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Applied Electronics II (Chapter 1)

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Applied Electronics II

Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
Addis Ababa University
Daniel D./Getachew T./Abel G.

March 2017

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1 Types of Feedback
2 The General Feedback Structure
Basic Feedback Amplifier
3 Feedback Topologies
4 Properties of Negative Feedback
Gain Desensitivity
Noise/Interference Reduction
Reduction of Nonlinear Distortion
Control of Impedance level & Bandwidth Extension
5 Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers
Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback
Method of Analysiis of Feedback Amplifiers
Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback
Current-Shunt (Current Amplifier) Feedback
Voltage-Shunt (Transresistance Amplifier) Feedback
6 Exercise
Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers () SECE March 2017 2 / 45
Types of Feedback

Type of Feeedback

Most physical systems incorporate some form of feedback. Feedback

can be broadly classified as:
1 Posittive Feedback
A portion of the output signal is added to the input. Positve
feedback is used in the design of oscillator and a number of other
applications (will be discussed in Chapter 4 and 5).
2 Negative Feedback
A portion of the output signal is subtracted from the input
signal.The basic idea of negative feedback is to trade off gain for
other desirable properties listed below
Desensitize the gain
Reduce nonlinear distortion
Reduce the effect of noise
Control the input and output resistances
Extend the bandwidth of the amplifier.

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Types of Feedback

Negeative Feedback
Introducing resistor at the emitter of BJT common-emitter circuits
stabilizes the Q-point against variation transistor parameters.
Solution Apply KCL at B-E loop

V+ VBB = IB RB + VBE (on) + IE RE + V −

Assuming active-mode of operation
IB + IE = (1 + β)IB and IC = βIB
RB +
As IC increases(due to ↑ in T,aging ) the
VBE - -
voltage drop across RE increase thus
RE IE opposing the base-emitter voltage.

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The General Feedback Structure

The General Feedback Structure

Figure 1 show the basic structure of a feedback amplifier, where each of
the quantities x can represent either a voltage or a current signal.

Figure: 1 General structure of the feedback amplifier, the quantities x

represent either voltage or current signals.
The relationship between the quantities x is
xo = Axi
xf = βxo
xi = xs − xf
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The General Feedback Structure

Feedback Systems
Thus xo = A(xs − βxo )
The gain with feedback ,Af
xo A
Af = =
xs 1 + βA
The open-loop gain, A represents the transfer gain of the basic
amplifier without feedback. Implicit in the description is that the
source, the load, and the feedback network do not load the basic
amplifier. That is, the gain A does not depend on any of these three
networks.In practice this will not be the case.
if |Af | < |A| the feed back is negative or degenerative
if |Af | > |A| the feed back is positive or regenerative
If, as is the case in many circuits, the loop gain Aβ is large, Aβ  1,
then it follows that
Af u
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The General Feedback Structure Basic Feedback Amplifier

Basic Feedback Amplifier

A basic representation of feedback amplifier is show in the Figure below

Ii I Io = IL
Comparato + Basic + +
Signal Sampling
r or Mixer Vi Amplifier, V Vo RL
Source - -
Network -
Network gain A


Network b

Signal Source : This block is a voltage source Vs with a series resistor

Rs (Thvenin’s equivalent circuit) or a current source Is
with a parallel resistor Rs (Norton’s equivalent circuit)
Feedback Network : Usually a passive two-port network with reverse
transmission β
Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers () SECE March 2017 7 / 45
The General Feedback Structure Basic Feedback Amplifier

Basic Feedback Amplifier

Sampling Network : Sampling blocks are shown below

Sampler Sampler


b b

Figure: (a) Voltage or node sampling Figure: (b) Current or loop sampling

(a) Output voltage is sampled by connecting the feedback

network in shunt across the output.
(b) Output current is sampled by connecting the feedback
network in series with the output.

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The General Feedback Structure Basic Feedback Amplifier

Basic Feedback Amplifier

Comparator or Mixer Network : Two types a series (loop) and shunt

(node). A differential amplifier is often used as mixer.
Series Shunt
Source Source
Mixer Mixer
+ Ii
Rs Rs
Vi A Is A


Vf b b

Figure: (a) Series Mixing Figure: (b) Shunt Mixing

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The General Feedback Structure Basic Feedback Amplifier

Basic Feedback Amplifier

Basic Amplifier : A could be used to represent

Vi = AV , Voltage gain
Ii = AI , Current gain
Vi = GM , Transconductance
Ii = RM , Transresistance
They are gain of the basic amplifier without feedback

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Feedback Topologies

Feedback Topologies

There are four basic feedback topologies, based on the parameters to

be amplified (voltage or current)and the output parameter (voltage or
current). They are described by the type of connection at the input
and output of the circuit.
(a) Voltage-Series (Series-Shunt) or Voltage Amplifier
(b) Current-Shunt (Shunt-Series) or Current Amplifier
(c) Current-Series (Series-Series) or Transconductance Amplifier
(d) Voltage-Shunt (Shunt-Shunt) or Transeresistance Amplifier

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Feedback Topologies

Feedback Topologies

Figure: (a) Series-Shunt Figure: (c) Series-Series

Figure: (b) Shunt-Series Figure: (d) Shunt-Shunt

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Properties of Negative Feedback Gain Desensitivity

Gain Desensitivity
Variation in the circuit gain as a result of change in transistor
parameters is reduced by negative feedback
From the previous slides the gain with feedback,Af is given as
xo A
Af = =
xs 1 + βA
Assuming β is constant and taking the derivative of Af with respect to
dAf 1 A 1 dA
= − β= or dAf =
dA 1 + βA (1 + βA)2 (1 + βA)2 (1 + βA)2
Dividing both sides the gain with feedback yields
dAf (1+βA)2 1 dA
= A
Af 1+βA
1 + βA A

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Properties of Negative Feedback Gain Desensitivity

Gain Desensitivity

Hence the percentage change in Af (due to variations in some circuit

parameter) is smaller than the percentage change in A by a factor
equal to the amount of feedback. For this reason, the amount of
feedback, 1 + Aβ, is also known as the desensitivity factor.
The open-loop gain of an amplifier is A = 5 × 104 V /V exhibits a gain
change of 25% as the operating temperature changes. Calculate the
percentage change if the closed loop gain Af = 50V /V .

dAf 1 dA A dA Af dA 50
= = = = × 25%
Af 1 + βA A A(1 + βA) A A A 5 × 104

= 0.025%

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Properties of Negative Feedback Noise/Interference Reduction

Noise/Interference Reduction
Under certain condition feedback amplifiers can be used to reduce
This can be achieved if a preamplifer which is (relatively)
noise/interference-free precessed the noise/interference-prone
Under such conditions the Signal-to-Noise ratio can be improved (
compare to noise/interference-prone amplifier without feedback)
by the factor of the preamplifier gain

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Properties of Negative Feedback Reduction of Nonlinear Distortion

Reduction of Nonlinear Distortion

Distortion in the output is due to application of large amplitude

input signal applied beyond the linear region of operation.
Negative feedback can be implemented to reduce nonlinear
distortion by a factor of 1 + Aβ.
Assuming that the open-loop gain Aβ  1, the gain with feedback
A 1
Af = u
1 + Aβ β
It implies that Af is independent of the nonlinear properties of the
transistors used in the basic amplifier.
Since the feedback network usually consists of passive components,
which usually can be chosen to be as accurate as one wishes.

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Properties of Negative Feedback Control of Impedance level & Bandwidth Extension

Control of Impedance level & Bandwidth Extension

Control of Impedance level: The input and output impedance can be

increased or decreased with the proper type of negative
feedback circuit.
Bandwidth Extension : The improvement in frequency response and
bandwidth extension (Chapter 3)
The advantage of negative feedback is at the cost of gain. Under
certain circumstance, a negative feedback amplifier may become
unstable and break into oscillation.

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers

Fundamental Assumtions
Some fundamental assumptions are taken in order to analyze the four
feedback configurations.
Input is transmitted through the amplifier only, not through the
The feedback signal transmitted feedback network only, not
through the amplifier.
β is independent of the load and source impedance.
Ii Ro Io
+ +
Vs +
− Vi Ri AvoVi Vo RL

- -
- Vf +
Rif Rof R’of
+ +
ßVo − Vo

Figure: Ideal structure of a Voltage-Series feedback amplifier

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Avo represents the open circuit voltage gain taking Rs into account
Input Impedance: The input impedance with feedback is
Rif =
Vs = Ii Ri + Vf = Ii Ri + βVo and Vo = Avo Vi
Ro + RL

let Av = Avo RoR+R

, where Av is the voltage gain without feedback
taking the RL into account then

Vs = Ii Ri + βAv Vi = Ii Ri + βAv Ii Ri
Rif = = Ri (1 + βAv )
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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Ro Ix
Vi Ri AvoVi + V
Vf − − x


Figure: Ideal structure of a Voltage-Series feedback amplifier
Output Impedance: To find Rof must remove the external signal (set
Vs = 0 or Is = 0), let RL = ∞, impress a voltage Vx across the output
terminals and calculate the current Ix delivered by the test voltage Vx
Vx − Avo Vi
Ix =
Since Vi = −βVx
Vx Ro
Rof = =
Ix 1 + βAvo
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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

The output resistance with feedback Rof which includes RL as part of
the amplifier is Rof k RL

0 Rof RL Rof + RL
Rof = =
Rof + RL RL
1 + βAvo
Ro + RL
Taking Ro = Ro k RL
0 Ro
Rof =
1 + βAv
Voltage gain with feedback: Avf taking the load into account.

Ro + RL
Vs = Vi + βVo = Vo + βVo
Avo RL

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Manipulating the equation
Vo Ro + RL
Avf = =
1 + βAvo
Ro + RL
The voltage gain with feedback without the load Avf o is

Vo Avo
Avf o = =
Vs 1 + βAvo
In conclusion
Input Impedance: increased by a factor 1 + βAv
output Impedance: decreased by a factor 1 + βAv
Voltage Gain: decreased by a factor 1 + βAv
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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

In practical case
In practical case, feedback network will not be ideal VCVS.
Actually, it is resistive and will load the amplifier.
Source and load resistances will affect A, Ri , and Ro .
Source and load resistances should be lumped with basic amplifier.
Expressed as two-port network.
How To Solve
1. Identify the feedback network
2. Its loading effect at the input is obtained by short circuiting its
port 2 (because it is connected in shunt with the output).
3. The loading effect at the output is obtained by open-circuiting
port 1 of the feedback network (because it is connected in series
with the input)
4. The gain without feedback A is determined
5. The feed back gain β is determined
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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Figure: Finding the A circuit and β for the Voltage-Series feedback amplifier.

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Method of Analysiis of Feedback Amplifiers

Method of Analysiis of Feedback Amplifiers

1. Identify if the mixing or comparison is series or shunt
a) Series mixing : If the feedback signal subtracts from the externally
applied signal as a voltage
b) Shunt mixing : If the feedback signal subtracts from the applied
excitation signal as a current.
2. Identify the sampled signal as series or shunt
a) Voltage sampling : Set Vo = 0(RL = 0. If Xf becomes zero, we have
voltage sampling.
b) Current sampling : Set Io = 0(RL = ∞. If Xf becomes zero, we
have current sampling.
3. The amplifier without feedback but taking the feedback network
loading into account
1) Find the input circuit.
a) Set Vo = 0 for voltage sampling.
b) Set Io = 0 for current sampling.

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Method of Analysiis of Feedback Amplifiers

Method of Analysiis of Feedback Amplifiers

2) Find the output circuit.
a) Set Vi = 0 for shunt comparison so that no feedback current enters
the amplifier input.
b) Set Io = 0 for series comparison so that no feedback voltage reaches
the amplifier input.
4. Find the feedback network β.
5. Calculate β,A,Ri and Ro .
6. Calculate the closed loop Af , Rif , Rof .

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Method of Analysiis of Feedback Amplifiers

Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Analyze the amplifier to obtain its voltage gain Vo /Vs , input resistance
Rin , and output resistance Rout . Find numerical values for case
gm1 = gm2 = 4mA/V , RD1 = RD2 = 10kΩ and R2 = kΩ. For
simplicity, neglect ro of each of Q1 and Q2 .
The next step is identifying the A and
β circuit
RD1 We identify the feedback network as
the voltage divider of (R1 , R2 )
Vs +
− + V
Vf R1 − o
Rin R1

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Method of Analysiis of Feedback Amplifiers

Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Example (Continued)
The A circuit is Calculating A1 and A2

Vd1 = 0 − id1 RD1

Vi = Vgs1 + id1 (R1 k R2 )
Vd1 Q2 R2 Vd1 −id1 RD1
A1 = =
+ Q1 Vi Vgs1 + id1 (R1 k R2 )
R1 Rout
Vi A1 =
1/gm1 + (R1 k R2 )
- R1 R2
Ri −gm1 RD1
A1 =
1 + gm1 (R1 k R2 )

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Method of Analysiis of Feedback Amplifiers

Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Example (continued)
From A circuit we have

Vo = 0 − id2 (RD2 k (R1 + R2 )) and Vgs2 = Vd1

Vo −id2 (RD2 k (R1 + R2 ))

A2 = = = −gm2 (RD2 k (R1 + R2 ))
Vd1 Vgs2
The open loop gain is

Vo gm1 gm2 RD1 [RD2 k (R1 + R2 )]

A= = A1 A2 =
Vi 1 + gm1 (R1 k R2 )

When evaluated
4 × 4 × 10[10 k (1 + 9)]
A= = 173.913 V /V
1 + 4(1 k 9)
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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Method of Analysiis of Feedback Amplifiers

Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback

Example (continued)
from β circuit we have
R1 1
β= = = 0.1 V /V
R1 + R2 1+9
The closed loop gain
Vo A 173.913
= Af = = = 9.45 V /V
Vs 1 + Aβ 1 + 173.913 × 0.1
The input resistance is infinite because it is the input resistance of
The output resistance is

Ro RD2 k (R1 + R2 ) 10 k (1 + 9)
Rout = Rf = = = = 271.87Ω
1 + Aβ 1 + Aβ 1 + 173.913 × 0.1
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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Ii Io
+ +
Vs + Vi Ri Ro
− GmVi Vo RL
- -
- Vf +
Rif Rof R’of
ßIo − Io

Input Impedance:
Vs Ro
Rif = ; Vs = Ii Ri + βIo ; Io = Gm Vi
Ii Ro + RL

Ii Ri + βGm Ii Ri RoR+R
Rif = = Ri (1 + βGm )
Ii Ro + RL
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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Gm = Io /Vi is the short-circuit transconductance, and
GM = Gm Ro /(Ro + RL ) is the transconductance without feedback
taking the load into account.
Rif = Ri (1 + βGM )
Output Impedance: calculated by short-circuiting the source and
replacing the source with a voltage source Vx with a current of Ix
Ix = − G m Vi and Vi = βIx
Vx Ro (Ix + Gm βIx )
∴ Rof =
= = Ro (1 + βGm )
Ix Ix
The output impedance taking the load as part of the amplifier is:
0 1 + βGm
Rof = (Rof k RL ) = (Ro k RL )
1 + βGM
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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Figure: Finding the A circuit and β for the Current-Series feedback amplifier.

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Calculate the closed loop voltage gain, output resistance and input resistance
for the circuit below. The output is taken from emitter current of Q3 . The
values of RC1 = 9kΩ, RC2 = 5kΩ, RC3 = 600Ω, RE1 = 100Ω, RE3 = 100Ω
and RF = 640Ω. Assume that the bias circuit, which is not shown, establishes
IC1 = 0.6mA, IC2 = 1mA, and IC3 = 4mA. Also assume that for all three
transistors, hf e = 100 and ro = ∞.

The β circuit.
RC2 Vo +
Vf RE1 RE3 Io
RC1 Q3

Vf [(RF + RE1 ) k RE2 ]Io RFR+R
Q1 β= =
+ Io Io
RE1 × RE2
- RE1 RE3 β= = 11.9Ω
RF + RE1 + RE2

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Example (continued)
The A circuit. When Aβ  1
1 1
RC3 Af u = = 84mA/V
β 11.9Ω
RC2 Vo
lets check by determining each
transistor gain
Ro Vc1 −ic (RC1 k rπ2 )
A1 = =
Q1 Io Vi ie (re1 + [RE1 k (RE3 + RF )])
Vi + −α(RC1 k rπ2 )
− A1 =
RE1 RE3 RE1 RE3 (re1 + [RE1 k (RE3 + RF )])
Ri Since Q1 is biased at 0.6mA
,re1 = 41.7Ω. Q2 is biased at 1mA; thus
rπ2 = hf e /gm2 evaluating A1

A1 = −14.92V /V
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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Example (continued)
The gain of Q2

Vc2 −ic [RC2 k (hf e + 1)[re3 + (RE3 k (RF + RE1 ))]]

A2 = =
Vb2 Vb2
A2 = −gm2 [RC2 k (hf e + 1)[re3 + (RE3 k (RF + RE1 ))]]
re3 = 25/4 = 6.25Ω and substituting the other values

A2 = −131.2V /V

The gain of Q3
Io Ie3 1
A3 = = =
Vc2 Vb3 re3 + (RE3 k (RF + RE1 ))

when evaluated
A3 = 10.6mA/V

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Example (continued)
The gain without feedback

A = A1 A2 A3 = −14.92 × −131.2 × 10.6 × 10−3 = 20.7A/V

The gain with feedback

A 20.7
Af = = = 83.7mA/V
1 + Aβ 1 + 20.7 × 11.9
We can note that it is very close to approximate value. The input resistance

Rin = Rif = Ri (1 + Aβ)

Ri = (hf e + 1)[re1 + (RE1 k (RF + RE2 ))] = 13.65kΩ

∴ Rif = 13.65(1 + 20.7 × 11.9) = 3.38M Ω

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback

Example (continued)
The output resistance
Rof = Ro (1 + Aβ)
Ro = [RE3 k (RF + RE1 )] + re3 +
hf e + 1
When evaluated Ro = 143.9Ω

∴ Rof = 143.9(1 + 20.7 × 11.9) = 35.6kΩ

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Shunt (Current Amplifier) Feedback

Current-Shunt (Current Amplifier) Feedback

Ii Io
+ +
Is Vi Ri Ro Vo RL
- -

Rof R’of
ßIo Io

Ai is the short-circuit current gain taking Rs into account

Input Resistance:
Is = Ii + βIo ; Io = Ai Ii
RL + Ro
taking AI = Ai (Ro /(Ro + RL )), where AI is current gain without
feedback taking the load into account.
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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Shunt (Current Amplifier) Feedback

Current-Shunt (Current Amplifier) Feedback

Vi Ri Ii Ri
Rif = = =
Is Ii + βAI Ii 1 + βAI
Output Resistance: making Is = 0 and replacing the load with a
Ix = − Ai Ii ; Ii = −If = −βIo = βIx
Vx Vx
Ix = − βAi Ix ; = Ix (1 + βAi )
Ro Ro
∴ Rof = = Ro (1 + βAi )
The output resistance with load
0 1 + βAi
Rof = Rof k RL = (Ro k RL )
1 + βAI

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Shunt (Current Amplifier) Feedback

Current-Shunt (Current Amplifier) Feedback

Figure: Finding the A circuit and β for the Current-Shunt feedback amplifier.

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Voltage-Shunt (Transresistance Amplifier) Feedback

Voltage-Shunt (Transresistance Amplifier) Feedback

Ii Io
+ +
+ Ro
Is Vi Ri Vo RL
− RmIi
- -

Rof R’of

Rm is the open-circuit transresistance gain taking Rs into account

Input Resistance:
Is = Ii + βVo ; Vo = Rm Ii
RL + Ro
taking RM = Rm (RL /(Ro + RL )), where RM is transresistance gain
without feedback taking the load into account.
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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Voltage-Shunt (Transresistance Amplifier) Feedback

Voltage-Shunt (Transresistance Amplifier) Feedback

Vi Vi Ri
Rif = = =
Is Ii + βRM Ii 1 + βRM
Output Resistance: making Is = 0 and replacing the load with a
Vx − Rm Ii
Ix = ; Ii = −If = −βVo = −βVx
Vx + Rm βVx Vx Ix
Ix = ; =
Ro Ro (1 + βRm )
Vx Ro
∴ Rof = =
Ix 1 + βAi
The output resistance with load

0 Ro k RL
Rof = Rof k RL =
1 + βRM

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Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Voltage-Shunt (Transresistance Amplifier) Feedback

Voltage-Shunt (Transresistance Amplifier) Feedback

Figure: Finding the A circuit and β for the Voltage-Shunt feedback amplifier.

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The following questions in the text book are exercises to be done for
the tutorial session.

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