MCE 514: Auto Workshop Practice: 1.0 Definitions Automotive Engineering
MCE 514: Auto Workshop Practice: 1.0 Definitions Automotive Engineering
MCE 514: Auto Workshop Practice: 1.0 Definitions Automotive Engineering
Automotive Engineering
This is a part of Mechanical Engineering that deals with the design and operation of
vehicles that move on land, sea and air.
What is an automobile?
An automobile is a basically a four wheeled, self-powered motor vehicle which runs
on road and it is used to transport passengers (the driver with an addition of passengers with
numbers ranging from 1 to 7) and a little amount of load.
Automobile Engineering
Automobile engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with everything about
automobiles and practices to propel them.
What is an automobile workshop?
An automobile workshop is a place where repairs and servicing of automobiles and
automobile systems are done.
Figure 1.1: Low risk workshop: A neat and tidy workshop area
v Preventing vehicles from moving Vehicles in the workshop are prevented from
moving using atleast three methods:
vi Slip and trip prevention All leads are stored out of the ways e.g.
retractable reels.
Power and pneumatic outlets are located
close to the service area.
viii Availability of the lifting Manual handling aids are made available to
equipment for the lifting and technical staff while undertaking repair or
management of heavy objects servicing work.
The hazards include: high speed traffic, poor visibility and weather conditions, loose, soft or
sloping ground conditions. Employees may be struck by a passing vehicle or crushed by the
vehicle moving off jack. The rules and control measures below apply to all vehicles.
Figure 1.2a: Low risk workshop: Visible warning signs for approaching drivers
Figure 1.2b: Low risk workshop: Highly visible vest and warning lights
Table 1.2: When Working with Vehicles on the Roadside
i Traffic control at the site of the Service personnel are to be competent in risk
broken-down vehicle assessment and traffic control at the scene of
a broken down vehicle.
The control measure may include:
ii Work area lighting and visibility Worksite area and vehicle must be
adequately lit using auxiliary lighting
systems if required.
High visibility vest appropriate to day or
night must be worn by personnel at
A combination of warning lights and signs
must be prominently displayed to warn
motorists of the activities going on at the
Figure 1.3b: Low risk workshop activity: Trolley jack and axle stands must be used at all
iii Vehicle ramps and stands Vehicle ramps and stands are to be marked with
rated capacities.
Inspections of the vehicle ramp and stands are to
be undertaken.
Pre-operation inspections are to be done daily.
Routine inspection and maintenance are to be
done at least once every 3 months.
iv Tag out/lock out system All hoists, trolley jack, stands and ramps that are
found to be unsafe are immediately removed
from service.
Tag out/lock out system are to be put in place to
ensure faulty equipment are not used until they
are made safe.