3LPE Coating
3LPE Coating
3LPE Coating
DOI: 10.24966/ESCR-5020/100008
HSOA Journal of
Environmental Science: Current Research
Research Article
Study of Qualification of Coating hesion strength test, impact test and cathodic disbondment test. All
testing were evaluated to check compliance against the standard
Procedure Specifications as Per DIN 30670 requirements and coating procedure specifications.
Keywords: Cathodic disbondment test; Chloride content test; Coat-
Din 30670 for 3lpe Coating of 8 ing procedure qualification; Coating procedure specifications; Corro-
sion protection; Dew point; DIN german institute for standardization;
Inch Diameter Erw Pipe Elongation test; Holiday test; Impact test; Indentation Test; Peel Ad-
hesion; Surface preparation; Thickness measurement; Three layer
polyethylene coating (3LPE).
Hafiz Abdul Ahad Qazi*
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Table 1: Properties of steel grit, phosphoric acid and chromate as per manufacturer test certificate.
Particle Particle acter- Flexibility Test
Manufacturer and Moisture Density Radius of Impact
Fusion Size % 150 Size % 250 stics- In- Water Soak at 3 Degree @
Type Content % (G/L) Disobondment Resistance
Bonded Microns Microns flection 30ºC
(-3.5 V, @ 65ºC,
Epoxy Point
24 hours)
Jotun JotaPipe
0.19 2 0.2 1455 39.7 1 mm >1.5 Joule Rating 1 No Cracking
Table 2: Properties of fusion bonded epoxy as per epoxy manufacturer test certificate.
* Epoxy raw material tests done by the manufacturer as per CSA-Z245.20-10 standard.
Density @ Melt Flow Rate Ultimate Ten- Vicat Softening Flexural Tensile Im-
Manufacturer Hardness Melting Water Absop-
23ºC (Kg/ (g/10 min) @ 190 sile Strength Point (A50, Modulus pact @ 20 ºC
Adhesive and Type (Shore-D) point (ºC) tion (%)
cm3) ºC & 2.16 Kg (MPa) 10N), Unit (ºC) (MPa) (J/cm3)
Lushan, L-5R 929 1.81 19.6 60 101.9 125.4 280 12.6 0.06
* Adhesive raw material tests performed by the manufacturer as per ASTM relevant standards.
Melt Index @ 190ºC & Density Compound Carbon Black Oxidation Induction Time @ Moisture Content Total Volatiles
Polyeth- 2.16 Kg load (g/10 min) (Kg/m3) Content (%) 210ºC Al Pan (Minutes) (ppm) (ppm)
0.49 954 2.18 52 10 110
* Polyethylene raw material tests performed by the manufacturer as per ISO relevant standards.
First step is the surface preparation of pipes prior to coating appli- Second step is the coating application. Surface treated pipes are
cation. To do so first pipes are passed through gas furnace for preheat- subjected to induction heating of pipes upto the epoxy manufactur-
ing of pipes above dew point temperature thereafter pipes are sub- er recommended temperature which 200-220ºC. Epoxy powder is
jected to steel grit blasting using centrifugal blasting technique where sprayed on pipes through electrostatic spray gun technique after some
all the rust on pipes surface is removed,. In steel grit blasting, pipes seconds of epoxy layer application second layer of copolymer adhe-
sive and third layer of polyethylene is applied on pipes through side
are cleaned up to white metal surface appearance Sa2.5 with required
extrusion process there after pipes are passed through Quenching tank
surface profile. Using acid spraying technique, pipes are sprayed with
where cold water is sprayed on as coated pipes where soft coated
phosphoric acid solution which reacts with chloride ions present on pipes are converted to hard coated form. In the end of second stage
pipe surface and rinsing the pipes with RO water flash them out of the coated pipes are subject to full length holiday detection where flaw in
pipe surface. In the end of first step quality inspection is performed. coating is detected.
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one sample pipe No.4 was selected from the batch on which following
tests were marked and performed: full length holiday inspection, 3
Layer Polyethylene thickness measurement as can be seen from figure
9, visual inspection, Cathodic disbondment test at 60ºC as can be seen
from figure 10, impact test figures 11 and 12, Peel adhesion test as can
be seen from figures 13 and 14, indentation hardness test of PE sheet
as can be seen from figures 15 and elongation test of polyethylene
sheet as can be seen from figures 16 and 17.
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Figure 14: Shows peel adhesion value which is 240 N/cm. Figure 16: PE Sheet Elongation Test Specimen.
Figure 15: Indentation test of PE sheet @70ºC. Figure 17: PE sheet Elongation Measurement
Table 6: Qualification testing results the testing was performed and evaluated on production floor.
Cathodic Disbondment Test @ Cathodic Disbondment Test @ Indentation Test @ (i) 23ºC Indentation Test @ (i) 23ºC Elongation Test Elongation Test
60ºC, -3.5 V, 24 hours Requirement 60ºC, -3.5 V, 24 hours Result @ (ii) 70ºC Requirement @ (ii) 70ºC Measured @23ºC Requirement @23ºC Measured
(i) < 0.2 mm (i) 0.07 mm
Radius of Disbondment < 7 mm Radius of Disbondment 3 mm > 400% 733%
(ii) < 0.4 mm (ii) 0.1 mm
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Conclusion References
Coating application on line pipes is performed against corrosion 1. IEEE GlobalSpec (2012) DIN 30670: Polyethylene coatings on steel pipes
protection and is considered as primary corrosion protection system and fittings: Requirements and testing. IEEE GlobalSpec, New York, USA.
for line pipes as there is a secondary corrosion protection technique 2. IHS Markit (2018) CSA Z245.20: Plant-applied external coatings for steel
usually cathodic protection which is adopted in field pipelines. Beside pipe (3rd edn). IHS Markit, London, UK.
a collective purpose and function of 3LPE coating system, all three
3. ColtKBR (2005) Plant applied external 3-layer coating system for buried
layers perform individual functions. First epoxy layer performs anti- steel pipelines: Conceptual and preliminary engineering for mackenzie gas
corrosion function of the coating system which protects the line pipe project. ColtKBR, Calgary, Canada.
against oxidation. The second layer of copolymer adhesive keeps the 4. NACE (1998) Nace book of standards. NASE, Pennsylvania, USA.
first and third layer of 3LPE coating system bonded while the third
5. Singh R (2014) Corrosion control for offshore structures cathodic protec-
layer which is thickest of all three layers gives mechanical strength
tion and high efficiency coatings, (1st edn). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Nether-
and protects 3LPE coating system from mechanical damage during lands.
handling and in-service mechanical damages of buried pipeline. As
6. Tanner JP (1990) Manufacturing Engineering: An introduction to the basic
all three layer performs individual functions, all three layers raw ma- functions (2ndedn). Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon, UK.
terials properties verified individually prior to use in coating process
7. ISO (1992) Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
to check compliance against DIN 30670, all three layers application
and related products-tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness-Part 2:
were individually tested and as all three layers perform collective Laboratory determination of chloride on cleaned surfaces. ISO, Geneva,
function some of the tests performed on 3LPE coating system. From Switzerland.
the tables 1-7, it can be seen that all the results are complying with 8. Touchstone Research Laboratory (2012) ISO 527-1: Determination of ten-
the manufacturing specifications and DIN 30670 hence the coating sile properties of plastics. Touchstone Research Laboratory, West Virginia,
procedure specifications found satisfactory and approval is given for USA.
normal routine coating production.
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