The Warith Magazine 01
The Warith Magazine 01
The Warith Magazine 01
Imam Hussain’s (a) Stand
against Materialism
Dr. Rebecca Masterton
Introducing Imam Hussain (as)
to Humanity
Dr. Mohammad Ali Shomali
Director of Publications:
Shaykh Ali Al-Fatlawi
(The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain a.s)
Dr. Zoheir Ali Esmail
Shaykh Muhammad Yasin Devji
Content Editor:
Fatima Valji
Art Director:
Muhammadally Sherali
Muhammadally Sherali
Project Coordinator:
Safwan Jamal Eddine
(The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain a.s)
Imam Hussain’s (as) journey from Madina to
Karbala, where he and his family faced slaughter
at the hands of an army of thousands, has often
been interpreted by both Muslim and non-Muslim
historians, as a failed uprising. Historians have
raised questions about the potential impotence
of the message of Islam, often reducing Islam
to simply a political movement and depicting the
battle of Karbala as a war for position, leadership
and power. The battle of Karbala has often been
presented as a footnote in the history of the
expansion of Islam, while Yazid, the Umayyad
caliph, brutally consolidated his hegemonic rule;
and even though the battle did inspire the overthrow
of the Umayyad dynasty by the Abbasids, they in
turn then brutally suppressed the Shi‘a. In spite
of this, in most historical sources, the Abbasid Dr. Rebecca Masterton (PhD SOAS,
period of rule is depicted as the Golden Era of
London) has lectured at the Islamic
Islam, characterised by rapid expansion and the
patronisation of architecture, science, medicine College and Birkbeck College, University
and art. of London. She is director of Online
Shi'a Studies (www.onlineshiastudies.
However, Imam Hussain (as) himself never com) Her publications can be found on
claimed to be leading an uprising. The objective
behind his original plan to move from Madina to
Kufa had been to serve the social and religious
needs of the Muslims in Kufa. Imam Hussain (as)
refusal to give allegiance to Yazid was not merely Prophet Muhammad (saw) has stated, ‘Hussain
a political move. It encapsulated his refusal to is from me and I am from Hussain’, meaning
submit his principles of asceticism, humility, that he and Imam Hussain (as) possessed the
truthfulness, and devotion to God, to Yazid’s same integrity, principles and values. In fighting
cynicism, egotism, hypocrisy, and devotion to Yazid, Imam Hussain (as) did not seek a position
worldly desires. Moreover, Yazid desired both to of power for himself. Rather, he only sought to
kill Imam Hussain (as) and defeat the principles for protect and preserve the integrity of the faith that
which he stood. The battle between Imam Hussain his grandfather, Prophet Muhammad (saw) had
(as) and Yazid finds powerful resonance within brought. However, in order to understand Imam
the human conscience, because it symbolises Hussain’s (as) actions fully, we need to reflect on
humanity’s perennial struggle to overcome the the core message of Islam, as transmitted and
forces of evil within society. taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw).
10 The
Magazine October
Moving forward to the present time, we see that Those who served in the army of Yazid consid-
the elements of this drama have not changed. ered themselves to be Muslims and performed
There are innumerable examples of forces Islamic rituals and practices. They prayed, fast-
of evil and materialistic enslavement at work. ed, and recited the Holy Qur’an, yet they fought
Many multinational conglomerates pay workers God’s theophany on earth.
a pittance, exploiting cheap labour to make
huge profits. Human trafficking is still rampant. Thus, the question arises: what does it mean to
In the last century, the natural environment has adhere to Islam? What is required to follow a di-
been devastated at an unprecedented rate due vinely revealed path that calls for its followers to
to mass deforestation, mass over-fishing, the testify to the Truth? Is the recitation of holy scrip-
smuggling of rare and endangered animals, the tures and the performance of rituals and prayers
poisoning of soil and water systems through the sufficient? Or is it possible to compromise and
mass overuse of pesticides, and countless other stand with despotic forces, just because they
travesties against nature. The manipulation happen to be dominant, even while one is still
of food markets and the manufacturing of reading holy scriptures and performing prayers?
conflict and famine impoverish and starve mass
populations across the globe.
The Battle of Karbala holds a unique and Moreover, if the Battle of Karbala is considered
unparalleled place in human history. unique due to the nobility of the aspirations of
Imam Hussain (as) army, it can be argued that
In Karbala, an extraordinary degree of injustice many others have also sacrificed their lives for
was inflicted upon the descendants of the Holy noble, humanitarian causes.
Prophet, Muhammad (saw). The battle was a
highly unequal one, between approximately 72 Therefore, when it is claimed within the Shia
supporters of Imam Hussain (as) and an army tradition that the Battle of Karbala is a unique
of a minimum of 10, 000 despatched by Ibn event finding no parallel in human history, either
Ziyad. During the battle, the supporters of Imam prior to or following its occurrence, what does
Hussain (as) were brutally killed and their corpses this statement mean?
were trampled upon, stripped and looted. The
martyrs in Imam Hussain’s (as) camp included
the elderly, children, and even an infant aged 6
months. After massacring Imam Hussain (as),
his companions and all the adult male members
of his household with the exception of Imam Ali
Zayn al-Abidin (as), Yazid’s soldiers set fire to
When it is claimed
the tents that sheltered the Imam’s womenfolk,
looted and mistreated the women and children,
within the Shia tradition
and forced them to journey as shackled captives
to Damascus, where they were imprisoned.
that the Battle of Karbala
Although the oppression inflicted upon the
is a unique event in
companions and family of Imam Hussain (as)
was cruel and barbaric, one may question
human history...what
whether the crimes against Imam Hussain (as)
camp were any more savage or heinous than does that mean?”
the genocides of contemporary history. For
example, a chemical attack in Halabja against
the Kurdish people in 1988 by the former
Baathist regime in Iraq, resulted in the deaths
of thousands of innocent civilians, including
women and children. In the last century alone,
a plethora of war crimes and injustices have
taken place. Hence, if extent of bodily harm
and number of casualties are considered the
criteria for determining the worst injustices in
human history, then the Battle of Karbala is
overshadowed by many other historical and
contemporary examples.
Introducing Imam
Hussain (as)
to Humanity
Spiritual Advice for Organizations
In this short article I would like to remind us of a
few important points. I will try to be brief and I pray
to Him to enable me to communicate these points
clearly and effectively so that I may be able to do
justice to the subject at hand.
My grandfather, the Messenger of God, said: When Allah ‘s help comes with victory, and
“My son, Hussain, will be killed in Karbala whilst you see the people entering Allah ‘s religion in
he is a stranger, alone, thirsty, and without help. throngs... (Qur’an 110:1-2)
Whoever helps him has helped me and has
helped his son, the Hujjah (al- Mahdi)“ 2 In this surah, Allah (swt) advises the Holy Prophet
(saw) that when victory comes and people flock
Any worthy endeavour to help Imam Hussain (as) towards the path of God in large numbers, he
must also strengthen Islam and the Ummah. Those (saw) should thank Allah (swt) for His blessings.
who think they can promote the teachings of the At the time of success, the Holy Prophet (saw) is
Ahl al-Bayt (as) by dividing the Ummah - pitting advised to praise and glorify Allah (swt) and ask for
Shi’a against Sunni and Sunni against Shi’a - are forgiveness. Similarly, we should also thank Allah
wrong. Unity between Muslims is very important. (swt) in times of success and not allow conceit
and arrogance to creep into our hearts. Arrogance
not only diminishes our successes, it inverts them
into failures.
Ma’ali al-Sibtayn, vol 1, p.208 October 2018 The Warith Magazine 21
In a well- known hadith, Imam al-Sadiq (as) states: However, if Allah (swt) gifts a person with honour
and dignity in society, he should not consider
himself special. He should not become proud and
The one in whose heart self-admiration (‘ujb) conceited.
permeates, is destined to be destroyed.3
If any person, organization, or nation, overlooks Exalt me and afflict me not with pride.
the blessings of Allah (swt) and takes full credit for
every success, the success is lost. When one sees In this supplication, Imam Zayn al-Abidin (as) asks
success, he should increase his worship (ibadah) Allah (swt) to grant him honour and respect whilst
and seek Allah’s (swt) forgiveness (istighfar): also protecting him from becoming proud. It is a
challenge for us as human beings to maintain our
humility when we are honoured and admired in a
society. When people praise us for our successes,
Then celebrate the praise of your Lord, and plead we are at risk of thinking we are special or superior
to Him for forgiveness. Indeed, He is all-clement. to others. We may trace our success to our talents,
(Qur’an 110:3) hard work, or virtues and feel proud of ourselves.
We may even wonder why others are not as
One who follows God’s command as detailed respected and accomplished as we are. We tend
in the last verse of Surat al-Nasr, does not see to forget that in granting us a good reputation and
any success as a reflection of his own actions success in life, God may be testing us to see how
and merits. Rather, he worries that due to his humble and grateful we are.
shortcomings and mistakes, his access to the
grace and mercy of Allah (swt) may be reduced.
If we had clearer insight into our actions and
intentions, we would realise that most of the Make me worship Thee and corrupt not my
time, we create barriers between ourselves and worship with self-admiration!
the mercy of Allah (swt). We should endeavour
to reduce our sins and character flaws such as Our service to humanity should be devoted to
arrogance because they restrict our capacity to Allah’s (swt) pleasure. It should be free of self-
receive Allah’s (swt) grace. interest and vanity. We should make every
effort to guard our humanitarianism from being
I will now mention a few lines from Dua Makarim corrupted by self-admiration. When acts of service
al-Akhlaq that provide guidance for achieving and kindness are devoid of a sincere and pure
success in our communities and organisations. intention, they are hollow in spirit and value.
Imam Zayn al-Abidin (as) states in this dua:
Later in the dua, Imam Zayn al-Abidin (as)
In this supplication, Imam Zayn al-Abidin (as) And raise me not a single degree before the
asks Allah (swt) for honour and dignity. Perhaps people without lowering me its like in myself.
the most important message for humanity that can
be derived from the life and movement of Imam This line of supplication emphasises the
Hussain (as) is the importance of upholding one’s importance of increasing our humility as our dignity
honour and dignity. Imam Hussain (as) should be and respect in society increases. If our standing
introduced to the wider society as a paragon of and status in society increases by 10%, we should
integrity and dignity. Although a human being’s strive to increase our humbleness by 10% also. It
need for food, shelter and clothing are his primary is not sufficient for a person to maintain his level
needs, he also requires dignity and self-respect. of humility as he rises in success and dignity; his
If a person’s basic needs are met but he lives modesty and humbleness should increase.
without honour and dignity, the quality and value
of his life are significantly diminished.
...and bring about no outward exaltation for me Furthermore, the truth can never be served or
without an inward abasement in myself to the promoted by means of falsehood. We cannot
same measure. spread light by means of darkness.
In this line of supplication, Imam Zayn al-Abidin We can never serve Allah (swt) by utilising
(as) asks Allah (swt) to grant him respect in society Satanic tools and strategies; lying, dishonesty,
and humbleness within himself in equal measure. selfishness, jealousy and other vices cannot help
As members of humanitarian organisations, in our struggles to uphold and spread the truth.
we must be very careful not to compromise our
humility as we promote the good work and services One of Satan’s greatest victories is to convince
our institutions undertake. Even as we market good people to use false and evil means to attain
and promote various projects and campaigns, we a noble objective. Those who fall into Satan’s trap
must maintain a degree of humility. This humility have been thoroughly deceived. How can a person
may be reflected in our willingness to interact serve Allah (swt) through sin and immorality?!
with other organisations, share ideas, and accept The example of Imam Hussain (as) provides the
critical feedback. best and most inspiring model of serving the truth
in the purest way. On the day of Ashura, as Imam
I would like to conclude with a final point of Hussain (as) faced immense sorrow and suffering,
reflection. We must always remember that truth he (as) never wavered in his submission and
(haqq) and falsehood (batil) are binary opposites. devotion to Allah (swt). Sometimes, people face
Like light and darkness, they are opposed to the death of one, two or a few loved ones through
each other. We must always support the truth and the course of their entire lives and consequently,
challenge falsehood. Aligning ourselves to the they sink into misery and despair. However, Imam
truth does not mean considering ourselves to be Hussain (as) witnessed the brutal massacre of
the sole representation and voice of truth. Rather, so many members of his (as) immediate family
supporting the truth requires a recognition of and closest companions within the space of a few
where truth and virtue lies and moving towards it hours and yet, he (as) remained fully committed to
with humility and sincerity. We must strive to reflect his (as) mission and pleased with God’s decree.
the light and teachings of Imam Hussain(as) and Nor did Imam Hussain (as) compromise his noble
the Ahl al-Bayt (as) as sincerely and humbly as principles or virtues in the slightest, even during
we can, without misconstruing our actions and the most challenging moments of battle.
organizations to be perfect paragons of truth and
virtue. We can never claim that we are certainly Did Imam Hussain (as) at any point in his
and entirely on the side of the truth. It is a struggle revolution, lie to his enemies or deceive his friends
- a lifelong struggle - to seek and follow the truth. by making false promises? Did he (as) show any
Imam Ali (as) was one of the very few, unique sign of fear, selfishness, jealousy, despair, or
people who epitomized the truth in his every moral weakness? We should draw inspiration
intention and action: from the noble example of Imam Hussain (as) and
remind ourselves and each other to consistently
follow the truth without compromise or corruption.
Hussain raises his hands to the Heavens in qunūt his hands are not bare!
Instead, his murdered infant in his hands — what a heart-wrenching affair!
What to prostrate upon, which is between GOD and man, its best portal?
Hussain’s blood soaked forehead upon the sand makes Karbalā’ immortal!
Written by:
‘Abū al-Hasan (Muhammad Yāsīn)
10th of Muharram al-Harām, 1440
The Holy Shrine of as-Sayyidah Fātimah al-Ma’sūmah [s],
The Holy City of Qom
This is where our
contributors and editors
answer your questions, so
please keep sending them to
Linguistically, the origin of the intellect (aql) in the Arabic language signifies to
contain or capture. The term is used in the context of bridling animals, as they
are captured by the bridle. Humans have the faculty of intellect which bridles
them from ignorance. The Prophet is reported to have said: “The intellect is a
bridle from ignorance.” The term has been used in Islamic scriptural sources
with different meanings. Hurr al-Āmilī list the following three uses in his books
Wasā’il al-shīa:
1. The faculty which distinguishes between good and bad, as well as
comprehending the causes of things.
2. It is a state and a characteristic which calls towards choosing what is
good and beneficial and rejecting that which is harmful.
3. Intellect means knowledge, and that is why its opposite is ignorance not
There are also other definitions of the intellect according to the nuances of its
terminological use in the various sciences.
Shaykh Mufīd disagrees with this opinion and expresses his own
views in a separate treaties on the subject. His first argument is that
the reports of the Prophet (saw) forgetting are single reports (āhād)
which cannot lead us to certainty that these events took place.
Rather, Shaykh Mufīd considers these reports as fabricated and
he also does not consider Shaykh Sudūq’s differentiation between
forgetfulness from God and forgetfulness from Satan to be based
on any evidence. In any case, the opinion that the Prophet (saw)
forgot is a minority opinion amongst the scholars of the school of
Ahl al-Bayt (as).
The next issue of The Warith magazine is about Lady Fatimah (as).
Please send contributions for all future issues, comments and questions to:
28 The Warith Magazine October 2018