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1 SS PP 019

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Date Revision Details Revision Number

08/08/12 Issued for Implementation 0

04/03/2013 Revised as marked & re-issued for implementation 1

1. Purpose............................................................................................................................. 1
2. Scope ................................................................................................................................ 1
3. Definitions: ....................................................................................................................... 1
4. Abbreviations: .................................................................................................................. 1
5. Codes and Standards: ....................................................................................................... 1
6. Basic Design/Assembly/Methodology: ............................................................................ 4
7. Quality Assurance & Quality Control: ............................................................................ 18
8. Preparation for shipment: .............................................................................................. 27
9. Vendor Data Requirement: ............................................................................................ 31
1. Purpose
The purpose of this standard specification is to establish uniform standards for
application of 3-layer Polyethylene coating at manufactures/suppliers shop for
underground piping services.
2. Scope
This standard specification covers the minimum requirements for materials,
application, inspection and testing of external anti-corrosion coating of pipes
using 3 Layer Side Extruded Polyethylene coating (3LPE) conforming to DIN-
30670 applied in a coating plant / area.
3. Definitions:
Owner: Shall mean Reliance.
Owner’s Representative: Person(s) / Inspector(s) duly authorized by Owner.
Contractor:-The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design,
engineering, procurement, installation, application and commissioning or
management of a project or operation of a facility. The Owner/Owner’s
Representative may sometimes undertake all or part of the duties of the
Manufacturer/Supplier:-The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that
manufactures or supplies the products, equipment and services to perform the
duties specified by the Owner/Owner’s Representative or Contractor.
Shall:-The word shall indicate a requirement.
Should:-The word should indicate a recommendation.
4. Abbreviations:
DIN : German standard
5. Codes and Standards:
The latest edition of following Codes and Standards are referenced in this
standard specification and all relevant provisions of these reference codes and
standards shall be applicable.
IS 1239 Mild steel tubes, tubulars and fittings
IS 3589 Steel pipes for water, gas and Sewage
ASTM A106 Carbon steel pipes
ASME B31.3 Process piping
API 5L Specification for Line pipe
API RP 5L1 Recommended Practice for Railroad Transportation of
Line Pipe.
API RP 5LW Recommended Practice for Transportation of Line Pipe on
Barges and Marine Vessels
ASME B31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons
and Other Liquids
ASTM D 149 Standard Test Methods of Dielectric Breakdown voltage
and Dielectric Strength of Solid Electrical Insulating
Materials at Commercial Frequencies.
ASTM D 257 Standard test Methods for D-C Resistance or Conductance
of Insulating Materials.
ASTM D 543 Standard Practices for Evaluating the Resistance of
Plastics to Chemical Reagents.
ASTM D 570 Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics.
ASTM D 638 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics.
ASTM D 792 Standard Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity
(Relative Density) of Plastics by Displacement.
ASTM D 1238 Standard Test Method for Melt Flow Rates of
Thermoplastics by Extrusion
ASTM D 1525 Standard Test Method for Vicat Softening Temperature
of Plastics
ASTM D 2240 Standard Test Method for Rubber Property – Durometer
ASTM D 3895 Standard Test Method for Oxidative-Induction Time of
Polyolefins by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
ASTM D 4285 Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in
Compressed Air
ASTM G 42 Standard Test Method for Cathodic Disbonding of Pipeline
Coatings Subjected to Elevated Temperatures.
CSA Z245.20 External Fusion Bond Epoxy Coating for Steel Pipe.
DIN 10204 Metallic products - Types of Inspection Documents
DIN 30670 Polyethylene Coatings for Steel Pipes and Fittings –
Requirements and testing

Petroleum and natural gas industries -- External coatings

ISO 21809 - 1 for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline
transportation systems -- Part 1: Polyolefin coatings (3-
layer PE and 3-layer PP)

ISO 1133-1 Plastics — Determination of the melt mass-flow rate

(MFR) and melt volume-flow rate (MVR) of
ISO 8501-1 Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of
Paints and Related Products – Visual Assessment of
Surface Cleanliness – Part 1: Rust Grades and Preparation
Grades of Uncoated Steel Substrates and of Steel
Substrates After Overall Removal of Previous Coatings

ISO 8502-3 Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of

Paints and Related Products – Tests for the assessment of
Surface Cleanliness
Part 3 - Assessment of Dust on Steel Surfaces Prepared
for Painting ( Pressure Sensitive Tape Method)
ISO 8502-6 Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of
Paints and Related Products – Visual Assessment of
Surface Cleanliness – Part 6: Extraction of Soluble
Contaminants for Analysis – the Bresle Method
ISO 8503-1 Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of
Paints and Related Products – Surface Roughness
Characteristics of Blast-Cleaned Steel Substrates – Part 1:
Specifications and Definitions for ISO Surface Profile
Comparators for the Assessment of Abrasive Blast-
Cleaned Surfaces
ISO 11124 Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of
Paints and Related Products – Specifications for Metallic
Blast Cleaning Abrasives
SIS 055900 Swedish Standard, Preparation of Steel Substrates Before
Application of Paints and Related Products – Visual
Assessment of Surface Cleanliness.
Other Specifications
In case of conflict between various requirements of this Standard Specification
and reference codes, standards and other Vendor specifications, more stringent
requirement shall apply unless otherwise agreed by Owner.
The Contractor shall be familiar with the requirements of the above documents
and shall make them readily available at the site to all personnel concerned with
carrying out the works specified in this Standard Specification.
6. Basic Design/Assembly/Methodology:
6.1. Material Requirements
6.1.1. Functional Requirements
The 3 Layer PE coating system shall comprise of powder epoxy primer, polymeric
adhesive intermediate coat and a polyethylene top coat. Coating materials used
for the application of coating shall be such that applied coating meets following
functional requirements. Operating temperature
The coating must be able to withstand minimum and maximum continuous in-
service operating temperatures of 0 C and (+) 70 C respectively and still comply
with the performance requirements of this Standard Specification. Exposure to Environment
The coating materials shall withstand exposure to ultraviolet radiation (i.e.
sunlight) for min. 1 year and heat due to exposure to sunlight with a daytime
coating temperature of at least 80oC.
6.1.2. Properties General
The 3 Layer Polyethylene coating shall conform to DIN 30670, Type ‘S’ and the
requirements of this Standard Specification. Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Powder
Epoxy powder grade shall comply SCOTCHKOTE 226 11G or equivalent Canadian
Standard Association (CSA) Standard Z245.20. The colour of epoxy powder shall
be either green or dark red or any other colour approved by Owner except grey. Adhesive
Co-polymer adhesive used shall be grafted type and the adhesive shall have the
following properties:
SI. No. Properties Unit Requirement Test Method

a. Melt Flow Rate (Condition ASTM D 1238

g /10minute 1.0 min.
b. Vicat Softening Point °C 100 min. ASTM D 1525
c. Density g/cc 0.926 min. ASTM D 792 Polyethylene Compound
SI. No. Properties Unit Requirement Test Method
Melt Flow Index
a. g /10 minute 0.25 min. ASTM 1238
(Condition 190/2.16)
0.926 min. for
b. Density g/cc ASTM 792
0.941 min. for

c. Tensile Strength MPa 17 min. ASTM D 638

d. Elongation % 600 min. ASTM D 638

e. Hardness Shore D 50 min. ASTM D 2240

f. Vicat Softening Point C 110 min. ASTM D 1525

Water Absorption (24

g. % by Wt. 0.05 max. ASTM D 570
Oxidative induction Time
h. in oxygen at 220 C, Minutes 10 ASTM D 3895
Aluminium Pan, no screen

Environmental Stress
Cracking Resistance
(ESCR) for F50
i. ASTM D 1693
Medium Density, 300 min.
Condition ‘C’
High Density, Condition
300 min.
SI. No. Properties Unit Requirement Test Method

j. Volumetric Resistivity Ohm-cm 1015 min ASTM D 257

Dielectric Strength at1000

k. Volts/mm 30,000 min. ASTM D 149
Volt/sec rise at 25 C
l. Carbon Black content % by Wt. 2 min ASTM D 1603 Coating System Properties

SI. No. Properties Unit Requirement Test Method

Bond Strength DIN 30670

@ (20 5) C Test
a. N/cm 35 min
@ (70 5) C 25 min Type S
No break down
Impact strength @ (23 2)
b. - when tested at DIN 30670
Indentation Hardness
c. @ (23 2) C mm 0.2 max DIN 30670
@ (70 2) C 0.3 max

d. Elongation at Failure - 200% min. DIN 30670

e. Coating Resistivity [1] Ohm-m2 108 min. DIN 30670

Melt Flow rate
shall not
f. Heat Ageing [1] - deviate more DIN 30670
than 35% of
Melt Flow rate
shall not
g. Light Ageing [1] - deviate more DIN 30670
than 35% of
SI. No. Properties Unit Requirement Test Method

Cathodic Disbondment Radius of ASTM G42

h. mm
@ +60 C after 30 days 8 max
@ +60 C after 48 hours 6 max

Degree of cure of Epoxy

% 95
i. Percentage of Cure, H CSA Z 245.20
C (+)3 / (-)2

1 Test carried out in a National / International recognized independent
laboratory is acceptable for coating pre-qualification Tests.
2 Radius of disbondment shall be equivalent radius determined as per ASTM G
6.1.3. Repair Material
Repair material shall be such that is capable of complying with the functional
requirements mentioned in Para 6.1.1 and shall be compatible with the 3LPE
6.1.4. Material Approval
The coating materials shall be pre-qualified and approved by the Owner /
owner’s representative. Contractor shall submit data sheets of proposed
material combinations to Owner / owner’s representative for prior approval.
The data sheets shall cover all aspects required by this Standard Specification.
The materials brands offered by Contractor for coating (i.e. epoxy powder, co-
polymer adhesive and the polyethylene compound) shall have proven
compatibility. The contractor shall submit compatibility certificates from
manufacturers in this regard. Only Owner / owner’s representative approved
materials/combination of materials shall be used for coating of pipes.
6.1.5. Material Certificates
For each batch of all materials, the Contractor shall obtain from the
manufacturer(s) relevant certificates of material conformity and test results as
per DIN 10204, 3.1 b. These certificates shall be submitted to Company for
approval prior to the use of material for coating application.
6.1.6. Material Identification
All materials to be used shall be packed in damage free containers suitably
marked with the following minimum information for identification:
a. Name of the manufacturer.
b. Type of material and product designation.
c. Batch Number.
d. Date of Manufacture
e. Shelf Life / Expiry Date
f. Storage Conditions
g. Safety Data Sheet
Any materials found without above identification markings shall be suspected
and rejected by Owner / owner’s representative. Rejected materials shall be
promptly removed and replaced by the Contractor. Coating materials shall be
segregated by batch number during shipment, storage and handling.
6.1.7. Information for FBE Material
Contractor shall obtain Infrared scan of powder made by using a standard
Potassium Bromide (KBr) disc from the FBE resin manufacturer for each batch of
epoxy powder and submit to Company prior to its use.
6.1.8. Materials Storage
Coating materials shall be stored, handled and transported in accordance with
the Manufacturer’s recommendations. Storage time of materials shall not
exceed the shelf life recommended by the Coating Manufacturer.
6.1.9. Material Substitution
Contractor shall not substitute Owner / owner’s representative approved
materials. Alternative materials, even if alternative materials comply with the
requirements of this Standard Specification shall not be used without written
approval from Owner / owner’s representative.
6.1.10. Abrasive Materials
Abrasives used for blast cleaning shall be clean, free of oil or contaminants and
dry. The particle size shall be capable of producing the specified surface profile
and roughness and materials shall meet the requirements of ISO 11124-1.
Silica sand and other abrasives containing more than 1% crystalline silica shall
not be used.
6.2. Coating Application
6.2.1. Coating Application Procedure
Prior to the commencement of any coating application activities, the Contractor
shall submit a project specific Coating Application Procedure, giving full details
of the proposed coating process for Owner / owner’s representative approval.
The Coating Application Procedure shall include, but not limited to, the following
a. Inspection of bare pipes and removal of surface defects and surface
b. Steel surface preparation including preheating, blast cleaning, methods of
measurements for surface profile and cleanliness and consumables.
c. Pipe heating and temperature control.
d. Complete details of raw materials including manufacturer’s data sheets,
quality control and application procedure recommendations and test
e. Application of coating including temperature of application, line speed, etc.
f. Quenching and cooling of coated pipes.
g. Quality assurance system and reporting formats, including instrument and
equipment types, makes and uses, etc.
h. Detailed method of repair of coating defects.
i. Details of instrument and equipment calibration methods and frequency of
j. Details of laboratory facilities and equipment.
k. Pipe handling and stock piling procedures.
l. Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) plans for the storage of raw
materials and coating application.
m. Procedure for transferring of bare pipe identification numbers and applying
coated pipe identification marking.
Coating application shall proceed only after written approval from Owner /
owner’s representative has been obtained.
In addition to the above, the Contractor shall submit a detailed Inspection
and Testing Plan (ITP) for the entire coating application to Company for
review and approval. The Owner / owner’s representative will advise the
Contractor of the specific inspection review, witness and HOLD points
required by the Owner / owner’s representative by marking up the ITP.
6.2.2. Coating Application Procedure Qualification General
Prior to commencing production coating, the Contractor shall carry out a
Procedure Qualification Test (PQT) at each plant for each type of pipe, each pipe
diameter (with maximum wall thickness) and each coating material combination
to verify that its plants and proposed materials and coating application
procedures can produce a consistent quality of coating conforming to the
requirements of this Standard Specification and the material manufacturer’s
A batch representing a normal production run, typically fifteen (15) pipes shall
be coated in accordance with the approved coating application procedure in the
presence of Owner / owner’s representative. Out of these pipes, at least one
pipe shall be coated partly with epoxy and partly with both epoxy and adhesive
layers. All the factors /parameters affecting the quality of coating shall be
established and documented as per the procedure and ITP. The parameters thus
established shall be used during production coating. Pipe Pre-heating
Temperature variation due to in-coming pipe temperature, line speed variation,
pipe wall thickness variation, emissivity, interruptions, etc. shall be established
and documented. Proper functioning of pipe temperature monitoring and
recording system including audible alarm shall be demonstrated Surface Preparation
The ratio of shots to grits shall be established and documented so that after
blast cleaning, surface finish, surface profile and anchor pattern requirements of
this Standard Specification are achieved. Effectiveness of dust collection system
shall be demonstrated by checking degree of dust on the cleaned surface of the
pipes. Pipe Heating and Epoxy Powder Application
Parameters affecting pipe heating such as rating and frequency of induction
heater or number of burners in case of gas heating vis-à-vis pipe thickness and
line speed and epoxy application such as air pressure in the spray guns, dew
point of air, pipe surface temperature, etc. shall be established and documented
so that specified minimum epoxy thickness and other coating quality
requirements are met with. Compressed air used for the application of epoxy
powder shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 4285 at the beginning of
each shift, every 4 hours thereafter and after any interruption of compressor
In addition quality and quantity of epoxy that can be recycled shall be
established. For this purpose, samples of reclaimed epoxy powder shall be
drawn and subjected to visual examination, thermal analysis and moisture
content testing shall be carried out. Only if the properties of reclaimed epoxy are
established to be within manufacturer specified range, reclaimed epoxy shall be
allowed to be recycled. Contractor shall also establish maximum quantity of
reclaimed epoxy that can be mixed with fresh epoxy without affecting quality of
coating. Adhesive and PE Application
Parameters affecting application of co-polymer adhesive and polyethylene layers
such as line speed, fusion bonded epoxy curing time and temperature of co-
polymer adhesive and polyethylene, quenching time and temperature, etc. shall
be established and documented so that specified minimum coating thickness
and other quality requirements specified are met with. Testing
At least five (5) tests pipes, including one (1) pipe partly coated with epoxy and
partly coated with both epoxy and adhesive layers, shall be randomly selected
by Owner / owner’s representative Representative for carrying out PQT as per
Table In case any of the tests fails to comply specified requirement,
coating application procedure shall be requalified after necessary modifications.
Company representative shall witness all tests.
All pipes coated during coating application procedure qualification shall be
subjected to same visual and other inspection as required during production
coating. Acceptance criteria shall be as specified under Section 7.1.3 of this
Standard Specification.
Owner / owner’s representative reserves the right to conduct any or all the tests
required for Coating Application Procedure Qualification through an
independent laboratory or agency, at the cost of the Contractor. PQT Report

Upon completion of the testing, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the
Owner / owner’s representative a detailed report covering operating and
controlling parameters, inspection and test reports and material test certificates
for Owner / owner’s representative approval. Only upon written approval from
Owner / owner’s representative, the Contractor shall commence production of
coating. Disposal of Test Pipes
On completion of coating application procedure qualification, the Contractor
shall completely remove the coating on all remaining intact pipes coated for the
purpose of procedure qualification and recycle them for production coating. Procedure Re-qualification
The coating application procedure shall be requalified in the event of, but not
limited to the followings:
- Every time there is a change in the previously qualified procedure
- Every time there is a change in the epoxy/adhesive/polyethylene
manufacturer and change in formulation of any of the material.
- Every time the coating yard is shifted from one location to another location /
critical equipment viz. induction heater, epoxy spray system, extruder etc. are
- Any time when Owner / owner’s representative opinion, the properties are
suspected during regular production tests.
6.3. Pipe Surface Preparation
6.3.1. Pre-Inspection
Prior to pipe cleaning operations all pipes shall be visually inspected for surface
defects. Pipes containing surface defects shall be segregated for repairs. The
Contractor shall repair such pipes as directed by Owner / owner’s
6.3.2. Removal of Surface Contaminants
Pipes may have acquired chloride salt contaminants during transportation from
pipe mill to coating plant. Contractor shall monitor incoming pipes for chloride
salt contamination and remove the same. Testing for chlorides shall be in
accordance with ISO 8502-6 and contamination shall not exceed the equivalent
of 20 mg/m2 NaCl measured by conductivity.
Any oil, grease and other organic contaminants detrimental to the formation of
a good coating bond or coating quality shall be removed using non-oil solvent
cleaning in accordance with SSPC-SP1. Gasoline or kerosene shall not be used for
this purpose.
6.3.3. Pre-heating
The pipe shall be preheated prior to blast cleaning to a temperature at least 5 oC
above the dew point to remove moisture and to raise slivers and other similar
surface defects.
6.3.4. Blast Cleaning
Prior to blasting operation, pipe ends shall be closed to prevent any abrasives
and/or foreign material from entering the pipe’s interior during blasting. All
abrasive materials used for blast cleaning (including recycled materials) shall be
clean, dry and free from contaminants in accordance with SSPC-AB1, SSPC- AB2
and SSPC-AB3. They shall be tested for water-soluble salts content and
conductivity measured according to standard ASTM D4940, shall not exceed
1000µS/cm at 25°C. Alternatively the Contractor may link the pipes suitably
together to prevent the entry of any short/grit into the pipe. Pipe shall be
handled in a manner so as to prevent any damage to bevels.
The external surface of the pipe shall be cleaned by dry abrasive blast cleaning
unit(s). The abrasive blast cleaning unit(s) shall have an effective dust collection
system to ensure total removal of dust generated during blast cleaning from the
pipe surface. Traps, separators and filters shall be checked for condensed water
and oil at the start of each shift and emptied and cleaned regularly. Metallic
abrasives shall be continuously sieved to remove “fines” and “contaminants”
and the quality checked at every four hours.
At no time shall the blast cleaning be performed when the relative humidity
exceeds 85% or when the steel temperature is less than 5 C higher than the dew
point, unless the pipes are preheated to a temperature of 65 C to 85 C.
The ratio of shots and grits in abrasives used for blast cleaning shall be such that
the resulting surface profile does not appear dished and rounded and as
specified anchor pattern is achieved.
Any abrasive and/or foreign material in the pipe shall be removed before further
coating operations.
Immediately after the blast cleaning operation, all dust and grit shall be removed
from inside of the pipe by a combination of air blast, brushing and vacuum
6.3.5. Repair of Surface Imperfections
All surface defects visible on blast cleaned pipes such as slivers, scab, burns,
laminations, welds spatters, gouges, scores, indentations, slugs or any other
defect considered injurious to the coating integrity shall be removed by filing or
grinding in consultation with Owner / owner’s representative.
The method employed to remove surface defects shall not burnish or destroy
the anchor pattern or contaminate the surface with oil or water. Pipe repairs by
grinding resulting in ground areas more than 50mm in diameter shall be re-
After any grinding or mechanical repairs, the remaining wall thickness shall be
checked and any pipe having wall thickness less than 95% of specified wall
thickness shall be kept aside and disposed off as per the instructions of Owner /
owner’s representative.
6.3.6. Acceptance of Surface Preparation
Upon Completion of the blasting operations, the Contractor’s quality control
supervisor shall inspect the pipes for their compliance to requirements specified
The surface finish after blast cleaning shall conform to near white metal
finish i.e. Sa 2 ½ of Swedish Standard SIS 055900 or ISO 8501-1.
Anchor pattern/roughness profile shall be between 50 to 90 microns.
Dust contamination shall be rating max. 2 as per ISO 8502–3.
Salt content shall be max. 2 g/cm2 as per ISO 8502-6.
Pipes complying above all requirements shall be accepted. Pipes that don’t
comply with above requirements shall be returned for re-blasting.
In order to ensure that pipes with improper surface preparation or unacceptable
defects are not processed further, provisions shall be available to lift the pipes
from inspection stand.
6.3.7. Elapsed Time for Coating Application
Maximum allowable elapsed time between completion of the blasting
operations and commencement of pipe heating for coating application shall be
as given below:
Relative Humidity % Maximum Allowable Elapsed Time
80 to 85 2 hours
61 to 79 3 hours
60 or below 4 hours

Pipes that have exceeded the allowable elapsed time shall be returned for
complete re-blasting. Any pipe showing flash rusting shall be re-blasted even if
the above conditions have not been exceeded.
Pipe handling between abrasive blasting and pipe coating shall not damage the
surface profile achieved during blasting. Any pipe having damage to the surface
exceeding 200mm² shall be sent for re-blasting.
6.4. Coating Application
Subsequent to completion of surface preparation, pipe shall be applied with
three layer polyethylene coating, generally outlined as below.
6.4.1. Pipe Heating
The surface of the pipe shall be heated to a temperature as recommended by
the epoxy manufacturer. An induction heater or gas furnace shall be used for
heating the pipe. The heating system shall be capable of continuous uniform
and deep heating and shall not cause contamination or cause oxidation (in the
form of bluing or other apparent oxide formation) of the cleaned surface.
Temperature of the pipe surface shall be continuously monitored & recorded by
using suitable instruments such as infrared sensors, contact thermometers, etc.
The monitoring instrument shall raise an alarm / activate audio system (hooter)
in the event of tripping of heater or in the event of pipe temperature is outside
the range recommended by the manufacturer.
Heating procedure shall be prepared by the Contractor and the same to be
submitted to the Owner / Owner’s representative for review and approval prior
to conduct pre-qualification tests.
Any pipe coated during the duration of unacceptable temperature deviation
shall be identified by marking and rejected. Such rejected pipes shall be stripped
and recoated.
Contractor shall ensure that pipe surface emissivity variations are minimized
during pipe heating. To avoid significant variance, twice-blasted pipes should be
coated at the same time and not mixed with joints blasted only once.
6.4.2. Application of Epoxy, Adhesive and Polyethylene
The heated pipe surface shall be applied with following coating layers:

Minimum Coating Thickness In mm

Specified Pipe OD, Inches Total [3, 4]
(mm) Adhesive HDPE
FBE [1] [2] [2] Normal Reinforced
Type (n) Type (v)
Up to 4½ (114.3) 0.15 0.2 1.45 1.8 2.5
Over 4½ (114.3) Up to 10¾ 0.15
0.2 1.65 2.0 2.7
Over 10¾ (273.1) to below 20 0.15
0.2 1.85 2.2 2.9
From 20 (508.0) to below 32 0.15
0.2 2.15 2.5 3.2
From 32 (813.0) and above 0.15 0.2 2.65 3.0 3.7
1. Epoxy shall be applied by electrostatic spray method with a thickness tolerance of (+)
0.05 mm / ( -) 0.0 mm
2. Grafted co-polymer adhesive and polyethylene layers shall be applied by extrusion.
3. Unless otherwise indicated in Purchase Order, total thickness corresponding to Normal
Type (n) coating shall be applicable.
4. In case HDPE is used as top coat, 10% reduction in minimum coating thickness is

Epoxy Application
Epoxy powder shall be sprayed on to heated pipe using electrostatic spray
Only dry air, free of oil and moisture shall be used in the coating chamber and
epoxy spraying system. Dew point of air supplied to epoxy spray/recycling
system shall be at least (–) 40°C.
Air pressure in the epoxy spray guns shall be controlled, continuously
monitored and recorded at least four times per working shift (maximum 12
hours). The air pressure shall be controlled within the limits established
during coating application procedure qualification. The monitoring system
shall be able capable of raising an alarm / activate audio system (hooter) in
the event of change in air pressure beyond the set limits. All pipes coated
during the duration of air pressure deviation beyond set limits shall be
stripped and recoated.
The recycled epoxy powder mixing with fresh epoxy powder shall be
permitted subject to following conditions:
Quality of recycled epoxy powder has been established to be acceptable during
coating application procedure qualification.
Proportion of the recycled epoxy powder in the working mix does not exceed
that established during coating application procedure qualification or 20% at a
time, whichever is less.
Quality of the recycled powder is checked minimum once per working shift
(maximum 12 hours) by visual examination, thermal analysis & moisture content
testing and properties of recycled epoxy are established to be within
manufacturer specified range.
Adhesive and Polyethylene layer application
Extruded adhesive layer shall be applied before gel time of the epoxy coating has
elapsed and within the time window recommended by the manufacturer.
Extruded polyethylene layer shall be applied over the adhesive layer within the
time limit established during coating application procedure qualification and
within the time/temperature range recommended by the manufacturer.
The extrusion temperatures of the adhesive and polyethylene shall be
continuously monitored and recorded at least four times per working shift
(maximum 12 hours). The monitoring instruments shall be independent of the
temperature control equipment. The instruments shall be calibrated prior to
start of each shift.
Contractor shall ensure that there is no entrapment of air or void formation
along the seam weld (where applicable) during application of coating.
Resultant coating shall have a uniform gloss and appearance and shall be free
from air bubbles, wrinkles, irregularities, discontinuities, separation between
layers of polyethylene & adhesive, etc.
The coated pipe shall be subsequently quenched and cooled in water for a
period that shall sufficiently lower the temperature of pipe coating to allow
handling and inspection.
6.4.3. Coating Cut back
Coating and/or adhesive shall terminate 120 mm +20 / -0 mm from pipe ends.
Contractor shall adopt mechanical brushing for termination of the coating at
pipe ends. Edge of the coating shall be shaped to form a bevel angle of 30º to
6.4.4. Rejection of Coating
Failure of the Contractor to comply with above coating application requirements
including approved coating application procedure shall result in rejection of the
coating applied and the Contractor shall remove the coating from such coated
pipes and recycle the pipes through entire coating process.
7. Quality Assurance & Quality Control:
7.1. Inspection and Testing:
7.1.1. General
Contractor shall establish and maintain a comprehensive Quality Assurance
system to ensure that all requirements of this Standard Specification are
complied with.
The Contractor shall carryout testing of materials and inspection and testing of
applied coating as specified hereinafter. Pipes with unacceptable coating shall
be stripped and recycled.

7.1.2. Testing of Materials

One week prior to use, Contractor shall carry out following tests on samples
randomly drawn by Owner / owner’s representative from each batch of raw
materials proposed to be used for coating application.

Table 7.1.2. : Coating Material Testing

Test Method and Acceptance
Material Test

Epoxy Powder Gel Time As per CSA standard Z245.20

As per Section (b) of this

Melt Flow Rate
Standard Specification .
(Condition 190/2.16)

Melt Flow Rate As per Section (a) of this

Polyethylene Standard Specification .
(Condition 190/2.16)

In case of failure of any of the above tests, batch of material from which samples
are drawn shall be tested for all properties specified under section, and of this Standard Specification. If all tests results comply with
required properties, the batch shall be accepted for coating. If any of the tests
fail to comply with required properties, batch of material that fails to comply
shall be rejected.
7.1.3. Testing of Coating
Testing requirements and frequency of testing during PQT and production
coating shall be as per Table and table respectively. The method
of heating, testing, acceptance criteria and re-testing shall be as described

Table : Testing Requirement for Coating Procedure Qualification

Test Method and

Sl. No. Test acceptance Remarks
a Degree of Cure Two Test Pipes Section Note 1
b Adhesion Tests One Test Pipe Section Note 2
c 2.5° Flexibility Test One Test Pipe Section Note 2
Cross Section and Interface
d One Test Pipe Section Note 2
Porosity Test
Three Test
e Bond Strength Section
Note 3
Three Test
f Impact Strength Section
g Indentation Hardness All Test Pipes Section Note 4
Percentage Elongation at
h All Test Pipes Section Note 4
j Air Entrapment Test All Test Pipes Section Note 4
Thickness Measurements
Epoxy Layer One Test Pipe Note 2
Adhesive Layer One Test Pipe Section Note 2
Total Coating Thickness All Coated Pipes Note 5
k Holiday Inspection All coated Pipes Section Note 5
Cathodic Disbondment Tests
l 30 days test at (+) 60° C One Test Pipe
Section Note 3, 6
48 hour test at (+) 60° C One Test Pipe
Notes :
1. Test shall be carried out on one partly coated test pipe one test pipe coated with all
three layers.
2. Test shall be carried out on test pipe partly coated pipe.
3. Test shall be carried out on test pipes coated with all three layers.
4. Test shall be carried out on all test pipes coated with all three layers.
5. Test shall be carried out on all pipes coated with all three layers.
6. Both 30 days and 48 hour tests shall be carried out for a particular material
combination and pipe diameter. In case results for 30 days test are satisfactory,
subsequent coating application procedure qualification for different pipe size with
same coating material combination, 48 hours test shall be acceptable.

Table : Testing Requirement During Production Coating

Testing Test Method and Remarks

Sl. No. Test
Frequency acceptance criteria
a Degree of Cure Section Note 1, 2
One Pipe/
b Adhesion Tests Section Note 1, 2
One out of 25
c Bond Strength Section Note 1, 2
d Impact Strength Section Note 1, 2
e Indentation Hardness Section Note 1, 2
One out of 25
f Air Entrapment Test Section Note 1, 2
Thickness Measurements

Once in the
Epoxy Layer
beginning of
Shift or
g whenever
Note 1,
Adhesive Layer plant restart Section

Total Coating Thickness All Pipes

Note 1,
h Holiday Inspection All Pipes Section
Once per
week or each
Cathodic Disbondment Test batch of Note 1,
i Section
48 hour test at (+) 60° C epoxy used 3
whichever is
1 Working shift shall be maximum 12 hours.
2 In case the test fails to comply the specified requirement, preceding and succeeding
coated pipes shall be tested. If both pipes pass the test, then the remainder of the
coated pipes in the lot shall be accepted. If tests on any one of the two pipes fail to
meet the specified requirements then either all pipes shall be individually tested or
entire lot rejected at the option of the Contractor. All rejected coated pipes shall be
stripped and re-coated.
3 In case of failure of test, the test shall be repeated using two additional samples taken
from same end of pipe. In case both test pass, the pipes shall be accepted. If one or
both tests fail all pipes coated after the previous acceptable test and prior to next
acceptable test shall be reject. All rejected coated pipes shall be stripped and re-
4 Pipes not meeting the specified requirements shall be rejected. All rejected coated
pipes shall be stripped and re-coated. Degree of Cure

The samples for epoxy testing shall be taken from cut back area, separated from
adhesive and polyethylene layer by silicon coated sulphite paper, in case of fully
coated pipe and from epoxy coated section of pipe partly coated pipe during
application procedure qualification.
Epoxy samples (minimum 4 no.) shall be removed from the coated pipe using
hammer and cold chisel and the samples shall be taken for cure test using DSC
procedure. Care shall be taken to remove the samples of full film thickness
avoiding inclusion of steel debris. Glass transition temperature differential ( Tg)
and % cure ( H) shall comply with the requirements of Section (i). Adhesion Test

Adhesion of epoxy layer shall be determined at ambient temperature by the “St
Andrews Cross” method i.e. by cutting two straight lines through the epoxy
layer with a sharp knife at the cut-back portion of the pipe from which the
Degree of Cure test has been carried out. The incisions shall intersect at an
angle of 30°/150°. The epoxy coating shall resist disbondment from the steel
when attempts are made to flick/lift the coating from the 30° angle with a sharp
knife. 2.5° Flexibility Test
Samples for 2.5° Flexibility test shall be taken as indicated under Section
2.5° Flexibility test shall be carried out at a test temperature of 0°C. Test
method, number of test specimen and acceptance criteria shall comply CSA
Z.245.20, Table 4. Cross-section & Interface Porosity Test
Samples for Cross section porosity and interface porosity test shall be taken as
indicated under Section Cross section porosity and interface porosity
test method, number of test specimen and acceptance criteria shall comply CSA
Z.245.20, Table 4. Bond Strength Test
One test shall be performed at cut back portion at each end and one in the
middle of test pipe for each specified temperature (i.e. total 6 tests per pipe).
Test method and acceptance criteria shall be as per Section, Sl. No. (a) of
this Standard Specification. The coating system shall disbond/separate
cohesively either in adhesive layer or in polyethylene layer. Majority of the
peeled off area on the pipe shall show presence of adhesive.
Disbondment/separation at epoxy to steel interface or epoxy / adhesive
interface or adhesive / polyethylene interface shall not be permitted. The failure
mode shall also be recorded for each test. Impact Strength Test
Test method and acceptance criteria shall be as per Section, Sl. No. (b) of
this Standard Specification.
A minimum of 30 impacts, located equidistant along the length of test pipe,
shall be performed. Immediately after testing, the test area shall be subjected to
holiday detection. The pipe shall be rejected if any holiday is noted in the test
area. Indentation Hardness Test
Test method and acceptance criteria shall be as per Section, Sl. No. (c) of
this Standard Specification.
One test shall be performed at cut back portion at each of test pipe for each
specified temperature (i.e. total 4 tests per pipe). Percentage Elongation at Failure
Six samples from each test pipe shall be tested in accordance with Section, Sl. No. (d) of this Standard Specification. Only one sample per pipe may
fail. Cathodic Disbondment Test
Test shall be carried out on pipe having all three layers as per Section, Sl.
No. (h) of this Standard Specification. Air Entrapment Test
Air entrapment test shall be carried out by examining strips of coating removed
from coated pipe under 30X magnification hand held microscope for presence
of voids.
Strips shall be obtained from the cut back area of pipe. Additional strips shall be
taken from weld area when applicable. Alternatively strips from bond strength
tests may be used.
Bond strength strip shall be viewed from the side and at the failure interface.
Utility knife shall be used to cut the edge of the coating to a 45° angle at pipe
and cut surface viewed under microscope. Similar examination shall be done in
the coating strip obtained from cut back area.
The polyethylene and adhesive layers shall have no more than 10% of the
observed area taken up with air entrapment (porosity or bubbles). Air
entrapment shall not occupy more than 10% of the thickness in each case.
Bubbles shall not link together to provide a moisture path to the epoxy layer. Thickness Measurements
Epoxy and adhesive layer
Epoxy and adhesive layer thickness shall be checked at one metre spacing at 3,
6, 9 and 12 o’clock positions. All readings must meet the minimum thickness
specified under section 6.4.3. Epoxy and adhesive layer thickness shall be
measured on pipe partly coated with epoxy and partly coated with epoxy and
Total coating Thickness

The coating thickness shall be determined by taking at least 10 measurements

at locations uniformly distributed over the length and periphery of each pipe. In
case of welded pipes, five of the above readings shall be made at the apex of
the weld seam, uniformly distributed over the length of the coated pipe.
All readings must meet the minimum thickness specified under section 6.4.3.
Localised coating thickness of less than the minimum specified thickness may be
accepted provided total extent of such lower thickness does not exceed 5 cm2
per meter length of coated pipe and the measured coating thickness is not more
than 10% below the minimum specified thickness. Holiday Inspection
Each coated pipe length shall be checked over 100% of coated surface by means
of a “holiday detector” of a type approved by Company for detecting holidays in
the finished coating.
The holiday detector shall be a low pulse D.C. full circle electronic detector with
audible alarm and precise voltage control complying with DIN VDE 0433 Part 2.
Holiday detector shall be calibrated at least once every 4 hours of production.
Contractor shall have necessary instruments or devices for calibrating the
holiday detector.
Travel speed during holiday inspection shall be as recommended by the
manufacturer of holiday detector.
The holiday detector set voltage and acceptance criteria shall be as follows:
Only Epoxy / Epoxy and Adhesive Coated Pipes
Only epoxy coated section shall be subject to holiday inspection at a test voltage
set to exceed 5V / micron of epoxy thickness. Section of pipe coated with both
epoxy and adhesive shall be tested at a voltage of 5 V / micron. No holidays are
Pipe coated with all three layers
The coated pipe shall be inspected with the holiday detector set at minimum 25
Coated pipe shall be rejected if more than one (1) holiday & area more than 100
cm² in size are detected in its length attributable to coating process.
Coated pipe with a single holiday of an area equal or less than 100cm2 shall be
accepted after repair.
In case more than 10% of coated pipes per shift production are rejected on
account of holidays, the Contractor shall stop production and make a detailed
investigation and submit a report to the Company representative on the
probable cause(s) for the holidays. Production shall restart only after such a
cause has been rectified.
7.1.4. Repair of Coating Damages due to Testing
Damages occurring to pipe coating during the above tests shall be repaired in
accordance with the Section 8.2 of this Standard Specification.
7.1.5. Visual Inspection
Pipes shall be visually inspected throughout the coating process from incoming
bare pipe to finished coated pipes as described herein below: Inspection of Incoming Pipes
All incoming pipes, before any coating application process starts, shall be
examined visually for any surface defects such as split seams, dents, gouges,
slivers or other imperfections that would make the pipe unsuitable for use.
Pipes with such defects shall be repaired in accordance with approved
procedure before they are released for further processing. Inspection of Blast Cleaned Pipes
Surface of pipes after blast cleaning shall be examined for any defects injurious
to coating application.
Surface profile shall be examined by using suitable instrument such as surface
profile depth gauge for compliance to anchor pattern requirements. In addition
the pipe surface shall be checked for the degree of cleanliness (Sa2½), degree of
dust and shape of profile as per clause 6.3.6.
In addition, inside surface of the pipe shall also be visually examined for
presence of any foreign material or shots and grit (free or embedded/sticking to
pipe inside surface). Any foreign material or shots/grit present in the pipe shall
be completely removed by suitable means (mechanical brush, high pressure air
jets, by tilting of pipe etc.).
The blast-cleaned surface shall not be contaminated with dirt, dust, metal
particles, oil, water or any other foreign material, nor shall the surface or its
anchor pattern be scarred or burnished. Inspection of Coated Pipes
Each coated pipe shall be visually checked for imperfections and irregularities of
the coating.
The resultant coating shall have a uniform appearance with natural colour &
gloss and shall be free from air bubbles, blisters, wrinkles, scratches, engravings,
cuts, swellings, disbonded zones, tears, voids, irregularities, discontinuities and
separation between layers of FBE/adhesive/PE. Special attention shall be paid to
the areas adjacent to the weld seam (if applicable). Coating surface shall not be
physically damaged or contaminated with any foreign material such as dirt,
metal particles, coating debris during application, curing, and handling process.

7.1.6. Soluble Salt Measurements

Chlorides and ferrous salts present on pipe surface that can affect the coating
performance shall be monitored prior to application of coating.

After blast cleaning, all pipes shall be tested for salt contamination as per ISO
8502-6. One test shall be carried out at each end of each pipe using salt meter
(SCM 400 or approved equivalent). The acceptance criteria shall be 2 g/cm2.
Any pipe having salt contamination exceeding 2 g/cm2 shall be treated by
phosphoric acid wash followed by de-ionized water wash in accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturer for reduction of salt contamination to
max 2 µg/cm². The Contractor shall submit a detailed procedure for phosphoric
acid wash for Company approval.

7.2. Quality Assurance and Quality Control Requirements

The Contractor shall operate a Quality System meeting the requirements of the
relevant part of ISO 9002. The Contractor shall provide documents such as
plans, procedures, instructions, etc. for the accomplishment of all works
covered in this DEP to provide the required quality. Specific adherence to the
guidelines set down in ISO 9002 series documentation shall be detailed out by
the bidder and shall be subject to review and approval by Company. Company
reserves the right to undertake such audit as deemed necessary to assess the
effectiveness of the Contractor’s quality system.
8. Preparation for shipment:
8.1. Handling, transportation and storage
The Contractor shall submit detailed procedure for transportation, handling and
stockpiling of both coated and uncoated pipes, including stockpile location and
layout, to Company for review and approval at least three (3) weeks prior to
commencing the work.
The procedure shall include as a minimum the following:
A system of pipe identification marking from the time of ”taking over” of bare
pipes from the Company at the ships hook until such time that the coated
pipes are “handed over” to Company / Installation Contractor.
Calculations and procedure, generally in compliance with API RP-5L1, for
stacking of bare as well as coated pipe. The stacking arrangement shall be
such that bare/coated pipes at all times are clear from the ground and at a
slope so that the bottom row of pipes remain free from any surface water
and water cannot collect inside the pipe. Number and type of supports to
avoid excessive bending shall be indicated in the procedure duly supported
with calculations. Means of separation between different layers and
prevention of stack collapse shall be indicated. Details of pipe end bevel
protection shall also be indicated.
Provisions made on transportation vehicles to avoid damages during
transportation shall be indicated in the procedure. As a minimum Lorries
used for transportation shall be equipped with adequate pipe supports,
having round hollow beds for each pipe to be placed on the lorry bed. Total
width of the supports shall be at least 10% of the pipe length. The supports
shall be lined with heavy rubber and shall be spaced in a manner to support
equal load from the pipes.
The rubber protection must be free from all nails and staples where pipes are
in contact. Heavy rubber strips 200mm wide or equivalent shall be provided
between successive layers to avoid direct contact. All stanchions shall be
covered with rubber.
8.2. Repair of coating and Final Acceptance
Contractor shall submit and qualify a comprehensive repair procedure for
carrying out repairs of defects. The procedure shall be subject to approval of
Owner / Owner’s representative. The repair procedure shall cover application
over bare as well as over coated pipe surfaces.
Testing of repairs shall be in the same form as testing production coating. All
repairs shall result in a coating thickness no less than the parent coating
Defects, repairs and acceptability criteria shall be as follows:
Pipes showing porosities or very small damage not detected during holiday
test and having a surface area less than 0.5cm2 or linear damage (cut) of less
than 3 cm, and does not expose bare steel, shall be repaired by stick using
material of same quality as coating.
Damage to coating caused during handling such as scratches, cuts, dents,
gouges, not detected during holiday test, having a total reduced thickness on
the damaged portion of not less than 2.0 mm and an area not exceeding
20cm2 shall be repaired by applying a heat shrink patch without exposing
bare metal surface.
Defects exceeding the sizes as indicated above or any holidays of size less
than 300 mm shall be repaired using heat shrink patch. The defect area shall
be exposed up to bare metal prior to application of heat shrink patch.
Coating defects exceeding above but not exceeding two in number and linear
length of 500 mm shall be repaired by using heat shrink sleeves HTPL 80 or
In case of a coating defect close to the coating cut back, Contractor shall
remove the coating throughout the entire circumference of the pipe down to
the steel surface and increase the coating cut back length. If the resulting
coating cut back exceeds 140mm length, then the coating shall be repaired
by the use of a heat shrink sleeve, thereby making up the coating cut back
length to 120mm. In case the defect extends more than 70mm from the
original coating cut back length, the entire coating shall be removed and the
pipe recoated. Alternatively, the pipe end may be cut back and re-bevelled.
In such a case, cost of the lost pipe shall be recovered from Contractor.
Cosmetic damages occurring only in the polyethylene layer need not be
repaired by exposing the defect area up to steel surface. The Contractor shall
establish and qualify repair procedure for such defects obtain Owner /
Owner’s representative approval.
Irrespective of the type of repair, maximum number of repairs shall be as
1. Holiday repairs of size up to 100 cm² attributable to coating application
process shall be maximum one (1) number per pipe.
2. Defects to be repaired by heat shrink patch/sleeve shall be maximum two
(2) numbers per pipe.
Defects exceeding above numbers shall be a cause for rejection of coating.
Rejected pipes shall be stripped and recoated. This criteria, however, excludes
the repairs required at locations damaged due to testing as per this Standard
Testing of repairs shall be the same as testing for production coating. The
repairs shall result in a coating thickness equal to or more than parent coating
thickness. All repaired pipes shall be holiday tested and shall be free from

8.3. Marking and pipe identification

The Contractor shall preserve pipe identity by maintaining the identity of each
joint of pipe. Final markings shall be applied on the outside wall of the pipe at a
maximum distance of 500 mm from the end. The marking shall indicate, but not
be limited to, the following information:
i. Pipe number, Heat number.
ii. Coated pipe number.
iii. Colour band.
iv. Diameter, wall thickness, weight and length.
v. Re attach barcode labels from inside of pipe, or replace labels.
vi. Any other information considered relevant by Purchaser. Contractor shall
obtain prior approval from Owner / Owner’s representative for the marking
procedure to be adopted.

8.4. Production Report

Contractor shall prepare and maintain a detailed production reporting system,

which shall provide a detailed history of each pipe length. The Owner / Owner’s
representative shall provide pipe manufacturing data files (in MS Excel format)
to the Contractor. The pipe manufacturer data files shall, as a minimum, the
contain the following data:-
Pipe number
Heat number
Pipe grade
Wall thickness
Pipe weight
Prior to acceptance of the pipe at the wharf, the Contractor in the presence of
the Owner / Owner’s representative shall identify and record any minor defects,
such as dents, flats or damaged bevels, found during the acceptance inspection.
The Contractor shall be responsible for any subsequent damage to the pipe.
The Contractor shall update the pipe data files received from pipe manufacturer
by adding coating data. As a minimum, following data shall be added.
Details of defect repairs, if any, carried out on the bare pipes received
Coating material batch numbers
Pre-qualification tests for raw materials
Coating procedure qualification tests
Coating material balance
Coated pipe sampling details
Coated pipe test results
Coated pipe weight
Coating defects
Coating repairs
Hold points
Rejected pipe
In addition, the records shall provide the dates on which the Contractor:-
Took possession of the bare pipe
Placed bare pipe into its stockpile
Coated the pipe
Placed the coated pipe into stockpile
Loaded coated pipe onto construction contractor’s transport

The updated data files shall be submitted to the Owner / Owner’s

representative every seven (7) days.
The Contractor shall provide one computer terminal to company representative
for monitoring / tracking of coating progress. The Contractor shall be
responsible for maintaining records for traceability of pipes during and after
coating till handing over to Owner / installation Contractor.
9. Vendor Data Requirement:
The vendor data requirement shall cover the documents to be submitted by a
vendor during the following stages:
Along with the bid: -Material Catalogues and ITP.
With the supplied material:-Test Certificates & Storage Instructions.
During training and site services-procedure & supervision.

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