IBM Design Thinking
IBM Design Thinking
IBM Design Thinking
At IBM, we define design as the intent behind the outcome: why do we want
something to work in a particular way? It requires not only understanding
the outcome. To design well we also have to understand the user,
developing empathy for that user, and what that user is trying to accomplish
while using our design.
At IBM, Enterprise Design Thinking becomes the framework for delivering
great user experiences to our clients.
Restless reinvention
Everything is a prototype! Everything—even existing products and
solutions. When you think of everything as just another iteration, you can
bring new thinking to even the oldest problems.
Diverse empowered teams
Diverse teams generate more ideas than teams where everyone thinks
alike, because different perspectives provide different ideas and increase
your chance of a breakthrough. Diverse members should also empower a
team with the expertise and authority to turn ideas into outcomes.
The Loop drives you and your team
Understand users’ needs and deliver outcomes continuously
The Loop drives the team to understand the present and envision the future
in a continuous cycle of observing, reflecting, and making.
As teams gets started, they come together to understand the present and
envision the future. It is everyone’s job to learn more about your users’
world by observing, or jump in and get started by making your ideas real.
Design thinking treats everything like a prototype. Everything is an
unfinished product, that will always be iterated on, that will always be
reinvented. Teams can observe, reflect, and make over and over again as
they try to solve a problem.
The Keys align you and your team
The Keys help keep teams focused and aligned on outcomes that matter to
Enterprise Design Thinking introduces three core practices—the Keys—to
help solve well-known issues that IBM experiences on complex projects.
These can be briefly described as:
Hills align us as teams.
Playbacks align us across time.
Sponsor users align us with their reality.
The Keys help keep teams focused on outcomes that matter to users, and
keep in touch with real-world needs.