Squat Shear Wall
Squat Shear Wall
Squat Shear Wall
Hybrid Simulation of the Seismic Response of
Squat Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls
Catherine A. Whyte
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California, Berkeley
Bozidar Stojadinovic
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geomatic Engineering
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
PEER 2013/02
MAY 2013
The opinions, fndings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and
do not necessarily refect the views of the study sponsor(s)
or the Pacifc Earthquake Engineering Research Center.
Hybrid Simulation of the Seismic Response of
Squat Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls
Catherine A. Whyte
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California, Berkeley
Bozidar Stojadinovic
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geomatic Engineering
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
PEER Report 2013/02
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
Headquarters at the University of California, Berkeley
May 2013
Most industrial and nuclear facilities rely on reinforced concrete (RC) structural walls as their
primary seismic lateral-force-resisting components. These walls commonly have an aspect ratio
smaller than 0.5 and have a very high stiffness and strength. There is a significant uncertainty
regarding the behavior of these walls under earthquake loading, their failure modes, and their
expected strengths and deformation capacities. Hybrid simulation is an effective experimental
method to examine these issues: it enables simulation of the seismic response of squat and thick
shear walls without the need to recreate the large mass typically associated with the rest of the
prototype structure. A new method for hybrid simulation of the earthquake response of stiff
specimens using a high-precision displacement encoder was developed and verified in this study.
This method was implemented for hybrid simulation of seismic response of two large-scale squat
RC shear walls.
In order to examine the response of squat RC walls to earthquake ground motion and to
investigate the effect of ground motion sequence, two nominally identically 8-in.-thick models of
a prototype 36-in.-thick structural wall, typically found in nuclear facility structures, were tested.
Each wall experienced a different ground motion level loading sequence. After an initial
combined shear and flexural response, a sliding shear failure occurred at the base of the walls.
This response was quasi-brittle: the walls rapidly lost strength with small increments of post-
peak strength deformation. A nominally identical specimen was tested at the State University of
New York at Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo). Though the quasi-static cyclic test method has been
shown to accurately predict the seismic failure modes of ductileoften flexure-dominated
specimens, there is considerable uncertainty associated with the predictive ability of the quasi-
static cyclic test method when the tested specimens have brittle or quasi-brittle failure modes. In
these cases, the effect of load magnitude history is so significant that it alters the deformation
demand and the sequence of seismic failure modes. The quasi-static cyclic test at Buffalo was
compared to the hybrid seismic response simulation experiments at Berkeley to evaluate its
effectiveness with capturing the wall response to ground motion sequences.
The findings from the hybrid simulation tests were that displacement control hybrid
simulation using a high-precision encoder for displacement feedback is an effective way to
perform large-scale hybrid tests of stiff specimens. This new method helps us to understand the
dynamic behavior of these types of specimens. The results of the two wall hybrid simulation tests
indicate that different earthquake magnitude sequences do not have a significant effect on the
force-deformation response and the failure mode sequence of squat walls. After comparing the
hybrid simulation test results to the quasi-static cyclic test at SUNY Buffalo, the quasi-static
cyclic test was determined to be adequate for testing the quasi-brittle wall specimens, effectively
capturing the global response of the squat shear walls in earthquake ground motion sequences.
Comparison of wall response to code-based predictive equations showed that these
equations overpredict the peak shear strength of these squat rectangular walls by factors as large
as 2. Modifications to code recommendations for the initial stiffness and peak shear strength of
these walls are offered, and a definition for the essentially elastic region used in nuclear
facility design is also suggested.
This work made use of the Earthquake Engineering Research Centers Shared Facilities
supported by the National Science Foundation under award number CMMI-0829978 through the
Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES).
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material
are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation
or the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center.
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................................................................................v
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... xi
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................... xvii
1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................1
1.1 Motivation ................................................................................................................1
1.2 Background ..............................................................................................................1
1.3 Research Objectives and Scope ...............................................................................3
1.4 Organization of Report ............................................................................................4
2 SQUAT WALL BEHAVIOR ............................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................5
2.2 Shear Failure Modes ................................................................................................5
2.2.1 Diagonal Tension Failure .............................................................................6
2.2.2 Diagonal Compression Failure ....................................................................6
2.2.3 Sliding Shear Failure....................................................................................7
2.3 Previous Squat Wall Tests .......................................................................................8
2.4 Current Codes Pertaining to Squat Wall Behavior ................................................10
2.4.1 Structural Design Codes ............................................................................10
2.4.2 Structural Evaluation Codes ......................................................................10
2.4.3 Shear Wall Backbone Curve ......................................................................11
2.5 Uncracked and Cracked Stiffnesses .......................................................................12
2.6 Predicted Peak Shear Strengths .............................................................................13
2.6.1 Barda et al Equation ...................................................................................13
2.6.2 Wood Equation ..........................................................................................14
2.6.3 Gulec Equation...........................................................................................14
2.6.4 ACI 318-08 Section 11.6 Equations ..........................................................14
2.6.5 ACI 318-08 Section 11.9 Equations ..........................................................15
2.6.6 ACI 318-08 Section 21.9 Equation ............................................................16
2.6.7 ASCE 43-05 Equation................................................................................17
2.6.8 Uncertainty in Code-Predicted Shear Strengths ........................................17
2.7 Deformation Capacity ............................................................................................18
2.8 Post-Peak Behavior ................................................................................................21
2.9 Summary ................................................................................................................22
3 HYBRID SIMULATION ................................................................................................25
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................25
3.2 Hybrid Simulation Background .............................................................................25
3.3 Displacement Control ............................................................................................26
3.4 Force Control .........................................................................................................27
3.4.1 Force Control Algorithms Proposed by Kim .............................................28
3.4.2 Elkhoraibi and Mosalam Switch Control ...................................................29
3.5 Force versus Displacement Control for Squat Wall Tests .....................................30
4 ENCODER CONTROL FOR STIFF SPECIMENS ....................................................33
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................33
4.2 Hybrid Simulation at the nees@berkeley Equipment Site .....................................33
4.3 Modifications to Enable use of Encoder ................................................................36
4.3.1 Encoder Test with Actuator on Laboratory Floor ......................................37
4.3.2 Encoder Test using Old Braced Frame Specimen .....................................39
5 HYBRID SIMULATION TESTS OF SQUAT WALLS ..............................................43
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................43
5.2 Wall Geometry .......................................................................................................44
5.3 Material Properties .................................................................................................45
5.4 Hybrid Model and Ground Motion ........................................................................46
5.5 Integration Algorithm ............................................................................................48
5.6 Test Set Up .............................................................................................................49
5.6.1 Novotechnik Displacement Potentiometers ...............................................50
5.6.2 Strain Gage Instrumentation ......................................................................54
5.6.3 Krypton Instrumentation ............................................................................55
5.6.4 Digital Image Correlation ..........................................................................56
5.6.5 Global Measurement Instruments ..............................................................56
5.7 Wall Test Procedures .............................................................................................57
5.8 Summary ................................................................................................................58
6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................................59
6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................59
6.2 Wall 1 Behavior .....................................................................................................59
6.2.1 OBE Motion ...............................................................................................63
6.2.2 DBE 0.11 Motion .......................................................................................63
6.2.3 DBE Motion ...............................................................................................64
6.2.4 BDBE Motion ............................................................................................65
6.2.5 DBE Aftershock Motion ............................................................................72
6.2.6 Triangle Motions ........................................................................................73
6.2.7 Final Damage State ....................................................................................74
6.3 Wall 2 Behavior .....................................................................................................76
6.3.1 OBE Motion ...............................................................................................79
6.3.2 BDBE Motion ............................................................................................80
6.3.3 DBE Aftershock 1 Motion .........................................................................87
6.3.4 DBE Aftershock 2 Motion .........................................................................87
6.3.5 Triangle Motions ........................................................................................88
6.3.6 Final Damage State ....................................................................................90
6.4 Wall 1 and Wall 2 Comparison ..............................................................................91
6.5 Drift Contributions .................................................................................................94
6.5.1 Drift Due to Shear and Flexural Deformations ..........................................95
6.5.2 Drift Due to Rotation in the Sliding Zone .................................................97
6.5.3 Drift Due to Base Sliding ...........................................................................97
6.5.4 Comparison of Wall 1 and Wall 2 Drift Contributions ............................100
6.6 Expected Strengths Based on Code Equations ....................................................105
6.7 Test Set Up Response ..........................................................................................113
6.8 Hybrid Simulation Errors in Servo-Hydraulic COntrol System ..........................118
6.9 Summary ..............................................................................................................121
QUASI-STATIC CYCLIC RESULTS .........................................................................123
7.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................123
7.2 Buffalo Specimens ...............................................................................................123
7.3 Comparison of the Berkeley and Buffalo Walls ..................................................125
7.4 Comparison of Code Equations ...........................................................................132
7.5 Summary ..............................................................................................................134
8 ANALYTICAL MODELING .......................................................................................137
8.1 Description of OpenSees Element .......................................................................137
8.2 Material Models ...................................................................................................139
8.2.1 Concrete ...................................................................................................139
8.2.2 Steel..........................................................................................................140
8.3 Implementation of Flexure-Shear Interaction Element ........................................141
8.4 Effect of Vertical Load ........................................................................................144
8.5 Summary ..............................................................................................................145
9 CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................147
9.1 Summary ..............................................................................................................147
9.2 Future Work .........................................................................................................149
REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................151
APPENDIX A: MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION .......................................................155
APPENDIX B: TEST SET UP RESPONSE ............................................................................165
APPENDIX C: DISPLACEMENT RESPONSE ....................................................................183
Figure 1.1 Shear wall in a nuclear reactor, Olkiluoto, Finland (http://www.enviro-
space.com). ..............................................................................................................2
Figure 2.1 Diagonal tension failure (Gulec [2009] from Hildago [2001]). ...............................6
Figure 2.2 Diagonal compression failure (Gulec [2009] from Maier and Thurlimann
Figure 2.3 Sliding shear failure [Synge 1980]. .........................................................................8
Figure 2.4 Load displacement relationship for RC squat shear walls [Wallace 2006]. ..........11
Figure 2.5 Wallace [2006] backbone curve based on Hidalgo et al [2002] test data. .............13
Figure 2.6 Ratio of predicted to measured squat wall strength [Gulec 2009]. ........................18
Figure 2.7 Acceptable drift limits. ...........................................................................................19
Figure 2.8 Ductility demand for varying strength reduction factors [Chopra 2007]. .............20
Figure 2.9 Rapid strength degradation with cycling [Paulay et al 1982]. ...............................21
Figure 2.10 Shear strength loss with load cycling [Gulec et al 2008]. .....................................21
Figure 2.11 Uncertainties in characterizing squat wall behavior superimposed on the
Wallace [2006] backbone curve. ............................................................................22
Figure 2.12 Peak shear stress versus shear span ratio [Gulec 2009]. ........................................23
Figure 3.1 Hybrid simulation in displacement control. ...........................................................26
Figure 3.2 Force control in OpenFresco [Kim 2009]. .............................................................28
Figure 3.3 Force deformation response for Specimen B [Elkhoraibi and Mosalam
2007]. .....................................................................................................................30
Figure 4.1 OpenFresco local and distributed architectures [Schellenberg 2008]. ...................34
Figure 4.2 UCB hybrid simulation laboratory. ........................................................................35
Figure 4.3 Predictor corrector algorithm [Mosqueda et al 2003]. ...........................................36
Figure 4.4 Test encoder using actuator on the floor. ...............................................................37
Figure 4.5 Displacement error at velocity = 0.08 in./sec. .......................................................38
Figure 4.6 Displacement error at velocity = 0.24 in./sec. .......................................................38
Figure 4.7 Displacement error at velocity = 0.015 in./sec. .....................................................38
Figure 4.8 Test encoder with braced frame. ............................................................................40
Figure 4.9 Encoder attachment. ...............................................................................................40
Figure 4.10 LVDT versus encoder displacement errors while controlling actuator. ................41
Figure 5.1 Wall elevation and reinforcement. .........................................................................44
Figure 5.2 Foundation elevation and reinforcement. ..............................................................45
Figure 5.3 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey, ground motion. ..................................................................47
Figure 5.4 Comparison of explicit and implicit methods. .......................................................48
Figure 5.5 Global sketch of test set up. ...................................................................................50
Figure 5.6 Wall 1 and Wall 2 specimens. ................................................................................50
Figure 5.7 Novotechniks to measure wall displacements, flexure, and sliding. .....................51
Figure 5.8 Novotechnik instruments to measure (a) horizontal motion and (b) vertical
motion. ...................................................................................................................52
Figure 5.9 Drawing of Novotechnik instrumentation to measure shear. .................................53
Figure 5.10 Photograph of Novotechnik instrumentation to measure shear. ............................53
Figure 5.11 Locations of strain gages on vertical bars. .............................................................54
Figure 5.12 Locations of strain gages on horizontal bars. .........................................................54
Figure 5.13 Krypton target locations. ........................................................................................55
Figure 5.14 Krypton camera. .....................................................................................................55
Figure 5.15 Spot pattern on Wall 2 for DIC. .............................................................................56
Figure 5.16 Global measurements. ............................................................................................57
Figure 6.1 Wall 1 stiffness test. ...............................................................................................60
Figure 6.2 Wall 1 displacement-time and ductility-time histories. .........................................61
Figure 6.3 Wall 1 force-time response history. .......................................................................62
Figure 6.4 Wall 1: (a) end of BDBE; (b) end of cycles to 1 in.; and (c) end of cycles
to 1.5 in. .................................................................................................................62
Figure 6.5 Wall 1 OBE force-drift response. ..........................................................................63
Figure 6.6 Wall 1 DBE 0.11 force-drift response. ..................................................................64
Figure 6.7 Wall 1 DBE force-drift response. ..........................................................................65
Figure 6.8 Wall 1 BDBE shear cracks. ...................................................................................66
Figure 6.9 Wall 1 BDBE shear and flexural cracks. ...............................................................66
Figure 6.10 Wall 1 BDBE sliding shear. ...................................................................................66
Figure 6.11 Wall 1 BDBE force-drift response. ........................................................................67
Figure 6.12 Wall 1 BDBE shear stress-drift response...............................................................68
Figure 6.13 Strain gages on vertical reinforcing bars. ..............................................................68
Figure 6.14 Strain gages on horizontal reinforcing bars. ..........................................................69
Figure 6.15 Yielded strain gages from beginning of BDBE to Wall 1 first yield. ....................70
Figure 6.16 Yielded strain gages from Wall 1 positive yield to Wall 1 negative yield. ...........70
Figure 6.17 Yielded strain gages from Wall 1 negative yield to Wall 1 maximum
positive force. .........................................................................................................71
Figure 6.18 Yielded strain gages from Wall 1 maximum positive force to Wall 1
maximum negative force. .......................................................................................71
Figure 6.19 Yielded strain gages from Wall 1 maximum negative force to end of
BDBE. ....................................................................................................................72
Figure 6.20 Wall 1 DBE aftershock force-drift response. .........................................................72
Figure 6.21 Wall 1 triangle motions to +/-1 in. (+/-2.54 cm) force-drift response. ..................73
Figure 6.22 Wall 1 triangle motions to +/-1.5 in. (+/-3.81 cm) force-drift response. ...............73
Figure 6.23 Yielded strain gages during Wall 1 triangle motions to +/-1.5 in. .........................74
Figure 6.24 Wall 1 damage state at end of tests: (a) east side; and (b) west side. ....................75
Figure 6.25 Wall 1 after removing broken concrete pieces: (a) east side; and (b) west
side. ........................................................................................................................75
Figure 6.26 Wall 1 local buckling: (a) rear view of east side of wall; (b) front view of
west side of wall; and (c) opening of hooks of horizontal bars on west side
of wall. ...................................................................................................................76
Figure 6.27 Wall 2 stiffness test. ...............................................................................................77
Figure 6.28 Wall 2 displacement-time and ductility-time histories. .........................................78
Figure 6.29 Wall 2 force-time response history. .......................................................................78
Figure 6.30 Wall 2: (a) end of BDBE; (b) end of DBE aftershock 1; (c) end of DBE
aftershock 2; (d) end of cycle to 1 in.; and (e) end of cycle to 1.5 in. ...................79
Figure 6.31 Wall 2 OBE force-drift response. ..........................................................................80
Figure 6.32 Wall 2 shear and flexural cracking at start of BDBE motion. ...............................81
Figure 6.33 Wall 2 development of flexural cracks during BDBE motion. ..............................81
Figure 6.34 Wall 2 continued development of flexural cracking and sliding during
BDBE motion.........................................................................................................82
Figure 6.35 Wall 2 BDBE force-drift response. ........................................................................82
Figure 6.36 Wall 2 BDBE shear stress-drift response...............................................................83
Figure 6.37 Yielded strain gages from beginning of BDBE to Wall 2 first yield. ....................84
Figure 6.38 Yielded strain gages from Wall 2 positive yield to Wall 2 negative yield. ...........85
Figure 6.39 Yielded strain gages from Wall 2 negative yield to Wall 2 maximum
positive force. .........................................................................................................85
Figure 6.40 Yielded strain gages from Wall 2 maximum positive force to Wall 2
maximum negative force. .......................................................................................86
Figure 6.41 Yielded strain gages from Wall 2 maximum negative force to end of
BDBE. ....................................................................................................................86
Figure 6.42 Wall 2 DBE aftershock 1 force-drift response. ......................................................87
Figure 6.43 Wall 2 DBE aftershock 2 force-drift response. ......................................................88
Figure 6.44 Wall 2 triangle motion to +/-1 in. (+/-2.54 cm) force-drift response. ....................88
Figure 6.45 Yielded strain gages during the Wall 2 triangle motion to +/-1 in. .......................89
Figure 6.46 Wall 2 triangle motion to +/-1.5 in. (+/-3.81 cm) force-drift response. .................89
Figure 6.47 Yielded strain gages during the Wall 2 triangle motion to +/-1.5 in. ....................90
Figure 6.48 End of Wall 2 test sequence: (a) damage in east corner; (b) damage along
sliding plane; and (c) damage in west corner. ........................................................90
Figure 6.49 Wall 2 final damage state after removing broken concrete: (a) east side;
and (b) west side. ...................................................................................................91
Figure 6.50 Wall 2 west side reinforcing bars. ..........................................................................91
Figure 6.51 Wall 1 and Wall 2 force-drift response comparison for ground motion and
cyclic excitations. ...................................................................................................93
Figure 6.52 Wall 1 force-drift response to ground motions and cycles with envelope. ............93
Figure 6.53 Wall 2 force-drift response to ground motions and cycles with envelope. ............94
Figure 6.54 Comparison of Wall 1 and Wall 2 force-drift response envelopes. .......................94
Figure 6.55 Novotechnik instruments used to measure shear. ..................................................95
Figure 6.56 Determining shear displacements [Massone and Wallace 2004] ..........................96
Figure 6.57 Wall 1 DBE computed base displacement. ............................................................98
Figure 6.58 Wall 1 start of sliding. ............................................................................................98
Figure 6.59 Sliding at 1.6 minutes. ...........................................................................................99
Figure 6.60 Estimate of start of sliding. ..................................................................................100
Figure 6.61 Wall 1 DBE drift contributions for selected increasing ductilities. .....................101
Figure 6.62 Wall 1 BDBE drift contributions for selected increasing ductilities. ..................102
Figure 6.63 Wall 2 BDBE drift contributions for selected increasing ductilities. ..................103
Figure 6.64 Wall 1 DBE aftershock 1 drift contributions for selected increasing
ductilities. .............................................................................................................104
Figure 6.65 Wall 2 DBE aftershock 1 drift contributions for selected increasing
ductilities. .............................................................................................................104
Figure 6.66 Predicted peak shear strength using code equations. ...........................................105
Figure 6.67 Ratio of predicted to measured peak shear strength for code equations. .............105
Figure 6.68 Predicted strengths and Wallace [2006] backbone curve. ...................................107
Figure 6.69 Wallace backbone curve using the ACI Ch 21 equation superimposed on
the Wall 1 force-drift response. ...........................................................................108
Figure 6.70 Wallace backbone curve using Woods equation superimposed on the
Wall 1 force-drift response. .................................................................................109
Figure 6.71 Wallace backbone curve using 30% of initial stiffness superimposed on
the Wall 1 force-drift response. ...........................................................................110
Figure 6.72 Essentially elastic region and Wallace backbone curve using 30% of
initial stiffness superimposed on the Wall 1 force-drift response........................111
Figure 6.73 Envelope response with contributions to drift from wall 1 BDBE. .....................112
Figure 6.74 Envelope response with contributions to drift from Wall 2 BDBE. ....................112
Figure 6.75 Wall 1 BDBE test set up slips. .............................................................................113
Figure 6.76 Wall 2 BDBE clevis slips. ...................................................................................114
Figure 6.77 Wall 2 BDBE test set up slips. .............................................................................115
Figure 6.78 Wall 1 east-side displacements. ...........................................................................115
Figure 6.79 Wall 1 west-side displacements. ..........................................................................116
Figure 6.80 Wall 2 east-side displacements. ...........................................................................117
Figure 6.81 Wall 2 west-side displacements. ..........................................................................117
Figure 6.82 DBE aftershock 1 force-drift response. ...............................................................119
Figure 6.83 Displacement tracking for Wall 1 BDBE motion. ...............................................119
Figure 6.84 Displacement tracking for Wall 2 BDBE motion. ...............................................120
Figure 6.85 Wall 1 Mercan/Ricles plots. .................................................................................120
Figure 6.86 Wall 2 Mercan/Ricles plots. .................................................................................121
Figure 7.1 SUNY Buffalo test set up [Luna 2012]................................................................124
Figure 7.2 SUNY Buffalo wall at first peak: (a) LS 11; (b) LS 12; and (c) LS 13. ..............125
Figure 7.3 (a) SUNY Buffalo wall at first peak of LS 12 and (b) UCB Wall 1 at end
of BDBE motion. .................................................................................................126
Figure 7.4 Normalized shear strength versus drift response for Berkeley Walls 1 and
2 and the Buffalo wall. .........................................................................................128
Figure 7.5 Berkeley BDBE compared to Buffalo LS 7-11 normalized shear strength
versus drift response. ...........................................................................................128
Figure 7.6 Stiffness versus shear stress (expressed as multiple of '
f ). ............................130
Figure 7.7 Normalized stiffness versus shear stress (expressed as multiple of '
f ). .........130
Figure 7.8 Selecting values for strength degradation calculation. ........................................131
Figure 7.9 Average strength degradation for each wall. .......................................................132
Figure 7.10 Ratio of predicted to measured strengths for code equations. .............................133
Figure 7.11 Wallace envelope with the modified initial slope shown along with the
envelopes for the Wall 1, Wall 2, and Buffalo Wall responses. ..........................133
Figure 7.12 Envelopes with IO, LS, and CP. ..........................................................................134
Figure 8.1 Strips and fibers within MVLE cross section [Massone et al 2006]. ..................137
Figure 8.2 MVLE [Massone et al 2006]. ..............................................................................138
Figure 8.3 Modified MVLE with shear-flexure interaction [Massone et al 2009]. ..............138
Figure 8.4 Concrete06 material [OpenSees 2012]. ...............................................................139
Figure 8.5 Reinforcingsteel material [OpenSees 2012]. ........................................................140
Figure 8.6 Berkeley Wall 1 test results compared to flexure-shear interaction model. ........142
Figure 8.7 Berkeley Wall 2 test results compared to flexure-shear interaction model. ........143
Figure 8.8 Buffalo test results compared to flexure-shear interaction model. ......................144
Figure 8.9 Effect of varying vertical load. ............................................................................145
Figure 8.10 Flexure, shear, sliding interaction. .......................................................................146
Table 2.1 Recommended stiffnesses. .....................................................................................12
Table 2.2 Constants A and B. ................................................................................................17
Table 2.3 ASCE 43 and ASCE 41 factors and acceptable drift limits. ..................................19
Table 3.1 Consideration of Kims force control methods. .....................................................31
Table 4.1 PIDF gains. ............................................................................................................39
Table 5.1 Wall specified and actual strengths. .......................................................................46
Table 5.2 Ground motion scaling factors. ..............................................................................47
Table 5.3 Ground motion test sequences. ..............................................................................47
Table 7.1 SUNY Buffalo loading protocol. .........................................................................124
Table 7.2 Cumulative displacements experienced by each of the walls. .............................126
Table 7.3 Summary of Berkeley and Buffalo displacements and forces at key points. .......129
Table 7.4 Summary of stiffnesses, K. ..................................................................................129
Table 7.5 Secant stiffnesses at increasing shear stresses (psi). ............................................129
Table 7.6 Strength degradation ratio for each wall and each direction. ...............................131
Table 8.1 Concrete06 material properties. ...........................................................................140
Table 8.2 ReinforcingSteel material properties. ..................................................................141
1 Introduction
Low-aspect-ratio reinforced concrete (RC) walls are commonly used as the lateral-force-resisting
system in nuclear and industrial structures. Knowledge about strength and deformation capacities
of these walls comes from laboratory tests, but there is substantial scatter in this data. The source
of this scatter is the complex interaction of flexure, shear, and sliding shear failure modes that
these walls experience. Size effects associated with small-scale models and the predetermined
cycles of a quasi-static loading sequence commonly employed for testing both contribute to
uncertainties about squat wall behavior in ground motion excitations. Additionally, nuclear
facility structures are very stiff and have a short natural vibration period, putting them in the
acceleration-sensitive range of a typical earthquake response spectrum. Though nuclear facility
structures are designed to remain essentially elastic in a design basis earthquake (DBE), any
small yielding of a structure in the acceleration-sensitive region causes a large increase in
displacement ductility demand. With the quasi-brittle nature of these walls, such that they
initially behave in a ductile flexural mode and transition to a brittle shear mode, the displacement
ductility capacities are very limited, and the walls can abruptly lose strength. Thus, it is critical to
understand the strength and deformation capacities of these walls such that this essentially
elastic state can be defined appropriately. Furthermore, a sequence of earthquakes, a main shock
followed by an aftershock of different intensities, may have a further adverse effect on the post-
yield response of squat walls. This issue has not been investigated before. Finally, as a result of
the scatter in available test data, current analysis models do not adequately predict the behavior
of squat shear walls and must be improved with new experimental findings.
Most industrial and nuclear facilities are low-rise RC buildings with a large footprint. Generally,
their structural walls are used as the primary seismic lateral-force-resisting components. In
nuclear facility structures the walls are designed to have as few openings as possible to prevent
radiation leaks. This design is also typical in industrial structures to simplify construction when
few access points and windows are required. Thus, the resulting structural systems are composed
of long walls with a relatively short height. Nuclear facility walls are designed to be thick for
radiation shielding as well as blast and fire protection. Similarly thick walls are also found in
industrial structures. The combination of a squat and thick wall geometry results in a high initial
wall stiffness. The structure which contains many of these walls then becomes very stiff also, so
it has a very short fundamental mode vibration period. Consequently, the seismic shear demands
on such structures can be very large. Most design codes define squat walls to have an aspect ratio
2.0. In nuclear facility structures this aspect ratio is commonly 0.5. Figure 1.1 below shows
an example of a squat wall during construction for a nuclear reactor in Finland.
The essentially elastic design goal for shear walls in nuclear facility structures in a
DBE means the walls experience only a slight amount of yielding in such an event. However,
this approach is potentially problematic for a very stiff structural element. The displacement
ductility demand for a very stiff structure (with a short natural vibration period) may be very
large even if the structure yields only slightly [Chopra 2007]. Therefore, it is important to
investigate the behavior of stiff shear walls in case the structure experiences an earthquake
ground motion that introduces much larger seismic shear demands than those considered in
design. To further complicate matters, current building code equations have been shown to
generally overpredict, excessively in some cases, the peak shear strength capacity of squat
reinforced concrete shear walls. From test data compiled by Gulec [2005], in the worst cases,
these design equations were shown to overpredict peak shear strength by a factor larger than 3.
Design codes promote energy dissipation through the ductile mechanism of flexural
yielding rather than shear. Flexural behavior is considered safer because the structural element
can be designed to safely undergo significant deformation before failure. This design is very
effective for tall slender walls, which bend easily: the flexural behavior of these structural walls
is well-characterized [Paulay et al 1982]. However, squat walls tend to fail in shear and/or in
sliding shear because their geometry restricts them from bending easily. Both shear failure
modes are undesirable because they constitute a quasi-brittle response, such that the structural
element loses strength and stiffness rapidly with small increments of inelastic deformation.
Figure 1.1 Shear wall in a nuclear reactor, Olkiluoto, Finland (http://www.enviro-
Due to the quasi-brittle behavior and complexity of interacting failure modes in squat
shear walls, there is significant uncertainty with identifying a backbone curve to describe the
wall behavior. A lack of adequate testing contributes to this uncertainty. The majority of squat
shear wall tests have been performed on a shake table or quasi-statically. Shake table tests are
advantageous because they use the actual ground motion input; however, in most cases, the walls
are built at a very small scale to accommodate the dimensions of the shake table. Reducing the
scale of a RC model involves appropriately scaling both the aggregate and rebar sizes. Thus, it is
very difficult to match the behavior of the scaled specimen to the prototype, so it is imperative
that tests be performed at the largest possible scale. Many previous squat walls tests were
performed with a quasi-static loading sequence. The standard quasi-static RC testing protocol
from ITG 1.1 [ACI ITG/T1.1-01 2001] requires a series of predetermined cycles with increasing
amplitude, which represent the increasing drifts the structure is expected to experience in the
ground motion considered. It is unclear, however, if this protocol adequately represents the
actual seismic demands on a squat wall in a typical nuclear or industrial structure. Additionally,
most quasi-static tests of squat walls have not had the thickness characteristic of nuclear or
industrial-type walls. Therefore, hybrid simulation is a good choice for testing squat walls
because it combines a dynamic response simulation with a large-scale physical test. A large-scale
test reduces any size effects. The use of a ground motion input avoids the uncertainty whether
the quasi-static test is representative of ground motion behavior. Additionally, hybrid simulation
incorporates a numerical model, so one component can be tested in large scale and other aspects
of the structure can be modeled numerically.
The research described in this report contributes to the NEES-R Project: Performance-Based
Design of Squat Concrete Walls of Conventional and Composite Construction. This is a
collaboration among researchers at the State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY
Buffalo), University of California, Berkeley (UCB), and University of Washington (UW). The
SUNY Buffalo and UCB teams are focused on experimental testing to improve the
understanding of the capacities of squat shear walls and provide test data for calibrating
numerical models. The UW team is focused on numerical modeling to better quantify squat wall
Since the data obtained by Gulec [2005] came from many experimental sources with a
variety of testing parameters, the SUNY Buffalo team investigated the behavior of squat walls
with varying aspect ratios and reinforcement ratios using standard quasi-static loading and a
consistent test set up for all cases. The UCB team conducted hybrid simulations of earthquake
response on two squat walls, which are the focus of this report, to investigate the effect of ground
motion load sequence, compare to the quasi-static test results, and validate the finite element
models. No vertical load was applied to the wall specimens.
Hybrid simulation of the earthquake response of squat shear walls is challenging due to
the high stiffness of the walls. Conventional displacement-controlled hybrid simulation cannot
achieve small enough displacement increments to ensure a smooth force response for a stiff
specimen. Force control methods and a high-precision displacement controlled method were
considered, and the latter was selected for the testing protocol. The hybrid simulation tests were
used to investigate the effect of loading sequence on squat walls.
The following summarizes the project objectives for the Berkeley tests:
- Establish a hybrid testing method that accommodates a stiff specimen.
- Perform two hybrid simulations of the earthquake response of two
nominally identical squat shear walls, investigating the effect of different
ground motion loading sequences.
- Validate the use of quasi-static testing for stiff squat shear walls through
comparison to hybrid simulation seismic response data.
- Contribute to improvements of code-based predictions of squat wall peak
shear strength and initial stiffness.
- Provide data to improve and validate finite element models of squat shear
- Contribute data to improve and validate design models for strength and
deformation capacity of squat walls.
This report is organized as follows: Chapter 2 provides a literature review, including squat wall
failure modes, previous experimental programs, and current design codes. Chapter 3 presents an
introduction to hybrid simulation and existing displacement and force control methods. The
selected high-precision displacement control method using an encoder is described. Chapter 4
addresses the necessary modifications to the nees@Berkeley hybrid simulation laboratory for
encoder control and describes validation tests performed for using this new method. Chapter 5
introduces the experimental program for the two hybrid simulation tests of seismic response of
squat shear walls. Chapter 6 presents the results for each of the squat shear walls and compare
their behaviors. Chapter 7 compares the hybrid simulation results to the cyclic quasi-static test
performed at SUNY Buffalo using a nominally identical squat shear wall. Chapter 8 compares
the hybrid simulation tests results to the results from an Open System for Earthquake
Engineering Simulation (OpenSees) model using the Flexure-Shear Interaction Displacement-
Based Beam-Column Element, developed by Massone et al [2006]. Finally, Chapter 9
summarizes and draws conclusions from the squat shear wall tests and recommends future
2 Squat Wall Behavior
This research is motivated by four principal concerns: (1) the interaction between flexure, shear,
and sliding shear failure modes in squat RC walls must be better characterized; (2) design code
equations do not predict the peak shear strength of squat walls with sufficient certainty, even in
cases of monotonic loading; (3) load history affects wall behavior, but difficulties persist to test
such stiff wall specimens with ground motion excitations at large scale. Although both
monotonic and also quasi-static cyclic tests have been performed on squat walls, few tests have
examined ground motion excitations, except on small-scale a shake table tests; and (4) nuclear
facility structures are designed to remain essentially elastic in a DBE earthquake, meaning they
will only experience a small amount of yielding. However, stiff structures develop large
deformation ductility demands if they are not strong enough to remain elastic. Thus, the available
deformation ductility capacity of squat walls is important to quantify in order to determine the
appropriate force demand to use for design.
Design codes intend walls to dissipate energy in a ductile fashion in flexure (bending) and
suppress any shear failure. This design goal is achieved in tall walls, but squat walls, with aspect
ratios 2.0, tend to fail in a mixed flexure-shear mode or in pure shear. As the aspect ratio of the
wall decreases, the wall is much more likely to fail in pure shear. Reference to a shear failure
means one (or more) of the three shear failure modes described here. Two of these modes are
pure shear modes and one is a sliding shear mode. All modes occur in the plane of the wall (no
out-of-plane behavior). The failures are brittle in nature, meaning they occur suddenly, and are
not preceded by significant yielding, either in flexure or in tension induced by shear. After Gulec
[2005] compiled existing data from tests of squat shear walls beginning in the late 1940s, he
reported that the three major failure modes of squat walls are diagonal tension, diagonal
compression, and sliding shear.
2.2.1 Diagonal Tension Failure
A diagonal tension failure is common in squat walls with light horizontal reinforcement. The
horizontal reinforcement, which had been resisting the principal tensile stresses, yields and
widely spaced diagonal cracks form. The horizontal reinforcement yields further as the cracks
widen. Walls with a rigid beam above them tend to form a corner to corner crack. Otherwise, the
walls tend to form a diagonal crack at 45. This failure mode can be prevented by providing
sufficient horizontal reinforcement. An example of diagonal tension failure is shown in Figure
Figure 2.1 Diagonal tension failure (Gulec [2009] from Hildago [2001]).
2.2.2 Diagonal Compression Failure
Adding horizontal reinforcement to prevent a diagonal tension failure can lead to a diagonal
compression failure mode instead. In this case, as the specimen experiences cyclic loading,
diagonal cracks form in both directions. These cracks open and close repeatedly, which weakens
the concrete struts. Ultimately, the concrete struts are crushed near the base of the wall. This type
of failure mode occurs for walls with a very high shear stress. It is typically found for walls with
flanges or barbells or walls with a high axial load. The shear walls in nuclear facility structures
investigated in this report are unlikely to form this failure mode, given that they are rectangular
and carry a small axial load relative to their axial load capacity. An example of a diagonal
compression failure is shown in Figure 2.2.
Figure 2.2 Diagonal compression failure (Gulec [2009] from Maier and Thurlimann
2.2.3 Sliding Shear Failure
This failure mode often occurs in walls with sufficient reinforcement to prevent a diagonal
tension failure and with low axial loads, so a diagonal compression failure is unlikely. The initial
shear transfer mechanism prior to damage is aggregate interlock in the compression zone [Synge
1980]. As the wall is cycled, the vertical reinforcement in the tension zone at the base of one end
of the wall yields in flexure and elongates. This causes cracking at the interface between the wall
and the foundation. Upon load reversal, the elongated vertical bars do not allow the cracks to
close. On the other side of the wall, the vertical reinforcement, now in the tension zone, similarly
yields and elongates. Upon load reversal, the elongated vertical bars on that side of the wall also
do not allow the cracks to close. At the ends of the walls, there is now insufficient contact
between the wall and the foundation in the compression zone to transfer shear. The wall must
slip until enough contact forms between the wall and foundation aggregate to transfer the force.
As the wall is cycled, further yielding occurs in the vertical reinforcement, and rough pieces of
concrete continue to break, smoothing the surface between the wall and the foundation. The wall
must slip even further for aggregate interlock to occur. As aggregate interlock becomes less
effective, dowel action of the vertical reinforcing bars becomes the predominant force transfer
mechanism [Synge 1980]. Each time the wall is cycled, it must slip at least as much as it did in
the previous cycle before the concrete bears on the vertical reinforcement to transfer the force
again. In the case of thick squat walls, as are prevalent in nuclear facility structures, there may be
a substantial portion of the section between the two reinforcement curtains that is essentially
unreinforced. The vertical reinforcement may be less effective in holding the cracks closed.
Furthermore, the space between the vertical reinforcing bars across the width of the wall may
render the dowel action less effective as the sliding shear mechanism develops. A picture of a
squat wall sliding shear failure tested by Synge [1980] is shown in Figure 2.3. This wall had an
aspect ratio of 0.5 and the following dimensions: 118 in. (3000 mm) 59 in. (1500 mm) 3.9 in.
(100 mm). These dimensions are very similar to the walls tested in this study, except Synges
walls had approximately half of the thickness and only one curtain of reinforcement instead of
Figure 2.3 Sliding shear failure [Synge 1980].
There have been many squat shear wall tests since the late 1940s, but most tests have been
performed on small-scale walls that do not have enough thickness to represent a nuclear or
industrial structure. When the thickness of a specimen is increased, the force capacity increases
very quickly. Most laboratories do not have the equipment that can apply large enough forces to
test large-scale specimens with adequate thicknesses. Additionally, most prior squat wall tests
were performed quasi-statically. Since the shear failure modes of concern here are brittle
involving aggregate interlock and frictionthey are highly dependent on both the specimen size
and the number of cycles that the specimen experiences. Brittle failure involves a variety of
fracture phenomena in reinforced concrete, all of which suffer from size effect.
The size effect is explained as follows. For an equivalent nominal stress applied to a
larger and smaller specimen, a unit extension of a crack in the larger specimen will release more
strain energy because the fracture zone is physically larger. However, this fracture energy
(energy dissipated per area of the fracture surface), which is required for a unit extension of a
crack, is a property of the material, so it is approximately constant for any specimen size. In
order to maintain similarity, the larger specimen must achieve a lesser nominal strength. Thus,
the size effect causes the larger specimen to appear weaker, and small-scale tests of squat walls
may overestimate the strength of the walls.
Due to the size effect described above, it is important to test walls at the largest scale
possible. Additionally, due to the brittle nature of the failure modes of interest, a small-scale
specimen may not adequately reflect the shear failure mode behaviors of the full-scale specimen.
It is unclear whether the standard quasi-static test procedure from ITG 1.1 [ACI ITG/T1.1-01
2001] adequately captures the dynamic response of squat shear walls. This procedure involves
predetermining groups of repeated cycles with increasing amplitude that represent drifts the
structure is expected to experience in a given ground motion. Though some previous squat shear
wall tests were performed dynamically on a shaking table, the small size of the specimens used
still introduced size-effect problems.
The following provides a brief summary of some of the tests that were included in
Gulecs [2005] database of squat wall tests. The general focus of most of these tests was the
ultimate in-plane shear strength of walls. The Department of the Army Corps of Engineers
funded the first monotonic tests of squat shear walls at MIT and Stanford University in 1949
[Galletly 1952; Benjamin and Williams 1954]. Then the Department of the Army funded further
tests at MIT [Antebi et al 1960]. The first cyclic tests of squat walls occurred in the 1970s,
including tests by Barda et al [1976]. With the supervision of Paulay and Priestley at the
University of Canterbury, Synge [1980] tested four squat walls with aspect ratios less than 0.5.
Two of the walls were rectangular and two had flanges. One wall in each group had conventional
orthogonal reinforcement, and the other had diagonal reinforcement; sliding shear failure
occurred in the walls. The diagonal reinforcement reduced the base slip and improved the
hysteretic behavior. The flanges caused base slip to begin at smaller displacements.
In 1980, the first earthquake-simulator and nuclear-specific shear wall tests were
performed when the Nuclear Regulatory Commissions (NRC) Office of Nuclear Regulatory
Research funded experiments at Los Alamos National Lab (The Seismic Category I Structures
Program). Results showed that the elastic stiffnesses measured experimentally were much lower
than the theoretical strength-of-materials values. A Technical Review Group (TRG) investigated
this discrepancy by testing 15 TRG walls. They determined that the low experimental elastic
stiffness results from the Seismic Category I Structures Program were due to experimental errors
and possible damage to the specimens during transportation. Results from the TRG structures
were more reliable, and the experimentally measured stiffnesses were comparable to the
strength-of-materials calculated values [Farrar and Baker 1993].
Wood [1990] reviewed tests of 143 squat shear walls, compiling data from Japanese
investigators (Aoyagi, Hirosawa, Kabeyasawa, Kokusho, Ryo, Sugano, Tanabe, Tsuboi, and
Yoshizaki) and Stanford University tests (19521956). She proposed an equation for a lower-
bound estimate of nominal shear strength in squat walls.
Sozen and Moehle [1993] reviewed force-displacement response data from Maier and
Thurlimann, Rothe, and Inada. They investigated differences between initial elastic stiffnesses of
walls using strength-of-materials calculations and experimentally measured initial elastic
stiffnesses. From 41 data sets, they found that measured initial stiffnesses were generally less
than the stiffness calculated using the strength-of-materials approach. The mean value of the
ratio of measured to calculated stiffness was about 0.7, but there was a wide scatter.
In 2006, a full-scale shake table test of a six-story RC building with squat shear walls
(aspect ratio = 0.5) in each story was performed at E-Defense in Japan. This was not a nuclear
test; therefore, the wall thicknesses were less than those in a nuclear facility structure. First, there
was significant flexural response with uplift of the boundary elements, causing a soft first story.
Then diagonal cracking began, and the ultimate failure was sliding-shear along the entire length
of the wall connected to the foundation. The behavior of the structure was not predictable with
our current understanding of squat shear walls. The experimental results are summarized in Kim
et al [2007].
The SAFE-Structures Armees Faiblement Elancees test program involved pseudo-
dynamic tests of 13 RC squat walls at the ELSA Laboratory in Ispra, Italy [Naze and Sidaner
2001]. The walls had aspect ratios of 0.4, and the reinforcement ratios and elastic natural
frequencies were varied. Rotation of the top of the walls was restricted, and vertical load was
imposed. Pure shear failures were observed.
2.4.1 Structural Design Codes
Sections 11.6, 11.9, and 21.9 of ACI 318-08, Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete and Commentary, provide equations for calculating the peak shear strength of squat
walls. These equations are intended for computing the peak strength of walls in buildings, but
not nuclear facility structures. Section 11.6 provides equations for determining the shear friction,
which relates to sliding shear strength. Section 11.9 provides design provisions for non-seismic
lateral loads applied to structural walls, and Section 21.9 provides provisions for seismic lateral
The document, ASCE 43-05 [ASCE 2005], Seismic Design Criteria for Structures,
Systems, and Components in Nuclear Facilities, provides seismic design criteria for nuclear
facility structures. These criteria are more rigorous than building codes, so nuclear facilities to
have a lower probability of structural damage in an earthquake than conventional structures.
Each component in the nuclear facility structure is assigned a Seismic Design Basis (SDB),
which is a combination of a Seismic Design Category (SDC) and a Limit State (LS). The SDC
determines the DBE. The SDC ranges from 1 to 5, where SDC-1 refers to a relatively low-risk
structure and SDC-5 refers to a structure containing radioactive material. The LS determines the
acceptance criteria. The LSs range from LS-A (collapse prevention) to LS-D (essentially elastic
behavior) with only slight yielding. Shear walls providing the lateral-force-resisting system in a
structure containing radioactive material are designed with SDC-5 and LS-D. Using this
designation, the target performance goal is a mean annual probability of 1 10
that the LS will
not be exceeded. Shear controlled walls are defined as having an aspect ratio less than 2.
The document, ASCE/SEI 7-10 [ASCE 2010], Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and
Other Structures, governs design of industrial facilities. This code does not distinguish between
tall and short walls, which behave very differently. Tall walls generally exhibit much greater
ductility due to their ability to bend in flexure.
2.4.2 Structural Evaluation Codes
A performance-based earthquake engineering approach ensures that force and deformation
capacities exceed demands for selected performance and hazard levels. Performance levels
include Fully Functional, Immediate Occupancy, Life Safety, and Collapse Prevention. The
earthquake levels for which these performance levels should be achieved are the 100-year return
period (DBE, 10% in 50-year probability of exceedance) and the 2500-year return period
(Maximum Considered Earthquake, 2% in 50-year probability of exceedance). ASCE 41-06
[2007], Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings, was revised with ASCE 41-06 Supplement
No. 1 [2007], and then with the Update to ASCE/SEI 41 Concrete Provisions [Elwood et al
2009]. These documents provide performance-based earthquake engineering guidelines for
structural assessment and rehabilitation of existing buildings. These are the current guidelines for
existing non-nuclear facility structures. Here, squat walls are considered to have an aspect ratio
less than 1.5 and to be controlled by shear. Since squat walls normally have limited ability to
deform past the elastic range, they are typically considered to be displacement-controlled
components with low ductility capacities or force-controlled components. The former
designation is allowable for squat shear walls with axial load 0.15A
(which is the case for
walls in this study), and the latter designation for squat shear walls with higher axial loads.
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) 349-06 [2006] document, Code Requirements for
Nuclear Safety Related Concrete Structures, is the current guideline for evaluating existing
nuclear facility structures. The code assumes that the shear walls attain their intended
essentially elastic limit state in a DBE. This code adopts ACI 318-08, Sections 11.9 and 21.9
to predict shear strength of walls in nuclear facility structures.
2.4.3 Shear Wall Backbone Curve
The Update to ASCE/SEI 41 Concrete Provisions [Elwood et al 2009] performance-based
earthquake engineering guidelines includes backbone curves for creating nonlinear models. It
adopts Wallaces [2006] modification to the backbone curve for the behavior of RC walls
governed by shear in order to include the cracking point F (shear strength ratio at cracking,
), as shown in Figure 2.4. This curve shows the normalized shear capacity of the wall
versus the drift (wall top displacement/wall height). The strengths at points B and C are both
taken to be the nominal shear strength ratio (V
), which is calculated using Chapter 21.9 of
ACI 318-08. The yield drift ratio is shown as g, the drift ratio corresponding to the start of shear
strength degradation is shown as d, and the maximum drift ratio is shown as e. The strength ratio
for yielding is shown as f, and the strength ratio for residual strength is shown as c. Drift ratios
are g = 0.4%, d = 1.0%, and e = 2.0%. Strength ratios are c = 0.2 and f = 0.6.
Figure 2.4 Load displacement relationship for RC squat shear walls [Wallace 2006].
The shear strength at cracking, V
, and the drift angle at cracking,
, are calculated
using the following equations.
n cr
4 . 0
5 . 0
where A (in2) is the wall gross area (wall length web thickness), V
(lb) is the nominal shear
strength, and E (psi) is the modulus of elasticity of the concrete. The wall ductility capacity prior
to rapidly losing strength is the ratio of the drift at point C divided by the yield drift at point B.
This value is 2.5. The wall will only deform 2.5 times its yield displacement before losing
capacity. Tall walls generally fail in flexure and are able to maintain their capacity to much
larger displacement ductilities.
The following discussion will evaluate the current code understanding of wall behavior
by looking at various points on this force-deformation response envelope. The discussion will be
organized in terms of Figure 2.4. Estimates of uncracked and cracked stiffnesses will be
addressed in Section 2.5. Equations that describe predicted peak shear strengths will be given in
Section 2.6. The predicted deformation capacities and post-peak behaviors will be addressed in
Sections 2.7 and 2.8, respectively.
The recommended values for uncracked and cracked stiffnesses, given in ASCE 43-05, the
Update to ASCE 41, and recommended by Wallace [2006], are summarized in Table 2.1. The
modulus of rigidity is G = 0.4E. For squat RC walls, Wallace [2006] shows the proposed
backbone curve together with data from a test by Hidalgo et al [2002], replicated in Figure 2.5.
The shear strength at cracking is taken as 0.5 times the peak shear strength. Then the initial
uncracked stiffness is taken as the shear stiffness to this cracking point. The shear rigidity is
effectively 0.5GA.
Table 2.1 Recommended stiffnesses.
Flexural Rigidity Shear Rigidity
ASCE 43-05: Uncracked Walls EI GA
ASCE 43-05: Cracked Walls 0.5EI 0.5GA
Update to ASCE 41: Uncracked Walls 0.8EI GA
Update to ASCE 41: Cracked Walls 0.5EI GA
Wallace [2006] - 0.5GA
Figure 2.5 Wallace [2006] backbone curve based on Hidalgo et al [2002] test data.
The equations for peak shear strength considered are those recommended by Barda et al [1976],
Wood [1990], Gulec and Whittaker [2009], ACI 318-08 11.6, ACI 318-08 11.9, ACI 318-08
21.9, and ASCE 43-05, as described in the following sub-sections.
2.6.1 Barda et al Equation
Barda et al [1976] presented the following equation for nominal shear strength of shear walls.
This equation was derived based on results from experimental tests of eight squat walls with
heavily reinforced flanges.
w yv v
w w
c c n
dt f
t l
f f V
+ + =
' 5 . 2 ' 8
where f'
(psi) is the concrete compressive strength, h
is the height of the wall, l
is the length of
the wall, N
(lb) is the factored axial force (negative in tension), t
is the thickness of the wall,
is the vertical web reinforcement ratio, f
is the yield stress of vertical web reinforcement, and d
is the distance from the extreme compression fiber to the area centroid of tension reinforcement.
Barda et al [1976] found that the actual strength of squat shear wall test specimens was
significantly higher than that predicted by ACI. Their equation does not consider horizontal
2.6.2 Wood Equation
Wood [1990] compiled peak shear strengths from 143 squat wall tests, including rectangular
walls and walls with boundary elements. The following equation was introduced to predict
nominal shear strength of squat walls,
w c
y v
n w c
A f
f A
V A f ' 10
' 6 s = s (2.3)
where f'
(psi) is the concrete compressive strength, A
is the gross area of the web of the wall
(wall length web thickness), A
is the area of the total vertical reinforcement crossing the shear
plane, and f
is the reinforcement yield stress.
2.6.3 Gulec Equation
Gulec [2009] proposed the following equation for peak shear strength of shear-critical
rectangular walls with an aspect ratio 1.0.
vbe vw w c
P F F A f
4 . 0 2 . 0 25 . 0 ' 5 . 1 + + +
where f'
(psi) is the concrete compressive strength, A
is the gross area of the web of the wall
(wall length web thickness), F
is the force attributed to vertical web reinforcement (product
of vertical web reinforcement area and reinforcement yield stress), F
is the force attributed to
boundary element reinforcement, P is the axial force, h
is the height of the wall, and l
is the
length of the wall.
2.6.4 ACI 318-08 Section 11.6 Equations
The design equations in ACI 318-08 apply to both tall and squat walls. Section 11.6 gives design
provisions to prevent a shear transfer failure across a shear plane. For squat walls, this type of
failure would occur as a sliding shear failure along the base of the wall. Section 11.6 assumes a
crack forms along the shear plane considered, and reinforcement is provided across the crack to
resist motion along the crack. The friction between crack faces and the dowel action of the
reinforcement crossing the crack resist the applied shear. The nominal shear strength based on
the shear-friction model is
y v n
f A V =
where the coefficient of friction is 1.4 for concrete placed monolithically, 1.0 for concrete
placed against hardened concrete with the surface intentionally roughened, or 0.6 for concrete
placed against hardened concrete not intentionally roughened. = 1.0 for normal weight concrete
and 0.75 for lightweight concrete. V
should not exceed the smaller of 0.2 f'
and 800A
. For
the purpose of design of shear-friction reinforcement, f
should not exceed 60 ksi. The shear-
friction model assumes that all the shear resistance comes from friction between the crack faces;
this oversimplifies the actual behavior, so the coefficient of friction is artificially increased to
provide nominal shear strengths that agree with test results. For the concrete placed against
hardened concrete not intentionally roughened, most of the resistance is due to dowel action;
therefore, an appropriate coefficient of friction is used. The code notes that the shear-friction
model conservative estimates the nominal shear strength. It allows use of the following modified
shear-friction equation which considers the contribution of dowel action if f
> 200 psi.
8 . 0 K A f A V
c y v n
+ =
where A
is the area of the total reinforcement crossing the shear plane, f
is the reinforcement
yield stress, and A
is the area of concrete section resisting shear transfer; K
= 400 psi for normal
weight concrete or 200 psi for lightweight concrete. The first term of the equation represents the
contribution of shear friction with 0.8 as the coefficient of friction, and the second term
represents the resistance due to protrusions on the crack surface and dowel action. For the
modified shear-friction equation to be valid,
c y v
A f A / should not be less than 200 psi.
2.6.5 ACI 318-08 Section 11.9 Equations
Section 11.9 provides design provisions for non-seismic lateral loads applied to structural walls.
This section intends to prevent a diagonal tension failure and provides a maximum shear strength
to prevent a diagonal compression failure. This section is intended mostly for low-rise walls
because taller walls are generally controlled by flexure. The nominal shear strength is
w c s c n
dt f V V V ' 10 s + =
where V
is the nominal shear strength of the concrete, V
is the nominal shear strength of the
reinforcement, f'
(psi) is the concrete compressive strength, d is the distance from the extreme
compression fiber to the centroid of tension reinforcement and can be taken as 0.8l
, where l
the length of the wall, and t
is the wall thickness. V
(lb) is the smaller of
w c c
d N
dt f V
' 3 . 3 + =
w w
c w
c c
t l
f l
f V
+ =
2 . 0
' 25 . 1
' 6 . 0
where N
(lb) is the factored axial force (negative in tension), M
(lb-in.) is the factored moment,
and V
(lb) is the factored shear force. The second equation does not apply if the denominator is
negative. These equations for the contribution of concrete strength are used to compute the
inclined cracking strength of the concrete. The first equation is based on the occurrence of a
principal tensile stress of approximately
f ' 4 at the centroid of the shear wall cross section.
The second equation is based on the occurrence of a flexural tensile stress of approximately
f ' 6 at a section l
/2 above the section considered. For walls in this study, the first equation
controls. V
is given by
d f A
y v
= (2.10)
where A
) is the area of horizontal reinforcement within distance s, and s (in.) is the spacing
of horizontal reinforcement. The minimum horizontal reinforcement is
+ =
is the horizontal shear reinforcement ratio. The maximum spacing of vertical
reinforcement is not less than the smallest value of l
/3, 3h, and 18 in. The code notes that test
data shows that vertical shear reinforcement is more effective for low-rise walls; therefore the
required vertical reinforcement is larger for low-rise walls.
2.6.6 ACI 318-08 Section 21.9 Equation
Section 21.9 provides design provisions for seismic design of structural walls. As in Section
11.9, Section 21.9 assumes a diagonal tension failure and provides a maximum shear strength to
prevent a diagonal compression failure. The nominal shear strength is
( )
w c w yh h c c n
A f A f f V ' 10 ' s + = o
is the aspect ratio coefficient equal to 3.0 for h
1.5, 2.0 for h
2.0, and varies
linearly between 3.0 and 2.0 for aspect ratios between 1.5 and 2.0, = 1.0 for normal weight
concrete and 0.75 for lightweight concrete, f'
(psi) is the concrete compressive strength,
is the
horizontal reinforcement ratio, f
is the horizontal reinforcement yield stress, and A
is the gross
area of the web of the wall (wall length web thickness). Section 21.9 requires vertical and
horizontal web reinforcement to be uniformly distributed across the shear plane to limit inclined
crack width. The minimum horizontal and vertical web reinforcement ratio is 0.25%. If the
aspect ratio of the wall is 2.0, the vertical web reinforcement ratio
must be greater than or
equal to the horizontal reinforcement ratio
. Maximum reinforcement spacing is 18 in. each
way. Two curtains of reinforcement are required if V
c w
f A ' 2 . The web
reinforcement must be in at least two curtains and the maximum spacing is 18 in.
For all sections of ACI 318-08, the nominal shear strengths have been stated. The design
shear strength is
n u
V V | s (2.13)
where | = 0.75 for shear.
2.6.7 ASCE 43-05 Equation
The ASCE 43-05 document uses ACI 349, Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related
Concrete Structures, for all structural elements except squat shear walls (defined as having an
aspect ratio 2.0). Instead, the following equation, proposed by Barda et al [1976], is given
below for nominal squat shear wall strength. This is similar to the equation found in Chapter 11
of ASCE 349-06 [ASCE 2006].
h v se
w c w y se
w w
c c n
dt f dt f
t l
f f V
+ =
+ +
= ' 20
5 . 0 ' 4 . 3 ' 3 . 8
where f'
(psi) is the concrete compressive strength, h
is the height of the wall, l
is the length of
the wall, N
(lb) is the factored axial force (negative in tension), t
is the thickness of the wall,
is the reinforcement ratio using
(horizontal) and
(vertical) reinforcement ratios, f
is the
yield stress of the reinforcement, and d is the distance from the extreme compression fiber to the
area centroid of tension reinforcement. The constants A and B are given in Table 2.2.
Table 2.2 Constants A and B.
Aspect Ratio A B
w w
h l s
1 0
w w
h l
w w
h l +
w w
h l
w w
h l >
0 1
The design shear strength is
n u
V V | s (2.14)
where | = 0.8 for shear.
2.6.8 Uncertainty in Code-Predicted Shear Strengths
Gulec [2005] created a database from the results of tests from 352 squat shear walls (aspect ratio
2.0). For the 150 rectangular walls in his database, Gulec et al [2009] presented a box-whisker
plot, shown in Figure 2.6, that displayed the ratio of predicted strength to measured strength for 5
design equations. The equations reviewed were from ACI 318-08 Section 21.9 (shown as ACI
21.7 in the plot, from the section name used in the previous edition of the code), ACI 318-08
Section 11.9, Barda et al [1976], ASCE/SEI 43-05, and Wood [1990]. In the worst cases, the
design code equations overpredict the peak shear strength of squat walls by a factor > 3.
Figure 2.6 Ratio of predicted to measured squat wall strength [Gulec 2009].
Gulec et al [2009] concluded that ACI 11.10 was the more accurate of the two ACI
sections predicting shear strength. ACI 21.9 overpredicts the shear strength of 67% of the walls.
ACI 11.10 overpredicts the shear strength of 49% of the walls. The Barda et al equation
overpredicts the shear strength of 85% of the walls. The ASCE 43-05 equations overpredict the
shear strength of 87% of the walls. Hence, Woods predictive equation is most reliable; it
overpredicts the shear strength of only 46% of the walls.
Gulec, Whittaker, and Stojadinovic [2008] reported on the scatter in the ratio of shear
strength predicted by code equations to the maximum measured shear strength in a physical test
for the rectangular walls in Gulecs database. They reviewed ACI 318-05 Chapter 21, ACI 318-
05 Chapter 11, Barda et al [1976], ASCE/SEI 43-05, and Wood [1990], and concluded that
Woods equation provided the best prediction for peak shear strength. In addition, they observed
that Chapter 11 of ACI generally gave the lowest estimates of peak shear strength. They found
that Barda et al and ASCE 43-05 significantly overestimated peak shear strength, and they
recommended against using these equations for walls with rectangular cross sections.
In ASCE 43-05, an inelastic energy absorption factor, F
ASCE 41 m
Acceptable Drift (%)
ASCE 41 Acceptable
Drift (%)
LS-A / CP 2 3 0.75 1
LS-B / LS 1.75 2.5 0.6 0.75
LS-C / IO 1.5 2 0.4 0.4
LS-D 1 0.4
Figure 2.7 Acceptable drift limits.
The limit states in ASCE 41 are classified in a similar way to ASCE 43-05: Immediate
Occupancy (IO, similar to LS-C), Life Safety (LS, similar to LS-B), and Collapse Prevention
(CP, similar to LS-A). The inelastic energy absorption factors and force reduction factors are
summarized in Table 2.3. Additionally, both standards give acceptable drift limits, which are
also summarized in Table 2.3.
The squat walls of interest in this study are classified as LS-D, so their F
factor = 1.
ASCE 43-05 Section addresses the issue of the F
value should be taken as 1. This implies ductility = 1 and no post-yield behavior. Figure 2.7
shows these acceptable drift limits superimposed on the Wallace [2006] backbone curve.
Similar to the inelastic energy absorption factor or the force reduction factor mentioned
above, ASCE 7-10 gives design coefficients for special RC shear walls as Response
Modification Coefficient, R = 5, Overstrength Factor,
=2.5, and Deflection Amplification
Factor, C
= 5. The R factor is also known as the strength reduction factor (elastic strength
demand/inelastic yield strength demand). The importance factor, I, varies for different types of
occupancies. It can adjust the R value to limit damage based on the desired seismic performance.
Ductility is = R/(
*I). For an Importance Factor = 1, the Ductility is 5/(2.5*1) = 2. With the
uncertainty in the yield and ultimate strength of squat walls, even a ductility of 2 may be too
large. In ASCE 7-10, special RC walls are defined as those walls complying with ACI 318-08
seismic design requirements in addition to requirements for ordinary RC structural walls. There
is no distinction in ASCE 7-10 between tall walls and squat walls. The only mention of height is
a height limit of 160 ft for walls in SDCs D, E, and F. This is a problem because tall walls have a
greater ductility than squat walls.
The ASCE 7-10 ductility of 2 is too large for these types of squat shear walls. Even a
ductility of 1 could be problematic if the yield point is difficult to define, as is the case with stiff
squat walls. Since shear walls in nuclear facility structures are designed to attain an essentially
elastic limit state in a DBE event, these walls are designed such that they may experience a
slight amount of yielding. Since a very stiff structure falls into the acceleration-preserved range
of an earthquake response spectrum, the displacement ductility demand may be very large even
for a very small amount of yielding [Chopra 2007]. Figure 2.8, excerpted from Chopra [2007],
shows a plot of ductility demand versus period for strength reduction factors ranging from 1 to 8.
This figure was drawn for the response of an elastoplastic system to the El Centro, California,
ground motion, using 5% damping. The nuclear facility structures of interest in this study have a
period of approximately 0.14 sec. This corresponds to the red line shown in the figure, which
falls in the acceleration sensitive region. The strength reduction factor, R
, is the peak strength
divided by the yield strength. The ductility demand, , is the peak displacement demand divided
by the yield displacement. At yield, both R
and are equal to 1, but for a peak force that is twice
the yield force (R
= 2), the displacement demand increases to 3.5 times the yield displacement
( = 3.5).
Figure 2.8 Ductility demand for varying strength reduction factors [Chopra 2007].
Because the design code equations have been shown to overpredict the peak shear
strength capacity of squat RC walls, in many cases the walls do not have intended strength
capacity. Though essentially elastic behavior is intended, these walls are likely to yield sooner
than intended in design. Then the walls will have a high displacement ductility demand. It is
important to investigate the post-peak behavior of stiff shear walls in case they experience an
earthquake ground motion that introduces large seismic shear demands.
Figure 2.9 from Paulay et al [1982] demonstrates the importance of considering the entire shear
strength response history because strength degrades rapidly post peak and a sliding shear failure
mode causes large displacements. Gulec et al [2008] considered shear strengths for the first three
load cycles and plotted the rapid drop in strength for three different aspect ratio walls. They
plotted the ratio of the second cycle to the first (V
) and the third cycle to the first
), as shown in Figure 2.10. This decrease in strength in each successive cycle became
more apparent as the wall aspect ratio decreased from 2.0 to 1.5 to 1.0.
Figure 2.9 Rapid strength degradation with cycling [Paulay et al 1982].
Figure 2.10 Shear strength loss with load cycling [Gulec et al 2008].
1 1.5
s <
1.5 2.0
s s
ult2 ult3
ult ult
Figure 2.11 superimposes a sketch of the large dispersions associated with strength and
displacement capacity onto the Wallace [2006] backbone curve. Quantifying these uncertainties
is difficult, but Figure 2.12, excerpted from Gulec [2009], where he expanded his database to
434 squat walls, shows the peak shear strength normalized by wall area and f'
versus the
moment-to-shear-ratio. This provides a sense of the dispersion in strengths. Because of the mix
of interacting failure modes, there is no attempt at this time to quantify uncertainties associated
with displacement capacity.
To investigate how these failure modes interact, studies were conducted SUNY Buffalo
and UCB. To minimize any size effect, large-scale tests were performed. The tests at Buffalo
investigated the effect of aspect ratio and reinforcement ratios using quasi-static testing. Two
wall tests, which are the subject of discussion in this study, were performed in hybrid simulation
at UCB, and the effect of ground motion loading sequence and the adequacy of quasi-static
testing for a brittle specimen were investigated. The UW ultimately will use the data to calibrate
a numerical model for squat walls.
Figure 2.11 Uncertainties in characterizing squat wall behavior superimposed on the
Wallace [2006] backbone curve.
Figure 2.12 Peak shear stress versus shear span ratio [Gulec 2009].
3 Hybrid Simulation
Hybrid simulation offers key advantages over conventional testing methods, such as quasi-static
and shaking table testing. Quasi-static testing employs actuators to apply pre-defined load or
displacement histories to a specimen, designed to represent the expected loading experienced by
the prototype during an earthquake. Large or even full-scale specimens can be used to overcome
the effects of scale and size, but pre-determined test histories often fall short in reproducing
multi-directional action expected in the prototype. In addition, the traditionally slow quasi-static
tests do not reflect the dynamic response of the prototype. Although shake table testing applies a
ground motion input to a structure and better captures the dynamic properties of the specimen,
the size and weight capacity of all but the biggest shaking tables usually restrict the size and
scale of the models. This leads to cumbersome similitude compensations, such as added mass to
compensate for the reduced volume of the specimen, and is likely to introduce errors when
replicating construction details in small scale. Hybrid simulation capitalizes on the benefits of the
two previous testing techniques by combining a physical quasi-static test with a computer model
to simulate dynamic loading.
Since the goal of this research is to apply a ground motion to excite a squat shear wall as
if it were in a nuclear facility structure, hybrid simulation is particularly well-suited for this task.
The hybrid model represents the nuclear facility structure numerically while testing the squat
shear wall physically. Instead of using a predetermined loading pattern, hybrid simulation allows
a ground motion input to the model. Finally, in each test, a squat shear wall can be built to large
scale since it is the only physical component of the test (instead of creating a physical model that
represents the whole system).
The pseudodynamic testing method was first investigated in the early 1970s. The first
publication implementing online computer-controlled testing was by Takanashi et al [1975].
Some early tests were conducted at the University of Tokyo and the Building Research Institute
(BRI) in Japan, including full-scale pseudo-dynamic tests in early 1980s. At the same time,
pseudodynamic testing was being investigated at UCB and at the University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor. Shing and Mahin [1983; 1984] and Mahin and Williams [1981] examined experimental
error propagation and numerical integration methods. Dermitzakis and Mahin [1985] introduced
the concept of substructuring, where a hybrid simulation is composed of any combination of
multiple numerical and physical components. Thewalt and Mahin [1987; 1995] improved one-
dimensional testing to include six components of excitation. They also proposed a fully implicit
numerical integration method that does not require the tangent stiffness or iteration. Instead, they
used an analogue electronic device to feedback instantaneous structural restoring forces. They
also proposed a method for real-time testing using force control. Nakashima et al [1990]
proposed the Operator-Splitting Method (OSM), where the numerical portion of the hybrid
simulation was solved implicitly and the physical portion was solved explicitly. This method
eliminated iterations on the physical specimen. Instead, the tangent stiffness of the physical
specimen was approximated by the initial stiffness. For softening behavior, this method was
unconditionally stable. Then, Shing et al [1991] developed an implicit integration scheme similar
to Thewalt and Mahin [1987], using numerical iteration based on the initial stiffness of the
physical structure; they also implemented a displacement reduction factor to avoid displacement
overshoot and attempt to load the physical specimen uniformly.
A hybrid model consists of a physical portion and a numerical portion. Structural components
whose behaviors are well-understood are typically modeled numerically, and the components
that are not well-understood or expect significant nonlinear behavior are modeled physically. A
displacement control strategy is most commonly implemented, as summarized in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1 Hybrid simulation in displacement control.
The equation of motion for the hybrid model is discretized in time and given as Equation
( )
1 1 1 , 1 i i i g i
Mu Cu R u MBu
+ + + +
+ + =
M is the mass hybrid model matrix, C is the viscous damping hybrid model matrix, and R is the
nodal restoring forces vector, assembled from the restoring forces from the physical and the
computer portions of the hybrid model. u is a vector of displacements at each degree of freedom
(DOF), u is a vector of the velocities at each DOF, and u is a vector of the accelerations at each
DOF. Matrix B is the ground acceleration transformation matrix, and
u is the vector of recorded
ground accelerations.
The earthquake acceleration record is provided to the computer finite element model at
discrete time steps. At each step, the acceleration is entered into the equation of motion, which
represents the structural behavior. A numerical integration technique is employed to solve the
equation of motion for a target displacement that the physical test specimen must move to. The
actuator applies this target displacement to the specimen, and the load cell records the restoring
force. This restoring force is entered into the governing equation of motion for the structure, and
then the equation is re-solved at the next time step. This process repeats throughout the duration
of the ground motion as the response of the structure is recorded.
The high stiffness of squat shear walls poses a challenge to this conventional hybrid
simulation displacement control approach. For a stiff specimen, a small increment in
displacement corresponds to a large increment in force. Large-scale models of squat walls are
stiff and strong: testing to failure often requires forces in excess of 500 kips (2224 kN).
Commanding this force requires use of one very large actuator or a system of two or more
conventional 220 kips (979 kN) actuators. Additionally, to move the specimen smoothly from
step to step, large force increments must be avoided. A large force increment could cause the
specimen to suddenly change its failure mode or fail completely. This could produce misleading
results since the change in specimen behavior would be a result of a poorly-controlled simulation
instead of a realistic behavior. Another possible problem with a stiff specimen is that small
displacement errors will lead to significant force errors in the simulation and possibly to
instability of the simulation set up. If the specimen is extremely stiff, the required displacement
increment to achieve a reasonable-size force increment may become so small that it approaches
the tolerance that the laboratory system can control.
The software used for the squat shear wall hybrid simulations included finite element
software, OpenSees [2012], and hybrid simulation framework, Open-source Framework for
Experimental Set up and Control (OpenFresco) [2012], both developed at UCB. OpenFresco is a
flexible framework, suitable for incorporating various finite element software and laboratory
hardware [Schellenberg and Mahin 2006]. It is advantageous because it supports both
displacement and force control methods. Both approaches were considered for the tests, and
ultimately a high-precision displacement control method was developed and implemented.
Force control is well-suited for testing stiff physical specimens, such as the shear walls that are
the subject of this research. In order to move a stiff specimen smoothly without large changes in
force, the displacement increments must be sufficiently small. For a very stiff specimen, the
required displacement increments may be so small that they approach the actuator tolerance.
With force control, the specimen can be moved using reasonably sized force increments.
In one approach to force control, the equations of motion are solved for forces, instead of
displacements, at the next time step, t
. The forces applied to the physical specimen pass
through OpenFresco to the actuator. The first challenge is transforming forces from the finite
element model in global DOFs to the local actuator DOFs. In displacement control, this
procedure is easily accomplished by enforcing kinematic compatibility at the nodes. In force
control, force equilibrium must be maintained at the nodes. This requirement does not provide a
unique transformation in a nonlinear problem. An appropriate force control method must satisfy
kinematic compatibility and at least approximately satisfy force equilibrium. The second
challenge is that most laboratory control systems operate in displacement control. By regulating
the amount of oil flow to the hydraulic actuator, the servo-valve controls the velocity of the
actuator. Hydraulic actuators generally have very stiff oil columns that can be unstable in force
control. The stiff oil column is very sensitive to noise, which may come from friction, stick-slip,
and breakaway forces on seals [Kim 2009]. A stiff specimen needs extra compliance in order to
be controlled by a hydraulic actuator in force control. If the specimen softens during the test, this
may cause instability in the solution algorithm.
Assuming the force control method is able to transform the DOFs and apply forces to the
physical specimen, linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs) then measure
displacements, which are fed back through OpenFresco to the finite element software. Then, the
process repeats in the next step for the duration of the ground motion. Kim [2009] researched a
number of force control methods and implemented both a Displacement-Based Approach to
Acquire Target Forces and a Force-Based Method (Yang, Schellenberg, and Kim) in
OpenFresco, as summarized next.
3.4.1 Force Control Algorithms Proposed by Kim
The finite element software operates in the global coordinate system, and the control system in
the laboratory operates in the actuator coordinate system. Since it is difficult to transform target
forces from the global system to the actuator system, Kim [2009] first investigated a
displacement-based approach to acquire target forces. This approach is summarized in Figure
Figure 3.2 Force control in OpenFresco [Kim 2009].
In the finite element software, the global target displacements, u, are determined and sent
to OpenFresco. There, the displacements are converted from global to actuator coordinate system
displacements, x. Then, the target displacements are converted to target forces, f, in the actuator
coordinate system. This can be accomplished with a number of methods; Kim [2009]
implemented methods that update the tangent stiffness matrix as well as tangent-free methods
(BFGS, Broyden, and Krylov Subspace methods) in OpenFresco. The tangent stiffness matrix in
the actuator coordinate system,
K , is the Jacobian of the resisting forces. The target forces, f,
are determined by the following equation.
x K f
= (3.2)
Then, the target forces are sent to the control system and applied to the specimen. After the
specimen has moved, the displacements and forces are measured and sent to OpenFresco. The
measured displacements are converted to global forces, R, and are returned to the finite element
Kim has also implemented the Forced-Based Method in OpenFresco, where forces are
directly solved in the finite element model. The difficulty with this approach is software other
than OpenSees must be used. This method uses the Modified Dynamic Equilibrium Equation, as
shown below.
is the equilibrium matrix, Q is the element resisting force vector, P
are the applied nodal
loads, P
are the applied element loads, and B
is the redundant force influence matrix. The
system of equations is solved for element forces, Q, which are sent to OpenFresco. There, they
are transformed from the global to the actuator coordinate system, and then are sent to the
control system and on to the physical specimen. After moving the physical specimen, the
measured displacements are converted from actuator to global coordinates in OpenFresco.
Subsequently, they are sent to the finite element model and entered back into the Modified
Dynamic Equilibrium Equation as f(Q).
3.4.2 Elkhoraibi and Mosalam Switch Control
Elkhoraibi and Mosalam [2007] implemented switch control hybrid simulation on RC frames,
either with or without unreinforced masonry infill walls, and on wood shear walls. Switching
between displacement and force control depended on the secant stiffness, K, and the restoring
force, R. Two threshold values were implemented to create a buffer zone. This prevented
numerous switches between displacement and force control. The lower end of the buffer zone
was stiffness, K
, and the upper end was stiffness, K
. K
was the average secant stiffness over
100 values, calculated to prevent noise in the system from displaying unusually large or small
stiffnesses. Similarly, R
, R
, and R
existed for the restoring forces. Switching occurred when
both the stiffness and restoring force exceed the buffer zone limits in the same direction.
Though the actuators Proportional, Integral, Derivative (PID) control parameters can be
tuned for displacement control without requiring a specimen, a specimen is necessary for tuning
in force control to give force feedback. The force control tuning is also stiffness dependent,
which was a problem identified by the researchers. Figure 3.3 shows the behavior of their
fw f
f ) ) ( (
Specimen B, which consisted of two wood shear walls, representing the first story of a two-story
wood house with a garage opening in the first story. Displacement control was used for most of
the test except for the circled stiff unloading regions.
The lowest stiffnesses exhibited were < 3 kips/in. and the highest stiffnesses were > 30
kips/in. Two shear walls were built, similar to their test specimen B, just for the purpose of
tuning for force control. They chose to tune the actuator in force control for the higher range of
stiffnesses, around 40 kips/in. The drawback was if displacement control switches to force
control at a lower stiffness, the actuator is not tuned for that lower stiffness value. They used this
same actuator tuning for their Test Structure A, which was a one-story RC frame with an
unreinforced masonry infill wall. They did not have extra specimens to replicate the stiffness of
Structure A for tuning. This resulted in a suboptimal loading history caused by the improperly
tuned actuator applying an inaccurate force command. There was lag of the actuator in force
control due to the difference between applied and measured forces. This caused smaller
displacement feedback increments and resulted in compounded errors over multiple steps. These
results demonstrate the importance of having a good estimate of the specimen stiffness before the
test. Also, using force control for a specimen with changing stiffnesses may not produce smooth
results, because the actuator can only be tuned for one stiffness value.
Figure 3.3 Force deformation response for Specimen B [Elkhoraibi and Mosalam
Both of Kims methods were considered for the squat shear wall tests. Table 3.1 summarizes the
advantages and disadvantages of each method.
The outcomes of Elkhoraibi and Mosalams tests were considered when determining
whether force control would be appropriate for the squat shear wall tests. There were
considerable drawbacks. An estimate of specimen stiffness was necessary for PID tuning in force
control. However, a major problem with the squat shear wall specimens was the difficulty
approximating stiffness prior to testing. Furthermore, the controller could only be tuned for one
stiffness value. Accordingly, Elkhoraibi and Mosalam tuned their controller for the higher range
of stiffnesses. The squat shear walls were expected to degrade rapidly and lose a considerable
amount of their stiffness. This would lead to poor control after the walls began to lose strength.
Displacement control, as traditionally implemented, would not be sufficient for testing
stiff squat shear walls. In order to avoid large force increments for a stiff specimen, very small
displacement increments must be commanded. The nees@berkeley Equipment Site acquired a
digital displacement encoder with a step resolution of 10 microns (0.0004 in.). The encoder was
used to feedback displacements in the PID loop. It was successfully integrated within the
actuator control loop to feedback sufficiently small displacement increments to create smooth
loading of the squat shear wall specimen. The next chapter describes the implementation of the
encoder in detail
Table 3.1 Consideration of Kims force control methods.
Displacement-Based Force-Based
Fits existing framework in the
laboratory using OpenSees.
Avoids acquiring the tangent
stiffness matrix.
Needs tangent stiffness matrix to
convert displacements to forces
in the actuator coordinate
OpenSees cannot be used
because the finite element
software must solve for forces.
4 Encoder Control for Stiff Specimens
Testing a stiff specimen requires small displacement increments in order to produce a smooth
force response. Traditional displacement control strategies are inadequate for testing a stiff
specimen because the displacement increments cannot be made sufficiently small to avoid jumps
in force. Typically, an LVDT is used for displacement feedback, but this instrument lacks the
precision to control displacements below 0.001 in. (25 microns). In order to test the stiff squat
shear walls in this study, a Heidenhain LS 623 1140-mm-high precision displacement encoder
was implemented for displacement feedback within the PID loop. The encoder step resolution
was 0.0004 in. (10 microns).
Initially, the encoder was tested and validated against an LVDT by monitoring actuator
displacements directly. The actuator was disconnected from the strong wall and placed on the
laboratory floor. The LVDT was used to control the actuator displacements; then the encoder
was used to control the actuator. After the encoder was confirmed to work well, it was further
tested by controlling displacements for a specimen from a previous test with the same
experimental set up. This specimen was a two-story steel braced frame, tested by Lai [2012],
using the same actuator.
First, the hybrid simulation set up at the nees@Berkeley equipment site will be described.
Then, modifications to allow use of the encoder will be detailed. Then, the encoder validation
tests will be described.
OpenFresco is used for hybrid simulations at the nees@Berkeley laboratory. It is based on a
client-server architecture, where the client is the finite element model of the structure and the
server is the control system in the laboratory driving the physical specimen. In a local hybrid
simulation, the client and server are located in the same laboratory and OpenFresco processes
reside on the client side to facilitate the communication between the client and server. In a
distributed hybrid simulation, the client is located at one laboratory and the server at another,
with OpenFresco processes at both locations. Typical OpenFresco architectures for local and
distributed simulations are shown in Figure 4.1.
On the left-hand side of the figure, the finite element software used was OpenSees
[2012], which represented the local architecture. Both OpenSees processes (blue box) and
OpenFresco processes (green boxes) are executed in a single computer, the client, and
communicate with the control system in the laboratory, the backend server. The OpenFresco
ExpElement is contained within OpenSees, which instructs OpenSees to interact with
OpenFresco for the nominated element. LocalExperimentalSite manages communications.
ExperimentalSetup transforms between experimental element degrees of freedom in
OpenFresco and actuator degrees of freedom in the laboratory. Then ExperimentalControl
interfaces with the control and data acquisition system in the laboratory. In the right figure,
representing the distributed architecture, ExperimentalSetup is shown in a dashed box since it
can be located on the client or the server side. The TCP/IP Channel connects the Client in one
laboratory to the Middle Tier Server and Backend Server in another laboratory. The Site is split
into ShadowExpSite and ActorExpSite, one in each laboratory. This allows for the data
storage and communication methods for distributed testing. The laboratory at nees@Berkeley
uses xPC-target experimental control.
Figure 4.1 OpenFresco local and distributed architectures [Schellenberg 2008].
OpenSees and OpenFresco run on the xPC host PC. This is depicted in the center of
Figure 4.2 below. A Simulink predictor-corrector model is created on the xPC host PC using
Matlab, Simulink, and Stateflow [Mathworks 2012]. It is compiled onto the xPC target PC,
which is a real-time data processor. Communication between the xPC host and target PCs occurs
over a TCP/IP connection. The predictor-corrector algorithm generates command signals at a
1/1024 sec time step, required by the controller. The xPC target has a shared-memory real-time
communications network with the Structural Test Systems (STS) Controller [MTS 2003],
provided by MTS Systems Corp. This network is called SCRAMNet, and it updates its memory
every 1/1024 sec. A SCRAMNet card is installed on each computer. This card holds a local copy
of saved memory, which is shared over the SCRAMNet high-speed serial ring network. The STS
Controller is a digital control system that links to the servo-valves, actuators, and laboratory
specimens. It uses a closed-loop PID Feedforward (PIDF) control for the actuators. Additionally,
it performs digital to analog (D/A) and analog to digital (A/D) conversions, as well as filtering. It
receives measured data from the physical specimen.
During the hybrid simulation, the finite element model produces a target displacement
when the time integration algorithm has converged. This occurs on the xPC host computer.
Depending on the complexity of the model and the numerical integration scheme used, this can
occur at an unpredictable rate. A simulation time step is selected by the user to ensure that the
finite element model produces a target displacement within that time step. For instance, in a real-
time simulation, if the earthquake ground motion time step is 0.02 sec. (dt
), a simulation time
step would also be selected as 0.02 sec (dt
). Alternatively, a larger simulation time step could
be chosen. A simulation time step of 0.04 s. would result in a hybrid simulation two times slower
than real time.
This could be necessary for a number of reasons: (1) a large finite element model may be
slow to converge to a target displacement; (2) if an implicit integration method is used, the
simulation time step would need to accommodate iterations; and (3) in a distributed hybrid
simulation, a larger simulation time step accommodates network delay as displacement
commands are sent over the Internet from the finite element model to the physical specimen.
Meanwhile, the servo-hydraulic control system requires a command at 1/1024-sec intervals,
selected by the manufacturer to ensure stability and good response of the servo-hydraulic control
loop and the actuators. The predictor-corrector algorithm, running on the xPC target computer,
extrapolates past target displacement data points to generate predicted displacements at the
required rate needed by the servo-hydraulic control system until the finite element model can
provide the next displacement value [Mosqueda et al 2005]. Below, Figure 4.3 shows a
displacement time plot that illustrates the predictor-corrector algorithm behavior compared with
a ramp hold procedure.
Figure 4.2 UCB hybrid simulation laboratory.
Figure 4.3 Predictor corrector algorithm [Mosqueda et al 2003].
At the end of each simulation time step (t
) interval, the target displacement from the
finite element model has been successfully commanded to the specimen. The predictions are an
extrapolation of these past points, sent to the controller every 1/1024 sec. The finite element
model must send the next target displacement before 60% of dt
elapses to leave sufficient time
for correction. If the next target displacement is too slow, the actuator driving the physical
specimen slows down. If the next target displacement is not received before 80% of dt
the actuator stops and holds. Slow-downs and especially holds should be avoided as much as
possible in a physical test.
Schellenberg [2008] created predictor-corrector models for hybrid simulation.
Schellenbergs HybridControllerD3D3.mdl model, available in the OpenFresco repository
xPCTarget-STS), was the basis for Lais [2012] Simulink model for braced frame tests,
HybridControllerD3D3_ Vconst_rec100Hz.mdl. Lai used the same actuator that was employed
for the squat wall tests and found the best performance by commanding displacements at a
constant velocity. Lais model was modified for use with the squat shear wall hybrid simulation
tests. D3D3 indicates that this model is based on interpolation of the three prior displacements
using third-order Lagrange polynomials during both the prediction and correction phases
[Schellenberg 2008]. The algorithm ensured that the displacement commands are C
In order to use an encoder instead of an LVDT for displacement control feedback at the
nees@Berkeley Laboratory, MTS Systems Corp. modified the STS Controller application. They
created parallel displacement control feedback channels dedicated to the encoder, constructed in
a similar way to the LVDT displacement control feedback channels. This permitted displacement
control using the encoder when operating the actuator from the STS Controller graphical user
interface (GUI) on the controller PC. By using the STS Controller GUI, displacements were
commanded and fed back from the encoder.
Further modifications were necessary to conduct hybrid simulation using the encoder
displacement feedback. First, the predictor-corrector model had to be able to access the encoder
commands and feedbacks from the STS Controller. MTS Systems Corp. modified the
SCRAMNet memory map to allow for these communications. Lais Simulink model for braced
frame tests, HybridControllerD3D3_Vconst_rec100Hz.mdl, was modified for use with the
encoder. The new model is called HybridControllerE3E3_Vconst.mdl and has been uploaded to
the OpenFresco repository. The initializeSimulation.m file that works with the Simulink model
was modified to increase the size of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) to include new encoder
commands and to add two extra partitions for the encoder input from SCRAMNet and output to
4.3.1 Encoder Test with Actuator on Laboratory Floor
Before using the encoder to feedback specimen displacements, its performance was compared to
the performance of an LVDT by monitoring actuator displacements directly. The actuator was
disconnected from the strong wall and placed on the laboratory floor. Both an LVDT and the
encoder measured the motion of the actuator clevis relative to the actuator body. The test set up
is shown in Figure 4.4.
First, the LVDT was used for the displacement feedback and the encoder displacements
were recorded. Then the encoder was used for the displacement feedback and the LVDT
displacements were recorded. A constant velocity triangle motion was used for these tests since
the actuator clevises were known to have a small amount of slip. In the previous test of a steel
braced frame using the same actuator, Lai [2012] found improved results in a hybrid simulation
by moving the specimen using a constant velocity.
Another recognized problem was that the Moog 72-103 servo-valve, rated at 60 gal/min
(227 L/min), was underperforming considerably. The flow at peak velocity was computed to be
about 30 times less than the rated flow with no load. MTS Corp. suggested rewiring the cable
connected to the servo-valve in series instead of in parallel. The actuator was controlled using the
LVDT with the parallel connection and then the series connection. The series connection
improved performance. Then, the actuator was controlled using the encoder with the series
connection wiring. A triangle displacement motion with a 1 in. (2.54 cm) amplitude was
commanded for these three cases. Velocities of 0.08 in./sec (2.032 mm/sec) and 0.24 in./sec
(6.096 mm/sec) were tested. The comparisons of displacement errors between command and
feedback displacements for each velocity are shown in Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.6.
Figure 4.4 Test encoder using actuator on the floor.
Figure 4.5 Displacement error at velocity = 0.08 in./sec.
Figure 4.6 Displacement error at velocity = 0.24 in./sec.
Figure 4.7 Displacement error at velocity = 0.015 in./sec.
It is clear from these plots that the performance of the encoder is superior to that of the
LVDT in terms of minimizing displacement errors between command and feedback
displacements. It is also evident that the error plots contain spikes. These occur when the
actuator changes directions and the clevises slip. Commanding displacements to the specimen
with a constant velocity approach minimizes the error. After rewiring the cable, the P gain was
left unchanged. The gains used are summarized in Table 4.1.
Ultimately, the squat shear walls were tested at a velocity of 0.01 in./sec (0.254 mm/sec).
This had not been determined at the time of testing the encoder. There is data from tests with a
triangle displacement motion with a 1 in. (2.54 cm) amplitude and velocity of 0.015 in./sec
(0.381 mm/sec) for the LVDT wired in parallel and the encoder wired in series. This gives a
better indication of the level of errors between command and feedback displacements at a
velocity close to the actual testing velocity, as shown in Figure 4.7.
Table 4.1 PIDF gains.
Parameter Gain
Proportional (V/V) 200
Integral (1/sec) 0
Integral Authority (%FS) 10
Derivative (sec) 0
Feedforward (sec) 0
4.3.2 Encoder Test using Old Braced Frame Specimen
After confirming that the encoder worked to feedback displacements of the actuator directly with
the actuator placed on the laboratory floor, the encoder was tested in three new configurations.
First, the LVDT and then the encoder controlled the actuator displacements directly (actuator
now connected to strong wall but feedback instruments positioned as shown in Figure 4.4) while
the actuator pushed the top of the first story of the braced frame specimen (cable wired in series
from this point forward). Second, a stiff reference frame was installed next to the braced frame
specimen. The encoder was mounted on this frame and fed back braced frame column
displacements via a long pole. This is the configuration shown in Figure 4.8. Third, the encoder
measured between the reference frame and the beam at the top of the first story of the braced
frame via a connection designed for use with the squat shear wall hybrid simulations. A flexible
steel plate connected the encoder to the specimen. This allowed for vertical motion but restrained
any horizontal motion. A slider (a linear guide block on a rail) accommodated any out-of-plane
movement and a 360 swivel accommodated any torsion of the specimen. The baseplate of the
slider was attached to a small I-beam clamped to the top of the braced frames beam. This was
done because the reference frame was taller than the braced frames beam, and the encoder
needed a reference point at the same height. This attachment is shown in Figure 4.9. For the data
presented in each of these cases, a triangle displacement motion with a 0.3 in. (7.62 mm)
amplitude was commanded at a 0.015 in./sec velocity. The comparison of errors from the LVDT
and errors from the encoder controlling displacements from the actuator body while the actuator
pushed the braced frame are shown in Figure 4.10.
Figure 4.8 Test encoder with braced frame.
Figure 4.9 Encoder attachment.
to column
Figure 4.10 LVDT versus encoder displacement errors while controlling actuator.
Next, the encoder controlled the actuator by measuring from the reference frame to the
braced frames column. After confirming that the encoder performed well, the final set up was
tested. The encoder controlled the actuator by measuring from the reference frame to the braced
frames beam using the flexible steel plate and slider connection. This was successful as well, so
the same reaction frame and encoder connection would be used for the squat shear wall tests.
After confirming that the Simulink model worked well for a hybrid simulation using a
simulated experimental element, a hybrid simulation was run with the braced frame specimen.
When this also worked successfully, the hybrid set up was ready for the squat shear wall
5 Hybrid Simulation Tests of Squat Walls
The hybrid simulation tests involved application of varying levels of a ground motion excitation
to a simplified hybrid model of a typical nuclear facility structure. This hybrid model was a
combination of a physical squat shear wall specimen with a computer model (the representation
of the mass of a Candu Reactor). Implementing the mass in the numerical model allowed for the
tested walls dynamic motion to match that of the entire structure without physically adding mass
to the wall. Numerically modeling the remaining lateral force resisting system of the building
(the other shear walls) was considered. However, this approach was determined to be too risky
because the outcome of the simulation depended on the accurate estimate of the stiffness of the
numerically modeled walls. If the analytically modeled walls were stiffer than the physical
specimen, they would not fail and would take all the force when the specimen began to soften.
Alternatively, if the analytical walls were softer than the physical specimen, they would fail too
early and overload the specimen.
Two nominally identical squat RC shear walls, referred to as Wall 1 and Wall 2, were
tested at the nees@Berkeley laboratory using hybrid simulation of a ground motion. The shear
wall specimens were 8-in.- (20.3-cm-) thick models of a prototype 36-in.- (0.9-m-) thick
structural wall typically found in nuclear facility structures. The 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey, ground
motion was selected as the input for the hybrid simulation tests. The Wall 1 hybrid simulation
test sequence was conducted by increasing the intensity level of this applied ground motion from
an operational basis earthquake (OBE), to a DBE, and to a beyond DBE (BDBE), followed by a
DBE aftershock. The Wall 2 hybrid simulation test sequence was conducted by applying an
OBE, a BDBE, and then two DBE aftershocks. After the ground motion sequences were applied
to Wall 1 and Wall 2, the walls had lost most of their strength. Therefore, it was not safe to
perform further ground motion simulations. Instead, the walls were broken using quasi-static
single-cyclic motions to displacements of +/-1 in. (+/-2.54 cm) and then +/-1.5 in. (+/-3.81 cm).
Since the shear walls of interest in this study are very stiff, a small increment in
displacement corresponds to a large increment in force. Thus, conventional displacement control
hybrid simulation is very difficult, or even impossible, to use in this scenario. If the specimen is
extremely stiff, the required displacement increment to achieve a reasonable-size force increment
may become so small that it is on the order of the tolerance that the laboratory system can
control. Stiff squat shear walls have not been previously studied dynamically at large scale
because it is difficult to conduct a displacement-controlled test. This problem was overcome by
using a very high-precision displacement encoder to feedback displacements in the PID loop.
The two shear walls at UCB were designed to be nominally identical to one of the SUNY
Buffalo cyclic test specimens. The wall elevation and reinforcing bar layout are shown in Figure
5.1. The walls had 0.67% horizontal and vertical wall reinforcement ratios with #4 reinforcing
bars placed in two curtains at 7 in. (17.8 cm) on center. The shear wall specimens were 10 ft (3
m) long, 5 ft, 4-1/8 in. (1.6 m) tall to the height of the actuator axis (aspect ratio 0.53), and 8 in.
(20.3 cm) thick. The walls were placed on tall foundations in order to accommodate the height of
the actuator in the existing test set up at the nees@Berkeley laboratory. The foundation elevation
and reinforcing bar layout are shown in Figure 5.2. The foundations were 14 ft (4.27 m) long, 3
ft 7-3/8 in. (1.10 m) tall, and 2 ft, 2-5/8 in. (0.68 m) deep.
Figure 5.1 Wall elevation and reinforcement.
Figure 5.2 Foundation elevation and reinforcement.
Table 5.1 summarizes the specified and measured strengths of the reinforcing steel bars and the
concrete mixes. All of the #4 reinforcing bars for the walls came from the same batch of ASTM
standard A706 reinforcing steel, produced at Tamco Steel Mini Mill. Three of these #4 bars were
tested, and the average yield and ultimate strengths are reported. The concrete mix, produced by
Right Away Redy Mix, Inc., was specified to replicate the mix used by Terzic [2009]. This mix
was designed by Caltrans engineers; see Appendix A. The concrete for the foundations for both
Walls 1 and 2 was poured on February 24, 2011. Then the surfaces of the foundations were
roughened, and the concrete for both walls was poured on March 1, 2011. Although the same
concrete mix was specified for the foundations and the walls, Right Away Redy Mix, Inc. added
almost double the specified amount of ADVA 140 water reducing admixture to the foundations
mix. Then the company failed to add any of the WRDA 64 water reducing admixture or the
appropriate amount of the ADVA 140 water reducing admixture to the mix used for the walls.
This resulted in a reduced strength of the walls in comparison to the foundations. The average
compressive strength of three concrete test cylinders is reported in Table 5.1 for measurements
made on the day of the Wall 1 test (at 199 days) and on the day of the Wall 2 test (at 288 days).
The concrete compressive strength over time is plotted in Appendix A. Also, the full stress-strain
behavior and the splitting tensile strengths for cylinders tested on the days of the hybrid
simulations are shown in Appendix A.
Table 5.1 Wall specified and actual strengths.
Material Specified MPa (ksi)
Wall 1 Measured MPa
Wall 2 Measured MPa
Yield Ultimate Yield Ultimate Yield Ultimate
Wall Foundation Wall Foundation Wall Foundation
34.5 (5.0) 34.5 (5.0) 35.5 (5.15) 51.2 (7.43) 37.3 (5.41) 52.4 (7.59)
The numerical portion of the hybrid model was a large mass, modeled using OpenSees
[OpenSees 2012] and OpenFresco [OpenFresco 2012]. The mass was selected so the hybrid
model has a 0.14-sec natural vibration period at the start of the simulation. This vibration period,
typical for nuclear facility structures, is based on a model of a Candu Reactor created by Yin-
Nan Huang [Huang and Whittaker 2008; Huang et al 2009]. The site for the nuclear facility
structure considered for the hybrid simulation tests was a western U.S. rock site at Diablo
Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in San Luis Obispo County, California. Huang and Whittaker
obtained the DBE spectrum for this site from the NRC. They matched 30 ground motions to the
DBE spectrum over a wide range of periods using seed motions from the PEER NGA Database
[PEER 2012]. Since the fundamental period of the hybrid model elongates as the shear wall
specimen is damaged during the hybrid simulation test, a ground motion was selected from their
30-motion set that best matched the DBE spectrum in the 0.14 sec to 0.3 sec range of periods.
This motion was the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey, earthquake, shown in Figure 5.3.
This ground motion was used as the base motion for the hybrid simulation tests and was
further scaled to operational-level and design-level expected behaviors of a nuclear facility
structure. Since nuclear facility structures are designed to remain essentially elastic in a DBE
event, they should remain elastic under a service level motion (OBE) and possibly yield only
marginally in a DBE. For the hybrid simulation tests, scaling factors applied to the Kocaeli base
motion were selected to attain specific target behaviors in three levels of motion: an OBE, a
DBE, and a BDBE. The OBE motion was designed so the wall would reach about one-third of its
yield force. The DBE level motion targeted the wall reaching about two-thirds of its yield force.
Then the BDBE was scaled to be an extremely large event that would enable investigation of the
post-peak strength behavior of the walls. This was selected to be three times larger than the DBE.
Prior to the hybrid simulation tests at nees@Berkeley, a quasi-static cyclic test of a
nominally identical squat wall specimen was performed at SUNY Buffalo [Rocks et al 2011]. A
yield force of 1500 kN (337.2 kips) was observed in the Buffalo test. Using this information, a
single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillator bilinear model was developed in OpenSees to
determine earthquake scaling factors that would achieve desired wall behavior. Table 5.2 shows
the scaling factors for each ground motion (GM) level, which were applied to the Kocaeli base
The test sequences for Wall 1 and 2 are summarized in Table 5.3. No vertical load was
applied to the specimens. Walls 1 and 2 first experienced the OBE motion, since both walls were
assumed to have been in service. Following the OBE motion, Wall 1 experienced a ground
motion with a scaling factor of 0.11 (DBE 0.11), but the wall achieved less than the targeted one-
third of its yield force for the DBE. Hence, the scaling factor of the DBE motion was increased
to 0.14, as reported in Table 5.2, and resulted in Wall 1 reaching the desired force. This 0.14
scaling factor was used for all remaining DBE and DBE aftershock motions. Following the OBE,
Wall 2 experienced the largest BDBE motion and then two DBE aftershocks, to investigate its
response to strong aftershocks after a very large event.
Figure 5.3 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey, ground motion.
Table 5.2 Ground motion scaling factors.
GM Level Scaling Factor PGA (g)
OBE 0.053 0.043
DBE 0.14 0.12
BDBE 0.42 0.35
Table 5.3 Ground motion test sequences.
Wall 1 Wall 2
DBE DBE aftershock 1
BDBE DBE aftershock 2
DBE aftershock 1
The OpenSees SDOF oscillator model was used to determine the appropriate integration
algorithm and analysis time step. The ground motion time step is 0.01 sec. The Newmark explicit
method and the implicit Newmark Average Acceleration Method ( = 0.5, = 0.25) were both
tested. First, the analytical time step was also set to 0.01 sec, so the simulation was running in
real time. The explicit and implicit methods gave different displacement time history results for
the 0.01 sec analytical time step. For an analytical time step of 0.001 sec, the explicit and
implicit methods agreed. This was considered to be a close approximation to the true solution.
Both the explicit and implicit methods, using a time step of 0.005 sec (two times slower than real
time), were reasonably close to the true solution. An explicit method is better suited for hybrid
simulation since it avoids iterations. Iterations on a physical specimen must be performed
carefully since the intermediate steps affect the physical specimens behavior. These analytical
tests used the bilinear material, Steel01, in OpenSees. The sharp transition between the linear and
nonlinear slopes in this material model contributed to some of the error. The actual hybrid
simulation test, using a physical specimen that will lose stiffness gradually, will perform better.
Thus, the explicit method with a time step of 0.005 sec was selected for the hybrid simulation
tests. The graph comparing a portion of the displacement time histories for explicit and implicit
methods and varying time steps is shown in Figure 5.4.
Figure 5.4 Comparison of explicit and implicit methods.
The laboratory test set up is shown in the drawing in Figure 5.5. The squat shear walls were
tested using the existing set up from Lais [2012] steel braced frame tests. Lai tested a two-story
braced frame using two actuators mounted to the Reconfigurable Reaction Wall (RRW). The
lower actuator was retained for the squat shear wall tests, which was attached to a stiff loading
arm, designed to uniformly spread the actuator load across the top of the specimen. The actuator
was first designed for the Caltrans research project [Astaneh-Asl and Ravat 1998], and had a
1500 kip (6672 kN) capacity with +/-12 in. (+/-30.5 cm) stroke. The clevises of the actuator slip
slightly, so Lai performed hybrid simulation tests using a constant velocity displacement-
controlled method at 0.002 in./sec (0.005 cm/sec). Each squat shear wall was attached to the steel
floor beam, also used by Lai. The maximum shear capacity of the floor beam was calculated to
be 900 kips, and the maximum uplift was calculated to be 600 kips [Lai 2012].
Photographs of Walls 1 and 2 are shown in Figure 5.6. The blue steel plate was used to
distribute the load from the actuator (located on the right side of the wall) across the top of the
wall. Testing a stiff specimen requires small displacement increments in order to have a smooth
force response. Traditional displacement control strategies are inadequate for testing a stiff
specimen because the displacement increments cannot be made small enough to avoid jumps in
force. Typically, an LVDT is used for displacement feedback, but this instrument does not have
the precision to control displacements below 0.001 in. (25 microns). In order to test the stiff
squat shear walls in this study, a Heidenhain LS 623 1140-mm- (3.7-ft-) high precision
displacement encoder was implemented for displacement feedback in the PID loop. The encoder
step resolution was 0.0004 in. (10 microns). As discussed in Chapter 4, the encoder was tested,
and its improved performance over an LVDT was validated. The encoder measured the
displacements of the wall at the top center of the specimen with reference to a frame on the back
of the wall. This stiff frame was embedded in the foundation of the specimen to eliminate the
effect of any deformations at the interface between the specimen and the laboratory test floor.
In addition to traditional instrumentation including strain gages and Novotechnik
potentiometers, Nikon Metrology K600 Krypton system targets were used on a portion of the
front of the wall to monitor displacements of the wall surface. These targets are shown in Figure
5.6. For the Wall 2 test, a digital image correlation (DIC) technique was also used. A random
pattern of black dots was drawn on the wall, and high-resolution cameras were used to capture
images of the changing pattern throughout the test. Finally, the VIC-2D software [Correlated
Solutions 2009] was used to determine strain maps on the surface of the wall by tracking the
motion of the pattern of dots throughout a sequence of images.
Figure 5.5 Global sketch of test set up.
Figure 5.6 Wall 1 and Wall 2 specimens.
5.6.1 Novotechnik Displacement Potentiometers
A drawing of the Novotechnik instrumentation to capture wall displacements, flexure, and
sliding is shown in Figure 5.7. In the side view of the wall, the Novotechniks mounted vertically
are shown. Each attachment point to the wall has both horizontal and vertical instruments. For
the purpose of wall displacement analysis, the sliding zone is defined as the 3 in. (7.62 mm)
narrow zone at the interface between the wall and its foundation. This zone includes the primary
flexural crack along which sliding occurred, the first horizontal reinforcing bar, and a portion of
the length where the vertical reinforcing bars acted as dowels on the sliding surface. The height
of the sliding zone matched the attachment location of the first level of vertical and horizontal
displacement measurement instruments. Pairs of vertically and horizontally positioned
Novotechniks were installed at the left and the right edges of the wall at 3 in. (7.62 cm), 9 in.
(22.86 cm), and 19 in. (48.26 cm) above the foundation. At the lowest level, two vertical
instruments were positioned. The average of their displacement was used to measure the vertical
motion in the 3 in. (7.62 cm) region above the foundation. Two Novotechniks were attached to
the point 3 in. above the foundation, and positioned horizontally, to perform two-dimensional
(2D) triangulation. Above these lowest instruments, a Novotechnik was positioned vertically to
measure the relative motion between the lowest vertical instruments and a point 6 in. (15.24 cm)
above. Two more Novotechniks were attached here horizontally for triangulation. Finally, one
additional Novotechnik was positioned vertically to capture the relative motion in the next 10 in.
(25.4 cm) above the previous instrument. Again, two more Novotechniks were attached
horizontally for triangulation. This pattern was exactly replicated on the other side of the wall.
On the non-actuator side of the wall, triangulation was also performed at the 64.125 in. (1.63 m)
height of the actuator. All reference frames were anchored to the foundation, so every
Novotechnik instrument measured wall displacements relative to the foundation.
Figure 5.8(a) shows the Novotechniks on the left side of the wall. The instrument wires
are colored blue for better visibility. Here, the arrangement for 2D triangulation is apparent.
Similar instruments were located on the right side of the wall. The circled vertical instruments
are shown in a close-up view in Figure 5.8(b).
Figure 5.7 Novotechniks to measure wall displacements, flexure, and sliding.
(a) (b)
Figure 5.8 Novotechnik instruments to measure (a) horizontal motion and (b) vertical
A separate system of displacement potentiometers, arranged in a square pattern along the back of
the wall, measured shear deformations. A drawing of these Novotechnik instruments to capture
shear is shown in Figure 5.9. This drawing shows a rear view of the wall, so the actuator attaches
on the left side. The Novotechniks were mounted to long rods with swivels on both ends. These
were fastened to threaded rods embedded in the back of the wall with epoxy. The holes for these
threaded rods were drilled after the walls were cast. The dimensions that the shear instruments
measured were approximately 3 ft (0.914 m) 3 ft squares. However, due to the positions of
reinforcing bars in the wall, the threaded rods had to be shifted slightly. The far left side and far
right side vertical instruments (6 in. or 15.24 cm from the left or right edges of the wall)
contained four instruments each. These measured the bottom 3 in. from the foundation in the
sliding zone. Then the next 6 in., the next 10 in., and the remaining 20 in. were measured
vertically. These matched the heights of the vertical instruments on the short sides of the wall. A
photograph of the shear instruments is shown in
Figure 5.10.
Figure 5.9 Drawing of Novotechnik instrumentation to measure shear.
Figure 5.10 Photograph of Novotechnik instrumentation to measure shear.
5.6.2 Strain Gage Instrumentation
A drawing of the strain gages on the vertical reinforcing bars is shown in Figure 5.11. This is the
arrangement of gages, viewed from the front of the specimen. The gages are located on the rear
curtain of reinforcing bars, except for any gages labeled B, which are located on the front
curtain. A similar drawing of the strain gages on the horizontal reinforcing bars is shown in
Figure 5.12. All horizontal reinforcing bars are located on the rear curtain.
Figure 5.11 Locations of strain gages on vertical bars.
Figure 5.12 Locations of strain gages on horizontal bars.
5.6.3 Krypton Instrumentation
The locations of the Krypton infrared LED targets are shown in Figure 5.13. The targets were hot
glued to the specimen on an 8 in. (20.32 cm) 7 in. (17.78 cm) grid. The Krypton K600 system
tracked these targets using a camera unit that is composed of three individual cameras and
performed three-dimensional triangulation. A photograph of the K600 camera is shown in Figure
For these wall tests, the camera could only monitor targets on half of the test walls.
Although there were extra LED targets mounted on the Wall 1 specimen, only the target
locations shown in Figure 5.13 were used. There were space constraints in the lab such that the
Krypton camera system could not be positioned further away from the specimen to capture a
wider view. Even if more space was available, this would have compromised some accuracy.
Using Krypton with two cameras is technically possible, which would have allowed for a wider
range of targets, but a second camera was not available.
Figure 5.13 Krypton target locations.
Figure 5.14 Krypton camera.
5.6.4 Digital Image Correlation
For the Wall 2 test, a DIC technique was used. As shown in Figure 5.15, a random pattern of
black dots was drawn on Wall 2 using a Sharpie pen, and a high-resolution 21 megapixel Canon
5D camera was used to photograph the pattern throughout the test. The length of the black marks
was intended to be just larger than 1/8 in. (3.2 mm), corresponding to just larger than 5 pixels.
Image correlation software, VIC-2D 2009 [Correlated Solutions 2009)], was used to map strains
by tracking the motion of the pattern of dots in a sequence of images.
Figure 5.15 Spot pattern on Wall 2 for DIC.
5.6.5 Global Measurement Instruments
Figure 5.16 shows the instruments used to measure the global behavior of the test set up.
Instruments in positions 1 and 2 determined the slip of the north and south sides of the east
clevis. Similarly, instruments in positions 3 and 4 measured the slip of the north and south sides
of the west clevis. Measurements from instruments 1 and 2 were averaged to determine the east
slip (similarly 3 and 4 were averaged for the west slip). Hence, any out-of-plane rotation of the
clevises could be assessed. Instrument 5 measured the slip of the base beam relative to the strong
floor. Instrument 6 measured the slip of the foundation relative to the base beam. Enlarged views
are shown for the instruments in positions 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10. These instruments were reused from
the previous braced frame test [Lai 2012], and enlarged images showing the positions of these
five Novotechniks are courtesy of Lai. The reconfigurable reaction wall (RRW) that the actuator
is mounted to is taller than shown in the global view in Figure 5.16. The RRW was cropped in
the picture to focus attention on this test set up. The RRW is 25 ft (7.62 m) tall and 10 ft (3.05 m)
deep. The Novotechniks mounted on this wall were located 9 in. (22.86 cm) from the left and
right edges of the RRW and 1 in. (2.54 cm) above the base of the RRW (instruments 7 and 8)
and 2 ft-1 in. (33.02 cm) below the top of the RRW (instruments 9 and 10). The motions of the
RRW at the base and at actuator height were most relevant. The motion of the RRW was
calculated at the 11 ft-7 in. (3.53 m) actuator height using a linear relationship based on motion
at the top of the RRW.
Figure 5.16 Global measurements.
A stiffness pre-test was performed on each wall specimen before the start of hybrid simulations.
A very small saw-tooth displacement-controlled motion was imposed, with forces limited to +/-
444.8 kN (+/-100 kips). Because of the high stiffnesses of the walls, the forces were initially very
difficult to control and fluctuated within +/-444.8 kN (+/-100 kips). The stiffness of Wall 1 was
approximated to be about 840.6 kN/mm (4800 kips/in.). This value was used to determine the
mass in the numerical model required to achieve the fundamental vibration period of 0.14 sec for
the hybrid model.
Next, a free vibration pre-test was performed to assess the damping in the system due to
errors in the control loop and to determine the appropriate velocity for the simulation. The forces
were also maintained below +/-444.8 kN (+/-100 kips) for this test. Since the pins holding the
clevises of the actuator were not perfectly machined, the clevises slipped slightly on load
direction reversal. In order to limit control errors in this situation, the simulation was conducted
using a slow constant actuator velocity model. With the selected velocity of 0.254 mm/sec (0.01
in./sec), the free vibration pre-test did not exhibit damping. Thus, 2% damping was implemented
directly in the numerical model.
After the two pre-tests, the ground motion sequences were applied to each wall as
described in Table 5.3. At the end of both simulation sequences, the walls had lost most of their
strength such that it was unsafe to perform further ground motion simulations. Instead, the walls
were broken using quasi-static single-cyclic saw-tooth motions to +/-1 in. (+/-2.54 cm) and then
+/-1.5 in. (+/-3.81 cm) peak displacements.
This chapter summarized the wall designs, materials, and instrumentation. Additionally, it
described the ground motion selected for the tests, the scaling factors applied to the ground
motion, and the sequences of ground motions applied to the test specimens. Chapter 6 will
provide and interpret the results from the hybrid simulation ground motion sequences applied to
each wall.
6 Results and Discussion
This chapter will first address the Wall 1 and Wall 2 behavior separately. Each wall will be
described by its performance in the ground motions in the order that they were prescribed. Then
the behavior of the two walls will be compared. The gain on the data acquisition system for the
strain gages was accidentally set to a very high value for the Wall 1 test, so strain data was not
available much beyond yield. For this reason, comparing strains between the two walls was not
possible. The strain gages were analyzed to show the locations and the order that the gages
yielded. An attempt was made to separate the wall displacements into shear, flexure, rotation in
the 3-in. sliding zone above the base, and base sliding components. This was challenging due to
the small displacements for stiff specimens. The code equations introduced in Chapter 2 were
evaluated for their ability to predict the behavior of Walls 1 and 2. Then the Wallace [2006]
backbone curve for squat walls was assessed in comparison to the data observed in these
experiments. Finally, the test set up response and the hybrid simulation errors were analyzed.
Before subjecting Wall 1 to the hybrid simulations of the ground motions, pre-test stiffness and
free vibration tests were performed. For the stiffness test, a very small saw-tooth displacement-
controlled motion was commanded to the specimen. At first, the control system interlocks were
set to limit the forces to +/-56.2 kips (+/-250 kN), which was half of the target force for the OBE
motion. However, the high stiffness of the wall and the slip in the actuator clevises made the
displacements (and thus the forces) difficult to control, so there were some spikes in the force.
The force limit was reached in the first few trials, which automatically shut down the hydraulics;
therefore, the range of force limits was extended to +/-100 kips (+/-444.8 kN). The upper subplot
in Figure 6.1 shows the displacement command and displacement feedback for the successful
stiffness test. The displacement tracking was very poor when the actuator changed directions.
Since the wall was very stiff, the displacements were very small. The actuator was changing
directions after very little motion, and the errors constituted a large portion of the response. The
fluctuations in the force feedback-time plot and the force-displacement response are shown in the
lower two subplots of Figure 6.1.
Figure 6.1 Wall 1 stiffness test.
The stiffness of the wall was approximated from the force-displacement response plot.
This was difficult because of the large amount of errors present. The stiffness was measured by
using a best-fit line in the displacement range of -0.01 in. to 0.003 in. The stiffness was
determined to be approximately 4800 kips/in. (840.6 kN/mm). This value was used in the hybrid
model to calculate the mass necessary for the hybrid model to have a period of 0.14 sec. The
mass was 2.383 k-sec
/in. However, the stiffness was later shown to be underestimated
A free vibration test was performed to determine the simulation velocity and the damping
in the numerical portion of the hybrid model. The forces were again limited to +/-100 kips (+/-
444.8 kN). A constant velocity of 0.01 in./sec (0.254 mm/sec) was selected to drive the actuator.
This resulted in approximately zero damping due to errors in the control loop. Thus, 2% damping
was implemented directly in the numerical model as mass-proportional damping.
A number of trials were necessary for a successful stiffness test and free vibration test.
The free vibration test, in particular, required a few trials to choose the optimal velocity. These
runs were assumed to be small enough to avoid affecting the integrity of the wall because it
remained in the elastic range. Later it was discovered that these repeated small-force tests were
rapidly reducing the wall stiffness. After the hybrid simulation test was completed and the data
was inspected in detail, the recorded acceleration data from the free vibration tests revealed a
much higher initial wall stiffness than estimated from Figure 6.1. The stiffness test was
controlled directly from the laboratory control system, so the stiffness estimate was made based
on the only available data (the force-displacement response plot). The free vibration test was
executed using OpenSees and OpenFresco. The acceleration data was recorded in OpenSees, and
the FFT of the acceleration data recorded during the first successful free vibration test revealed a
frequency of 10.94 Hz. This corresponds to a period of 0.0914 sec and a stiffness of 11,261 k/in.
Thus, the force-displacement response plot in Figure 6.1 was not a good indication of the actual
wall stiffness. There were too many errors with slip in the clevises at those small displacements
to accurately determine the stiffness from a best-fit line.
Following the completion of additional free vibration tests to decide the optimal constant
velocity value and after the completion of the OBE hybrid simulation (all < 100 kip runs), the
wall stiffness already dropped to 3703 k/in. Thus, the 4800 k/in. (840.6 kN/mm) stiffness used in
the hybrid model to achieve an initial period of 0.14 sec was appropriate for the condition of the
wall at the time of the OBE hybrid simulation. However, the wall had lost a very large amount of
its stiffness in the pre-test runs. After the pre-test stiffness and free vibration runs, some minor
diagonal cracking was observed. These cracks extended from about mid-height on the east side
of the specimen towards the lower west side of the specimen at about a 45 angle.
The hybrid simulation ground motion sequence for Wall 1 was OBEDBE 0.11DBE
BDBEDBE aftershock. The first attempt to reach two-thirds of the yield force for a DBE used a
scaling factor of 0.11 and resulted in forces lower than those targeted. The scaling factor was
increased to 0.14 and the DBE motion was repeated. After the ground motion sequence, the
specimen was broken using cycles to 1 in. (2.54 cm) and 1.5 in. (3.81 cm). This decision was
made based on the extent of damage following the DBE aftershock motion. Cycles were
determined to be safer than a larger ground motion. The displacement feedback-time history for
the total hybrid simulation sequence and the ductility-time history are shown in Figure 6.2. The
yield displacement was determined to be 0.23 in. The force feedback-time history is shown in
Figure 6.3. The asterisks (*) indicate the end of one ground motion and the start of the next.
Except for a few hairline shear and flexural cracks, Wall 1 was relatively undamaged
until the BDBE motion. Photographs of Wall 1 following the BDBE motion and both cyclic
motions are shown in Figure 6.4 The cracks are enhanced in the images for better visibility.
Figure 6.2 Wall 1 displacement-time and ductility-time histories.
Figure 6.3 Wall 1 force-time response history.
(a) (b)
Figure 6.4 Wall 1: (a) end of BDBE; (b) end of cycles to 1 in.; and (c) end of cycles to
1.5 in.
6.2.1 OBE Motion
An OpenSees bilinear SDOF oscillator model was used to scale the ground motion for a target
force of one-third of Buffalos yield force (112.4 kips or 500 kN), representing the OBE
earthquake motion. Details of the simple model included a material model described by the
measured 4800 k/in. initial stiffness and the Buffalo yield force. The hardening branch of the
material model used a stiffness that was 8% of the initial stiffness. The mass 2.383 k-sec
/in. was
used in the model so the elastic period was 0.14 sec. This resulted in a ground motion scaling
factor of 0.05263 for the OBE motion. The expected maximum displacement and force from the
OpenSees model simulation were 0.023 in. and 112.4 kips. The experimentally measured
maximum displacement and force from Wall 1 were 0.029 in. and 99.93 kips. The stiffness used
in the SDOF oscillator model was 4800 kips/in., based on the Wall 1 stiffness pre-test. As
mentioned in the previous section, after the OBE motion was imposed on Wall 1, the recorded
acceleration data was used to determine the current stiffness. The FFT of the recorded
acceleration showed a peak at 6.274 Hz. This represents a period of 0.1594 sec. The stiffness was
calculated to be 3703 kips/in. Thus, the stiffness dropped significantly even after a very small
ground motion, which did not produce much visible damage. The force-drift response from the
OBE motion is shown in Figure 6.5. The displacement was recorded by the encoder and the force
is the actuator load cell feedback.
Figure 6.5 Wall 1 OBE force-drift response.
6.2.2 DBE 0.11 Motion
The OpenSees bilinear model was again used to scale the ground motion for the DBE run. The
target force was two-thirds of Buffalos yield force (224.8 kips or 1000 kN). The stiffness
calculated at the end of the OBE motion was not performed until later. At the time of scaling the
DBE motion, the stiffness was assumed not to have deviated much from the initial 4800 kips/in.
because the observed damage was so light. Using the same stiffness in the OpenSees bilinear
model, the ground motion scaling value was determined to be 0.1052. The expected maximum
displacement and force from the OpenSees model simulation were 0.047 in. and 224.7 kips. The
experimentally measured maximum displacement and force from Wall 1 were 0.074 in and 168.1
kips. The desired force was not achieved and the displacement was much larger than estimated
because of the incorrect stiffness in the OpenSees model simulation. After the DBE 0.11 motion
was imposed on Wall 1, the recorded acceleration data was used to determine the current
stiffness. The FFT of the recorded acceleration showed a peak at 5.078 Hz. This corresponds to a
period of 0.1969 sec and a stiffness of 2426 kips/in. Again, the stiffness dropped significantly
without much visible damage. Since the DBE 0.11 motion did not achieve the desired force, the
motion was repeated with a larger scaling factor. The force-drift response from the DBE 0.11
motion is shown in Figure 6.6.
Figure 6.6 Wall 1 DBE 0.11 force-drift response.
6.2.3 DBE Motion
Since only 75% of the target force was achieved with the DBE 0.11 motion, the scaling was
recalculated for a repeat run. The stiffness was updated to be 2426 kips/in. in the OpenSees
bilinear model. Using the same scaling factor, 0.1052, the model predicted a maximum
displacement of 0.11 in. and a maximum force of 273.2 kips. This differed significantly from the
measured displacement and force values. Therefore, the OpenSees bilinear model was no longer
useful for determining scaling factors to achieve a desired force. A more complex model that
considers the cracking point would be necessary. The DBE motion was now scaled directly by a
factor of the target force/observed force. The new scaling factor was 0.1407. The experimentally
measured maximum displacement and force from Wall 1 were 0.108 in. and 213.7 kips. This was
considered to be sufficiently close to the target force of 224.8 kips. After this motion, the FFT of
the recorded acceleration showed a peak at 4.077 Hz. This corresponds to a period of 0.245 sec
and a stiffness of 1567 kips/in. Again, the stiffness dropped significantly without much visible
damage. The force-drift response from the updated DBE motion is shown in Figure 6.7.
Figure 6.7 Wall 1 DBE force-drift response.
6.2.4 BDBE Motion
The purpose of the BDBE motion was to push the wall beyond its peak strength. Prior to this
motion, Wall 1 was still relatively undamaged except for very minor diagonal cracking. The
original plan called for scaling the BDBE motion as 2 DBE. However, after under-scaling the
DBE motion initially with the factor of 0.11, the BDBE motion was scaled as 3 DBE to avoid
any undershoot. This scaling factor was 0.4221. The experimentally measured maximum
displacement and force from Wall 1 were 0.814 in. and 368.2 kips. The FFT of the recorded
acceleration showed a peak at 2.49 Hz. This corresponds to a period of 0.402 sec and a stiffness
of 583 kips/in. During the BDBE motion the wall first experienced additional shear cracking.
The approximately 45 cracks were well distributed along the length of the wall, indicating that
the loading plate was distributing the load along the wall. These shear cracks are enhanced to be
visible in Figure 6.8.
As the ground motion progressed, flexural cracks began developing in the lower corners
of the wall, located at about one-sixth of the height of the wall from the base to the loading plate.
These cracks grew wider than the shear cracks and flexural response became more dominant.
The wider flexural cracks are shown in Figure 6.9.
The dominant flexural cracking was very brief since a crack developed from the lower
corners of the wall and propagated across the entire base of the wall. The final failure mode was
sliding shear. This crack along the base of the wall is evident in the photos in Figure 6.10. The
flexural and shear cracking is still evident, but this is shown at the wall peak displacements. The
wall slid along its base, and as it reached its peak displacement, the shear and especially the
flexural cracks opened.
By the end of the BDBE motion, the wall was significantly damaged. A slightly smaller
ground motion scaling would have been more appropriate, since very little wall strength
remained for the upcoming DBE aftershock. The force-drift response from the BDBE motion is
shown in Figure 6.11.
Figure 6.8 Wall 1 BDBE shear cracks.
Figure 6.9 Wall 1 BDBE shear and flexural cracks.
Figure 6.10 Wall 1 BDBE sliding shear.
Figure 6.11 Wall 1 BDBE force-drift response.
The behavior of Wall 1 during the BDBE motion was asymmetric. In order to test
whether this was a result of the ground motion or a problem with the test set up, Wall 2 ground
motions were prescribed in the opposite direction. Upon comparing the plots, the behavior was
very similar. The conclusion was that the ground motion was the reason for the asymmetry.
On the day of the Wall 1 test, the concrete compressive strength was 5145 psi. The
maximum shear stress is defined as the peak lateral force divided by the wall cross-sectional area
(120 in. 8 in.). This is expressed in terms of multiples of
, where '
f is defined in psi. The
conversion to metric is
psi =
1 12 ' -
MPa. The maximum shear stress achieved in the
BDBE motion in the positive direction was
5.29 '
psi. The maximum shear stress in the
negative direction was
5.21 '
psi. The shear stress-drift plot is shown in Figure 6.12.
The positive direction for Wall 1 is the actuator pulling the wall to the west. First, the
wall yielded in the positive direction at a shear stress of
4.50 '
psi at about 1.8 min. Then the
wall yielded in the negative direction at a shear stress of
4.67 '
psi at about 6.3 min. The
wall reaches its maximum force in the positive direction at about 7.4 min. Then the wall reached
its maximum force in the negative direction at about 14.3 min after two more loops.
Since Wall 1 was relatively undamaged before the BDBE motion, none of the strain
gages yielded until this motion. The yield strain was assumed to be 0.002 in./in., and the
locations of the strain gages and their names, first introduced in Section 5.6.2, are repeated below
in Figure 6.13 and Figure 6.14 for convenience.
Figure 6.12 Wall 1 BDBE shear stress-drift response.
Figure 6.13 Strain gages on vertical reinforcing bars.
1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
yield: 4.50
yield: 4.67
max: 5.29
max: 5.21
Figure 6.14 Strain gages on horizontal reinforcing bars.
The first strain gages that yielded are shown in Figure 6.15. The force-drift response plot
from the beginning of the ground motion to first yield is highlighted in red. The yielded strain
gages are represented by blue *s on the plot and are listed in the order that they yielded. The
diagrams of the walls on the right side show the strain gages on vertical reinforcing bars and on
horizontal reinforcing bars. The black circles represent gages that did not work during the test.
They were not working since the start of the tests, so possibly the strain gage was damaged when
the concrete was poured or the cable was damaged. The green circles represent the gages that
In Figure 6.16, the force-drift response plot is shown for the strain gages that yielded
from the time that Wall 1 yielded in the positive direction to the time that Wall 1 yield in the
negative direction (in the global sense). In Figure 6.17, the strain gages are shown that yielded
between the time Wall 1 yielded globally in the negative direction and Wall 1 achieved its
maximum force in the positive direction. In Figure 6.18, the strain gages are shown that yielded
between Wall 1 reaching maximum force in the positive direction and Wall 1 reaching maximum
force in the negative direction. Finally, in Figure 6.19, the strain gages are shown that yielded
from the time of Wall 1 maximum force in the negative direction to the end of the BDBE ground
Figure 6.15 Yielded strain gages from beginning of BDBE to Wall 1 first yield.
Figure 6.16 Yielded strain gages from Wall 1 positive yield to Wall 1 negative yield.
Figure 6.17 Yielded strain gages from Wall 1 negative yield to Wall 1 maximum
positive force.
Figure 6.18 Yielded strain gages from Wall 1 maximum positive force to Wall 1
maximum negative force.
Figure 6.19 Yielded strain gages from Wall 1 maximum negative force to end of
6.2.5 DBE Aftershock Motion
By this point Wall 1 had lost most of its stiffness. It was sliding along its base and picking up
force only after sliding enough to engage the dowel action. Before applying the DBE aftershock
motion, the wall was moved to zero the force, since there was a significant force offset after the
BDBE. The experimentally measured maximum displacement and force from Wall 1 were 0.583
in. and 102.1 kips. The FFT of the recorded acceleration showed a peak at 1.88 Hz. This
corresponds to a period of 0.532 sec and a stiffness of 333 kips/in. The force-drift response from
the DBE aftershock motion is shown in Figure 6.20. No additional strain gages yielded during
the DBE aftershock motion.
Figure 6.20 Wall 1 DBE aftershock force-drift response.
6.2.6 Triangle Motions
The wall was badly damaged after the DBE aftershock motion, so triangle motions were
determined to be the safest way to push Wall 1 to failure. First, Wall 1 was moved to zero the
force. Then two quasi-static cyclic triangle motions to +/-1 in. (+/-2.54 cm) were run using the
function generator in the controller. Then the wall was moved to zero the force again, and one
cycle to +/-1.5 in. (+/-3.81 cm) was run. During this last cycle, two reinforcing bars were heard
fracturing on each end of the wall. The force-drift response from triangle motions to +/-1 in.
(+/-2.54 cm) is shown in Figure 6.21. No additional strain gages yielded during the triangle
motions to +/-1 in. The force-drift response from a triangle motion to +/-1.5 in. (+/-3.81 cm) is
shown in Figure 6.22.
Figure 6.21 Wall 1 triangle motions to +/-1 in. (+/-2.54 cm) force-drift response.
Figure 6.22 Wall 1 triangle motions to +/-1.5 in. (+/-3.81 cm) force-drift response.
The fracture locations are evident in Figure 6.22 by the sudden force drops in the upper
right hand side of the plot (circled). The fracture locations are also evident on the reversal of the
load but not as prominently (circled). During the triangle motion to +/-1.5 in., two more strain
gages yielded. These gages are shown in the force-drift response plot and corresponding
diagrams in Figure 6.23.
Figure 6.23 Yielded strain gages during Wall 1 triangle motions to +/-1.5 in.
6.2.7 Final Damage State
Figure 6.24 shows the final damage state of Wall 1 at the end of the tests. The east side and west
side views are shown. The sliding plane is apparent across the length of the wall. The loose
broken concrete pieces were removed for a better view of the final state of the reinforcing bars.
As shown in Figure 6.25, the east side reinforcing bars remained mostly intact with minor local
buckling of the vertical bars below the lowest horizontal bar, but the west side bars displayed
more local buckling of the vertical reinforcement and opening of hooks of the two lowest
horizontal bars. At the end of the Wall 1 test sequence, local buckling of the vertical wall
reinforcement and opening of the hooks of the horizontal wall reinforcement induced by a
combination of sliding and flexure was observed. The following pictures were taken after
removing some of the broken concrete pieces for better visibility. Figure 6.26(a) shows the rear
view of the wall on the east side where local buckling in the vertical bars is visible below the
lowest horizontal bar. Figure 6.26(b) shows the front view of the west side of the specimen,
where local buckling is visible in the vertical bars from the base of the wall up to the height of
the third horizontal bars. Since the hooks of the lowest two horizontal bars on the west side of
the wall opened during the test, this allowed for a larger range of local buckling. Figure 6.26(c)
shows a closer view of the opening of the hooks of horizontal bars on the west side of the wall.
(a) (b)
Figure 6.24 Wall 1 damage state at end of tests: (a) east side; and (b) west side.
(a) (b)
Figure 6.25 Wall 1 after removing broken concrete pieces: (a) east side; and (b) west
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6.26 Wall 1 local buckling: (a) rear view of east side of wall; (b) front view of
west side of wall; and (c) opening of hooks of horizontal bars on west
side of wall.
Before subjecting Wall 2 to the hybrid simulations of the ground motions, pre-test stiffness and
free vibration tests, identical to those for Wall 1, were performed. For the stiffness test, a very
small saw-tooth displacement-controlled motion was commanded to the specimen. The forces
were limited to +/-56.2 kips (+/-250 kN), which was half of the target force for the OBE motion.
However, the high stiffness of the wall made the forces difficult to control and there were some
force spikes within +/-100 kips (+/-444.8 kN). The slip in the clevises of the actuator contributed
to this. Limits were set on the controller to prevent excessive forces. It took a few trials to
successfully perform a stiffness test without tripping the force limits. The force feedback-time
and force-displacement responses from the successful stiffness test are shown in Figure 6.27.
With such small displacements and slip in the clevises contributing to the response, it was very
difficult to estimate the stiffness. The stiffness was determined to be approximately 3300 kips/in.
(577.9 kN/mm). As with Wall 1, this was later shown to be underestimated significantly.
As with Wall 1, a free-vibration test was performed next to determine the simulation
velocity and the damping in the numerical portion of the hybrid model. The 3300 kips/in. (577.9
kN/mm) stiffness was used in the numerical free vibration model to determine the mass
necessary for the model to have a period of 0.14 sec. The forces were still limited to +/-100 kips
(+/-444.8 kN). A constant velocity of 0.01 in./sec (0.254 mm/sec) was selected to drive the
actuator. This resulted in just about zero damping due to errors in the control loop. Thus, 2%
damping was implemented directly in the numerical model as mass-proportional damping.
Before proceeding to the hybrid simulation tests, the mass in the numerical portion of the
hybrid model was adjusted to be the same as the mass used for Wall 1. Even though the stiffness
test for Wall 2 yielded a different value than the stiffness test for Wall 1, the stiffnesses of Wall 1
and Wall 2 after the free vibration test were assumed to be similar. Both walls required
conducting a number of trials for a successful stiffness test and free vibration test. For Wall 1,
there were more trials of the free vibration test to determine the appropriate testing velocity. For
Wall 2, there were more trials of the stiffness test because the force interlocks were tripped on
the controller a number of times. With approximately the same number of pre-test runs for both
walls, the stiffnesses at the time of the OBE hybrid simulation were assumed to be similar. The
FFT of the acceleration data recorded in OpenSees for the first successful free vibration run had
a peak at a frequency of 9.38 Hz. This corresponded to a period of 0.1067 sec and a stiffness of
8263 k/in.
As with Wall 1, inspection of Wall 2 after these pre-tests revealed several hairline
diagonal cracks. These cracks ran from about mid-height on the left side of the specimen towards
the lower right side of the specimen at about a 45 angle.
The hybrid simulation ground motion sequence for Wall 2 was OBE BDBE DBE
aftershock 1 DBE aftershock 2. After the ground motion sequence, the specimen was broken
using a cycle to each of 1 in. (2.54 cm) and 1.5 in. (3.81 cm). Cycles were determined to be safer
than another ground motion at that level of damage. The displacement feedback-time history for
the total hybrid simulation sequence and the ductility-time history are shown in Figure 6.28. The
yield displacement was determined to be 0.17 in. The force feedback-time history is shown in
Figure 6.29. The * indicate the end of one ground motion and the start of the next. Photographs
of Wall 2 following the BDBE motion, both DBE aftershock motions, and both cyclic motions
are shown in Figure 6.30.
Figure 6.27 Wall 2 stiffness test.
Figure 6.28 Wall 2 displacement-time and ductility-time histories.
Figure 6.29 Wall 2 force-time response history.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 6.30 Wall 2: (a) end of BDBE; (b) end of DBE aftershock 1; (c) end of DBE
aftershock 2; (d) end of cycle to 1 in.; and (e) end of cycle to 1.5 in.
6.3.1 OBE Motion
Since asymmetry in the force-displacement response behavior in Wall 1 was observed, the
direction of the ground motion was reversed for the Wall 2 tests. By comparing the Wall 2
results to the Wall 1 results, the asymmetry was determined to be a result of the ground motion
asymmetry and not an asymmetry in the test set up. The OBE for Wall 2 was the same as for
Wall 1 and used the same scaling factor to reach one-third of the yield force, 112.4 kips (500
kN). The ground motion scaling factor was 0.05263. The stiffness used in the numerical portion
of the hybrid model was 4800 kips/in., as was used for Wall 1. The experimentally measured
maximum displacement and force from Wall 2 were 0.029 in. and 97.65 kips. After the OBE
motion was imposed on Wall 2, the recorded acceleration data was used to determine the current
stiffness. The FFT of the recorded acceleration showed a peak at 7.642 Hz. This represents a
period of 0.1309 sec. The stiffness was calculated to be 5490 kips/in. This can be compared
directly to the stiffness of Wall 1 after the OBE motion, which was 3703 k/in. Wall 2 was stiffer
than Wall 1 at this point in the test. This was a result of the pre-test runs which affected the walls
stiffnesses much more than expected. The force-drift response from the OBE motion is shown in
Figure 6.31. As with Wall 1, the displacement was recorded by the encoder and the force is the
actuator load cell feedback.
Figure 6.31 Wall 2 OBE force-drift response.
6.3.2 BDBE Motion
The purpose of the BDBE motion was to push the wall beyond its peak strength. Since the
BDBE motion for Wall 1 was slightly larger than ideal, the scaling of the BDBE motion was
reconsidered for Wall 2. However, Wall 2 was less damaged compared to Wall 1 when it
experienced the BDBE (Wall 1 had already experienced the DBE 0.11 and the appropriately
scaled DBE); therefore, Wall 2 would withstand the large motion better. The same ground
motion scaling was maintained for Wall 2. This scaling factor was 0.4221. The experimentally
measured maximum displacement and force from Wall 2 were 0.775 in. and 384.4 kips. The FFT
of the recorded acceleration showed a peak at 2.49 Hz. This corresponds to a period of 0.402 sec
and a stiffness of 583 kips/in. Coincidentally, this matches the stiffness of Wall 1 after
experiencing the BDBE motion. After the BDBE motion, the actuator was moved to zero the
force before the next hybrid simulation run.
During the BDBE motion, Wall 2 experienced similar behavior to Wall 1. The following
three figures show
strains measured on the surface of the Wall 2 specimen during the BDBE
simulation using high-resolution still image correlation [Correlated Solutions 2009]. Figure 6.32
was recorded at the beginning of the BDBE simulation. Here, Wall 2 experienced additional light
shear cracking evident throughout the wall web along with some flexural cracks near the lower
corners of the wall. The approximately 45 shear cracks were well distributed along the length of
the wall, indicating that the loading plate was adequately distributing the load along the wall. As
the BDBE motion progressed, the flexural behavior mode became more dominant, as shown in
Figure 6.33. These cracks are shown in the lower corner of the wall, located at approximately
one-sixth and one-third of the height of the wall from the base to the loading plate.
Figure 6.32 Wall 2 shear and flexural cracking at start of BDBE motion.
Figure 6.33 Wall 2 development of flexural cracks during BDBE motion.
The dominant flexural cracking quickly gave way to a crack that developed from the
lower corners of the wall and propagated across the entire base of the wall. As shown in Figure
6.34, the final failure mode was sliding shear along the base of the wall where it meets the
foundation. After the wall had slid to the point when the vertical reinforcement picked up some
force in dowel action, the flexural cracks continued to develop. The wall slid along its base, and
as it reached its peak displacement, the shear and especially the flexural cracks opened. One of
the Krypton targets toward the bottom center of the wall was attached to a piece of concrete that
spalled off during this run, as seen in Figure 6.34. By the end of the BDBE motion, Wall 2 was
significantly damaged. The force-drift response from the BDBE motion is shown in Figure 6.35.
Figure 6.34 Wall 2 continued development of flexural cracking and sliding during
BDBE motion.
Figure 6.35 Wall 2 BDBE force-drift response.
On the day of the Wall 2 test, the concrete compressive strength was 5413 psi. The
maximum shear stress achieved in the BDBE motion in the positive direction was
5.41 '
The maximum shear stress in the negative direction was
5.45 '
psi. The shear stress-drift
plot is shown in Figure 6.36.
The positive direction for Wall 2 was the actuator pushing the wall to the east. Wall 2
data is plotted with negated force and drift to facilitate comparison to Wall 1 plots. Wall 2
yielded in the positive (actuator pushing) direction at about 2.6 min with a shear stress of
3.81 '
psi. Then the wall yielded in the negative direction at about 4.2 min with a shear stress
4.25 '
psi. The wall reached its maximum force in the positive direction at about 6.6 min.
Then the wall reached its maximum force in the negative direction at about 12.6 min after two
more loops.
Since Wall 2 was relatively undamaged before the BDBE motion, none of the strain
gages yielded until this motion. The yield strain was again assumed to be 0.002 in./in., and the
locations of the strain gages and their names were shown in Figure 6.13 and Figure 6.14. The
first strain gages that yielded are shown in Figure 6.37. The force-drift response plot from the
beginning of the ground motion to first yield is highlighted in red. The yielded strain gages are
represented by blue *s on the plot, and they are listed in the order that they yielded. The
diagrams of the walls on the right side show the strain gages on vertical reinforcing bars and on
horizontal reinforcing bars. The black circles represent gages that did not function during the
test. They were not working at the start of the tests, so possibly the strain gages were damaged
when the concrete was poured, or the cable was damaged. The green circles represent the gages
that have yielded.
Figure 6.36 Wall 2 BDBE shear stress-drift response.
1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
yield: 3.81
yield: 4.25
max: 5.41
max: 5.45
In Figure 6.38, the force-drift response plot is shown for the strain gages that yielded
from the time that Wall 2 yielded (in a global sense) in the positive direction to the time Wall 2
yielded globally in the negative direction. In Figure 6.39, the strain gages are shown that yielded
between Wall 2 yielding globally in the negative direction and Wall 2 achieving its maximum
force in the positive direction. In Figure 6.40, the strain gages are shown that yielded between
Wall 2 reaching maximum force in the positive direction and Wall 2 reaching maximum force in
the negative direction. Here, strain gage V1G4C yielded. This was an extra gage that was
accidentally placed between V1G4A and V1G5 on Wall 2 only. Finally, in Figure 6.41, the strain
gages are shown that yielded between Wall 2 maximum force in the negative direction to the end
of the BDBE ground motion.
Figure 6.37 Yielded strain gages from beginning of BDBE to Wall 2 first yield.
Figure 6.38 Yielded strain gages from Wall 2 positive yield to Wall 2 negative yield.
Figure 6.39 Yielded strain gages from Wall 2 negative yield to Wall 2 maximum
positive force.
Figure 6.40 Yielded strain gages from Wall 2 maximum positive force to Wall 2
maximum negative force.
Figure 6.41 Yielded strain gages from Wall 2 maximum negative force to end of
6.3.3 DBE Aftershock 1 Motion
The same DBE scaling that was used for Wall 1 was maintained for DBE aftershock 1. This
scaling value was 0.1407. The experimentally measured maximum displacement and force from
Wall 2 were 0.474 in. and 101.4 kips. The FFT of the recorded acceleration showed a peak at
1.855 Hz. This corresponds to a period of 0.694 sec and a stiffness of 323.7 kips/in. Wall 2 was
badly damaged when it experienced this motion. The wall mostly slid along its base and picked
up a little force at the extreme values of displacement. The force-drift response from the DBE
aftershock 1 motion is shown in Figure 6.42. No additional strain gages yielded during the DBE
aftershock 1 motion.
Figure 6.42 Wall 2 DBE aftershock 1 force-drift response.
6.3.4 DBE Aftershock 2 Motion
This run was a repeat of the previous run. The scaling factor remained 0.1407. The
experimentally measured maximum displacement and force from Wall 2 were 0.539 in. and
104.6 kips. The FFT of the recorded acceleration showed a peak at 1.44 Hz. This corresponds to
a period of 0.539 sec and a stiffness of 195.1 kips/in. Once again, Wall 2 slid along its base and
picked up a little force at the extreme values of displacement. The force-drift response from the
repeated DBE aftershock 2 motion is shown in Figure 6.43. No additional strain gages yielded
during the 14%-DBE aftershock 2 motion.
Figure 6.43 Wall 2 DBE aftershock 2 force-drift response.
6.3.5 Triangle Motions
As with Wall 1, Wall 2 was too damaged to safely run another ground motion. One quasi-static
cyclic triangle motion to +/-1 in. (+/-2.54 cm) was run using the function generator in the
controller. Then the wall was moved to zero the force, and one cycle to +/-1.5 in. (+/-3.81 cm)
was run. The force-drift response from the triangle motion to +/-1 in. (+/-2.54 cm) is shown in
Figure 6.44. During the triangle motion to +/-1 in., three more strain gages yielded. These gages
are shown in the force-drift response plot and corresponding diagrams in Figure 6.45. The force-
drift response from the triangle motion to +/-1.5 in (+/-3.81 cm) is shown in Figure 6.46. In Wall
2, there were no apparent rebar fractures, as were observed in Wall 1. During the triangle motion
to +/-1.5 in, four more strain gages yielded. These gages are shown in the force-drift response
plot and corresponding diagrams in Figure 6.47.
Figure 6.44 Wall 2 triangle motion to +/-1 in. (+/-2.54 cm) force-drift response.
Figure 6.45 Yielded strain gages during the Wall 2 triangle motion to +/-1 in.
Figure 6.46 Wall 2 triangle motion to +/-1.5 in. (+/-3.81 cm) force-drift response.
Figure 6.47 Yielded strain gages during the Wall 2 triangle motion to +/-1.5 in.
6.3.6 Final Damage State
Figure 6.48 shows the final damage state of Wall 2 at the end of the tests. The east side view, the
sliding plane, and the west side view are shown. The loose broken concrete pieces were removed
for a better view of the final state of the reinforcing bars. In Figure 6.49, the east-side reinforcing
bars remained mostly intact, but the west side bars displayed some local buckling of the vertical
reinforcement. Unlike Wall 1, the hooks of the horizontal wall reinforcement did not open.
Figure 6.50 shows a close-up view of the hooks of the horizontal bars on the west side of the
specimen. These remained closed at the end of the tests.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6.48 End of Wall 2 test sequence: (a) damage in east corner; (b) damage along
sliding plane; and (c) damage in west corner.
(a) (b)
Figure 6.49 Wall 2 final damage state after removing broken concrete: (a) east side;
and (b) west side.
Figure 6.50 Wall 2 west side reinforcing bars.
The force-drift response plots recorded during Wall 1 and Wall 2 hybrid simulations are shown
in Figure 6.51. The responses are compared in Wall 2 simulation sequence (OBE, BDBE, DBE
aftershock, large displacement cycles). The peak force developed by Wall 1 was 367.1 kips
(1633 kN) and that by Wall 2 was 384.4 kips (1710 kN). The nominal shear strength of the walls
computed using ACI 318 Chapter 21.9 [ACI 2008] provisions is 666.6 kips (2965 kN). This is
depicted as a black line in the BDBE subplot; evidently ACI 318 Chapter 21.9 provisions
overestimate the observed wall strength by a significant margin. The response of both specimens
to the selected ground motions was asymmetric. In order to confirm that this was the result of the
nature of the ground motion and not an asymmetry in the test set up, the ground motion direction
was reversed for the Wall 2 hybrid simulation by changing the algebraic sign of the acceleration
array. To facilitate comparison between the walls, the first quadrant in the response plots
corresponds to the actuator pulling Wall 1 and pushing Wall 2.
The similarity between the plots of Wall 1 and Wall 2 suggests that the sequence of the
ground motions does not significantly affect their force-drift global response. The plots in Figure
6.51 show a sudden drop in specimen resistance when the direction of the actuator motion
changes, which is most evident in the BDBE motion. This is due to the slip in the actuators
clevises. When the actuator is pushing the specimen, the clevis gaps are closed. When direction
of motion changes, first the clevis gaps must open and then the specimen begins to move. As the
clevis gaps are opening, the force on the wall is decreasing yet the wall itself is not yet moving.
The ground motions did not demand as much motion in the positive direction as in the negative
direction (also most evident in the BDBE motion). When the cycles to +/-1 in. (+/-2.54 cm) and
+/-1.5 in. (+/-3.81 cm) were applied, the walls slid along their bases and then began to pick up
force again because the vertical wall reinforcement re-engaged in tension and the wall began to
form a flexural force couple. This increase in force may not be realistic for a squat wall with a
large structure above it. Since the experimental test set up did not constrain the top of the wall or
impose vertical load, the wall was free to exhibit flexure after it slid to the point that dowels
reengaged. The tensile strength of the wall was 432 kips using the nominal reinforcing bar yield
strength and 509 kips using the measured reinforcing bar yield strength. 10%
c g
f A was 494
kips. Thus, a vertical load of more than 10%
c g
f A
would likely have prevented the opening of
the crack at the wall-foundation interface along its entire length. This would have likely
postponed sliding behavior.
The Wall 1 envelope connecting the peaks of its response to all ground motions and
cycles is shown in Figure 6.52. The Wall 2 envelope connecting the peaks of its response to all
ground motions and cycles is shown in Figure 6.53. Though these envelopes do capture the
observed responses of the walls in the tests presented, they do show the increased forces after the
start of sliding, which may not be realistic in a real-world application.
The ground motions were such that they did not demand as much motion in the positive
direction as in the negative direction. When the cycles to 1 in. and 1.5 in. were applied, the walls
began to pick up force again in the positive direction. The dotted lines on the positive side of the
envelopes indicate a lack of data in that range of drifts, since the ground motions were not
demanding there. During the positive cycles, the peak forces in the positive direction were less
than the peak forces in the negative direction. The positive side loses some strength after peak
force, whereas the negative side maintains its peak force throughout the cyclic motions. This is
due to the fact that the walls were more damaged on the positive side. The walls experienced first
yield, first maximum force, and first sliding on the positive side. The force-drift response
envelopes for Wall 1 and Wall 2 are shown in Figure 6.54. They are nearly identical.
Figure 6.51 Wall 1 and Wall 2 force-drift response comparison for ground motion and
cyclic excitations.
Figure 6.52 Wall 1 force-drift response to ground motions and cycles with envelope.
Figure 6.53 Wall 2 force-drift response to ground motions and cycles with envelope.
Figure 6.54 Comparison of Wall 1 and Wall 2 force-drift response envelopes.
The drift of the wall in each ground motion was decomposed into approximate contributions
from shear, flexure, rotation in the sliding zone, and base sliding. Rotation in the sliding zone is
defined as the inelastic flexure in the 3 in. sliding zone above the base of the wall. Flexure is
defined as the motion of the wall due to flexure above the 3-in. sliding zone. This is mostly
elastic. The interaction between these three major failure modes (grouping rotation in the sliding
zone and flexure together) will be referred to as Flexural-Shear-Sliding (FSS) Interaction. The
composition of each walls motion in terms of these contributions was inspected at peak
displacements. The methods for calculating each of these components are described below.
6.5.1 Drift Due to Shear and Flexural Deformations
The Novotechnik displacement transducers used to measure shear were located on the back of
the wall, as shown in Figure 5.7 and repeated in Figure 6.55 below, for convenience. The shear
instruments were placed in three square arrangements horizontally. Each square arrangement has
vertical, horizontal, and an X configuration of diagonal instruments. Each of these square
arrangements will be referred to as a Shear-X configuration. Figure 6.55 shows the dimensions
and instrument names. The squares were approximately 36 in. 36 in. The 36 in. heights range
from 3 in. above the foundation to 39 in. above the foundation. The bars holding the instruments
were added to the wall after casting, so they had to be drilled and epoxied in place. Because of
the placement of the vertical reinforcing bars in the wall, these holes had to be slightly staggered.
Thus, the middle square is 37 in. wide, and the right square is 35 in. wide. The vertical
instrument groups closest to the edges of the wall were composed of four instruments. SHV1 and
SHV7 measured from 3 in. above the foundation down to the foundation. Then SHV2 and SHV8
measured from 3 in. above the foundation to 9 in. above the foundation. SHV3 and SHV9
measure from 9 in. above the foundation to 19 in. above the foundation. These matched the
locations of the instruments measuring on the short sides of the wall, for comparison. Finally,
SHV4 and SHV10 measured from 19 in. above the foundation to 39 in. above the foundation. All
instruments except SHV1 and SHV7 participated in the shear calculations. The shear was
computed for each of these three Shear-X squares, according to recommendations by Massone
and Wallace [2004]. The diagram showing behavior measured by the diagonal instruments,
excerpted from Massone and Wallace [2004], is shown in Figure 6.56.
Figure 6.55 Novotechnik instruments used to measure shear.
Figure 6.56 Determining shear displacements [Massone and Wallace 2004]
The diagonal instruments measure D
and D
, as shown in Figure 6.56. The purely
shear behavior of the concrete element is shaded grey, and the diagonal measurements
corresponding to this purely shear behavior are shown as D
and D
. Because of the
contribution of vertical motions, measured as V1 and V2, the diagonal instruments are measuring
a combination of shear and flexural behavior. In order to isolate the lateral displacement
resulting from the shear behavior, it is necessary to subtract this vertical motion. Massone and
Wallace [2004] proposed the following equation to calculate the total shear and flexural lateral
( ) ( )
2 2
2 2
1 2 2 1
+ +
= + =
meas meas
total s f
D h V D h V
The flexural component of the displacement was calculated using the vertical instrument
measurements V
and V
of each square set of instruments. First the rotation was computed as
1 2
Then the flexural displacement at the actuator height was calculated as
( ) 25.125 o u = +
U h
where 25.125 in. is the distance from the actuator to the top of the Shear-X configuration, and
is the relative distance from the top of the square to the centroid of rotation of the element. Based
on the results of a parametric study, Massone and Wallace [2004] recommended using = 0.6.
Then the flexural displacement was subtracted from U
to obtain the shear displacement, U
This procedure was applied to the data from Wall 1 and Wall 2. For each Shear-X
configuration, the shear displacement that was calculated in this 36 in. height was used to
determine the shear strain, . Then the shear strain for the west, middle, and east Shear-Xs were
averaged to determine an average shear strain across the length of the wall. Because the height of
the Shear-X configuration of instruments only extended from 3 in. to 39 in. above the base of the
wall, there were no measurements available to calculate the shear strain from 39 in. to the height
of the actuator. Thus, the average shear strain across the length of the wall was assumed to
remain constant up to the 64.125 in. height of the actuator. The displacement due to shear at
actuator level was calculated using this shear strain and the full 64.125 in. height. For Wall 2,
was not working for the right side Shear-X, so -D
was used in the calculation in its
6.5.2 Drift Due to Rotation in the Sliding Zone
This is inelastic flexural behavior in the 3-in. sliding zone above the base of the wall. Two
vertical Novotechnik instruments were located on each end of the wall to measure the motion in
this 3-in. zone. The average vertical motion of the two instruments on the east side of the wall
) and the average vertical motion of the two instruments on the west side of the wall (V
were computed. Then the rotation was computed using Equation 6.2. The drift due to this
rotation was computed using
( )u oh U
+ = 125 . 61 (6.4)
where 61.125 in. is the distance from the actuator to the top of this 3-in. sliding zone, is the
relative distance from the top of the sliding zone layer to the centroid of rotation of the zone, and
h = 3 in.
6.5.3 Drift Due to Base Sliding
Base sliding was determined using triangulation to compute the in-plane displacement at 3 in.
above the base on each side of the wall. These values were averaged. Since the instruments were
showing readings prior to the known start of base sliding, it was determined that the instruments
were picking up some motion from the flexural movement of the wall. In an attempt to correct
for this, a line was fitted through the point 3 in. above the base and the point 9 in. above the base
on each side of the wall. The angle of these lines to the vertical on each side of the wall was
calculated, and the displacement due to this rotation at 3 in. above the base was subtracted from
the base sliding. This produced a more reasonable measure for the base sliding, but there is still
some error since base sliding still appears to begin in these plots slightly too early. The values
computed using this procedure are used in the plots of contributions to displacement in the next
In order to attempt to name a point the start of sliding in the BDBE motions, this
procedure was used to calculate the base sliding in the Wall 1 DBE motion (just prior to the
BDBE). Figure 6.57 shows the calculated base sliding versus time for the Wall 1 DBE motion. It
is known that sliding did not occur in the Wall 1 DBE motion, so the maximum of the absolute
value of this calculated base sliding was considered the noise level. This value was 0.0044 in.
When the calculated base sliding in the Wall 1 BDBE motion exceeded this noise level, this
point was considered the start of sliding. Since Wall 2 experienced a BDBE following the OBE
motion, the same information was not available. Since the same instruments were used for Wall
2, the noise level calculated was assumed to be consistent for Wall 2. When the Wall 2
calculated base sliding exceeded this same noise level, this was considered the start of sliding for
Wall 2. Figure 6.58 shows the Wall 1 computed base displacement versus time and shows the
location that the computed base displacement exceeded the noise level. This occurred at 1.6 min.
Figure 6.57 Wall 1 DBE computed base displacement.
Figure 6.58 Wall 1 start of sliding.
Although this procedure seems reasonable, the point on the force-drift response plot at
1.6 min does not correspond to a location that is sensible for sliding to start. This is shown in
Figure 6.59, with the red star on the computed base displacement plot on the left and the
corresponding location in the force-drift response plot on the right. The threshold for sliding
must have been set too low. The black lines show a guess at a better threshold value of 0.03 in.
Figure 6.60 shows a red star at a better guess for the start of sliding on the left and a more
reasonable corresponding location in the force-drift response plot on the right. However, it is not
possible to justify the selection of this point. Since the flexure, shear, and sliding shear behavior
are interacting, it is very difficult to isolate just one mode and determine when that mode begins
to dominate.
Figure 6.59 Sliding at 1.6 min.
Figure 6.60 Estimate of start of sliding.
6.5.4 Comparison of Wall 1 and Wall 2 Drift Contributions
The displacement contributions were investigated at peak displacements. In the upper two
subplots of the following figures, ductility versus time is plotted, and the peak displacements
selected to assess displacement contributions are circled. Points of increasing ductility were
selected. The positive points correspond to the actuator pulling Wall 1 and pushing Wall 2. The
lower two subplots show contributions to total drift versus time. Each of these plots corresponds
to the ductility versus time plot directly above it. The contributions to displacement are only
sampled at the circled points, so the vertical lines in the contributions to total drift versus time
plots indicate where the data was sampled. It is important to note that between sampled points,
the contributions to total drift are linearly interpolated. This is not a reflection of the actual
behavior between these two points, but helps for visualization of the trend of contributions over
time for increasing ductility. As mentioned in Section 6.5.1, one of the shear instruments was not
working for Wall 2, so this introduced some error in computing the displacement contributions
for shear in Wall 2.
The behavior in the Wall 1 DBE Motion is shown in Figure 6.61 below. There is about
20% of the drift contribution unaccounted for, but this is due to difficulty in measuring extremely
small displacements. The plots erroneously show a small portion of sliding shear. There is some
error due to the arcing of the instruments measuring the sliding shear, such that they picked up
some motion before sliding actually began. These instruments measured lateral displacements
using triangulation at 3 in. above the base of the wall. However, as the wall flexed, the arcing of
the wall was recorded as sliding. A correction was applied, but there is a small amount of error
remaining. Here, shear is most dominant, especially in the positive actuator pulling direction.
There is slightly more flexure in the negative actuator pushing direction. When the actuator is
pushing, the wall tended to rotate about its east corner, at the far side opposite the actuator. When
the actuator is pulling back, the wall tends to shear more easily.
Figure 6.61 Wall 1 DBE drift contributions for selected increasing ductilities.
Wall 1 and Wall 2 behaved similarly in the BDBE motion, shown in Figure 6.62 and
Figure 6.63 below. For the Wall 1 BDBE motion, there is about 15% error due to unaccounted
for displacements at the beginning of the ground motion, which reduces to about 5% as the
motion progresses. The greater error at the beginning of the motion is due to more error in
measuring small displacements. First the negative direction when the actuator is pushing the wall
will be discussed. The shear and flexural modes each make up about equal portions of the drift at
the beginning of the ground motion. Within the flexural contribution, approximately half is due
to rotation in the sliding zone about half due to rotation above the sliding zone. As the ground
motion progresses, the flexural contributions remain mostly unchanged, but the shear
contribution decreases, and the sliding shear contribution increases to about the same amount as
the flexural contribution. Since these displacement contributions were sampled at the peak
displacements, it is reasonable that the flexural contribution remains so significant. As the wall
slides to its maximum displacement, the dowels begin to engage, and the wall picks up flexure at
its peak. Additionally, with the actuator pushing, the wall tended to rotate about its east corner, at
the far side opposite the actuator. The final response was nearly one-third due to each of shear,
flexure, and sliding. For the positive direction when the actuator is pulling the wall, the shear
mode dominates the displacement contribution at the beginning of the ground motion, with some
flexural contribution. The shear contribution decreases as the ground motion progresses and the
flexural contribution decreases a small amount. The sliding shear increases to dominate the
behavior. The amount of shear contribution remains consistently larger than when the actuator is
pushing the wall. When the actuator pulled the wall back, it slid easily along its base, so there
was less flexural behavior and more shear behavior.
For the Wall 2 BDBE motion, there is about 20% error due to unaccounted for
displacements at the beginning of the ground motion. In the positive direction, the contributions
are overestimated as the ground motion progresses. This is due to one of the shear instruments
not working. Similar to Wall 1, sliding appears to contribute too early due to arcing of the
instruments measuring the sliding. In the negative direction when the actuator is pulling the wall,
the shear and flexural modes make up about equal portions of the drift at the beginning of the
ground motion. As the ground motion progresses, the flexural contributions remain fairly
constant. The portions due to rotation in the sliding zone and flexure above the sliding zone
remaining about equal. As the ground motion progresses, the shear contribution decreases
slightly, and the sliding shear contribution increases, such that the final response was nearly one-
third due to each of shear, flexure, and sliding (as was with Wall 1). In the positive direction
when the actuator is pushing the wall, it is difficult to draw many conclusions due to the large
error introduced by the shear instrument that was not working.
Figure 6.62 Wall 1 BDBE drift contributions for selected increasing ductilities.
Figure 6.63 Wall 2 BDBE drift contributions for selected increasing ductilities.
In the BDBE motions of both walls, there was more flexure seen on the west side of the
wall when the actuator was pushing. This is positive side of the displacement contribution plots.
This is consistent with the damage observed. Both walls experienced more local buckling of bars
on west side of specimen despite reversed ground motions. A likely explanation for this is the
actuator pushing the wall tended to cause more rigid body motion about the toe of the wall on the
east side, but the actuator pulling the wall caused the wall to slide back more smoothly. Every
time the actuator pushed the wall, the west side of the wall experienced more vertical motion.
Then upon load reversal, these bars were elongated and buckled more. This contributed to
opening of horizontal hooks on Wall 1 because these elongated vertical bars buckling pushed the
hooks open.
Wall 1 and Wall 2 also behaved similarly in the DBE aftershock 1 motions, shown in
Figure 6.64 and Figure 6.65 below. There is more uniform behavior with the actuator pushing
and pulling in the DBE aftershocks. This is reasonable since the walls were badly damaged and
they were mostly sliding. Here, the flexural components are smaller on the west sides of the
walls (positive displacement contributions). This makes sense because the DBE aftershock
motions were not very demanding on the walls. They were mostly sliding and not picking up
much force. In fact, since the vertical bars on the west sides of the specimens had elongated
more, they allowed for much more sliding in the positive displacement contributions. The sliding
components are clearly larger in the positive-side plots.
Figure 6.64 Wall 1 DBE aftershock 1 drift contributions for selected increasing
Figure 6.65 Wall 2 DBE aftershock 1 drift contributions for selected increasing
The peak shear strength observed in the wall tests was 367.1 kips for Wall 1 and 384.4 kips for
Wall 2. The peak shear strength was calculated using code equations by ACI 318-08 Ch 11.6, Ch
11.9, and Ch 21.9 and using equations proposed by Barda [1976], ASCE 43-05 [2007], Wood
[1990], and Gulec and Whittaker [2009]. These equations are all given in Section 2.6. For each
of these equations, Figure 6.66 shows the predicted strengths for Wall 1 and Wall 2 using
measured material properties and the predicted strengths using nominal material properties.
Figure 6.67 shows the same information as the ratio of predicted to measured shear strengths.
Figure 6.66 Predicted peak shear strength using code equations.
Figure 6.67 Ratio of predicted to measured peak shear strength for code equations.
Gulec (2009) Wood (1990) ACI Ch 11.6 ACI Ch 11.9 ASCE 43 ACI Ch 21.9 Barda (1977)
Wall 1
Wall 2
Gulec (2009)Wood (1990) ACI Ch 11.6 ACI Ch 11.9 ASCE 43 ACI Ch 21.9 Barda (1977)
Wall 1
Wall 2
The lower bound of Woods [1990] equation, with shear stress 6 '
f , provides the best
estimate of the actual peak shear strength observed in the Wall 1 and Wall 2 tests. This equation
also was the best fit for the walls in the Gulec database as discussed in Section 2.6.8. Her
equation predicted a peak shear strength of 413 kips for Wall 1, 424 kips for Wall 2, and 407
kips using nominal material properties. ACI Ch 11.6 provides the next closest estimate with the
shear friction model; it predicted a value of 509 kips for Wall 1 and Wall 2 and a value of 432
kips using nominal material properties. This is significant because sliding shear was the ultimate
failure mode, so the shear friction captured the peak strength well. However, the code states that
the shear friction model oversimplifies the actual behavior by artificially increasing the
coefficient of friction and assuming that all of the shear resistance comes from friction between
the crack faces. The coefficient of friction used in this model was based on finding a number that
agreed well with test results. Gulec and Whittaker [2009] is the only equation that underpredicts
the peak strength. ACI Ch 11.9, ACI Ch 21.9, and Barda [1976] all significantly overpredicted
the peak shear strength. ACI Ch 21.9 gave a peak shear strength of 661 kips for Wall 1, 667 kips
for Wall 2, and 590 kips using nominal material properties. Barda [1976] overpredicted the peak
strength by nearly two times; however, his equation was based on tests of walls with large
flanges, so this is expected.
The peak sliding shear strength will be taken as the 509 kip value given using the ACI Ch
11.6 shear friction model. The peak flexural strength was calculated using the ACI method and
found to be 420.5 kips for Wall 1 and 421.9 kips for Wall 2. ACI gives the initial stiffness as
0.8EI, so the Wall 1 predicted initial flexural stiffness is 42870 k/in and the Wall 2 predicted
initial flexural stiffness is 43972 k/in. Since the values are so similar for Wall 1 and Wall 2, the
Wall 1 envelope will be used. Figure 6.68 shows the ACI Ch 21 prediction for peak strength, the
peak sliding shear, the flexural envelope calculated using the ACI method, and Woods estimate
for peak shear. The Wallace [2006] backbone curve for shear walls applied to the Wall 1 data is
also shown, both with using the ACI Ch 21 equation for V
, as recommended, and with using
Woods equation for V
, which estimated the peak strength of the walls much more closely. The
details of the Wallace backbone curve model are described in Section 2.4.3.
The shear strength envelope, V
, and the sliding envelope, V
, deteriorated with
increasing drift ratio. The rate of deterioration and final degraded strengths will be assessed from
the test data. The Wallace envelope using the ACI Ch 21 equation overestimated the response
significantly. The walls data peak strength is less than Woods predictive equation. In the
subsequent plots, Wallaces envelope will be drawn using Woods predicted peak strength.
The Wallace recommended backbone curve using the ACI Ch 21 equation for peak
strength is plotted with the Wall 1 force-drift response in Figure 6.69. The Wallace backbone
curve using Woods equation for peak strength is plotted with the Wall 1 data in Figure 6.70.
The initial stiffness is taken as the shear stiffness, equal to 0.4*E
, as recommended. In order to
compare the Wallace backbone curve to the measured data without the effect of the clevis slip,
the Wallace backbone curve is offset by 0.03% drift (approximately the clevis slip in the OBE
The Wallace envelope using ACI Ch 21 for peak strength significantly overestimated the
data, but the envelope using Woods equation provided a decent fit. However, the initial stiffness
recommended by Wallace was higher than observed experimentally. Thirty percent of Wallaces
recommended stiffness provides a good fit to the data. Thus, the shear stiffness is 0.3*0.4*E
The plot from Figure 6.70 is repeated below in Figure 6.71 with the modification to the initial
stiffness in the Wallace backbone curve. Also, Wallaces point B is slightly modified to better fit
the experimental data. Instead of 0.4% drift, it is moved to 0.44% drift.
Figure 6.68 Predicted strengths and Wallace [2006] backbone curve.
ACI Ch 21
=661 kips
=413 kips
=421 kips
=509 kips
Figure 6.69 Wallace backbone curve using the ACI Ch 21 equation superimposed on
the Wall 1 force-drift response.
Figure 6.70 Wallace backbone curve using Woods equation superimposed on the
Wall 1 force-drift response.
Figure 6.71 Wallace backbone curve using 30% of initial stiffness superimposed on
the Wall 1 force-drift response.
This modification provides a good estimate to the initial data. The essentially elastic
range of data is estimated as the range of stiffnesses from the initial stiffness to the stiffness
connecting the origin and Wallaces point B. This range is shown in Figure 6.72. The second
stiffness is proposed to be 0.4*initial stiffness. The proposed essentially elastic range is from
initial stiffness, 0.3*0.4*E
, to second stiffness, 0.4*(0.3*0.4*E
Ideally, the point where the wall rapidly began to lose strength would be identified and
better reflected in the Wallace backbone curve. However, there is not enough data to make this
judgment. The ground motion caused different demands on the wall on the positive and negative
sides, so it is difficult to choose a point with certainty. The residual strength shown by the
Wallace curve does seem to approximate the sliding strength well. As the wall slid in the later
cycles, it maintained a low force level throughout most of the motion. Then the wall picked up
some force at the peaks when the aggregate interlock and dowel action were re-engaged. This
increase in force after sliding was addressed above as a behavior that is not representative of
what would be seen in a wall in an actual building. The top of the wall would not be free to rotate
as the wall flexes since the weight of a building above the wall would constrain it.
Figure 6.72 Essentially elastic region and Wallace backbone curve using 30% of
initial stiffness superimposed on the Wall 1 force-drift response.
In the envelope responses in Figure 6.52 and Figure 6.53, solid lines are shown in the
positive direction up to the end of the ground motion cycles. Then the lines are dotted from
approximately 0.6% drift to 1.5% drift before they become solid again. Because the ground
motion was not as demanding in the positive direction than in the negative direction, there is a
lack of data in the dotted section of the envelopes. When the walls were pushed to cycles of 1 in.
and 1.5 in., the envelopes can be drawn again for that range. In this range of cycles, the walls
picked up force again, but did not reach their peak force a second time. In the negative direction,
however, Wall 1 and Wall 2 reached peak strength at about 1% drift and maintained that strength
throughout the remainder of the ground motion runs and cyclic runs. Figure 6.73 shows the
Wallace and Wall 1 and Wall 2 envelopes with the Wall 1 BDBE motion displacement
contributions. Figure 6.74 shows the Wallace and Wall 1 and Wall 2 envelopes with the Wall 2
BDBE motion displacement contributions.
Figure 6.73 Envelope response with contributions to drift from wall 1 BDBE.
Figure 6.74 Envelope response with contributions to drift from Wall 2 BDBE.
Novotechniks measured slips and deformations in the test set up as described in Section 5.6.
These included slips in the clevises of the actuator, slips between the steel base beam and the
strong floor, slips between the foundation and the steel base beam, slips at the base of the
reconfigurable reaction wall (RRW), and deformations at the top of the RRW. During the Wall 1
tests, only the slips on the NE and NW sides of the actuator clevises were measured. This is not
as robust as when slips were measured on all sides of the actuator clevises for the Wall 2 tests.
When the gaps in the clevis opened and closed (movement in the east and west directions), there
was motion in the north and south directions also. This contributed to some out-of-plane motion
of the wall since the actuator was not pushing uniformly upon load reversals.
Additionally, during the Wall 1 tests, the deformations of the top of the RRW were not
monitored, but the slip on the north and south sides of the base of the RRW was monitored. For
the Wall 2 tests, the deformations of the top of the RRW were measured on the north and south
sides. As mentioned in Section 5.6, the motion of the RRW was calculated at the 11 ft-7 in. (3.53
m) actuator height using a linear relationship based on motion at the top of the RRW. This is
what will be displayed in the figures below. The slips for the BDBE motions for both walls will
be presented here and the slips for the other smaller ground motions will be included in
Appendix B. The clevis slips were on the order of 10
, whereas all other slips were on the order
of 10
in. or 10
in. Figure 6.75 shows the slips for the Wall 1 BDBE motion.
Figure 6.75 Wall 1 BDBE test set up slips.
Figure 6.76 shows the slips in the clevises for the Wall 2 BDBE motion, and Figure 6.77
shows the slips in the rest of the test set up for the Wall 2 motion. The total average clevis slip is
as much as seven times larger than the deformation of the RRW at the actuator level. The other
slips are negligible in comparison.
As mentioned above, the slips in the clevises were not uniform, so the walls experienced
some out-of-plane motion. The Wall 1 BDBE Motion in-plane and out-of-plane displacements
measured using triangulation at points along the height of the east side of the wall are shown in
Figure 6.78 and in Figure 6.79 for points along the west side of the wall. The displacements
measured on the west side of the wall do not have measurements at actuator height, since the
actuator was attached to the west side. The positive in-plane displacements are the actuator
pulling the wall to the west; the positive out-of-plane displacements are the wall moving to the
north. The residual displacements were in-plane to the east. The east side of the wall was moving
out-of-plane to the north, and the west side of the wall was moving out-of-plane to the south.
There was a slight twisting behavior.
Figure 6.76 Wall 2 BDBE clevis slips.
Figure 6.77 Wall 2 BDBE test set up slips.
Figure 6.78 Wall 1 east-side displacements.
Figure 6.79 Wall 1 west-side displacements.
The corresponding plots for the Wall 2 BDBE Motion are shown in Figure 6.80 and
Figure 6.81. Opposite behavior is observed for Wall 2 compared to Wall 1 since the ground
motion sign was reversed. The positive in-plane displacements are the actuator pulling the wall
to the west; the positive out-of-plane displacements are the wall moving to the north. The
residual displacements were in-plane to the west. The east side of the wall was moving very
slightly out-of-plane to the north, and the west side of the wall was moving very slightly out-of-
plane to the south. There was a slight twisting behavior, but less than during the Wall 1 BDBE
motion. This can be explained by Wall 2 being less damaged at the time of this motion, so it
retained more stiffness to resist out-of-plane motion. Similar in-plane and out-of-plane
displacements for the remaining ground motion runs are available in Appendix C.
Figure 6.80 Wall 2 east-side displacements.
Figure 6.81 Wall 2 west-side displacements.
Since all measurements were made relative to the foundation, the clevis slips and other smaller
slips in the test set up did not distort the measurements of the wall responses. However, the
clevis slip did introduce hybrid simulation errors since the actuator was not able to produce the
exact commanded displacements. Hybrid simulation error in the servo-hydraulic control system
is investigated as the difference between the command and feedback displacements, since ideally
the actuator should be able to produce the displacements commanded to it.
The majority of the errors occurred when the actuator changed directions. For instance, if
the actuator was pushing the wall, the gaps in the clevises would be closed. When the actuator
changed directions, first it pulled the clevis gaps open, and then the wall began to move. This
behavior is evident in all of the force-drift response plots. For example, the Wall 1 DBE
aftershock 1 force-drift response plot is repeated below in Figure 6.82, with this behavior circled.
As the displacement reached a peak value and then changed directions, the force was seen to
drop suddenly over no displacement increment. This is because the clevis gaps were either
opening or closing, but the wall itself was not yet moving.
Using the constant velocity model for hybrid simulation minimized errors as much as
possible. The clevises slipped when the actuator changed directions, but they remained stable
when the actuator was moving at a constant velocity. The tracking between command and
feedback displacements at constant velocity was good. Figure 6.83 shows the displacement
tracking and corresponding error for the Wall 1 BDBE motion, and Figure 6.84 shows the
displacement tracking and corresponding error for the Wall 2 BDBE motion. The maximum
displacement error in the BDBE motion was 0.010 in. for Wall 1 and 0.013 in. for Wall 2. This is
equivalent for approximately 1.18% of the maximum displacement for Wall 1 and 1.61% for
Wall 2. The displacement tracking and error plots use the same sign convention for both Wall 1
and Wall 2. Positive is when the actuator is pulling the wall. The displacements are generally
increasing for Wall 1 and generally decreasing for Wall 2, because the ground motion for Wall 2
was negated compared to Wall 1. The error is slightly higher when the actuator is pushing than
pulling. Additionally, the error spikes significantly every time the actuator changes directions, as
addressed above.
Synchronization subspace plots, developed by Mercan and Ricles [2007], show the
actuator measured displacement versus the actuator commanded displacement. Perfect tracking
would be a line at a 45 angle, where measured and commanded displacements are exactly equal.
The corresponding tracking indicator plots, also developed by Mercan and Ricles [2007],
measure the accumulation of area enclosed in the hysteresis loops of the synchronization
subspace plots. Figure 6.85 shows the Mercan/Ricles plots for Wall 1, and Figure 6.86 shows the
Mercan/Ricles plots for Wall 2. In both cases, the synchronization subspace plots are showing
very good behavior, and the measured and command displacements match well. The tracking
indicator is decreasing, so the displacement response is lagging slightly and energy dissipation is
negative. The energy dissipation is still quite small and the servo-hydraulic control system
performed well.
Figure 6.82 DBE aftershock 1 force-drift response.
Figure 6.83 Displacement tracking for Wall 1 BDBE motion.
1 0.5 0 0.5 1
Drift (%)
Figure 6.84 Displacement tracking for Wall 2 BDBE motion.
Figure 6.85 Wall 1 Mercan/Ricles plots.
Figure 6.86 Wall 2 Mercan/Ricles plots.
The results from the two squat shear wall tests were presented in this chapter. The responses of
Wall 1 and Wall 2 were addressed separately and then compared. The wall displacements were
separated into components of shear flexure, rotation in the sliding zone, and base sliding. The
percentage contribution of each component was analyzed. Such analyses were critical to
understand general trends, but there was significant error due to the difficulty of measuring small
displacements for stiff specimens. Code equations from Chapter 2 were evaluated for their ability
to predict the peak shear strength of the walls. Generally, the equations significantly
overestimated the observed responses. Woods [1990] equation provided the closest fit to the
observed data. The Wallace [2006] backbone curve was evaluated, and recommendations were
made for adjusting the initial stiffness of this relation. Recommendations were also made for a
definition of the essentially elastic range. Finally, the test set up response and hybrid
simulation errors were presented.
7 Comparison of Ground Motion Hybrid
Simulations to Quasi-static Cyclic Results
This chapter focuses on comparing the global behavior of Wall 1 and Wall 2, tested at Berkeley
in hybrid simulation of their seismic response, to the nominally identical wall tested at Buffalo
using quasi-static cycles. The global force-drift response behavior of the walls is compared.
Then, the adequacy of code equations for predicting peak shear strengths and the recommended
provisions for initial stiffnesses for modeling purposes are evaluated.
At University at Buffalo, 12 squat walls with varying aspect ratios and reinforcement ratios were
tested using quasi-static cyclic loading patterns. One of the walls was identical in design to the
walls tested at Berkeley. This provided an opportunity to directly compare the two data sets and
judge whether quasi-static cyclic testing adequately captured the ground motion sequence
The Buffalo Wall had the following properties: aspect ratio of 0.54, 0.67% horizontal and
vertical reinforcement, concrete compressive strength of 7800 psi (53.8 MPa), and reinforcing
bar yield stress of 63 ksi (434.4 MPa). The test set up is shown in Figure 7.1. The loading
protocol, shown in Table 7.1, was commanded to the specimen at a loading rate of 0.004 in./sec
(0.102 mm/sec) [Rocks et al 2011]. No vertical load was applied to the Buffalo wall.
Photographs of the Buffalo Wall at the first peak of load steps 11, 12, and 13 are shown in Figure
The cracking pattern very closely resembled the cracking pattern observed in the
Berkeley walls. In Figure 7.2(a), the wall exhibited shear cracking and some flexural cracking
toward the lower edge of the wall. In Figure 7.2(b), the cracks widened and the flexural cracks
had become more dominant. Sliding had also begun along the base of the wall. In Figure 7.3(c),
the wall experienced extensive damage due to sliding, and much of the concrete along the base
of the wall was lost.
Figure 7.1 SUNY Buffalo test set up [Luna 2012].
Table 7.1 SUNY Buffalo loading protocol.
Load Step Peak Deformation cm (in.) Number of Cycles
LS1 0.089 (0.035) 3
LS2 0.178 (0.07) 2
LS3 0.254 (0.1) 2
LS4 0.381 (0.15) 2
LS5 0.508 (0.2) 2
LS6 0.635 (0.25) 2
LS7 0.762 (0.3) 2
LS8 1.016 (0.4) 2
LS9 1.270 (0.5) 2
LS10 1.905 (0.75) 2
LS11 2.540 (1) 2
LS12 3.810 (1.5) 2
LS13 5.080 (2) 2
(a) (b)
Figure 7.2 SUNY Buffalo wall at first peak: (a) LS 11; (b) LS 12; and (c) LS 13.
In order to compare the cracking patterns, the photograph of the Buffalo Wall at the first peak of
load step 12 is repeated in Error! Reference source not found. along with the Berkeley Wall 1
at the end of the BDBE ground motion. It is important to recognize that the cracks in the
Berkeley Wall 1 were enhanced using edge detection for better visibility, so the pictures in
Error! Reference source not found. serve only to compare the crack pattern but not the crack
widths. Also, the walls had experienced different motions and different total displacements, so it
is difficult to make a direct comparison at a specific point. Regardless, Error! Reference source
not found. displays a remarkable similarity in the locations of the shear cracks (both spacing and
angle), and in the locations of the flexural cracks and their severity, relative to the shear cracks.
Furthermore, the crack patterns between Berkeley Wall 1 and Wall 2 were also very similar, so
there is consistency between the three walls. This is a visual indication that the quasi-static cyclic
test captured the behavior observed in the ground motion sequences.
The final cycles experienced by the Buffalo Wall were +/- 2 in. in load step 13. The
maximum cycles experienced by both of the Berkeley walls were to +/- 1.5 in., consistent with
the Buffalo wall load step 12.
(a) (b)
Figure 7.3 (a) SUNY Buffalo wall at first peak of LS 12 and (b) UCB Wall 1 at end of
BDBE motion.
Table 7.2 lists the total displacement that each of the walls experienced. In the case of the
Berkeley walls, these total displacements excluded the pre-test stiffness and free vibration runs,
which were all very small displacements.
(a) (b)
Figure 7.3 (a) SUNY Buffalo wall at first peak of LS 12 and (b) UCB Wall 1 at end of
BDBE motion.
Table 7.2 Cumulative displacements experienced by each of the walls.
UCB Wall 1 UCB Wall 2 SUNY Buffalo wall
End of BDBE 49.0 in 34.4 in LS11 Peak 1 23.2 in
LS 11 End 30.2 in
End of GM 60.9 in 56.5 in LS 12 Peak 1 31.7 in
LS 12 End 42.2 in
End of Cycles 75.3 in 66.7 in LS 13 Peak 1 44.2 in
LS 13 End 58.2 in
It is difficult to directly match to the Buffalo load steps the end of the Berkeley BDBE,
the end of the Berkeley ground motions (GM), and the end of the Berkeley Cycles. Berkeley
Wall 1 experienced a greater displacement than Berkeley Wall 2, partly because the DBE motion
was originally scaled too small and then repeated with the larger scaling. The discrepancy in the
end of BDBE displacements was also because Wall 2 experienced its BDBE earlier in the ground
motion sequence than Wall 1. The end of the Berkeley Wall 2 BDBE motion approximately
matched the displacement of Buffalo LS 12 Peak 1; the end of the Berkeley Wall 1 BDBE
motion approximately matched the displacement of Buffalo LS 12 End. The end of the Berkeley
ground motions approximately matched the displacement of Buffalo LS 13 End. When the
Buffalo Wall had been pushed to +/-2 in., the Berkeley walls had not yet experienced half of that
displacement; however, the Berkeley walls had experienced many more smaller cycles, so they
had similar total displacements. Finally, the end of the Berkeley wall cycles showed more
displacement than the Buffalo wall had experienced.
Figure 7.4 shows the force-deformation response of the three walls, with the shear
strength normalized by the product of wall area and '
f versus drift. The Berkeley OBE
motions are compared to Buffalo Load Steps 12. The DBE motion for Wall 1 (Wall 2 did not
experience this motion) is compared to Load Steps 36. The Berkeley BDBE motions are
compared to Load Steps 711. Finally, the DBE aftershocks and cycles are compared to Load
Step 12. The BDBE comparison of shear strength normalized by the product of wall area and
versus drift is repeated in Figure 7.5 for better viewing.
The Buffalo Wall did not show the asymmetry that was displayed by the Berkeley
specimens in the ground motion sequence response simulations. Thus, the Buffalo Wall achieved
a slightly larger drift in the positive direction and a drift comparable to the Berkeley walls in the
negative direction. The Buffalo Wall experienced higher peak strengths than the Berkeley walls,
but it also had a larger concrete compressive strength, so its normalized shear strength was
slightly lower than that of the Berkeley walls. The Buffalo Wall hysteresis showed more
pinching than that of the Berkeley walls. This is likely a result of greater slip in the Berkeley
actuator clevises. In general, the three walls showed very similar force-deformation global
behavior and a similar failure mode sequences. Table 7.3 summarizes the yield and maximum
displacements and forces for each wall in each direction. The positive direction corresponds to
the positive direction in Figure 7.4. Table 7.4 summarizes the stiffnesses (K) for the Berkeley
and Buffalo Walls. The Wall 1 and Wall 2 measured initial stiffnesses were determined using the
acceleration data recorded in the first successful free vibration tests. Table 7.5 summarizes the
secant stiffnesses at increasing shear stresses, expressed as multiples of '
f psi, for the positive
and negative directions of each wall. Figure 7.6 shows a plot of the stiffness versus shear stress,
expressed as a multiple of '
f psi, for the average values for each wall. These stiffnesses are
normalized by the modified initial stiffness of 30% of the Wallace recommended value (now
G = 0.3*0.4*E
) in Figure 7.7.
Figure 7.4 Normalized shear strength versus drift response for Berkeley Walls 1 and
2 and the Buffalo wall.
Figure 7.5 Berkeley BDBE compared to Buffalo LS 7-11 normalized shear strength
versus drift response.
Table 7.3 Summary of Berkeley and Buffalo displacements and forces at key points.
disp at
drift at
Wall 1 + 0.21 0.33 312.2
0.39 0.61 366.4
- 0.25 0.39 319.6
0.62 0.97 356.9
Wall 2 + 0.16 0.25 271.9
0.35 0.55 384.7
- 0.19 0.30 297.7
0.61 0.95 382.1
Buffalo + 0.29 0.45 330.9
0.49 0.75 380.9
- 0.3 0.46 340.6
1.36 2.09 468.2
Table 7.4 Summary of stiffnesses, K.
Initial K
ASCE 43-
Secant K
at peak +
Secant K
at peak
Wall 1 11261 17280 8640 939 576 0.11 0.07
Wall 2 8263 17724 8862 1099 626 0.12 0.07
Buffalo 10000 20805 10403 777 344 0.07 0.03
Table 7.5 Secant stiffnesses at increasing shear stresses (psi).
Wall 1 + Wall 1 - Wall 2 + Wall 2 - Buffalo + Buffalo -
Theoretical 17280 17280 17724 17724 20805 20805
Initial 11261 11261 8263 8263 10000 10000
2971 3081 2082 3721 4965 2540
2496 3024 1973 1963 3388 1751
1856 1839 1919 1705 1897 1367
1481 1498 1441 1432 1207 997
1031 634 1203 742 697 365
Figure 7.6 Stiffness versus shear stress (expressed as multiple of '
f ).
Figure 7.7 Normalized stiffness versus shear stress (expressed as multiple of '
f ).
Figure 7.8 shows the process of selecting values for calculating the strength degradation
ratios. V1 is taken as the shear strength at peak force. V2 is taken as the shear strength at the next
excursion to the displacement corresponding to peak force. V3 and V4 are the shear strengths at
the following two excursions to that displacement. Table 7.6 summarizes the strength
degradation ratios for each wall in both the positive and negative directions. The average values
for each wall are plotted in Figure 7.9.
1 2 3 4 5
Shear Stress / f'c (psi)
Wall 1
Wall 2
1 2 3 4 5
Multiple of f'c (ksi)
Wall 1
Wall 2
Figure 7.8 Selecting values for strength degradation calculation.
Table 7.6 Strength degradation ratio for each wall and each direction.
V2/V1 V3/V1 V4/V1
Wall 1 + 0.49 0.35 0.15
Wall 1 - 0.65 0.34 0.26
Wall 2 + 0.59 0.39 0.18
Wall 2 - 0.73 0.40 0.36
Buffalo + 0.86 0.72 0.51
Buffalo - 0.60 0.42 0.13
Figure 7.9 Average strength degradation for each wall.
Supplementing the comparisons in Chapter 6 of the predicted versus measured strength of Wall 1
and Wall 2 using various code equations, Figure 7.10 shows the same data including the Buffalo
wall. ACI Ch 11.6 made the best prediction of the strength of the Buffalo wall. Then Wood
[1990] made the next best estimate for the Buffalo wall. The yield stress of the reinforcing bars
in the Buffalo wall was 63 ksi; the yield stress of the reinforcing bars in the Berkeley walls were
70.7 ksi. As reviewed previously, Buffalo had a higher concrete compressive strength and thus
achieved a larger peak force of 468 kips. Berkeley Wall 1 achieved a maximum of 367 kips, and
Berkeley Wall 2 achieved a maximum of 384 kips. In general, the code equations predicted the
strength of the Buffalo wall better than the Berkeley walls.
In Figure 7.11, the Wallace envelope with the modified initial slope (30% of Wallaces
recommendation) is shown along with the envelopes for the Wall 1, Wall 2, and Buffalo Wall
responses. Since the Wallace envelope is using Woods equation for the Wall 1 peak strength, it
slightly underestimates the Buffalo response.
In Figure 7.12, the Wallace envelope is shown with dotted lines resembling ASCE 43 LS-
C, LS-B, and LS-A and the ASCE41 immediate occupancy (IO), life safety (LS), and collapse
prevention (CP) drift limits. LS-C and IO have drift limit 0.4 (shown as 0.43 because of
correction for base slip); LS-B has drift limit 0.6; LS-A and LS have drift limit 0.75; CP has drift
limit 1. The LS-C and IO limit occurs just after the yield point of all of the walls. It is the only
limit state remaining in the essentially elastic range. The LS-B and LS-A/LS limits occur prior to
peak strength for all of the walls in the negative direction, but they occur after the peak strength
for Wall 1 and Wall 2 in the positive direction. Since this is due to the nature of the ground
motion demand, a conclusion cannot be made about the implications of this. If the ground
motion had been stronger in the positive direction, Wall 1 and Wall 2 would likely have behaved
in a manner reflecting their behavior in the negative direction. At the LS-B and LS-A/LS limits,
the Buffalo wall had yet to reach peak strength in the positive direction. Then, the CP limit
V2/V1 V3/V1 V4/V1
Wall 1
Wall 2
occurred just after the walls reach peak strength, but significant strength degradation has not
occurred. However, the CP limit is not applicable to nuclear facility walls.
Figure 7.10 Ratio of predicted to measured strengths for code equations.
Figure 7.11 Wallace envelope with the modified initial slope shown along with the
envelopes for the Wall 1, Wall 2, and Buffalo Wall responses.
Gulec (2009) Wood (1990) ACI Ch 11.6 ACI Ch 11.9 ASCE 43 ACI Ch 21.9 Barda (1977)
Wall 1
Wall 2
Figure 7.12 Envelopes with IO, LS, and CP.
The comparison of global responses between the Berkeley walls and the nominally identical
Buffalo wall showed that the responses were very similar, and the quasi-static test was adequate
to represent the global behavior of the squat shear walls in ground motion sequences. A
comparison of local behavior was not possible in this study. The gain on the data acquisition
system was set too high for the Berkeley Wall 1 test, so the strain gages were saturated at low
strains. This did not allow for local strain comparisons beyond comparing when the gages
yielded, as shown in Chapter 6. The Buffalo wall strain gages were not placed in the same
locations at for the Berkeley walls, so this comparison did not yield useful information.
The ability of code equations to predict the observed responses of the walls was analyzed.
Woods [1990] equation provided a very close estimate for all of the walls. The code-
recommended initial stiffness values were also evaluated. This will be the subject of future
research since it was very difficult to characterize the initial stiffness of the walls. The initial
stiffnesses reported for Walls 1 and 2 were measured during the first successful free vibration
tests. The walls had already experienced some amount of damage in the stiffness tests runs and
the unsuccessful free vibration runs. Furthermore, it is very likely that microcracks were present
in the walls prior to testing, which resulted from moving the walls into position for testing in the
laboratory. Data for wall strength degradation was also presented and occurred quite rapidly for
all of the walls in just four excursions to the displacement corresponding to peak force. Finally,
the wall envelope responses for all three walls were compared to the modified Wallace [2006]
backbone curve, as discussed in Chapter 6. With proposed modifications, the initial stiffness is
well characterized for the three walls tested. Future studies will focus on better understanding the
behavior of post-peak shear strength. The information from these three wall tests is not sufficient
to draw conclusions about displacement capacities.
8 Analytical Modeling
The OpenSees Flexure-Shear Interaction Displacement-Based Beam-Column Element,
developed by Massone et al [2006], was implemented and compared to the observed wall
responses in the Berkeley hybrid simulations and the Buffalo cyclic test. In its current
implementation, this element is monotonic.
The analytical model implemented is based on a Multiple-Vertical-Line-Element
(MVLE) model, which is similar to a 2D macroscopic fiber model. The MVLE model of a shear
wall is composed of elements positioned vertically along the height of the wall. Each element is
defined by a series of strips, as shown in Figure 8.1, and a concrete and a steel fiber are created
within each strip. The fiber areas correspond to the tributary area of each of those materials in the
strip. Then, an area of horizontal reinforcement is assigned to each element. The natural
discretization of strips is based on the locations of vertical reinforcement in the wall. The natural
discretization of elements is based on the locations of horizontal reinforcement in the wall.
The MVLE is shown in Figure 8.2, excerpted from Massone et al [2006]. The top and
bottom of the MVLE are rigid beams, which are connected by macrofibers. As shown in the
figure, the center of rotation of the element is located at a distance, ch, from the bottom of the
element. A single average value of curvature is assigned to each element and concentrated at this
center of rotation. Also, a horizontal spring, representing the shear response, is located at the
center of rotation. The original MVLEM had shear and flexural responses uncoupled, but in the
Massone et al [2006] implementation, shear and flexure interact at the fiber level. This
interaction is modeled by a shear spring assigned to each macrofiber, so each macrofiber acts
like a RC panel element. Figure 8.3 shows the modified MVLE, excerpted from Massone et al
Figure 8.1 Strips and fibers within MVLE cross section [Massone et al 2006].
Figure 8.2 MVLE [Massone et al 2006].
Figure 8.3 Modified MVLE with shear-flexure interaction [Massone et al 2009].
The six DOFs at the ends of the element (u
, u
, and ) are used to find the strains in each
macrofiber. The model assumes that plane sections remain plane, and there is zero resultant
transverse normal stress (
= 0) in each strip. This is problematic for squat walls, especially near
the boundaries (top and bottom of the wall). Assuming zero resultant transverse normal strain
= 0) in those areas is more appropriate. Massone et al [2006] compared the model results
(with zero transverse normal stress) to an alternate implementation of the model with zero
transverse normal strain for the case of squat walls. Massone et al [2009] conducted an
experimental program with wall segments having shear span-depth ratios of 0.5 and 0.44, and
neither implementation (zero transverse stress or zero transverse strain) represented the
experimental behavior adequately. Zero transverse stress underestimated the experimental
results; zero transverse strain overestimated the experimental results. Thus, with the current
implementation of this model, with zero transverse normal stress, the numerical analysis is
expected to underestimate the actual force-drift response behavior of the walls.
The uniaxial material models used for the fibers were Concrete06 and ReinforcingSteel. These
were chosen because they were able to match the stress-strain behavior of the concrete cylinder
tests and the steel coupon tests very closely.
8.2.1 Concrete
Concrete06, shown in Figure 8.4, is similar to the Concrete01, 02, and 03 models, but it also
implements the Thorenfeldt-base curve for the concrete compressive behavior. Two parameters
associated with this curve are n, the compressive shape factor, and k, the post-peak compressive
shape factor. The tensile portion of the curve is represented by the tension stiffening equation of
Belarbi and Hsu [1994]. This introduces the parameter b1 as an exponent in their equation.
Parameters alpha1 and alpha2 are used in the definition of the unloading and reloading paths of
the material.
Figure 8.4 Concrete06 material [OpenSees 2012].
The input parameters for the Concrete06 materials are summarized in the following
command line, and then described along with the units (if any) that will be used in the following
uniaxialMaterial Concrete06 $tag $fc $e0 $n $k $alpha1 $ft $et $b1 $alpha2
Parameters n, k, b1, alpha1 and alpha2 are described above. fc is the concrete compressive
strength, e0 is the strain at peak compressive strength, ft is the tensile strength, and et is the strain
at peak tensile strength.
The parameters for the material model, summarized in Table 8.1, were determined by
matching the material stress-strain curve to the average stress-strain curve from the concrete
cylinder tests as closely as possible. The strain was not measured for the Buffalo concrete
cylinder tests, so the value for e0 was assumed.
Table 8.1 Concrete06 material properties.
e0 n k alpha1 Ft et b1 alpha2
Wall 1 -5.145 -0.003 2 1 0.32 0.538 0.00008 4 0.08
Wall 2 -5.413 -0.0029 2 1 0.32 0.552 0.00008 4 0.08
Buffalo -7.8 -0.003* 2 1 0.32 0.662 0.00008 4 0.08
*Did not measure the strain so assumed this value.
8.2.2 Steel
The ReinforcingSteel material, shown in Figure 8.5, is given in engineering stress and strain. By
transforming from engineering stress to natural stress and accounting for changes in bar area, the
same backbone curve is used for both tension and compression.
The input parameters for the reinforcing steel material are summarized in the command line, and
then described along with the units (if any) that will be used in the following table.
uniaxialMaterial ReinforcingSteel $tag $fy $fu $Es $Esh $esh $eult
fy is the yield stress in tension, fu is the ultimate stress in tension, Es is the initial elastic tangent,
Esh is the tangent at initial strain hardening, esh is the strain corresponding to initial strain
hardening, and eult is the strain at peak stress.
Each of these parameters is summarized in Table 8.2. For the Berkeley walls, the values
of the reinforcing steel parameters are selected based on coupon test results by Terzic [2009].
She used the same steel reinforcing bars as those used in the squat shear wall hybrid simulation
tests. The parameters for the Buffalo wall were determined from their reinforcing bar coupon
tests and matched the material stress-strain curve to the average stress-strain curve from the
reinforcing bar tests as closely as possible.
Figure 8.5 Reinforcingsteel material [OpenSees 2012].
Table 8.2 ReinforcingSteel material properties.
fy fu Es Esh esh eult
Wall 1
70.7 120 29000 725 0.01
Wall 2
70.7 120 29000 725 0.01
63 87 29000 725 0.003
For the Berkeley and Buffalo analytical models, 18 strips were created, corresponding to the
number of vertical reinforcing bars along the length of the wall. All thicknesses were a uniform 8
in., because the walls are rectangular. Each strip contains a steel and concrete fiber,
corresponding to the tributary area of each of those materials in the strip. The wall was defined
using 10 vertical elements, corresponding to the number of horizontal reinforcing bars.
As discussed in Section 6.5.1, the parameter was defined as the relative distance from
the top of the square to the centroid of rotation of the element. Massone and Wallace [2004]
recommended = 0.6. Here, the center of rotation factor, c, is defined as the relative distance
from the bottom of the element to the center of rotation, so c is taken as 0.4.
When Massone et al [2009] reported the modeled monotonic force-displacement
response compared to results from cyclic tests of laboratory specimens, they plotted the
numerical model results only until the point of post-peak force degradation. They reported that
the degradation behavior of the model after reaching peak force was very sensitive to the number
of elements used in the wall model definition. However, the behavior of the model up to peak
force was insensitive to the selected element discretization. The results for the Berkeley and
Buffalo walls are displayed in the same manner. Figure 8.6 compares the Berkeley Wall 1 hybrid
simulation results with the results obtained using the numerical model; Figure 8.7 shows the
Berkeley Wall 2 results; Figure 8.8 shows the Buffalo wall results.
Figure 8.6 Berkeley Wall 1 test results compared to flexure-shear interaction model.
Figure 8.7 Berkeley Wall 2 test results compared to flexure-shear interaction model.
Figure 8.8 Buffalo test results compared to flexure-shear interaction model.
The zero transverse stress model assumption was expected to underestimate the
experimental results. However, this was not observed in Berkeley Wall 1. The model matched
the Berkeley Wall 1 behavior fairly closely until it reached peak strength. Perhaps the model did
not underestimate the Berkeley Wall 1 response because Wall 1 lost much of its strength when it
experienced many cycles at low drift. Berkeley Wall 2 did not experience as many cycles at low
drift, so it reached a higher peak force, and the model slightly underestimated its behavior, as
expected. The Buffalo wall experienced the fewest cycles at low drift of the three walls, and as
expected, the model underestimated its response. In all cases, the model adequately predicted the
initial stiffness and the stiffness post-cracking.
Since no vertical load was applied to the walls in the hybrid simulation tests, the vertical load
added to the Massone model was the 5.375 kips weight of the concrete. In order to investigate
the response of the model to higher vertical loads, the Wall 1 model was implemented with 5%,
10%, and 15%
c g
f A . The value, c, in the model remained 0.4 for the 5% and 10%
c g
f A runs.
The 15%
c g
f A run did not converge with c = 0.4, but successfully converged with c = 0.2, as
reported in Figure 8.9. The original model force-drift ratio response with the weight of the
concrete alone is plotted with the responses using 5%, 10%, and 15%
c g
f A . The analysis was
stopped at the same displacement for all of the runs.
The peak horizontal load capacity increases with increasing vertical load. The ductility
capacity appears to decrease with increasing vertical load because the peak displacement is
attained at a smaller drift. The stiffness of the wall in the essentially elastic region increases,
due to the lack of deformation in the very small drift range and a buildup of shear force within
that small displacement. Once the wall moves, the tangent stiffness seems to be similar for all of
the runs. The values of the initial and tangent stiffnesses are highly dependent on the modeling
parameters. These should be further verified with continued studies.
Figure 8.9 Effect of varying vertical load.
Massones envelope predicted the behavior of the tested walls well up to peak strength, but there
was significant uncertainty with modeling post-peak behavior. This is due to the shear or sliding
shear (or some combination) behavior observed here. Hence, further research is required to
improve models. Further investigation into walls in Gulecs database, in addition to future
experimental work, will be important. The goal of this future research will be to develop
bending, shear, and sliding envelopes, reflecting the decay in strength of each failure mode, and
their interactions. Examples of these possible interactions are sketched in Figure 8.10.
Figure 8.10 Flexure, shear, sliding interaction.
9 Conclusion
Significant uncertainty exists concerning the strength and deformation capacities of low-aspect-
ratio RC shear walls, which commonly comprise the lateral-force-resisting system in nuclear and
industrial structures. Knowledge about the strength and deformation capacities of these walls
comes from test data. However, the stiff and brittle response of squat walls and laboratory testing
constraints lead to a substantial scatter in this test data. Size effects associated with small-scale
models and quasi-static loading sequences contribute to uncertainties about squat wall behavior
in ground motion excitations. Current building code equations tend to overpredict the peak shear
strength capacity of squat shear walls, in some cases by a factor as large as 3, as shown by Gulec
[2005] in his compilation of test data from 150 squat rectangular wall tests. Additionally, squat
walls experience a complex interaction of flexure, shear, and sliding shear failure modes.
Although design codes promote the ductile mechanism of flexural yielding, the geometry of
squat walls prevents them from bending easily, and they instead tend to fail in shear and/or
sliding shear. Both of these brittle failure modes are extremely undesirable because they cause
rapid loss of strength and stiffness after very little deformation.
Squat walls in nuclear applications are especially problematic because these structures
have a short natural vibration period, putting them in the acceleration sensitive range of a typical
earthquake response spectrum. Here, any small amount of structural nonlinearity leads to a large
increase in displacement ductility demand [Chopra 2007]. Additionally, the design provision of
essentially elastic behavior in a DBE for nuclear facility structures is not clearly defined,
which is especially problematic for squat walls with small displacement capacities, since they
cannot meet a large displacement ductility demand. Thus, it is important to quantify force and
displacement ductility capacities of squat walls in order to clearly define the term essentially
elastic, and thereby ensure that squat walls meet this criterion.
Most tests of squat shear walls have used small-scale specimens either excited by a
shaking table or by a quasi-static load sequence. The advantage of hybrid simulation over these
traditional methods includes incorporation of ground motion input with a large-scale test.
Furthermore, it comprises a combined numerical and physical model. In hybrid simulation tests
performed at the nees@Berkeley laboratory, the hybrid model consisted of a large-scale squat
shear wall paired with a numerically modeled mass to achieve a natural period that was
representative of a nuclear facility structure. Physically placing this large a mass on a shaking
table or quasi-static test specimen would not be possible.
The high stiffness of the squat walls in these structures poses a challenge for hybrid
simulation using conventional displacement control strategies. In order to perform a hybrid
simulation test with a stiff squat shear wall, a review of displacement, force, and switch (from
force to displacement) control hybrid simulation methods was conducted. Ultimately, a
displacement control method using a high-precision displacement encoder was selected and
verified for use in this study. This approach proved to be an effective tool for a large-scale hybrid
test of a stiff specimen because the encoder provided small enough displacement feedback
increments to ensure a smooth force response. This new method is useful for addressing the
shortcomings with understanding the dynamic behavior of stiff specimens, and will be used for
future tests at the nees@Berkeley laboratory.
Following verification of the hybrid simulation encoder control method, two nominally
identical walls were tested in hybrid simulation of their seismic response at the nees@Berkeley
laboratory and exposed to different sequences of the same ground motion. The responses of the
walls were then compared to evaluate the effect of ground motion sequence. Wall 1 was tested
with a sequence of increasing levels of ground motion, followed by a DBE-level aftershock.
Wall 2 was tested with a large initial BDBE ground motion, followed by two DBE-level
aftershocks. No vertical load was applied to either of the specimens. Both walls initially
experienced flexure and shear deformations. However, as the displacement demands grew, the
flexural cracks from each end of the wall joined to form a continuous crack along the interface
between the wall and its foundation. Sliding in the narrow zone surrounding this crack initiated
and grew to dominate the response of the seismic walls. The eventual failure mode of both tests
specimens was sliding shear. Comparison of the force-drift responses of both walls showed great
similarity, indicating that significantly different sequences of ground motion intensities do not
result in a significantly different force-deformation response of squat shear walls nor do they
affect the failure mode sequence for these walls. Wall 2 achieved slightly higher force levels than
Wall 1 due to its relatively smaller amount of damage when it experienced the largest BDBE
ground motion.
A third nominally identical wall model was tested at SUNY Buffalo using a quasi-static
loading sequence [Rocks et al 2011]. The wall tested at Buffalo experienced a very similar
sequence of failure modes compared to both of the Berkeley walls. The global force-deformation
response behavior was also comparable, which showed that the quasi-static cyclic test is
adequate (at least in a global sense) to predict the response of squat shear walls to a sequence of
ground motion events. Due to unavailability of strain gage data post-yield for Wall 1 and a
different strain gage placement scheme at Buffalo, local behavior comparisons were not possible
beyond photographic evidence of similar cracking patterns.
Wood [1990] proposed the equation, 6 '
f , for the lower bound peak shear stress of
squat walls. This equation provided the closest estimate (though as an upper bound) to the
observed peak shear stresses in the walls: Wall 1 peak shear stress was 5.32 '
f psi; Wall 2 peak
shear stress was 5.45 '
f psi; the Buffalo walls peak shear stress was 5.52 '
f psi. These
results were consistent with Gulecs [2005] database of rectangular walls, where Woods
equation also provided the best fit. Other design equations, including those given in ACI Chapter
21.7, Barda [1976], and ASCE 43-05 overpredicted the observed peak shear strengths in these
tests. These results are also consistent with Gulecs observations. These equations are more
appropriate for predicting peak shear strength of walls with barbells or flanges. The backbone
curve proposed by Wallace [2006] for squat walls was evaluated in comparison to the walls in
this study. Wallace recommended using 0.4*E
for the uncracked initial shear stiffness and the
ACI Chapter 21.7 equation to calculate the peak shear strength of the envelope. Woods equation
provided a better fit for peak shear strength of the squat walls tested in this study. Furthermore,
the initial stiffness of Wallaces backbone curve was significantly higher than observed. This
study recommends applying an additional modification factor of 0.3 to Wallaces equation, and a
definition of essentially elastic as the range from the modified initial stiffness, 0.3*0.4*E
, to
second stiffness, 0.4*(0.3*0.4*E
), as shown in Section 6.5. Two hybrid simulation wall tests did
not provide sufficient data to model the degradation of shear and sliding shear envelopes. This
was especially difficult to characterize because the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey, ground motion was
more demanding in one direction than the other.
The flexure, shear, and sliding failure mode interaction in squat walls is complex. The
monotonic flexure-shear interaction element in OpenSees, contributed by Massone [2009], was
implemented and compared to results from the three wall tests. The OpenSees model closely
matched the initial stiffness and enveloped the response from physical testing up to peak shear
strength, but it was unable to capture post-peak response.
In collaboration with the State University of New York at Buffalo and the University of
Washington, test data from the Berkeley wall tests will be aggregated with test data from the
squat wall tests at Buffalo to develop improved code equations for peak shear strength. The
proposed initial stiffness and essentially elastic range will be evaluated with the other Buffalo
test data in addition to the nominally identical wall discussed in Chapter 7. After comprehensive
consideration of all of the wall tests, displacement capacity and strength degradation will be
further addressed. The hybrid simulation data will be contributed to the modeling efforts at
University of Washington. Further testing may be necessary to understand the complex
interaction of failure modes.
Since nuclear facility structures generally carry a small amount of vertical load in relation
to their load carrying capacities, vertical load was not imposed in the squat wall tests. Tall
buildings tend to carry a higher amount of vertical load in relation to their capacities, so the two
cases should be treated separately. Future investigations will consider the effect of vertical load
on the squat wall response characteristics, including cracked stiffness, yield point, ultimate load,
and deformation capacity.
Further hybrid simulation work will include continued investigations of the use of force
and switch control for stiff specimens. After an adequate squat wall computational model is
developed, a hybrid simulation with a more complex numerical model will be instructive, such as
combining a whole system of walls modeled analytically with a physical specimen.
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Appendix A: Materials and Construction
A1.1 Wall Reinforcement
The reinforcing bars were made in a single batch with ASTM standard A706 reinforcing steel
with a nominal yield strength of 60 ksi (413 MPa). The No. 4 reinforcing bars in the wall were
tested for yield and ultimate strength. The testing was performed using standard testing
procedures at a company named Testing Engineers. Three samples of No. 4 bars, each 3 ft long,
were sent to the company for testing. The resulting yield and ultimate strengths are summarized
in Table A.1.
Table A.1 Wall reinforcement.
Bar 1 Bar 2 Bar 3 Averages
Yield Strength (ksi) 66.5 68.5 67 67.3
Ultimate Strength (ksi) 91.5 92.5 91.5 91.8
A1.2 Plain Concrete
The concrete mix was specified to replicate the mix used in Dr. Vesna Terzics study, Post-
earthquake Traffic Capacity of Modern Bridges in California. This mix was designed by
Caltrans engineers to reach the 5000 psi (34.5 MPa) target compressive strength after about 60
days and maintain approximately that strength thereafter. The max aggregate size was 3/8 in.
This mix was appropriate for the squat wall tests since the walls were tested a number of months
after casting. The foundations were cast on February 24, 2011, and walls were cast on March 1,
2011. The first wall was tested on September 16, 2011, and the second wall was tested on
December 14, 2011. The target concrete mix, the actual mix for the foundations, and the actual
mix for the walls is shown in Table A.2. The Type A water reducer was WRDA 64 and the Type
F water reducer was ADVA 140. The concrete ready mix company added nearly double the
ADVA 140 water reducing admixture to the foundations mix. The concrete company failed to
add the WRDA 64 water reducing admixture and failed to add enough of the ADVA 140 water
reducing admixture to the mix used for the walls, so they had a reduced strength.
Table A.2 Concrete properties.
per yd
64 (fl.
140 (fl.
Target 6 1000 1965 529 176 300 21.2 56.4
Foundations 6 1010.5 2000 498.5 209.7 115.8 21.1 106.1
Walls 5/3.5 1000 2000 504 214 137 0 53
Prior to casting the foundations, a slump test was performed to check the mix. The slump
was 6 in. as specified. After casting the foundations, the surfaces were roughened where the
walls would be placed. Prior to casting of the walls, a slump test was performed and measured 5
in. At the end of pouring the walls, the slump test was repeated and measured 3.5 in. At the time
of both castings, 12 in. tall 6 in. diameter test cylinders were poured. Three cylinders were
tested incrementally for compressive strength as the specimens aged. The foundation test
cylinders had an average compressive strength of 5217 psi at 28 days, 7428 psi on the day of the
first specimen test (at 204 days), and 7593 psi on the day of the second specimen test (at 293
days). The wall test cylinders had an average compressive strength of 3250 psi at 28 days, 5145
psi on the day of the first specimen test (at 199 days), and 5413 psi on the day of the second
specimen test (at 288 days). By the first walls testing date, they achieved a compressive strength
of 5145 psi (at 199 days). Figure A.1 shows the development of average concrete strength over
time for the foundation mix and the wall mix.
Figure A.1 Concrete strength development over time.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Wall Strength
Foundation Strength
Concrete Strength
On the days of testing, three concrete cylinders from the foundations batch were tested
for compressive strength. Three cylinders from the walls batch were tested for their full stress-
strain behavior, and three cylinders from the walls batch were tested for their splitting tensile
strength. Figure A.2 and Figure A.3 show the stress-strain behavior for the wall mix on the test
day of Wall 1 and on the test day of Wall 2.
Figure A.2 Wall 1 stress-strain.
Figure A.3 Wall 2 stress-strain.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
x 10
Strain (in/in)
Cylinder 1
Cylinder 2
Cylinder 2
Wall 1 StressStrain
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
x 10
Strain (in/in)
Cylinder 1
Cylinder 2
Cylinder 2
Wall 2 StressStrain
Figure A.4 Tensile strength on test day.
The average tensile strength of the concrete in the wall on the test day of Specimen 1 was
404 psi. The average tensile strength in the wall on the test day of Specimen 2 was 363 psi. The
tensile strength of each cylinder for Wall 1 and Wall 2 is shown in Figure A.4.
One of the cylinders tested for Wall 1 had a high tensile strength, 457 psi. This affected
the average, so the Wall 1 cylinders had a higher tensile strength than the Wall 2 cylinders.
The average material properties for Wall 1 were calculated using the measured f'c = 5145
psi on test day. The corresponding average strain is (ec) = 0.003 in./in. The modulus of rupture
(fr)=7.5*\(fc) = 538 psi. The elastic modulus (Ec)=57000*\(fc) = 4089 ksi. The shear modulus
(G)=Ec/[2*(1+ v)] with v = 0.2. G = 1704 ksi.
The average material properties for Wall 2 were calculated using the measured f'c = 5413
psi on test day. The corresponding average strain is (ec)=0.003 in./in. The modulus of rupture
(fr)=7.5*\(fc) = 552 psi. The elastic modulus (Ec)=57000*\(fc) = 4194 ksi. The shear modulus
(G)=Ec/[2*(1+v)] with v = 0.2. G=1747 ksi.
The reinforcing bars YFLA-5 were instrumented with strain gages from Texas Measurements.
These are high-elongation, post-yield gages, measuring up to 1020% strain. Gage length is 5
mm, gage width is 2 mm, backing length is 12 mm, and backing width is 4 mm. The following
pictures shown a gage mounted to the rebar. The lead wires from the gage are soldered to a
terminal along with a heavy duty wire. This heavier wire is used so it will survive the concrete
pour. Figure A.5 shows a strain gage mounted to the reinforcing bar with the heavy wire
attached. The strain gages were wrapped in mastic tape for their final protective layer, as shown
in Figure A.6. After all of the strain gages were attached, contractors were hired to assemble the
reinforcing bar cages. First, they assembled the cages for both foundations, as shown in Figure
A.7. Then, they added the reinforcing bars for the walls, as shown in Figure A.8.
1 2
Specimen Number
Tensile Strength on Test Day
Figure A.5 Strain gage.
Figure A.6 Mastic tape over strain gages.
Figure A.7 Assembled foundation reinforcing bar cages.
Figure A.8 Wall and foundation reinforcement.
Figure A.9 Building formwork.
Next, the formwork was built around the foundations and the foundations were poured, as
shown in Figure A.9 and Figure A.10. The surface of the foundation below where the wall would
be placed was left roughened. Then the wall formwork was built, as shown in Figure A.11, and
the walls were poured. A forklift was hired to move the walls inside, shown in Figure A.12 and
Figure A.13.
Figure A.10 Foundations poured.
Figure A.11 Walls formwork.
The foundations were too large to fit through the nearest laboratory door, so the forklift
was used to drive the walls around the building. The foundations had to be angled to fit through
the lab door, shown in Figure A.14. Then the crane was used to place the first specimen on the
existing steel beam in the laboratory (see Figure A.15), and the loading plate was attached to the
wall using the crane (Figure A.16).
Figure A.12 Forklift preparing to move wall.
Figure A.13 Forklift moving wall.
Figure A.14 Bringing the wall inside the laboratory.
Figure A.15 Lowering the first wall into the testing location.
Figure A.16 Attaching loading plate to wall.
Appendix B: Test Set Up Response
The Wall 1 slips for the BDBE motion were presented in the main body of the paper. The slips in
each of the other ground motions are presented here. Figure B.1 shows the slips for the Wall 1
OBE motion. Figure B.2shows the slips for the Wall 1 DBE 0.11 motion. Figure B.3 shows the
slips for the Wall 1 DBE motion, and Figure B.4 shows the slips for the Wall 1 DBE aftershock
motion. Figure B.5 shows the slips for the Wall 1 +/-1 in. triangle motion, and Figure B.6shows
the slips for the Wall 1 +/-1.5 in. triangle motion.
Figure B.1 Wall 1 OBE test set up slips.
Figure B.2 Wall 1 DBE 0.11 test set up slips.
Figure B.3 Wall 1 DBE test set up slips.
Figure B.4 Wall 1 DBE aftershock test set up slips.
Figure B.5 Wall 1 +/-1 in. triangle test set up slips.
Figure B.6 Wall 1 +/-1.5 in. triangle test set up slips.
Figure B.7 shows the slips in the clevises for the Wall 2 OBE motion, and Figure B.8 shows the
slips in the rest of the test set up for the Wall 2 OBE motion. Figure B.9 shows the slips in the
clevises for the Wall 2 DBE aftershock 1 motion, and Figure B.10 shows the slips in the rest of
the test set up for the Wall 2 DBE aftershock 1 motion. Figure B.11 shows the slips in the
clevises for the Wall 2 DBE aftershock 2 motion, and Figure B.12 shows the slips in the rest of
the test set up for the Wall 2 DBE aftershock 2 motion. Figure B.13shows the slips in the
clevises for the Wall 2 +/-1 in. triangle motion, and Figure B.14 shows the slips in the rest of the
test set up for the Wall 2 +/-1 in. triangle motion. Figure B.15 shows the slips in the clevises for
the Wall 2 +/-1.5 in. triangle motion, and Figure B.16 shows the slips in the rest of the test set up
for the Wall 2 +/-1.5 in. triangle motion.
Figure B.7 Wall 2 OBE clevis slips.
Figure B.8 Wall 2 OBE Test set up slips.
Figure B.9 Wall 2 DBE aftershock 1 clevis slips.
Figure B.10 Wall 2 DBE aftershock 1 test set up slips.
Figure B.11 Wall 2 DBE aftershock 2 clevis slips.
Figure B.12 Wall 2 DBE aftershock 2 test set up slips.
Figure B.13 Wall 2 +/-1 in. triangle clevis slips.
Figure B.14 Wall 2 +/-1 in. triangle test set up slips.
Figure B.15 Wall 2 +/-1.5 in. triangle clevis slips.
Figure B.16 Wall 2 +/-1.5 in. triangle test set up slips.
Appendix C: Displacement Response
The Wall 1 OBE motion in-plane and out-of-plane displacements measured using triangulation at
points along the height of the east side of the wall are shown in Figure C.1 and in Figure C.2 for
points along the west side of the wall. The Wall 1 DBE 0.11 motion in-plane and out-of-plane
displacements measured using triangulation at points along the height of the east side of the wall
are shown in Figure C.3and in Figure C.4 for points along the west side of the wall. The Wall 1
DBE motion in-plane and out-of-plane displacements measured using triangulation at points
along the height of the east side of the wall are shown in Figure C.5 and in Figure C.6 for points
along the west side of the wall. The Wall 1 DBE aftershock motion in-plane and out-of-plane
displacements measured using triangulation at points along the height of the east side of the wall
are shown in Figure C.7 and in Figure C.8 for points along the west side of the wall. The Wall 1
+\-1 in. triangle motion in-plane and out-of-plane displacements measured using triangulation at
points along the height of the east side of the wall are shown in Figure C.9 and in Figure C.10 for
points along the west side of the wall. The Wall 1 +\-1.5 in. triangle motion in-plane and out-of-
plane displacements measured using triangulation at points along the height of the east side of
the wall are shown in Figure C.11 and in Figure C.12 for points along the west side of the wall.
Figure C.1 Wall 1 east side displacements for OBE motion.
Figure C.2 Wall 1 west side displacements for OBE motion.
Figure C.3 Wall 1 east side displacements for DBE 0.11 motion.
Figure C.4 Wall 1 west side displacements for DBE 0.11 motion.
Figure C.5 Wall 1 east side displacements for DBE motion.
Figure C.6 Wall 1 west side displacements for DBE motion.
Figure C.7 Wall 1 east side displacements for DBE aftershock motion.
Figure C.8 Wall 1 west side displacements for DBE aftershock motion.
Figure C.9 Wall 1 east side displacements for +\-1 in. triangle motion.
Figure C.10 Wall 1 west side displacements for +\-1 in. triangle motion.
Figure C.11 Wall 1 east side displacements for +\-1.5 in. triangle motion.
Figure C.12 Wall 1 west side displacements for +\-1.5 in. triangle motion.
The Wall 2 OBE motion in-plane and out-of-plane displacements measured using triangulation at
points along the height of the east side of the wall are shown in Figure C.13 and in Figure C.14
for points along the west side of the wall. The Wall 2 DBE aftershock 1 Motion in-plane and out-
of-plane displacements measured using triangulation at points along the height of the east side of
the wall are shown in Figure C.15 and in Figure C.16 for points along the west side of the wall.
The Wall 2 DBE aftershock 2 motion in-plane and out-of-plane displacements measured using
triangulation at points along the height of the east side of the wall are shown in Figure C.17 and
in Figure C.18 for points along the west side of the wall. The Wall 2 +\-1 in. triangle motion in-
plane and out-of-plane displacements measured using triangulation at points along the height of
the east side of the wall are shown in Figure C.19 and in Figure C.20 for points along the west
side of the wall. The Wall 2 +\-1.5 in. triangle motion in-plane and out-of-plane displacements
measured using triangulation at points along the height of the east side of the wall are shown in
Figure C.21 and in Figure C.22 for points along the west side of the wall.
Figure C.13 Wall 2 east side displacements for OBE motion.
Figure C.14 Wall 2 west side displacements for OBE motion.
Figure C.15 Wall 2 east side displacements for DBE aftershock 1 motion.
Figure C.16 Wall 2 west side displacements for DBE aftershock 1 motion.
Figure C.17 Wall 2 east side displacements for DBE aftershock 2 motion.
Figure C.18 Wall 2 west side displacements for DBE aftershock 2 motion.
Figure C.19 Wall 2 east side displacements for +\-1 in. triangle motion.
Figure C.20 Wall 2 west side displacements for +\-1 in. triangle motion.
Figure C.21 Wall 2 east side displacements for +\-1.5 in. triangle motion
Figure C.22 Wall 2 west side displacements for +\-1.5 in. triangle motion.
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Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, 325 Davis Hall mail code 1792, Berkeley, CA 94720. Tel.: (510) 642-3437; Fax:
(510) 665-1655; Email: peer_editor@berkeley.edu
PEER 2013/02 Hybrid Simulation of Seismic Response of Squat Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls. Catherine A. Whyte, Bozidar
Stojadinovic. May 2013.
PEER 2013/01 Housing Recovery in Chile: A Qualitative Mid-program Review. Mary C. Comerio. February 2013.
PEER 2012/08 Guidelines for Estimation of Shear Wave Velocity. Bernard R. Wair, Jason T. DeJong, and Thomas Shantz.
December 2012.
PEER 2012/07 Earthquake Engineering for Resilient Communities: 2012 PEER Internship Program Research Report Collection.
Heidi Tremayne (Editor), Stephen A. Mahin (Editor), Collin Anderson, Dustin Cook, Michael Erceg, Carlos
Esparza, Jose Jimenez, Dorian Krausz, Andrew Lo, Stephanie Lopez, Nicole McCurdy, Paul Shipman, Alexander
Strum, Eduardo Vega. December 2012.
PEER 2012/06 Fragilities for Precarious Rocks at Yucca Mountain. Matthew D. Purvance, Rasool Anooshehpoor, and James N.
Brune. December 2012.
PEER 2012/05 Development of Simplified Analysis Procedure for Piles in Laterally Spreading Layered Soils. Christopher R.
McGann, Pedro Arduino, and Peter MackenzieHelnwein. December 2012.
PEER 2012/04 Unbonded Pre-Tensioned Columns for Bridges in Seismic Regions. Phillip M. Davis, Todd M. Janes, Marc O.
Eberhard, and John F. Stanton. December 2012.
PEER 2012/03 Experimental and Analytical Studies on Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Seismically Vulnerable Beam-Column
Joints. Sangjoon Park and Khalid M. Mosalam. October 2012.
PEER 2012/02 Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Bridges Allowed to Uplift during Multi-Directional Excitation. Andres
Oscar Espinoza and Stephen A. Mahin. July 2012.
PEER 2012/01 Spectral Damping Scaling Factors for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes in Active Tectonic Regions. Sanaz Rezaeian,
Yousef Bozorgnia, I. M. Idriss, Kenneth Campbell, Norman Abrahamson, and Walter Silva. July 2012.
PEER 2011/10 Earthquake Engineering for Resilient Communities: 2011 PEER Internship Program Research Report Collection.
Eds. Heidi Faison and Stephen A. Mahin. December 2011.
PEER 2011/09 Calibration of Semi-Stochastic Procedure for Simulating High-Frequency Ground Motions. Jonathan P. Stewart,
Emel Seyhan, and Robert W. Graves. December 2011.
PEER 2011/08 Water Supply in regard to Fire Following Earthquake. Charles Scawthorn. November 2011.
PEER 2011/07 Seismic Risk Management in Urban Areas. Proceedings of a U.S.-Iran-Turkey Seismic Workshop. September
PEER 2011/06 The Use of Base Isolation Systems to Achieve Complex Seismic Performance Objectives. Troy A. Morgan and
Stephen A. Mahin. July 2011.
PEER 2011/05 Case Studies of the Seismic Performance of Tall Buildings Designed by Alternative Means. Task 12 Report for
the Tall Buildings Initiative. Jack Moehle, Yousef Bozorgnia, Nirmal Jayaram, Pierson Jones, Mohsen Rahnama,
Nilesh Shome, Zeynep Tuna, John Wallace, Tony Yang, and Farzin Zareian. July 2011.
PEER 2011/04 Recommended Design Practice for Pile Foundations in Laterally Spreading Ground. Scott A. Ashford, Ross W.
Boulanger, and Scott J. Brandenberg. June 2011.
PEER 2011/03 New Ground Motion Selection Procedures and Selected Motions for the PEER Transportation Research Program.
Jack W. Baker, Ting Lin, Shrey K. Shahi, and Nirmal Jayaram. March 2011.
PEER 2011/02 A Bayesian Network Methodology for Infrastructure Seismic Risk Assessment and Decision Support. Michelle T.
Bensi, Armen Der Kiureghian, and Daniel Straub. March 2011.
PEER 2011/01 Demand Fragility Surfaces for Bridges in Liquefied and Laterally Spreading Ground. Scott J. Brandenberg, Jian
Zhang, Pirooz Kashighandi, Yili Huo, and Minxing Zhao. March 2011.
PEER 2010/05 Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Tall Buildings. Developed by the Tall Buildings Initiative.
November 2010.
PEER 2010/04 Application Guide for the Design of Flexible and Rigid Bus Connections between Substation Equipment Subjected
to Earthquakes. Jean-Bernard Dastous and Armen Der Kiureghian. September 2010.
PEER 2010/03 Shear Wave Velocity as a Statistical Function of Standard Penetration Test Resistance and Vertical Effective
Stress at Caltrans Bridge Sites. Scott J. Brandenberg, Naresh Bellana, and Thomas Shantz. June 2010.
PEER 2010/02 Stochastic Modeling and Simulation of Ground Motions for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Sanaz
Rezaeian and Armen Der Kiureghian. June 2010.
PEER 2010/01 Structural Response and Cost Characterization of Bridge Construction Using Seismic Performance Enhancement
Strategies. Ady Aviram, Bo!idar Stojadinovi!, Gustavo J. Parra-Montesinos, and Kevin R. Mackie. March 2010.
PEER 2009/03 The Integration of Experimental and Simulation Data in the Study of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Systems
Including Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction. Matthew Dryden and Gregory L. Fenves. November 2009.
PEER 2009/02 Improving Earthquake Mitigation through Innovations and Applications in Seismic Science, Engineering,
Communication, and Response. Proceedings of a U.S.-Iran Seismic Workshop. October 2009.
PEER 2009/01 Evaluation of Ground Motion Selection and Modification Methods: Predicting Median Interstory Drift Response of
Buildings. Curt B. Haselton, Ed. June 2009.
PEER 2008/10 Technical Manual for Strata. Albert R. Kottke and Ellen M. Rathje. February 2009.
PEER 2008/09 NGA Model for Average Horizontal Component of Peak Ground Motion and Response Spectra. Brian S.-J. Chiou
and Robert R. Youngs. November 2008.
PEER 2008/08 Toward Earthquake-Resistant Design of Concentrically Braced Steel Structures. Patxi Uriz and Stephen A. Mahin.
November 2008.
PEER 2008/07 Using OpenSees for Performance-Based Evaluation of Bridges on Liquefiable Soils. Stephen L. Kramer, Pedro
Arduino, and HyungSuk Shin. November 2008.
PEER 2008/06 Shaking Table Tests and Numerical Investigation of Self-Centering Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns. Hyung
IL Jeong, Junichi Sakai, and Stephen A. Mahin. September 2008.
PEER 2008/05 Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Design Evaluation Procedure for Bridge Foundations Undergoing
Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Ground Displacement. Christian A. Ledezma and Jonathan D. Bray. August 2008.
PEER 2008/04 Benchmarking of Nonlinear Geotechnical Ground Response Analysis Procedures. Jonathan P. Stewart, Annie
On-Lei Kwok, Yousseff M. A. Hashash, Neven Matasovic, Robert Pyke, Zhiliang Wang, and Zhaohui Yang.
August 2008.
PEER 2008/03 Guidelines for Nonlinear Analysis of Bridge Structures in California. Ady Aviram, Kevin R. Mackie, and Bo!idar
Stojadinovi!. August 2008.
PEER 2008/02 Treatment of Uncertainties in Seismic-Risk Analysis of Transportation Systems. Evangelos Stergiou and Anne S.
Kiremidjian. July 2008.
PEER 2008/01 Seismic Performance Objectives for Tall Buildings. William T. Holmes, Charles Kircher, William Petak, and Nabih
Youssef. August 2008.
PEER 2007/12 An Assessment to Benchmark the Seismic Performance of a Code-Conforming Reinforced Concrete Moment-
Frame Building. Curt Haselton, Christine A. Goulet, Judith Mitrani-Reiser, James L. Beck, Gregory G. Deierlein,
Keith A. Porter, Jonathan P. Stewart, and Ertugrul Taciroglu. August 2008.
PEER 2007/11 Bar Buckling in Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns. Wayne A. Brown, Dawn E. Lehman, and John F. Stanton.
February 2008.
PEER 2007/10 Computational Modeling of Progressive Collapse in Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures. Mohamed M. Talaat
and Khalid M. Mosalam. May 2008.
PEER 2007/09 Integrated Probabilistic Performance-Based Evaluation of Benchmark Reinforced Concrete Bridges. Kevin R.
Mackie, John-Michael Wong, and Bo!idar Stojadinovi!. January 2008.
PEER 2007/08 Assessing Seismic Collapse Safety of Modern Reinforced Concrete Moment-Frame Buildings. Curt B. Haselton
and Gregory G. Deierlein. February 2008.
PEER 2007/07 Performance Modeling Strategies for Modern Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns. Michael P. Berry and Marc
O. Eberhard. April 2008.
PEER 2007/06 Development of Improved Procedures for Seismic Design of Buried and Partially Buried Structures. Linda Al Atik
and Nicholas Sitar. June 2007.
PEER 2007/05 Uncertainty and Correlation in Seismic Risk Assessment of Transportation Systems. Renee G. Lee and Anne S.
Kiremidjian. July 2007.
PEER 2007/04 Numerical Models for Analysis and Performance-Based Design of Shallow Foundations Subjected to Seismic
Loading. Sivapalan Gajan, Tara C. Hutchinson, Bruce L. Kutter, Prishati Raychowdhury, Jos A. Ugalde, and
Jonathan P. Stewart. May 2008.
PEER 2007/03 Beam-Column Element Model Calibrated for Predicting Flexural Response Leading to Global Collapse of RC
Frame Buildings. Curt B. Haselton, Abbie B. Liel, Sarah Taylor Lange, and Gregory G. Deierlein. May 2008.
PEER 2007/02 Campbell-Bozorgnia NGA Ground Motion Relations for the Geometric Mean Horizontal Component of Peak and
Spectral Ground Motion Parameters. Kenneth W. Campbell and Yousef Bozorgnia. May 2007.
PEER 2007/01 Boore-Atkinson NGA Ground Motion Relations for the Geometric Mean Horizontal Component of Peak and
Spectral Ground Motion Parameters. David M. Boore and Gail M. Atkinson. May. May 2007.
PEER 2006/12 Societal Implications of Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Peter J. May. May 2007.
PEER 2006/11 Probabilistic Seismic Demand Analysis Using Advanced Ground Motion Intensity Measures, Attenuation
Relationships, and Near-Fault Effects. Polsak Tothong and C. Allin Cornell. March 2007.
PEER 2006/10 Application of the PEER PBEE Methodology to the I-880 Viaduct. Sashi Kunnath. February 2007.
PEER 2006/09 Quantifying Economic Losses from Travel Forgone Following a Large Metropolitan Earthquake. James Moore,
Sungbin Cho, Yue Yue Fan, and Stuart Werner. November 2006.
PEER 2006/08 Vector-Valued Ground Motion Intensity Measures for Probabilistic Seismic Demand Analysis. Jack W. Baker and
C. Allin Cornell. October 2006.
PEER 2006/07 Analytical Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Walls for Predicting Flexural and CoupledShear-
Flexural Responses. Kutay Orakcal, Leonardo M. Massone, and John W. Wallace. October 2006.
PEER 2006/06 Nonlinear Analysis of a Soil-Drilled Pier System under Static and Dynamic Axial Loading. Gang Wang and
Nicholas Sitar. November 2006.
PEER 2006/05 Advanced Seismic Assessment Guidelines. Paolo Bazzurro, C. Allin Cornell, Charles Menun, Maziar Motahari,
and Nicolas Luco. September 2006.
PEER 2006/04 Probabilistic Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structural Components and Systems. Tae Hyung Lee
and Khalid M. Mosalam. August 2006.
PEER 2006/03 Performance of Lifelines Subjected to Lateral Spreading. Scott A. Ashford and Teerawut Juirnarongrit. July 2006.
PEER 2006/02 Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center Highway Demonstration Project. Anne Kiremidjian, James
Moore, Yue Yue Fan, Nesrin Basoz, Ozgur Yazali, and Meredith Williams. April 2006.
PEER 2006/01 Bracing Berkeley. A Guide to Seismic Safety on the UC Berkeley Campus. Mary C. Comerio, Stephen Tobriner,
and Ariane Fehrenkamp. January 2006.
PEER 2005/16 Seismic Response and Reliability of Electrical Substation Equipment and Systems. Junho Song, Armen Der
Kiureghian, and Jerome L. Sackman. April 2006.
PEER 2005/15 CPT-Based Probabilistic Assessment of Seismic Soil Liquefaction Initiation. R. E. S. Moss, R. B. Seed, R. E.
Kayen, J. P. Stewart, and A. Der Kiureghian. April 2006.
PEER 2005/14 Workshop on Modeling of Nonlinear Cyclic Load-Deformation Behavior of Shallow Foundations. Bruce L. Kutter,
Geoffrey Martin, Tara Hutchinson, Chad Harden, Sivapalan Gajan, and Justin Phalen. March 2006.
PEER 2005/13 Stochastic Characterization and Decision Bases under Time-Dependent Aftershock Risk in Performance-Based
Earthquake Engineering. Gee Liek Yeo and C. Allin Cornell. July 2005.
PEER 2005/12 PEER Testbed Study on a Laboratory Building: Exercising Seismic Performance Assessment. Mary C. Comerio,
editor. November 2005.
PEER 2005/11 Van Nuys Hotel Building Testbed Report: Exercising Seismic Performance Assessment. Helmut Krawinkler,
editor. October 2005.
PEER 2005/10 First NEES/E-Defense Workshop on Collapse Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Building Structures. September
PEER 2005/09 Test Applications of Advanced Seismic Assessment Guidelines. Joe Maffei, Karl Telleen, Danya Mohr, William
Holmes, and Yuki Nakayama. August 2006.
PEER 2005/08 Damage Accumulation in Lightly Confined Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns. R. Tyler Ranf, Jared M. Nelson,
Zach Price, Marc O. Eberhard, and John F. Stanton. April 2006.
PEER 2005/07 Experimental and Analytical Studies on the Seismic Response of Freestanding and Anchored Laboratory
Equipment. Dimitrios Konstantinidis and Nicos Makris. January 2005.
PEER 2005/06 Global Collapse of Frame Structures under Seismic Excitations. Luis F. Ibarra and Helmut Krawinkler. September
PEER 2005//05 Performance Characterization of Bench- and Shelf-Mounted Equipment. Samit Ray Chaudhuri and Tara C.
Hutchinson. May 2006.
PEER 2005/04 Numerical Modeling of the Nonlinear Cyclic Response of Shallow Foundations. Chad Harden, Tara Hutchinson,
Geoffrey R. Martin, and Bruce L. Kutter. August 2005.
PEER 2005/03 A Taxonomy of Building Components for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Keith A. Porter.
September 2005.
PEER 2005/02 Fragility Basis for California Highway Overpass Bridge Seismic Decision Making. Kevin R. Mackie and Bo!idar
Stojadinovi!. June 2005.
PEER 2005/01 Empirical Characterization of Site Conditions on Strong Ground Motion. Jonathan P. Stewart, Yoojoong Choi,
and Robert W. Graves. June 2005.
PEER 2004/09 Electrical Substation Equipment Interaction: Experimental Rigid Conductor Studies. Christopher Stearns and
Andr Filiatrault. February 2005.
PEER 2004/08 Seismic Qualification and Fragility Testing of Line Break 550-kV Disconnect Switches. Shakhzod M. Takhirov,
Gregory L. Fenves, and Eric Fujisaki. January 2005.
PEER 2004/07 Ground Motions for Earthquake Simulator Qualification of Electrical Substation Equipment. Shakhzod M.
Takhirov, Gregory L. Fenves, Eric Fujisaki, and Don Clyde. January 2005.
PEER 2004/06 Performance-Based Regulation and Regulatory Regimes. Peter J. May and Chris Koski. September 2004.
PEER 2004/05 Performance-Based Seismic Design Concepts and Implementation: Proceedings of an International Workshop.
Peter Fajfar and Helmut Krawinkler, editors. September 2004.
PEER 2004/04 Seismic Performance of an Instrumented Tilt-up Wall Building. James C. Anderson and Vitelmo V. Bertero. July
PEER 2004/03 Evaluation and Application of Concrete Tilt-up Assessment Methodologies. Timothy Graf and James O. Malley.
October 2004.
PEER 2004/02 Analytical Investigations of New Methods for Reducing Residual Displacements of Reinforced Concrete Bridge
Columns. Junichi Sakai and Stephen A. Mahin. August 2004.
PEER 2004/01 Seismic Performance of Masonry Buildings and Design Implications. Kerri Anne Taeko Tokoro, James C.
Anderson, and Vitelmo V. Bertero. February 2004.
PEER 2003/18 Performance Models for Flexural Damage in Reinforced Concrete Columns. Michael Berry and Marc Eberhard.
August 2003.
PEER 2003/17 Predicting Earthquake Damage in Older Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints. Catherine Pagni and Laura
Lowes. October 2004.
PEER 2003/16 Seismic Demands for Performance-Based Design of Bridges. Kevin Mackie and Bo!idar Stojadinovi!. August
PEER 2003/15 Seismic Demands for Nondeteriorating Frame Structures and Their Dependence on Ground Motions. Ricardo
Antonio Medina and Helmut Krawinkler. May 2004.
PEER 2003/14 Finite Element Reliability and Sensitivity Methods for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Terje
Haukaas and Armen Der Kiureghian. April 2004.
PEER 2003/13 Effects of Connection Hysteretic Degradation on the Seismic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames. Janise
E. Rodgers and Stephen A. Mahin. March 2004.
PEER 2003/12 Implementation Manual for the Seismic Protection of Laboratory Contents: Format and Case Studies. William T.
Holmes and Mary C. Comerio. October 2003.
PEER 2003/11 Fifth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced
Concrete Building Structures. February 2004.
PEER 2003/10 A Beam-Column Joint Model for Simulating the Earthquake Response of Reinforced Concrete Frames. Laura N.
Lowes, Nilanjan Mitra, and Arash Altoontash. February 2004.
PEER 2003/09 Sequencing Repairs after an Earthquake: An Economic Approach. Marco Casari and Simon J. Wilkie. April 2004.
PEER 2003/08 A Technical Framework for Probability-Based Demand and Capacity Factor Design (DCFD) Seismic Formats.
Fatemeh Jalayer and C. Allin Cornell. November 2003.
PEER 2003/07 Uncertainty Specification and Propagation for Loss Estimation Using FOSM Methods. Jack W. Baker and C. Allin
Cornell. September 2003.
PEER 2003/06 Performance of Circular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns under Bidirectional Earthquake Loading. Mahmoud
M. Hachem, Stephen A. Mahin, and Jack P. Moehle. February 2003.
PEER 2003/05 Response Assessment for Building-Specific Loss Estimation. Eduardo Miranda and Shahram Taghavi.
September 2003.
PEER 2003/04 Experimental Assessment of Columns with Short Lap Splices Subjected to Cyclic Loads. Murat Melek, John W.
Wallace, and Joel Conte. April 2003.
PEER 2003/03 Probabilistic Response Assessment for Building-Specific Loss Estimation. Eduardo Miranda and Hesameddin
Aslani. September 2003.
PEER 2003/02 Software Framework for Collaborative Development of Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Program. Jun Peng and
Kincho H. Law. September 2003.
PEER 2003/01 Shake Table Tests and Analytical Studies on the Gravity Load Collapse of Reinforced Concrete Frames. Kenneth
John Elwood and Jack P. Moehle. November 2003.
PEER 2002/24 Performance of Beam to Column Bridge Joints Subjected to a Large Velocity Pulse. Natalie Gibson, Andr
Filiatrault, and Scott A. Ashford. April 2002.
PEER 2002/23 Effects of Large Velocity Pulses on Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns. Greg L. Orozco and Scott A. Ashford.
April 2002.
PEER 2002/22 Characterization of Large Velocity Pulses for Laboratory Testing. Kenneth E. Cox and Scott A. Ashford. April
PEER 2002/21 Fourth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced
Concrete Building Structures. December 2002.
PEER 2002/20 Barriers to Adoption and Implementation of PBEE Innovations. Peter J. May. August 2002.
PEER 2002/19 Economic-Engineered Integrated Models for Earthquakes: Socioeconomic Impacts. Peter Gordon, James E.
Moore II, and Harry W. Richardson. July 2002.
PEER 2002/18 Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Building Exterior Joints with Substandard Details. Chris P. Pantelides, Jon
Hansen, Justin Nadauld, and Lawrence D. Reaveley. May 2002.
PEER 2002/17 Structural Characterization and Seismic Response Analysis of a Highway Overcrossing Equipped with
Elastomeric Bearings and Fluid Dampers: A Case Study. Nicos Makris and Jian Zhang. November 2002.
PEER 2002/16 Estimation of Uncertainty in Geotechnical Properties for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Allen L.
Jones, Steven L. Kramer, and Pedro Arduino. December 2002.
PEER 2002/15 Seismic Behavior of Bridge Columns Subjected to Various Loading Patterns. Asadollah Esmaeily-Gh. and Yan
Xiao. December 2002.
PEER 2002/14 Inelastic Seismic Response of Extended Pile Shaft Supported Bridge Structures. T.C. Hutchinson, R.W.
Boulanger, Y.H. Chai, and I.M. Idriss. December 2002.
PEER 2002/13 Probabilistic Models and Fragility Estimates for Bridge Components and Systems. Paolo Gardoni, Armen Der
Kiureghian, and Khalid M. Mosalam. June 2002.
PEER 2002/12 Effects of Fault Dip and Slip Rake on Near-Source Ground Motions: Why Chi-Chi Was a Relatively Mild M7.6
Earthquake. Brad T. Aagaard, John F. Hall, and Thomas H. Heaton. December 2002.
PEER 2002/11 Analytical and Experimental Study of Fiber-Reinforced Strip Isolators. James M. Kelly and Shakhzod M. Takhirov.
September 2002.
PEER 2002/10 Centrifuge Modeling of Settlement and Lateral Spreading with Comparisons to Numerical Analyses. Sivapalan
Gajan and Bruce L. Kutter. January 2003.
PEER 2002/09 Documentation and Analysis of Field Case Histories of Seismic Compression during the 1994 Northridge,
California, Earthquake. Jonathan P. Stewart, Patrick M. Smith, Daniel H. Whang, and Jonathan D. Bray. October
PEER 2002/08 Component Testing, Stability Analysis and Characterization of Buckling-Restrained Unbonded Braces
Cameron Black, Nicos Makris, and Ian Aiken. September 2002.
PEER 2002/07 Seismic Performance of Pile-Wharf Connections. Charles W. Roeder, Robert Graff, Jennifer Soderstrom, and Jun
Han Yoo. December 2001.
PEER 2002/06 The Use of Benefit-Cost Analysis for Evaluation of Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Decisions.
Richard O. Zerbe and Anthony Falit-Baiamonte. September 2001.
PEER 2002/05 Guidelines, Specifications, and Seismic Performance Characterization of Nonstructural Building Components and
Equipment. Andr Filiatrault, Constantin Christopoulos, and Christopher Stearns. September 2001.
PEER 2002/04 Consortium of Organizations for Strong-Motion Observation Systems and the Pacific Earthquake Engineering
Research Center Lifelines Program: Invited Workshop on Archiving and Web Dissemination of Geotechnical
Data, 45 October 2001. September 2002.
PEER 2002/03 Investigation of Sensitivity of Building Loss Estimates to Major Uncertain Variables for the Van Nuys Testbed.
Keith A. Porter, James L. Beck, and Rustem V. Shaikhutdinov. August 2002.
PEER 2002/02 The Third U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced
Concrete Building Structures. July 2002.
PEER 2002/01 Nonstructural Loss Estimation: The UC Berkeley Case Study. Mary C. Comerio and John C. Stallmeyer.
December 2001.
PEER 2001/16 Statistics of SDF-System Estimate of Roof Displacement for Pushover Analysis of Buildings. Anil K. Chopra,
Rakesh K. Goel, and Chatpan Chintanapakdee. December 2001.
PEER 2001/15 Damage to Bridges during the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake. R. Tyler Ranf, Marc O. Eberhard, and Michael P.
Berry. November 2001.
PEER 2001/14 Rocking Response of Equipment Anchored to a Base Foundation. Nicos Makris and Cameron J. Black.
September 2001.
PEER 2001/13 Modeling Soil Liquefaction Hazards for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Steven L. Kramer and
Ahmed-W. Elgamal. February 2001.
PEER 2001/12 Development of Geotechnical Capabilities in OpenSees. Boris Jeremi". September 2001.
PEER 2001/11 Analytical and Experimental Study of Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators. James M. Kelly and Shakhzod M.
Takhirov. September 2001.
PEER 2001/10 Amplification Factors for Spectral Acceleration in Active Regions. Jonathan P. Stewart, Andrew H. Liu, Yoojoong
Choi, and Mehmet B. Baturay. December 2001.
PEER 2001/09 Ground Motion Evaluation Procedures for Performance-Based Design. Jonathan P. Stewart, Shyh-Jeng Chiou,
Jonathan D. Bray, Robert W. Graves, Paul G. Somerville, and Norman A. Abrahamson. September 2001.
PEER 2001/08 Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Beam-Column Connections for
Seismic Performance. Clay J. Naito, Jack P. Moehle, and Khalid M. Mosalam. November 2001.
PEER 2001/07 The Rocking Spectrum and the Shortcomings of Design Guidelines. Nicos Makris and Dimitrios Konstantinidis.
August 2001.
PEER 2001/06 Development of an Electrical Substation Equipment Performance Database for Evaluation of Equipment
Fragilities. Thalia Agnanos. April 1999.
PEER 2001/05 Stiffness Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators. Hsiang-Chuan Tsai and James M. Kelly. May 2001.
PEER 2001/04 Organizational and Societal Considerations for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering. Peter J. May. April
PEER 2001/03 A Modal Pushover Analysis Procedure to Estimate Seismic Demands for Buildings: Theory and Preliminary
Evaluation. Anil K. Chopra and Rakesh K. Goel. January 2001.
PEER 2001/02 Seismic Response Analysis of Highway Overcrossings Including Soil-Structure Interaction. Jian Zhang and Nicos
Makris. March 2001.
PEER 2001/01 Experimental Study of Large Seismic Steel Beam-to-Column Connections. Egor P. Popov and Shakhzod M.
Takhirov. November 2000.
PEER 2000/10 The Second U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced
Concrete Building Structures. March 2000.
PEER 2000/09 Structural Engineering Reconnaissance of the August 17, 1999 Earthquake: Kocaeli (Izmit), Turkey. Halil Sezen,
Kenneth J. Elwood, Andrew S. Whittaker, Khalid Mosalam, John J. Wallace, and John F. Stanton. December
PEER 2000/08 Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Having Varying Aspect Ratios and Varying Lengths of
Confinement. Anthony J. Calderone, Dawn E. Lehman, and Jack P. Moehle. January 2001.
PEER 2000/07 Cover-Plate and Flange-Plate Reinforced Steel Moment-Resisting Connections. Taejin Kim, Andrew S. Whittaker,
Amir S. Gilani, Vitelmo V. Bertero, and Shakhzod M. Takhirov. September 2000.
PEER 2000/06 Seismic Evaluation and Analysis of 230-kV Disconnect Switches. Amir S. J. Gilani, Andrew S. Whittaker, Gregory
L. Fenves, Chun-Hao Chen, Henry Ho, and Eric Fujisaki. July 2000.
PEER 2000/05 Performance-Based Evaluation of Exterior Reinforced Concrete Building Joints for Seismic Excitation. Chandra
Clyde, Chris P. Pantelides, and Lawrence D. Reaveley. July 2000.
PEER 2000/04 An Evaluation of Seismic Energy Demand: An Attenuation Approach. Chung-Che Chou and Chia-Ming Uang. July
PEER 2000/03 Framing Earthquake Retrofitting Decisions: The Case of Hillside Homes in Los Angeles. Detlof von Winterfeldt,
Nels Roselund, and Alicia Kitsuse. March 2000.
PEER 2000/02 U.S.-Japan Workshop on the Effects of Near-Field Earthquake Shaking. Andrew Whittaker, ed. July 2000.
PEER 2000/01 Further Studies on Seismic Interaction in Interconnected Electrical Substation Equipment. Armen Der Kiureghian,
Kee-Jeung Hong, and Jerome L. Sackman. November 1999.
PEER 1999/14 Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of 230-kV Porcelain Transformer Bushings. Amir S. Gilani, Andrew S. Whittaker,
Gregory L. Fenves, and Eric Fujisaki. December 1999.
PEER 1999/13 Building Vulnerability Studies: Modeling and Evaluation of Tilt-up and Steel Reinforced Concrete Buildings. John
W. Wallace, Jonathan P. Stewart, and Andrew S. Whittaker, editors. December 1999.
PEER 1999/12 Rehabilitation of Nonductile RC Frame Building Using Encasement Plates and Energy-Dissipating Devices.
Mehrdad Sasani, Vitelmo V. Bertero, James C. Anderson. December 1999.
PEER 1999/11 Performance Evaluation Database for Concrete Bridge Components and Systems under Simulated Seismic
Loads. Yael D. Hose and Frieder Seible. November 1999.
PEER 1999/10 U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced Concrete
Building Structures. December 1999.
PEER 1999/09 Performance Improvement of Long Period Building Structures Subjected to Severe Pulse-Type Ground Motions.
James C. Anderson, Vitelmo V. Bertero, and Raul Bertero. October 1999.
PEER 1999/08 Envelopes for Seismic Response Vectors. Charles Menun and Armen Der Kiureghian. July 1999.
PEER 1999/07 Documentation of Strengths and Weaknesses of Current Computer Analysis Methods for Seismic Performance of
Reinforced Concrete Members. William F. Cofer. November 1999.
PEER 1999/06 Rocking Response and Overturning of Anchored Equipment under Seismic Excitations. Nicos Makris and Jian
Zhang. November 1999.
PEER 1999/05 Seismic Evaluation of 550 kV Porcelain Transformer Bushings. Amir S. Gilani, Andrew S. Whittaker, Gregory L.
Fenves, and Eric Fujisaki. October 1999.
PEER 1999/04 Adoption and Enforcement of Earthquake Risk-Reduction Measures. Peter J. May, Raymond J. Burby, T. Jens
Feeley, and Robert Wood.
PEER 1999/03 Task 3 Characterization of Site Response General Site Categories. Adrian Rodriguez-Marek, Jonathan D. Bray,
and Norman Abrahamson. February 1999.
PEER 1999/02 Capacity-Demand-Diagram Methods for Estimating Seismic Deformation of Inelastic Structures: SDF Systems.
Anil K. Chopra and Rakesh Goel. April 1999.
PEER 1999/01 Interaction in Interconnected Electrical Substation Equipment Subjected to Earthquake Ground Motions. Armen
Der Kiureghian, Jerome L. Sackman, and Kee-Jeung Hong. February 1999.
PEER 1998/08 Behavior and Failure Analysis of a Multiple-Frame Highway Bridge in the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. Gregory L.
Fenves and Michael Ellery. December 1998.
PEER 1998/07 Empirical Evaluation of Inertial Soil-Structure Interaction Effects. Jonathan P. Stewart, Raymond B. Seed, and
Gregory L. Fenves. November 1998.
PEER 1998/06 Effect of Damping Mechanisms on the Response of Seismic Isolated Structures. Nicos Makris and Shih-Po
Chang. November 1998.
PEER 1998/05 Rocking Response and Overturning of Equipment under Horizontal Pulse-Type Motions. Nicos Makris and
Yiannis Roussos. October 1998.
PEER 1998/04 Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Invitational Workshop Proceedings, May 1415, 1998: Defining the
Links between Planning, Policy Analysis, Economics and Earthquake Engineering. Mary Comerio and Peter
Gordon. September 1998.
PEER 1998/03 Repair/Upgrade Procedures for Welded Beam to Column Connections. James C. Anderson and Xiaojing Duan.
May 1998.
PEER 1998/02 Seismic Evaluation of 196 kV Porcelain Transformer Bushings. Amir S. Gilani, Juan W. Chavez, Gregory L.
Fenves, and Andrew S. Whittaker. May 1998.
PEER 1998/01 Seismic Performance of Well-Confined Concrete Bridge Columns. Dawn E. Lehman and Jack P. Moehle.
December 2000.
The following PEER reports are available by Internet only at http://peer.berkeley.edu/publications/peer_reports_complete.html.
PEER 2012/103 Performance-Based Seismic Demand Assessment of Concentrically Braced Steel Frame Buildings. Chui-Hsin
Chen and Stephen A. Mahin. December 2012.
PEER 2012/102 Procedure to Restart an Interrupted Hybrid Simulation: Addendum to PEER Report 2010/103. Vesna Terzic and
Bozidar Stojadinovic. October 2012.
PEER 2012/101 Mechanics of Fiber Reinforced Bearings. James M. Kelly and Andrea Calabrese. February 2012.
PEER 2011/107 Nonlinear Site Response and Seismic Compression at Vertical Array Strongly Shaken by 2007 Niigata-ken
Chuetsu-oki Earthquake. Eric Yee, Jonathan P. Stewart, and Kohji Tokimatsu. December 2011.
PEER 2011/106 Self Compacting Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete Composites for Bridge Columns. Pardeep Kumar, Gabriel Jen,
William Trono, Marios Panagiotou, and Claudia Ostertag. September 2011.
PEER 2011/105 Stochastic Dynamic Analysis of Bridges Subjected to Spacially Varying Ground Motions. Katerina Konakli and
Armen Der Kiureghian. August 2011.
PEER 2011/104 Design and Instrumentation of the 2010 E-Defense Four-Story Reinforced Concrete and Post-Tensioned
Concrete Buildings. Takuya Nagae, Kenichi Tahara, Taizo Matsumori, Hitoshi Shiohara, Toshimi Kabeyasawa,
Susumu Kono, Minehiro Nishiyama (Japanese Research Team) and John Wallace, Wassim Ghannoum, Jack
Moehle, Richard Sause, Wesley Keller, Zeynep Tuna (U.S. Research Team). June 2011.
PEER 2011/103 In-Situ Monitoring of the Force Output of Fluid Dampers: Experimental Investigation. Dimitrios Konstantinidis,
James M. Kelly, and Nicos Makris. April 2011.
PEER 2011/102 Ground-motion prediction equations 1964 - 2010. John Douglas. April 2011.
PEER 2011/101 Report of the Eighth Planning Meeting of NEES/E-Defense Collaborative Research on Earthquake Engineering.
Convened by the Hyogo Earthquake Engineering Research Center (NIED), NEES Consortium, Inc. February
PEER 2010/111 Modeling and Acceptance Criteria for Seismic Design and Analysis of Tall Buildings. Task 7 Report for the Tall
Buildings Initiative - Published jointly by the Applied Technology Council. October 2010.
PEER 2010/110 Seismic Performance Assessment and Probabilistic Repair Cost Analysis of Precast Concrete Cladding Systems
for Multistory Buildlings. Jeffrey P. Hunt and Bo!idar Stojadinovic. November 2010.
PEER 2010/109 Report of the Seventh Joint Planning Meeting of NEES/E-Defense Collaboration on Earthquake Engineering.
Held at the E-Defense, Miki, and Shin-Kobe, Japan, September 1819, 2009. August 2010.
PEER 2010/108 Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard in California. Hong Kie Thio, Paul Somerville, and Jascha Polet, preparers. October
PEER 2010/107 Performance and Reliability of Exposed Column Base Plate Connections for Steel Moment-Resisting Frames.
Ady Aviram, Bo!idar Stojadinovic, and Armen Der Kiureghian. August 2010.
PEER 2010/106 Verification of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Computer Programs. Patricia Thomas, Ivan Wong, and
Norman Abrahamson. May 2010.
PEER 2010/105 Structural Engineering Reconnaissance of the April 6, 2009, Abruzzo, Italy, Earthquake, and Lessons Learned. M.
Selim Gnay and Khalid M. Mosalam. April 2010.
PEER 2010/104 Simulating the Inelastic Seismic Behavior of Steel Braced Frames, Including the Effects of Low-Cycle Fatigue.
Yuli Huang and Stephen A. Mahin. April 2010.
PEER 2010/103 Post-Earthquake Traffic Capacity of Modern Bridges in California. Vesna Terzic and Bo!idar Stojadinovi!. March
PEER 2010/102 Analysis of Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV) and JMA Instrumental Seismic Intensity (IJMA) Using the PEER
NGA Strong Motion Database. Kenneth W. Campbell and Yousef Bozorgnia. February 2010.
PEER 2010/101 Rocking Response of Bridges on Shallow Foundations. Jose A. Ugalde, Bruce L. Kutter, and Boris Jeremic. April
PEER 2009/109 Simulation and Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Assessment of Self-Centering Post-Tensioned
Concrete Bridge Systems. Won K. Lee and Sarah L. Billington. December 2009.
PEER 2009/108 PEER Lifelines Geotechnical Virtual Data Center. J. Carl Stepp, Daniel J. Ponti, Loren L. Turner, Jennifer N. Swift,
Sean Devlin, Yang Zhu, Jean Benoit, and John Bobbitt. September 2009.
PEER 2009/107 Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Current and Innovative In-Span Hinge Details in Reinforced
Concrete Box-Girder Bridges: Part 2: Post-Test Analysis and Design Recommendations. Matias A. Hube and
Khalid M. Mosalam. December 2009.
PEER 2009/106 Shear Strength Models of Exterior Beam-Column Joints without Transverse Reinforcement. Sangjoon Park and
Khalid M. Mosalam. November 2009.
PEER 2009/105 Reduced Uncertainty of Ground Motion Prediction Equations through Bayesian Variance Analysis. Robb Eric S.
Moss. November 2009.
PEER 2009/104 Advanced Implementation of Hybrid Simulation. Andreas H. Schellenberg, Stephen A. Mahin, Gregory L. Fenves.
November 2009.
PEER 2009/103 Performance Evaluation of Innovative Steel Braced Frames. T. Y. Yang, Jack P. Moehle, and Bo!idar
Stojadinovic. August 2009.
PEER 2009/102 Reinvestigation of Liquefaction and Nonliquefaction Case Histories from the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake. Robb
Eric Moss, Robert E. Kayen, Liyuan Tong, Songyu Liu, Guojun Cai, and Jiaer Wu. August 2009.
PEER 2009/101 Report of the First Joint Planning Meeting for the Second Phase of NEES/E-Defense Collaborative Research on
Earthquake Engineering. Stephen A. Mahin et al. July 2009.
PEER 2008/104 Experimental and Analytical Study of the Seismic Performance of Retaining Structures. Linda Al Atik and Nicholas
Sitar. January 2009.
PEER 2008/103 Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Current and Innovative In-Span Hinge Details in Reinforced
Concrete Box-Girder Bridges. Part 1: Experimental Findings and Pre-Test Analysis. Matias A. Hube and Khalid M.
Mosalam. January 2009.
PEER 2008/102 Modeling of Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls Considering In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Interaction. Stephen
Kadysiewski and Khalid M. Mosalam. January 2009.
PEER 2008/101 Seismic Performance Objectives for Tall Buildings. William T. Holmes, Charles Kircher, William Petak, and Nabih
Youssef. August 2008.
PEER 2007/101 Generalized Hybrid Simulation Framework for Structural Systems Subjected to Seismic Loading. Tarek Elkhoraibi
and Khalid M. Mosalam. July 2007.
PEER 2007/100 Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Including Effects of Masonry Infill Walls. Alidad Hashemi
and Khalid M. Mosalam. July 2007.
The Pacifc Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) is a multi-institutional research and
education center with headquarters at the University of California, Berkeley. Investigators from over 20
universities, several consulting companies, and researchers at various state and federal government
agencies contribute to research programs focused on performance-based earthquake engineering.
These research programs aim to identify and reduce the risks from major earthquakes to life safety and
to the economy by including research in a wide variety of disciplines including structural and geotechnical
engineering, geology/seismology, lifelines, transportation, architecture, economics, risk management, and
public policy.
PEER is supported by federal, state, local, and regional agencies, together with industry partners.
PEER Core Institutions:
University of California, Berkeley (Lead Institution)
California Institute of Technology
Oregon State University
Stanford University
University of California, Davis
University of California, Irvine
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, San Diego
University of Southern California
University of Washington
PEER reports can be ordered at http://peer.berkeley.edu/publications/peer_reports.html or by contacting
Pacifc Earthquake Engineering Research Center
University of California, Berkeley
325 Davis Hall, mail code 1792
Berkeley, CA 94720-1792
Tel: 510-642-3437
Fax: 510-642-1655
Email: peer_editor@berkeley.edu
ISSN 1547-0587X