Midterm Exam - Attempt Review
Midterm Exam - Attempt Review
Midterm Exam - Attempt Review
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1/3/2021 Midterm Exam: Attempt review
Question 1
A technology for writing programs that are made up of self-sufficient modules that contain all of
object oriented programming
the information needed to manipulate a given data structure.
The period of time in the software life cycle during which a software product is employed in its
operational environment, monitored for satisfactory performance, and modified as necessary to linkage editor
correct problems or to respond to changing requirements.
A source code instruction that is replaced by a predefined sequence of source instructions, usually
in the same language as the rest of the program and usually during assembly or compilation.
A non-moving storage device utilizing one of a number of types of electronic circuitry to store
main memory
Data for which space is allocated but for which no value currently exists. path
A measure of the reliability of a computer system, equal to average operating time of equipment
between failures, as calculated on a statistical basis from the known failure rates of various mean time between failures
components of the system.
A high priority interrupt that cannot be disabled by another interrupt. non-maskable interrupt
A computer program that creates a single load module from two or more independently translated
object modules or load modules by resolving cross references among the modules and, possibly, linkage editor
by relocating elements.
Computer instructions and definitions expressed in a form [binary code] that can be recognized by
the CPU of a computer. All source code, regardless of the language in which it was programmed, is machine code
eventually converted to machine code.
The time interval between the instant at which a CPU's instruction control unit initiates a call for
data and the instant at which the actual transfer of the data starts.
A sequence of instructions that may be performed in the execution of a computer program. path
A relational database programming system incorporating the SQL programming language. Oracle
◄ Reference
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