. (2.4), (2.5) as K0 → ∞, while the expansion in 1/K0 makes sense of
the semiclassical (perturbative) expansion about this vacuum. The usual one-loop results
are recovered to order 1/K0 . The value of λ̄ decreases with decreasing K0 from the classical
value λ̄cl = 1 at K0 = ∞ to the quantum value
1 p
λ̄∗ = d − d2 − 2d (2.7)
at K0 = K∗ .
The metric (2.5) becomes infinite when K0 → K∗ given by Eq. (2.6), which is crucial for
constructing the Lilliputian scaling limit [11]. Classically ρ̄ is simply the induced metric
ρcl but in the mean-field approximation ρ̄ coincides with the averaged induced metric
h∂a X · ∂b Xi = ρ̄δab , where the average is understood in the sense of the path integral.
To path integrate over X µ we split X µ = Xclµ + Xqµ and perform the Gaussian path
integral over Xqµ to obtain the effective action governing fluctuations of λab and gab . The
corresponding determinant of the two-dimensional operator
O = − ∂a λab ∂b (2.8)
is divergent and is conveniently regularized by adding the Pauli-Villars regulators
K0 ab
Sreg = λ ∂a Y ∂ b Y + M 2 g Y 2 , (2.9)
where every loop of the regulator field Y µ brings the minus sign to compensate divergences
coming from X µ . Actually, we have to have [12] two such regulators of mass squared
M 2 with wrong statistics and one regulator of mass squared 2M 2 with normal statistics
to regularize all the divergences including the ones in tadpole diagrams. Integrating out
X µ with its regulators and the ghost with their regulators and minimizing the emergent
effective action with respect to λab and ρ, we arrive at Eqs. (2.4) and (2.5) with1
Λ2 = log 2 (2.10)
for the described Pauli-Villars regularization.
Let us consider the following action of massive Grassmannian ghost fields2 C a and (trace-
less) Bab :
√ ik
Sgh = g g Bij ∇k C j + mij C i C j − 2mg ik jl Bij Bkl , (3.1)
¯ z − m e−ϕ Bz̄ z̄ = 0,
∂C ¯ zz − m e2ϕ C z̄ = 0.
∂B (3.3)
1 √
K0 (m z z̄)
Gm (z) = (3.5)
is the massive Green function, reproducing usual
hcz bωω i = hbzz cω i = (3.6)
π(z − ω)
as m → 0.
The Tzz component of the energy momentum tensor is not changed for m 6= 0
h i
Tzz = π C z ∂Bzz + 2(∂C z )Bzz (3.7)
a) b) c)
Nevertheless, the total energy-momentum tensor which is the sum of the one for X µ
plus its regulators and the one for the ghosts plus their regulators is traceless thanks to
the classical equation of motion for ϕ. This is a general property because
δS[g] δS[g]
ĝ ab ab
=− (3.9)
δĝ δϕ
gab = ĝab eϕ . (3.10)
The left-hand side of Eq. (3.9) represents the trace of the energy-momentum tensor while
the right-hand side represents the classical equation of motion for ϕ. This is analogous to
the tracelessness of the “improved” energy-momentum tensor in two dimensions [13, 14]
which is always traceless thanks to the classical equation of motion. The conformal Ward
identities are thus usual in spite of the presence of the massive regulator fields.
The same consideration applies in the mean-field approximation, where the vanishing
of the right-hand side of Eq. (3.9) is precisely the minimization condition that determines
the mean field. We thus expect the mean-field approximation to enjoy conformal invariance
in a full analogy with the classical theory. In Sect. 5 I explicitly demonstrate this by the
calculation of the central charge.
Given (3.2), (3.4) we can compute the contribution of the ghosts to the effective action,
represented at the one-loop order by the diagrams in Fig. 1. The interaction vertices come
from the expansion of (3.2) in ϕ and changes chirality of the ghost regulators. To regularize
the divergences we apply the Pauli-Villars regularization of the ghosts, adding to the usual
(massless) ghosts with Fermi statistics the massive fields discussed in the previous section.
These additional massive “ghosts” should obey Bose statistics to cancel the divergences
coming from the usual ghosts. This is not yet the whole story because actually one needs
like in Ref. [12] two of such regulators plus one regulator with Fermi statistics and the mass
2m to cancel all the divergences. This regularization of the ghost determinant preserves
conformal invariance, as argued in the previous section, so one does not expect any logs to
Let us apply the Pauli-Villars regularization of the ghost determinant to the diagrams
in Fig. 1. It is easy to compute the tadpole diagram in Fig. 1a, where we have either the
loop of the c-ghost regulator with the coefficient 2 or the loop of the b-ghost regulator with
the coefficient -1. Its contribution to the effective action is
d2 k M2 d2 k 2M 2 M2
Fig. 1a = 2 − ϕ = ϕ log 2, (4.1)
(2π)2 (k 2 + M 2 ) (2π)2 (k 2 + 2M 2 ) 2π
where we have introduced M = 2m to comply with the Pauli-Villars regularization of X µ
(cf. Eq. (2.10)). The diagram in Fig. 1c together with the divergent3 part of the diagram
in Fig. 1b gives
ϕ2 M 2
Fig. 1c + Fig. 1adiv = log 2 (4.2)
2 2π
as is required for eϕ .
In the calculation of the finite part of the diagram in Fig. 1b we can restrict ourselves
with only one regulator because the contribution of the two others cancels in the term p2 .
But we keep below all three regulators to correctly compute the terms or the order p4 M −2
and higher. We then write first the contribution from only one regulator and then repeat
for all three.
The result is conveniently expressed via the integral
√2 2
4 p (p +4M 2 )
p2 2 4 M arctanh
d k M p2 +2M 2
p2 G 2
≡ −24π 2 2 2 2 2
= −12 p
M (2π) (k + M )[(p − k) + M ] p2 (p2 + 4M 2 )
which is already familiar from the matter sector (i.e. coming from X and its regulators),
where it reads [1]
2 p 2
d 2 p
Fig. 1bfin = − p 2G −G
96π M2 2M 2
d 2 −4
|ϕ|2 .
=− p 1− +O M (4.4)
96π 10M 2
For the ghosts the diagram in Fig. 1b involves the loop with either the ϕB̄B times
ϕC̄C vertices or the (ϕB̄B)2 plus (ϕC̄C)2 vertices. The former has the coefficient −2 · 2
and the latter has the one 1 + 22 = 5. All together we have in the finite part of the diagram
in Fig. 1b the contribution from one regulator
d2 k M 2 k a (p − k)a M4
4 − 5
2 (2π)2 (k 2 + M 2 )[(p − k)2 + M 2 ] (k 2 + M 2 )[(p − k)2 + M 2 ]
4M 2 k 2 2p2 p2
2 1 2
+ 2 |ϕ| = − 1 p G |ϕ|2 (4.5)
(k + M 2 )2 48π M 2 M2
and the contribution from all three
2 2 2 2
1 2 2p p p p
Fig. 1bfin = p 2 2
−1 G 2
− 2
−1 G
48π M M M 2M 2
1 2 −4
|ϕ|2 .
= p 26 − +O M (4.6)
96π 5M 2
Here and below “divergent” means divergent as M → ∞.
The sum of (4.4) and (4.6) reproduces as M → ∞ the usual shift of d by −26 in
the effective action thanks to the ghosts. I also kept there the O M −2 corrections which
d2 p 2 p2 2
Seff = p F |ϕ| (4.7)
96πh (2π)2 M2
p2 2
p p2 2p2 p2 p2
F = (2 − d) 2G − G − 4G − G
M2 M2 2M 2 M2 M2 2M 2
3dp 2 33p2
+ O M −4
= 26 − d + 2
− 2
10M 5M
and the function G defined in Eq. (4.3). The function F (M −2 p2 ) is positive for d ≤ 26
and decreases from the value 26−d to 0 with increasing p2 . It is not universal (except for
the first term of the expansion) and depends on the regularization applied to compute the
Covariantizing (4.7) we write
Seff = − gϕ∆F (−M −2 ∆)ϕ (4.9)
which is the higher-derivative action of the type discussed in Refs. [2, 5]. For the Polyakov
string there are no other contributions to this order in h. For the Nambu-Goto string
an additional (nonlocal) higher-derivative term emerges [2] after the path integration over
the Lagrange multiplier λab . In the gauge (3.10) with vanishing scalar curvature R̂ of the
background metric ĝab it reads
√ ab
δSeff ∝ M −2 h−1 gg ∂a ϕ∂b ϕ∆ϕ + O M −4 .
The coefficient is calculable with the given technique and the result will be presented
The diagrams contributing to the correlator hTzz (z)Tzz (0)i in the mean-field approximation
are depicted in Fig. 2, where the solid line corresponds either to the field X µ (and its
regulators) or to the ghosts (and their regulators), while the wavy line corresponds to ϕ
with the propagator
hϕ(z)ϕ(0)i = − log(z z̄). (5.1)
(26 − d)
For the diagram in Fig. 2a the regulator contributions to the central charge vanish as
M → ∞ and it gives (omitting h−1 ) the usual d for X µ and −26 for the ghosts [15].
a) b)
Figure 2. Diagrams contributing to the correlator hTzz (z)Tzz (0)i in the mean-field approximation.
An additional contribution comes from the diagram in Fig. 2b which is usually associ-
ated with the next order of the perturbative expansion about the classical vacuum because
it has two loops, but in the mean-field approximation it has to be considered together with
the diagram in Fig. 2a since it of the same order in h: h−1 h h−1 ∼ h−1 . Each of the two
closed loops of the Pauli-Villars regulators of X µ in the diagram in Fig. 2b contributes in
momentum space
d2 k kz (pz − kz )M 2
2πd 2 2 2 2 2
= p2z . (5.2)
(2π) (k + M )[(k − p) + M ] 12
In the sum of (5.2) and (5.3) the ghost contribution remarkably shifts the matter contri-
bution d by −26 just like in the effective action.
Multiplying the contribution of the two loops in the diagram in Fig. 2b by the fourth
derivative of the propagator, we obtain
The sum of the diagrams in Fig. 2a and b thus gives for the central charge
This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No.20-12-00195).
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