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Chapter 1 Astronomy The Cycles of The Sky

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Astronomy Chapter 1

Chapter 1. The Cycles of the Sky

Chapter 1 Sections

Page 14

Stonehenge is a stone monument built by the ancient Britons on Salisbury Plain, England, more than
4000 years ago. The huge stones are aligned to mark the seasonal rising and setting points of the Sun on
the horizon.
Page 15

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this chapter you should be able to:

 Describe the motions of the Sun, Moon, and stars as they rise along the eastern horizon, move
across the sky, and set along the western horizon.

 Recognize the kinds of fixed patterns of stars called constellations.

 Explain why different constellations are visible at different times of the year.

 Define the cycles of the Sun, Moon, and stars that are the basis for the day, month, and year.

 Describe how and why the shape of the lit portion of the Moon seen from Earth changes during
the month.

 Relate the tilt of the Earth's axis to the changes in the apparent daily path of the Sun during the
course of the year.

 Explain why the tilt of the Earth's axis leads to seasonal changes of temperature on the Earth,
and how the effects differ on different parts of the Earth.

 Describe where, and how frequently, lunar and solar eclipses occur, and describe the visual
phenomena associated with each.

 Explain why eclipses are rare, and why their dates gradually shift.

Concepts and Skills to Review

 The properties of Earth and Moon (Preview, pp. 1–2)

 The orbit of the Earth (Preview, pp. 4–5)



We do not know when people of antiquity first began studying the heavens, but it was certainly many
thousands of years ago. Astronomical observations are part of virtually every culture and include events
that anyone who watches the sky can see, such as the rising of the Sun in the eastern sky and its setting
toward the west, the changing appearance of the Moon throughout the month, and the beautiful and
awe-inspiring occurrences of eclipses.

For many prehistoric people, observations of the heavens had more than just curiosity value. Because so
many astronomical phenomena are cyclic—that is, they repeat day after day and year after year—they
can serve as timekeepers. For example, when is it safe to set out on a sea voyage? When is it time to
harvest crops? When will an eclipse occur? Moreover, the cyclic behavior of the heavens implies that
many events seen in the sky are predictable. The desire to foretell these changes in the sky and on Earth
probably motivated early cultures to study the heavens, and it may have led them to build monumental
stone structures such as Stonehenge (facing page).

Sadly, many of the astronomical phenomena well known to ancient people are not nearly so familiar to
people living today, because the smog and bright lights of cities make it hard to see the sky and its
rhythms. Perhaps more important, we no longer rely upon direct astronomical observations to tell us
what season it is, when to plant, and so on. Therefore, if we are to appreciate the growth of
astronomical ideas, we need to first understand what our distant ancestors knew and what we ourselves
can learn by watching the sky over the course of a year.

In the following discussion, you might imagine yourself as a shepherd in the Middle East, a hunter-
gatherer on the African plains, a trader sailing along the coast of the Mediterranean, or even a flight
navigator in the early twentieth century. Whichever role you choose to assume, try to get out and
actually look at the sky.

1.1The Celestial Sphere

One of nature's spectacles is the night sky seen from a clear, dark location with the stars scattered
across the vault of the heavens (fig. 1.1A). Many of the patterns and motions of the stars have been all
but forgotten in our hectic modern world, so our first goal is to familiarize ourselves with some general
aspects of the sky at night.

The thousands of stars visible on a clear night are at vastly different distances from us. For example, the
nearest star is about 4 light-years away, but others are more than a thousand times farther away. Such
huge distances prevent us from getting any sense of their true three-dimensional arrangement in space.
For purposes of naked-eye observations, we can therefore treat all stars as if they are at the same
distance from the Earth, imagining that they lie on the inside of a gigantic dome that stretches
overhead. Astronomers describe this dome as part of the celestial sphere and picture it as completely
surrounding the Earth, with the Earth at its center. Thus, if you were suspended in space far from Earth,
you would see the entire celestial sphere surrounding you, as depicted in Figure 1.1B.* However, if you
are on the Earth and look around, you will see that the ground blocks your view of approximately half
the celestial sphere. The line where the sky meets the ground, and below which your view of the
celestial sphere is blocked, is called the horizon (fig. 1.1A).

(A) The stars appear to lie on a hemisphere over us that meets the ground at the horizon. (B) The stars
are scattered through space at very different distances, but they appear to lie at the same distance from
us on what we call the celestial sphere. Note: Sizes and distances are drastically exaggerated. For Earth
at the size shown, the nearest star would really be 6000 miles away.

The celestial sphere has no physical reality, but it serves as a model of the heavens—a way of simplifying
the arrangement and motions of celestial bodies so they are easier to visualize. We use the
term model to mean a representation of some aspect of the Universe. That is, the celestial sphere
represents a way of thinking about or viewing the location and motions of stars and planets. The
celestial sphere is the first of many models we will encounter that humans have used to describe the
known Universe. In later chapters, we will use models to enhance our understanding whenever the size
or other properties of what we study fall outside the range of our everyday experience. Thus, we will
speak of models of atoms, models of stars, and models of the Universe itself.

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As human beings, we seek order in what we look at. When ancient people looked at the night sky, they
noticed that the stars form fixed patterns on the celestial sphere, what we today
call constellations.Some of these constellations resemble animals if we use a little imagination. For
example, the pattern of stars in Leo looks a little like a lion, whereas that of Cygnus looks like a swan in
flight, as depicted in figure 1.2. However, you will discover, as you learn to identify the constellations,
that many have shapes that bear little resemblance to their namesakes. Also, keep in mind that stars in
a constellation generally have no physical relation to one another. They simply happen to be in more or
less the same direction in the sky.


The two constellations Leo (A) and Cygnus (B) with figures sketched in to help you visualize the animals
they represent.

All stars move, but as seen from Earth, their positions change very slowly, taking tens of thousands of
years to make any noticeable shift. Thus, we see today virtually the same pattern of stars that was seen
by ancient peoples. A shepherd who lived 5000 years ago in the Middle East would have no trouble
recognizing the star patterns of the night sky we see and might even call them by the same names.

We do not know how the constellation names were chosen, but most of them date back thousands of
years. In fact, we don't know when the names were first given to the constellations or why, although
there is some evidence they served as mnemonic devices for keeping track of the seasons and for
navigating. For example, the beginning of the stormy winter months, when sailing was dangerous and
ships were often wrecked, was foretold by the Sun's appearance in the constellations Pisces and
Aquarius, the water constellations. Likewise, the harvest time was indicated by the Sun's appearance in
Virgo, a constellation often depicted as the goddess Proserpine, holding a sheaf of grain.

Daily Motions of the Sun and Stars

Star Rise and Set Caused by Earth's Rotation

Take a look at the night sky, and you will see stars rise along the eastern horizon, move across the sky,
and set along the western horizon, just as the Sun does. You can verify this by watching the night sky for
as little as 10 minutes. A star seen just above the eastern horizon will have risen noticeably higher, and
stars near the western horizon will have sunk lower or disappeared (fig. 1.3). Likewise, if you look at a
constellation, you see its stars rise as a fixed pattern in the eastern sky, move across the sky, and set in
the western sky.


Motion of stars near the western horizon.

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In terms of our model of the heavens based on the celestial sphere, we can visualize the rising and
setting of stars as rotation of the celestial sphere around us (fig. 1.4). Ancient peoples would have found
it far easier to believe in that rotation than to believe that the Earth moved. Thus, they attributed all
celestial motion—that of the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets—to a vast sphere slowly turning overhead.
Today, we still say the Sun rises and sets, but of course we know that it is the Earth's rotation that makes
the Sun, Moon, and stars rise and move westward across the sky each day. It is not the celestial sphere
that spins but the Earth.

(A) Stars appear to rise and set during the course of a night, although some circumpolar stars always
stay above the horizon. (B) The whole celestial sphere can be pictured as spinning around the celestial
poles, which lie above the Earth's poles, with a celestial equator above Earth's equator.

Q. Stars appear to move counterclockwise around the north celestial pole. Looking from above the
Earth's North Pole, what direction does the Earth rotate, clockwise or counterclockwise?


If you look at the celestial sphere turning overhead, two points on it do not move, as you can see
in figure 1.4. These points are defined as the north and south celestial poles. The celestial poles lie
exactly above the North and South Poles of the Earth, and just as our planet turns about a line running
from its North to South Poles, so the celestial sphere rotates around the celestial poles. Over the course
of a night, stars appear to circle the north celestial pole in a counterclockwise direction for observers in
the Earth's northern hemisphere.

Because it lies directly above the Earth's North Pole, the north celestial pole always marks the direction
of true north. Near the position of the north celestial pole, there happens to be a moderately bright star,
Polaris, which is therefore known as the North Star.* This is an important guide for travelers on land and
sea and was widely used by early peoples for this purpose.

Another important sky marker frequently used by astronomers is the celestial equator. The celestial
equator lies directly above the Earth's equator, just as the celestial poles lie above the Earth's poles,
as Figure 1.4 shows. Only stars on the celestial equator rise due east and set due west. Stars north of the
celestial equator rise in the northeast and set in the northwest, while stars south of the equator rise in
the southeast and set in the southwest. For a northern observer some circumpolar stars near the north
celestial pole never cross below the horizon, while stars close enough to the south celestial pole never
rise above the horizon.

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Annual Motion of the Sun

At the same time that the Earth's spin causes the apparent daily motion of the Sun and stars across the
sky, the Earth's orbital motion around the Sun also causes changes in the sky. If you compare the sky at
the same time each evening for a few months, you will discover that different constellations are visible.
For example, on an early July evening, the constellation Scorpius will be visible, but on December
evenings, Scorpius is not visible. Instead, you will see the brilliant constellation Orion, the hunter. A year
later, the same constellations will again be visible as they were originally.

The change of the constellations with the seasons is caused by the Earth's motion around the Sun. As
the Earth moves around the Sun, the Sun's glare blocks our view of the part of the celestial sphere that
lies toward the Sun, making the stars that lie beyond the Sun invisible, as illustrated in figure 1.5. Month
by month, the Sun covers one constellation after another. It is like sitting around a campfire and not
being able to see the faces of the people on the far side. But if we get up and walk around the fire, we
can see faces that were previously hidden. Similarly the Earth's motion allows us to see stars previously
hidden in the Sun's glare. For example, in early June, a line from the Earth to the Sun points toward the
constellation Taurus, and so its stars are lost in the Sun's glare. After sunset, however, we can see the
neighboring constellation, Gemini, just above the western horizon. By early August, the Earth has moved
to a new position in its orbit. At that time of year, the Sun lies in the direction of Cancer, causing this
constellation to disappear in the Sun's glare. Looking to the west just after sunset, we now see Leo just
above the horizon.


As the Earth orbits the Sun, the Sun appears to move around the celestial sphere through the
background stars. The Sun's path is called the ecliptic. The Sun appears to lie in Taurus on June 1, in
Gemini on July 1, in Cancer on August 1, and so forth. Therefore the constellations we see after sunset
change with the seasons. Note that the ecliptic is the extension of the Earth's orbital plane out to the
celestial sphere.

Constellations by Seasons

Because these movements repeat on a yearly cycle, they are called annual motions. Astronomers
distinguish an object's spinning motion from its orbital motion with different terms. We say that the
Earth rotates on its axis (spins) daily while it revolves around the Sun (moves along its orbit) annually.
Our planet's motion makes each star rise 3 minutes and 56 seconds earlier each night. That 3 minutes
and 56 seconds, when added up each night over an entire year, amounts to 24 hours. A year later, when
the Earth returns to the same spot in its orbit, the sky looks the same again.
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This motion is slow and difficult to observe, but many ancient peoples developed techniques to keep
track of these motions. This was extremely important to early people because it provided a way to
measure the passage of time other than by carefully counting days. Moreover, the stars demonstrated
that many celestial events are predictable and that they may be used to order our lives on Earth. For
example, ancient Egyptians looked for the star Sirius near the Sun just before dawn as a way of
predicting when the annual rising of the Nile would occur. Knowing the exact season can be crucial for
such things as planting crops. A brief warm spell might have tricked an ancient farmer into sowing seeds
too early, but by studying the sky for many years, she might have discovered that when the constellation
Taurus is visible just before dawn, it is time to plant.

The Ecliptic and the Zodiac

If we could mark on the celestial sphere the path traced by the Sun as it moves through the
constellations, we would see a line that runs around the celestial sphere, as illustrated in figure 1.5.
Astronomers call the line that the Sun traces across the celestial sphere the ecliptic. The
name ecliptic arises because only when the new or full moon crosses this line can an eclipse occur, as
you will learn later in this chapter. Examining figure 1.5, you can see that the ecliptic is the extension of
the Earth's orbit onto the celestial sphere, just as the celestial equator is the extension of the Earth's
equator onto the celestial sphere.

The belt-shaped region of the sky surrounding the ecliptic passes primarily through twelve constellations
and is called the zodiac. The word zodiac is from the Greek zoidion, “little animal,” and kyklos, “circle.”
That is, zodiac refers to a circle of animals, which the majority of its constellations represent. The names
of these constellations are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius,
Capricornus, Aquarius, and Pisces-Ram, Bull, Twins, Crab, Lion, Maiden, Scales, Scorpion, Archer, Sea-
Goat, Water-Bearer, Fish. The names of the constellations of the zodiac may look familiar from
horoscope “signs,” part of an ancient belief system of astrology that stars determined human destinies,
much as they predicted the rising of the Nile. Astrology is today regarded as a pseudoscience, although
horoscopes remain a popular entertainment (see Extending Our Reach: Are You an Ophiuchan?)

EXTENDING our reach


The origin of horoscope signs dates back several thousand years, and is based on the notion that the
location of the Sun along the zodiac at the time of people's birth (their “Sun sign”) determines their
personal traits. Astrologers often say things such as that a person born under the sign of Taurus is
“strong and silent like a bull.”

If you check where the Sun was actually located on the date of your birth, chances are that it was not in
your Sun sign. This is because the dates of Sun signs were established thousands of years ago, but the
wobble of the Earth's axis (see chapter 6) has caused a shift in the dates of our calendar relative to the
location of the Sun among the stars.

In fact, the Sun has shifted almost one full constellation, so if you think your sign is Aquarius, for
example, the Sun was probably in Capricornus when you were born. In fact, the boundaries of the
constellations are a little arbitrary, but the Sun actually moves through the constellation Ophiuchus, a
snake charmer, during the first half of December. So many people who think they are Sagittarians are in
fact “Ophiuchans”! Astronomers are not concerned about this, however, since there is no scientific
evidence that astrology has any predictive power.

1.2The Seasons

Many people mistakenly believe that we have seasons because the Earth's orbit is elliptical. They
suppose that summer occurs when we are closest to the Sun and winter when we are farthest away. It
turns out, however, that the Earth is nearest the Sun in early January, when the Northern Hemisphere is
coldest. Clearly, then, seasons must have some other cause.

To see what does cause seasons, we need to look at how our planet is oriented in space. As the Earth
orbits the Sun, our planet also spins. That spin is around an imaginary line—the rotation axis—that runs
through the Earth from its North Pole to its South Pole. The Earth's rotation axis is not perpendicular to
its orbit around the Sun. Rather, it is tipped by 23.5° from the vertical, as shown in Figure 1.6A. As our
planet moves along its orbit, its rotation axis maintains nearly exactly the same tilt and direction,
as Figure 1.6B shows. That is, the Earth behaves much like a giant gyroscope. The tendency of the Earth
to preserve its tilt is shared by all spinning objects. For example, it is what keeps a rolling coin upright
and a thrown football pointed properly (fig. 1.7). You can easily feel this tendency of a spinning object to
resist changes in its orientation by lifting a spinning bicycle wheel off the ground and trying to twist it
from side to side.


The Earth's rotation axis


(A) The Earth's rotation axis is tilted 23.5° to the Earth's orbit around the Sun. (B) The Earth's rotation
axis keeps the same tilt and direction as it moves around the Sun. (Sizes and distances are not to scale.)
The Earth's Rotation Axis


The tendency of a spinning object to keep its orientation is called “conservation of angular momentum,”
and it is the principle on which gyroscopes operate and the reason a quarterback puts “spin” on a

Because the Earth's tilt remains nearly constant as we move around the Sun, sunlight falls more directly
on the Northern Hemisphere for part of the year and more directly on the Southern Hemisphere for
another part of the year, as can be seen in figure 1.8. This changes the amount of heat we receive from
the Sun over the course of a year.


Because the Earth's rotation axis keeps the same tilt as we orbit the Sun, sunlight falls more directly on
the Northern Hemisphere during part of the year and on the Southern Hemisphere during the other part
of the year. (Sizes and distances are not to scale.)



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A surface area facing directly toward the Sun intercepts a larger portion of the Sun's radiation, and
hence is heated more, than the same surface area when tilted, as Figure 1.9 illustrates. You take
advantage of this effect instinctively when you warm your hands at a fire by holding your palms flat
toward the fire, not edgewise.

A portion of the Earth's surface directly facing the Sun receives more concentrated light (and thus more
heat) than other parts of the Earth's surface of equal area. The same size “beam” of sunlight (carrying
the same amount of energy) spreads out over a larger area where the surface is “tilted.”

For the same reason, the Northern Hemisphere receives its greatest heating at the time of year when
the Sun shines most directly on it, making it summer. Six months later, the Northern Hemisphere
receives its sunlight least directly, and so it is colder and therefore winter (fig. 1.10). This heating
difference is enhanced because the Earth's tilt leads to many more hours of daylight in the summer than
in the winter. As a result, not only do we receive the Sun's light more directly, we receive it for a longer
time. Thus,

the seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth's rotation axis.

From Figure 1.10 it can be seen why the seasons are reversed between the Northern and Southern
Hemispheres; when it is summer in one, it is winter in the other.


Between the extremes of the year six months apart, the angle at which sunshine strikes the ground at
the same latitude can vary greatly.
Seasonal Changes in Daylight


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Solstices, Equinoxes, and the Ecliptic's Tilt


The Sun's motion north and south in the sky as the seasons change

The tilt of the Earth's rotation axis not only causes seasons, it also is why the Sun's path across the
celestial sphere—the ecliptic—is tilted with respect to the celestial equator. Because the Earth's axis
remains oriented in a fixed direction, there is a point in its orbit when the North Pole is tipped most
closely toward the Sun. This occurs on about June 21, as illustrated in figure 1.11. On this date, the
North Pole is tilted 23.5° toward the Sun, so the Sun lies 23.5° north of the celestial equator. (The date
varies a little from year to year, mostly because a year is about one-fourth of a day longer than 365
days—which is also what causes us to insert leap years.) Half a year later, on about December 21, the
Earth is on the other side of the Sun, and the Sun lies 23.5° south of the celestial equator.

Annual motion of the Sun north and south in the sky


As the Earth orbits the Sun, the Sun's position with respect to the celestial equator changes. The Sun
reaches 23.5° north of the celestial equator on June 21 but 23.5° south of the celestial equator on
December 21. The Sun crosses the celestial equator on about March 20 and September 22 each year.
The times when the Sun reaches its extremes are known as the solstices; the times when it crosses the
celestial equator are the equinoxes. (The dates can sometimes vary because of the extra day inserted in
leap years.)

Although the seasons begin on the solstices and equinoxes, the hottest and coldest times of year occur
roughly 6 weeks after the solstices. The delay, known as the lag of the seasons, results from the oceans
and land being slow to warm up in summer and slow to cool down in winter.
As a result of this north–south motion, the Sun's path crosses the celestial equator twice during the year
as illustrated in figure 1.11. The dates when the Sun reaches its extreme north and south positions are
used to mark the beginning of summer and of winter, while the dates when the Sun crosses the celestial
equator mark the beginning of spring and of autumn.

Astronomers give these dates special names. When the Sun is on the celestial equator, the days and
nights are of equal length (approximately), so these dates are called the equinoxes, for “equal nights.”
The spring (or vernal) equinox occurs near March 20, while the fall or autumnal equinox occurs near
September 22. The beginning of summer and of winter mark the times of year when the Sun pauses in
its north–south motion and changes direction. Accordingly, these times are called the solstices,meaning
the Sun (sol) has stopped its motion north or south and is staticand about to reverse direction. The
dates of the solstices (summer and winter) also change slightly from one year to the next, but they are
always close to June 21 and December 21.

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Tracking the Sun's Changing Position

The motion of the Sun north and south in the sky over the course of the year causes the Sun to follow
different paths through the sky each day as the Earth rotates. For a northern observer the Sun is high in
the sky at noon on a summer day but low in the sky at noon on a winter day (fig. 1.12A). For example, on
June 21 at a midnorthern latitude of 40°, the noon Sun is about 73.5° above the horizon, or about 16.5°
away from the zenith-the point in the sky straight overhead. On December 21 at this latitude, on the
other hand, the highest point the Sun reaches is only about 26.5° above the horizon. See Astronomy by
the Numbers: “The Angle of the Sun at Noon.”

Because the Sun moves north and south of the celestial equator during the year, the Sun does not rise
due east or set due west on most days. Rather, over a year, the direction to the rising and setting
position of the Sun constantly changes (fig. 1.12B). On the vernal equinox the Sun is on the celestial
equator, so it rises due east and sets due west. From this date up to the summer solstice, the Sun's rising
and setting points shift northward each day. From the summer solstice to the winter solstice, the
position shifts southward each day, rising and setting due east and due west again on the autumnal
equinox. After the winter solstice, the Sun begins to move north again. The shift of the Sun's position is
particularly obvious near the equinoxes, when the Sun's position on the horizon shifts by almost its own
diameter each day (fig. 1.13).

(A) The shifting location of the Sun north and south of the celestial equator causes it to reach different
heights in the sky each day throughout the year. This diagram illustrates the Sun's path in the sky for an
observer at about 40° northern latitude. (B) The motion of the Sun throughout the year results in the
sunset (and sunrise) position shifting relative to features on the horizon each day.


A pair of photographs taken eight days apart from the same location. The pictures were taken just
before sunset, close to the date of the autumnal equinox. The sunset position changed by more than 4°
during this time—just about the size of the Sun's apparent diameter each day. The width of the
outstretched thumb in the right-hand picture helps to indicate a scale of about 2°.

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The path the Sun follows each day can be quite different at different latitudes, as illustrated in figure
1.14. At the North Pole the Sun remains above the horizon for half the year, circling the sky above the
horizon in each 24-hour period while gradually changing its height above the horizon. At the equator,
the Sun is up for 12 hours every day of the year, but it reaches its highest point in the sky on the
equinoxes rather than one of the solstices. The Sun's path in equatorial regions is almost perpendicular
to the horizon, so the Sun seems to set more quickly and the period of twilight is shorter. At the edge of
the tropics, the Sun reaches the zenith just on the day of one of the solstices.


The path of the Sun in the sky differs depending on your latitude. These diagrams illustrate the Sun's
path in the sky for three different latitudes: the North Pole (90° North); the equator (0°); and 23.5°
South. At the North Pole, the Sun never sets for six months, but gradually spirals up from the horizon
from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice, then spirals back down to the horizon at the autumnal
equinox before it disappears for six months. At the equator, the Sun rises straight upward from the
horizon, but reaches the zenith only on the equinoxes. At 23.5° South, the Sun reaches the zenith at
noon only on December 21, the start of summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

Outside of the polar regions, the Sun's rising and setting positions on the horizon shift each day as the
Sun travels northward and southward. And just as the changing position of the Sun against the
constellations can be used as an indicator of the seasons, so too can the position of the rising and
setting Sun. One well-known example is Stonehenge, the ancient stone circle in England (a photograph
of which opens this chapter on page 14). Although we do not know for certain how this ancient
monument was used, it was laid out so that such seasonal changes in the Sun's position could be
observed by noting through which of the stone arches the Sun was visible when it rose or set. For
example, on the summer solstice at sunrise, an observer standing at the center of this circle of immense
standing stones would see the rising Sun framed by an arch, as illustrated in Figure 1.15A. Similarly,
some ancient Egyptian temples and pyramids have astronomical alignments, such as the Temple of
Amun-Ra at Karnak, whose main axis points toward the position of sunrise at the winter solstice (fig.


(A) Stonehenge, built more than 4000 years ago on the Salisbury plain in Britain. The enormous stones
are arranged to frame various positions of the Sun on the horizon, helping to mark dates such as when
the Sun reaches its point farthest north on the summer solstice. (B) The huge Karnak Temple complex in
Luxor was built with its main axis aligned in the direction of the rising Sun on the winter solstice. It was
begun almost 4000 years ago, and expanded repeatedly.

ASTRONOMY by the numbers


The angle of the Sun above the horizon at noon is almost never straight overhead, contrary to common
belief. The only place the Sun ever passes straight overhead is in the tropics (between latitudes 23.5°
South and 23.5° North), and this happens on only one or two days each year.

Because the celestial sphere's equator and poles lie directly above the Earth's equator and poles, an
observer's zenith is as far north or south of the celestial equator as the observer's latitude is north or
south of the Earth's equator. This tells you where the noon Sun will be on the equinoxes, when the Sun
is on the celestial equator.

For example, consider Phoenix, Arizona, at latitude 33.5° North. At noon on the equinoxes, the Sun is
33.5° south of the zenith. Because the zenith is by definition 90° above the horizon, this means the Sun
is 56.5° above the horizon. And the Sun is never straight overhead.

On the summer solstice in Phoenix, the Sun is 23.5° north of the celestial equator, so it is only 10° from
the zenith, or 80° (= 90° – 10°) above the horizon. On the other hand, at the winter solstice, the Sun is
23.5° south of the celestial equator, so it is now 57° south of the zenith (33.5° + 23.5°), or only 33° above
the horizon.

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Astronomical alignment of buildings occurs in many other places as well. For example, in Chankillo, Peru,
a series of towers was built on a ridge about 2300 years ago. As viewed from an ancient observatory at
the base of the ridge, the towers span the shift on the horizon of the rising Sun (fig. 1.16A). The Maya,
native peoples of Central America, and their neighbors built pyramids from the summits of which they
could get a clear view of the sky over the surrounding rain forest. The pyramid at Chichén Itzà was
specially designed so that on the equinoxes, sunlight would create the image of a snake slithering down
the steps (fig. 1.16B).

Many cultures also built monuments that appear to have been used to track another important celestial
body: the Moon. Like the Sun, the Moon shifts relative to the stars, and its cyclic changes formed the
basis for calendar systems around the world. Some archaeo-astronomers claim that sites such as
Stonehenge were used to track the moonrises and moonsets and perhaps even used to predict eclipses.


(A) The oldest known astronomical observatory in the Americas is found in Chankillo, Peru. This ancient
observatory marked the shifting position of sunrise with a series of 13 towers built along a ridge about
2300 years ago. (B) At sunrise on the equinoxes, sunlight raking across the edge of the Mayan pyramid
at Chichén Itzà creates a shape that resembles a serpent slithering down the steps. The head of the
serpent is depicted in a sculpture at the base of the stairs.

1.3The Moon

Like all celestial objects, the Moon rises in the east and sets in the west. Also, like the Sun, the Moon
shifts its position across the background stars from west to east. You can verify this motion by observing
the Moon at the same time each evening and checking its position with respect to nearby stars. In fact,
if the Moon happens to lie close to a bright star, its motion may be seen in only a few minutes, because
in 1 hour the Moon moves a distance, on the sky, that is approximately equal to its own apparent

Lunar phases


Lunar phases

Perhaps the most striking feature of the Moon is that, unlike the Sun, its shape seems to change
throughout the month in what is called the cycle of lunar phases. That is, the Moon appears alternately
as a thin crescent, a fully illuminated disk, and then as a crescent again. During a period of
approximately 29.5 days, the Moon goes through a complete set of phases from invisibility (new) to fully
lit (full) and back to invisibility. This is the origin of the month as a time period and also the source of the
name “month,” which was derived from the word moon.

The cycle of the phases and the Moon's changing position against the stars are caused by the Moon's
orbital motion around the Earth. Like the Sun and the planets, the Moon moves through the
constellations of the zodiac. In other words, its orbit is close to the orbital plane of the Earth around the

A new moon occurs when the Moon lies approximately between us and the Sun. A full moon occurs
when the Moon is on the other side of the Earth from the Sun, opposite it in the sky. Many people
believe these changes in shape are caused by the Earth's shadow falling on the Moon. However, that
is not the explanation, as you can deduce from the fact that crescent phases occur when the Moon and
Sun lie approximately in the same direction in the sky and the Earth's shadow must therefore
point away from the Moon. In fact, we see the Moon's shape change because, as it moves around us,
we see different amounts of its illuminated half. For example, when the Moon lies approximately
opposite the Sun in the sky, the side of the Moon toward the Earth is fully lit. On the other hand, when
the Moon lies approximately between us and the Sun, its fully lit side is turned nearly completely away
from us, and therefore we glimpse only a sliver of its illuminated side, as illustrated in figure 1.17. This
figure also shows the cycle of the lunar phases and the names used to describe the Moon's appearance.

The cycle of the phases of the Moon, from new to full and back again. The phases are caused by our
seeing different amounts of the half of the Moon's surface that is illuminated by the Sun. Sizes and
distances of objects are not to scale.

If you watch the Moon go through a cycle of its phases, you will notice a change in the times at which it
is visible. For example, shortly after the new phase, you can see the Moon low in the western sky after
sunset. But a few hours later that same night it will have set and become invisible. On the other hand,
when the Moon is full, it rises at about sunset and doesn't set until dawn. Thus, the full moon is visible
throughout the night. At some of its phases, you can see the Moon even during the day, if you know
where to look. The different times when the Moon is visible are explored further in Extending Our
Reach: “Observing the Moon.”

Page 28

EXTENDING our reach


When the Moon is full, it lies approximately opposite to where the Sun lies, but when the Moon is a thin
crescent, it lies in nearly the same direction as the Sun (see the middle of figure 1.18). These
connections between the Moon's phase and its position with respect to the Sun are the key to
understanding when the Moon is visible from Earth.

Because the full Moon is approximately opposite the Sun, it rises above the eastern horizon at about the
same time that the Sun sets below the western horizon. Likewise, the full Moon setsat about the time
the Sun rises. Therefore, the full Moon is visible all night and highest in the sky near midnight.

On the other hand, the crescent moon is not visible during most of the night. Because it lies in nearly the
same direction as the Sun, once the Sun is well below the horizon, the crescent Moon must be below
the horizon too. Moreover, the crescent Moon is hard to see during the day because it is only a sliver of
light, so it is lost in the brightness of the daytime sky. Therefore, when the Moon is a few days past its
new phase and is a thin crescent, you can see it low in the western sky at sunset. This crescent moon will
set shortly after the Sun and not be visible again until after sunrise the next day.

Where do you look for the Moon and how does it appear at different times of day as it goes through its
monthly cycle of phases? The central diagram shows a person standing on the Earth at five times of day:
dawn, morning, afternoon, sunset, and midnight. The Moon's position in its orbit is shown on 7 days of
the lunar cycle (days 4, 8, 11, 15, 19, 22, and 25).The five surrounding panels show what a person would
see at each of those times of day as the Moon moves through its orbit.

ASTRONOMY by the numbers


If you know the Moon's phase, you can estimate the times when the Moon rises, sets, and is highest in
the sky.

For example, when the Moon is at first quarter, it is one-quarter of the way around the sky, eastward of
the Sun by about 90° (fig. 1.18). Therefore the Earth must turn about an additional 90° to bring the
Moon to approximately the same position as the Sun. How long does it take the Earth to rotate those
extra 90°? Since it takes the Earth 24 hours to rotate once (360°), to rotate 90° (= 360°/4) takes 6 hours
(= 24 hours/4). Thus, the first-quarter Moon is highest in the sky 6 hours after noon, or 6 P.M., rises
about 6 hours earlier at about noon, and sets at about midnight. With similar reasoning, you can find
when the Moon rises and sets in other phases.

As the Moon moves eastward from the Sun and its phase changes, it rises about 49 minutes later each
night. This shift is simply the result of the Moon's orbital motion around the Earth, resulting in a
complete cycle of phases over 29.5 days: 24 hours/29.5 days = 49 minutes/day.

Because the Moon orbits close to the plane of the ecliptic, it shifts north and south of the celestial
equator during the month, just as the Sun does during the year. A consequence of this is that the full
Moon's behavior is the opposite of the Sun's—the full Moon is relatively low in the sky in the summer
and high in the sky in the winter. The Moon's position north or south of the celestial equator also affects
the time between moonrise and moonset, just as the length of days depends on the Sun's position.

Page 29

The Moon's motion around the Earth has other effects as well. For example, because the Moon shifts
eastward through the stars, the Earth itself must rotate eastward a little extra each day to bring the
Moon above the horizon. This extra rotation takes about 50 minutes each day, on average. So if the
Moon rises at 8 P.M. one evening, the next evening it will rise about 8:50 P.M., the following night about
9:40 P.M., and so forth. See Astronomy by the Numbers: “Estimating When the Moon Will Rise.”

One further consideration is that as the Moon revolves around the Earth, the Earth is revolving around
the Sun. We saw that the Moon takes about 29.5 days to go through its cycle of phases. However, the
Moon requires only 27.3 days to complete its motion through the constellations of the zodiac. This is
illustrated in figure 1.19, where you can see that because the Earth has shifted its position in orbit, the
Sun is in a different direction after a month has passed. As a result, after the Moon comes back into
alignment with distant stars, it must still travel a little farther around its orbit to come back into
alignment with the Sun. Alignments with the Sun can result in some of the most beautiful and dramatic
effects of the Moon's motion: eclipses.

The sidereal month is the time the Moon takes to complete an orbit relative to the distant stars. This is
about 27.3 days, less than the lunar month because as the Moon is orbiting the Earth, the Earth is
orbiting the Sun. It takes about two additional days for the Moon to come back in alignment with the



Lunar phases

An eclipse occurs when the Moon happens to lie exactly between the Earth and the Sun, or when the
Earth lies exactly between the Sun and the Moon, so that all three bodies lie on a straight line. Thus,
there are two types of eclipses: solar and lunar.

A solar eclipse occurs whenever the Moon passes directly between the Sun and the Earth and blocks our
view of the Sun, as depicted in figure 1.20. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the
Sun and the Moon and casts its shadow on the Moon, as shown in figure 1.21.


A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth so that the Moon's shadow
touches the Earth. The photo inset shows what the eclipse looks like from Earth.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and Moon, causing the Earth's shadow to
fall on the Moon. Some sunlight leaks through the Earth's atmosphere, casting a deep reddish light on
the Moon. The photo shows what the eclipse looks like from Earth.

Lunar phases

Appearance of Eclipses

Eclipses generally take a few hours from start to finish. Sometimes an eclipse is partial, with only a
portion of the Sun or the Moon ever being covered over. These partial eclipses sometimes pass
unnoticed unless you know to look for them. However, total eclipses are beautiful and marvelous

During a total lunar eclipse, the Earth's shadow gradually spreads across the full Moon's face, cutting an
ever deeper dark semicircle out of it. The shadow takes about an hour to completely cover the Moon
and produce totality. At totality, the Moon generally appears a deep ruddy color, almost as if dipped in
blood. Sometimes it even disappears. After totality, the Moon again becomes lit, bit by bit, reverting to
its unsullied, silvery light.

A little light falls on the Moon even at totality because the Earth's atmosphere bends some sunlight into
the shadow, as shown in figure 1.22. The light reaching the Moon is red because interactions with air
molecules remove the blue light as it passes through our atmosphere and is bent, exactly as happens
when we see the setting Sun.

As sunlight falls on the Earth, some passes through the Earth's atmosphere and is slightly bent so that it
ends up in the Earth's shadow. In its passage through our atmosphere, most of the blue light is removed,
leaving only the red. That red light then falls on the Moon, giving it its ruddy color at totality.

Total lunar eclipses are visible if you are anywhere on the night side of the Earth when the eclipse is
occurring. It is far rarer to see a total solar eclipse because the Moon's shadow on the Earth is quite
small. In fact, you are unlikely to ever see a total solar eclipse in your lifetime unless you travel to see it,
because on average they occur in any location only once every several centuries.

Q. Sometimes you see clouds after sunset that are lit red. How is this like the red color you see on the
totally eclipsed Moon?


Page 31

Be extremely careful when watching a partial solar eclipse. Looking at the Sun through improper filters
will blind you. A safer way is to not look directly at the Sun but to use eyepiece projection to view the
Sun. Hold a piece of paper about a foot from the eyepiece of a small telescope (or even binoculars), and
a large image of the Sun will be visible on it. This method also allows many people to watch the eclipse

A total solar eclipse begins with a small black “bite” taken out of the Sun's edge as the Moon cuts across
its disk (fig. 1.23A). Over the next hour or so, the Moon gradually covers over more and more of the Sun.
While the Sun is only partially covered, you must be careful when viewing it, so you don't hurt your eyes.
If you are fortunate enough to be at a location where the eclipse is total, you will see one of the most
amazing sights in nature.


Pictures of a total solar eclipse in 2010. (A) An hour before totality, the Moon only partially eclipses the
Sun. (B) About 5 minutes before totality. (C) With the bright part of the Sun covered, the Sun's glowing
pink atmosphere becomes visible. (D) Faint hot gases form a corona around the Sun. (E) As the Moon
slides off the Sun, the first glimpse of the bright portion of the Sun makes a “diamond ring,” while thin
clouds in Earth's atmosphere are colored by optical phenomena.

As the time when the Moon's disk completely covers the Sun (totality) approaches, the landscape takes
on an eerie light. Shadows become incredibly sharp and black: even individual hairs on your head cast
crisp shadows. Sunlight filtering through leaves creates tiny bright crescents on the ground. Seconds
before totality, pale ripples of light sweep across the ground, and to the west the deep purple shadow of
the Moon hurtles toward you at more than 1000 miles an hour. In one heartbeat you are plunged into
darkness. Overhead, the sky is black, and stars become visible. Perhaps a solar prominence—a tiny,
glowing, red flamelike cloud in the Sun's atmosphere—may protrude beyond the Moon's black disk (fig.
1.23C). The corona of the Sun—its outer atmosphere—gleams with a steely light around the Moon's
black disk (fig. 1.23D). Birds call as if it were evening. A deep chill descends, because for a few minutes
the Sun's warmth is blocked by the Moon. The horizon takes on sunset colors: the deep blue of twilight
with perhaps a distant cloud in our atmosphere glowing orange. As the Moon continues in its orbit, it
begins to uncover the Sun, and in the first moments after totality, the partially eclipsed Sun looks a little
like a diamond ring (fig. 1.23E). Now the cycle continues in reverse. The sky rapidly brightens, and the
shadow of the Moon may be glimpsed on distant clouds or mountains racing away to the east. If you
ever have the chance to see a total eclipse, do it!

Page 32

Total solar eclipses can only be seen within a narrow path where the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth
(fig. 1.24A). The approximate locations of these paths are shown for total eclipses from 2008 to 2035
in Figure 1.24B. Since the Moon is physically smaller than the Sun, the Moon's shadow grows narrower
farther from the Moon as illustrated in Figure 1.24A, and is at most a few hundred kilometers wide at
the distance of the Earth.

(A) When the Moon casts a shadow on the Earth, the Moon's orbit shifts it from west to east along a
narrow line. (B) The locations of recent and upcoming total solar eclipses are shown through 2035. The
paths show where totality can be observed. In regions outside of these paths, a partial eclipse may be

Q. According to the map, when will the next total solar eclipse occur in North America? In South


Sometimes the Moon is far enough away that its shadow does not reach the Earth. What we see when
this happens is that the Moon does not completely cover the Sun, even though it is precisely in line with
the Sun. An examples is shown in figure 1.25, where a ring of sunlight is seen as the Sun is setting. This is
called an annular eclipse because it leaves an annulus of the Sun's surface still visible.

An annular eclipse of the Sun in 1992 occurring near sunset. The Moon is at a distant point in its orbit, so
it cannot block the Sun entirely.

Page 33

Rarity of Eclipses

Given that the lunar cycle is about 29.5 days, you may wonder why we do not have eclipses every
month. The answer is that the Moon's orbit is tipped with respect to the Earth's orbit (fig. 1.26). Because
of this tip, even if the Moon is new, the Moon's shadow may pass above or below Earth, as you can see
in Figure 1.26A. As a result, no eclipse occurs. Similarly, when the Moon is full, the Earth's shadow may
pass above or below the Moon so that again no eclipse occurs. Only a nearly exact alignment of the
Earth, Moon, and Sun leads to eclipses, a point that is easier to appreciate if you look at Figure 1.26B,
which shows the Earth and Moon and their shadows drawn to scale.

Eclipses and the Moon's Orbital Inclination


(A) The Moon's orbit keeps approximately the same orientation as the Earth orbits the Sun. Because of
its orbital tilt, the Moon generally is either above or below the Earth's orbit. Thus, the Moon's shadow
rarely hits the Earth, and the Earth's shadow rarely hits the Moon. Eclipse seasons are when the Earth is
in either of two places in its orbit, about 6 months apart, when the Moon's orbital plane, if extended,
intersects the Sun. (B) The Earth and Moon are drawn to correct relative size and separation with their
orbits seen here edge on. Note how thin their shadows are.


Eclipses and the Moon's orbital inclination

The tilt of the Moon remains fixed—like that of the spinning Earth—by a gyroscopic effect or, more
technically, by the conservation of angular momentum. The result is that twice each year, the Moon's
orbital plane (if extended) passes through the Sun, as shown in Figure 1.26A. At those times—eclipse
seasons—eclipses will happen when the Moon crosses the Earth's orbital plane, the ecliptic. In 2012 the
eclipse seasons are within about two weeks of the end of May and November. Only at those times can
eclipses happen: at other times, the shadows of the Earth and Moon fall on empty space. You can also
see from Figure 1.26A that when a solar eclipse occurs at new moon, conditions are right for a lunar
eclipse to happen at either the previous or the following full moon. Thus, eclipses generally occur in
pairs, with a solar eclipse followed approximately 14 days later by a lunar eclipse, or vice versa. This can
be seen in table 1.1 where several upcoming solar and lunar eclipses are listed.

Page 34

Precession of the Moon's Orbit

Eclipse seasons do not always remain in the same months, because the orientation of the Moon's orbit
does not remain exactly the same over time. The plane of the orbit slowly changes orientation, as
illustrated in figure 1.27. That is, the Moon's orbit precesses, swinging once around about every 18.6
years. This orbital precession makes the dates of the eclipse seasons shift by 1/18.6 of a year (about 20
days) each year. Thus, in 2015, eclipses will occur about 3 weeks earlier, on average, than in 2014.


Precession of the Moon's orbit causes eclipses to come a few weeks earlier (on average) each year. The
shift of the orbital plane is similar to twisting a tilted book that has one edge resting on a table, as
illustrated in the inset diagram. (Sizes of objects and their separations are not to scale.)

Precession of the Moon's Orbit

If one of the eclipse seasons occurs in early January with the next in June, a third eclipse season may
sometimes happen in late December. As a result, as many as seven eclipses, solar and lunar combined,
can occur each year. No matter when the eclipse season falls, at least two solar and two lunar eclipses
must happen each year, but that does not mean they will be visible to an observer at a given location,
since the eclipse may be visible only from another part of the Earth. Most of these eclipses are partial,
only partially dimming the Sun or Moon, so they may go unnoticed even where they are visible.

We create a mental model of the night sky overhead as a giant dome, forming part of the celestial
sphere. Star patterns on the celestial sphere are called constellations. According to this model, stars rise
in the east and set in the west as the celestial sphere rotates overhead. This apparent motion is actually
caused by the Earth's spin. The points about which the celestial sphere appears to turn are called
the celestial poles.

At any given time of year, the Sun's glare hides those stars lying near it on the celestial sphere. However,
as the Earth moves around the Sun, it looks to us as if the Sun changes its position with respect to the
stars. Thus, stars previously visible are lost in the Sun's glare, whereas stars previously hidden become
visible, making different constellations visible at different times of year. We call the path that the Sun
follows around the celestial sphere the ecliptic, and the 12 constellations through which it runs,
the zodiac.

The ecliptic and zodiac are tipped at an angle of 23.5° to the celestial equator because the Earth's
rotation axis is tipped by that amount with respect to its orbit. The solstices and equinoxes mark when
the Sun reaches its maximum distance from the celestial equator and when it crosses the equator,
respectively. These points define the onsets of the seasons.

The Earth's spin keeps its rotation axis pointing in nearly a fixed direction as we orbit the Sun. Because
the axis is tipped, the Sun shines more directly on the Northern Hemisphere for half the year and on the
Southern Hemisphere for the other half of the year. This difference in exposure to the Sun's light and
warmth creates the seasons.

Ancient peoples noted the basic patterns of the night sky, and they built monuments to trace the
motions of the Sun through the seasons. They also tracked the position of the Moon, which moves
through a cycle of phases every 29.5 days. The plane of the Moon's orbit around the Earth is close to,
but at a small angle to, Earth's orbital plane around the Sun (the ecliptic). As a result, when a new or full
Moon is crossing the ecliptic, there can be a solar or lunar eclipse, respectively.

Because of the small size of the Moon relative to the Earth, the full Moon can be completely in the
Earth's shadow during a lunar eclipse, but during a solar eclipse the Moon's shadow covers only a
narrow path across the Earth. The dates when the orbital planes of the Moon and the Earth cross come
about 6 months apart during what are called eclipse seasons, but the dates of these seasons gradually
shift as the orientation of the Moon's orbit changes over time.

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