An Automatic Irrigation System Using Self-Made Soil Moisture Sensors and Android App
An Automatic Irrigation System Using Self-Made Soil Moisture Sensors and Android App
An Automatic Irrigation System Using Self-Made Soil Moisture Sensors and Android App
Suruchi Chawla, Shakshi Bachhtey, Veni Gupta, Bhanvi Sheetal Varshney, Saloni Mehta, Ruchika Jha, Amita
Shukla, Monica Gupta, Pragya Kaushik, Shreshtha Pushkar Kapoor
Department of Computer Science Department of Electronics
SRCASW, University of Delhi SRCASW, University of Delhi,
Delhi, India. Delhi, India
We first measured the variation in the change in voltage
due to the presence of moisture as a function of distance III Android App
between the probes. If VD is the voltage across probes We develop the Android app using Java to interface with
raspberry pie microcontroller. The app provides the user
interface to verify the user identity for automation of server to be run on the Pi ,PHP to create, modify and
irrigation system. To authenticate the identity of manage the databases and MySQL for the databases.
authenticated users, the user login information is stored in The database is created using server side php scripting. On
the database and is retrieved. After doing successful login client side java , json parser library is used for making the
the sensor data request can be sent to microcontroller and app and the server communication. JSON Parser library is
to identify the water level in plants the requested data can used for parsing the PHP code to Java and vice-versa, th
be retrieved from the sensor database. Thus upon us making app and the server, both, to comprehend the
receiving the sensor data on android app it is processed parameters correctly and the Http connection is
using threshold level of water in order to give on/off established. The Snap shot of json library and http
command to microcontroller. Hence the microcontroller connection with Raspberry is given below in Figure 6.
upon receiving the on/off command from user, the motor is
on/off accordingly for the supply of water to plants.
We use python script on microcontroller to process the
command received from android and store the sensor data
in database. The block diagram of the android app and its
interfacing is given above in Figure 4
The proposed system is given below in Figure 5. Wifi/3G
Network has been used to interface the android app with
the server. The interfacing of microcontroller with server
and sensor is done using USB to serial bridge.
Figure 5 : Layout of the Proposed System. The Android studio emulator is used for simulation of app
communication with raspberry pie for send/receiving data
based on post method. This is given in fig 7.
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