Uace Computer Handbook FINAL
Uace Computer Handbook FINAL
Uace Computer Handbook FINAL
First edition
[2021] Page 1
Computer studies is taught as a principle subject in most of the secondary schools in Uganda. However there is
a noted shortage of up to date revision and reference books for both the students and instructors in the subject.
This has further been compounded by the increased failure practical computer studies.
It is upon this background that the author of this book realized the need and hence took up the initiative to
research, coordinate and prepare detailed literature that is meant to exhaust all the study needs of students
offering computer studies at O’level and A’ level.
The rationale behind this book is to introduce key issues in relation to computer practical’s for both O and A’
level. This book contains five chapters; each focusing on a number of significant issues while illustrating
chapters’ theme. This book guides learners on how to manage computer related tasks whole using Microsoft
word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft access and micro soft publisher. It also contains well
selected practical questions for the learners to try out and excel in computer paper 2.
The author hopes that with the help of this book, the students will be able to comprehend and thereby greatly
improve their practical and theoretical approach in computer studies for their better grades. Work through every
chapter and do all the questions to complete the full course.
To my parents, the brothers of Rwampala comprehensive school and above all, my guardian Mukwatanise
There are
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system,
many Page 2
or transmitted, in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise – without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.
people and institutions that contributed to this work and to whom I owe gratitude. I would like to express my
gratitude to the staff of Rwampala comprehensive school for guidance and the precious time committed to make
this work a success.
My sincere gratitude’s goes to my lecturers Mr. Kahangane Geoffrey and Mrs. Ayebare Penninah, Mr.
Nuwabimpa Milton, Mr. Nuwagaba Tamson for the knowledge they equipped me with while still at Bishop Stuart
University. Thanks for assisting me to attain my academic growth and experience.
I would wish to thank all the teachers and Head teachers including my friends who gave their time and energy to
participate in this unique project. There are many other individuals ‘past and present’ who made valuable direct
and indirect contributions to my thinking and in other ways to help the project’s progress. Last but not least, I am
also very grateful to my Guardian Mr. Mukwatanise Arthur ,My mother Mrs. Tabitha Awuor, Ashaba Gilbert
,My classmates and friends especially Nasaasira Lucky, Tashobya Fortunate,Tubushwekye David who supported
me orally and financially during my compiling and research collection of the contents of this book. I thank them
very much. Page 3
PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
DEDICATION............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
WORD PROCESSING ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
PURPOSE OF WORD PROCESSING .......................................................................................................................... 6
BASIC TERMINOLOGY............................................................................................................................................... 6
COMMON FEATURES OF WORD PROCESSING APPLICATIONS ........................................................................................... 7
COMMON PARTS OF A WORD PROCESSOR ........................................................................................................................ 8
DISADVANTAGES OF USING ELECTRONIC WORD PROCESSORS ....................................................................................... 10
COMMONLY USED WORD PROCESSING KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS .................................................................................... 10
BEST PRACTICAL QUESTIONS FOR MICROSOFT WORD .................................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER TWO ...................................................................................................................................................................... 52
SPREADSHEET SOFTWARE.................................................................................................................................................... 52
WORKING WITH THE MICROSOFT EXCEL WINDOW ......................................................................................................... 53
ERRORS IN SPREADSHEET CELLS ....................................................................................................................................... 58
DISADVANTAGES (DEMERITS) OF USING ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEETS ........................................................................... 59
RELATIVE, ABSOLUTE and MIXED CELL REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 62
EXCEL COMMON FUNCTIONS CHECKLIST ......................................................................................................................... 64
COMMON SPREADSHEET KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS ........................................................................................................... 66
Ctrl Key Combinations For Microsoft Excel 2010 .............................................................................................................. 68
BEST PRACTICAL QUESTIONS FOR MICROSOFT EXCEL ..................................................................................................... 72
CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................................................................................... 88
MICROSOFT PRESENTATION ................................................................................................................................................ 88
COMMON TERMS IN PRESENTATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 89
SLIDE EFFECTS ................................................................................................................................................................... 98
SLIDE ANIMATION ............................................................................................................................................................. 98
SLIDE TRANSITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................... 98
BEST PRACTICAL QUESTIONS FOR MICROSOFT EXCEL ................................................................................................... 102
CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................................................................................................... 113
MICROSOFT ACCESS ........................................................................................................................................................... 113
Creating a Table .............................................................................................................................................................. 118 Page 4
QUERYING THE DATABASE.............................................................................................................................................. 138
REPORTS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 147
Creating a Form............................................................................................................................................................... 161
BEST PRACTICAL QUESTIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 163
CHAPTER FIVE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 189
DESK TOP PUBLISHING BEST PRACTICAL QUESTIONS ....................................................................................................... 189 Page 5
Word processing is the art of creating, saving, editing, formatting and printing text and graphic documents
using electronic word processors.
Examples of word processors include:
Microsoft Word
Corel WordPerfect
Lotus WordPro
Atlantis word processor
Nota bene
Apple Pages
Writer, etc.
NB: Text editors are simple word processors that are generally used to type without any special formatting.
Text editors are mainly used to create small notes, memos and programs.
Examples of common text editors are:
Edit etc.
Word processors are mostly used for writing letters, reports, projects, books, essays, memos, resumes (CVs) etc.
Typeface/font style. A typeface is the shape of the characters. Some common typefaces are Times New
Roman, Arial, and Tahoma.
Line Spacing refers to the amount of vertical white space between two lines of text, from baseline to baseline.
Line spacing is measured in points.
Text Alignment refers to the way lines of text are arranged relative to the edges of a block of text. There are
four types of alignment: left, centre, right, and justify.
Justification is the process of aligning text in a document to both the left and right margins at the same time.
Justified text may have extra spaces between letters within words, so that paragraphs appear as a block with
an even right-margin ending. Page 6
Indent: An indent is the amount of white space set in between the margin and the beginning of text.
Examples of indents include the first line indent, hanging indent and right indent.
Formatting Text Formatting text is the process of changing the appearance of text in a document. Formatting
text involves using commands like bold, italics, underlining, changing font colour, etc.
Editing text: This refers to the process of making changes to the content of an existing document. Editing text
involves commands like cut and paste, overtype, undo, insert, and delete.
Copy – To place selected text on the clipboard, without removing it from its current location.
Cut – To remove selected text from its current position and place it on the clipboard.
Copy and paste duplicated text, while Cut and paste moves text to a new location.
The clipboard The Clipboard is an area of memory in which you can store copied or cut text, graphics or any
other items temporarily before being pasted into other locations.
The paste special feature helps to avoid pasting text with all its formatting. The paste special feature provides
more control over what to paste.
Header - The header refers to text that appears in the top margin of all pages in a document.
Footer - The footer refers to text that appears in the bottom margin of all pages in a document.
Ruler - You can use the ruler to set the indent, margin and tab markers. Avoid using the space bar to align
Tabs Stops – tab stops are places where text can be made to line up. You can set a tab stop by clicking on the
ruler bar at the desired position.
Hard Copy – A copy of a document printed out on physical paper.
Soft Copy – A copy of a document that is stored on a disk or other computer storage device.
Overtype Mode – Also called overwrite mode, causes any characters you type to replace ("overtype") the
characters at the cursor. You can switch between overtype mode and insert mode by pressing the insert key.
Paragraph – The text between one paragraph break and the next. A paragraph break is inserted by pressing
Enter key.
Save – To write the document's current state from RAM to a storage device.
Proofreading is the process of reviewing a document to ensure the accuracy of its content. Proof reading
tools include spelling and grammar check (F7), thesaurus, etc. Page 7
3. Replace: allows the user to substitute existing characters, words or phrases with the new ones.
4. Spell checker: allows the user to check spellings of the whole document at one time or to check and even
correct the spelling of individual words as they are typed (Autocorrect)
5. Grammar checker: this reports grammatical errors, usually by a wavy green line, and suggests ways to
correct them.
6. Thesaurus: suggests alternative words with the same meaning (synonyms) for use in the document.
7. Mail Merge: This is feature used to create similar letters to be sent to several people. The names and
addresses of each person can be merged with one single main document.
8. Automatic page numbering: numbers the pages automatically in a document
9. Tables: allow users to organize information into rows and columns.
10. Multi-columns: arranges text into two or more columns that look similar to newspaper or magazine
11. Drop cap – Formats the first letter in paragraph to be dropped across two or more lines.
12. Clip art: refers to pre-made images about various subjects used to illustrate concepts in documents.
13. Templates: establish the initial document layouts and formats for various document types.
14. Printing: allows a user to obtain a hard copy of a document from the printer.
15. Word Count: Establishes the number of words, characters, paragraphs, etc. in a document.
16. Headers and Footers: Used to insert text in the top and bottom margin through the document.
17. Footnotes and Endnotes are used as references that provide additional information about a word or phrase
within a document.
18. Insert and Delete allows a user to add and remove portions of text while editing document Page 8
1. Word processors can save softcopies for future use while with a type writer; a document has to be fully
retyped if needed again.
2. During typing with a word processor, it is possible to undo a mistake, while any error made with a type
writer is immediately impacted on the printout.
3. A type writer prints one character at a time while a word processor prints many pages at a time.
4. There is a variety of quick text formatting features such as bold, italic, underline, colour, etc. in a word
processor whereas there are limited formatting options with a typewriter.
5. A word processor provides grammar and spell check options whereas a typewriter cannot help in spell
6. It is easier to insert graphics and drawings in a word processor yet it is not easy to draw with a type writer.
7. A word processor allows the user to type continuously without pressing the enter key at the end of each line
(word wrap) whereas the user needs to advance the lever of a typewriter manually, at the end of every line.
8. It is very simple to align text in a document to Left, Centre, Right or Justified whereas with a type writer,
one has to manually align the text, which is very difficult.
9. A word processor has edit features such as Copy and Paste in which repeatedly occurring text in a document
can be copied to and pasted from the clipboard whereas a type writer has no clipboard.
10. A word processor can work on many pages at a go by inserting pages numbers, footers, headers,
watermarks, etc. whereas a type writer works on one page at a time.
11. A word processor can insert drawings word arts and pictures whereas with a type writer, drawings and
pictures can only be drawn by a hand on the stencil.
12. With A word processor, you can use mail merge feature to create a set of documents, such as a letter that is
sent to many customers, by only creating one main document and inserting different fields for the
customers’ details whereas with a type writer, you have to type the each document separately.
13. A type writer requires a lot of strength to strike a key so as to have a strong impact on the stencil in order to
get a reasonably visible printout whereas a computer keyboard has easy-to-press buttons which don’t
require too much strength during typing.
14. A type writer makes a lot of noise during its operation as compared to a word processor which is relatively
15. A word processor has a lot of symbols such as Greek, Arabic, Latin, and Hebrew alphabet character sets
whereas a type writer can only add the English alphabet and commonly used symbols that are currently
calibrated on the typewriter. Page 9
16. A Word processor can add preformatted elements (templates) by selecting from a gallery of professional
templates e.g. cover pages, resumes, etc. whereas with a type writer it is up to the typist to know the layout
and professional look of document types.
Ctrl-Alt-C ©
Ctrl-Alt-E Endnote
Ctrl-Alt-F Footnote
Ctrl-Alt-I Print Preview
Ctrl-Alt-K AutoFormat
Ctrl-Alt-M Insert Comment
Ctrl-Alt-N View—Normal
Ctrl-Alt-O View—Outline
Ctrl-Alt-P View—Page
Ctrl-Alt-R ®
Ctrl-Alt-S Split a window
Ctrl-Alt-T ™
Ctrl-Alt-U Table—remove border lines
Ctrl-Alt-Y Repeat Find
Ctrl-Alt-Z Go back (3 max)
Ctrl-B Bold
Ctrl-C Copy
Ctrl-click Select Sentence
Ctrl-D Font Dialog
Ctrl-drag Drawing—draw from center
Ctrl-E Align—Center
Ctrl-Enter Break—page
Ctrl-F Find
Ctrl-F10 Maximize window
Ctrl-F4 Close
Ctrl-F5 Document window—restore
Ctrl-F7 Document window—move
Ctrl-F8 Document window—size
Ctrl-G Got
Ctrl-H Replace
Ctrl-I Italics
Ctrl-J Justify—Full
Ctrl-K Hyperlink Page 11
Ctrl-L Align—Left
Ctrl-M Indent—increase
Ctrl-N New document
Ctrl-O Open a document
Ctrl-P Print
Ctrl-Q Remove Paragraph formats
Ctrl-R Align—Right
Ctrl-S Save
Ctrl-Shift- >or < Font next/ previous size
Ctrl-Shift - Hard hyphen
Ctrl-Shift = Superscript
Ctrl-Shift-8 Nonprinting characters on/off
Ctrl-Shift-A All Caps
Ctrl-Shift-C Copy formatting
Ctrl-Shift-D Double Underline
Ctrl-Shift-Enter Break column
Ctrl-Shift-F Font Face
Ctrl-Shift-K Small Caps
Ctrl-Shift-L List Bullet Style
Ctrl-Shift-M Indent decrease
Ctrl-Shift-N Normal Style
Ctrl-Shift-T Hanging indent decrease
Ctrl-Shift-Tab Dialog box previous tabbed section
Ctrl-Shift-V Paste formatting
Ctrl-Shift-W Underline words only
Ctrl-spacebar Remove Character formats
Ctrl-T Hanging Indent—increase
Ctrl-Tab Dialog box next tabbed section
Ctrl-U Underline
Ctrl-Up/Down Got Next/Previous Paragraph
Ctrl-V Paste
Ctrl-W Close
Ctrl-X Cut Page 12
Ctrl-Y Repeat/Redo
Ctrl-Z Undo
F1 Help
F10 Menu Bar
F12 Save As
F7 Spelling and Grammar check
F8 Selection extended
F9 Update selected field
Shift-drag Drawing—constrain shape to symmetrical
Shift-drag Graphic—crop
Shift-Enter Line break
Alt Drag Vertical Selection
Shift-F10 Shortcut Menu
Shift-F3 Case change (capitalization)
Shift-F7 Thesaurus
Shift-F8 Selection reduced
• Word consists of many components that help you use its features.
• Some of these components, such as the menu bar, title bar, toolbar, and status bar, are common to all
Windows screens.
• To check the name of a Word toolbar button, position the mouse pointer over the button (without
clicking) to display a ScreenTip. Page 13
Word window components cont Page 14
Screen Element Description
Formatting tool bar Contains buttons that affect how the document looks
Insertion point Shows where characters will appear when you start typing
Menu bar Contains lists or menus of all word commands when you first display a
menu, you see a short list of the most frequently used see
the full list of commands in the menu you can click the menu and then
click on the point to the downward facing double –arrow at the bottom of
the menu.
Standard tool bar Contains the buttons for activating frequently used commands
Task pane Provides links and buttons that you can use to perform common tasks
• You will use the Standard and Formatting toolbars when you create documents, therefore, you will want
to display these toolbars at all times.
• You can display nonprinting characters, including spaces (.) and the symbol that marks the end of a
paragraph, by clicking the Show/Hide button on the Standard toolbar.
• Using the Formatting toolbar or commands on the Format menu, you can change the font and font size.
– When you select the Font command on the Format menu, the Font dialog box opens, from which
you can select a different font and font size
– You could also click the Font button and the Font Size button on the Formatting toolbar Page 15
• Create or open a document by clicking the Create a new document button in the Open section at the
bottom of the Getting Started task pane (see figure below).
• Click the Blank Document button in the New Document task pane.
• A new document named Document1 opens and the task pane closes Page 16
This is the window that appears when you create a new, blank Word document. Page 17
Enter text in a new document
• When typing, do not press the Enter key at the end of each line; the insertion point will automatically
move to the next line when you reach the end of the current line.
• Only press the Enter key when you want to begin a new paragraph.
• This will force a new line or add a blank line if it is the only character on the line.
• To correct an error, place the insertion point to the right of the error and then press the Backspace key to
erase the characters and spaces to the left of the insertion point. Page 18
Saving the document
• Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar, or go to File menu and choose Save.
• When the Save As dialog box appears, type the file name you wish to save as in the File name text box
• Click the Save in list arrow and select the location to save your document Page 19
Scroll a document
• When a document contains too much text to display in the Word window, the text will scroll, shifting up
and finally disappearing from the top of the document window.
• Use the scroll bar on the side of the window to view the text again.
• You can easily move your insertion point by scrolling to a different part of the document and then
clicking within the document text. Page 20
Correct errors
• A word processor lets you correct mistakes quickly and efficiently through the use of the Backspace and
Delete keys.
• Word's AutoCorrect feature checks for errors as you type and automatically corrects common typing
– If AutoCorrect does not recognize a word, it alerts you by displaying a wavy red line under the
• You can replace an incorrect word by highlighting it, clicking the right mouse button to display a list of
alternative words, and then selecting the correct word.
• Word can also search for more complicated errors by using the Spelling and Grammar checker, which
continually checks your document against Word's built-in dictionary and set of grammar rules.
– A wavy green line indicates a possible grammatical error or an extra space between words Page 21
Insert the date with AutoComplete
• The AutoComplete feature will automatically complete dates and words you use regularly.
• After you enter a few identifying letters, Word will display a small box, or ScreenTip, that suggests the
full word you are typing.
• Press the Enter key to accept Word's suggestion, or continue typing to ignore the suggestion.
• You can turn this feature off or add phrases to the AutoComplete list.
An example of AutoComplete Page 22
Moving the Insertion Point around a Document Page 23
The Undo and Redo Commands
• To undo (or reverse) the very last thing you did, click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar
– To undo more than your last action, you can click the Undo list arrow on the Standard toolbar.
This list shows your most recent actions.
• If you want to restore your original change, the Redo button reverses the action of the Undo button
• A Smart Tag allows you to perform actions that would normally require a different program. Word
attaches Smart Tags to certain kinds of text, including addresses, names, and dates.
– When you point to a word with a Smart Tag, a Smart Tag icon will appear
– When you point to the icon, you will see the Smart Tag Actions button
– Click on the Smart Tag Actions button to view the menu of options for this text item
• If you do not want to perform any action with the tagged text, you can choose remove this Smart Tag
from the menu. The menu will close and the dotted underline will be removed. Page 24
Saving a document
Click on save
Press ctrl + s keys on the keyboard to continue saving changes on the document. Page 25
Renaming document
To rename a word document, select file/open and locate the file you want to rename.
Deleting text
Backspace will delete text to the left of the cursor and delete will erase text to the right.
To delete a large selection of the text, highlight it using the, mouse and then click on delete on the
Cutting text
Right click and select cut (alternatively press ctrl + x on the keyboard) Page 26
Locate the destination where you want to place your text
Select paste.
Copying text
Select paste.
Paste text
To paste cut or copied text, move the cursor to location you want to move the text to and select paste.
• Click on pictures
• Select a picture you want to insert from the dialog box that appears
• Click on insert.
• You can text wrap the picture either as tight, behind text or in front of text and also make several other
• Click on table
• Click on ok. Page 27
• Click the design button on the Standard toolbar.
• Click on watermark
• Click on apply.
• Click on columns
• Click on ok.
A drop cap is a large letter that begins a paragraph and drops through several lines of text.
Select the number of lines to drop and the distance from the body text.
To create a bulleted list or numbered list, use the list features provided by word.
Select the list style form from one of the ones given Page 28
Click ok
Word will automatically check for spelling and grammar errors as you type unless you turn this feature
off. Spelling errors are noted in the document with red underline. Grammar errors are underlined by a
green underline.
The spelling and grammar dialog box will notify you of the first mistake in the document and misspelled
words highlight in red.
If the word is spelled correctly, click the ignore button or click the ignore all button if the word appears
more than once in the document.
If the word is spelled incorrectly, choose one of the suggested spelling in the suggestion box and click
the change button or change all button to correct all occurrences of the word in the document.
If the correct spelling is not suggested enter the correct spelling in the not in the dictionary box and click
the change button.
If the word is spelled correctly and will appear in many documents you type, click the button to add the
word to the dictionary so it will no longer appear as misspelled word.
Click on size
Select the proper paper size from the drop down menu
Click on ok
Place the cursor where you would like the table of contents to appear in the document
Click on references
Customize the appearance of the table of contents from the table of contents tab. you may choose a
preset design from the formats drop down menu. A preview of each design will be shown in print
preview window.
Check the show page numbers box if you would like page numbers to show on the table f contents.
Check the right align page numbers box if the page numbers should appear on the right side, then select
the tab leader between the heading and the page number. Uncheck the box if the page numbers should
appear right next to the heading.
Click ok
• Select letters
• Click on ok Page 30
• Before you print a document, you should preview it.
• The Print Preview feature lets you see what the printed document will look like before printing a
document with errors in layout or presentation. Page 31
Question one
Dear brother/sister
This article provides useful advice on how to avoid some common problems encountered in Ramathan. If
followed, it would enable one to fast comfortably and enjoy the spiritual benefits of Ramathan. Come Ramathan
our diet is radically altered.
Our meals get condensed in morning and evenings with no intake in between for an extended period of time. For
some of us, the intake of oily food skyrockets. These changes in diet are not well received by everyone.
i) Change the case of title to title case and bold it.
ii) Instead of word sister/brother put both your names.
iii) Apply a header as your company name with a logo and current date appropriately. (use word art where
necessary )
iv) Apply a footnote on the word Ramathan, call it ramathan tips.
v) Justify your work.
vi) Save your work as your name.
vii) Print a copy of your work.
Question two
(a) Type the document below Page 32
How the East Indies got their name.
In 1492, Christopher Columbus, an Italian sailor, sailed from Palos in Spain and crossed the Atlantic Ocean to
the West Indies. He was the first European to set foot in the New World.
Long before this time, people in Europe had become interested in exploring the world outside Europe. In the
thirteenth century, the traveler Marco polo had gone fro Italy to China. He even visited Japan.
(b) Bold, centre, Underline and apply the font size 16 for the heading.
(c) Change the heading to upper case.
(d) Left indent the first lines of both paragraphs to 1
(e) Insert the current date at the top paragraph and right align it.
(f) Make a spell check of the whole document
(g) Insert your name and stream as footer font size 8
(h) Make three copies of the work and create two columns in the passage and add a footnote as your school
name on the right corner
(i) Apply 1.5 line spacing in your work
(j) Save your work with file name ‘Columbus’ in a folder with your name and class.
(k) Print a copy of your work
Question three
You have been asked to send acknowledgement letters to people who have so far made contributions towards the
program. The letter content is the same for all persons except the addresses, name and nature of contributions.
Below is the letter to be sent and a table of people who have made contributions
P.O.Box 2333,
14th Aug, 2015
Thank your contribution of [NATURE OF CONTRIBUTION] towards the “Funds for Food” program.
This project is in its inaugural year but it has been a resounding success. The learners and staff agree that it
should become an annual event. The principle would like to thank you and hopes for more support in future. Page 33
Thank you very much.
Alfonso Miguel P.O.BOX 14, KAMULI $300
Lorene Mark P.O.BOX23, MBARARA 200000/=
Alfred Manuel P.O.BOX21, KAMPALA 30kgs of maize
Tim Howard P.O.BOX20, KASESE 10bags of rice
a) Use appropriate method in any word processing program to make a letter to be sent to each person in a
b) Save your work as your name
c) Print a copy of your work
Question four
Malaria is the biggest health problem in Uganda and Africa in general. Its toll in Africa is the heaviest yearly.
90% of ( World ) malaria deaths occur in Africa. It is responsible for over 300 million cases of acute illness
each year leading to many deaths. On the economic front, malaria costs Africa more than $12 billion annually.
It has slowed economic growth in African countries by 1.3 % per year. If the disease had been wiped out
decades ago, about $900 billion would be added to sub-Saharan African’s GDP of about $3.00 trillion.
Malaria transmission occurs by mosquitoes moving to houses, entering during the early evenings, resting
indoors and at some point during the night, landing on humans and biting them. During the act of biting, the Page 34
mosquitoes might acquire malaria parasites and become infected, or if already infected, they might transmit
malaria to another human.
Type the following text as it is, correcting any spelling mistakes there in from its very earliest day, the internet
has been primarily concerned with one task, making it easier for people to communicate with one another using
computers. The internet was created to let university researchers share their thoughts, work, and resources and
for military people to communicate with each other in case of war and even, theoretically a nuclear attack.
By P Grille
Required to:
(i) Set the page margins to the following measurements: Left =2.5cm, Right =2.5 cm, Top =1.5 cm and
Bottom =1.5 cm.
(ii) Insert a title called INTERNET to the top right in Arial black, and with font size 20.
(iii) Change the font of the text to 14 points.
(iv) Copy your text to another page end apply a 6 point shadow text border around the typeset document.
(v) Number your pages in upper alphabet.
(vi) Insert the current date and time in the lower bottom margin. Page 35
(vii) Add a footnote as How the internet works
(viii) Insert a header as your name and class
(ix) Drop cap letter F at the beginning of your Text
(x) Print your work
Question six
Below is a schedule for Sunday Services for December 2015 at the big church in Kampala. The schedule is
shown on the billboard below.
27 28 29 30 31 1 2 12:30PM Service
Required Page 36
(b) Insert appropriate clip art image for people going to church and the picture of a church in the spaces
provided in the above table
(c) Copy the table to another page and put in the provision for example evening service beginning at 4:00 pm to
(d) Add a footnote as Church Service time table 2015
(e) Insert your name and index No as footer
(f) Print your work
(g) Save your work in a folder bearing your names as Time table 2015
Question seven
Using appropriate word processing program, prepare extracted document from of July 20,
Apple computer boss, Lenard Job last week unveiled the world’s thinnest computer laptop computer called
MacBook Air.
The computer, which is 0.76 inches (1.93 cm) at its thickness point, was unveiled at an event in San Francisco.
About the laptop, Mr. Jobs said “it’s an amazing feat of engineering” Page 37
This machine goes on sale and in two weeks and costs from $1,799 in the
Us (£1,99 in the UK) and comes with either an 80 gigabyte hard drives as standard or 64 Gigabyte solid state
drive for an added $999.
Apple worked with cheap maker Intel to produce a small version of its core 2 duo processor for the laptop.
a) Copy the document you typed on page one and paste it on page two.
b) Number the pages on top of your page in uppercase alphabet, center them
c) Centre, bold and underline the heading of the pasted document with 16 point, stencil.
d) Indent sentences 2 and 3 by 1.2 inches on either side, single space and italicize them. The rest of the
document should be 1.5 spacing and justified.
e) Include bullets on paragraph 3 so that features are clearly seen.
f) Bold the range of sales as indicated in the text.
g) Provide left align italicized, bolded font 8 footer called “revolution of computer engineering” plus your
names in font size 12.
h) Provide a background of your choice.
i) Insert a water mark of your name
j) Save your document as your registration number as its name.
k) Print your pages that is A and B Page 38
Question eight
Using a word processor of your choice, typeset the following passages as it is.
60g flour
Cooking oil
Mix the mashed potatoes well with Royco, flour, salt and pepper.
Roll out onto a flour board and cut into rounds using a biscuit cutter. Heat the oil i a frying pan and fry the
cakes until golden brown.
Remove from the fat and drain. Sprinkle cheese on top of each cake and put under grill until golden brown too.
Serve hot. If you do not have a grill, put the cakes on a clean chopping board or metal tray. Put large, hot coals
on a wire rack or mesh and hold it closely over the cakes until the cheese melts and turns golden brown.
[Adapted from Malaria Murore-daily Monitor Saturday May 5th 2007, page 11, col 5] Page 39
x. Print your work
Question nine
(a)(i) Type the text below using word processing program.
Word processing is the using of computer to enter, store, manipulate and print text in letters report books and so
on. Once you have used word processing you will probably wonder (like a million other before you) how in the
world you ever survived without it.
As more word processing come on market, choosing the right software becomes confusing. Nevertheless, there
is a word processing package that will serve your needs. As you begin looking, ask yourselfer these questions
I What type of document am I
Now producing?
II What type of features do I
Document types can range from simple letters and memos to proposals reports, legal documents, books,
newsletters, scientific packages. For example, if you write articles that require references, you will need the
footnoting features; if you develop a newsletters, having the multicolumn layout features would be handy; if
scientific nation is needed, you will want super scripts (X2+Y2) and subscripts (A21); and if you send
“personalized” form letters the mail merge feature is a necessity.
A number of add-on program are available to enhance the functionality of word processing packages. These
On-line thesaurus
Spelling checker
Style checker
Idea processor (outline)
What you can do with word processing is only limited by your imagination and willingness to learn the system.
Good luck in your computer assisted writing adventure-now and in feature Page 40
(i) Insert the header the word “Tips” on left hand corner and “Word processing” on the right corner
(ii) Bold the heading font size 22-point underlined and center it.
(iii) In paragraph starting with the “document” bold the second statement.
(iv) Make 2 the superscript of X and Y in the expression (X2+Y2) and 21 subscript of A in expression
(v) Insert bullets on the list of functionality of word processing packages given in text
(vi) Insert footnote of your name on left and page number on right corner.
(vii) Use appropriate format to replace the word “notation” with the other one of same meaning.
(viii) Use the appropriate format to replace the word “notation” with the other of the same meaning.
(ix) Indent the whole document by ‘0.5” to both the left and right hand side.
(x) Insert a clip art picture in the middle of the paragraph, which begins with “Document”.
(xi) Save your work under your name.
(xii) Print a copy of your work.
Question ten
Type the text below using word processing program
On decision to buy
The members of exchange require that forwarded payments be made to reduce default. On making the buying
order, clients will fill in the client information form, an order and sign a purchase transfer form and then pay for
the number of shares he/she is willing to buy and broker will issue him/her with a receipt. On the day the order is
executed at the exchange, the broker will then send his/her buying client a purchase contract note showing the
number of shares purchased, the price per share and the commission chargeable. A purchase contract note is a
legal document that acts as proof of ownership until the share certificate arrives therefore it must be kept safely.
At the same time, the broker forwards the signed Purchase Transfer Form to the registrar through the exchange.
The registrar upon receiving your transfer form through your broker issues a new certificate in your name via the
same broker. This certificate is legal document confirming ownership and should be kept safely. Page 41
(i) Set the page margin to “1.5 ‘ to left and right of document
(ii) Apply a harder to a document which should among others a name of the company in word art,
address, logo and lines
(iii) Apply “1.5” line spacing to your work.
(iv) Drop the first letter of each paragraph
(v) Capitalize the title and format it accordingly.
(vi) Save your work and make a print out.
Question eleven
Construct the table below and answer questions that follow
Particulars Quantity Price@
Dry cells 30 120000/=
Threads 15 12000/=
Connecting wires 27 15000/=
Resistance wire (SWG28) 27 20000/=
Torches 4 18000/=
Ammeters 50 20000/=
Voltmeter 50 20000/=
Bulb holders 50 2000/=
Cell holders (single) 100 4000/=
Concave mirror (f10) 40 5000/=
Concave mirror (f15) 40 5000/=
a) Insert a column before particulars to number the particulars.
b) Insert a column after price to calculate the amount.
c) Delete the rows for torches and bulb holders.
d) Insert a row at bottom to calculate the total amount of products.
e) Make row height “0.3”
f) Save your work and make a printout. Page 42
Question twelve
Type the text below as it is exactly and follow the steps as will be
indicated in the text bellow :
It’s the answer spoken by the young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino,
Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled-Americans who sent a message to the world that
we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of
It’s the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful
of what we can achieve to put their hands on arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.
It’s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining
moment, change has come to America.
(a) Insert a header of your document to be `Barack Obama Victory Speech` in the centre and the footer to be
`Change has come to America`. This should be at the right hand corner.
(a) Insert a footnote `Change for the better`
(b) Drop the first letter to cover 2 lines.
(c) Save your work and make a printout.
Question thirteen
Use a word processor of your choice to produce the document below as it appears
The term ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology and is defined as a “Diverse set of
technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store and manage
information”. ICT has become a very important part of the educational delivery and management process. ICT
has largely facilitated the acquisition and absorption of knowledge, and hence can provide extraordinary
opportunities to developing constituency, and thereby for raising the level of quality life of their people. Page 43
a) Copy the document to another page
b) Double space the text in the document
c) Italicize and bold the word ICT throughout the document
d) Use “Times New Roman” font size, “12” for the entire document
e) Insert your name and personal number as the header and footer respectively and centre align them
f) Use mail merge feature to post the document above to the recipients below
Question fourteen
(a) (i) Enter the table below into a word processing program as it is. Page 44
i. Insert your name and index number as your header.
ii. Save the document on a CD-rewritable as “My doc”
Question fifteen
1. Carefully study the text below and answer the quotations that follow:
Thinking that Man. United is the only EPL top-four team in trouble is a reflection question. United whenever
they started underdogs they performed well. Reflect on the 2011/2012 season.
When they clear off their seemingly games for the 2013/14 season, it is good for May 2014. Ferguson one time
said that the premiership is won in may. United are the defending champions.
David Moyes has support of almost everybody at Old Trafford Fergusson was not chased the Mourinho was by
When one says that United is in trouble because of playing Chelsea. Liverpool and Man-city in the opening
games, and you do not appreciate the fact that also Chelsea, Liverpool and Man-city are in trouble because of
going to play united, and then we do not deserve to be in the logical sports world.
(i) Load a word processor of your choice and save your work as “Ferguson sprit”
(ii) Typeset the above passage as it is exactly
(iii) Apply an outside boarder on the last paragraph
(iv) Apply an appropriate word art style onto the title with 24 font size, and color yellow
(v) Insert a table before the last paragraph with six rows and four columns. The column titles are; NO,
Team, Position and Points. Set the line spacing of the last paragraph to 2.0 points Page 45
(vi) Insert a text watermark of your name and index number Auto number the reasons for United being Still
(vii) Set the margins to 1.5cmleft and 1.5cm to and bottom
(viii) Apply a justified alignment on your text in the last paragraph
(ix) Apply a light orange back ground and blue color to the rest of the text and a three page boarder around
the document
Question sixteen
Type the following information as it is: (use font size 14). The time table below will be our by the beginning of
next term academic year. It should be copied and filled with relevant subjects.
comm bio FREE
Agric Art
mtc Page 46
Question seventeen
The former Pennsylvania senator’s campaign got a massive does of momentum after stunning frontrunner Mitt
Romney with a clean sweep on Tuesday night, beating him by double digits in Minnesota, a state Romney won
in 2008; stunning him in Colorado, another state in Romney’s column in 2008; and trouncing him in Missouri,
one of the country’s biggest battleground states.
“I don’t stand here to claim to be the conservative to Mitt Romney,” Santorum told supporters in a convention
hall just west of St. Louis. “I stand here to be conservative alternative to Barack Obama.” The crowd erupted in
cheers, chanting “We pick Rick! , We pick Rick!” Never mind that Tuesday night’s win in Missour won’t
actually rack up any delegates for Santorum. The state’s 52 delegates willl be awarded when GOP caucuses are
held in mid-March. But he touted the win as proof that his message is gaining traction even without the campaign
checkbook or ground operation that Romney has.
“To night we had an opportunity to see what a campaign looks like when one candidate isn’t outspent 5- or 10-
to-1 by negative ads, impugning their integrity and distorting the record,” Santorum said, standing with his wife.
“This is a more accurate representation frankly of what the fall race would look like.”
Even before the results started coming in Tuesday evening, Santorum’s advisors were setting expectations high
multi-state polling day of the year. Santorum advisors told CNN that his website’s traffic was up over the past
few days, saying it was “going through the roof.”
Required Page 47
Question eighteen
Type the following text exactly as it is and copy it to page 2 (06 marks)
Computer viruses are some of the biggest nightmares that computer users all over the world face. A computer
virus can corrupt or delete important files, slow down the computer, produce annoying pop-ups and even steal
confidential information like passwords and credit card numbers.
As you have always heard time and again, you need an antivirus program on your PC. However, most people
use the free or trail programs which do not catch some new viruses or they expire soon and leave the PC
vulnerable to attacks.
(ii) Change the bulleted points on page 2 to numbered list (02 marks)
(iii) Change the colour of your heading to blue. (02 marks)
(iv) Insert a footnote after the rtf and explain that this text is not affected by virus.
(02 marks) Page 48
(v) Copy the precautions and put them in a frame which you can put on the notice board of your
computer laboratory for students to read and understand. (05 marks)
(vi) Insert your name and index number as a footer. (01 marks)
(vii) Make a printout of your poster. (01 marks)
(viii) Save your work as virus poster. (01 marks)
Question nineteen
Type the document below.
Uganda clay ltd is the company whose shares were the first to be listed on the
Stock exchange on January 18, 2000 while a multinational, British American Tobacco Uganda (BATU)’s shares
were initially listed on the USE on October 3, 2000.
a) Justify the whole of the document
b) Make three copies of your document
c) Apply two columns to your document
d) Drop the first letter of the paragraph
e) Shade the first paragraph with color blue
f) Apply header as your name and class and stream as your footer
g) Save your work as instructed
h) Print the copy of your work Page 49
Question twenty
Mrs. Kaine Aisha is a secretary of Booster Trading Company Ltd and her company wants to invite shareholders
for the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The contents of the letter are to be similar to all shareholders except for
each shareholder’s personal details and titles.
Mrs. Kaine Aisha has prepared the letter below to be sent to various shareholders.
22nd /o5/2015
TO: [title]
[Shareholder’s name]
[Telephone contact]
You are cordially invited to attend the AGM without fail on the date indicated above starting 10:00 am. In this
meeting we shall elect new office bearers.
Each shareholder is expected to pay non-refundable amount fee of [fee] to cater for elections.
Yours faithfully
C.C Managing Director Page 50
Below is the table showing a list of various shareholders to receive the above letter.
(i) Type the letter and save it as booster plus your name
(ii) Create the table and save it as shareholder-your name in your folder
(iii) Include a header of your name3 and index No on the letter
(iv) Insert current date and time in the lower bottom center of your letter and update it automatically.
(v) Insert a three lines 3 point page border on your document(letter)
(vi) Using an appropriate word processing feature link the table to the letter so as to generate 6 letters to
be sent to the respective shareholders.
(vii) Insert a back ground color of your choice.
(viii) All the merge fields inserted should be bolded
(ix) Set the left and right page margins to 1.5 inches.
(x) Insert a printed water mark in red of the name of your school in the entire document.
(xi) Make the reference to appear in blue colour font size 14 Arial Black style and the rest of the text 14
font size and in black colour Times New Roman.
(xii) Drop cap the first letter of your body-letter to three lines and make it justified.
(xiii) Set your page to landscape orientation and adjust your letter appropriately. Page 51
Spreadsheet software refers to Application software packages that are used for calculations, including the
creation of graphs.
Examples of spreadsheet software applications include:
Microsoft Excel
Lotus 1-2-3
Microsoft works
Soft maker office
Rag time
Spread 32
Apple Numbers
King soft Spreadsheets
Quattro Pro
Ability Spreadsheet, etc. Page 52
Active cell / Selected cell - An active is the cell you are currently working on. The cell with a thick outline.
Cell Reference - The column letter and the row number of a cell
A formula must always start with “=” sign and what the calculations for each cell Page 53
Worksheet - One page of a spreadsheet that contains up to 65,536 rows and 256 columns
Name Box - The Name Box is located next to the formula bar above the worksheet area. The Name Box
displays the cell reference of the active cell.
1. Toolbars are located at the top under the main Menu bar
2. Formula Bar is located under the toolbars
3. A single "grid", or page, is usually referred to as a worksheet. The current worksheet is the main area of
the window
4. Task pane is the panel to the right of the worksheet.
5. Status bar is located at the bottom of the window
6. Columns - The vertical segments that you see on the spreadsheet are called columns.
7. Rows - The horizontal segments are referred to as rows.
8. Cells - Each box that is created from a row and column intersecting is referred to as a cell. Page 54
9. Scroll bars – A worksheet is too large. Scroll bars are used to roll or navigate to other parts of the
worksheet that are not visible.
Worksheets in a workbook are accessible by clicking the worksheet tabs just above the status
default, three worksheets are included in each add a sheet, select insert/worksheet from the
menu rename the worksheet tab, right click on the tab with the mouse and select rename from the
shortcut menu. Type the new name and press enter key.
Resize row by dragging the line below the label of the row you would like to resize.
Resize column in a similar manner by dragging the line to the right of the label corresponding to the
column you want to resize.
Click the row or column label and select format /row/height or format/column/width from the menu
bar to enter a numerical value for the height of the row or width of the column.
For a complete list of formatting options, right click on the highlighted cells and choose format cells form the
shortcut menu or select format cells from the menu bar.
1. Number tab: The data type can be selected from the options of this tab. select general if the cell contains
text and number or another numerical category if the cells is a number that will be included in functions or
2. Alignment tab: These options allows you to change the position and alignment of the data with the cell
3. Font tab: All of the font attributes are displayed in this tab including font face, size, style and effects.
4. Border and patterns tabs: These tabs allows you to add boarders, shading and background colours of a
cell. Page 55
If you enter the date January 1, 2020 into the cell on the worksheet, excel will automatically recognize the
text as a date and change the format to change the date format ,select the number tab from the
format cells window. Select date from the category box and choose the format for the date from the type
box. If the field is a time, select time from the category box and select the type in the right box. Date and
time combinations are also listed .press ok when finished.
The auto fill feature allows you to quickly fill cells with repetitive or sequential data such as chronological dates
or numbers and repeated text.
Type the beginning number or date of an incrementing series or the text that will be repeated into a cell.
Select the handle at the bottom right corner of the cell with the left mouse button and drag it down as many cells
as you want to fill.
If you want to auto fill a column with cells displaying the same number or date you must enter identical data to
adjacent cells in a column, highlight the two cells and drag the handle of the selection with the mouse.
2. To find an image, click in the white box following search for clips, delete the words type one or more
words and enter keywords describing the image you want to use
3. Click once on the image you want to add to the worksheet and the following popup menu will appear.
5. Preview clip art to view the image full size before adding it to the worksheet
6. Drag the button right corner of the preview window to resize the image and click x close button to end
the preview.
7. Add clip to favorites will add the selected image to your favorite’s directory that can be chosen from the
insert clip art dialog box Page 56
8. Find similar clips will retrieve images similar to the one you have chosen.
Chart wizard
The chart wizard brings you through the process of creating a chart by displaying a series of dialog boxes.
1. Enter the data onto the worksheet and highlight all the cells that will be included in the chart including
2. Click the chart wizard button on the standard toolbar to view the first chart wizard dialog box.
3. Chart type. Choose the chart type and the chart subtype if necessary .click next.
4. Chart source data. Select the data range (if different from the area highlighted in step 1) and click next.
5. Chart options. Enter the name of the chart and titles for the x and y axes. Other options of the axes, grid
lines, data labels, and data table can be changed by clicking on the tabs. Press next to move the next set
of options.
6. Chart location. Click anew sheet if the chart should be placed on a new, blank worksheet or select as
object in if the chart should be embedded in an existing sheet and select the worksheet from the drop
down menu.
To resize the chart, click on its boarder and drag any of the nine black handles to change the size. Handles on
the corners will resize the chart proportionally while handles along the lines will stretch the chart.
Select the boarder of the chart, hold down the left mouse button and drag the chart to new location. Elements
within the chart such as title and labels may also be moved within the chart. Click on the element to activate it,
and use the mouse to drag the element to move it. Page 57
Select the orientation under the page tab in the page set up window to make the page landscape or portrait .the
size of the worksheet on the page can also be formatting under force a worksheet to print only one
page wide so all the columns appear on the same page .select fit to 1 page wide.
Change the top bottom left and right margins under the margins tab. enter values in he header and footer fields
to indicate how far from the edge of the page this text should appear. Check the boxes for centering horizontally
or vertically on the page.
Add present headers and footers to the page by clicking the drop down menus under the header/footer tab
To modify a preset footer/header or to make your own, click the custom header and custom footer buttons. A
new window will open allowing you to enter text on the left center or right on the page
Format text. Click this button after highlighting the text to change the font, size and styles
Total number of pages. Use this feature along with the page number to create strings such as page 1 of 13
Error Meaning
#N/A! A formula or a function inside a formula cannot find the referenced data Page 58
#NAME? Text in the formula is not recognized
#NULL! A space was used in formulas that reference multiple ranges; a comma separates range
#NUM! A formula has invalid numeric data for the type of operation Page 60
1. Saving. Saving enables a user to create a file for the workbook in a directory on the disk. The
Save command can be accessed from the File menu. NB: The file extension of an Excel
document is .xls
2. Columns and Rows. A spreadsheet is a grid consisting of columns and rows. Rows are
labeled with numbers, and columns are labeled with letters, giving each cell a unique address
consisting of a number and a letter.
3. Auto Complete feature. The AutoComplete can speed up data entry, especially if you have
to enter a particular word or phrase repeatedly.
When you start entering data into an empty cell, directly below an existing list, Excel will
automatically offer you a match from the data above it.
4. Formulas. Formulas are used to express mathematical relationships between cells. For
example, C1=A1+B1 would add and display the sum of cells A1 and B1 into cell C1. It could
also be a simple mathematical formula, such as
(100 * 3) / 40. Formulas are not displayed on spreadsheets. What you see in the cell is the
result of the formula. Don't forget about order of operations (BEDMAS); anything inside
parenthesis happens first, followed by Exponent (^) Division (/) multiplication (*), followed
by addition (+) and subtraction(-).
5. Functions. Functions are used as shortcuts when performing mathematical calculations.
Functions are pre-programmed formulae that give power and flexibility to spreadsheet
calculations. They prevent the user from having to continually enter long and cumbersome
formula expressions. They constitute standard keywords and syntax. Some examples are
6. Cell References / Addresses. You can refer to a Cell by using the Column letter and Row
For Example, D8 refers to a cell in Column D and Row 8. In this case, D8 is known as
the Cell Reference and is also used as the default name for the cell.
A Circular reference occurs when a formula refers back to its own cell. For example
inserting the formula =A2+A3 in cell A2 creates a circular reference.
(a) RELATIVE REFERENCE: a relative reference is a cell address that changes when it
is copied to other cells in a spreadsheet. This is because it is based on the relative position
of the cell.
Example: If in the cell C3 we have the formula =A1+B2, and we copy the formula to cell
E8, then it would automatically adjust to =C6+D7.
(b) ABSOLUTE REFERENCE: An absolute cell reference is a cell address that does not
change when it is copied to other cells in the spreadsheet. Absolute references always
refer to cells in a specific location. To make a cell address absolute, we insert the dollar
symbol $ before the letter that identifies the column and before the number that identifies
the row, example B1 becomes $B$1. If you copy the formula across rows or down
columns, the absolute reference does not adjust. Example:
Example: If in the cell C3 we have the formula =$A$1+$B$2, and we copy the formula
to cell E8, then it would remain the same =$A$1+$B$2.
(c) MIXED REFERENCE: is when you have either:
an absolute column and a relative row e.g.$B1 or a relative column and an absolute row
e.g. B$4.
And if the cell address is copied to other cells, the relative argument changes and the
absolute part does not change.
Example: If in the cell C3 we have the formula =$A1+B$2, and we copy the formula to
cell E8, then it would automatically adjust to =$A6+D$2
Note: An easy way to add the dollar signs to a cell reference is to edit a cell reference and
then press the F4 key on the keyboard.
7. Ranges. A range is a combination of two or more adjacent cells in a worksheet
You can refer to a range by using the cell reference of the top – left and bottom- right
For example, B2:D8 defines the rectangular range bound at the top left by the cell B2 and
at the bottom – right by the cell D8
8. Custom names for cells and ranges. Identifying a particular cell (or range of cells) is made
easier when it is given a unique name. Names are easier to remember than default cell
references since they can be specific to the task being worked upon
(a) Names make it easier to change the structure of the sheet.
(b) Named cells/ranges can be referred to from other sheets easily.
(c) It is easy to go to a named range or cell using F5.
9. Graphs and charts. A Graph or Chart is a graphical representation of Data in a spreadsheet.
These graphics, which illustrate the meaning of the numbers in the spreadsheet in different
ways, can be used to stimulate interest and help make a point.
There are several different types of graphs that can be made. Area graphs, bar and column
graphs, line graphs, pie charts, scatter plot diagrams and 3-D graphs are some examples.
Other Features
22. Print: Allows you to send a spreadsheet file to a printer to get a hardcopy or many
hardcopies as you would like.
23. Graphics: The spreadsheet application permits the addition of various types of graphics,
such as bar charts, line charts, clip art, and photographs.
24. Data Sort
25. Macros – Allow a user to record or save a sequence of keystrokes or instructions that can be
run later.
26. Recalculation
27. Zooming Worksheet view
28. Alignment, Wrap Text, etc.
e.g. Otherwise, the function displays
RANK =RANK(NUMBER,REF,[ORDER]) e.g. Gives the Rank (Position) of A3 out of
=RANK(A3,A2:A6,1) the values in the range A2:A6, in
ascending order
Alt + F4 Exit Application
F1 Displays Help
F2 Edits the active cell and positions the insertion point at the end
of the cell contents.
F10 Turns key tips on or off. (Pressing ALT does the same thing.)
CTRL+F10 maximizes or restores the selected workbook
Ctrl Key Combinations For Microsoft Excel 2010
Key Description
CTRL+SHIFT+$ Applies the Currency format with two decimal places (negative
numbers in parentheses).
CTRL+SHIFT+^ Applies the Scientific number format with two decimal places.
CTRL+SHIFT+# Applies the Date format with the day, month, and year.
CTRL+SHIFT+@ Applies the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM.
CTRL+SHIFT+! Applies the Number format with two decimal places, thousands
separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values.
CTRL+SHIFT+* Selects the current region around the active cell (the data area
enclosed by blank rows and blank columns).
CTRL+SHIFT+" Copies the value from the cell above the active cell into the cell or
the Formula Bar.
CTRL+Minus (-) Displays the Delete dialog box to delete the selected cells.
CTRL+` Alternates between displaying cell values and displaying formulas
in the worksheet.
CTRL+' Copies a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell or
the Formula Bar.
CTRL+D Uses the Fill Down command to copy the contents and format of
the topmost cell of a selected range into the cells below.
CTRL+F Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Find tab
SHIFT+F5 also displays this tab, while SHIFT+F4 repeats the last
Find action.
CTRL+SHIFT+F opens the Format Cells dialog box with the Font
tab selected.
CTRL+H Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Replace tab
CTRL+K Displays the Insert Hyperlink dialog box for new hyperlinks or the
Edit Hyperlink dialog box for selected existing hyperlinks.
CTRL+SHIFT+P opens the Format Cells dialog box with the Font
tab selected.
CTRL+R Uses the Fill Right command to copy the contents and format of the
leftmost cell of a selected range into the cells to the right.
CTRL+S Saves the active file with its current file name, location, and file
CTRL+V Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point and
replaces any selection. Available only after you have cut or copied
an object, text, or cell contents.
CTRL+Z Uses the Undo command to reverse the last command or to delete
the last entry that you typed.
Print preview.
Select file/print preview from the menu bar to view how the worksheet will print
Click the next and previous buttons at the top of the window to display the pages and click the
zoom buttons to view the pages closer. Make page modifications needed by clicking the page set
up button .click, close to return to the worksheet tor print to continue printing.
Print range select either all pages or a range of pages to print. Print what. Select selections of
cells highlighted on the worksheet, the active worksheet, or all the worksheets inn the entire
Copies. Choose the number of copies that should be printed .check the collate box if the pages
should remain in order
Click ok to print.
The school does several tests marked out of 20. Use the information given to answer the
questions that follow.
NAME Set 1 Set 2 Total Average Maximum
Sophia 59 65
Beth 62 50
Paula 46 70
Aisha 85 68
Grace 60 49
Sarah 68 73
Kate 72 45
Tim 62 60
Val 85 60
Pilli 10 90
i. Design a table with information/data created by yourself. The data should be derived from
items sold in the markets and their prices. Hint: the table should have five columns
(For the markets e.g. market 1, market 2 etc.) and four rows (indicting the commodities sold in
those markets)
Create a scattered pie chart of one of the markets showing percentages
Hadijah kadondi 67 74 71
Lutale Acram 58 65 56
Ahumuza Shamsa 81 69 70
Kusiima Nasur 45 50 49
Komugisha Sandra 78 76 68
Maska hairat 34 47 65
Lutakome Basam 56 56 56
Baluku Aiman 85 88 69
Najjingo Sophia 60 55 46
The following numbers of “Twegatte Savings and Cooperative Society” took Loans from Gold
Trust Bank. They were charged a handling fee of 5% and an interest of 15% of the loan
Kato Sulaiman 500,000 2 years
Magembe Ivan 750,000 3 years
Nababi Justine 350,000 2 years
Kapere Douglas 1,250,000 6months
Sagala Martin 900,000 1 ½ years
Tumusange David 2,150,000 5 years
A. using appropriate software enter data shown in the table. Save it as your name and registration
01 Brianne F 90 54 78 50
02 Kyle M 79 53 70 89
03 Adrianna F 87 65 69 65
04 Iryn F 76 57 57 45
05 Elsie F 45 66 55 746
06 Padre M 76 44 76 87
i) In the total column, calculate the total mark score for each student
ii) In the total column, calculate Average score each student
iii) In the highest score row, calculate the highest scores per subject, total score and
average score.
c. Create a suitable title for the spreadsheet.
d. Introduce a GRADE column every after subject and use the VLOOKUP to assign a correct
grade for each student in each subject according to the table below.
00-34 F9
35-39 P8
40-44 P7
45-49 C6
50-54 C5
55-59 C4
60-69 C3
70-74 D2
75-100 D1
1. A company deals in six major stationary items, namely; counter books, note books, printing
papers, clip files, box files and diaries
The table below represents the opening stock(O), closing stock ©, Quantity sold (Q) selling price
(S) and value of sales (V) respectively where, Q=O-C and V=SxQ
1 Item Opening Closing Quantity Selling price Value of
Stock(O) Stock (C) Sold(S) (S) Sales(V)
2 Note books 200 120 150
3 Printing paper 400 160 8000
4 Clip files 170 80 200
5 Box files 100 0 2500
6 Diaries 95 30 1800
7 Counter books 600 150 5000
Total value
of sales
(i) Create a spreadsheet of data above, starting with item title in cell A3 and save it as “
(ii) Put the appropriate formula in cell D3 to compute the amount sold. Copy it to the rest of
the column
(iii) Put the appropriate formula in cell F3 to compute V
(iv) Sum up column F to find the total value of sales
(v) Use the graph function a bar graph of sales for the various items. Write your name and
index number below the graph.
(vi) Save the graph as my graph.
U0344/001 Mugizi 18 50 66
U0344/012 Aine 20 48 50
U0344/004 Kakama 15 69 48
U0344/018 Mwine 23 27 69
U0344/020 Kaijuka 24 66 82
U0344/011 Kairu 20 80 57
U0344/017 Twine 19 71 74
The remarks based on average; those with 60 and above ‘passed’ while those
below 60 ‘ failed’
ii. Make acopy of the text put it on sheet 2 and call it WIZARD.
iv. Put the column headings of names and age at an angle of 450
vi. Save your work on a floppy diskette /CD with your names.
1. Create an Excel work book named “Spreadsheet” and carry out the following tasks
i. Insert/ type the data exactly as given below
January 40,000 20,000 30,000 30,000 11,000
February 50,000 22,200 40,000 40,000 39,000
March 65,000 6,000 51,000 4,000 2,300
April 25,000 60,000 60,000 30,000 51,700
May 50,000 32,000 47,000 39,000 2,000
June 73,000 40,000 700 50,000 200
July 60,000 15,000 10,000 3,000 3,200
August 70,000 70,000 200,000 300 2,100
September 10,000 61,000 330,000 4,000 1,200
October 30,000 34,000 34,000 30,000 7,100
November 50,000 40,000 33,000 2,000 200
December 20,000 34,000 20,000 11,000 100
ii. Rename the worksheet as “My work”
iii. Copy all your work and paste it in a new worksheet
iv. Rename the worksheet “MY WORK 2”
v. Delete the third worksheet and rename with only two
vi. Continue working with worksheet “MY WORK 2” and do the following tasks;
vii. Enter appropriate formulas into cells B17:F17 to obtain the total amount of each
item sold during the year 2013
viii. In cell G4 type monthly totals as a heading and then use appropriate formulas to
find the monthly sum sales.
ix. In column H use appropriate formulas to find the average monthly sales.
x. Freeze rows 1-4
xi. Generate a bar graph for the items sold in the first three months
Kaawa poultry limited
Employee Registry
Employee Age Service Salary Allowance Gross Taxable PAY NSSF Net
Pay Amount E Pay
Nalwanga 54 120,000 70,000
Kityo 34 135,000 85,000
Abigaga 65 110,000 100,000
Akello 35 150,000 130,000
Olweny 60 200,000 70,000
Bamoshena 57 98,000 15,000
Omoding 49 78,000 10,000
Nakimuli 29 140,000 80,000
Okiru 27 95,000 65,000
Olowo 63 130,000 20,000
Namutebi 27 115,000 75,800
a) Enter the above data into your worksheet and answer the questions below.
b) Assuming each employee started working at the age of 23 years, compute the years spent in
services(to fill the service column)
c) Taxable amount is computed after deducting NSSF and 1330,000 (threshold) from the Gross
pay. PAYE is 30% of the Taxable Amount; NSSF is 5% of the Gross pay. Compute the
Gross pay, Taxable Amount, PAYE <NSSF and Net pay.
d) Insert the following records after Omoding and compute the relevant entries.
Employee Age Service Salary Allowance Gross Taxable PAYE NSSF Net
pay Amount pay
Kezia 54 170,000 100,000
Ziriba 34 150,000 98,000
Zubairi 65 145,000 52,000
a. Delete the record for olweny from the worksheet.
b. Hide the column for service from the worksheet.
c. Design a line graph showing the trend of payments for the Employees.
Include the graph Titles.
Design a pie chart showing the percentage payment of each employee for the Gross pay.
Save both worksheet and graph as your last name and gross pay respectively.
Salt 100 80 90
Wheat 400 600 1000
Macoron 90 90 100
Biscuits 45 70 96
The school marks are divided into Beginning of term (30%) and End of term (70%). Thus the
total mark should be generated with a function that can sum the figures while considering the
percentage weights.
Keth U/001 86 85
Beth U/002 67 57
Ham U/003 78 70
Kit U/004 95 67
Tim U/005 42 90
Val U/006 63 76
Pilly U/007 59 60
The school marks are divided into Beginning of term (20%) and End of term (80%). Thus the
total mark should be generated with a function that can sum the figures while considering the
percentage weights.
Keth U/001 86 85
Beth U/002 67 57
Ham U/003 78 70
Kit U/004 95 67
Tim U/005 42 90
Val U/006 63 76
Pilly U/007 59 60
The following students sat for their term two examinations in Mathematics (mat), Computer
Studies (comp), and Commerce (com) and obtained the following marks.
John got 40 in mat, 20 in comp and 50 in com. Mary got 90 in mat, 60 in comp and 30 in com.
Tina got 70 in mat, 65 in comp and 90 in com. Paul got 50 in mat, 20 in comp and 35 in com.
Albert got 50 in mat, 60 in comp and 50 in com.
The table below shows examinations results for S3 computer Studies use it to answer the
questions following it.
ROBERT M 06 13 41
CAROLINE F 09 15 43
ASHABA M 03 16 54
JUSTUS M 07 12 23
NB: BOT=Beginning of term, MOT= End of term and EOT= End of term. The final mark
is a summation of BOT, MOT and EOT.
Required to:
ROBERT 0775620313
CAROLINE 0711681231
ASHSBA 0701358972
JUSTUS 0752389710
Make your contact appear with a zero (0) at the start that is the way they appear in
table e.g. 0775620313
f) Insert :
i) A header as “SENIOR THREE PERFOMANCE” and footer as your first name and
second name respectively.
ii) The date and thick boarder outside the table with grids inside.
g) Plot a PIE CHART OF FINAL AGAINST TIME and include the following
i) Title “names and percentage”
ii) Save the chart as ANALYSIS
i) Save your work as your name and class and print it out.
Timothy 09 13 41
Peace 07 15 43
Oscar 05 16 54
Ovid 06 12 23
NB: BOT= beginning of term mark and EOT= end of term mark. The final mark is a summation
of BOT, MID and EOT.
Required to:
(c) At the end of the empty row after Peace insert a formulae/ function in the “Final mark
column” to determine the best student.
(d) Insert:
A header “STUDENT PERFORMANCE” and footer as your names and class and center them
The date
(e) Copy and paste your worksheet to another worksheet, rename the worksheets as original and
copied respectively
(f) Plot a pie chart of the final mark against student’s name and include the following
PowerPoint Basics
What is PowerPoint?
PowerPoint is an application for creating presentations that can be output as 35mm slides, Paper
overheads, directly from the computer monitor, or Printed as handouts or speaker notes.
Presentation Software
Open Office Impress, Show Logic, Presenter, Screencast, Adobe Persuasion, AppleWorks, etc.
7. Batch File
Batch files are short user generated programs created to accomplish repetitive tasks easily.
8. Bullet
Bullets are small dots, squares, dashes or graphics that begin a short descriptive phrase
9. Clip - video or movie is a small section of a larger video presentation. A series of video
frames are run in succession to produce a short, animated video. This compilation of video
frames results in a video clip.
10. Contextual Tabs and Menus
Contextual tabs and menus appear when an object is selected. These contextual tabs contain
information or options pertinent to that object only.
11. Custom show
A custom show in PowerPoint is a group of slides selected from a larger presentation to
present as a smaller presentation, without having to recreate a new presentation from scratch.
19. Invisible Button
An invisible button or hotspot is an area of a PowerPoint slide or part of a slide that when
clicked, sends the viewer to a different slide in the presentation.
20. Invisible Hyperlink
An invisible hyperlink or invisible button is an area on a PowerPoint slide or part of a slide
that when clicked, sends the viewer to a different slide in the presentation
The slide layout in PowerPoint is the arrangement of all the items that make up your slide,
such as title, graphics or text boxes.
21. Lumens
A projector emits light that produces the image on the screen. The amount of light produced
is measured in lumens
22. Macro
A macro is a series of commands to automate a repetitive task, are recorded and assigned to a
keystroke combination.
23. Master Slide
The Master Slide is the design template used for the slides within your presentation. There
are four different master slides -- title master, notes master, handout master and the most
common, the slide master.
24. Normal View
Normal View in Microsoft PowerPoint is the main working window in the presentation. The
slide is shown full size on the screen.
25. Optimize Photos
Optimizing is a term used to indicate a change to a photo or a graphic such as clip art, to
reduce it in both visual size and file size, for use in other programs.
26. Outline View
Outline View shows all the text of all slides, in a list on the left of the PowerPoint screen. No
graphics are shown in Outline view.
27. Plug-In
a plug-in is a small add-on program to enhance an existing program written in the Java
programming language.
28. PowerPoint Viewer
The PowerPoint Viewer is a small plug-in program from Microsoft that allows a PowerPoint
presentation to be played on any computer.
29. Ppt
Ppt is the file extension used for PowerPoint files.
30. Radio Button
a radio button is a small circle beside an option that you may choose
31. Resolution
Resolution is the image created as a result of the number of pixels or dots used. This can be
on a computer monitor or a setting on a digital camera
32. Selection Handles
Selection handles surround the border of a graphic object and indicate to the user and the
program that the object is currently selected and ready for something further to happen.
33. Slide
a slide is a single page of a digital presentation created in presentation software programs
such as PowerPoint and Open Office Impress.
34. Slide Layout
The slide layout in PowerPoint is the arrangement of all the items that make up your slide,
such as title, graphics or text boxes.
35. Slide Master
The slide master in PowerPoint is a template that contains preset layouts, colors and fonts for
PowerPoint presentations.
36. Slide Show
a slide show is the presentation of all the digital slides created in programs such as
PowerPoint and Open Office Impress, shown one after the other, just as on a slide projector
of old.
37. Slide Sorter View
a window in Microsoft PowerPoint that displays thumbnail versions of all your slides,
arranged in horizontal rows.
38. Speaker Notes
Speaker notes are notes added to the PowerPoint presentation slides for a reference for the
presenter of the presentation.
39. Storyboard
In Windows Movie Maker or other movie making software, the Storyboard is an editing area
located at the bottom of the window. It is a panel of pictures or other movie clips, laid out in
the sequence that they will be shown in the movie.
40. Summary Slide
The summary slide feature in Microsoft PowerPoint creates one new slide with a list of all
the titles of the slides in the presentation
41. Task Pane
Different areas of the Microsoft PowerPoint screen are known as panes. The Task pane is
located on the right of the screen. It changes to display options associated with the current
42. Thumbnail
A thumbnail is the term used to describe a minute version of a slide or picture.
43. Timeline
The Timeline view of Windows Movie Maker or other movie making software shows the
components of the movie such as photos, video and audio clips in the order and timing that
they will appear in movie.
44. Transition
Slide transitions are the visual movements as one slide changes to another.
45. USB Flash Drive
USB Flash Drives are compact file storage devices approximately the size of a disposable
46. Video Capture
Use Windows Movie Maker to capture your video clips to your computer.
47. Video Effects
Video effects differ from video transitions as they apply to the individual picture itself rather
than to the change from one picture to another.
48. Video or Movie Frame
Definition of video frame.
49. Video Transition
Video transitions are the visual movements as one picture changes to another.
50. Watermark
a watermark, in presentation software, is frequently used in a slightly different manner. A
watermark is often a faded image or text used as a background of a slide. It is meant to
enhance, but not be the focal point of the slide.
Features of Presentation Software
Presentation Software typically includes three major features: an editor that allows text to be
inserted and formatted, a method for inserting and manipulating graphic images and a slide-
show system to display the content.
1. Animation: This feature allows you to apply visual effects to individual items on the slide
such as graphics, titles or bullet points.
2. Slide Show: helps to display and project all the digital slides created, shown one after the
other, or as set in a custom show.
3. Notes Area: Allows the speaker to keep notes for personal reference during the presentation.
4. Summary slide: This feature creates one new slide with a list of all the titles of the slides in
the presentation
5. Transition: Allows you to add visual movements as one slide changes to another.
6. Slide Master: Allows you to preset layouts, colors and fonts for all slides in the presentation
at once
7. Insert text: Allows you to insert text in the presentation.
8. Delete text: Allows you to erase characters, words, charts, or slides as easily
9. Cut and Paste: Allows you to remove (cut) a section of text from one place in a presentation
and insert (paste) it somewhere else.
10. Copy: Allows you to duplicate a section of text.
11. Page layout: Allows you to define various page sizes and margins.
12. Search and Replace: Allows you to search for a particular word or phrase. And replace it
with another everywhere in the presentation
13. Graphics: The presentation application permits the addition of various types of graphics,
such as bar charts, line charts, clip art, and photographs.
14. Headers, Footers, & Slide Numbering: Allows you to specify customized headers and
footers that the presentation file will put at the top and bottom of every presentation. The
presentation automatically keeps track of page numbers so that the correct number appears
on each page.
15. Spell Checker: A utility that allows you to check the spelling of words in a presentation file.
16. Print: Allows you to send a presentation file to a printer to get a hardcopy or many
hardcopies as you would like.
17. Thesaurus: A built-in thesaurus that allows you to search for synonyms (words with similar
meaning) and antonyms (‘opposites’) without leaving the word processor.
18. Tables: Allows you to add tables and include content in rows and columns
In the outline window, select the slide you want the new slide to appear after clicking the slide
Select insert/new slide from the menu bar or click the new slide button on the standard tool bar.
Choose the page layout from the window and press ok.
To add a design template or changing the existing one, selection format/slide design from the
menu bar, select the template you need and click apply.
To change the layout template of the slide select format/slide layout from the menu bar. Select
one of the layout thumbnail images and click apply.
To reorder a slide in slide sorter view, simply click on the slide you wish to move and drag it to
the new location .in normal or outline view, click the slide icon number of the slide you want to
move and drag the icon to a new location.
If you do not want a slide to appear during the slide show, and do not want to delete the slide as
it may be used later, the slide can be hidden by selecting the slide show/hide slide from the menu add the slide back to the slide show, select slide show/hide slide.
Select a text box by clicking on it with the mouse. A border with eight handles will appear
around the text box. The four handles pm the corners will resize the length and width of the box
at once while the handles on the slides will resize only in one direction. Click one of the handles
and drag it with the mouse. Release the mouse button when it is the size you want it to be. Move
the textbox by clicking and dragging the thick, dotted with the mouse.
To delete a textbox from a template, simply click the boarder of the text box and press the delete
key on the keyboard.
From notes page view, notes can be added to the slide .these notes will not be seen on your
presentation, but they can be printed out on paper along with the slide the notes refer to by
selecting print what: notes pages on the print menu.
To add a video to your presentation select insert/movies and sounds /movie from file or to insert
an animation from Microsoft gallery choose insert/movies and sounds/movie from gallery. Select
the video file and click ok.
To add sound to your presentation select insert /movies and sounds/sound from gallery or sound
from file. Select sound file and click ok.
Change the amount of space between lines in a text box by selecting format/line spacing from the
menu bar.
Select the amount of vertical space between lines. A value of 1 is equal to a single spacing and 2
is double spacing. Values between and above these numbers are valid as well.
Change the case of the characters in a paragraph by selecting format/change case form the menu
bar without having to retype the text.
Sentence case. Capitalizes the first letter of the first word in each sentences.
Lowercase and upper case. Changes the case of all the letters.
Title case. Capitalizes the first letter of every word and reduces the rest to lower case
Toggle case. The opposite of title case, it makes the first letter of every word lowercase
and capitalizes the remaining letters.
Correct the spelling in the presentation by selecting review/spelling and grammar from
the menu bar or by pressing the f7 key on the keyboard.
The spell checker will prompt you to make corrections of the first word that is spelled
If the word is spelled correctly, click ignore or ignore all if the same word appears several
times during the presentation. If this word will appear in many presentations such as your
name, click add to add the word to the dictionary and you won’t be prompted by
misspelling again.
If the word is spelled wrong, highlight one of the suggestions or type your own revision
in the change to box. Click change to correct this occurrence of the word or change all to
correct all occurrences of the word in the presentation.
Click close to abort the spelling check early.
When the spell check has read through the entire presentation, you will be prompted by a
window telling you that the spelling check is complete. Click ok.
Action buttons
Use the action button tool bar to add functioning buttons to slides in a presentation.
Select slide show /action buttons from the menu and drag it off the menu so it becomes a floating
Click one of the buttons faces and draw the button on the slide using the mouse. The action
settings menu will then appear.
Set the actions under either the mouse click or mouse over tabs. Actions specified for mouse
click will execute when the button is clicked on the slide while the actions for mouse over will
occur when the mouse pointer hovers over the button.
If you want a sound to be played when the button is clicked, check the play sound box and
choose a sound from the drop down menu.
Several animations for objects are available through the drop down menus on the menu bar,
first select the text box or graphic that will be animated. Select slide show/custom animation
and choose from one of the options.
Select slide show /customs animation from the menu bar.
Under the add effect tab, make choice when the animation is to be performed. Then choose
the animation type from the drop down menus. Experiment with all the other effects.
Add a transition effects when changing slides by following these steps
Select sloe show/slide transition from the menu bar
From the apply to selected slides section, choose a transition from the drop down menu
Under the modify transition section you can set the speed and choose the sound of your
Under the advance slide section you can choose to have the on mouse click or automatically
after the given time
Click apply to all is the transition effects should be added to every slide or apply if the effects
should be added only to the current slide.
Change the style of the slide in the presentation by changing the properties on the slide master.
Each design template has its own slide master that can be altered. If you create slides from
scratch. A consistent style can be added to the presentation by formatting the slide master.
Format the master slide just as you would format a regular slide by formatting text, formatting
lists, adding background patterns and effects and setting footers.
Click the close button on the aster toolbar to quit editing the master slide and return to the
Add the date and time, slide numbers and other footer text to the master slide from the header
and footer window.
Select view/header and footer from the menu bar.
Check the date and time box to add this feature to the slide. Select update automatically to
always display the current date and time to click fixed and enter date that will not change In
the text field provided.
Check the slide number box to add this feature to the slides
Click the footer box and add the other text to the footer area of the slide.
Check the do not show on title slide box to hide these features on the title slide of their
Click the notes and hand-outs tab to make the same changes to notes and hand-outs pages.
Click apply to all to add the changes to every slide or apply to add only to the current slide.
Slide numbers
To add slide numbers in a fixed position on the slide, use the header and footer window
detailed above. The slide number can otherwise be added anywhere on the slide by placing
the cursor where the slide number should appear and selecting insert /slide number from the
menu bar. The text of the slide number can the formatting just as regular text style is
A date and time can also be added using the header and footer window anywhere else on the
slide. Place the cursor where the date and time should appear on the slide ad select insert
date/time from the menu bar. Select format from the available format box and click update
automatically if this feature should always be updated to reflect the current date and time. Click
ok to finish
Page setup
Select file/page set up from the menu bar to access options for printing the presentation slide.
Select the page orientation for the slide and for other print material from the presentation in the
orientation section.
Print range. Select all to print all the slides in the presentation, current slide to print only the
current slide or entre slide numbers in the slides field to print only certain slides.
Copies. Enter the number of copies of each slide specified in print range
Print what
Click OK to print
A travel agent has been invited to an international tour and travel exhibition. The travel agent
wants to market Uganda’s tourism sector using a power point presentation of 10 slides, with the
A title slide with the company name of the presenter, a variety of slides detailing the
tourist attractions of Uganda.
Prepare a presentation for the agent as described below
i. One title slide
ii. Two slide about eco-tourism (forests, botanical gardens, etc.)
iii. Three slides on physical features (mountains, rivers and waterfalls and lakes)
iv. Three slides on animal tourism (national parks, game reserves and wildlife centers)
v. One slide on hotels, travel, transport, etc.
Your presentation should include at least three pictures a uniform background for all the slides.
Slides heading should be font size 38 and Body font size 34
Put navigation tools on each slide to the home, next slide, previous slide and end slide.
Save your presentation as “Tourism”
Create a suitable 6- slide show presentation for the wild life & Environment club of the parish
with the following items:
b) A text slide with the departments in the club.
c) A text slide with the activities in the club
d) A two-column text slide with the names of the workers in the club
e) A column chart for analyzing the highest payments per individual member.
f) A tabular slide with fifteen imaginary volunteers with their imaginary annual subscription
g) Save your work as your name and index number. Print your slides.
Create a suitable 6- slide show presentation for the networking essentials with the following
Create a suitable 6-slide show presentation for the internet, its incarnation and impacts with the
following items:
Create a suitable 6-slide show presentation for the information technology, its incarnation and
impacts with the following items:
Title for the presentation
Inventory of information technology
Computer generations
Types of computers
Computer systems and their properties
Advantages and disadvantages of the internet
Save your work and make a printout
Create a suitable 6- slide show presentation for the inventory of computer in Rwampala
comprehensive school, its incarnation and impacts with the following items:
As a health educator you are required to make a presentation on the topic Malaria
i. Prepare three slides for the community.
i. Slide one should contain the introduction
ii. Slide two contain the body
iii. Slide three the conclusion
iv. Use minimal effects in the slide to make the presentation entertaining
v. The presentation should be able to convey the appropriate message to the community
vi. The presentation should run automatically
vii. Indicate your name and index number on the header
viii. Save your presentation as Malaria 2003
Create a suitable 6-slide show presentation for the structure of the administration of your school
with the following items:
Malaria is one of the major killer diseases in tropical countries. As an informed person, you are
required to design a slide show on Malaria, the killer:
(a) slide I should bear title CONSERVE NATURE and your names
(b) In slide 2, enter the six categories of people who use trees, under the title WHO NEEDS
TREES? Bullet the list of categories
(c) Slide 3: What are trees used for? Enumerate the list. Insert one graphic for a tree/plant
(d) Slide 4 tabulate the following statistics of animals conserved in Lake Mburo National park.
Animal Number
Zebras 333
Elephants 06
Giraffes 68
Hippos 255
Leo the lion
The hippo
The elephant
(f) In slide 7, use the heading BABOONTYPES. Create a simple organization chart. As shown
Monka Babunia
(h) Apply design template and animations of your choice to all slides
The ministry of health has appointed you as an educator. You are required to give a talk on
“the Role of sex education in schools”.
(b) Slide 11 should have the content of the topic.
Include your name and index number at the end of each slide.
1. You have opened up a wholesale shop dealing in computer accessories in Mbarara town.
Use presentation software to advertise your business to be public.
(i) Slide one show off your company name in a word art format, a clip art and the
address of the store with related pictures on a blank slide.
(ii) Slide two presents some of your products in a table showing the prices and the
(iii) Slide three shows the after sale services offered like:
Transporting goods worth a given amount
Wrapping of gifts and presents
Credit card services
Discounts for regular customers
(iv) Slide Four imagination of five accessories sold per month presented on a
clustered column chart rating the commodities with percentages.
(v) Slide Five apply the cycle diagram displaying the order followed in your
business in purchasing the accessories.
(vi) Slide Six a concluding slide welcoming more customers to your business.
(vii) The slides should be set with 00.02 seconds rehearse timing.
(viii) Put footer as your name and class on all the slides.
(ix) Apply a glass layer with a preset rainbow background color.
(x) Set your slides to loop continuously.
(xi) Apply credits as the animation scheme and blinds horizontal as the transition.
(xii) Link all your slides to one another using action buttons.
(xiii) Print your 6 slides on one Page and handouts.
As an experienced student of computer studies, you have been appointed by your teacher to
revise for S.3 students about computer Hardware and software. Prepare a summary of notes to
use as follows.
Slide 1: Is a title slide describing the presenter and the lesson content.
Define a computer hardware and list down three categories of hardware components.
Give a maximum of two examples of hardware for each category where possible
Insert a two column table and list down any four examples of utilities and operating system
Further tasks:
Agriculture is one of the leading income generating activities in Uganda but its growth has been
hindered by many factors including soil erosion. You are required, using presentation software to
educate Ugandans soil erosion. Create four ‘slides as indicated in parts (i) – (IV). Every slide
Run with a click of the mouse
(ii) Slide II – should indicate the definition for soil erosion and the various types of soil erosion
(iii) Slide III – should include the causes and effects of soil erosion
A Telecommunication Company MTN has appointed you a marketing Officer. You are required
to give a talk on “MTN the Better Connection”.
b. Include your name and index number at the end of each slide.
Creating a Database
Using Access 2003 for Windows 2000/Me/2003
Starting Access 2003
Double click on the Access 2003 icon on the Windows desktop (see right), or
click-on the Start button in the lower left corner of the screen, then click-on Programs, and
then click-on Microsoft Access.
The following Access 2003 Getting Started Task Pane will appear on the right side of your
Access 2003 screen.
For Access 97 and 2000 users, the Task Pane is something new in Office XP/2002 and 2003. It
is used in all of the Office modules. It replaces many of the Microsoft Menu Screens, Wizards,
and Catalogs that were a part of the Office 97 and 2000 screens. Once you get used to the Task
Pane, and its flexibility, we think you’ll like it.
In the Open area of the Access 2003 Getting Started Task Pane, click the left mouse button
on Create a new file.
In this tutorial, whenever i indicate that you need to click the mouse, it will mean to click the left
mouse button – unless i indicate that you should click the right mouse button. So, always “click
left” unless i tell you otherwise.
Click–on Blank database.
- Telephone books
- Dictionaries
- Receipt cards
- Libraries
- Television Guides
Computerized databases
- Flight information
- Phone inquiry systems
- Database systems in banks, Organizations like water
Database software or database management system (DBMS), allows a user to create, access and
manage a database. Most PC databases consist of a collection of Tables organized in rows and
A file is a large organized data structure that contains related data such as record. Files are used
for storing programs and data in .secondary storage. This is extremely important since the main
memory is volatile.
Every entry of data is referred to as a record. A record is a group of related items that can treat as
a single group. A record is a row in a table that contains information about a given person,
product, or event. (An individual entry in a table)
A field is a column of similar information or group of vertically arranged data that contains
similar information of the same data type. Or it can be a column in the table that contains
specific piece of information within a record.
The table structure refers to the number of fields, field name, field length and data types in
database table.
The field length is the maximum number of characters that can be stored for data in a particular
The data type of a field specifies the type of data that the field can contain.
Lookup wizard
When the value that you need exist In another table or from a list of static values, you use the
lookup wizard that helps you establish a link to the table or define the combo box that will
display the list of values on a form or report.
This is the process of comparing the data entered with a set of pre defined rules or values to
check if data is acceptable.
- Microsoft Access
- Microsoft Visual
- Borland Base
- Lotus Approach
- Corel Paradox
- Claris File marker pro e.t.c
Examples of Corporate based systems include
One of the unique things about Access database is that it requires you to save your database as
soon as you enter the program.
You can save your work on a floppy diskette in the A: Drive, or on your C: Hard Disk, or in
some other drive, please save to these areas and substitute your Drive in the instructions.
A File New Database menu screen, similar to the one below, will be on your screen. We’ll
have to do several “things” to set-up this screen to save your database.
In the upper left corner of the File New Database menu screen that appears, you will
see a Save in: area (see upper left arrow above).
Click-on the small down arrow on the right and it will show you the various disk
drives available on which you can save (see right upper arrow above).
Point to the drive on which you want to save your database, and click-on it. If you
choose the 3½ Floppy (A:), make sure you have a formatted disk in the A drive. If you
choose the C: drive, choose the folder in which you want to save by double clicking on
the folder. Your selection should now appear in the Save in: area
Next click-in the area to the right of File Name:. Delete any text that is entered in the
area and then type-in the word PERSON as shown at the bottom of the above image
(see lower left arrow).
Now click-on the Create button or tap the Enter key as shown on last page (see lower
right arrow on last page).
The following person: Database menu screen should now appear.
Creating a Table
You will notice, in the person: Database menu screen, in the left border: Tables, Queries, Forms,
Reports, Pages, Macros, and Modules. You will notice at the top of the screen: Open, Design
and New. You may create multiple Tables (Databases), as well as multiple other items
associated with the items in the left border. As you create them, they will be shown in the
"white" area. In other words, the PERSON database can be made-up of, or contain, many other
databases (tables), reports, queries, etc.
For now, we'll do a basic database (table) creation. Later, you can try Table Wizards when you
have the "feel" for creating a table.
To begin designing the database, please click-on the Design “button” at the top of the person:
Database menu screen (see arrow on last page).
You should now see a Table1: Table design screen similar to the one below. If the Table:
Table1 image does not “fill” the screen, click-on the small square between the “minus and
the X” in the upper right hand corner of the screen (see arrow and image on right).
Notice, under the Blue Bar at the top of the design screen that there are (3) things: Field name,
Data Type, and Description, and, in the lower half of the window; Field Properties
Next you will be creating the fields that make up a database. This is similar to creating a blank
personnel form (on paper) that will be "filled-in" for each employee (Name, Address, Phone
Number, etc – are called fields in a database). These "forms" are called records in a database.
There will be a record, or form, for each employee. All the forms, together, make up a Table
(database). So let’s create a personnel database. Significant Note: When creating a database it
is always best to “break down” a field into its “smallest parts.” For example – Name would
break down into First Name, and Last Name (you could also have Middle Initial, Title, etc.)
Address would break down into Street Address, City, State, and Zip (you could also have
Apartment Number, etc). Because we are working in Access 2003 it will be very simple to “put
the fields back together” with a few mouse clicks when we need to do this. Trust us. This will
save you a lot of time later on.
Look at the image on the right. Click-in the area or space under Field Name and type-in
Last Name. Tap Enter or click-in the area to the right under Data Type. The cursor now
moves to the right under Data Type. Notice, that Text appears as the default (and a box with a
down-arrow appears in the right side of the box). Click-on the down arrow. Your design
screen should look like the one on the right.
Primary key is a field in a data file that uniquely describes each record. Then you create the
logical relationship between two data files using a foreign key. A foreign key is a primary key of
one file that also appears in another file. In general, data in a database should be both integrated
and shared.
Specifying the Primary Key
Although Access does not require a table to have a primary key, including a primary key offers
several advantages:
• A primary key uniquely identifies each record in a table.
• Access does not allow duplicate values in the primary key field.
• Access forces you to enter a value for the primary key field in every record in the table. This is
known as entity
integrity. If you do not enter a value for a field, you have actually given the field what is known
as a
null value. You cannot give a null value to the primary key field because integrity prevents
Access from accepting and processing that record.
• Access stores records on disk in the same order as you enter them but displays them in order by
the field of the primary key.
• Access responds faster to your requests for specific records based on the primary key.
To specify a primary key for a table:
1. In the Table window in Design view, click the row selector for the field you've chosen to be
the primary key.
2. If the primary key will consist of two or more fields, press and hold the Ctrl key, and then
click the row selector for each field.
3. Click the Primary key button on the Table Design toolbar. A key symbol appears in the row
selector for the field, indicating that the field is the table's primary key.
In the Valle Coffee's case, you will specify OrderNum as the primary key for the Order table.
Figure 13-22 shows the design view of the Order table after you've defined the fields for the
table and specified its primary key. You need save the table's structure on disk. Once the table is
saved, you can use it to enter data in the table.
Data Type
Now notice in the lower part of the screen, under Field Properties, that a box appeared when you
selected the Text Data Type. This box is "tailored" to the Text Data Type that you selected
above. Your Field Properties should look like the one below when you finish doing the steps
indicated below.
Field Properties
Click-in each area (to the right of the words) as you read about it below
Now we’ll repeat this process and create different Field Names and Data Types (as necessary).
Type-in the Field Names as indicated below and set them to the Data Types and Sizes indicated.
Notice there are three "dots" (...) in a box on the right. Click-on the three dots (see right
arrow above). An Input Mask Wizard will appear: "Must Save Table First. Save Now?".
Click-on Yes.
Personnel, so type-in Personnel in the area under Table Name:, and click-on OK.
Next, a Microsoft Access menu box will appear indicating There is No Primary Key defined.
Click NO. (Keying, or indexing, is somewhat advanced. You can get a good description by
searching in Help for Keying.)
The Input Mask Wizard will show you some Sample Masks (you may scroll up/down to view
them). We'll use Social Security Number, so click-on it. Your screen should look like the one
Now click-on Next at the bottom of the Input Mask Wizard screen.
You will now see a default number of 000-00-0000 using dashes (-) between the numbers.
You can use anything you want.
We'll leave it as is, so click-on Next> again (at the bottom of the Input Mask Wizard screen).
On this Input Mask Wizard screen you’ll see two choices. Click-in the little circle to the left of
With symbols in the mask, like this:. Sometimes, when we use Access data as a part of mail
merges or in labels, if we don’t save the dashes, they won’t appear in our document. So, it
always a good idea to save dashes.
Now click-on Finish. You will see some “special” numbers written in the Input Mask area
for Social Security #. When you begin to enter data in this field, you’ll see how this works.
Your Field Properties area should look like the one below.
Now continue entering the following information in the Field Name and Data Type areas as we
did above.
Street address Text 25
City Text 20
State Text 2
Here we'll use a Format. First make the Field Size 2 then click-in the area to the right of
A down pointing arrow, like the one above (see arrow), will appear on the right side of the
Format area. If you click-on the arrow, the area will appear blank (that's because we haven't
entered a Format). Tap the F1 key in the row of Function Keys at the top of the keyboard. A
Help menu screen “tailored” to Format will appear )like the one below).
Since we are working with a Text Data Type, click-on Text and Memo Data Types (see
arrow above).
Notice that a > will change any alphabetic character you type into all upper case letters.
Now point and click the “X” in the upper right hand corner of the Format Help Screen
(notice that the Help Window closes "automatically").
Now type a > in the Format area. Your Field Properties area should look like the one below.
Continue entering the following information in the Field Name and Data Type areas as we did
Zip Text 5
Gender Text 1
Insert a > in the Format area to make all gender entries become capitals (like you just did for
Here we'll learn about Numbers, the Validation Rule and Validation Text. We'll limit the
person's favorite number to a number between 1 and 999. Leave the Field Size set to Long
Integer (Tap the F1 Function Key [Help] to view the different Number Field Size
descriptions). After you have viewed the Number Help screens, click the small “X” in the
upper right hand corner of the Help screen to close the Help screen.
Now click-in the area to the right of Decimal Places. It currently indicates Auto. When you
click there you will see a little down arrow on the right side of the area. Click-on the little
arrow. Select “0.” This indicates that decimal places are not allowed in the Favorite Number.
Next, click-in the Validation Rule area. We'll "build" a mathematical expression that will
only allow numbers from 1 to 999. Type in the following expression (in the area to the right
of Validation Rule):
This tells Access that the number entered must be between 1 and 999.
You’ll notice that when you click-in the Validation Rule area that three periods (…) appear
just like they did in Input Mask. If you want to click-on the three periods they will bring up an
Expression Builder which you can use to create the mathematical formula above. Please note
that frequently, if you are really not great at math, the Expression Builder can cause problems.
Sometimes, the Expression Builder will “insert” an <<expr>> in the formula. If it does this,
delete the <<expr>>. This will confuse Access, and will frequently cause the program to “stop”
until you remove <<expr>>. So, if you want to look at Expression Builder, please do so. But –
be careful.
If someone does not enter a number correctly, an error message will appear. Now we'll create
an appropriate error message. Click-in the Validation Text area and type-in:
Favorite Number must be between 1 and 999.
When you finish all of the above, your Field Properties should look like the one below.
Continue entering the following information in the Field Name and Data Type areas as we did
Date hired Date/Time
In Format click-on the small down arrow on the right side of the Format area and
choose Short Date. In the Input Mask area click-on the three dots (...), save the
table, and again choose Short Date, click Next>, click Next> again, then click Finish. (This
will insert a / between the day, month, year).
Salary Currency
In the Decimal Places Field Properties area click-on the small down arrow on the right side
and select 0 (zero) – this indicates “no cents.” Notice the Default Value of 0 income will be
inserted if no Salary figure is entered. We'll leave it at zero. Your Field Properties screen should
look like the one below.
We’ll make this a “Yes/No” or “check box” field. When we begin entering data in the database,
you’ll see how this “box” works.
Point to and click on File in the Menu Bar then click on Save As. The Save As Window will
appear and Personnel should appear under Table Name: Click-on OK. You could also click-on
the small diskette Save Button if you desire.
data on it (see arrow on the right). Point to this button with the mouse and pause, you will see a
"Tool Tip" that indicates that this button is the View Button. This is logical because you have
been designing your table and now want to view the data that you have placed in the database
(table). If you are familiar with spreadsheets it looks like a tiny version spreadsheet. You can
click-on the View Button and go right into entering data in your table. However, it might be
good to see how to enter data when we first open Access.
So, point and click-on File in the Menu Bar, then click-on Close. You will return to the main
database window where we started (PERSON: Database).
You should see the Tables choice highlighted and Personnel Table highlighted. Notice that
there are three Buttons at the top portion of the window which indicate: Open, Design, New. If
you click-on New you can add another table to the Person database. If you click-on the
Personnel Table (make sure that it is “blue”) and then click-on Open you will open the table
you created. You can now enter data. If you click-on Design, you will be back in the design
window and can alter your design. Note: if you find, as you’re entering data, that if you made a
field too small, you can go to Design View and make the field a larger width at any time you
So let's click-on Open. The Personnel Table will appear on the screen. If the window does
not fill the screen, point to the Expansion “square” in the upper-right corner directly to the
right of Personnel: Table in the blue bar. This will expand your Table to fill the desktop.
Move the cursor arrow over the buttons below menu bar. As you do, notice that the "Tool
Tips" will tell you what each button does.
Notice, below the Button Bar, that the fields you created in your Personnel Table are
displayed in what is called Datasheet View (see above). Notice the small “button” under File
in the menu bar. It shows a small blue triangle, pencil, and a ruler (like the one on the right).
This is a “toggle” which will take you back to Design View - if you need to make design
changes while you are in Datasheet view. If you go back to Design View, you can then “toggle”
back to Datasheet view when you have made your corrections. Under Last Name you will see a
flashing cursor; this means that you are ready to begin entering data. You may type the
data and tap Enter, or click with the mouse in each field. If you make a mistake you may
retype the data. If you see a mistake later you can come back at any time and correct it.
Under each field, type the following in the area below the Field Name:
As you are entering this data you will notice several things.
Social Security Number and Date Hired – You’ll “see” your Input Mask work.
State and Gender – you typed in small letters – notice how the Format ( > ) forced the
letter(s) to be capitals.
Favorite Number – since the Favorite Number is “too big” you will see your error message
appear. Click-on OK in the message screen and then create a Favorite
number that will work.
Salary - notice how your Currency formatting created a $, commas and periods.
When you have completed typing the information, tap Enter so the cursor will move down to
the next record. You are now ready to insert your second entry.
Note: When you tapped Enter, Access automatically saved your first record. This can be
confirmed by the display of the hourglass.
Also note: As you began typing your first record a small pencil appeared in the left margin.
This indicates that you are "writing to" this record (editing). Below the pencil an * (asterisk)
also appeared. This indicates that your next record will go below the first.
There are (2) methods for entering data into the database:
2. You can use the Form View method (we’ll create a Form in a bit later in the tutorial).
Note: Anytime you want to take a break and exit Access, simply point to File in the Menu
Bar, and click-on Exit. If it asks Do you want to save?, click-on Yes. If it gives you a save file
screen, give it a name of your choice and click on OK. You should then exit to the Windows
Screen with no problems. Since you have already named everything for this exercise, you
should not have to name any files as you exit.
If you decide to Exit Access 2003, and then return to continue the tutorial, refer to the
instructions at the beginning of this tutorial (Page 1).
A neat thing about Access 2003 is the Task Pane on the right side of the screen. We used the
Task Pane at the beginning of the tutorial (Page 1) to create a new database. Once you have
created a database, you will see your database in the Open portion of the Task Pane .
You can simply click-on the file, in this tutorial Person, and it will open.
Or, you can open the database the way you open many files. When Access 2003 opens, click-on
File in the Menu Bar, and click-on Open.
When the Open menu screen appears, click-on the small down arrow to the right of the
Look in area and choose the drive on which you saved your database (A: 3 ½ Floppy or your
C: Hard Disk Drive). Then click-on the name of your database (e.g. person.mdb) and then
click Open (at the bottom of the menu screen).
Now follow the instructions at the bottom of Page 14 to open your personnel table and to
continue entering data.
In the Button Bar (just below the Menu Bar, to the right of Help, is a button with a lightening
bolt and a small form. This is the New Object: Auto Form Button. Point to it - make sure
you have the correct button - then click-on it (see image below). A New Data Entry Form will
automatically be created and appear.
The Personnel Form should look something like the one on the left.
Since you are in the Personnel Table, the form will “automatically” be created, just like the
Personnel Datasheet. You will now see a data entry form window. If the form does not fill
the screen, click-on the expansion square (see arrow above) to increase the size. Notice your
first record appears.
You may enter data in Form View the same as in Datasheet View. To save this form click-on
File in the Menu Bar, then on Save As. The Save As screen will appear with Personnel already
in the Save Form ‘Form1 To: area (see image to the left). Click-on OK. The data entry form
is now saved as Personnel, just like the Table. Notice, at the bottom of the Form screen, that
there is a status area (see below) that tells you what record you are on. You can use the arrows
to “move” from one record to another, or select a new record in which to enter data. Click-on
each of the arrows to see how they work. Some will take you forward are back to the next or
previous record, and some will take you to the beginning or end of your records. The arrow
with an asterisk will take you to a new blank record. Enter a few records to see how the Form
View works.
When you first “open” your Person Database, you may choose your favorite screen to enter
data: The data Form or Datasheet. Click-on either the Tables selection or Forms selection on
the left of the window. Then, click-on Personnel, and then click Open to begin entering data in
your choice. You can switch back and forth from the Datasheet entry to the Form entry by
clicking on Window in the Menu Bar.
At the lower left corner of the menu screen, you will see some text that indicates that you
are either using Form or Datasheet View to enter your data.
This text indicates that you are currently in Form View (or Datasheet View) using the Personnel
database. You can “shift” back and forth between Datasheet View and form View by using
the View button in the upper left corner of the Access screen.
The View button on the right indicates what “view” you are using: Design View, Form View,
or Datasheet View. You can move back-and-forth between views by clicking-on the down
triangle to the right of the button (see arrow and image to the right) and then choosing either
Form or Datasheet to enter your data.
Note: When you are finished entering data and preparing to exit Microsoft Access, or Close the
form, if you did not save before exiting, the program will ask if you want to Save the
Form. This is up to you. You may save it with your choice of names and it will then
show-up as a form when the Person Database Main Window appears. Or, you can
indicate No, and re-create the form again with the Wizard.
To record enough information so that you can see what a database does enter 24 or more
records now. You may use either Form View or Datasheet View.
A form is an object you use to maintain, view, and print records in a database. Although you can
perform these same functions with tables and queries, forms can present data in customized and
useful ways.
You can design your forms or use a Form Wizard to create forms for you automatically. A Form
Wizard is an Access tool that asks you a series of questions, and then creates a form based on
your answers. The quickest way to create a form is to use an AutoForm Wizard, which places all
the fields from a selected table (or query) on a form automatically, without asking you any
questions, and then displays the form on the screen. The form displays one record at a time. To
create a form using an AutoForm Wizard, you click Forms in the Objects bar of the Database
window to display the Format list, and then click the New button in the Database window to
open the New Form dialog box (Figure 13-12). You then click AutoForm: Columnar to select
this AutoForm Wizard.
If you are not in the Database: PERSON screen which shows the Tables, Queries, etc., go
there by clicking-on Window in the Menu Bar and then on PERSON: Database. Also, if you
have the Personnel Datasheet or Personnel Form open (to add data), close them before you
begin your queries. The Access program sometimes becomes logically confused when you try
to do queries when it “thinks” you also want to add data. You may see “error” messages if you
leave the Form or Datasheet open.
Notice, at the left of the Person: Database screen there is a selection that indicates Queries.
Click-on it. Since we have not done a query before, double-click quickly on Create query in
Design view or click-on Create a query in Design view and then click-on the Design button.
Two new windows will now appear: Query 1: Select Query and Show Table. You will first
have to select the table(s) you desire to query. The Show Table screen should look like the
one below.
Make sure the blue highlights are on Show Table and Personnel. Click-on Add (we'll talk
about Wizards later).
The Show Table window will disappear, and the Query 1: Select Query window, behind the
Show Table window, will appear by itself.
Click-on the expansion square in the upper right corner to enlarge the Query 1: Select
Query window.
Your screen should now look similar to the one below.
Notice, in the upper half of the window, a small box on the left indicates: Personnel. At the
top is an asterisk (* ) and below, in an elevator box, are the fields from the Personnel Table
(you can move up-and-down the list as you desire).
What we need to do next is place the Fields we want to query in the lower area of the screen.
Notice the lower area on the left border. The first row indicates Field:, followed by Table,
Sort:, Show:, Criteria:, and or:.
In the lower half of the screen click-in the first cell to the right of Field:. We'll start with a
query on Last Name, State, Favorite Number and Salary. Now click-on the down arrow and
then click-on Last Name. Notice how Last Name now appears to the right of Field: and a
(check) is seen in the Show: cell (The means that you will see Last Names in your
query.). Notice also that, to the right of Table:, that Personnel (the Table from which we
queried) is showing.
Your query screen should now look like the one on the right.
Now move to the next Field cell on the right and, using the down arrow click-on State. In the
next two fields to the right, insert Favorite Number and Salary. Your Query1: Select Query
screen should look like this:
Now, look in the Button Bar at the top of the screen. In the middle of the bar you will see an
exclamation mark ( ! ) like the one on the right. If you move the cursor over it, the help text
box will indicate "Run." Click-on the ( ! ). This click executes your query.
You can add or remove fields, as you desire. To do this we need to return to
the Design View where we created this query. To return to Design View
click-on the small button in the upper left corner of the screen that has the
blue triangle, pencil, and ruler (like the one on the right). Then, simply click-in the Field
area and select a new field and it will replace the old one. Or, click-on the field you want to
remove and tap the Delete key. Sometimes you may have a lot of fields and it will be too large
for a single sheet of paper.
To see how your query would look, if you print it, click on the button that has a piece of
paper and magnifying glass (Print Preview - like the one to the left). While you’re in the
Print Preview you’ll see a little magnifying glass that you can move over your query. If you
click the left mouse button once the magnifying glass will “zoom” in and enlarge
the view. If you click the left mouse button again it will zoom out. To return to
your query, click-on the Close button just above the print preview piece of
paper. This will take you back to the Normal View of your query.
If you are not in the Query Design Screen, you’ll need to be in that view. So, go to the Design
Screen. Notice that the third row, in the lower half of the screen, indicates Sort: (like the
image at the right). Click-in the Sort: area under Last Name. A down arrow box appears;
click-on the down arrow. Let's sort the Last Names in Ascending order. Click-on Ascending.
Notice that Ascending now appears in the Sort: area. Click-on the ( ! ) to see the new query.
Notice that the names you entered are alphabetized. Click-on the Design View button
(triangle-ruler-pencil). Now change the Ascending under Last Name to (not sorted). On your
own, try sorting some of the other fields. When you are finished remember to set the fields to
(not sorted) unless you do want to sort on those fields.
You may also sort various fields in your database whenever you are in the Datasheet View,
whether you are viewing the entire Table, or a Query from the Table. Notice that the Field
Names are shown at the top of each column in gray cells.
If you click-on one of the gray area field names (like State), the entire column (Field) turns
“black” (like the image above). This indicates that you have “marked” the entire column
(Field). In the button bar that appears, when you are editing the Datasheet View, you will see
two buttons with “down” arrows (like the image on the right). When you
move the cursor over these two buttons a text help box will indicate: Sort Ascending or Sort
Descending. If you click-on one of the buttons, the Field which you selected (highlighted) will
be sorted in the order selected. Give this a try and see how it works.
So, there are several “ways” you can sort your Tables and Queries.
Filtering Data
A filter is a set of restrictions you place on the records in an open datasheet or form to
temporarily isolate a subset of the records. A filter lets you view different subsets of displayed
records so that you can focus on only the data you need. Unless you save a query or form with a
filter applied, an applied filter is not available the next time you run the query or open the form.
The simplest technique for filtering records is Filter By Selection.
Filter By Selection
lets you select all or part of a field value in a datasheet or form, and then display only those
records that contain the selected value in the field. To use Filter By Selection, you select part or
all the field value that will be the basis for the filter in the datasheet or form, and then click the
Filter By Selection button on the toolbar. You can click the Remove Filter button on the toolbar
to redisplay all the records in the datasheet or form.
Specific Queries
So far we have listed everything under each Field Name that we selected. However, many
times you will probably want to find something specific in your Table (database - e.g. people
from a certain state or city, people whose favorite number is 7 or salaries between $ 20,000
and $ 50,000). This is fairly common sense, but it can get tricky.
To get an idea of various criteria, you might want to use, click-on Help in the menu bar. Then,
click-on Microsoft Office Access Help.
The Access Help Task Pane will appear on the right side of your screen. When your screen
appears, click-in the Search for: area in the Assistance portion of the Task Pane. Type-in
“query criteria.” Then click-on the Green Arrow to the right of the Search for: box. Your
screen should look similar to the one on the right.
A Search Results Task Pane will now appear on the right side of your screen (like the one on
the right).
A Microsoft Office Access Help Menu Screen will appear similar to the one at the top of the
next page.
When the Microsoft Access Help screen for Enter criteria to retrieve certain records (MDB)
appears, use the elevator bar on the right side of the screen to move to the bottom of the screen.
When you get to the bottom of the screen, click-on See Also.
A number of bulleted choices will appear. Click-on Examples of expressions
When the Examples of expressions screen appears, click-on Examples of expressions used in
queries and filters.
One of the new choices will be Examples of criteria to retrieve records. Click-on this
selection. Your screen will expand some more, like the image on the left.
Ranges of values
Text, partial , and matching values
A blank field’s value.
When you are finished, click-on the “X” in the upper right corner of the Microsoft Access
Help Topics menu screen to close the screen.
Also, click-on the “X” in the right hand corner of the Search Results Task Pane.
You may return and explore more of these help screens as you become more accomplished with
Access 2003 database. These help screens are like having a complete Access 2003 manual on
your computer.
Now we'll try a few specific queries. First let's find a specific state.
You should now be back in the Query1: Select Query menu Design window. It should look
like the one at the top of the next page. If you’re not then click the Design button in the
upper left corner of the screen (like the one on the right).
Click-in the cell to the right of Criteria: in the State column. You will see a flashing cursor
(Make sure you are in the State column.). Type-in the abbreviation for one of the states
you entered in your Personnel Table. Your Query should look like the image below.
Now click-on ( ! ). A new query window will appear. Only persons from the state you selected
should show.
Click-on Design View Button (triangle-ruler-pencil) to return to Design View. Now delete the
state you entered.
Now we'll look for Favorite Numbers larger than 600. Type-in >600 in the Criteria cell
under the Favorite Number Column. Click-on ( ! ). Everyone with a favorite number larger
than 600 should show. If no one is indicated you don't have a person with a number larger
than 600, or you might have typed the >600 incorrectly. Return to the Design View. Delete
the >600 and run the query with no criteria. You should “see” all the fields again. Return to
the Design View again.
Next we'll look for persons with salaries equal to or larger than $ 20,000 and equal to or less
than $ 50,000. In the Salary field column, in the Criteria: cell type-in:
>= 20000 and <= 50000
Click-on the ( ! ). You should now see a specific query that indicates those persons in the range
we chose. Go back to Design View. Delete the criteria you entered under Salary. Now, on
your own, if you desire, add or delete some fields to your query and experiment. Don't get
frustrated if no specific items appear. Frequently you might query for something that can't
exist (e.g. states of VA and CA – a person can't be from both states at the same time) or there
just isn't anything that matches. For fun, notice the or: just below Criteria to the left of the
Design View. Try one state in the Criteria: cell under State and another in the or: cell.
When you have a good feel for queries you’re ready to end your query session. First, click-on
File in the Menu Bar, and then click-on Close. A Microsoft Office Access Window will
appear and ask: "Do you want to save changes to the design of query 'Query1'?”
Click-on Yes and a Save As window will appear. Name the Query anything you like, we’re
going to name our query “Test Query 2003.” Click-on OK. When the Query1: Select Query
view closes you will return to the person: Database screen. Notice that the Query Selection is
active and your new query is available to use again, as you desire. You can activate this query
and change things just like you did in the tutorial. If you want a printout of your query (at
anytime), simply click-on the Printer Button in the button bar or on File in the Menu Bar and
Reports can be very complex. In this tutorial we'll learn the basics. A good manual or some
knowledgeable assistance will be essential to mastering reports.
There are several types of reports. We'll use the Wizards to design some.
If you are not in the Person: Database main window screen with the Table, Queries, Forms,
Reports, etc., click-on Window in the Menu Bar and then on Person: Database at the bottom
of the menu. Also, make sure that you have closed any Tables, Forms, or Queries on which
you are working.
In the Person: Database widow click-on the Reports button. Then, click-on the New Button.
See the arrows on the image at the right.
The following New Report menu window will appear.
First, click-on Report Wizard in the New Report menu screen. Then, in the area to the right of:
Choose the table or query where the object’s data comes from:, click-on the down arrow
and select Personnel. Then click-on OK.
The following Report Wizard Menu screen should appear:
Read all the information in the Report Wizard screen. Only the fields you select from your
table will show-in the report. To bring fields into the report individually you click-on the
name of the field (in the list of fields in the area under Available Fields:) and then click-on the
>. The order which you click-on the fields will be their order in the report. The >> brings
over all of the fields. The < brings back one of the fields which you have selected and <<
brings back all of the fields. If you make a mistake, or want to start over, click the <<
selection to bring back all of the fields and try again.
So let's begin. Click-on First Name, then click-on > (notice how the First Name field went
from the Available Fields: to Selected Fields:). Now do the same with the Last Name, State,
Gender and Salary fields. These are the fields that will appear in our first report.
Your Report Wizard screen should look like the one below.
If it does, click-on the Next> Button.
Grouping in Reports
This Report Wizard menu screen asks if you want to add Grouping. Grouping simply “groups”
records by an item in the report you are designing. We’ll group by state. This means that
“records” from a state will be in a “group” (e.g. people from Virginia will be in one group, the
folks from Washington in another, and so on). This will be easy to see when we look at the
report. So, click-on State, then click-on >. If you make a mistake, no problem, just use the <.
Your screen should now look like the one below.
Click-on Next> again. Another Report Wizard menu screen will follow.
First, the above screen requests that you indicate a Sort Order. This simply means that within
each “group, the alphabetic order in which you want the fields sorted. We’ll sort by Last
Name and then First Name. This way you’ll have the names, grouped by state, in Last Name
order and, where you have several people with the same Last Name, they’ll be sub-sorted in First
Name order. Notice the Ascending button to the right of the Sort box. This indicates that the
Field that you select is in A to Z or ascending order. If you click-on this button, it will reverse
the order from Z to A, or descending order. So, click-on the small down arrow to the right of
the first box and select Last Name. Leave the order as Ascending. Now, select First Name in
the second box. When you are finished, your Report Wizard menu screen should look like the
one above.
Notice a Summary Options button below the sort fields you have selected. Access 2003 is
“really smart.” Whenever you see the Summary Options box it is because Access 2003 knows
that you selected a number field for your report. The Summary Options box ONLY appears
when a number field is selected! Click-on the Summary Options… button.
The Summary Options menu box allows you to enter calculations for numerical and
currency fields if you have selected any. It will summarize these calculations by each group,
and in total. So, since Salary is a currency field, we can obtain calculations. Click-in the boxes
under Sum and Avg; this will furnish these calculations, as you will see in the report. If you
want percentages as well, click-in the box next to Calculate percent of total for sums.
Click-on OK. This will return you to the previous Wizard screen. Click-on Next> again.
This Report Wizard screen allows you to select a layout for your report. Click-in the small
circles to the left of each choice in the layout area and observe the results. For the moment,
we’ll stay with the default: Stepped. So click-again it that circle. Leave the report in Portrait
Note: At the bottom of the last Report Wizard menu screen there is a check in the small box
to the left of Adjust the field width so all fields fit on a page. This is a very important check.
This means that no matter how many fields you place in your report, they will all fit on one page.
With a few fields in the report, this is no big deal. However, if you have a lot of fields, they will
be all “scrunched” up and you’ll notice that sometimes the Field Names and data for these fields
are “cut-off” a bit. As mentioned at the beginning of the Reports section of the tutorial, this is
where an advanced course or manual are almost essential.
This menu screen allows you to select the Style that you would like for your report. Click-on
the choices (Bold, Casual, etc.) and see what each “looks like”. Choose whichever style you
desire and click-on Next> again.
The next Report Wizard screen is the last screen in the sequence. It allows you to select a title
different from the name of your database - if you so choose. Note that the small circle in front
of Preview the Report is “dotted”. When we click-on the Finish button Access 2003 will go to
a preview copy of your report. We’ll title this report State Report. Use this name, or any name
you desire, and click-on Finish.
This is a report in Tabular (Columnar) format. Your screen should look something like the one
Notice in the lower left corner of the report screen that you are on Page 1 of the report.
Notice the “triangle arrow” buttons to the left and right of Page 1. These take you to the first
page of the report, the previous page, the next page, and the last page. Try clicking-on them.
Notice that your cursor – in this Preview Report screen is a magnifying glass. This shows you
how a page of your report will appear when you print it. Each time you click the magnifying
glass you will “zoom in” or “zoom out” making your report appear larger or smaller. You will
zoom to the “place” where you place your magnifying glass – just like if you were using a real
magnifying glass and a real piece of paper. You’ll magnify the place where you are “holding”
the magnifying glass. So, give this a try.
Notice, in the upper-left corner a button that has a small triangle, ruler and
pencil. Click-on it. This takes you to Design View. This time, however, the
Design View is for Reports instead of Tables or Queries. This is where the Wizard
created the Tabular report design. Click-on the Design View button. Look at this screen for a
few minutes – it should look similar to the image below.
We’ll explain about what you see on the image above on the next page.
First The Button Bar. Run the cursor arrow over the buttons to get an idea of each
button function. Just like queries, we'll be going back and forth between
Design (triangle-pencil-ruler) and Print Preview (magnifying glass).
Second Notice, to the left, in the gray part of the screen, it indicates: Report Header
Page Header, State Header, Detail, State Footer, Page Footer and Report Footer
(see arrows on the last page).
Report If something shows here, it will only be shown on the first page of the report
Page Header: If something shows here, it will show on each page of the report at the top
of each column.
State Header This “sets-off” the State Grouping.
Detail: These are the field names from our database. Access will “pull” the
data for the individual fields from our database records.
These are the database fields themselves. The fields print each time there is a person in the
database. This field information is drawn from the database. As you enter more people in the
database and run the report again, more people will be shown. The "size" of the box you see
on the screen was created when we created the field sizes.
Report Footer: This is what shows only on the last page of the report.
and Report Footer area boxes indicate:
= SUM([Salary]). This is a calculation box the Wizard created. This is what gave you the
calculations for your average and the sum of the salaries in the State area and the grand total of
all salaries in the Footer area.
Save Report
You can either click-on File (in the Menu Bar) and then Save, or Save As, or click-on the small
diskette button in the button bar. A menu window will open which says Save As.
In the area under Save Report ‘State Report’ To: type-in State Report then click-on OK.
Now click-on the File in the Menu Bar and then click-on Close. You could also click-on the
“lower X” in the upper right corner of the screen. Be careful here. The lower “X” closes
whatever you are working on (report, query table, etc.). The upper “X” closes the Access 2003
You should now return to the main Access 2003 Person: Database screen. The Person:
Database window should appear on the screen. If it does not, then click-on File, then Open
Database. When the Open Database Window appears, click-on Person.mdb in the File Name
area, then click-on OK. In the person: Database window click-on the Report area. A report
named State Report will be there. Click-on it, then click on the Design button. You are now in
your report design screen. Close this report again as you did previously.
Now we'll create some other reports. This is similar, in process, to the report you just completed.
In the person: Database window – make sure you have clicked-in the Reports area - click-on
the New button. When the New Report Window appears, click on “down triangle” in the area
to the right of Choose the table or query where the object’s data comes from:, then click-on
Now click-on some of the different Wizard’s choices. Try Auto Report: Columnar and
Tabular, or go back to the Design Wizard again. Experiment with the different types.
As you create reports you may save or not save, as you desire.
Reports can become very complex, very quickly. This is only an introductory tutorial, which
furnishes a simple guide to report design. You might want to purchase a book on Access or try a
separate tutorial on reports. Our favorite book is Microsoft Access 2003 – Inside Out from
Microsoft Press. Now File, Exit.
Creating a Form
Recall that a form is an object you use to maintain, view, and print records in a database. In
Access, you can design your own forms or use Form Wizards to create them for you
The Form Wizard allows you to choose some or all of the fields in the selected table or query,
choose fields from other tables and queries, and display the chosen fields in any order on the
You can also choose a style for the form. You will create a form to view and maintain data in the
Order table.
To create a form using the Form Wizard:
Now that you have the basics, you might want to try some things on your own. Try using the
Wizards in Table, Query and Reports.
This has been an introduction into the basics of Access 2003. If you have any questions about
Access 2003, or comments on this tutorial, please contact:
Thank you for your patience and good luck.
Create a table with the information below and name it “patients table” (Use appropriate data
(a) Display the entire data in a form and call it “patients’ form”
(b) Create a query to reflect all patients with injection prescription and name it “Injection”.
(c) Create a query to reflect male patients below 21 years of age with Malaria ailment and name
it “Malaria patients”.
(d) Retrieve a report to reflect all patients with hypertension to be reviewed in two weeks. Name
it “hypertension”
(e) Create a report to view record sorted with their first names and name it “All records”.
(f) Create a report to view all male patients. Name it “Males”
(g) Create a report for patients on drip. Name it “Drip patients”
(h) Save the work and make a printout
A dealer in cosmetics has the following information:
As a student of computer studies you are required to create a database for managing customer
payments in Djnet Enterprise Limited. The information below is necessary in the development of
a database. The name of the database should be Djnet Enterprise Customer database.
Create a table with the information below and name it “pay roll”.
In this company, each employee works for a minimum of 200 hours in a month, in case an
employee works beyond the normal hours, the pay rate is multiplied by 1.5. A tax of 30% is
deducted from gross income of the employee. The NSSF also deducts 4000 monthly as the
pension fund contribution.
e) Generate the net wage for the employees (don’t forget deducting NSSF funds).
f) Save your work and make a printout.
Create a table with the information below and name it “Customer Table” (Use the appropriate
Data type)
e) Create a query to show male agents. Name it “Male Agents”
f) Sort the names of customers in alphabetical order.
g) Create a report to show all records. Name it “All records”
h) Make a printout of your work.
Create a table with the information below and name it “Worker’s Table” (Use the appropriate
data type)
The table above gives the information on some workers of an Events Management Company
(a) (i)You are required to design a suitable database to manage the above information, name the
database workers database.
(ii) Create a table using design view, name it worker’s table.
(iii) Create a form called Chef’s Entry form and enter the above records.
(b) (i) Create a query displaying all the fields in the above table to filter out only workers from
the department of research. Save it as Research Department
(ii) Create another query displaying all the fields of workers with salary less than 320000.
Name it less than 320000.
(iii) The Amigo chef’s service’s promotion’s age is 52 years. Create a query to filter out the
employees whose ages are above 52. Name it Promotional Age
Database of Borrowers
Create a table with the information below and name it “pay roll” (use the appropriate data type)
(a) (i) You are required to design a suitable database to manage the above information, name the
database Employee’ Database.
(ii) Create a table using design view, name it Workers Table
(iii) Create a form called Employee’ Entry form and enter the above records.
(b) (i) Create a query to show all female employees with grade 1. Name it grade 1
(ii) Create a query to show all Christians employees. Name it Christian.
(c) (i) Create a report for all records. Name it “all Employees”
(ii) Create a report with all female technician workers with grade 1. Name it “female
(iii) Create a query to show all Muslims with finance post. Name IT Muslims in Finance.
(iv) Create a report to show all Christians with grade 3. Name it Christian 3
(a) (i) You are required to design a suitable database to manage the above information, name the
database school database.
(iii) Create a form called students’ Entry form and enter the above records
(b) (i) Create a query to show all male students who sometimes attend classes. Name it
(ii) Create a query to show students who take lunch at school. Name it “lunch”
(c) (i) Create a report for all records. Name it “students Report”
(ii) Create a report with all male students who sometimes attend classes. Name it “sometimes”
A school in Kiboko county, Mbemba district has a population of 500 students and various
subject departments. Some twenty students, 12 of them are girls living in Maria and Theresa
houses. The other 8 are boys who live in Muteesa and Kabalega houses.
Required to:
(i) Create a database file with the fields: Surname, Last name, Age, Sex, Registration
number, Address, Class and House for the 20 students.
(ii) Sort the data in (i) above using, surname as the primary key field. Save your database
file on a CD-Rewritable as “Dfile”.
(iii) Design a table using the data in (i) above in a Datasheet view.
(iv) Create a query for house members of Maria and Kabalega houses.
(v) Create a report showing the fields: Surname, Class, and House.
(vi) Save your table on a CD-Rewritable as Dtable.
St. Martha SSS is interested in computerizing all the information related to students.
All students pay fees totaling to $1200. Part payments are also made. The school has approached
you to design a simple database to manage this.
A. Design a suitable database to manage this. Name the database as STMARTADB
B. Create a table using a design view: name this table: students: use the following
table properties.(field names and data types) shown below.
(h) Create a report of students who have paid fees less than 1200. Save it as Fee<1200.
(i) Create a report of students with no fees balance. Include all fields. Save it as NO FEES
(j) Create a report showing ID, Surname, Class and Fees grouped on class. Save ot as
The table below gives information on some students in a certain school as follows.
i. Create a table called students details with the above fields. (2 marks)
iii. Create a query for Timbuktu and Nairobi house members and name it house query.
(6 marks)
iv. Create a query for students whose age range from 12 to 16 (6 marks)
vi. Create a report that shows the following fields: name, class and house. (6 marks)
vii. Save your database file on a floppy diskette/CD as school data. (2 marks)
Create a database structure (table) using appropriate data types in relation to the table given
below. Set staff No. as the primary key. Save the table as staff table.
(a) Create a form using the staff table in (a) above and use it to input the records above.
Save the form as staff form.
(b) Create a query showing staff no, surname and department to filter out only staff in the
physics department. Save I as query 1
(d) Create another report which will produce a list of staff who are in economics department
earning a salary of less than shs. 600,000.
Patients’ Database
Hospital’s Database
Computers are now widely used in hospitals. Using a database management systems program:
l) Create a report using both tables, put your name in the header and put the current date
and time in the footer. Name it Patient-hospital database.
m) Save the database as “hospital database”
n) Make a printout of your work.
The table below represents workers in the IT department at the faculty of computing and
information technology of BEST University. Create a database for these workers and name it
(a) Create the above table and enter the shown data. Save it as workers.
(b) Create a query displaying all the workers who have names beginning with letter “A”
name the query as Query A.
(c) Create a query to display all the workers whose profession end with “er” and save it as
End er Query.
(d) Create another query displaying all workers who were born in 1970’s and name this
query as 1970’s.
(e) Generate a report from 1970’s and name it 1970’s Report.
(f) Make a form to include all the fields and save it as Form IT.
(i) Use the form in (f) above to compute Net pay by using appropriate formula. If
the workers’ Tax which is 25% of net pay, calculate the tax.
(ii) Insert a title “Computing Workers Net Pay Form”
(iii) Insert date and time in the form you created.
(iv) Insert footer as your name registration number.
(g) On the form you have created add the following command buttons Add Record, Save
Record, Delete Record and Close Form.
(h) Use the above buttons to add more two professionals by assuming their details, save
changes and close the form
Equatorial College Ibanda has a population of 800 students and various subject departments.
Some 8 students, 4 of the girls live in Uganda and Algeria houses. The other 4 are boys who live
in Washington and Moscow houses. Save the Database as Equatorial College Database.
Required to:
(i) Create a database file with the fields: Reg No, Surname, Last name, Age, Sex, Address,
Class and Houses for 8 students and call it Students Table. Note: Use Lookup wizard for
the Sex data type.
(ii) Create a query for house members of Uganda and Moscow. Name this query as Uganda
& Moscow.
(iii) Create a report for Uganda and Moscow grouped on House. Name it Uganda & Moscow
Report Grouping.
(iv) In the report you have created above include the following
A title Equatorial College Report, bold it, Arial black, pink in color and font
size 20 to make it attractive.
A logo of the school (budge) from File/Sample pictures.
Date and time it has been created.
(v) Create a query to sort out students of the same age. Name this query as Same Age Query.
(vi) Create a form from same age query with fields Reg No., Surname, Class and Age. Name
it Same Age Form.
And in this form include a Title Equatorial College Form in font size 16 Tahoma style.
Lock your form such that no duplicates are made.
(vii) Create a macro that opens Same Age form and same Age Query, name it as Age Details.
Use design view and enter the data in the table below in MS Access, set CODE as primary key,
each record should have an imaginary passport size photograph, sex and profession should be
Lookup wizard data type and save the table as “Worker Table”
CODE Name SEX DATE OF Profession Allowance Duration Tax Income Photo
BIRTH Allowance Tax
(a) i. Design a form including all fields, the title of your form should be “SMACK
ii. Save your form as Debate form and it should have the following command buttons;
Add Record, Save Record, Delete Record and Close Form.
(b) Use the form to add other three professionals by assuming their allowances, duration and
photographs and save the changes.
(c) Lock all your entries in your form such that no duplicates are made as one navigates
through your form.
(d) Create a query to retrieve all lawyers and chiefs who attended the workshop and save it as
Lawyers and Chiefs.
(e) Create a query to extract employees whose allowance is above 200000 but less than
500000 id descending order and save it as Worker’s Allowances.
(f) Create a report including all fields except Codes field and compute for total allowances
and tax and save it as Workers Report.
(g) Create a macro that opens the Workers Table.
(h) Create another macro that opens Lawyers and Chiefs and Debate Form in print preview.
The tables below give information about a small home in Kampala. Study the tables carefully
and answer their related questions.
Client ID Qty Activity Activity Date Price Prod ID Total
Bought ID Amount
(i) Create a database called ‘clients’ and use it for the following activities.
(ii) Create the activity table with appropriate primary key and data types.
(iii) Create the clients table with appropriate design. Use the lookup wizard for the
gender field.
(iv) Create a query to include currency with two decimal places on Qty bought field save
the query as Edited Activity query.
(v) Create a one-to-one relationship between the clients table and activity table.
(vi) Create a query for those clients whose locations begin with ‘N’. The query should
have the following fields: client name, client phone, client location and Qty bought.
Name it ‘Nata query’.
(vii) Create another query to pick out all those activities that took place after 22nd January
2013. Save it as “Late Comers”.
(viii) Generate a form from activity table and compute for total amount which is Qty
(ix) Insert date and time in your form and a title Computations for Total Amount
Form and save it as Calculated Form.
The table below shows food items purchased at Rwampala comprehensive S.S. Create a
database to manage Rwampala comprehensive S.S food supply.
(a) Create the table above, enter the data and name it Rwampala comprehensive S.S
(b) Put your table in blue color.
(c) Make a form showing ID, name, quantity in stock, unit price and Total cost and name it
“Suppliers form”
(d) In the form above calculate for Total cost as Qty*Unit price. Add two command buttons
of your choice and insert date and time. A title as Suppliers Information Form font size
14 in Arial black.
(e) Lock all your fields in the form such that no duplications are made.
(f) Create a query to display all the details of persons who are not diagnosed with malaria.
Save it as No Malaria.
(g) Design a query to filter suppliers whose contacts begin with “077” and “078”. Name it
“Suppliers Contacts”.
(h) Design another query to extract food items whose unit price is above Shs.120000 and
save it as “Above 120,000”.
(i) Create a macro that opens Suppliers Contacts Query and Suppliers Form. Save it as
Suppliers Macro.
(i) Design a suitable database to manage the above information, name the Database BCM
DATABASE. (02 marks)
(ii) Create a table using Design View, and name it STUDENTS TABLE. (08 marks)
(iii) Create a form called Students Entry Form and enter the above records. (06 marks)
(iv) Create a query displaying all the fields in the above table to filter out only students who
are females. Save it as Females. Print the query and its output. (03 marks)
(v) Create another query displaying all the fields of students with donations 5000 and
above. Name it 5000 Plus. Print the query and its output. (03 marks)
(vi) Create a query displaying all the fields in the above table to filter out only students whose
donations are between 2200 and 9900. Name it Donations between 2200 and 9900.
(02 marks)
(vii) Create a query to filter out the students who donated at least 5000 in Interact and Writers
clubs. Name it Interact and Writers. Print the query and its output. (03 marks)
(viii) Create a report using Donations between 2200 and 9900 query. Name it Report
Between. Print the report. (03 marks)
Using a suitable desktop publishing application, design certificate to be awarded to students who
have worked tirelessly for the ICT Club in your school
Use the appropriate signatories to your certificate that is; Head teacher, Patron ICT Club and the
Use font size 16, font color blue, font style bold italic to the text you have typed
Design a logo for your certificate using letters in a word art form
Using a suitable publishing software design a business form using a studio inventory list design
(a) Use t5he business name with a word art as “MJ SMART STUDIO” in the font size 18 ,
bold in blue color
- a picture of a lap top and a Camera from sample pictures/ file to act as your business
identifier (logo)
(b) Use the following details;
(c) Use No Fill for the default Background color (Black for the Titles)
Use the layout above to fill the table with 20 details of items purchased
Assume the totals
Make sure your grids are visible before printing
Add footers of your name and registration number
(d) Address; P.O BOX 05 Masaka opposite Naume Bar and lodge restaurant
(e) Phone +256-757-624-136
Question three
In this question your are going to make twelve identical business cards in your names
Question four
In each of the following spaces, you are going to the design identical business cards with the
following details. You are advised to use appropriate formatting and positioning of the details
below to make your card fit in the space created.
Question four
Using any publication software, design a business card using the details below:
(b) Design eight identical business cards tiled on A4 page size 3.5 widths and 2 heights.
(c) The card layout and spacing is as follows:
Left and Right margin should be 0.5
(d) Insert a logo of a lap top from the logo folder as one of your dealing products.
(e) Apply a word art to your company name.
(f) Apply font color, font style and design.
(g) Insert footer as your name and index number.
Question five
In a bid to regain their target market taken away by Picture Industries, Musana Industries limited
has approached you to redesign for them the front book cover of their 48 page exercise book.
The following details have been provided to you.
Kampala Road,
Tel: +25604142304416,
Using any publishing software of your choice. Design a book cover using the criteria below.
(d) Include a text box showing the number of pages contained in the book as shown above at an
appropriate position.
(e) Include a header and footer as your name and personal number respectively.
(f) Use appropriate font type, font color, background and include a page boarder around your
book cover.
(g) Save your work as “Book cover” and Print.
Question six
Using a suitable publishing software, design eight identical business cards tiled on A4 page size,
3.5 with 2 height
(i) A logo of the company at the left hand side of the card, provide the logo.
Question seven
Using suitable publishing software, design eight identical business cards tiled on A4 page size,
3.5” width and 2” height.
i. A logo of the company at the left hand side of the card. Provide the logo.
Question eight
Mr. Tumusiime is a manager of AFRICANA PHOTO STUDIO, a new company dealing in the
selling of photo frames, cameras and many other related products. Tumusiime wants you to
design for him a business card which he wants to give to his esteemed customers.
Load any desktop publishing application of your choice to perform this task following the
guidelines below;
Divide the page so as to get a print out of 6 identical cards per page.
Design one card with the following information on your card design;
Business card dimensions of 1.5 “height and 3.5 “width.
Location of business: Mbanguta Street Mbarara
Designation: Manager
Contact address: P.O Box 43336 Mbarara
Email: tumanger
Phone number: +256222456
Change the background color to grey
Type your text using font Calibri.
Insert your name and index number as footer.