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Parameters of Care Supplement: Parameter On "Refractory" Periodontitis

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Parameters of Care
Parameter on “Refractory” Periodontitis*

The American Academy of Periodontology has developed the following parameter on the treatment of “refrac-
tory’’ periodontitis. Patients should be informed of the disease process, therapeutic alternatives, potential com-
plications, expected results, and their responsibility in treatment. Consequences of no treatment should be
explained. No treatment is very likely to result in further progression of the disease and eventual tooth loss.
Given this information, patients should then be able to make informed decisions regarding their periodontal
therapy. J Periodontol 2000;71:859-860.
Disease progression; periodontitis/complications; patient care planning; periodontitis/therapy.

CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS be non-responsive to treatment; e.g., refractory chronic

Definition periodontitis and refractory aggressive periodontitis.
“Refractory periodontitis” is not a single disease entity.
The term refers to destructive periodontal diseases in Clinical Features
patients who, when longitudinally monitored, demon- The primary feature of “refractory” periodontitis is
strate additional attachment loss at one or more sites, the occurrence of additional clinical attachment loss
despite well-executed therapeutic and patient efforts after repeated attempts to control the infection with
to stop the progression of disease. These diseases conventional periodontal therapy. The diagnosis of
may occur in situations where conventional therapy “refractory” periodontitis should only be made in
has failed to eliminate microbial reservoirs of infec- patients who satisfactorily comply with recommended
tion, or has resulted in the emergence or superinfec- oral hygiene procedures and follow a rigorous pro-
tion of opportunistic pathogens. They may also occur gram of periodontal maintenance. “Refractory” peri-
as the result of a complexity of unknown factors which odontitis is usually diagnosed after the conclusion of
may compromise the host’s response to conventional conventional active therapy.
periodontal therapy. Such conventional therapy fre- This diagnosis is not appropriate for patients who:
quently includes most, but not necessarily all, of the 1. Have received incomplete or inadequate con-
following: ventional therapy.
1. Patient education and training in personal oral 2. Have identifiable systemic conditions that may
hygiene; behavior modification. increase their susceptibility to periodontal infections
2. Thorough scaling and root planing to remove such as diabetes mellitus, immunosuppressive dis-
microbial deposits and eliminate anatomical root features orders, certain blood dyscrasias, and pregnancy.
that might act as reservoirs for microbial infection. 3. Have localized areas of rapid attachment loss
3. Use of local and/or systemic antimicrobial agents. which are related to factors such as: root fracture,
4. Elimination or correction of defective restora- retrograde pulpal diseases, foreign body impaction, or
tions and other local factors that might interfere with various root anomalies.
oral hygiene efforts or act as retention sites for peri- 4. Have recurrence of progressive periodontitis after
odontal pathogens. many years of successful periodontal maintenance.
5. Surgical therapy.
6. Extraction of severely involved teeth. THERAPEUTIC GOALS
7. Occlusal therapy. The goal of therapy for “refractory” periodontitis is to
8. Periodontal maintenance and re-evaluation. arrest or slow the progression of the disease. Due to the
The “refractory’’ designation can be applied to all complexity and many unknown factors, control may
forms of destructive periodontal disease that appear to not be possible in all instances. In such cases a rea-
sonable treatment objective is to slow the progression
* Approved by the Board of Trustees, American Academy of
Periodontology, May 1998.
of the disease.

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860 Parameter on ‘‘Refractory’’ Periodontitis Volume 71 • Number 5 (Supplement)

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