Density Logs: John Warren
Density Logs: John Warren
Density Logs: John Warren
John Warren
Physics 101; a reminder
Energy bands of density and
litho-density (Pe) tools
n Density tool uses medium
energy (0.2 - 2.0 MeV)
n Photoelectric effect (Pe)
occurs at energy levels
below Compton scattering
where gamma rays are so
attenuated (low in energy)
that they are captured and
n Pe is dependant on
medium’ electron density
and atomic number
Density Log
n Continuous record of a
formation’s bulk density
n Overall density includes solid
matrix (densities on minerals in
matrix) and fluids enclosed in the
n Pure sandstone with no porosity
has the bulk density of pure
quartz = 2.65 gm.cm3
Sandstone with 10% porosity has
bulk density ≈ 2.49 gm.cm3 (90%
quartz and 10% water-1.0
n When combined with sonic log is
used to calculate acoustic
Principal uses of the density log
Discipline Use Knowing
n Detector counts in
modern tools are
converted directly to
bulk density for
Compound Formula Actual density Tool-derived Tool
ρb (gm/m3) density (gm/m3) difference
(electron density) (gm/m3)
Quartz SiO2 2.654 2.64-2.66 +0.006
Calcite CaCO3 2.71 2.71 Zero
Bituminous coal — 1.35 (1.15 – 1.7) (1.15 – 1.7) 1.24 +0.02 to –0.05
Fresh water H2O 1.0 1.0 (1.11) Zero
Salt water 200,000 ppm 1.146 1.13(1.24) +0.016
OIL 40° API n(CH2) 0.85 0.85 – 0.97 0 to –0.12
Methane CH4 0.000677 .00076
Gas (average) C1.1H4.2 0.0007726 0.000886
Compensated Density Tool
Formation density tool
n The formation density log measures the bulk density
of the formation. Its main use is to derive a value for
the total porosity of the formation. It s also useful in
the detection of gas-bearing formations and in the
recognition of evaporites.
n The formation density tools are induced radiation
tools. They bombard the formation with radiation and
measure how much radiation returns to a sensor.
n Radioactive source. This is usually caesium-137 or
cobalt-60, and emits gamma rays of medium energy (in
the range 0.2 – 2 MeV). For example, caesium-137
emits gamma rays with a energy of 0.662 MeV.
n A short range detector. This detector is very similar to
the detectors used in the natural gamma ray tools, and
is placed 7 inches from the source.
n A long range detector. This detector is identical to the
short range detector, and is placed 16 inches from the
Compensated formation density
n Have one focussed (collimated) radiation source, one
short spacing detector at 7 inches from the source,
and one long spacing detector 16 inches from the
n Source and both detectors are heavily shielded
(collimated) to ensure that the radiation only goes
into the mudcake and formation, and that detected
gamma rays only come from mudcake or formation
n Leading edge of the shield is shaped into a plough,
which removes part of the mudcake as the tool is
pulled up the well. The tool is eccentred using a
servo-operated arm with a force of 800 pounds
n Under this pressure the rising plough makes a deep
impression in the mudcake. The large eccentering
force also means that there is wear of the surface of
the tool. Heavy shielding doubles as a skid and a
wear plate protecting source and detectors, it can be
replaced easily and cheaply when worn down
Why compensate readings?
n A background gamma ray count is carried out
so that the natural gamma rays coming from
the formation can be removed from the density
n For the short spacing detector over 80% of its
signal comes from within 5 cm of the borehole
wall, which is mainly mudcake
n About 80% of the long spacing signal comes
from within 10 cm of the borehole wall.
n The tool has a shallow depth of investigation.
We must remove the mudcake signal from the
measurement via compensation.
n After mudcake compensation the depth of
investigation has been improved, and less
signal comes from the first 5 cm region.
What is detected?
n Gamma rays detected by the short spacing
detector have penetrated only a short way into
the mudcake and formation before being
scattered back to the detector. Readings from
the short spacing detector are therefore a
measure of attenuation in the near-borehole
region (i.e., mudcake and very shallow in the
n By comparison, gamma rays detected by the
long spacing detector have penetrated through
the mudcake and deeper into the formation
before being scattered back to the detector.
Readings from the long spacing detector are
therefore a measure of attenuation in the
formation that has been perturbed by the
gamma rays having to pass through the
mudcake twice.
Depth of investigation and bed
n Depth of investigation is shallow
n 90% of the Schlumberger FDC response in sandstone with 35 % porosity
originates within 15cm or less from the tool
n In typical logging situation it is probably less than 10cm
n Therefore the density tool is much effected by hole conditions and will
typically measure conditions in the invaded zone
n Little chance of detecting original fluids, especially movable liquid
n Degree of bed resolution is good. At average logging speeds (about 400 m/
hr, 1300 ft/hr) densities can be read down to 60 cm. At lower speeds (250 m/
hr, 800 ft/hr) thinner beds may be resolved down to 30-40cm (18in) as true
values. Not as effected by logging speed as natural gamma
n Partial reactions are commonplace across thinner beds or nodules 5-10 cm
Log presentation
n The formation density log is recorded in tracks 2 and
3 of the standard API log presentation on a linear
scale in g/cm3, and usually spans 1.95 to 2.95 g/cm3
as this is the normal range for rocks
n The automatic compensation (correction) for
mudcake is often shown in either track 2 or track 3
on a linear scale. This curve is included as a quality
control curve. If the correction curve is greater than
±0.15 g/cm3, the data in the main curve will not be
very reliable.
n A pseudo-porosity that has been calculated from the
density data may be shown together with the bulk
density curve and correction curve. This is a
pseudo-porosity curve because it will assume a
matrix and fluid density to be constant throughout
the logged interval. Matrix densities of 2.65 g/cm3
(for quartz) and fluid densities of 1.1 g/cm3 (for salt
water) are often used (varies, depends on lithology
and fluid)
Associated curves
n If grain density remains constant then the relationship between bulk density
and porosity can be close
n If grain density varies then porosity calculations can be highly inaccurate
Porosity with constant grain
Core Porosity (%) Bulk density (gm/cc)
30 2.68 gm/cc 0 5 10 15 20 25 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
0 0
20 N=340
10 10
10 20 20
30 30
2.6 2.7 2.8
Grain density (gm/cc) 40 40
Depth (m)
50 50
60 60
Density from
wireline 70 70
versus core
porosity 80 80
90 90
100 100
Ø calculation less accurate
when grain density varies
B Sandstone (no mica)
30 BBBB B J Sandstone (micaceous)
J J J Zone of porosity under-estimation
Core Porosity (%)
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7
Bulk Density (gm/cc)
Erroneous porosities when matrix
density changes
n A marked change or a
displacement in the compaction
trend in a shale sequence may
indicate an unconformity
n The displacement can
sometimes be used to estimate
the amount of sediment
removed at the unconformity
Density of a sandstone changes
with composition
n In sands without shales and
Sandstone Constituent Density (gm/cc) diagenetic overprint the
Quartz 2.65 variations in the density log can
give some idea as to variation
Feldspars 2.52 –2.63 in sandstone composition
Micas 2.65 – 3.1 n Changes are generally gradual
Lignite fragments 0.5 – 1.8
and of moderate order
n Abrupt marked changes in a
Heavy minerals 2.7 – 5.0
non shaly section may
indication cementation or other
diagenetic overprinting
Effect of carbonate cement on a
density log
Mineral identification
★ ★
★★ ★ Haizuma
★ ★ Group
★ ★ ★★
★ ★
500 ★★★★★★
★★ ★★
★ ★★★
★ ★
n Shale density increases with depth (Ø ★
★★ ★
★★★★ Nishiyamia
loss) reflecting dewatering 1000
★ ★ Formation
n Rate of density increase varies from ★★
basin to basin but is predictable ★
Depth (m)
locally 1500 ★★
n If fluids cannot freely escape from ★
shale it becomes trapped and shale ★★★ Shiya
★ ★ Formation
becomes overpressured 2000 ★★
★ ★
n This has effect of preserving porosity ★
★★★ ★
to greater depths ★★★
★ Overpressure
★ ★
2500 ★★
n This is registered by a break in the ★★
★ Nanatani
compaction trend of the density log ★★★ Formation
Fracture recognition comparing
density and sonic logs
n Density tool measures bulk density
and includes both intergranular and
fracture porosity
n Sonic tool measures fastest passage
from emitter to receiver, measures
matrix porosity not fracture porosity
n When density-derived porosity is
more than sonic porosity, the
difference is the fracture porosity
n For comparison logs are normalised
to define fractured intervals
But does it always work?
✫ ✫
✫ ✫✫ ✫ ✫
n Grove Formation, Kansas ✫ ✫✫
✫ ✫✫
Non fractured
Acoustic (µ/ft)
✢✫ ✢ ✢ ✫
✢ ✢✢ ✫
higher velocity than the non- ✢
✢ ✢
fractured interval 70 ✢
✢ ✫
✢ ✢
n This may reflect a ✢ ✫
lithological contrast with one
lithology having a greater 60 ✢
Bakken Formation,
Williston Basin USA
0 4 8 12 16 20
TOC (wt %) from core analysis)
What is compensation?
n Subtracts the effects of the short space detection from the long spaced detector
n Eight independent parameters that affect the reading of a density tool
n Zb = the mean atomic number of the formation
n Ab = the mean atomic weight of the formation
n ρb = the bulk density of the formation
n Zmc = the mean atomic number of the mudcake
n Amc = the mean atomic weight of the mudcake
n ρmc = the bulk density of the mudcake
n hmc = the thickness of the mudcake
n The influence of changing Zb, Ab and Amc on compensation calculations are small, and
so these parameters can be considered to be constant. Unfortunately, we cannot
assume that Zmc is constant as the drilling mud (and hence mudcake) may or may not
contain barite in very significant quantities.
n The number of variable parameters is reduced to three by the incorporation of ρmc and
Zmc into a single parameter, the effective mudcake density ρmc* , which combines the
influences of both ρmc and Zmc
Mudcake compensation
n The remaining three parameters are ρb, ρmc* and hmc These
three parameters are represented via outputs from the
short and long spaced detectors
n The y-axis (ordinate) of the graph is the reading from the
long spacing detector, and the x-axis (abscissa) of the
graph is the reading from the short spacing detector. Points
plot depending upon the various values of ρb, ρmc* and hmc
n Imagine if there is no mudcake. The short spaced detector
will make a reading of gamma count rate that is dependent
upon the short path between the source and the detector
through the formation. The long spaced detector will also
make a reading, which will be lower because of the greater
distance of this detector from the source.
n The readings from the long and short spaced detectors will Mudcake correction plot
fall on a straight line. The higher the readings, the less
dense the formation and vice versa. So we can calibrate (spine and ribs) with no
the straight line to be read in terms of the bulk density of mudcake present.
the formation. This line is called the spine of the plot.
Mudcake compensation (cont’d)
n Imagine a mud of variable thickness and ρmc*=1.5 g/cm3 on
the borehole wall, and formation density is 2.5 g/cm3. If
mudcake didn’t exist, detector values would plot at point A
n If the mudcake thickness increases, the short spaced
detector sees more of the less dense mudcake, and so
gives a higher count rate.
n The long spaced detector also give a higher count rate due
to the lower density mudcake that is present, but the
increase is initially marginal because the long spaced A
detector is sensitive to a region which the mudcake only
forms a small part.
n The result is that this curve leaves the spine at 2.5 g/cm3,
when hmc=0, forms an arc to the right of the spine, and
rejoins the spine at 1.5 g/cm3 as influence of hmc increases Mudcake correction plot (spine
and ribs) with ρb=2.5 g/cm3,
n Rejoining indicates thickness of mudcake is greater than the
ρmc*=1.5 g/cm3, and variable
depth of investigation, so that both the long and short
spaced detectors read only mud. The curved part thickness mudcake.
represents the complete range of mudcake thicknesses
Mudcake compensation (cont’d)
n If the effective mudcake density
remains at 1.5 g/cm3, but the
formation density changes, the
bottom point where the curved part
of the line joins the spine slides up
and down the spine, as shown for
formation densities of 2.0, 2.5 and
3.0 g/cm3.
n Each of the curved lines represents a
different formation density, leaving
the spine at the formation density
value for hmc=0, and rejoining the
spine together at the effective Mudcake correction plot (spine and
mudcake density of 1.5 g/cm3. ribs) with ρb= 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 g/cm3,
ρmc*=1.5 g/cm3, and variable thickness
Mudcake compensation (cont’d)
n If the formation density remains fixed at 2.5 g/cm3 the
point where the curved portion of the line leaves the
spine is fixed at 2.5 g/cm3. Now, if the effective mudcake
density changes, the point where the curved part of the
line rejoins the spine slides up and down the spine, as
shown for effective mudcake densities of 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0
n Each of the curved lines represents a different effective
mudcake density, leaving the spine at the formation
density value of 2.5 g/cm3 for hmc=0, and rejoining the
spine together at the relevant effective mudcake density,
which may be above or below the formation density on
the spine.
n Note that if the effective mudcake density is the same as Mudcake correction plot (spine and
the formation density, the curved portion of the line does ribs) with ρb= 2.5 g/cm3, ρmc*=1.5, 2.0
not exist, and the tool interprets the mudcake as formation. and 3.0 g/cm3, and variable thickness
Compensation calculation
Spine and ribs plots (lab derived)
n In practice, only portions of the curved
lines are relevant to wellbore conditions.
n Over the practical range, the combination
of the curves and the spine is reminiscent
of a rib-cage and is called a spine and ribs
n Adjacent is the spine and ribs plot for the
formation density tool during a well
controlled laboratory study of the tool.
n Note that the data on each rib is practically
independent of effective mudcake density
and composition, and that as mudcake
becomes thicker, the data points lie further
up or down the rib from the spine as
Compensation calculation
Spine and ribs plots (lab derived)
n The spine and ribs plot therefore has the
advantages that:
n (i) the variation in effective mudcake density and
mudcake thickness can be described by a single
parameter (the distance up a given rib)
n (ii) for each formation density, all ribs leaving one
side of the graph coincide on the spine at a single
point (the effective mudcake density)
n (iii) knowing the spine and ribs plot for a given
tool, the long and short detector readings can be
used to obtain the corrected value of formation
density without explicit measurement of either the
effective mudcake density or the mudcake
n The correction procedure is automated in modern