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Clinical treatment of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis: a case report with 10-

year follow-up

Article  in  General dentistry · May 2019


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7 authors, including:

Josué Martos Tiago Feijó

Universidade Federal de Pelotas Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Marília Cabral Cavalcanti João Batista Cesar Neto

University of São Paulo University of São Paulo


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Clinical treatment of necrotizing
ulcerative gingivitis: a case report
with 10-year follow-up
Josué Martos, DDS, PhD ¢ Karoline Von Ahn Pinto, DDS ¢ Tiago Martins Feijó Miguelis, DDS
Marília Cabral Cavalcanti, DDS, MSc ¢ João Batista César Neto, DDS, MSc, PhD

The aim of this case report is to describe the diagnosis

and treatment of a patient with necrotizing ulcerative
gingivitis. An 18-year-old man with no systemic prob-
lems reported with chief complaints of gingival bleeding
during toothbrushing and spontaneous pain. Clinical
N ecrotizing periodontal diseases are considered to be
among the most severe inflammatory reactions of
periodontal tissues associated with dental plaque.
They have a rapid, aggressive onset and a multifactorial, com-
plex etiology.1-3 A classic example of necrotizing periodontal
examination revealed significant plaque accumulation diseases is necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG).4
on the surfaces of all teeth as well as papillary necrosis Clinically, NUG is characterized by excessive accumulation
involving mainly the anterior teeth. Treatment included of dental plaque; highly edematous, hemorrhagic, and inflamed
an initial phase of supragingival plaque and calculus interdental papillae; and, in most patients, tissue necrosis and
removal along with at-home use of 0.12% chlorhexidine foul breath, which may be associated with fever and lymph-
gluconate mouthrinse twice a day for 30 days. After adenopathy.1 The papillary area is usually covered by a white
the initial phase, subgingival scaling was performed, or grayish layer of soft consistency with an ulcerated gingival
and regular oral hygiene methods were resumed by margin surrounded by an erythematous halo. Typically the lesion
the patient. After active therapy was completed, a is painful and exhibits spontaneous bleeding. It presents as a
periodontal maintenance regimen was established, and limited, rapidly developing lesion that involves only the gingival
the patient was recalled for periodontal maintenance tissue and does not result in loss of periodontal attachment.1
therapy. Follow-up occurred weekly throughout treat- A heterogenous set of spirochetes, fusobacteria, and strains of
ment, monthly for the first 6 months posttreatment, and Treponema pallidum and Bacteroides intermedius are associated
2-3 times a year during the periodontal maintenance with this pathosis.1 Host factors, such as psychological stress,
therapy. Clinical results after 10 years showed that this immunosuppression, a smoking habit, and poor oral hygiene,
approach controlled the acute phase and maintained the are also frequently associated with NUG.2,5,6
patient’s periodontal health over time. During World War II, there was a high incidence of necrotiz-
ing periodontal disease (for example, approximately 14% of
Received: December 19, 2017 Danish military personnel were affected); however, after the
Revised: March 6, 2018 war, the incidence of necrotizing periodontal disease decreased
Accepted: March 26, 2018 substantially.1 More recent data have shown prevalence rates
ranging from 0.11% in members of the British armed forces to
Key words: dental plaque, gingival bleeding, gingivitis, 6.7% in Chilean students (aged 12-21 years).7,8 A recent review
necrotizing, periodontal treatment confirmed the low prevalence of NUG (less than 1%).7 However,
despite the current low prevalence, it is important not to under-
estimate this acute periodontal condition.7
Clinical findings aid in the differential diagnosis of NUG
from other pathoses such as primary herpetic gingivostomatitis
and acute leukemia.1 Periodontal treatment of NUG involves 2
phases: the initial and maintenance phases.1 The initial treat-
ment of the disease is directed toward the remission of the acute
process, including the removal of the local etiologic agents and
relief of the painful condition. In a second phase, periodontal
Published with permission of the Academy of General Dentistry.
© Copyright 2019 by the Academy of General Dentistry. maintenance therapy is consistently implemented and oral
All rights reserved. For printed and electronic reprints of this article hygiene education is reinforced.
for distribution, please contact jkaletha@mossbergco.com. The literature has reaffirmed that careful professional
maintenance is an integral and important part of periodontal
treatment.1,4 Patients with NUG are susceptible to disease
recurrence, mostly as a result of difficulties in controlling the
oral biofilm.4 Therefore, the greatest challenge in treating
NUG is to reinforce the patient’s education on periodontal
health, given that success will depend not only on proper
control of the biofilm but also on the patient’s modification of


Fig 1. Initial clinical appearance at the first evaluation. Fig 2. Clinical appearance after gentle supragingival plaque
removal during the second appointment.

Fig 3. Clinical appearance at the third appointment. Fig 4. Clinical appearance at the fourth appointment.

Fig 5. Radiographic evaluation at the fourth appointment, revealing no interproximal bone loss.

behavior and compliance with the periodontal treatment. The Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil. His main concerns were gingival bleed-
objective of the present case report is to describe the success- ing when toothbrushing and pronounced halitosis that caused
ful clinical treatment of a patient with NUG over a period of him embarrassment.
10 years of maintenance.
Clinical findings and diagnostic assessment
Case report Clinical examination revealed necrosis and ulceration of the
Patient information interdental papilla, which were covered by a grayish slough
An 18-year-old man with leukoderma was referred for treat- (pseudomembrane). The papilla did not fill the entire interproxi-
ment to the School of Dentistry at Federal University of mal space in some sites, and generalized, extensive accumulation

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Clinical treatment of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis: a case report with 10-year follow-up



Fig 6. Clinical appearance during periodontal maintenance therapy. A. Six-month follow-up. B. One-year follow-up. C. Two-
year follow-up. D & E. Ten-year follow-up.

of oral biofilm was observed on the dental surfaces (Fig 1). The of educational and motivational intervention began with the
teeth were well positioned in the arch. Radiographic examina- presentation of detailed information—through illustrative pho-
tion was not performed at the first evaluation due to the condi- tographs and pamphlets—to the patient at each session. The
tion of the soft tissue. educational materials emphasized the signs and symptoms of
During the physical examination, no systemic condition was the disease and their relationship to the presence of bacterial
found that could predispose the patient to NUG. However, the biofilm. The patient was also instructed to be aware of the signs,
patient’s parents reported that he had been experiencing severe symptoms, and locations of periodontal disease.
stress as well as psychological pressure at school due to a period Detailed information about the importance of efficient daily
of academic probation. Based on the clinical data obtained at the oral hygiene was followed by demonstration of oral hygiene
examination, NUG was diagnosed. protocols on a model—using a toothbrush technique appro-
priate for the patient’s specific clinical condition—as well as
Therapeutic interventions detailed, precise instruction in the use of dental floss. At each
At the second appointment, 7 days after the evaluation and diag- clinical session, a dye solution that stains plaque was used as an
nosis, the initial clinical treatment involved the careful removal educational tool to demonstrate the location of bacterial plaque.
of the supragingival plaque, aided by topical anesthetics (Fig Plaque-disclosing tablets were given to the patient for weekly
2). The patient was instructed to perform extensive atraumatic home use.
and careful oral hygiene procedures and to rinse with a 0.12% Periodontal clinical control was guided by the patient’s adher-
chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash twice a day for 30 days. ence to the recall system of weekly follow-up appointments
At the third appointment, 7 days later, supragingival scaling throughout treatment, monthly follow-up for the first 6 months
was performed along with supervised brushing and reinforce- posttreatment, and follow-up 2-3 times a year during periodon-
ment of the oral hygiene instructions (Fig 3). tal mainenance therapy; at each visit, the needed frequency of
At the fourth appointment, 7 days after the third, subgingival attendance was assessed. The findings at multiple follow-up
scaling was performed on specific sites. Supragingival scaling, examinations showed that periodontal health and function were
planing, and polishing of the tooth surfaces were also performed successfully reestablished and maintained over time (Fig 6).
along with reinforcement of the oral hygiene instructions (Fig 4). Clinical and radiographic examinations revealed healthy tissues
A radiographic examination was performed, and no bone loss and no evidence of progressive periodontal attachment loss.
was detected (Fig 5). Impressions of the maxillary and mandibu-
lar arches were taken for future rehabilitation planning. Discussion
A motivational approach to changing the patient’s oral Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is restricted to the gingival
hygiene behavior was emphasized by the clinical team from the tissue without the involvement of other tissues of the peri-
first evaluation. With regular and effective maintenance of oral odontium. Progression of this disease involves the attachment
hygiene habits by the patient, the inflammatory clinical condi- apparatus with consequent tissue loss.4 Nonetheless, case
tion was reversed, and periodontal health was observed within a reports have emphasized that conservative local treatment of
few weeks. NUG without systemic involvement can produce good out-
After the completion of the cause-related therapy phase, comes. According to this premise, therapies are based on local
the patient was enrolled in a periodontal maintenance pro- debridement and scaling and root planing sessions together with
gram to optimize the therapeutic interventions. The process good plaque control through a strict oral hygiene regimen; local


antimicrobial therapy, using solutions of 0.1% or 0.2% chlorhexi- observed areas with dental plaque after their disclosure and
dine, is only required until lesion remission. received instructions on the correct use of dental floss and inter-
The dental literature lacks consensus about an optimal treat- dental brushes. The challenge of this periodontal treatment was
ment regimen for NUG. Due to its low prevalence, it is difficult maintaining the patient’s adherence to the recall system, which
to design controlled clinical trials. Most of the currently used required weekly, biweekly, and monthly follow-up examinations
treatment modalities are related in case reports and literature throughout treatment; at each appointment, the need for consis-
reviews.7,9,10 However, there is evidence proving the importance tent attendance was explained to the patient.
of prompt intervention with adequate periodontal treatment, After a stressful time during the probationary period, the
which includes careful and superficial mechanical debridement, patient became calmer due to his achievements at school. The
use of chemical agents (eg, chlorhexidine), establishment of effec- association between psychological stress and NUG is biologi-
tive oral hygiene habits, and control of any predisposing factors.3 cally plausible because the production of high levels of stress
The patient must be closely monitored, and if the response to hormones, such as cortisol, favors the growth of periodonto-
the acute treatment phase is unsatisfactory and the symptoms pathogenic bacterial species.6,13,14
suggest systemic involvement (ie, fever and/or malaise), the use
of systemic antibiotics may be considered.1,3,7,11 Metronidazole Conclusion
seems to be the first choice due to its action against resistant In a young man with NUG, use of 0.12% chlorhexidine twice a
anaerobes, but the literature shows different dosages and dura- day for 30 days, in conjunction with weekly coronal polishing
tion regimens (eg, 250 mg, 3 times a day for 7 days, or 200 and supragingival scaling for 3 weeks and scaling and root plan-
mg, 3 times a day for 3 days).1,3,7,11,12 To the best of the authors’ ing in the third week, allowed for the control of the acute phase
knowledge, there was no indication for prescribing a systemic and maintained periodontal health over time. Periodontal main-
antibiotic during treatment of the patient in the present case. tenance therapy was shown to be adequate for the maintenance
There were no signs of systemic involvement, and the NUG was of periodontal health over a 10-year period.
resolved by proper periodontal treatment.
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