8th English Notes
8th English Notes
8th English Notes
1 The heavenly parasol
I.) Glossary :
Parasol = light umbrella used to give shade from the sun.
Lure = attract or invite.
Exquisite = extremely beautiful or delicate.
Cast = spread, act of throwing Something.
Sovereign = person holding highest power.
Dazed = Confused, surprised, bewildered.
Portent = sign or warning of an unpleasant feature event.
Impose = try to make somebody to accept.
Expedition = journey or voyage with a particular aim.
Weary = Tired.
Wood = Small forest.
Slain = kill violently.
Agitation = Disturb state of mind.
Brandish = display, show.
Barbarian = primitive, coarse or cruel human being.
Victim = living creature killed and offered as religious sacrifice.
Cringe= move back or lower one‟s body in fear.
Incredulity= showing disbelief.
Vanished = disappeared.
2. What was arranged for her, what she attained the age of marriage ?
Ans : When she attained the age of marriage a swayamvara was arranged for her.
6. Why did Kashmir‟s ministers of court make an offer to Maghvahana to be their king ?
Ans : Ministers of the Kashmir court were dissatisfied with their present ruler as he had devoted
Himself to a life of prayer and neglected the affairs of the kingdom. So they made an offer to
Meghavahana to be their king.
8. What did Meghavahana want to conquer the island of Lanka ?
Ans : Lanka was a land of demons and needed to taught the way of peace so he wanted to conquer the
island of lanka.
10. How did Meghvahana rescue both the victim and the barbarian‟s son ?
Ans : to rescue the both victim and the barbarine‟s son, the king Meghvahana himself was ready to
offer his life as sacrifice.
2) How did Varuna the lord of the seas testy Meghvahana‟s ability of mind ?
Ans : Lord Varuna created an illusion to test the nobility of Meghvahana‟s mind. In the illusion,
a human sacrifice was in progress in a temple of Chandika .A man laid on the ground begging
for mercy and a barbarian stood over him brandishing his sword. Meghavahana was shocked
at the sight and tried to prevent the killing. But the barbarian begged not to interrup
Meghavahana moved with compassion for the victim and the child. And to save both their life‟s
He drew out his sword to strike himself as soon as he lifted his sword his head was covered wit
divine flowers and someone held back his arm. The king turned around in surprise and saw
heavenly appearance. Mean while the barbarian, the victim and the child Vanished.
III.) Read the following statements and answer the questions given below
1. “ it casts its shade on none else but sovereign of the whole world”.
a) Who said this?
It was said by the king.
3. “ If you cannot bring yourself to strike at me, I will use my own sword for the purpose.”
a) Who said this ?
It was said by king Meghavahana.
IV.) Answer the following :
1.) Why did Nagendra open a shop ?
Ans : Nagendra was orphaned and without a job. So he opened a shop to learn a living.
5) How did Nagendra make Gupta relying the value of the wisdom ?
Ans : The merchant was furious at Nagendra when he had given him the first notes of wisdom.
When his son was caught by the maids as their witness, the merchant was worried and
realized , that the need of Nagendra‟s advice Nagendra told him to preened to be insane
and because of his behavior he was thrown out of the court & and his witness become invalid.
So the merchant realized the value of his wisdom.
Ans : When babu was driven out of the court for insanity he was very happy.
IV) Read the follow extract and answer the follow
I.) Glossary :
1) confident : sure.
2) free for all meet : any one can participate.
3) absurd : foolish.
4) blush : feel shy.
5) acclaim : praise.
6) swimmers : group of swimmers.
7) poised : stood ready
8) spectators : on lookers.
9) contest : competition
10) venture a bite : to try to bite.
11) grab : catch hold of .
12) claws : sharp nails of an animal‟s or bird‟s foot.
13) foe : enemy.
14) like swimmer : a swimmer controlled by an extraordinary spirit possessed.
4 The necklace.
I.) Glossary :
1) Yearn : Strong desire, longing.
2) Evade : avoid, keep out of the way.
3) Humiliate : feel ashamed or disgraced.
4) Unmitigated : havening no accompanying advantages.
5) Depreciate : become less valuable, less important.
6) Folly : foolishness, lack of wisdom.
7) Bolt away : run away.
8) Reprimand : rebuke, sever disapproval.
9) Pale : dull, not bright and vivid.
10) Equilibrium : balanced state of mind, or feelings.
11) Heed : pay attention to, take notice of.
12) Providence : fate, destiny, God.
13) Penance : self imposed punishment for one‟s wrong doing.
9) Why was the Panditji worried the most about the loss of necklace?
Ans : The loss of the necklace and the fact that he must replace it to save his honour worried
him considerable.
10) What did he do to earn extra income ?
Ans : * To earn extra income Panditji went to recite the gita after School.
* Till late in the night, he setup to cast horoscopes.
* The mornings were utilized to go to temple to recite durga stotra.
11) What was the truth Maya Disclosed when Panditji got new Necklace ?
Ans : When Panditji got new necklace Maya disclosed the truth that the necklace was never
lost. She also said that it was the only way she could think of to make him by one
12) What advice did Panditji give Maya without betraying his innermost feelings ?
Ans : Without betraying his innermost feelings he thanks god that her long standing demand
had been met. He also told her never to try such tricke again.
13) What were the patent excuse given by Panditji not to by ornaments ?
Ans: Every time Panditji had avoided on Some excuse or the other never admitting
however that he did not have the money for it. The obvious excuse were keeping of
ornaments was a disease the gold smith cheats and get only one half of the ones money
keeping ornaments in the house was to invite thieves and so on.
16) How did Panditji‟s carefree life change after the play of theft ?
Ans : Panditji was not used to worrying. But loss of the necklace and the fact that he must replace
Ordinarly it, if he were to save his honor, warred him considerably. This care free life
become a thing of past and he was all the time servicing ways and menace of repaying the
debut .the next six months were a real penance for him. Pandit balak ram who had never
even once in his life cared to turn to the many open to a Brahamin for.
What is life if full of care ,We have no time to stand & Stare No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare at long as sheep or cows.
No time to see , When woods we pass ,Where Squirrels hide their nuts in grass,
No time to turn at Beauty‟s glance And watch her feet ,how they can dance No time to turn wait till
her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began A poor life this, if full of care we have no time to stand & stare
I. Glossary :-
1. Stare :- to look at Something with great concentration.
2. Beneath :- underneath.
3. Enrich :- improve the quality of .
4. Laugh ;- a main branch of true.
6 King sindbad and his falcon.
Glossary :
1. Subordinates : lower in rank or position .
2. Valley : a low area between hills .
3. Prey: an animal hunted & killed by another for food.
4. Mage : a complicated network of paths .
5. Thwart : prevent from succeeding .
6. Murmur : something that is said quietly.
7. Accomplish : achieve are complete successfully .
8. Talans : the claws of a bird of prey .
9. Wander : walk are move in a casual way .
10. Gauntlet : a strong glove with long as loose wrists.
11. Anmay: make slightly angry.
12. Slake : satisf.
13. Viper : a paisanous snake.
14. Repent : feel regret are sorry.
15. Gasp : a sudden catching of breath
16. Saddle : a seat with a raised right at the front and lack fastened on to the lack of a horse of
2. What had the king brought up ? What did he tie around its neck ?why ?
Ans : Sindabad had brought up a falcon as his pet. The king had tied a golden cup around her neck
to provide drinks at the time of hunting.
5. Why does the falcon upset the cup with the „dripping liquid‟ ?
Ans : The falcon upset the cup with the dripping liquid because it was the dripping drops of a
snake‟s poison.
9. How did the gamjelle escape ?
Ans : A gazelle was trapped within the area covered by the net .The net was lifted by the kings
hunting troop from all the sides Gradually they began narrowing the net circle to trap the
ganzelle .She too moved towards the king and stood on her hind legs. She then lifted her for
legs up to the breast & suddenly jumped above the head of the king and escaped out of the
10. How did the falcon help the king to kill the gazelle ?
Ans : The falcon flew high up and traced the fleeing gazelle she at once swooped down and blinded
the ganzelle with her talons .
12. What activity of the falcon made the king become furious ?
Ans : Every time the king filled the cup with ,dripping ,liquid, the falcon returned it thrice
„so the king become furious .
13. Why did the king out off the wings of the falcon ?
Ans: The falcon over turned cup with the liquid thrice then the king placed the cup in front of
horse Falcon overturned the cup again the king become furious that neither the falcon was
allowing the horse to drink „the liquid Out of anger, the king chopped of the wings of the
15. Why did the falcon upset the cup again & again?
Ans : The falcon upset the cup again & again because the dripping liquid was nothing else but
the poison of a viper .
7 The Ant and the cricket
1. Silly :- foolish, looking in common sense
2. Cricket: an insect, like a grasshopper
3. Accustom :- get used to
4. Crumb :- a small fragment of bread, cake or biscuit
5. Starvation: suffer from hunger
6. Famine:extreme scarcity of food
7. Tremble : be in a state of great worry or fear
8. Miser: a person who hoards wealth and hates to spend
9. Borrow : take and use with the intention of returning it.
10. hartily: hurriedly
11. Wicket : entry to the house
12. Gay : happy
13. Sorrow : being unhappy
14. Grant : give
15. Warrant : guarantee
16. Folks : people
2. Read the second line and find out the word which means happy .
Ans : The word which means „happy „-Gay.
IV . Appreciation :
1. The ant said that they never barrow they never lend ; what do you think about this principle?
Ans : The ants are very industrious and they are always seen to be busy During the summer
season the ants collect food & store food for the winter & rainy season. From this we
assume “ that the ants strive hard for their living & we can say that there is no need for
them to borrow nor lend too.
2. Why does the poet call the cricket „Silly‟ in this poem ?
Ans : The ant spents its summer collecting & storing food for the winter & rainy season
Whereas the cricket seems to be very relaxed
during the summer season & spends its singing all day & night and when the winter begins,
the cricket starts complaining that there is no food in store and so the poet calls the cricket
8 The Broken gate
I Meanings :-
1. Pretend : Make it seem that something is the case when in fact it is not
2. Gallop : the fastest pace of the horse
3. Delight : please greatly
4. Coward : a person who lacks the courage to do dangerous things .
5. Dreadful : extremely bad or serious .
6. Wonder : a felling of surprise
7. Rag :a piece of old or tattered cloth
8. Fierce : violent or aggressive.
9. Loyal : firm & constant in one support of a person.
2. When did all the boys go to Mr. twinkle says & what did Mr .twinkle say ?
Ans : All the boys went to meet Mr .Twinkle in the evening . old man twinkle was not ready to see
anyone for the moment so he told the boys to play in the yard till he called them .
4. What did all the boys decide to tell the old man if he asked about the broken gate ?
Ans : The boys decided that they would not tell anything about the broken gate .
7. Jack started in surprise what made jack store at Mr. twinkle in surprise ?
Ans : Mr .twinkle announced the name‟s of the boy‟s who were swinging on the gate this surprised
8. Who was finally chosen to help the old man twinkle ? why ?
Ans Jack was finally chosen to help the old man twinkle because Mr.
twinkle wanted a boy who was brave enough to own up when think things went wrong he
wanted a boy who was loyal & truthful.
10. How did the boys break the gate ?
Ans : Mr. Twinkle wanted a boy to help him at his shop when Jack &his friends went to meet Mr.
Twinkle. They were asked to wait as he was busy seeing an enormous yard gate ,the boys
climed on it and pretenied to whip the gate to make it gall op. and as the gate was old it broke
away at the hinges .
11. Why did jack thing they ought to tell about the broken gate to old man?
Ans : Jack felt that it was rather cowardly not to tell about the broken gate.He always belived that
we need to own up when things gowrong.
13. How would jack overcome his weakness according to Mr. twinkle?
Ans : When Jack was chosen by Mr. twinkle to work in his shop, Jack was reluctant as he was
& a ragged boy. But Mr ,twinkle insisted that he would grow if he would eat the pudding
made by Mr. twinkle every night and the good food would make his brain grow. And the little
money would help him by little cloth.
14. What made Mr. twinkle choose jack for the job?
Ans : When the gate was broken ,Jack stayed back and tried to mend the gate When Mr. twinkle
inquired about the broken gate jack admitted that he along with his friends had broken the
gate, he also requested Mr. twinkle to choose one of his friend for the job but Mr. twinkle
chose jack because he was brave enough to accept his mistake and for his loyalty towards his
9 Anandi Gopal
- An Autobiography
I. Meaning:-
1. Rapid = Happening at a great speed
2. Acquire = Come to have
3. Trial = Something that tests a person‟s endurance or patience.
4. Tribulation = Trouble ,Suffering.
5. Astonish = Surprise very greatly.
6. Impress = Cause or feel admiration.
7. Poverty = A state of being poor
8. Wonder = A feeling of surprise
9. Emit = Give out discharge.
10. In vain = Without success
11. Toll = Damage resulting from something
12. Renowned = The state of being famous
13. Frustrate = Prevent from succeeding.
14. Cemetery = A large burial ground
2. “I decided that I would like to be a doctor ? what made Anandobai decide this?
Ans. In those days female doctors were not available in their country ,many women , reluctant to
approach a male doctor would suffer a lot as a result, Anandi herself had lost her infant son
when she was 14. So she decided to be a doctor.
3. How did Mrs .carpenter help Anandibai pursue her studies in machine .
Ans . Mrs. carpenter of Roselle, New Jersey,by chance come to know her story & was moved by
the correspondence & wrote Anandi a letter .Mrs . carpenter offered to host her in the U.S A.
4. How did the superintendent & secretary of the college help Anandibai‟s?
Ans . The superintendent & the secretary of the college were very kind .They even offered her a
scholarship of $600 for the 3 years.
9. How did Anandibai face the alien culture & cold wind?
Ans. The room that was provided to Anandi at the college didn‟t have a proper fireplace .She tried
to get another place but that was not possible as no one was ready to rent a place to a brown
Hindu girl trying to be a doctor. After about two years in that place ,she had started having a
constant temperature & caugh Thus, living in a alein culture weather was very difficult.
11. Describe the great qualities of Anandi that you like the most ?
Ans . Though Anandi was married at a very young age , she had a desire to study .
Seeing her rapid progress her husband was insistent that she should acquire higher education
she had to face a lot of apposition & criticism to the extent of people throwring stones &
dung at her . In Americian culture she had to struggle between American and Indian by the
end of three years her condition worsend. . After 2 yrs in America she started having a
constant temperature & cough . the cough never left her . warrened & she managed to scrape
through the final exams.From this we see that Anandi was very determinant in achieving her
12. How did Anandi become a doctor in spite of the obstacles she faced?
Ans . Anandi‟s husband gopal Rao was an ardent supporter of widow remarriage & womans
education . So after their marriage he started educating Anandi .Seeing Annadi‟s progress he
was insistent that she should acquire higher education .He also struggled to get her admitted
in some university in America .Even in America she faced a lot of problems Amerian culture
was completely different from her culture . The room where she lived also was not at all
comfortable because of which she her health was severely affected despite this she managed
to scrape through the final exams & become the first woman doctor of India.
Lightly,O lightly we bear her along she sways like a flower in the mind of cur so
She skims like a bird on the foam of stream
She floats likea laugh from the lips of dream
Gaily ,O gaily we glide &we sing
We bear her along like a pearl on a string.
Softly ,O Softly we bear her along.
She hangs like a star in the dew of the son
She springs like a beam on the eyes of a bride,
Lightly , O lightly we glide & we sings,
We bear her along like a pearl on a string.
I. Glossary:-
1. Sway : moving from one side to ather.
2. Skim : glide something over something.
3. Foam : small bubbles.
4. Gaily : happily
5. Dew : condensed drops of water
6. Beam : ray of light
7. Brow : eye brow ,top of the water.
8. Glide : move
3. Why do you think the palanquin bearers are carrying the palanquin lightly.?
Ans . The palanquin bearers are carrying the palanquin lightly because she is very delicate.
4. What are the emotions that the bearers feels thaey carry the palanquin?
Ans. The beares carry the palanquin very happily.
8. Why has she been compared to a star?
Ans . The bride is dressed in her bridal attire . So she is referred to a star.
9. Why do you think the poetess has used 2 contradictory feelings of „laugh‟
„In the 4th line of the 1st Stanza & tear‟ in the 2nd line of 3rd stanza?
Ans . The 4th line of the 1st stanza tells us that the bride laughs as she is very hopeful of her future.
„Tear in the second line of the 3rd stanza tells us of the brides grief over her departure from her
loved ones.
10. Why do the palanquin bearers sing while carrying the bride ? what do you think this song
song is about.
Ans . The palanquin bearers sing songs of departure of the bride from her loved ones to her home
with the bright future.
II Idioms :
1. Quite a tussle = very difficult
2. You are word perfect = acquire thorough knowledge.
3. You are a real gem = very helpful
4. Dark side of things = negative thinking
3. What do you mean by the phrase. „Don‟t be a wet blanket all the time ?
Ans. The phrase Don‟t be a wet blanket all time means that one should not always look at the dark
side of things.
4. What was the opinion of the teachers about Akash?
Ans. The teacher‟s admired Akash for his cheerfulness despite his lame leg. They marveled at
how courageously he faced things. They also admired his readiness to help others.
6. How did Nakul realize that his way of thinking was irritating to others?
Ans: Akash always encouraged Nakul whenever he was caught in difficult situation. Akash
Was always Optimistic. Even the teachers admired him for his cheerfulness. From this nakul
Realized that his pessimistic attitude irritated others.
11. Was Nakul‟s changed attitude towards life worthy of appreciation? Give reason for your
Ans: Yes, Nakul‟s changed attitude towards life was indeed worthy of appreciation. Nakul admitted
to himself that Akash‟s cheerful positive outlook was like a bracing tonic which influenced his
own way of thinking He also admitted that his constant grumbling must be irritating to
someone when liked to look at the bright side of things.
iv. Read the extracts and answer:-
1. “Huh! It‟s easy to say that as you don”t have to worry”.
i) Who said these words
Ans: These words were said by Nakul to Akash
12 Modern Machinery
We were taken from the are bed & the mine
We were melted in the furnace & the put left were cast and wrought &
Hammered to design
We were cut & field & tooled & gauged to fit
Some water ,coal & oil are all we ask,
And a thousandth of an inch to gives play
And now, if you will set us to our task
We will serve you fair twenty hours a day!
We can pull & haul and push & lift & drives
We can print & plough & weave & heat & light,
We can run & jump & &swim & fly & drive
We can see & hear & count & reach,& write
But remember, please , the law by which we live,
We are not built to comperhend a lie,
We can neither a love nor pity nor forgive ,
If you , make a slip in handling as you die.
Though our smoke may hide the heavens from your eyes,
It will vanish and the stars will shine again ,
Because for all our power and weight & size,
We are nothing more than children of your brain.
Rudyerd Kipling
I Meaning
1. Ore- bed : rock from which metal can be mined.
2. Mine : Place from where minerals are dug out
3. Furnace : enclosed place for heating materials at a very high temperature .
4. Wrought : beaten to bring them in a particular shape.
5. File : to cut or shape something.
6. Gauged : measured
7. Haul : pull or drag with lot of force .
8. Comprehend : understand , grasp .
9. Slip : slippor skid
10. Vanish : disappear.
5. Pick out the action words performed by the machines eg : pull haul..........
Ans. 1. Pull haul ,push, lift & drive
2. print ,plough, weave , heat & light .
3. see ,hear ,count , read ,write.
10. “we are nothing more than children of your brain “ why ?
Ans . Machines are the inventions & made by man to help them in making their work easier. So
they only know to follows orders .they cannot love, pity Or forgive like human beings.
11. In this poem the poet attributes one human quality to machine s what is it? Substantial late
your answer .
Ans. Seeing hearing ,counting ,reading and writing are the qualities of human being which the
attributes to machines. We can see and hear and count & read write .This line gives us the
sense of human qualities.
4. Who was Alan Trever ? what was Trever doing when Hughie called on him.?
Ans. Alan Trever was a painter by procession .when Hughie called on him Trever was finishing
the full size picture of a beggar man.
9. What did dan Trevor tell Hughie when he met hum at the palette club ?
Ans. Alan told Hughie that the old beggar was one of the richest men in Europe He had have could
buy all London tomorrow and never miss the money. He had a house in every Capital city, ate
in gold plates & could prevent Russia going to war when he chose.
10.Alan Says, “ He‟ll invest your sovereign for you Hughie” How do you think the baron could
hour invested the sovereign for Hughie ?
Ans. Alan meant that Baron would invest his sovereign in business & pay him interest every 6
11.That old beggar, as you call him, is one of the richest men in Europe” Name the richest man
referred to how is he described to Hughie ?
Ans. The richest man referrd to Baron house berg that the old beggar, as you call him, is one of the
richest men in Europe he could buy all London & never miss the money. He had a
house in every capital city ate off gold plates & Could prevent Russia going to war when he
12. Describe how Hughie Erskine was all to marry Laura merton.
Ans. The condition laid down for Hughie to marry Laurd was, Hughie was supposed to get 10
thousand pounds of his own. When Hughie met the old beggar he felt miserable at his
condition & sliped a sovereign into his hand. Later,Alan told Hughie that beggar was none
other then baron hauseberg, one of the richest men in Europe Baron had inquired where about
of Hughie, After few days Hughie received a check of 10 thousand pounds as a wedding
present to Hughie & Laura Merton. In this way they were married
13.Bring out the Subtle humor from the story ` the model millionaire
Ans. Hughie was not aware that the beggar was a rich man feeling sorry for him, Hughie slipped a
sovereign into the beggars hand .He even wished to give him his old clothes. When Alan tells
Hughie that the beggar was inquiring about his where abouts he was shocked & then Alan
reveals the fact that the beggar was the richest man in Europe. Hughie is even more
astonished. All these things are expressed in a homour on exchange of words
2) Discontent : dissatisfied.
4) Precious : Valuable.
5) Shriek : scream.
4) a) What did princess mother tell to Panna, When she was dying ?
Ans : The prince‟s mother told Panna that she lost everthing except her precious child.
She said she was living him in Panna‟s charge & asked her to be a mother to him &
protect him from all harm.
b) What did panna Promisethe Rani ?
Ans: Panna promised the king that she would give her life to save the life of prince.
6) a) Why did Panna chainged the princess cloths
Ans : Panna changed the prince‟s cloths to save his life.
b) Where she put him ?
Ans : She put himin basket of flowers
c) What did she cover him with ?
Ans : she coverd the prince with flowers and leaves
7) Whose cloths were panna makes her baby were ? Whose did she put him
Ans : Panna clothed her baby with the princes cloths She put him in the prince‟s bed.
9) What are the main qualities you appreciate in Panna ? give reasone in support of your
answer. ?
Ans : Panna was very loyal & dedicated servant of the Queen of Mewar. She was ready to
give up her life for the prince and when the need arose She actually Sacrificed her own
I.) Glossary :
I.) Answer the following.
1) What ws the arun doing the all alone on the platform ? why
Ans: Arun was sitting on Platform No. 8. On ambala station, waiting for the north bound
train to go to his boarding school. He was alone because his considered him old enough
to travel alone.
3) “are you all alone, my son? how did Arun react when he heard the voice of stranger ? why?
Ans : When Arun heard the voice of the stranger he looked upon at her & stood up Respectfully
the women looked poor but there was lightly about her . that commanded respect.
5) What are the reasons behind arun instinctive dislike towards Satish‟s Mother
Ans ; Satish‟s mother was imposing women. Her attitude of imposing her opinion on others &
giving un asked suggestion annoyed Arun she began to advice arun in an imposing
manner so he developed dislike to words.
7) How did satish & Arun react to advise of satishs mother saying „ Nevr talk to stranger ?
Ans : Satish‟s Mother didn‟t think Arun‟s Mother was a very capable person may be because she
spoke very little and didn‟t bring any eatable or other things to give Arun.
8) What did Satish‟s mother give and say say to Satish as a parting advice ?
Ans: Satish‟s Mother Handed Satish a bag of fracts or Cricket bat & Big box of chocolates , & told
him to share the food with Arun. She advised them not to put their heads out of the window
and not to eat any rubbish on the way.
10) How did Arun replay the stranger women for her goodness ?
Ans ; Arun was very Much impressed. By the way treated him with care and affection Arun
kissed her cheecks and shook her hands with her & said good bye mother .
II.) Read the extract & answer
1) She drew me out very well”
i) Who is the speaker ?
Ans: Arun
ii) What do you mean by above phrase ?
Ans: It means that the dignify.
The miser
Answer the following :-
1. What was there in surrender‟s hoard to call himself wealthy?
Ans : Surrender hoard was full of gold ,silver , real diamonds & precious stones.
9. When did saka assume surrender‟s own form & walk into his house ?
Ans : The next day , when surrender went for his morning walk sakka assumed surrender own form
& walked in through his front door .
11. what was the warning given by the make –believe surrender to the crowd at his tarms ?
Ans : The make –believe surrender told the crowd not to be afraid if an imposter who looked liked
him, came to threaten & stop them from taking the wealth he told them to drive him away
13. whom did the puzzled king requested to decide on the two look alike surrender ?
Ans : the plugged king request vandana to decide ,who her real husband was
16. how did vandana want to celebrate when the ordeal was over ?
Ans : vandana wanted to celebrate by making dozens of ladoos.
19. how did sakka the king of gods teach a lesson to surrender ?
Ans : Sakka the king of gods assumed the formd surrender & came to his house when surrender had
gone out for walking he then announced that he would share all his wealth with his towns folk
when the real surrender come he could believe his eyes he took the matter to the king at the
kings court saka took his original form & warned surrender to give up his miss erliness or he
would come back to teach him a lesson again.
I ) Answer the followings.
1) What do you think were the simple things done by the cowboy ?
Ans: The simple things done by the cowboy were he roamed about in all the places like fields, open
Spaces etc.
2) Do you enjoy reading ? what do you feel are the joys of reading ?
Ans: Yes I do enjoy reading, they are the things which bring success in life through looks we can also
trowel the whole world .
7) What were the deeds preformed by the poet in his world of imagination
Ans: Poet reaches the land of snow & ice goes the hunting & fishing with Eskimos the poet visited
the moon the spent time in the forest of Africa & with huckleberry finn in America he also
imagined to perform wonder ful deeds has the hero of all the nations .
8) What happened when the poet grove up ? what are his feelings towards life?
Ans: When the poet grow up he developed a serious attitude towards life, his world of imagination
came to an end.
9) What is the message given by the poet in the poem ?
Ans: The poet tells us that looks enrich us with knowledge .They enhance once our imagination
Reading books takes us to places unseen and fills us with vast knowledge bo he tells us to
cultivate reading habit.
The bees
I Glossary
1) Velvet : Thick & soft
2) Merry : full of joy
3) Drone : a male bee.
4) Pillage : the action of stealing honey
5) Kneading : making honey smodh
6) Surely) : load temple
4) How does the poet describe the duty consciousness of the bees?
Ans. The poet is very much impressed by the sincerity of bees in performing their duties . He uses
different images to compare them with human beings .The bus distribute the work involved
in the making of honey among themselves . The poet brings out a comparison between their
work and address them with different names.
5) Mention the different types of bees according to the nature of their work.
Ans. The King is at the top who is busy surveying the live. There is a magistrate who corrects
those who are discharging their duties at home . solders armed with stings guard the live.
The merchants venture outside to collect the nector . the masons build the roof of the live . the
civil citizens smoothen the honey . the porters quev at the gate to deposit the honey . And the
executors their duties carefully. All the bees are very active but the only bee that is lazy is
the drone.
2) The poet is sympathetic towards some of the bees because they are the ones who work very
The Cloud
I bring fresh showers for the thisting flower
From the seas & the streams,
I bear light shade leaves when laid
In their noonday dreams
From my wings are shaken the dewy that waken
The sweat buds every one,
When rocked to rest on their mothers breast
As she dances about the sun.
I wield the flail of the lashing hail ,
And whiten the green plains under,
And then again I dissolve it in rain,
And laugh as I pass in thunder it in rain,
And laugh as I pass in thunder I am the daughter of earth & water And the nursling of the sky,
I pass through that pores of the ocean and shores
I change , but I cannot sie.
For after the rain when with never a stain for after the rain when with never a stain,
The pavilion of heaven is bare
And the winds & sunbeans with their convence of
Build up the dome of air,
I sielently laugh at my own centemph ,
And out of the coverns of rain , like a child from the want , like a
Ghost from the tomb
I arise & unbuild it again.
Percy byesh shelly.
I Glossary:
1) Thirsting : thirsty
2) bear : carry
3) stream : a small narrow river
4) dew : tiny drops of moisture that forman cool surface at night
5) Rocked : moved regularly backwards & forwords or from side to side.
6) Flail : a wooden tool consisting a stick suringing from the end of a long handle
7) wield : to use.
8) lashing : hitting with force,
9)hail : frogen rain drops which fall as little hard balls of ice.
10) Plains : a large stretch of flat land.
11) Nursing : a baby who is taken care of by a nurse.
12) pares : small opening
13) stain : a mark.
14) powlion : a large structure lightly build & intended to be used only for a short
15) cantoph : A monument built to honour solders killed in a war
16) Cavern : A large cave.
2) What does the cloud when leaves are laid in their dreams?
Ans. The cloud is the daughter of the earth, water & the nursling of the sky.
2. The cloud is said to have wings and it shakes its wings . what happens when the wings of the
clouds are shaken ?
Ans. When the wings of the cloud are shaken they bring rain & the buds bloom into flowers .
4. In the 3rd stanza , shelly talks about the earth as a planet . The flail is an instrument which is
used to seprate again from the husk. How does the poet compare hail king the earth & flail
hitting the wheat?
Ans. The flail is an instrument which is used to seprate the husk & the grains , heaving the earth
covered with husk the poet compares this activity with the falking if the hail onto the earth
poet says when the hail strikes the earth they get broken & spread on the earth.
4) the cloud says „I‟ change but it cannot die though the sky appears clear after rain explain?
Ans. According to the poet the clouds take different forms . At times it happears has dew has hail
I when the sky is dear it is found in the forms of water which passes , through the pares of the
oceans & shares. And again from here clouds are formed due to the evageration of water.
5)In the last stanza after the rain the convex gleams of sun makes the sky look like a blue dome
Ans. The poet calls the blue clouds the centan because he feels that when the clouds fall down in
the form of rain snow or dew it becomes empty .The sunbeans which are then created are has blue
domes which looks like cenotaph.
IV) Annotate:
1) “ I wield the flail of the lashing hail ,And whiten the green plains under.,
Ans. These lines are taken from the poem “the cloud” written by , “P.B shelly” here the brings out
the beautiful imagery of hitting the hail & grading on the this activity is compared to the
activity of the flail which is used to separate the grains from husk.