E6870 Programming Manual 0400
E6870 Programming Manual 0400
E6870 Programming Manual 0400
Programming Manual
Internet: http://www.hopf-time.com
e-mail: info@hopf-time.com
2 Time Functions 6
2.1 The Statusbyte and Structure of the Data String in the TIM Command 6
2.2 Setting the Time 7
2.3 Requesting the Time 8
2.4 Setting the Point of Changeover 8
2.5 Requesting the Points of Changeover 9
2.6 Difference Time UTC - Local 9
The STX (Hex 02) and the CR (Hex 0D), LF (Hex 0A) and ETX (Hex 03) at the end of the string
form the core of the transmission.
The command field contains four ASCII-characters which indicate the function.
The following commands are possible:
The fields status and data are optional and depend on the command or on the requested func-
The TIM command is always transmitted with a status. The status indicates whether a time in-
formation or a point of changeover is part of the data string. The other commands are transmit-
ted without status.
2 Time Functions
2.1 The Statusbyte and Structure of the Data String in the TIM Command
The statusbyte consists of two ASCII nibbles. The value range of each nibble can be Hex 30-39
or Hex 41-46 (00-FF). Once the two characters are received they are converted into binary val-
example :
The two ASCII characters "4" and "2" (Hex 34 and 32) are received and the ASCII conversion
results in the following byte:
Depending on whether the clock receives or transmits a TIM command the statusbyte has the
following meaning:
Bits in the transmitted statusbyte (from the clock system):
Bit 7 no meaning
Bit 6 = 1 must always be set
Bit 5 = 1 clock is to insert a leap second on the next hour change (please
note: for diagnostic purposes only)
Bit 4 = 0/1 UTC / Local Time
Bit 3 = 0 no meaning
Bit 2 no meaning
Bit 1 no meaning
Bit 0 no meaning
During transmission the data field in the TIM data string contains the current settings of the
clock. During reception the latest times are entered. If the data field is missing during reception
the received status is scanned for requested clock data and the transmission of respective data
are released by the clock at the next possible point of time.
The data are transformed and received as ASCII values in BCD. Received data are checked for
plausibility by the clock. The clock recognises invalid data like e.g. day=32 in the data string and
ignores the whole string. The day of the week nibble must always be stated 1 = Monday ... 7 =
Example data string setting local time 12:34:56 clock, Sunday 07.08.99
STX TIM: 48,12,34,56,07,08,99,7 CR LF ETX
After the data are taken over the clock answers with the new time data string:
STX TIM: 48,12,34,56,07,08,99,7 CR LF ETX
At the next possible point of time the clock answers with the current world time:
example: STX TIM: 40,10,34,56,07,08,99,7 CR LF ETX
It is 10:34:56 h, Sunday 07.08.99 world time
Hinweis : Naughts are entered for all the digits for countries which do not have or
want a changeover.
As soon as the clock has received the data string it answers with the new points of changeover:
STX COS: 4A,02,03,52,03,10 CR LF ETX
The changeover to daylight saving time always takes place at 02:00h on the last Sunday in
March.The changeover to standard time is at 03:00 on the last Sunday in October.
Requesting the example data string for the winter points of changeover
As soon as possible the clock answers with the current points of changeover
example: STX COS:4A,02,03,52,03,10 CR LF ETX
The changeover to daylight saving time is at 02:00 on the last Sunday in March. The changeover
to standard time is at 03:00 on the last Sunday in October.
Example data string setting the difference between local time and UTC to - 1 hour
Once it has received the data string it answers with the new difference time:
asks for the current satellite data without change of the decoding mode.
The clock answers with the number of traced satellites and a relative value for the signal/noise
ratio. This value may range between 0..255, values larger than 50 representing a good recep-
• 19200
• 09600
• 04800
• 02400
• 01200
• 00600
• 00300
• 00150
Bit 3 free
5.2 Pulses
Depending on the set mode in the statusbyte the 3 bytes for the pulse times and the 3 bytes for
the date are decoded.
Also the pulse length in the last byte must be set in steps of 10msec.
The example data string: IMP:2,0B,00,15,00,64,00,00,00
sets at the optical coupler 2 an inverted pulse of 1 second and a cycle of 15 minutes.
sets at the optical coupler 1 a pulse of 1 second on 29. Feb. 2000 at 23:59:59 .
The length of the DCF77 pulse entered must not exceed the following span:
DCF77 Highpulse: 140-230
DCF77 Lowpulse: 50-130
sets the switch off of the DCF77-simulation (optical coupler and antenna output) in case of a
disturbed reception to 60 minutes, the pulse length highbit to 200msec and lowbit to 100msec.
The syc.bit is also switched off after 60 minutes.
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