Aggregate Interlock and Dowel Action
Aggregate Interlock and Dowel Action
Aggregate Interlock and Dowel Action
TA. i n s A\~>
ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor
aan de Technische Universiteit Delft,
op gezag van de Rector Magnificus Prof.dr. J . M . Dirken,
in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van
een commissie aangewezen door
het College van Dekanen
op dinsdag 14 juni 1988
te 16.00 uur door
geboren te Rotterdam,
civiel ingenieur
TR diss
Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotoren
Prof.dr. - Ing. H.W. REINHARDT
The experimental part of this research was performed in the Stevin Laboratory of the
Delft University of Technology with financial support and under the supervision of the
CUR (Netherlands Centre for Civil Engineering, Research, Recommandations and
Codes), which is greatly appreciated.
The author wishes to record his thanks to all members of the "Concrete Structures
Group", who have contributed to this research project.
I would like to express my gratitude to Dirk Verstoep b.v. for giving the opportunity to
complete this thesis.
The financial support received from the "Stichting Professor Bakkerfonds" for this
publication is gratefully acknowledged.
A.F. Pruijssers
ISBN 90-6275-451-1
1.1 Scope of research.
1.2 Aim of the research program.
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 Reinforced specimens; repeated loading.
3.2.1 Test arrangement.
3.2.2 Test variables.
3.2.3 Experimental results.
3.3 Externally reinforced specimens; repeated loading.
3.3.1 Test arrangement.
3.3.2 Test variables.
3.3.3 Experimental results.
2. Het gedrag van een scheur in gewapend beton onderworpen aan een zeer
groot aantal lastwisselingen met een kleine amplitude van de schuif-
spanning, kan quasi-statisch worden beschreven.
10. Problemen zijn als een muur, men dient op eikaars schouders te staan
om vooruit te komen. Veelal komt men echter niet verder dan op el-
kaars tenen te staan.
12. De juiste oplossing voor een probleem is vaak zo eenvoudig dat het
niet meevalt om te verklaren waarom deze niet eerder gevonden is.
13. Het is niet dom om iets slims niet zelf te bedenken, wel om het om
die reden niet te gebruiken.
8. SUMMARY 157
- 1 -
Fig. 1.1. Typical offshore structure and loads acting upon the structure.
stresses [25,26]. The walls of the base of such a structure will be sub
jected to in-plane shear, see Fig. 1.1. Thermal deformations due to the
storage of hot oil and unequal settlements might cause additional crack
ing of the walls of the base. For this reason, the current study, which
forms part of the second phase of the Concrete Mechanics project, focus-
ses upon the response of cracked reinforced concrete to cyclic in-plane
shear loads. Experiments with cyclic in-plane shear loading provide vi
tal information on the response degradation of the cracked elements due
to cycling.
A large number of tests [33,37,43,78] has been conducted with a rather
large initial crack width and a relatively high shear load, the so-call
ed 'high-intensity low-cycle' experiments. These tests especially re
flected the case of a nuclear containment vessel, which is cracked due
to an internal explosion and subsequently subjected to earthquake mo
tions. For the case of offshore structures, those tests provide informa
tion on the response of the structure to severe loading conditions. How
ever, offshore structures are generally subjected to millions of load
cycles due to wind, wave and ice attacks. These load cycles have a rela
tively low amplitude with respect to the static strength, but might
cause gradually increasing irreversible deformations, thus influencing
the strength and stiffness of the structure in the case of subsequent
higher loads. Therefore, apart from the 'high-intensity low-cycle'
tests, experiments of the 'low-intensity high-cycle' type are of special
interest for offshore structures.
the aggregate particles protruding from the crack faces. Because of the
nature of this mechanism, the particle distribution, the maximum par
ticle size, the strength of the matrix material and the coefficient of
friction between the particles and the matrix affect the shear stiffness
of the crack.
The contribution of the bars to the transfer of shear stress across the
crack is characterized by a strong interaction of the axial steel force
and the lateral force (dowel force). Therefore, a physically sound de
scription of the shear stiffness must incorporate the interaction with
the normal restraint stiffness of the crack. Hence, the relationship
between the stresses and displacements in a crack has to be expressed
SM S12 A6 n (1.1)
S 21 S22 A« t
2.1. Introduction.
b. Dowel action of the reinforcing bars; Dowel action is based upon the
response of the concrete supporting a steel bar, which is forced to a
lateral displacement, see Fig. 2.1b.
c. Axial steel stress in the reinforcing bars; The reinforcing bars ge
nerally cross the crack plane at different angles. The component of the
steel stress parallel to the crack plane contributes to the shear stress
transfer across the crack, see Fig. 2.1c.
These mechanisms will be discussed separately. Finally the interaction
of the mechanisms is reviewed. In this Chapter most attention is paid to
the experimental results reported in the literature. Information on the
available empirical and physical models will be reviewed in Chapter A.
- 6 -
Taylor (in 1959, [67]) and Moe (in 1962, [48]) paid some attention to
the role of aggregate interlock in the load transfer in cracked concre
te. It was, however, Fenwick [18], who first carried out a detailed ex
perimental study into the aggregate interlock mechanism. The scope of
this investigation was to determine the relationship between the shear
resistance of cracked plain concrete and the crack displacements. The
variables were the crack width, ranging from 0.06 mm to 0.38 mm, and the
nrplnrm ed crack
50 A s 0
£BK!IS ■
/ ■ "*"
0.19 mm
/\ OjSmrn. 0.32 mm
*^ . 0.38 mm
, . 19 MPa
rv crnr.kin^
oLissa men
( „ y l = 33 MPo
Fig. 2.3. Shear stress - shear slip Fig. 2.4. Shear stress - shear slip
relation as function of the as function of the concrete
crack width for Fenwick's grade for Fenwick's tests
experiments [18]. [18].
concrete strength varying from 19 MPa to 56 MPa. Fig. 2.2. presents the
test specimen and testing rig used by Fenwick. The specimens were pre-
cracked providing a relatively small shearing area of 7900 mm 2 . The
influence of the crack width was investigated in the first test series,
- 7 -
in which the crack width was kept constant during the stepwise shear
load application. Unfortunately, the normal force, which was used to
adjust the crack width, was not measured during the tests. For this test
series with a concrete cylinder strength of 33 MPa, the mean test re
sults are shown in Fig. 2.3. All the specimens failed due to secondary
cracking. Each test was repeated five to six times to reduce the scatter
of the readings.
A second test series with a constant crack width of 0.19 mm and varying
concrete grade was used to determine the influence of the concrete
strength upon the shear resistance. The average experimentally obtained
curves are shown in Fig. 2.A. The following empirical expression was de
rived from the experimental results:
T = l[üilél _ o.658)(/f
y ~- 1.447ÏÏ6 - 0.0446 1 [MPa] (2.1)
a 6 ' ccyl '^ t n'
n '
0 05 mm
U13 mm 0.25 rgm flgrmol Stress
/° 0.36 mm
tl "0.51mm
0.5 7
> 4
Icrock olone 1K»190
f c c y , = 31.5MR)
0,05 0.10 0.15 0.20 025 0.30
shear displacement 6j Imm)
discussed in Section 2.3. The variables were the type of aggregate (9.5
mm and 19 mm round maximum size and 19 mm crushed maximum size), the
crack width (0.13 mm, 0.25 mm and 0.51 mm) and the way of load applica
tion. A concrete cylinder strength of 37 MPa was used. The experimental
ly obtained relationship between the monotonically increased shear
stress and the shear displacements is shown in Fig. 2,7 for constant
crack widths. It appeared that neither the aggregate size nor its shape
strongly influenced the shear resistance.
Because of the improved type of specimen, the shear strength exceeded
the maximum values obtained by Fenwick [18] and Houde [31]. During the
constant crack width tests the magnitude of the normal restraining force
was measured, see Fig. 2.8. The test results yielded an average coeffi
cient of friction equal to 1.7. An important observation was the insen-
sitivity of this value to the crack width and the aggregate type.
A second test series focussed upon the influence of an increasing crack
width upon the shear transfer in cracked plain concrete. During these
tests, the ratio of the shear load to the crack width was kept constant
at a value of 1.38 MPa to 0.1 mm. The experimental results of these
tests are compared with the results of the constant crack width tests,
see Fig. 2.9. The dotted line in Fig. 2.9 represents the theoretical re
sults according to the tests with constant crack width. This curve has
the same shape as the mean experimental curve for the variable crack
- 9 -
Fig. 2.7. Relation between shear stress Fig. 2.8. Shear stress as function
and shear displacement [50]. of normal stress [50].
width tests. This indicated that the load history or crack opening path
hardly influenced the crack response to shear loads.
Taylor [66] pointed out that a crack actually opens simultaneously with
the shear sliding. Therefore, he performed tests with a constant ratio
of the crack width to the shear displacement. A schematic presentation
of the test equipment is shown in Fig. 2.10a.
The specimens were pre-cracked with a shearing area of 17780 mm2.
- 10 -
j ;
• J
strain gauges
For these specimens the crack opening was restrained passively, so that
the crack opened according to the internal equilibrium in the crack
plane. The crack displacements were measured by means of plate spring
gauges. The displacements were recorded at three locations on both sides
of the specimen. The external normal force was measured using strain
gauges stuck to the external bars. The tests were performed in a dis-
- 9 -
n° 0.13mm 0.25 mm
1 / 0.51 mm
A/ /
/ /
\L lAuWf.
. '45%
Fig. 2.7. Relation between shear stress Fig. 2.8. Shear stress as function
and shear displacement [50]. of normal stress [50].
width tests. This indicated that the load history or crack opening path
hardly influenced the crack response to shear loads.
Taylor [66] pointed out that a crack actually opens simultaneously with
the shear sliding. Therefore, he performed tests with a constant ratio
of the crack width to the shear displacement. A schematic presentation
of the test equipment is shown in Fig. 2.10a.
The specimens were pre-cracked with a shearing area of 17780 mm2.
- 11 -
restraint plate
restraint bar
strain gauges
12 I 4 1/2/1.6
2.0 5 1/2/U
6 1/2IM
7 U . t /.3
f 1
normal stress <JQ IMPol
J- 2
'■3 2
V,4 1/
f %
^ --'" 6 0.5
m ///
%A yi
0.5 1.0 t.5 2.0 2.5 0 05 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.5
sheor displacement 6. Imml crack width 6 n [mml crack width 6 n [mm)
o. Shear stress - shear b. Crack opening path. c. Normal stress-crack
displacement relationship. width relationship. -
Fig. 2.12. Typical test results of Walraven for the plain concrete
- 12 -
1.8 0.234
T = 0 80 ♦ (-™- - 0.20)f c c j6 t (T > 0) (2.2)
a 30 o
s n
n 0.191
+ (- 0.15 )f K (o > 0)
20 1.35 ccnr t
0.63 n
with T , o , f in [MPa], ó , 6 in [mm]
a a ccm ' ' n t
was kept constant on a preset value ranging from 0.05 mm to 0.40 mm. A
second test series focussed on tests with a constant normal restraint
stress during shear sliding. It emerged from the test results that for
very high initial normal stresses the crack width changed sign, which
indicated that the readings of the displacement transducers were influ
enced by the deformation adjacent to the crack. Indeed, Daschner and
Nissen [13] suggested that the high normal restraint force had caused
elastic and plastic deformations of the test specimens thus influencing
the deformation between the measuring points. Because of the questions
left open, these tests will not be discussed here. In addition to these
tests, Nissen [49] improved the test arrangement, which was used by
Daschner and performed 42 push-off tests, see Fig. 2.14a. He investi
gated the influence of the crack opening path upon the shear stiffness
of the crack. Tests with constant crack width and tests with constant
normal stress were performed. Some typical results are shown in Fig.
crack width n S
a. Test arrangement. b. Test results.
The cube concrete strength was varied between 27-31 MPa and between 54-
57 MPa (cube 200x200x200 m m 3 ) . The water cement ratio was rather high
(w/c 0.51-0.80). The maximum diameter of the gravel particles was varied
between 8, 16 and 32 mm. Nissen found that the ratio x li was hardly
' a ccm ■"
affected by the concrete strength and maximum particle diameter. It
appeared that the stresses transferred across a crack for any given
combination of the crack displacements are strongly influenced by the
- 14 -
The experimentally obtained results are in agreement with the test re
sults found by Paulay and Loeber [50] and Walraven [ 8 1 ] .
sheor lood
distribution beom
knife-edge bearing
adjusting turnbuckle
flexible strop
/ /
0 1 2
shear displacement 6( [mml
a. Shear stress - shear
/ 1
0.5 1.0
crock width 6 n [mml
b. Crack opening path.
/ / /
- 1
displacement relationship.
crock plone
A /jUal_jocJs.
m ..
300 , 300 \ \
T //////»;
. 300
' sheor l o o d \
crock width 6 n [mm]
0.8 • .V *
0.1 id. ^ - ^ 0 . 5 f- •■
0 1 2
shear displacement 6 ( Imm]
0 0.2 04 0.6 0.8
»t ' 6 t u H
was very small with respect to the maximum particle diameter of 12.7 mm
(crushed angular aggregate). In fact, the results showed a remarkable
consistency related to those small specimen dimensions.
crack width 6n [mm\
rack plane 152.4 » 25.4 mm*
restraint rod
deflection [mml
Fig. 2.20a. Test arrangement of Colley Fig. 2.20b. Loading rate and slab
and Humphrey [9]. deflection [9].
An effectiveness less than 100 percent indicated that shear slip oc
curred in the joint. Some test results are shown in Fig. 2.21a-c. It
appeared that the aggregate type influenced the joint effectiveness. The
tests were of the 'high-cycle low-intensity' type with a low shear
stress (0.1-0.2 MPa) and a high number of cycles (up to one million
Other experimental work focussed on the 'low-cycle high-intensity' be
haviour, exploring the response of cracked nuclear containment vessels
subjected to shear. Such tests with a relatively high stress intensity
were conducted by White and Holley [88]. A total of sixteen precracked
specimens was loaded as to transmit shear by the crack roughness. The
- 18 -
v 6 n = 0.62 mm
~x^=0.10 MPa
crushed aravel
crushed stone
015 MPa
- 0.90 mm
50 50
natural gravel
\ ^ 1.13 mm
SO.20 MPa
Fig. 2.21. The joint effectiveness found by Colley and Humphrey [9].
shearing area was 180645 mm 2 . The parameters investigated were the size
and gradation of the aggregate, the normal restraint stiffness provided
by external bars, the shear stress level, the number of cycles and the
initial crack width. The tests were used to try out the test equipment
and to make a first assessment of the crack response to cyclic shear
On the basis of these results, further tests were performed by Laible,
White and Gergely [37]. The type of specimen used was similar to the
specimen as used by White et al. [88], see Fig. 2.22. Now, the shearing
area was 194000 mm 2 . The concrete cylinder strength for the major series
was 20.7 MPa, the maximum particle size was equal to 38 mm. Apart from
the variables in White's test series [88], the specimen geometry and the
strength and the age of the concrete were varied in the tests. The
specimen was precracked by applying line loads halfway the specimen.
Next, the crack width was set to the desired value of 0.25, 0.51 or 0.76
mm by adjustment of nuts on the restraint bars. The applied shear stress
of 1.24 MPa was fully reversed. Fig. 2.23a-c presents a test result,
which is representative of the generally observed behaviour. The number
of cycles was 25. For the cycles No. 1 and No.15 the load was applied
stepwise, during the other cycles the full load was applied in one step.
The first loading cycle showed a nearly linear relationship between the
crack displacements and the shear stress, whereas this relation became
- 19 -
■a. * A.
qpp'.ied shear lood
crack plane/
HP ¥
Fig. 2.22. Test arrangement used by Laible et al. [37].
highly non-linear for the later cycles. During unloading the recovery of
the shear displacement was about 20 percent of the maximum slip, which
was probably due to local irreversible deformation of the contact areas.
Fig. 2.23a shows that the stiffness increases with increasing shear dis
placement, which supports the assumption of deformed contact areas. Due
to the crushing of the matrix material in the previous cycles, the ini
tial stiffness is very low, because a 'contactless' free slip can occur
before any contact between the opposing crack faces is possible.
Paulay and Loeber [50] carried out both static (see Section 2.2) and re
peated shear loading tests. Fig. 2.24a-c shows the experimental results
for a maximum shear load of 6 MPa. The crack width was kept constant
during the tests. A surprising result was the low stiffness during un
loading compared with the stiffness during loading. This result deviated
from the low recovery in shear displacement during unloading found in
the tests of Laible [37]. The major difference between both test series
was the constant crack width in Paulay's tests, where the crack width
- 20 -
increased with increasing shear sliding in Laible's tests. The high nor
mal stress required to maintain the constant crack width, probably in
fluenced the unloading of the specimen in Paulay's test series.
In addition to the static test series, Vintzeleou [75] performed cyclic
tests with a fully reversed shear displacement. Due to the large applied
displacements only a few cycles were used. For various normal stresses,
the test results are presented in Fig. 2.25. It was found that for a
high normal stress no degradation of the response occurred. The follow
ing empirical expression was derived describing the decrease in shear
= 1 0.12 (2.5)
o 6
n=l a tu
Chung [8] carried out impact tests on push-off specimens with a shearing
plane of 18750 mm2, which consisted of a joint between precast and cast
in situ concrete. Apart from a test series with a single impact load, a
test series was performed, in which the specimens were preloaded with a
low intensity shear load during two million cycles. For a load intensity
of 55 percent of the static strength no degradation of the response was
recorded. For an intensity of 66 percent a decrease of 14-20 percent was
observed. It was found that the impact shear strength for a loading rate
of 12000 MPa/s was 80 percent higher than the static a shear strength.
- 21 -
n= 1
jhear stress T« IMPal
r t = - 1
T - 30.0.50/2.0 T - 30.2.0/0.5
1 2 2 ^ 5
8 1
_- ,4 -2
u = = r .1 2 . ^ 0 . 8 — r a t " /
?—-^— ^—
shear slip 5. (mm] ,-\ shear slip 6| [rnrnj
5 K
2 /
1 u"'
axial stiffness is provided by the bond between steel and concrete. The
crushing failure .—
y y ^ splitting failure
f ^-
a. Splitting failure b. Crushing failure c. Load - displacement
deflection 6 Imml
1.25 corner load
// t Imml s tmmi
203 686
corner load edge load. 0.75 228 457
zzi 0.50
025 /
} f-
12192 \
deflection 0 /
25 50 75 100
load IkN!
a. Test arrangement. b. Test results.
Fig. 2.27. Test arrangement and slab deflection as function of the load
and slab thickness [65].
.lauding. ram for cyclic
bars perpendicularly crossing the smooth contact area, see Fig. 2.28a.
Now, there was no subsoil influencing the response of the dowels to the
shear load. The test results are presented in Fig. 2.28b.
Rasmussen [57] performed tests on dowels perpendicularly protruding from
a large concrete block, see Fig. 2.29a. He found that plastic hinges de
veloped in the bar accompanied by a considerable crushing of the con
crete under the bar. The experimentally obtained ultimate dowel force is
presented in Fig. 2.29b and can be expressed by the following relation:
.dowel |oad
■,,m 40
350 0 10 20 30 40 50
concrete strength t ccy( [MPal
-t- 6»
a. Test arrangement. b. Dowel strength as function of
the concrete strength.
dowel force
d. ultimate dowel force Fq^lkNl
/' i
/ 2919
2.31b. The ultimate dowel force can be expressed by the following empir
ical relation:
F, = 0.2 f s in(9)
du sy ( '* + 0.03 HinO)* -1 [N] (2.7)
o 10° 10 295
A 10° 6.5 247
□ 10° U 257
& • 30° 10 295
1 ■ 40° 10 295
< j
30 40
11.35 10 F, F
d *
/ta [mm] (2.8)
FJ 2' f
du ccm
cross beom
l^-O- aggr. int. specimen
dowel forceiFrj IkSfl
greased plates
Fig. 2.33. Influence of the axial stress upon the dowel force [16],
- 27 -
Vintzeleou [75] carried out dowel action tests with a reinforced version
of the specimen shown in Fig. 2.17. The bars perpendicularly crossed a
joint of 4 mm, thus preventing the aggregate interlock mechanism. Fig.
2.34 presents the experimental results for a steel yield strength of 420
MPa, showing that the dowel strength is approximately proportional to
the square root of the concrete strength.
r„ ultimate dowel force FdufoN
o «8
a *18
• •
0 25 50
concrete s t r e n g t h f , - ^ iMPa]
' "=" = 1 --a f^ï
d, n=l
-1 v 45°
I t -10 mm
0 003 006
slip £^ [mm]
Q. Test specimen. b. Bond stress versus slip.
Fig. 2.37. Test arrangement and experimental results of Klein et al. [35].
librium condition for the normal force on the crack plane due to the ag
gregate interlock mechanism (the dowel force is defined here as the bar
force parallel to the crack plane).
with T , o , f in [MPa]
u n sy
Fig. 2.38. Shear failure of uncracked and cracked reinforced concrete [29],
w i t h T . o , f i n [MPa]
u' n' sy
0 30 60 90 0 t5 90 135 160
angle 6 [degrees! angle 9 Idegrees]
a. Orthogonal reinforcement. b. Parallel reinforcement.
Fig. 2.40. Experimental results of tests Fig. 2.41. Results of tests with a
with various mixtures [41]. normal force [42].
p%E3l ^ *e
20 ///
38 / A '
] Hi.
OS "V^»»
r ^ 2.S
l ^ 0 05 1.0 0 0.5
Mix 3
crack width c^lmm) crack width 6n(mm]
a. Test specimen. b. Crack opening path. c Shear stress versus
crack width.
F i g . 2 , 4 2 . E x p e r i m e n t a l r e s u l t s of Walraven [85].
Apart from tests on plain concrete and on dowel action, Eleiott [16] and
Jimenez [33] performed cyclic push-off tests on cracked reinforced con
crete. Fig. 2.44a-c presents some test results of Jimenez, showing that
the crack response to cyclic loading depends on the initial crack width
and the applied shear stress level. It must be noted that an increase in
the initial crack width is accompanied by an increasing axial steel
stress. Fig. 2.44d presents an experimental result, for which the shear
stress was increased in the 15th cycle. It can be seen that the response
in the 15th cycle tended to the static envelope, which would have been
obtained if the shear load reached this level in the first cycle.
sheor'stress I IMPq) shear stress T JMRa] shear stress I MPal shear stress x IMBa]
n=1 15 I 15 115
i1 I
075 0.75
-0.375 -0375
/ *7, ' 0.375 ƒ0.375
slip^lmm] slipöjlmml
/ -075 -0.75
a 4*22 .brcf 0.50 mm. b. 4329,6^=0 50 mm. c. 4# Hfbo = 0.2S mm d. Increasing stress level.
Mattock [43] carried out cyclic tests on the specimen shown in Fig.
2.45a with a reinforcement ratio ranging from 0.60% to 1.32%. The con
crete strength was approximately 41.6 MPa for the normal weight concrete
and 28.3 MPa for the lightweight concrete with a maximum particle diame
ter of 16 mm and 13 mm respectively. Some schematic presentations of the
relations between the shear stress and the shear displacement are shown
in Fig. 2.45b. During unloading the response was characterized by a re
tention of almost all the shear displacement under maximum shear stress
until the shear stress was reduced to approximately 50 percent of its
maximum value. In all precracked specimens a decrease in crack width at
zero shear stress was observed. This decrease accounted 0.08-0.13 mm
with respect to an initial crack width of 0.25 mm. This crack width
- 36 -
remained constant until shortly before failure. Fig. 2.46a-b shows some
experimental results for both normal weight and lightweight concrete.
shear stress x
shear plane 25t » 127 cvcle shortly before failure
-> (h=— i n * = j i = ! s 1
1 I
i I fsheor displacement fy
U\ 1
f /intermediate
1 / cycle
L «*
»—u190.5 d
200 200
AO O 1
Fig. 2.46. Shear stress versus shear displacement for tests of Mattock [43].
The result for a cyclic loading test is compared with the static test
performed with a similar specimen. Fig.2.46a shows Lhat for the case of
normal gravel concrete, the maximum slip during cycling with a low shear
stress level was approximately equal to the shear displacement occurring
in the monotonie test at the same stress. However, at a shear stress
level of 80 percent of the static shear strength, the slip rapidly in
creased. The same held true for the crack width.
For the cyclic test on lightweight concrete, the shear slip was larger
and the crack width was smaller than those occurring in the monotonie
test at the same shear stress.
- 37 -
2.9. Conclusions.
a S
l 1 S
12 (2.12)
s21 s 2 2
3.1. Introduction.
The survey of the literature yielded the conclusion that there still is
a lack of experimental information with respect to the response of
cracks in concrete to 'low-intensity high-cycle' loading. Therefore, an
experimental study focussing on 'low-intensity high-cycle' fatigue of
offshore structures was started in the Stevin laboratory. For offshore
structures, the Arctic and deep sea environments provide intense dynamic
forces with a loading frequency of approximately 1 cycle per second
[25]. In a substructure placed on the seabed, there generally is a stat
ic load apparent, to which the cyclic load is superimposed. In conse
quence, the shear walls in the base are predominately subjected to re
peated loads. Therefore, the first test series was performed with a re
peated shear load on precracked push-off specimens. In the second test
series, the dowel action was eliminated by using external restraint
bars, enabling a quantification of the contribution of the aggregate in
terlock mechanism to the shear transfer. The magnitude of the contribu
tion of the dowel action is then known. These experiments will be brief
ly described in this Chapter. A full survey of all the experimental re
sults has been given in [56].
The geometry of the test specimen in this experimental program was simi
lar to the push-off specimen used by Walraven in his static tests [81].
The shear area was 36000 (120 x 300 m m 2 ) , see Fig. 3.1. Previously,
shear tests were performed on specimens with a similar shear area, so
the test results can be compared without scale-factors. The specimens
were cast in a steel mould placed horizontally, so that at the time of
casting the shear plane was in a vertical position. The cantilevers of
the specimen were prestressed preventing preliminary failure of these
cantilevers due to secondary cracking. Prior to the actual shear test,
- 40 -
prpstressina duct
200 200
crack plane |
curacy of 0.25 kN. All the signals were led to a micro-computer for
storage and monitor display. In order to reproduce the sinusoidal sig
nals each measured cycle was scanned nine times. A trigger level was
adjusted to the maximum load by means of a special circuit. By sampling
this trigger level it was possible to start the first scan after each
call on the peak value of the applied load.
During the actual test, the specimen was subjected to a shear load,
which alternated between a minimum shear stress level t and a maximum
shear stress level T . The crack displacements were not recorded for the
first few cycles due to the adjustment of the shear stress levels, the
load frequency and the trigger level.
The test variables were the reinforcement ratio and steel yield
strength, the concrete compressive strength, the initial crack width,
the number of cycles and the applied shear stress level.
The normal restraint stiffness depends on the reinforcement ratio p. For
the tests, four and six 8 mm diameter stirrups were used, yielding a
reinforcement ratio of 1.12% and 1.68% respectively. The steel yield
strength of the ribbed bars f was 460 MPa (denoted low-strength) and
550 MPa (denoted high-strength) with a rib coefficient f„ (approximately
the rib heigth/rib distance) equal to 0.050 and 0.059 respectively. The
use of two steel grades provided an opportunity to investigate whether
the reinforcement yielded or not.
The concrete grade f had an average 28-day cube crushing strength of
50 MPa (Mix A) and 70 MPa (Mix B) reflecting the high-strength concrete
used in offshore structures. It can be expected that with increasing
concrete strength an increasing number of particles is fractured during
cracking of the concrete, thus reducing the aggregate interlock mecha
nism. Both mixes had a maximum particle diameter of 16 mm and almost
complied with the Fuller grading curve. Detailed information is given in
Appendix I.
The initial crack width & varied from 0.01 mm to 0.08 mm to ensure a
small crack width (< 0.25 mm) in order to simulate offshore service con
ditions. For the tests, the initial crack width was not an adjusted, but
a measured parameter.
- 42 -
The number of cycles ranged from 118 to 931731 cycles for the test se
ries. The large number of cycles interferred with a good planning of the
tests, in general the experiments did not start at an age of 28 days.
Therefore, the concrete strength at the start of the test was obtained
from Fig. 3.4.
Mix B /
56 84 112
age t Idays]
The applied shear stress level is referred to the static shear strength
obtained in the static tests of Walraven [81]. According to the shear
friction analogy, the shear strength can be expressed as a function of
the yield strength and the reinforcement ratio [84]:
T = a(pf )c (3.1)
u sy
0 106
with a = 0.822 f
0. 303
b = 0.159 f
T , f , f in [MPa]
u ccm sy
n /
10' I0 1 103 10' XT 10° 0 0.25 0.50 075 1.00
number of cycles login) [cycles! crack width o^mm]
a. Crack width versus number of cycles. b. Crack opening path.
The influence of the steel yield strength upon the crack response during
cycling is shown in Fig. 3.6a-b. The specimens Nos. A/4L/.77/7.2/.04 and
A/4H/.78/8.0/.04 were subjected to a nearly equal percentage of the
static shear strength (77% and 78% respectively). Both specimens exhib
ited a similar behaviour with respect to the crack displacement increase
during cycling and followed an identical crack opening path. This indi
cates. that the influence of the steel yield strength can be properly
taken into account by eq. (3.1) for the static strength. The actual max
imum shear stress was 7.2 MPa for specimen No. A/4L/.77/7.2/.04 and 8.0
MPa for specimen No. A/4H/.78/8.0/.04 with a calculated static shear
strength of 9.38 MPa and 10.26 MPa respectively.
050 050
0.25 025
V /
,^i^Z- ^\A(4U6)/6.1/.03
/ 1 1
10' 102 103 10' O5 10* 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
number of cycles login) Icyclesl c r a c k width ö^mm]
075 0.75
^5^ BKL/.6S/8.0/.C 1
— - " * " " _——"1
« = 0.10(—)2 + [0.15(—)3 + O.A0(—)9Jlog(n) + 0.20(—)* 2 [log(n) ]'»
n T T T T
- 48 -
6 t = 0.10(^2)2 + [0.07(—)3 + 0 . 7 0 ( ^ ) 9 ] l o g ( n ) + 1 . 1 7 ( ^ ) 2 6 [ l o g ( n ) ] 5
u *
/o9° L
10* W* O* O4 nl «'
number of cycles login) (cycles) number of cycles login) [cycles)
a. Crack width versus number of cycles. b. Shear displacement versus number of cycles.
Fig. 3,10. The influence of the applied shear stress level for mix A.
i f ■
i f
i 1
t f
t 1
0.50 j /
/ »07
■^^ZlS— r r r m —"2.0 w
10' O* 0
number of cycles login) Icyclesl number of cycles login) (cycles)
a. Crack width versus number of cycles. a. Crack width versus number of cycles.
Fig. 3 . 1 1 . The influence of the applied Fig. 3.12* The crack response
shear s t r e s s l e v e l for mix B. a c e . to eq. ( 3 . 2 ) .
In the expressions (3.2) for the crack displacements, the minimum shear
stress T is not apparent. One should assume that the ratio of the ap-
- 49 -
Fig. 3.13. The shear stress level versus the number of cycles till failure.
Fig. 3.13 presents the relationship between the applied shear stress
level and the number of cycles till failure. Despite of the large scat
ter, the following mean relation was derived by means of a regression
■— = 1.00 - 0.07361og(n ) (3.3)
The specimens, which did not fail during cycling, were subsequently
sheared-off in a static test. Table 3.3 lists the ratio of the shear
strength according to eq. (3.1) to the experimentally obtained strength.
An average ratio of 1.01 with a coefficient of variation of 0.08 was
found. Therefore, it can be concluded that pre-loading with a low shear
stress has no measurable influence upon the crack response to higher
static shear loads. A similar conclusion can be drawn with respect to
higher repeated shear loads. The specimens Nos. B/4L/.57/7.0/.03 and
B/6L/.53/8.0/.06 were firstly loaded to 57 and 53 percent of their
static strength respectively. Both specimens endured more than 250000
cycles. Subsequently, they were subjected to a repeated load of 65 per-
- 50 -
cent of their static strength. Shear failure occurred after 88500 and
20631 cycles respectively. These numbers of cycles were in reasonable
agreement with the 57500 cycles according to eq. (3.3).
Code T T
U u,th u u, l h
[N/mm2] [N/mm?]
Contrary to the previous test series, the normal restraint stiffness was
not applied by means of embedded reinforcement, but by means of four
external restraint bars. This test series comprised 14 repeated loading
tests focussing upon the aggregate interlock mechanism. The specimen is
shown in Fig. 3.14.
shear load
prestressinq strand
Fig. 3.14. Test specimen with external restraint bars.
The dimensions of the specimen were the same as in the previous series.
Now, no bars crossed the crack plane. The auxiliary reinforcement was
still apparent preventing preliminary failure of the specimen. At the
small sides of the specimen steel plates were placed interconnected by
four 20 mm diameter bars. A thin layer of rapidly hardening sand-cement
paste placed between the steel plates and the concrete surface of the
specimen ensured an almost linear interaction between crack-opening and
restraint force. However, the restraint stiffness remained low compared
with the specimens having embedded reinforcement. To ensure a small
crack width during the first cycles all the specimens were prestressed
with an initial normal stress on the crack plane ranging from 0.8-3.6
The instrumentation used in this part of the experimental program was
nearly the same as used for the reinforced specimens, see Section 3.2.1.
The addition made for this test series was the recording of the steel
strains of the external restraint bars by means of strain gauges.
- 52 -
The concrete strength, the initial crack width, the number of cycles and
the applied maximum shear stress level were variables as already de
scribed in Section 3.2.2. Now, the initial normal stress was an addi
tional variable instead of the reinforcement ratio for the specimens
with embedded reinforcement. The initial normal stress was relatively
high (0.8-3.6 MPa) to ensure very small crack widths. Unfortunately,
Walraven [81] performed static tests on similar specimens without such a
high initial normal stress. Therefore, the static shear strength ob
tained in his tests provided only global information for the static
shear strength in the present test series. Furthermore, for plain con
crete no actual shear failure occurred due to the increasing normal
stress. In consequence, no shear stress level could be determined
without performing static shear tests with a high normal stress. Because
of the better fundamental insight in the mechanism of aggregate inter
lock as a result of Walraven's theoretical work (see Chapter A and
[81]), it was decided to perform repeated loading tests with various
maximum shear loads in spite of a lack of knowledge about the actual
static shear strength. As for the previous test series, the applied mi
nimum shear stress was 0.3 MPa.
f M' li
o-no= 1.90 MPo
— = 6„
■i i
it ii
1 / i'
0.25 0.50 0.75 100 050 0.75 1.00
crack displacement 6 Imml crock width 6n[mm]
The relationship between the normal stress and the crack width was in
the same range for both mixes, see Fig. 3.16.
The influence of the magnitude of the initial crack width upon the crack
response to repeated shear loading is shown in Fig. 3.17a. The specimens
Nos. A/1.3/5.0/.01 and A/1.9/5.0/.19 had an initial crack width equal to
0.01 mm and 0.19 mm respectively.
crack width 6n Imml . normal stress dn IMRal
/ A/1.3/50 fll
o. Crock width versus number of cycles. b. Normal stress versus crock width.
The last mentioned specimen had a very large crack width during pre-
cracking due to a bad fitting of the steel restraint plates to the con
crete surface. Although a high normal stress was applied to the crack
plane, it was not possible to completely re-close the crack. Therefore,
this specimen had an initial crack width, which was not in the range re-
- 55 -
A/I.3/S.0/.0I . 1
i i A/2.V6.I/.0I
< r
0.50 // !i
A;O8/5.5/.0I / |
^P /
' n r 7.7MRJ
i M!
Mix A i Ms
0.50 1 A
Shear failure occurred when the crack faces became unable to transfer
the applied shear stress and was characterized by an abrupt increase in
the crack displacements, instead of the gradual increase observed for
the reinforced specimens. The crack opening paths for mix A varied only
within a small range, see Fig. 3.20a. For mix B, a somewhat wider range
was found, with a crack opening path slightly deviating from the mean
- 57 -
0 321 0 "(27
1.647 f * o (3.A)
can n
reinforce d specimens
2.< A
0 •
—" o
0.50 •
J*^ 0
08 0.25
l(o • Mix A
a Walraven
A Mix B
o Daschner
Fig. 3.21. Shear strength versus Fig. 3.22. Shear stress level versus
normal stress [82]. number of cycles till
For the present test series, the normal stress at the onset of shear
failure was presented in [56]. Inserting this value of the normal stress
into eq. (3.A), the number of cycles till failure is related to the
(approximated) shear stress level, see Fig. 3.22. Despite of the scatter
of the results, it appeared that most of the plain concrete specimens
endured less cycles till failure than the reinforced specimens at the
same shear stress level. In Fig. 3.22 this is shown by means of the
- 58 -
fractured particles =
* . m *• . . ■••'
black area
• *'** / .
4.1. Introduction.
In the Chapters 4 and 5, all the attention will be devoted to the physi
cal understanding of the shear transfer mechanisms in cracks in plain
and reinforced concrete. Therefore, models referred to in the litera
ture, which are mainly based upon empirically derived relations between
the stresses and displacements in the crack plane, such as the shear
friction-analogy, are not discussed here.
Physical models properly describing the response of the mechanisms of
aggregate interlock and dowel action are basically derived for the case
of increasing static shear loads [22,57,81]. These models wil be ex
tended to the case of a repeated or reversed shear load with a constant
amplitude. Therefore, the existing models will be briefly discussed and
their presentation will be adapted to the case of constant shear loads.
Furthermore, newly observed material behaviour is incorporated into
these models. Next, the response of cracks in reinforced concrete to
static shear loads is described on the basis of the crack opening path.
It is shown how the transfer mechanisms affect the crack opening direc
Finally, in Chapter 5 the existing models will be adapted to the case of
repeated and reversed shear loads. A distinction is made between the
description of 'high-intensity low-cycle' fatigue on the one hand and
'low-intensity high-cycle' fatigue on the other hand.
Walraven [81] developed a physical model, based upon the assumption that
concrete can be conceived as a composition of two basically different
materials; the strong and stiff glacial river aggregate particles and
the matrix material consisting of hardened cement paste with a much
lower strength and stiffness. If a crack is formed in the concrete, it
wil run through the matrix material and along the interface of the ma
trix and the particles. Therefore, the crack plane exhibits a global
undulation caused by the irregular shape of the crack faces and a local
- 60 -
roughness due to the particles protruding from the crack plane. The
roughness due to the protruding particles dominates the roughness caused
by the global undulation. The crack plane can therefore be approximated
by a flat plane intersected by stiff particles. Next, the irregularly
shaped particles are randomly orientated. The most accurate simplifica
tion of the particles is to consider them as spheres. The crack plane
according to Walraven's assumptions is shown in Fig. 4.1. His schematic
two-phase presentation of the actual crack plane provides a physically
close approximation of the experimentally observed crack response to
static shear loads. The particles are regarded as rigid spheres embedded
in the matrix material, which is considered as a rigid material with
crushing strength a . In consequence, the particles are undeformably
crushing the matrix during shear sliding.
Whether a particle makes contact with the opposing crack face depends
upon the particle size, its embedment depth, the crack width and the
shear displacement. An interesting aspect of Walraven's schematic pre
sentation of the crack plane is that the total contact area of all the
particles in a unit area of the crack plane can be determined analyti
cally. Considering a gradation according to Fuller's ideal curve, Wal
raven quantified the projected contact areas a and a for any given
x y
particle during shear sliding, see Fig. 4.2a. For a thin slice of the
crack plane the particles reduce to circles, which apparance in the
crack plane is described by a probability density function. The projec
ted contact areas in this thin slice can be determined analytically
- 61 -
being the distance between the intersection point of two circles and the
intersection point of a straight line and a circle. All the projected
contact areas a and a are summed up numerically yielding the total
r J contact areas Ax and Ay for a unit area of the crack rplane.
Now, the equilibrium condition for this unit area can be described by,
see Fig. A.2b:
T = o (A + uA ) (4.1a)
a pu y x
o=o (A - uA ) (4.1b)
a pu x y
= 0.4 4.ld)
Fig. 4.3 presents a comparison of the model with some typical test re
sults [81]. Apart from his own experimental results, Walraven's model
provides good predictions for tests of Paulay el: al. [50] and Millard et
al. [45].
o a »100 _
„shear stress i Q I MPa]
Opo °"pu
20 12 10
'V 1.5
/ max
V,* JC
—10 mm
-16 mm
32 mm
1.0 L f /
/ u .
0.1 mm M*?- ^
hormal stress OQ [MR]) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 0.5 1.0 15
crack width C^ [mm! crack width 6^ [mm)
a. Shear stress. b. Normal stress.
Fig. 4.3. Comparison of the model with Fig. 4.4. Crack opening path ace.
experimental results [81]. to the model.
°TOX ■ 16 mm
; / 1
/ / /
/ / / /
' y
into account all the particles intersecting the crack plane. In fact
this calculation is performed similarly to the numerical solution of the
total contact areas of the two-phase model of Walraven using the proba
bility density function. For a maximum particle diameter of 16 mm, the
additional condition to Walraven's model is presented in Fig. A.6b.
Other maximum particle diameters yield only slightly different results.
The model is valid when the crack opening direction is according to Fig.
4.6b or steeper. The experimentally observed crack opening paths in Wal
raven's static test series generally fulfilled this condition. It must
be realized that the matrix strength and the coefficient of friction
were determined from these results, thus accounting for some influence
of the previously followed crack opening path.
For the case of a less steep crack opening direction the transferred
stresses will be less than according to the two-phase model.
The mechanism of dowel action is based upon the response of a bar and
the surrounding concrete to a lateral bar displacement. As described in
Section 2.4, failure of a dowel occurs due to crushing of the concrete
and yielding of the bar when the concrete cover of the bar is suffi
ciently large to prevent splitting failure. For the case of crushing
failure three mechanisms can be distinguished, according to Paulay [51]:
a. bending; the dowel force is transmitted due to bending of the bar.
For this mechanism the ultimate load is reached due to yielding of
the bar.
b. pure shear; it is expected that the transfer of dowel force by means
of pure shear is unlikely because of the deterioration of the con
crete at the vicinity of the bar. Therefore, the resulting dowel
forces at both sides of the crack plane have a relatively large ec
centricity resulting in yielding of the bar due to bending.
c. kinking; for a considerable lateral bar displacement the axial bar
force in the crack plane has a component parallel to the crack direc
tion, see Fig. 4.7. For the case of cracked concrete the crack width
remains small relatively to the bar diameter. Hence, the effect of
kinking of the bar will be small (except for the case of large crack
widths in combination with small bar diameters).
- 65 -
The ultimate dowel force is reached when plastic hinges develop in the
bar. Therefore, this mechanism is affected by both the properties of
concrete and steel. The most important parameters are the bar diameter,
the concrete strength, the axial steel stress and the steel yield
JtT^-'-~'~• .\- ■■ ■ v.~v7\-v~'"v-As',■.'.'??syZ/
d - -r-r--i-T- -
reaction stresses ~- -J
Fig. A.8. Bar considered as a beam on elastic foundation.
6 =F L_ [mm] (4.2)
t 'd 28 3 El
- 66 -
wlth B = ,/__
1 75 0 75 ,
F = 3.56 * ♦ " * Kr * 6 [N] (4.3)
d i t
1.75 . .
So the dowel force is proportional to <t> . Jimenez [34] based a simi
lar relation also on a beam on elastic foundation:
with $, 6 in [mm]
ing that the concrete supporting the bar is deformed by the dowel force
up to a distance of twice the bar diameter. Assuming linear elastic ma
terial behaviour it was found that:
K r = ^T [MPa/mm] (A.5)
t zq>
^ > ^
Fig. 4.9. Foundation modulus as function of the lateral bar displacement.f 51]
Equation (4.5) appeared to be valid for dowel loads less than 50 percent
of the ultimate dowel force. In fact, for very low dowel forces, the
concrete stressed by the dowel load is situated close to the bar. For
that case the distance will be smaller than twice the bar diameter. In
consequence, the foundation modulus will increase. Indeed, according to
experimental observations reported by Paulay [51] the foundation modulus
must decrease with increasing lateral bar displacements, see Fig. 4.9.
Millard [45] found experimentally that the initial foundation modulus of
concrete was equal to 750 MPa/mm for moderate strength concrete. For
high-strength concrete the value of the foundation modulus was found to
be proportional to the square root of the concrete strength.
It must be noted that the stress distribution according to Timoshenko's
theory does not agree with the real distribution of the reaction
stresses in the concrete, see Fig. 4.10.
With increasing dowel force the concrete stresses at the vicinity of the
bar exceed the uniaxial compressive strength. However, the surrounding
concrete provides a considerable confining pressure, thus yielding a
triaxial compressive zone under the bar. Therefore, the concrete
strength can be several times as high as the uniaxial strength.
- 68 -
w^ ■r -T — T-T-.
., i'i Y
u /
Now, the bar itself becomes the weakest link and the ultimate dowel
force is reached when the bar yields.
Rasmussen [57] performed tests on dowels protruding from a large con
crete block, see Section 2.4. Apart from his experimental study, Rasmus-
sen modelled the dowel action according to the behaviour of the steel
dowels in timber structures. Fig. 4.11 presents the failure mechanism in
which a plastic hinge is. situated at some distance to the 'crack plane'.
In the plastic hinge the plastic moment of the bar is reached, which is
equal to 0.167 f <t>3. Now, the equilibrium condition yields:
sy '
Fd = B 4>2 / f ccyli fsy [N] (4.6a)
lA ccyl
e = eccentricity of the dowel load [mm]
C = empirical constant
f ,, f in [MPa], <t> in [mm]
ccyl' sy ' '
Fig.4.11. Failure mechanism according to Rasmussen [57].
is based upon a failure criterion, which was used by Broms [7] to de
scribe the ultimate lateral force for a pile in a cohesive soil. In
Vintzeleou's approach, no empirical constant is used for the calculation
of the ultimate dowel force. Fig. 4.12 presents Broms' failure mecha
nism. The soil at the vicinity of the surface reacts less stiff than the
soil situated at some distance from the surface, where the compressive
strength of approximately five times the uniaxial strength is obtained.
According to Vintzeleou, there is no decrease in stiffness at the vicin
ity of the crack plane for a bar embedded in concrete.
For the failure mechanism presented in Fig. 4.13, Vintzeleou derived the
following expression for the ultimate dowel force:
reaction stresses
-I 5»
approximated reaction stresses.
c = cohesion = 0.5 t c c y l
loss of bond
Fig. 4.IA. Failure mechanism of bar Fig. A.15 The equilibrium condition
due to plastification. for the plastic hinge.
L = 0: (A + A ) f z = A, f zu+ 2A f (z - z) (A.8b)
a c sy c b sy b a sy n
z = 0.67 3
r. sin3(0)
z (4.8f)
b A
0.67 r3 sin3(0)
2 + 2 (4.8g)
a c
The plastic moment can now be calculated as a function of z according
n °
to e q s . (4.8a-g). This is shown in Fig 4.17, in which the distance z is
related to the radius of the bar r. The shift of the neutral axis of the
bar can be determined if the eccentricity of the bond force is known.
The eccentricity of the bond force is related to the distribution of the
bond stresses. This distribution is not exactly known, but can be deter
mined with reasonable accuracy.
First, the bond stress is related to the steel strain. Therefore, the
bond stress is proportional to r cos(a), see Fig. 4.18. Second, the
bond stress is influenced by the normal pressure on the bar. Untrauer
[72] found that the bond stress is proportional to / o . According to a
linear elastic response, the normal stress can be approximated by:
AD , v
a = — cos(a) (4.9)
n rtr
- 73 -
= f(cos',5(a)) (4.10)
The magnitude of the eccentricity of the bond force can now be calcu
lated according to, see Fig. A.18:
f T, , cos(0)d0 ƒ cos ' (a) cos(0)d0
o o
Z r (4.11)
n= r
it/2-B ^ 7r"2 ^ 6 1 5
J J cos ' (a)d0
with a
Tt - 26 relative eccentricity z n /r
neutral axis
-shifted n.a.
cosl5(ol 0.25
0 « 90
angle ' Y (degreesi
Fig. 4.18. The distribution of Fig. 4.19. The eccentricity of the bond
the bond stresses. as function of y.
The steel close to the shifted neutral axis of the bar will slip rela
tively to the concrete due to the reduced bond as a result of the low
normal stress. Therefore, the concrete at the vicinity of the shifted
neutral axis will provide only a minor contribution to the bond force.
This is shown by the dashed line in Fig. 4.18, assuming that for an
angle y there is little bond between steel and concrete. Now, eq. (4.11)
1./2-B-Y s
J cos * (a) cos(0)dO
n/r = ,/2-B-Y 1 > s
Note that the plastic moment is 34 percent higher than the plastic mo
ment of the bare bar according to the theory of plasticity. For this
case the neutral axis is shifted over a distance equal to 0.14r. In con
sequence 6 is equal to 8 degrees, which is in good agreement with the
assumption of 10 degrees.
Now, the equilibrium according to Fig. 4.14 becomes:
F = X f ,4. (4.15)
du ccyl
with f = mean compressive strength of the multi-axially loaded con
n = f ,/f .
ccyl ccyl
e / ccyl
e * ' f
<t>, e in [mm], f , , f in [MPa]
ccyl sy
0.5 F
e = 0.5 L = A . i- , [mm] (4.19)
T~t sy/0.6
± | mm]
= o.39 4 /f ^
The average value of the ratio between steel strength and concrete
strength was equal to 10.77 for the tests of Rasmussen. N o w , combination
of the eqs. (4.17a) and (4.19) yields:
- 76 -
e /f "
E = / / ccm
♦ f—
H 1-
Pa u lay
□ 7 Rasmussen
9 o Vintzeleou
o Utescher
3T=0998 ; c.ov = 17.2%
60 100
The interaction between the axial steel force and the ultimate dowel
force can be satisfactorily predicted by the eq. (4.21) proposed by
Vintzeleou [75] with n and m equal to 2. See Fig. 4.23:
F. F / F
r " in i s \m , n/, i s im (4.21)
du sy sy
with F.
a = dowel force
F, = ultimate dowel force according to eq. (4.20b)
- 78 -
Fd ' F * .
•J^N. model
\ \ \X
PW- \
l'dull'syl \\
Fig. 4.23. The dowel force as a func Fig. A.24. The shift of the neutral
tion of the axial steel axis as a function of
force. the axial force.
Eqs. (4.20b) and (4.21) can be combined for the ultimate dowel force,
thus yielding an expression for bars with an axial steel force. This
expression is compared with experimental results of Millard [45], see
Fig. 4.25. The experimental result of test 25L is obviously disturbed.
This was probably due to the fact that for the small 8 mm diameter bar
used in this test, the strain gauges were stuck to the surface of the
bar thus influencing the bond of the bar to the concrete. Neglecting
this result, an average ratio of the predicted to the experimentally ob
tained dowel strength equal to 1.02 with a coefficient of variation of
8.1% is found. Detailed information is presented in Appendix II.
Bars generally cross a crack plane at different angles. For inclined
bars, the angle of inclination influences the magnitude of the ultimate
dowel force. Two cases of inclined bars can be distinguished. First, for
small angles of inclination, the concrete supporting the bar will re
spond less stiff to lateral bar displacements than is the case for bars
perpendicular to the crack plane. This is caused by the less favourable
shape of the concrete, which might cause inclined cracking. Second, for
large angles of inclination, the concrete will provide a stiff response
- 79 -
/ Spec men ♦ 0%
No. Imm] IMFbl
• A3 12 0
21L 0
22L 12 0
D 12 0
/ 24 L ■ 16 0
25L A 8 0
/ 26L 1 12 175
/ 27L O 12 3«
du= Fdu,9oSin(6) (4.22)
- 80 -
— - siniei
— model
• exp. Dulacska
i5° 90"
angle of inclination 0 [degrees!
Fig. A.26. Bar with a small angle Fig. 4.27. Dowel strength related to
of inclination. the angle of inclination.
" \
90° 135° 180°
angle of inclination 6 [degrees]
Fig. 4.28. Bar with a large angle Fig. A.29. Dowel strength related to
of inclination. the angle of inclination.
Simultaneously with the dowel force, an axial force deveLops in the bar,
influencing the magnitude of the dowel force according to eq.(4.14). The
axial force is equal to F tan(0 - 0.5 n ) . Thus an implicit expression
is obtained for the dowel force by inserting this axial force into eq.
(4.21) and combining it with eq. (4.20b). Therefore, this expression is
solved numerically. Fig. 4.29 presents the dowel force as a function of
the angle of inclination. The ratio f It is taken equal to 10. The
sy ccm
dowel. force is related to the dowel resistance of a bar perpendicularly
crossing the crack plane with zero-eccentricity. The externally measured
force consists of contribution of the dowel force and axial steel force.
It can be concluded, that the dowel force of a bar with a large angle of
inclination can be calculated according to eq. (4.20b) with an addition
al eccentricity.
Vintzeleou [75] and Millard [46] have already demonstrated that the com
bined mechanism of aggregate interlock and dowel action is suitable for
predicting the shear resistance of cracked concrete according to the
equilibrium condition shown in Fig. 4.30. However, for push-off experi
ments with a very small initial crack width as performed by Walraven
- 82 -
*. -
4 l external shear load ^s^
2 dowel force ^ s ^
3 normal force due lo '' 4
aggregate interlock.
Fig. 4.31. Shear stress versus crack Fig. 4.32. Theoretical and experi-
width for plain concrete [85]. mental crack opening path
for reinf. specimens [85].
Assuming that this holds true for reinforced specimens, the crack open
ing path followed during the tests will provide a constant contribution
of the aggregate interlock to the transferred shear stress. According to
this, the crack opening path for different shear stress levels (trans
ferred by aggregate interlock) can be drawn, see Fig. 4.4 in Section
Indeed, the crack opening paths obtained in Wal raven's tests fit reason
ably with the calculated crack opening paths, see Fig. 4.32. Further
more, the calculated crack opening direction explains the difference in
crack opening paths obtained in the experiments of Walraven [85] and
Millard [46]. The maximum particle diameter used by Walraven and by
- 84 -
i /
1.0 i / '
■ft u
10 Imml
0 0.5 1.0
A6 X + 0.56 2X
t _ n jpprox. — (4.25)
A6 0.5 ♦
AS .
-r^- = 0.736 J i l l (4.25a)
AS sy ccm
n '
t 2f
= /12°ISZ ( 4 - 8 ) C
n no
[mm] (4.27)
with S = initial crack width
6„, S , & in [mm], f , f in [MPa]
t' no' n ' ccm' sy
sheor d i splaceme n t 6t IromI shear displacement 6| Imml shear displacement 6|lmml shear displacement 6t Imml
19mm mix
D^lOmm W "max 'ccn
-IS. 100. Imm] IMPi
°pu t^OSMfti 1 16 37
10 IB k 3 16 56
4 16 20
5 32 38
determined — exp — exp
by oggr int. - - - model — model
J//r /
0.5 0.5
by dowel act.
For very small values of the initial crack width a minimum value of 0.1
mm is used, accounting for the larger crack width, which occurs during
pre-cracking the specimen. From the experimental results of Vintzeleou
[75], it was found that 6 was obtained for a dowel force equal to
t ,e
41 percent of the ultimate dowel force. Inserting this value into eq.
(4.2) yields:
[mtt] (A 29)
«t,."-2-p-Sr -
with 6 = »/m
-7 0.60 1 2
6 = 1.31 10 * (f f ) * [mm] (4.31)
t,e ccm sy
- 87 -
For a large initial crack width, eq. (A.31) becomes of minor importance
proportional to the crack width.
Now, the crack opening path can be described according to the transfer
mechanisms. However, the bars crossing the crack plane restrain the
crack opening due to the normal stress caused by the mechanism of aggre
gate interlock. For increasing crack displacements this normal stress
can become so high,, that the restraining force in the bars is equal to
the yield force. A further increase in crack displacements should ful
fill the equilibrium condition according to Fig. 4.29. Therefore, it was
expected that the crack opening direction was now determined by a con
stant contribution of the aggregate interlock mechanism to the normal
stress. However, it was found experimentally [85], that the crack open
ing path was hardly affected by the yielding of the bars. This can be
easily explained by the additional condition to the two-phase model as
presented in Fig. 4.6. In the case of yielding of the bars, the increase
in crack width exceeds the increase in shear slip, thus causing a dra
matic decrease in the magnitude of the contact areas. In consequence,
the normal stress decreases and makes equilibrium with the yield
strength in the bars. Due to the decrease in contact areas the shear
stress decreases also. According to the two-phase model this decrease is
less pronounced than the decrease of the normal stress. However, for an
easy calculation method, the reduction in shear stress is related to the
decrease in normal stress. This yields:
f P f
_li =
Y = 52 (4.32)
a o o
s a
Now, the combined mechanism will be shown by means of an example of
Walraven's test specimen No. 110208c For this test, the cube compres-
sive strength was 35.9 N/mm2. The maximum particle diameter was 16 mm.
The steel yield strength was equal to 460 N/mm2. Four 8 mm diameter bars
were used, corresponding to a reinforcement ratio of 0.0056. The exter
nally measured shear stress consists of the contributions of dowel ac
tion and aggregate interlock according to:
Y (4.33a)
cal a a 'd d
o = Y o (4.33b)
cal a a
- 88 -
Table 4.1 lists the results of the calculation for test No. 110208t. The
theoretical crack opening path is calculated according to eq. (4.27) and
according to Fig. 4.4 for x equal to 3.8 MPa. The theoretical results
are in reasonable agreement with the experimental results. This holds
true for both the crack opening path and the shear stress - crack width
relation. Both relations are shown in Fig. 4.36a-b.
5 6 6 X 0 T Y Y T
n t t a a
d d a cal exp
exp • calc. calc .
mm mm mm N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm 2
N/mm 2
.02 .00 .00 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
.05 .03 .03 0.9 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.4 2.5
.10 .07 .07 3.3 0.2 0.7 .99 1.0 4.0 3.8
.20 .17 .17 3.8 0.7 1.1 .96 1.0 4.9 4.5
.30 .28 .28 3.8 1.0 1.2 .92 1.0 4.9 5.0
.40 .40 .40 3.8 1.1 1.2 .90 1.0 4.9 5.1
.50 .57 .53 3.8 1.3 1.2 .86 1.0 4.8 5.0
.60 .71 .66 3.8 1.5 1.2 .81 1.0 4.8 4.9
.70 .88 .84 3.8 1.7 1.2 .75 1.0 4.7 4.7
.80 1.10 1.00 3.8 1.8 1.2 .72 1.0 4.7 4.4
.90 1.30 1.20 3.8 2.1 1.2 .58 1.0 4.5 3.9
1.00 1.50 1.40 3.8 2.2 1.2 .52 1.0 4.4
Fig. 4.36c presents the comparison between a few experimental and cal
culated results. The calculations for these tests are carried out in the
same way as has been done for specimen No. 110208t. The agreement
between the calculated and experimental results is quite satisfactory.
- 89 -
Na II02081 r
No. n0206t
F model
I i X
'.'.Z f*>
IW w *- Fj,=constant
7 t 7
a. Push-off element b. Restrained deformation c. Constant normal force
top toads
a. Front view
Fig. 4.38 presents a wall, which is cast between two storage tanks. Due
to shrinkage, the strain in the element is 300.10 . A subsequent drop
in temperature of 20 degrees causes an additional strain of 240.10 .
This thermal deformation is not followed by the tanks, due to the tem
perature of the fluid in the tanks.
Due to this shortening, the element will have an almost fully developed
crack pattern, see Fig. 4.39. The model, which is used to describe the
bond behaviour, is not discussed here, because of its minor importance.
The calculated crack width is 0.106 mm due to an axial steel stress of
152 MPa. The mean crack distance is equal to 190 mm.
- 91 -
6 6 T a T Y Ao Ao
t a d \ d s,c s,cr
[mm] [mm] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] I ~ ] [ - ] [MPa] [MPa]
6 Ao Ao 0 T A6 T
n \ s,c s,cr
a a
no d
[mm] [mm] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [mm] [MPa]
The decrease in external normal stress on the crack plane can be taken
into account by reducing the initial crack width with A6 . This change
in initial crack width can be calculated because the crack displacement
in Table 4.3 must be compatible with the crack displacements according
to eq. (4.27). As a consequence, the ultimate dowel force is reached at
a shear displacement equal to 6 + 6 - A6 . According to the model,
^ t,e no no
any further crack opening will be determined by the crack opening direc
tion for a constant contribution of the aggregate interlock mechanism to
the transfer of shear stress. However, in this case the influence of the
- 93 -
external normal stress is larger than the normal stress according to the
dowel action mechanism (Ac ). As a consequence, the crack opening
s , cr
path is determined according to the equilibrium between the internal
normal stress due to aggregate interlock o and the external normal
stress according to line A-B in Fig. 4.39. The crack response for the
cases a and b is shown in Fig. 4.40.
shear stress T iMPo] shear displacement 6f (rnml
failure due to
"/ ƒ
incline d cracks *"
case h
/case b . case a
r p
-fase a
F i g . 4 . 4 0 . C a l c u l a t e d crack response.
crock plane
I 100 ! 30 | 100 ,
the neutral axis of the bar near the crack plane, see Fig. 4.41. The
overall dimensions of the gauge were 20 m x 2 mm with a working length
of 8 mm x 1 mm [71].
A total of six push-off tests was performed. Three series of two speci
mens were subjected to static, sustained and repeated shear loading. The
results of the static tests will be briefly discussed here.
In theory, the bolt gauges, which were in the neutral axis of the bare
bar, reflected the strain due to the equilibrium with the normal stress
caused by aggregate interlock. However, according to the model of dowel
action the neutral axis was shifted to the supported side of the bar. In
consequence, the ends of the strain gauges were situated in regions of
the bar, which were highly strained. According to the model, the plastic
hinges are situated rather close to the crack plane, so that the ends of
the gauge nearly reached the yield strain. Thus, the average recorded
strain according to the model will be considerably larger than is neces
sary to make equilibrium with the normal force due to aggregate inter
lock. Indeed, this phenomena was observed in the experiments. Taking
into account the yield strength at the ends of the gauge, the average
normal stress according to the model agrees reasonably with the experi
mental results, see Fig. 4.42.
Due to the plastic hinges, which are apparent in the bar according to
the dowel action model, a marked localization of the elongation of the
steel occurred during shearing-off. Therefore, a microscopic examination
of the steel crystals at the vicinity of the crack plane was performed.
The theoretical.shift of the neutral axis could be roughly determined by
means of this localized orientation. The bars, which were not prepared
with a bolt gauge, were carefully removed after testing. A total of 22
specimens was obtained from the six push-off specimens. Ignoring the
- 95 -
model sf experimen
plastic hinges ,/^~
s /
1 /
1 /
1 /
s.aggr. int. 1/ ^ . - r . d u e to aqqr. int.
0 0.25 0.50 075 1.00
crack width ön[mm!
a. Stresses in the gauge. b. Normal stress versus crack width.
Fig. 4. 42. Normal stress versus crack width for test Dl [21].
5.1. Introduction.
The static models of aggregate interlock and dowel action, which are de
scribed in Chapter 4, will be adapted to the case of a repeated or a re
versed shear load. Although the crack response remains essentially the
same, a distinction is made between 'high-intensity low-cycle' fatigue
and 'low-intensity high-cycle' fatigue. This distinction is made for
practical reasons. For 'low-intensity' tests as described in Chapter 3,
the increments of the crack displacements per cycle can be far less than
the numerical accuracy of any numerical program. Therefore, this type of
test cannot be analysed by calculating all subsequent load cycles. In
consequence', the physical models must describe the over-all response de
gradation and irreversible deformations of the concrete due to cycling.
The same holds true for analyzing the response of large-scale structures
to millions of load cycles with a low amplitude. Over-all characteris
tics, such as reduced shear stiffness and increased crack displacements,
will then be used in numerical programs for analyzing the response of
the structure to subsequent load cycles with a very high amplitude. For
these 'high-intensity' cycles, the displacement increments can be deter
mined accurately in a numerical program. Therefore, in this Chapter
'low-intensity' fatigue will be treated by means of the description of
the over-all behaviour. On the other hand, 'high-intensity' fatigue will
be analysed in detail by means of the physical transfer mechanisms.
As in Chapter 4, first the transfer mechanisms will be dealt with sepa
rately. Finally, the response of cracked reinforced concrete to repeated
and reversed shear loading is analysed.
a. Ascending branch
c Descending branch.- zero-stress. d. Fully reversed loading.
Fig. 5.1a shows that the ascending branch of the first cycle can be de
scribed with the static two-phase model. After reaching the maximum
applied shear stress, the shear load is decreased. Consequently, the
normal restraint force will re-close the crack. However, the friction in
the contact area will counteract this displacement to a certain extent.
Walraven derived the following expression for the reduction in shear
stress before any displacement backwards can occur, see Fig. 5.1b:
T A - uA A - uA
_ _ _X £ _%_ X (5.1)
T A + uA A + uA
m x y y x
A further decrease in shear load forces the crack to close until the
initial crack width is obtained (then the normal force becomes zero).
Simultaneously, the shear displacement decreases, but reaches not its
original value due to the deformed matrix material, see Fig. 5.1c. This
shear displacement can be determined by means of the static two-phase
model, inserting the initial crack width and zero-shear stress. Reducing
the shear displacement to its original value only some friction due to
- 99 -
rubble in the crack plane causes a low shear stiffness. The crack re
sponse during sliding in the opposite direction is similar to the pre
viously described, see Fig. 5.Id. During re-loading in the following
cycle, the shear displacement increases without (hardly) any shear load,
see Fig. 5.2a. This free slip is caused by the already deformed matrix
material. A further increase in shear load brings the particle in firm
contact with the opposing crack face, see Fig. 5.2b. The contact area
can now, however, not be calculated according to the analytical two-
phase model.
' H-A
° y = H "^o
10' y IO
r\, 0 5 't 6 8 10
p(D ) = ^ (0.532x " - 0.212x - 0.075x - 0.036x - 0.025x ) (5.2)
This modification of the two-phase model will be denoted here as the nu
merical contact model. A listing of the program is presented in Appendix
With this model, Walraven simulated the cyclic push-off tests of Laible
[36,37]. The particles used in this test series had a moderate strength.
Consequently, the number of particles fractured during cracking of the
concrete was large with respect to the number of fractured glacial river
particles used by Walraven. Hence, a reduction of the total contact
areas must be taken into account. Furthermore, the coefficient of fric
tion must be adjusted to the proper value for this type of aggregate.
From the experimental results of the first cycle of the test, Walraven
derived a reduction factor of 0.75 and a coefficient of friction equal
to 0.20. Inserting these values into the model, the subsequent cycles
are simulated, see Fig. 5.4. For reasons of symmetry, only the results
in the positive direction are shown. A good agreement between the exper-
- 101 -
imental and the calculated results is found. It appeared from the calcu
lation that no reduction of the matrix strength due to cycling has to be
taken into account. This is probably due to the fact that the high con
tact stresses are only apparent in the contact areas. In Laible's tests,
the displacement increments in each cycle are large enough to crush the
previously loaded matrix material and to subsequently load new material.
1.25 125
experiment k1 1.00
II i
'1 jn=1 n=lS
ll !\ 050
II 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
1 n
I shear slip 6( (mm)
fl *
J, i
1 / 1.00
// ll *-
ll 0.75 -U
/ 1
/ i
' 1
II ll -/' 0.50
II >' 'l 0.25
It ^ ^
/ 0
0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 5 10 15 20 25 30
shear slip 6 { Imml
/1 1.00
/ i i 075
i i
n=l / 050
! 2! 15
1 1 025
1 il
1 0
1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
1 1 n
1 shear slip f>\ |mml
050 I.2S
i // ~T
100 f,
' f
1 0.50
il100 1.25
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
shear slip 6t (mm)
Input in the program was the end displacement of the first load cycle.
Therefore, the first cycle is not simulated. It appeared that the crack
response is satisfactorily described even if the three pairs of coordi
nates of the three circles remain the same for all particle diameters.
Therefore, six coordinates determine the total contact areas in normal
and parallel direction. The calculation process is about twice as fast
as for the numerical contact model. However, the model is still too com
plex for implementation in finite element programs.
T = o (X A + iiX A ) (5.3a)
a pu y y x x
s& //
< L * I > ^
^ry *<r «J6i -5o
rr 6 0 | ^< ' lOtm-OoJ
1 .. n
0.50 075 1.00 0 025 0.50 0.75 1.00
l6,-60)/|6,m-60) {6r6^n6lm-6J
a. X„ b. \y
For test No. Al, these reduction factors are derived on basis of the
calculation process with the analytical contact model, see Fig. 5.8. It
appeared that these factors can be approximated by:
6 -6
X = 0.8 (, l ,°)2 (5.4a)
x 6 - 6
tm o
6 -6
X = 0.7 (. * °)3 (5.4b)
y1 6„ - 6
tm o
2 2
with 6o= 6nm- / 6nm- 6no < 0.67 tm
6t (5.4c)
— model
i 1.00
100 II
n=1 / 1
21 1: i
075 / 1 0
// 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
, i 1 n
i 1 shear slip 6t |mm]
050 1.25
i / 1.00
'il i
/ i
1 0.50
n - ^ ^ r, 0
0.75 100 1.25 5 10 15 20 25 30
shear slip 6 t Imml
/ / shear stip 6t (mml
/ / / 1.00
y / l
/ 0.75
n / 0
025 0.75 1.00 1.25 5 10 15 20 25 30
shear slip 6t Imm]
I 1
n= 1 j 15
075 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
shear slip 6( (mm]
\ 1.25
1 100
t 0.50
lu' h 0
050 0.75 100 1.25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
shear slip 6 t Imml
0 0.25
050 0.75 1.00 1.25
shear slip 6 t Imml
0 25
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 5.12. Comparison of the experimental result of test No. El of
Laible with the reduced contact model (6 = 0.76 mm).
tact model are only valid for load cycles, in which the maximum shear
stress is at least equal to the maximum shear stress in any previous
cycle. However, cyclic deformation-controlled shear tests, such as per
formed by Vintzeleou [75], can be easily simulated with these models.
Now, the calculation is performed similarly to the case of a stress-
controlled test. Afterwards, the last part of each cycle is neglected,
see Fig. 5.13a. There is of course a difference with the actually ob
tained deformation of the contact areas. This difference has, however,
only a very small effect upon the observed crack response. The case of
repeated loading can also be treated as a fully-reversed shear loading.
Now, the first part of the cycle is neglected, see Fig. 5.13b. Again,
the actual response is slightly different. For the case of repeated
loading, the crack width will not reduce to its initial value, because
of the fact that some normal stress can be transferred due to the fric
tion in the remaining contact areas. In consequence, re-loading will
cause an initially stiff response of the crack, which is satisfactorily
simulated by the method presented in Fig. 5.13b.
cycle 1 A '
Simulating the above mentioned shear tests, it emerged from the calcula
tion that there was no decrease in matrix strength due to cycling. This
is probably due to the fact that the crack displacement increments are
relatively large for the case of 'high intensity' fatigue. The high
stresses causing fatigue of the matrix material are restricted to the
volume close to the contact areas. Due to the increasing displacements,
- 108 -
the previously loaded matrix material is crushed and the matrix material
lying behind is then subjected to high contact stresses. This matrix ma
terial was subjected to low stresses in the previous cycles, so no fa
tigue of the material has occurred. For the case of 'low-intensity high-
cycle' fatigue, the crack response can theoretically be simulated with
the proposed models. Decreasing the initial crack width to 0.15 mm and
using a normal restraint stiffness of 7.5 MPa/mm, a shear stress of 3
MPa can be transferred by the crack plane. The crack displacement in
crease in each cycle rapidly diminishes to become smaller than the nu
merical accuracy, indicating that the actual displacement increase is
even smaller. For this case, the crack displacement increments are very
small, so now a reduction of the matrix strength occurs due to cycling.
On the other hand, 'high-cycle' tests are generally performed with a
rather high loading frequency, which might cause rate-effects and thus
increases the matrix strength.
on °n 6n cy,
a. No slip. b Stiff response. c. Strut transfers d. Negative shear
no shear stress. stress contribution
— — experimental — — — ace. to aggr. int for t m —-— ace. to for C—...
, ltexp-Jaggr[/to"e>cp -%ggr.l
_■ A/1.3/4.2/12
— A/1.3/6.2/.02
Fig. 5.16. The ratio of the shear stress to the normal stress as func
tion of the shear slip for the plain concrete specimens.
The calculated average length of the struts was approximately 0.7 mm,
which is a realistic value for the small particles and matrix material
in the crack plane.
The higher the initial normal stress, the deeper the particles are
pushed into the crack faces. In consequence, the initial crack opening
direction will become less steep for higher normal stresses. Foj- static
tests, this phenomenon was observed by Vintzeleou [76], see Fig. 2.17.
For cyclic and repeated shear loads, the struts will cause a nearly con
stant crack opening path with small crack displacement increments in
each cycle. However, when the struts become inactive, the aggregate in
terlock has to transfer the full shear load, thus causing a rather
abrupt and strong increase in crack displacements, as was indeed ob
served experimentally, see Fig. 3.19.
It can be concluded that for the case of cracked plain concrete with a
relatively high initial normal stress, stiff struts contribute to the
- Ill -
d ~Z^\
075Fd --/*-- J
Fig. 5.19. Matrix deformation after the first fully reversed load cycle.
9 è" E
K, [N/mm] (5.5)
120 *L2 + 40 L3
The term (n-1) ' in eq. (5.6.) accounts for the fatigue of the concrete
underneath the bar. Because of the fact that for increasing dowel
displacements, previously strained matrix material is crushed and unaf
fected material is loaded, the number of cycles can be reset to 1 for
the case of load-controlled tests.
The stiffness Kj determines the dowel response until the shear displace
ment & is reached, see Fig. 5.20. For this shear displacement, the
t ,o
bar is supported by the concrete over the length L-$, see Fig. 5.21.
Due to the support of the concrete, the dowel stiffness increases to be
come equal to stiffness K 2 . The response of the concrete is approximated
regarding the bar as a beam on an elastic foundation. According to eq.
(4.30), the coefficient of the subgrade reaction is:
* -0 78
390 (« t ) ' [MPa/mm]
However, in this expression the shear displacement does not include the
slip related to Kj. Substitution of 6 by an average value of
0.3 6,t,max yields:
1 75 0 375 -0 59
F = 166 * " f * & ' A6^ [N] (5.8)
d ccm t,max t
«t= 3 B° E I (3 + 6Be + 6B 2 e 2 + 263e3) [mm] (5.9)
1 75 0 375 -0 59
K,= 55 ♦ f 6 [N/mm] (5.10)
ccm t,max
This stiffness is valid until the plastic hinge develops. Because of the
fact, that in this stage there is not yet a contribution of the concrete
to the section modulus of the bare bar, the dowel force at the onset of
yielding is:
Due to the development of the plastic hinge, the bar makes contact with
the concrete close the crack plane, see Fig. 5.22. For the coefficient
of subgrade for this part of the concrete again eq.(5.7b) can be used.
This part of the concrete is now determining the dowel stiffness.
According to the observation, that about 25 percent of the maximum shear
displacement is non-recoverable, it is assumed that the deformation of
the concrete over the length L-* contributes 25 percent of the total
shear displacement. Thus, the dowel stiffness K3 is expressed by:
- 116 -
1 75 O 375 _0 59
3 0.75 . 168 <j> " f ó ' = (5.12)
ccm t,max
1 75 0 375 -0 59
= 126 4> * f 6 [N/mm]
ccm t,max
plastic hinge
/ /
-ow\, II
l^^y / KT.repeated load
-" IS
shear displacement 6i shear displacement 6.
U (5.13)
V - F^>
'ccyl 21MPO
f5y =455MPa
n=1 /
K ? /
0.25 0 50
shear displacement
0.75 100
Of [mmI
H. 0.25
0.50 0.75 100
shear displacement 6^ [mml
a. Experiment of Vintzeleou b. Experiment of Jimenez.
For the case of cyclic dowel action tests with an initial axial steel
force, the dowel stiffnesses K,, K2 and K3 are simply multiplied by the
dowel stiffness reduction factor y. • In Fig. 5.25 a cyclic dowel test of
Eleiott (see Fig. 2.35) is simulated with the proposed model. Cycle No.
16 showed a underestimation of the energy-dissipation. The over-all
response is, however, satisfactorily simulated.
It must be born in mind that this model is partially based upon empiri
cal expressions, thus limiting its application.
With respect to the proposed model, a special situation arises when the
- 118 -
Fig. 5.25. Comparison of Eleiott's test result with the proposed model [16].
Dowel force Fc
shear displacement 6(
For very large fully reversed shear displacements, the bond between the
bar and the concrete will diminish. The magnitude of the ultimate dowel
force is, however, strongly related to the cooperation of the bar and
the supporting concrete. Generally, the high radial contact stresses
will prevent slip of the bar relative to the concrete. For the case of
large reversed shear displacements, the residual elongation due to the
decrease in bond increases. In consequense, the bar shape and the shape
of the supporting concrete will be different, thus reducing the coopera
tion of the bar and the concrete. Although there is no experimental
proof found yet, the magnitude of the ultimate dowel force can decrease
due to this 'lack of fit', see Fig. 5.27. According to the proposed
mechanism presented in Chapter 4, a strength reduction up to approxima
tely 15 percent is possible. For the case of repeated shear loads, the
bar remains more or less in close contact with the concrete, thus pre
venting this reduction.
Till now, no cyclic dowel tests have been performed with a 'low-intensi
ty' dowel force. Because of the fact, that for 'high-intensity' dowel
tests the response degradation during cycling is very similar to the
behaviour for the aggregate interlock mechanism, it is expected that
this holds true for 'low-intensity high-cycle' fatigue. For practical
use, however, the response of both interacting mechanisms in cracked
reinforced concrete is of much more interest. The combination of both
the transfer mechanisms will be discussed in Section 5.A.
- 120 -
The mechanism of aggregate interlock for the case of cyclic shear loads,
as presented in Section 5.2 and the mechanism of dowel action for the
cyclic loads as presented in Section 5.3, will be combined to describe
the case of cyclic shear loads applied to cracked reinforced concrete.
In Chapter 4, it was shown how these mechanisms influence the crack
opening direction and the relation between Che stresses and displace
ments in the crack. It appeared that the bond characteristics obtained
in an ordinary pull-out experiment, cannot be applied to this case.
Fortunately, the static crack opening path can be determined without
exactly knowing the bond characteristics of the reinforcing bars.
In Section 5.2, Laible's cyclic aggregate interlock tests have been
satisfactorily described by the proposed aggregate interlock model.
However, the relationship between the normal stress and the crack width
was input in the calculations. Therefore, this relationship must also be
known for the case of cyclically loaded cracked reinforced concrete. The
normal stress was not recorded during the tests reported in the
normal stress c**n
'ccm » 50 MPa
crack width 6 n
Fig. 5.28. The relation between normal stress and crack width during
cycling [21].
load. From these tests, it appeared that the relation between the normal
stress and the crack width is almost linear, see Fig. 5.28. However, as
stated before in Section A.5, the magnitude of the measured normal
stress is largely influenced by the yield strength in the plastic
hinges. Therefore, a linear relationship between the normal stress and
the crack width is assumed. The magnitude of the normal restraint stif
fness is, however, derived from Fig. 4.38b. It was found, that the nor
mal stress can be approximately related to the crack width according to:
o = a pf (S -6 ) [MPa] (5.14)
n sy n n,o
'"•-' ...
06 08 6 8 10 12 14
bond slip Imml number of cycles n [cycles)
Fig. 5.29 The response degradation of a bar in a cyclic pull-out test [21].
|i 0
5 10 15 20 25
number of cycles n [cycles]
Fig. 5.30. Test No. 5 of Jimenez [37] compared with the proposed model.
shear,stress T [MPal
crack width 6 n [mml
p 5 10 15 20 25 °75
number of cycles n [cycles]
0.2 0A 0.6 0.8 1.0
shear displacement fc^ [mm)
5 10 15 20 25
number of cycles n Icyctesl
0 5 10 15 20 25
n [cyctesi
/ 1
i number of cycles n [cycles] td
I 1 i shear displacement 5( [mm]
i 1.0
/ 1
i 1 0.6
02 ' /) 0.4
vff '
— experiment
model 0.2
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
shear displacement 6, (mm) number of cycles n [cyclesl n [cycles]
Fig. 5.32. Test No. 6 of Jimenez [37] compared with the model.
n= IS
j f
0 5 10 15
0.6 a
0.2 0.4
— experiment
f1 model
0 0.2 0.4 06 0.8 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 21 0 5 10 15 20 25
shear displacement 6^ [mm] number of cycles n (cycles) n [cycles!
Fig. 5.33. Test No.7 of Jimenez [37] compared with the model.
First, the cycles 640 and 1620 of test No. A/6H7.66/7.9/.03 are consid
ered (page 57, [56]), see Fig. 5.34. The maximum applied repeated shear
stress during cycling was 7.9 MPa. The cube compressive strength was
48.0 MPa. The crack plane was reinforced by means of twelve 8 mm diame
ter bars with a yield strength of 550 MPa. For the cycles considered,
the shear displacement largely exceeds the shear displacement, for which
the ultimate dowel strength is obtained for a monotonie increasing shear
load. Therefore, it is expected that a large plastic deformation has oc
curred in the plastic hinges in the reinforcing bars. For the calcula
tion process, this plastic deformation is accounted for by applying the
static dowel action model to the measured shear displacement at zero
stress according to Fig. 5.26. Furthermore, the measured crack width at
zero stress was input in the calculation. The theoretical results are
also presented in Fig. 5.34, showing a reasonable agreement with the
experimentally obtained results. Because of the large contribution of
the dowels to the transfer of shear stress, restitution of the shear
slip during unloading starts at 75 percent of the shear load, as is
predicted by the dowel action model.
- 126 -
r 1
7 1
jI 1
/1' 1
11 r
III 2.5
hi ft
jl model m
0 0.25 0.50 075 1.00 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
crack width 6 n ImmJ shear displacement 6j Imml
a. Shear stress versus crack width b. Sheor stress versus shear slip
Fig. 5.3A. Test No. A/6H/.66/7.9/.03 compared with the proposed model [56]
Fig. 5.35 presents the comparison between the model and the experimental
result for test No. B/AL/.81/9.1/.04 (page 72, [56]). Now, the cube com-
pressive strength was 68.0 MPa. Eight 8 mm diameter bars with a yield
strength of 460 MPa were used. The maximum applied repeated shear load
was 9.1 MPa. Again, it was found that the dowel stress reaches its ulti
mate value. As for the computations on plain concrete test results, it
appeared that there is no decrease in matrix strength. For this spe
cimen, the restitution of the shear slip during unloading started at 55
percent of the shear load being the average of 75 percent according to
the dowel action mechanism and 40 percent of the aggregate interlock
For this type of tests, in which the contribution of the dowel mechanism
to the shear transfer is equal to its ultimate value, an interesting
scenario for the tests can be found. During the first few cycles, the
mechanism of aggregate interlock transfers the difference between the
applied shear stress and the ultimate dowel stress. The combination of
the end-displacements in these cycles will be determined by the matrix
strength and the maximum particle size according to Fig. 4.4. Because of
the fact, that the contribution of aggregate interlock to the shear
stress transfer remains constant during cycling, it can be expected that
the crack opening path is determined by a constant ratio of i to o
' a pu
- 127 -
. h\
Fig. 5.35. Test No. B/4L/.81/9.1/.04 compared with the proposed model [56],
With this assumption, it can be easily checked whether the tests de
scribed in Chapter 3 are in agreement with the proposed model. For all
the tests, the crack opening path should follow the theoretical opening
path for a constant ratio (T -T )/O . In Fig. 5.36 a few typical test
m du pu 'r
results are compared with this assumption. It was found that for a total
of 42 repeated loading tests, 16 experimental crack opening paths are in
close agreement with the theoretical opening palh. There is a reasonable
agreement for three tests, while the difference between the result of
six tests and the model can easily be explained. The measured displace
ments of 12 experiments were too small to drawn any conclusions. In con
sequence, only five measured crack opening paths showed large deviations
from the theoretical crack opening paths. From these results, it can be
concluded, that also in the case of 'high-cycle' repeated shear loading
the crack opening direction is determined by a constant ratio between
T and the matrix strength o
a pu
According to the model, it can be concluded that the crack displacement
increments are in fact to T la
rather than to T /o . which
a pu m pu'
was used in the eqs. (3.3a-b). Therefore, empirical results similar to
the eqs. (3.3a-b) are derived relating to the ratio of T to the matrix
exp f K
model \
0.25 0.25
s' /
Fig. 5.36. The experimental crack opening path compared with the opening
path according to the model.
a 1 6 n 2 9 6 T- 6 9
«n= 3.34 (^_) * + (130(^_) * + 2.6.10 (^-) ' ) log(n)
pu pu pu
33 a 3M 10
+ 2.1.10 (log(n)) (mm) (5.16a)
a ^ . 6 . ,,,,Xa 2
N . 9 . , „ , „ s / a .6.9.
< = 3.34(-2-) * + (61(-5-) ' + 1.2.10 (-5-) • ) log(n)
L O 0 fj
pu pu pu
19 a ,19 * 5
+ 2.2.10 (^_) (log(n)) [mm] (5.16b)
. n _ crock displocements 6 Imm)
Fig. 5.37. The relationship between the number of cycles and the crack
displacements as a function of the stress level.
- 129 -
Table 5.1 presents the calculated results for the crack response during
re-loading the wall. The reduced contact model is applied for the aggre
gate interlock mechanism. The shear stress - crack width relationship
and the crack opening path are shown in the Figs. 5.38a-b.
6 T 0 T
n \ a a d
[mm] [mm] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
Fig. 5.38. Calculated response of the cracks in the wall during re
6 T 0 T
\ a a d
[mm] [mm] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
In this Chapter, the static aggregate interlock and dowel action models
are adapted to the case of repeated and reversed shear loads.
Walraven already showed that the two-phase aggregate interlock model can
be applied to the case of cyclic shear tests on cracked plain concrete.
Therefore, all effort is paid to a sound simplification of the two-phase
model in order to speed up the calculation process. For increasing crack
displacements during cycling, the proposed reduced contact model pro
vides good predictions of the crack response during cycling. However, a
simplified model cannot be used being as general as the original two-
phase model.
The existing cyclic dowel action models are formalistic. In Section 5.3,
a dowel action model is proposed, which is to some extent based upon the
physical dowel behaviour. Due to a severe lack of detailed information
on the actual bar behaviour, this model is still very simple and there
fore limited in its applications.
The reduced contact model and the proposed dowel action model are com
bined to describe the response of cracked reinforced concrete. The com
bined model satisfactorily predicts the experimentally obtained crack
response for the case of 'high-intensity low-cycle' fatigue and for the
case of 'low-intensity high-cycle' fatigue.
- 132 -
All the simulated tests were subjected to shear loads with a stress ra
tio R (T . /T ) being equal to 0 (repeated load) and -1 (fully re
min max '
versed load) respectively. It was found from the calculations, that
there was no strength degradation due to fatigue of the matrix material.
This can be explained by the large increase in crack displacements. The
previously loaded matrix material is then crushed. For stress ratios R
in the range of -1 to 1, fatigue of the matrix material will affect the
crack response. A sustained shear load (R = 1) in the range of 60 to 90
percent of the static shear strength causes a gradual increase of the
crack displacements in time, Frenay [20]. This increasing displacements
must be caused by strength reduction and material flow in the contact
areas between the particles and the matrix material.
A stress ratio of 0.4-0.5 will not cause a restitution of the displace
ments during unloading, see Fig. 5.1. Any increase in the displacements
due to re-loading must then be caused by strength reduction due to fa
"'s. .6 —6
* V ? \
^v •^.0 0.6
V *.0 Vo
freq. 6 cps freq. 6 cps freq 07cps
cured wet cured wet cured wet
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 -2 3 4 5 6 7
log(nfl Icyclesl logtrif I [cycles] logtrif) [cycles]
cycles was found to affect the fatigue strength, see Fig. 5.38a and c.
The lower the frequency, the lower the fatigue strength. For very high
stress levels (> 75% of the static strength) the strength reduction
increases progressively. This phenomenon is probably caused by creep
effects. These findings are in agreement with the experimental results
of Holmen [30] and Graf et al. [27]. It must however be noted that the
experimentally obtained material characteristics of concrete cannot be
applied directly to the matrix material. Fatigue of concrete is partial
ly due to the interfacial bond between the stiff particles and the ma
trix material. The matrix material has a relatively large amount of air
voids and water inclusions, which affects fatigue. However, the overall
characteristics of concrete and matrix material will be similar.
Even if a proper description of the fatigue of the matrix material due
to the high cyclically applied compressive stresses is implemented in
the model for the crack response to cyclic shear loads, it is doubted
whether such a model can be used to describe the crack response degrada
tion for small stress ratios R. The increase in crack displacements dur
ing cycling will decrease with decreasing shear stress level and with
decreasing stress ratio R. These small crack displacements cannot be
simulated with the proposed model. Therefore, further experimental in
vestigations into this field are necessary.
- 134 -
6.1. Introduction.
model is, however, still lacking. Furtheron, for the case of monotonie
loading, the crack opening path is no longer related to the bond
stresses after the plastic hinges in the bars have fully been developed,
see Chapter 4.
Finally, the plain concrete on the one hand and the reinforcing bars on
the other hand represent two different mechanisms, which must be de
scribed by means of two different stiffness relations.
Therefore, the aggregate interlock mechanism and the dowel action mecha
nism will be treated separately. For the mechanism of dowel action a
rough description of the stiffness relation will be given because of its
dependency on the (unknown) bond characteristics.
Although the static two-phase aggregate interlock model satisfactorily
describes the physical behaviour, it is still too complex for imple
mentation into advanced finite element programs. Therefore, first em
pirical relations will be derived based on the two-phase model. These
expressions will be used to describe the stiffness relation between the
stresses and the displacements in a concrete element. Numerical programs
can be subdivided into two types. The first type, denoted as discrete
crack program, accounts for the development of cracks by defining new
element boundaries along the crack or by adding the crack displacements
to the displacements of the whole element. The second type of program
uses the smeared crack approach. Now, the entire cracked element is
still considered as a continuum. With this concept crack displacements
are converted into strains of the entire element or Gauss point. There
fore, the expressions, which are based upon crack displacements, should
also be converted to strain based formulas.
In a finite element program, the calculation starts linear elastically.
With increasing external loads, the tensile strength is reached in a
given Gauss-point. Then the uncracked element becomes partially cracked
due to the development of micro-cracks. On increasing tensile strain the
damage will affect the whole area; the element is then fully cracked. In
this chapter, an attempt will be made to describe all these three stages
with only one stiffness relation. It will be shown how the interaction
between tension-softening and shear-softening affects the element stiff
ness for the case of monotonie loads. Finally, the stress-strain rela
tions are adapted to the case of cyclic loads.
- 136 -
Pk K-l+exp(-K)
A = -^ (a / „si„^, + b.p) [mm2/mm2] (6.1a)
75 exp(-K)/K+l
for A : a = 4 (6.1c)
0 056 -1 07
b = 7.00 D * 6 (6.Id)
max n
p = 0 (6.1e)
for A : a = 2 (6.If)
^ 0 280 m
b = 3.00 D 6 (6.1g)
max n
-o 063
m = -1.47 D (6.1h)
p = 0.5 ([6 -6 ]-abs[6 -6 1) . exp(-l-D /32-0.5 6 ) (6.1i)
n t n t max n
Because of the fact, that in finite element calculations, the crack dis
placements are very small, the eqs. (6.1a-i) are adapted to provide a
closer fit at small shear displacements. The eqs. (6.Id) and (6.1g) are
-o o i
m = -1.07 D (6.Ik)
o. 2 i m
A : b = 4.50 D 6 (6.11)
y max n
-0 03
m = -1.21 D " (6.lm)
Next, the eqs. (6.1a-m) will be converted into strains in order to use
these expressions in numerical programs based upon the concept of
smeared out cracks.
The strains due to cracking can be expressed as:
e = 6 /h (6.2a)
nn,cr n
The smeared out deformation can represent one large crack, but also two
or more smaller cracks, see Figs 6.1a-c. Both systems transfer the same
stresses. So, the concept of smeared cracks implies constant stresses
T and a for a given ratio of e to Y This can be expressed
a a nn,cr cr
.h e
n _ _ nn,cr _ ,, .. *
— = '—r— = ' — = constant (6.3)
S_ Y -h Y
t cr cr
The eqs. (6.1a-k) can directly be used in programs of the discrete crack
concept. For elements of the smeared-out crack type, the eqs. (6.4a-b)
have to be implemented into the stiffness of the whole element. There
fore, a rheological model will be presented in the next Section, in
which the crack strain can be related to the element strain.
6.3. Rheological model for an element with the smeared out crack concept.
The reduction factor for the crack zone can be obtained from the
rheological model shown in Fig. 6.3b:
LAe = L AE + L Ae (e. s}
nn co nn,co cr nn,cr '
with L = L ♦ L , see Fig. 6.3.
co cr °
Now, the normal retention factor for the crack zone r, can be expressed
L L /(L + L ) p L
„ - c r / co co cr . c ,
~ Lco (
~ 1-L co/(L co-Lcr) p ) =
—L ( 1-u+u L 7L (6.6)
It must be born in mind that eq. (6.6) is no longer valid when the
length of the crack zone is nearly equal to the length L (this can be
the case when very small elements are used).
Using the factor n, the weakening of the element is numerically local
ized in the crack zone. Now, the rheological model will be extended us
ing the philosophy of smeared out cracks. According to this philosophy,
the crack strain caused by the integrated action of the micro cracks can
be considered as the strain caused by a single large crack, so that the
crack zone can be regarded to be divided in a fully cracked part and an
uncracked linear elastic part with a reduced cross-sectional area, see
Fig. 6.4.
uncracked zone
A uncracked zone
Ao 1_U2 !_u2 Ac
uE _E
Ao\ 1-u* 1-u2 "C (6.7)
Ao 0 0 A
nt 2(l+u2)
Ao J
13 Ae
nn,cr,cr nn,cr
A<rtt,cr,cr 0 0 Ae (6.9)
Ao AY.
nt ,cr,cr
(f -o )
ctm nn
< 1 for partially cracked element (6.11)
„ ctm
for uncracked element
Ao 1-OjV 2 l-a,v2
Ao AE^
1-OjV 2 l-a,v2 tt
nE + 4.S, i
a (6.13a)
'= (l+n)E + «jiSjj
pG + ipS33
B = (6.13b)
2 (l+n)G ♦ 4.S33
l-o. E nE + 41S.,
|_ nn . (6.13c)
° ~ 1-B2 Y (l+n)E + *S 1 !
1-8, Y nG + «pS3 3
8l= (6.13d)
l-o,2 1 nn (l+n)G + t
Now, the stiffness relation for the entire plain concrete element is de
scribed, except for the exact description of I lie terms S M > S 1 3 , S31
and S 3 3 . In [55], the derivation of proper expressions for these terms
is given according to the two-phase model. The following expressions are
S,,=do /d (6.14a)
1 1 nn
nn nn
This yields:
S13=-^nSll (6.15b)
3.= --T- S 33 <6-15c>
S„= o (dA /dy + pdA /dy) (6.15d)
pu y x
in which: a, K according to the eqs. (6.19 and (6.4).
u = coefficient of friction = 0.4
dA/de =-aexP(-K)[K-lW-K)]^^__C_
nn [exp(-K)+K] e e
nn nn
(2) 1+4447E (6.16a)
normal stress a IMPOl , stress i , a iMPa) , stress t.oiMPo] , stress T, <r [MPa)
f ^ 30 MPa
"k <W,9mm
'iVi fig ' b
1 Vfig. c.
\ f ig d
! \
001 III " 0 1.0 0 0.5 0 °ö
normal strain Enn'03 Y'Enn V'Enn
Tension-softening. b. O* : 3.0 MPa. c. rr = 2.0 MPa. d. 0" = 1.0 MPa.
Bazant et al.
0 2 1 J ! 10
normal strain C^IO 3
Both expressions are shown in Fig. 6.6. The calculated response of the
cracked element according to these formulas is also shown in the Figs.
6.5b-d. The shear stress is still reasonably well predicted. However, as
is shown in Fig. 6.5d, the description according to Rots still allows
the transfer of a constant tensile stress across the element . The model
presented in this chapter indicates that the stress normal to the crack
plane decreases for increasing shear sliding.
The eqs. (6.16a-b) cannot provide a proper description of the real crack
behaviour because they are not related to a possible increase in crack
width. For a strong increase in crack width without shear sliding, the
physical two-phase model predicts a sharp drop in the transferred shear
stress, whereas the eqs. (6.16a-b) only predict a less strong increase
of the transferred shear stress. These formulas fit, however, very well
with the solution methods, which are commonly used in numerical pro
grams. Therefore, an attempt is made to derive an expression for a shear
retention factor based upon the physical two-phase model instead of upon
experimental results.
- 146 -
\two phase model
0 0.05 0)0 0.15 "0 0 025 0.050 0.075 0.025 0.050 0.075
crack width ö n [mm] shear slip 6( [mm] shear slip 6) [mml
a. Crack opening path 'b. Shear stress - shear slip c. Shear stress-shear slip
relation ace. to the model relation ace. to Rots
Fig. 6.7. The crack response for a measured crack opening path [3],
Re-arranging eq. (6.13b), it was found that the following expression can
be used for the case that the ratio of normal strain to shear strain
decreases with increasing deformations:
0 P e + 4>
'(2) (1+n) P enn + *
with P
0 1
D " [0.76-0.16 e /Y(l-exp[-6Y/e ])]
3 : 1=100 mm
1.0 1.0
two phase model L = 100 mm
a. Crack opening path. b. Shear stress - shear slip c. Shear stress-shear slip
relation ace. to Pmodel relation ace. to P =005.
Fig. 6.9. The shear retention factor for mixed mode fracture problems.
For the crack opening path shown in Fig. 6.7, the shear stress - shear
sliding relationship according to the e q s . (6.17-6.18) is shown in Fig.
6.9b. Now, there is a reasonable agreement between the calculated result
and the result obtained with the two-phase model of Walraven. Variation
of the measuring length (element length) yielded only very small differ
ences. In Fig. 6.9c, the response of the element is calculated with a
- 148 -
This was also recognized by Rots and De Borst [62] for mixed-mode frac
ture problems. They found that a constant positive value for 8 yields an
overestimation of the shear strength of such an element. Therefore, they
proposed a shear softening behaviour as shown in Fig. 6.10. Although the
shear stiffnesses 01 and D 2 are largely based upon trial-and-error
methods, the over-all shear stiffness is to some extent similar to the
relation shown in Fig. 6.9b. However, they also proposed a linear rela
tion between shear stress and shear strain for unloading and re-loading
of the element. According to the cyclic model presented in Chapter 5,
this relation cannot be true either for unloading or for re-loading the
element. Therefore, an improved expression for the shear stiffness for
the case of cyclic shear loads will be derived in the next Section.
shear stress T,
/ X?
/ ^ <unloodinq >v
A DJ* reloading \.
0 Yu
shear sliding Y
Fig. 6.10. Shear softening relation according to Rots and De Borst [62].
de = dy (6.19)
' 3 = " E nn / Y S'i (6
S, = - y/e S„ (6.20c)
33 pu1, y y xx '
in which:
|AA_ = d^ A + A dA_ (6
de de de
nn nn nn
!}*A B ijX A ♦ x ij* (6.20f)
dy dy dy
However, X and X are not related to the normal strain. Because of eq.
x y
(6.19), it can be stated that: dx/de = dX/dy
ML = ff* A ♦ X - ^ - (6.20e)
de dY de
nn nn
i]M=dXA+x5JA (620f)
dy dy dY
dX (Y-Y )
-T-l = 1.6 7 % (6.20g)
dY (y -
m 0
L\,21 2 . 1
dY 2 A
7 m 2~VÏ
(Y - Ï ) *
Such an approach allows for slip between the steel bar and the concrete.
The major disadvantage of this method is the fine mesh, which is re
quired to account for the effect of the splitting cracks close to the
In this section, the slip layer element and the bar element will be con-
- 152 -
Ao J
\ l J
l 3 Ae
K = 0.33 ?_, I /TM6 +X ) (6.22)
o du t no t,e
For the case of cyclic loading, the dowel stiffnesses Kj- K,^ as derived
in Chapter 5, can be used for D 3 3 .
The term DJJ represents the axial bond characteristics of the bar. Un
fortunately, this stiffness is related to both the normal strain and the
shear sliding. Therefore, the bond characteristics obtained in a pull-
out experiment can not be used here. Detailed tests in this field are
necessary. The same holds true for the terms D 1 3 and D 3 1 . The first
represents the decrease in bond capacity with increasing shear sliding.
The second represents the decrease in dowel capacity with increasing
normal strain. Because of the fact, that the stiffness relation pre
sented in eq. (6.21) is related to both the dowel mechanism and the (un
known) bond mechanism, no further description of the stiffness relation
is possible here.
- 153 -
\hioh-cvc1e fatigue
Mi .
lex-cycle tolique/
, ■
Second, the static models for aggregate interlock and dowel action are
adapted to the case of 'high-intensity' cyclic loading. Both mechanisms
are described as to fit to the crack displacements obtained with the
empirical relations for 'low-intensity' load cycles. An important con
clusion is that for the aggregate interlock mechanism, the load history
is fully incorporated in the end crack displacements of the previous
cycle. Furtheron, it is shown, that the contributions to the shear
transfer of both dowel action and aggregate interlock remain nearly
constant during cycling. This observation was used to prove that the
cyclic models are also valid for the case of 'high-cycle' fatigue.
Although valuable experimental and theoretical information is obtained
with respect to 'low-intensity high-cycle' fatigue, further study is
necessary in this field. First, only one stress ratio (R = 0) was in
vestigated in combination with a constant loading frequency. Both para
meters might largely influence the stiffness degradation of the crack
due to cycling.
Second, only reinforcing bars perpendicularly crossing the crack plane
were used. In practice, orthogonal reinforcing webs cross cracks at
various angles to the crack plane. For this case, the contribution of
the axial steel stresses and the bond strength degradation also influ
ence the crack response. Furtheron, the cyclic aggregate interlock model
is strongly simplified with respect to the physical reality. This model
is, however, still applicable to a wide range of tests. Contrary to
this, the cyclic dowel action model is to a large extent based upon em
pirical relations, thus limiting its application. Therefore, further
theoretical work into this field is necessary.
Finally, according to the static dowel action mechanism there is no
longer a relationship between the axial steel stress and the crack width
when the plastic hinges in the bar fully have been developed. Because of
this lack of a relation between the crack width or normal strain and the
normal restraint stiffness, the implementation of the dowel action mech
anism into numerical programs is not yet fully described in this report.
With respect to the mechanism of aggregate interlock, further experimen
tal study is necessary in the following fields:
a. 'low-intensity high-cycle' experiments with a reversed shear load (R
< 0).
b. cyclic push-off tests on pre-cracked specimens with water or oil in
- 156 -
the crack. Due to the opening and re-closing of the crack water (oil)
is pumped in and out the crack, thus transporting crushed matrix ma
terial. Furthermore, the pressure of the fluid transfers stresses
normal to the crack plane.
The mechanism of dowel action can provide an important contribution to
the transfer of shear stress across cracks in reinforced concrete. In
most cases, however, the direction of the principal tensile stress after
cracking only slightly deviates from its direction during cracking. For
these cases, the dowel action mechanism is of minor importance due to
the relatively high axial steel stress.
Offshore platforms, used for the exploitation of the oil and gas reser
voirs in the Arctic and the deep sea, are designed to withstand severe
loading conditions, characterized by wave and wind attacks. Such struc
tures are so configured as to transfer the applied cyclic loads to the
subsoil by means of in-plane shear and normal stresses. The walls of the
base of such a structure might be cracked due to unequal settlements and
thermal deformations. As a consequence, these cracked reinforced panels
will respond highly nonlinear to the applied stresses.
The transfer of in-plane stresses across cracks in reinforced concrete
is based upon the interaction of several mechanisms:
a. the axial stiffness of the reinforcing bars crossing the crack,
b. the lateral stiffness of the bars, called dowel action, and
c. the interlocking of the aggregate particles protruding from the crack
faces, denoted as aggregate interlock.
stant value, has no general applicability and neglects the physical be
haviour of the crack. However, for the case of a monotonie loading, a
constant retention factor gives reasonable predictions of the shear
stresses. Contrary to this, for the case of mixed-mode fracture problems
or cyclic loading, a constant shear retention factor will largely over
estimate the shear loading capacity of the crack for a given combination
of the crack displacements. Furthermore, for this case the interaction
between the tension-softening and the shear-softening behaviour must be
accounted for.
- 160 -
(mix A)
Components [kg/m3] Sieve analysis of aggregate
Sieve opening
(mm] [kg]
(mix B)
APPENDIX II. Results of dowel action tests compared with the theoretical
'REAL" ARRAY'XH(/1:10,1:20,0:20/),AX(/1:20/),AY(/1:20/),GAX(/1:10/),
OUTSTRING( 1,' ( ' ')') ;LINE( 1,1);
OUTSTRINGd, '('CYCLE = ' ) ' );FIX(1,2,0,NCYC);
- App.III.2 -
Af studeerrricht ing:
Constructieve waterbouwkunde
Sluisverlenging te Maasbracht