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CRT Information

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Computer graphics involves the display, manipulation, and storage of picture
and experiential data for proper visualization using a computer. Typical graphics
systems comprise a host computer with the support of a fast processor, large
memory, frame buffer, and display devices; output devices as color monitors,
liquid crystal display, laser printers, plotters, etc.; and input devices (mouse,
keyboard, joystick, touch screen, trackball, etc.).
Computer graphics have many applications:
1. Computer graphics are used in developing the components of a Graphic User
Interface (GUI). These GUI components are used to communicate between
the software and the user. Examples of GUI components are menus, icons,
cursors, dialog boxes, scroll bars, etc.
2. Computer graphics are used in the corporate sector for representing the sales
data and economic data using pi-charts, histogram, graphs, etc.
3. Office automation software use GUI components for a researcher’s report
or thesis.
4. Computer graphics are used in the publication of books, magazines,
journals, etc.
5. Computer graphics are used in the advertising field to provide graphic features
that make advertisements more impactful.
6. Computer graphics are essential in the entertainment and communication
industries worldwide, appearing everwhere from TV monitors to mobile phones.
7. Computer graphics are vital to simulation—the imitation of real world
processes in a model over time, such as aircraft and car racing simulations.
Aircraft simulations train budding pilots before they get hands-on experience
in real aircraft.
8. Computer graphics are used in audiovisual teaching aids in education. They
improve teaching outcomes in school and help employees develop skills in
profession training.
9. Computer graphics are used in the industry for computer-aided design and
computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM).

1.1.1 Definition of Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Computer Aided Design is defined as any use of a computer to assist in the
creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of 2-dimensional (2D) and
3-dimensional (3D) designs. Examples of 2D CAD include plan or layout
designs, and 3D CAD includes solid and 3D modeling. Some of the common
applications of 2D CAD are architectural building plans, layout plans,
machine part drawing, electrical circuitry drawing, etc. Animated movies and
video games are applications of 3D CAD. Vector representations/ parametric
representations of 2D entities (such as lines, circles, conics), 3D entities, and

Tool Design CAM


Detailed Component
Concept Design Engineering Drawing

Product Layout Assembly Modeling Analysis CAE Validation


Conceive Design (CAD) Development Manufacturing (CAM)

Fig. 1.1 Steps in the engineering process
surfaces are used to develop computer based CAD software. CAD is extensively
used throughout the engineering process, as shown in Fig. 1.1. Engineering
processes begin as early as conceptual design and layout of product to
component modeling, assembly modeling, strength and dynamic analysis of
assemblies, to definition of manufacturing methods of components. CAD has
become especially important within the scope of Computer Aided Technologies.
Benefits of CAD include a greatly shortened design cycle and lower product
design and development costs. CAD enables designers to simulate a working
model on screen, edit or manipulate the model, maintain the record by saving
the files, and generate reports.


In computer graphics, an image is generated on a display device. Underlying
technologies for full-area two-dimensional displays include: cathode ray tube
display (CRT), light-emitting diode display (LED), electroluminescent display
(ELD), electronic paper, electronic ink, plasma display panel (PDP), liquid crystal
display (LCD), organic light-emitting diode display (OLED), laser TV, etc. The
multiplexed display technique is used to drive most modern display devices.
Earlier cathode ray tube (CRT) based display devices are used in the following
display devices:
1. Direct view storage tube (DVST)
2. Calligraphic or random scan display system
3. Raster scan display system
Before moving on to the display device, let us first see the working of the cathode
ray tube (CRT).

1.2.1 Working of Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT)

A cathode is a (negatively charged) electron gun that contains a filament. When
the filament is heated, the electrons are emitted in a straight beam. When the
beam hits a phosphorus-coated CRT screen at a certain velocity, it emits light
and a bright spot appears on the screen (Fig. 1.2). The different components of a
CRT are:
Cathode: A cathode is made up of a filament which generates electrons on
heating. This is also called an electron gun. These negatively charged electrons are
directed towards the screen.
Cathode Control grid Focusing unit Electron beam
CRT screen

Phosphor coated screen

Heating filament Accelerating unit

Fig. 1.2 The cathode ray tube

Control Grid: The intensity or brightness of any point on the screen depends
upon the intensity of the electron beam coming out from the electron gun.
A  control grid is used to control the intensity of the electrons emerging from
the electron gun according to the intensity of the point required on the screen.
The control grid is negatively charged with varying intensity. The intensity of the
negative charge is achieved by providing negative voltage to the control grid. If
high negative voltage is provided, then a strong negative field is developed, which
in turn repels the amount of electrons coming out from the electron gun. On
the other hand, if low voltage is supplied to the control grid, this produces a low
negative charged field, and that increases the intensity of electrons coming out
from the electron gun. In other words, by changing the voltage of the control grid,
the brightness of a point on the screen can be changed.
Focusing Anode: The focusing anode is a positively charged field which
focuses the electron beam on a particular point on the screen.
Accelerating Anode: The accelerating anode accelerates the velocity of the
electrons in an electron beam so that they hit the screen at a high velocity. This
ensures that light is emitted and a bright spot appears on the screen.

1.2.2 Design of Deflection Mechanism of CRT

The deflection mechanism deflects the electron beam so that it strikes the screen
at the desired location. There are two types of deflection plates: the horizontal
deflection plate and the vertical deflection plate. Horizontal deflection plates are
basically vertically placed but deflect the electron beam in a horizontal direction,
whereas vertical deflection plates are horizontally placed but deflect the electron
beam in a vertical direction. These deflection plates are provided with an electric
field which deflects the electron beam from its straight path. The deflection
mechanism is shown in Fig. 1.3. There are two methods of providing an electric
field to the two deflector plates:
1. Electromagnetic field
2. Electrostatic field
Electron gun Vertical deflection plates

Phosphor coated screen

Horizontal deflection plates Deflected beam

Fig 1.3 Deflection mechanism of CRT

An electromagnetic field is most commonly used in modern display devices

such as TV monitors, etc. In this method, a magnetic field is generated in the
deflector plates. An electrostatic field is most commonly used in applications such
as cathode ray oscilloscopes (CRO). In this method, a static capacitive field is
generated in the deflector plates.


Image generation techniques are classified on the basis of the use of cathode ray
tubes (CRT) in display devices. Devices that use CRT for image generation on
screen are called CRT-based display devices. Examples: direct view storage tube
(DVST), random scan display devices, and raster scan display devices.
Similarly, display devices that do not use CRT for image generation on the screen
are termed non-CRT-based display devices. All modern display devices come
under this category. The size of the display device is reduced considerably and it is
flatter than a CRT based display device. Non-CRT-based display devices are liquid
crystal displays (LCD), light emitting diodes (LED), plasma monitors, etc.

1.3.1 CRT Based Display Devices

As we have discussed earlier, there are three CRT based display devices: direct
view storage tubes, calligraphic or random scan display systems and raster scan
display systems. These CRT based display devices are further classified into two
categories: a line-based system and point-based system as shown in Fig. 1.4. Direct
view storage tube and calligraphic or random scan display systems, are examples
of line-based system, whereas raster scan display systems are examples of point-
based systems. In line-based display devices, any geometric entity on the screen
is made up of small lines. Even a curve or circle is also made up of small lines,
whereas in point-based systems, it is made up of points. The phosphor coating

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