Human Diseases Including Communicable and Non - Communicable Diseases - Prevention and Remedies - 1st - Chapter
Human Diseases Including Communicable and Non - Communicable Diseases - Prevention and Remedies - 1st - Chapter
Human Diseases Including Communicable and Non - Communicable Diseases - Prevention and Remedies - 1st - Chapter
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Human diseases including communicable and non –
communicable diseases - prevention and remedies
Some diseases last for only very short periods of time, and these are called acute
diseases. We all know from experience that the common cold lasts only a few days.
Other ailments can last for a long time, even as much as a lifetime, and are called chronic
diseases. An example is the infection causing elephantiasis, which is very common in
some parts of India.
Communicable Diseases
Microbial diseases that can spread from an infected person to a healthy person through
air, water, food or physical contact are called communicable diseases.
Examples of such diseases include cholera, common cold, chicken
pox and tuberculosis.
Example of a carrier is the female Anopheles mosquito, which carries the parasite
of malaria. Female Aedes mosquito acts as carrier of dengue virus.
Robert Köch (1876) discovered the bacterium (Bacillus anthracis) which
causes anthrax
How do infectious diseases spread? Many microbial agents can commonly move from an
affected person to someone else in a variety of ways. In other words, they can be
„communicated‟, and so are also called communicable diseases.
Such disease-causing microbes can spread through the air. Examples of such diseases
spread through the air are the common cold, pneumonia and tuberculosis.
Diseases can also be spread through water. This occurs if the excreta from someone
suffering from an infectious gut disease, such as cholera, get mixed with the drinking
water used by people living nearby.
The sexual act is one of the closest physical contact two people can have with each other.
Not surprisingly, there are microbial diseases such as Syphilis or AIDS that are
transmitted by sexual contact from one partner to the other.
Other than the sexual contact, the aids virus can also spread through blood-to-blood
contact with infected people or from an infected mother to her baby during pregnancy or
through breast feeding.
We live in an environment that is full of many other creatures apart from us. It is inevitable
that many diseases will be transmitted by other animals. These animals carry the infecting
agents from a sick person to another potential host. These animals are thus the
intermediaries and are called vectors. The commonest vectors we all know are
In many species of mosquitoes, the females need highly nutritious food in the form of
blood in order to be able to lay mature eggs. Mosquitoes feed on many warm-blooded
animals, including us. In this way, they can transfer diseases from person to person.
Organ-Specific And Tissue Specific Diseases
Different species of microbes seem to have evolved to home in on different parts of the
body. In part, this selection is connected to their point of entry.
If they enter from the air via the nose, they are likely to go to the lungs. This is seen in the
bacteria causing tuberculosis.
If they enter through the mouth, they can stay in the gut lining like typhoid causing
bacteria. Or they can go to the liver, like the viruses that cause jaundice.
An infection like HIV, that comes into the body via the sexual organs, will spread to lymph
nodes all over the body.
Malaria-causing microbes, entering through a mosquito bite, will go to the liver, and then
to the red blood cells.
The virus causing Japanese Encephalitis, or brain fever, will similarly enter through a
mosquito bite. But it goes on to infect the brain.
The signs and symptoms of a disease will thus depend on the tissue or organ which the
microbe targets. If the lungs are the targets, then symptoms will be cough and
breathlessness. If the liver is targeted, there will be jaundice. If the brain is the target, we
will observe headaches, vomiting, fits or unconsciousness.
In addition to these tissue-specific effects of infectious disease, there will be other
common effects too.
Most of these common effects depend on the fact that the body‟s immune system is
activated in response to infection.
An active immune system recruits many cells to the affected tissue to kill off the disease-
causing microbes. This recruitment process is called inflammation. As a part of this
process, there are local effects such as swelling and pain, and general effects such as
In some cases, the tissue-specificity of the infection leads to very general-seeming effects.
For example, in HIV infection, the virus goes to the immune system and damages its
function. Thus, many of the effects of HIV-aids are because the body can no longer fight
off the many minor infections that we face every day. Instead, every small cold can
become pneumonia. Similarly, a minor gut infection can produce major diarrhoea with
blood loss. Ultimately, it is these other infections that kill people suffering from HIV-aids.
Principles of Treatment
There are two ways to treat an infectious disease. One would be to reduce the effects of
the disease and the other to kill the cause of the disease.
For the first, we can provide treatment that will reduce the symptoms. The symptoms are
usually because of inflammation. For example, we can take medicines that bring down
fever, reduce pain or loose motions. We can take bed rest so that we can conserve our
energy. This will enable us to have more of it available to focus on healing.
But this kind of symptom-directed treatment by itself will not make the infecting microbe go
away and the disease will not be cured. For that, we need to be able to kill off the
How do we kill microbes? One way is to use medicines that kill microbes. We have seen
earlier that microbes can be classified into different categories. They are viruses, bacteria,
fungi or protozoa.
Each of these groups of organisms will have some essential biochemical life process
which is peculiar to that group and not shared with the other groups. These processes
may be pathways for the synthesis of new substances or respiration. These pathways will
not be used by us either.
For example, our cells may make new substances by a mechanism different from that
used by bacteria. We have to find a drug that blocks the bacterial synthesis pathway
without affecting our own. This is what is achieved by the antibiotics that we are all
familiar with. Similarly, there are drugs that kill protozoa such as the malarial parasite.
Why are Antibiotics effective against Bacterial Infections but not Viral Infections?
One reason why making anti-viral medicines is harder than making antibacterial medicines
is that viruses have few biochemical mechanisms of their own. This means that there
are relatively few virus-specific targets to aim at.
Despite this limitation, there are now effective anti-viral drugs, for example, the drugs that
keep HIV infection under control.
Taxonomically, all bacteria are closely related to each other than to viruses and vice
versa. This means that many important life processes are similar in the bacteria group but
are not shared with the virus group. As a result, drugs that block one of these life
processes in one member of the group is likely to be effective against many other
members of the group. But the same drug will not work against a microbe belonging to a
different group.
Human cells don‟t make a cell-wall anyway, so penicillin cannot have such an effect on us.
Penicillin will have this effect on any bacteria that use such processes for making cell-
walls. Similarly, many antibiotics work against many species of bacteria rather than simply
working against one group.
But viruses do not use these pathways at all, and that is the reason why antibiotics do not
work against viral infections. If we have a common cold, taking antibiotics does not reduce
the severity or the duration of the disease. However, if we also get a bacterial infection
along with the viral cold, taking antibiotics will help. Even then, the antibiotic will work only
against the bacterial part of the infection, not the viral infection.
Principles of Prevention
What are the specific ways of prevention? They relate to a peculiar property of the
immune system that usually fights off microbial infections.
Let us cite an example to try and understand this property. These days, there is no
smallpox anywhere in the world. But as recently as a hundred years ago, smallpox
epidemics were not at all uncommon.
In such an epidemic, people used to be very afraid of coming near someone suffering from
the disease since they were afraid of catching the disease.
However, there was one group of people who did not have this fear. These people would
provide nursing care for the victims of smallpox.
This was a group of people who had smallpox earlier and survived it, although with a lot of
scarring. In other words, if you had smallpox once, there was no chance of suffering from
it again.
So, having the disease once was a means of preventing subsequent attacks of the same
disease. This happens because when the immune system first sees an infectious microbe,
it responds against it and then remembers it specifically.
So the next time that particular microbe, or its close relatives enter the body, the immune
system responds with even greater vigour. This eliminates the infection even more quickly
than the first time around. This is the basis of the principle of „vaccination‟ has come into
our usage.
We can now see that, as a general principle, we can „fool‟ the immune system into
developing a memory for a particular infection by putting something, that mimics the
microbe we want to vaccinate against, into the body. This does not actually cause the
disease but this would prevent any subsequent exposure to the infecting microbe from
turning into actual disease.
Many such vaccines are now available for preventing a whole range of infectious
diseases, and provide a disease-specific means of prevention.
There are vaccines against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, polio and many
Introducing fishes like Gambusia in ponds that feed on mosquito larvae, spraying of
insecticides in ditches, drainage areas and swamps, etc. can prevent proliferation of
mosquitoes. Such precautions have become all the more important especially in the light
of recent widespread incidences of the vector-borne (Aedes mosquitoes) diseases
like dengue and chikungunya in many parts of India.
Traditional Indian and Chinese medicinal systems sometimes deliberately rubbed the skin
crusts from smallpox victims into the skin of healthy people. They thus hoped to induce a
mild form of smallpox that would create resistance against the disease.
Famously, two centuries ago, an English physician named Edward Jenner, realized that
milkmaids who had had cowpox did not catch smallpox even during epidemics.
Cowpox is a very mild disease. Jenner tried deliberately giving cowpox to people, and
found that they were now resistant to smallpox. This was because the smallpox virus is
closely related to the cowpox virus. „Cow‟ is „Vacca‟ in latin, and cowpox is „Vaccinia‟.
Diseases in Indian Children
Gastroentitis is an infection in the digestive system and it is one of the most common
childhood illnesses.
Symptoms of gastroentitis include diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, tummy cramps, and
One of the main risks with gastroentitis is that it causes dehydration in children.
Lack of adequate calcium in the diet can also cause rickets.
Rickets is a disease which involves softening and weakening of bones in children.
Children between the ages of 6 to 24 months are at the highest risk of developing the
disease because that is the age when their bones are rapidly growing.
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections are extremely common due to air pollution and
vehicular emission.
Upper respiratory tract infections include common cold, influenza and sore throat.
Tonsillitis is also one of upper respiratory tract infections.
Tonsillitis is caused due to infection of the tonsils.
Tonsils are the areas of lymphoid tissue on either side of the throat.
Symptoms of tonsillitis include a severe sore throat, coughing, headache and difficulty
Ascaris, the common round worm and Wuchereria, the filarial worm, are some of
the helminths which are known to be pathogenic to man. Ascaris, an intestinal parasite
causes ascariasis.
Symptoms of these disease include internal bleeding, muscular pain, fever, anemia and
blockage of the intestinal passage. The eggs of the parasite are excreted along with the
faeces of infected persons which contaminate soil, water, plants, etc. A healthy person
acquires this infection through contaminated water, vegetables, fruits, etc.
Wuchereria (W. bancrofti and malayi), the filarial worms cause a slowly developing
chronic inflammation of the organs in which they live for many years, usually the lymphatic
vessels of the lower limbs and the disease is called elephantiasis or filariasis. The
genital organs are also often affected, resulting in gross deformities. The pathogens are
transmitted to person through the bite by the female mosquite.
Old Age Diseases: Dementia
Dementia is “one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people
Pollution related diseases: Silicosis
zoonotic diseases — are spread between animals and humans, and are common in
societies where poverty is widespread
Chikungunya, dengue, Avian influenza, plague, SARS and acute encephalitis syndrome
(AES) are some of the zoonotic diseases.
Four behavioural risk factors are responsible for significant proportions of these
diseases— tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and harmful use of alcohol
New data reveals that one in two deaths in country, estimated in the period 2010-13 is due
to NCD
Cardiovascular diseases are the biggest killers within NCDs
In rural areas, deaths due to NCDs were much lower than urban areas
World Economic Forum estimated that India stands to lose $4.58 trillion before 2030 due
to NCDs and mental health conditions.
Non Communicable Diseases
WHO has developed a comprehensive Global Monitoring Framework and Action Plan for
prevention and Control of NCDs. India is the first country globally to adopt it to its National
Context -
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular
Diseases & Stroke
National Programme of Health Care of elderly
National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control programme
National Programme for Control of Blindness
National Mental Health Programme
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness
The focus of addressing NCDs should be behavioural change at the family and community
levels, promoting healthy dietary practices, physical activity, prevention of smoking,
alcohol and pollution, starting early in life.
Microbes or Microorganisms
Microorganisms may be single-celled like bacteria, some algae and protozoa,
or multicellular, such as algae and fungi. They can survive under all types of
environment, ranging from ice cold climate to hot springs and deserts to marshy lands.
Microorganisms like amoeba can live alone, while fungi and bacteria may live in colonies.
Diseases Caused by Microorganisms
Causative Agent
Acne Propionibact Humans/ Skin disease that occurs when
vulgaris (or erium acnes Adolesce hair follicles become clogged with
simply nts dead skin cells and oil from the
acne or skin.
pimples) Causes == Genetics + Excessive
growth of the bacteria
Propionibacterium acnes.
vaccine in 1881.
Diptheria Corynebacter Humans Symptoms: sore throat and fever.
ium The neck may swell in part due to
diphtheriae large lymph nodes. Complications
may include myocarditis,
inflammation of nerves, kidney
problems, and bleeding problems
due to low blood platelets.
Air/direct contact
Myocarditis may result in an
abnormal heart rate and
inflammation of the nerves may
result in paralysis.
Peptic Helicobacter Humans Ulcers in the lining of stomach
ulcers pylori and starting part of small intestine
weight loss.
Typhoid Salmonella Humans Often there is a gradual onset of
typhi a high fever over several days.
Weakness, abdominal pain,
constipation, and headaches also
commonly occur.
Virus (HIV)
Chikungun Chikungunya Causes severe joint pains. Animal
Aedes mosquitoes,
such as A. aegypti
ya virus reservoirs of the virus include
and A. albopictus
monkeys, birds, cattle, and
rodents. This is in contrast to
dengue, for which primates are
the only hosts
Ebola Ebola virus Humans Ebola infection shows a sudden
and onset of the disease resulting
Some initially in flu-like symptoms:
Animals fever, chills and malaise.
As the disease progresses, it
results in multi-system
involvements indicated by the
Animal to man
person experiencing lethargy,
nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and
Poliomyeliti deformations.
Zika Zika virus Humans
Dysentery Leishmania
infection of
marked by
Sleeping Trypanosom Humans Initially, in the first stage of the
Sickness a disease, there are fevers,
headaches, itchiness, and joint
pains. This begins one to three
weeks after the bite. Weeks to
Rust of Puccinia rust Wheat Wheat leaf rust is a fungal
wheat fungus and other disease that affects wheat, barley
crops and rye stems, leaves and grains.