Planning Questionnaires
Planning Questionnaires
Planning Questionnaires
1. As defined by RA 7160, a minimum income of P 20 million, at least 10,000 hectares in land
area, with minimum population of 150,000, a political or legal status granted by the
a) Urban c) City
b) Urban Design d) Highly Urbanized City
2. Which of the following refers to planning a future community, or the guidance and shaping
of the expansion of a present community, in an organized manner with an organized
4. Which of the following is the method by which visual order is established, giving due weight
to the compositional elements?
a) Unity c) Harmony
b) Scale d) Proportion
5. These are the streets where the quality of design achieved by decoration contributes to
business prosperity.
a) Symbol/symbolic c) Index/indexical
b) Icon/iconic d) None of the above
7. These are the most pronounced elements of urban design - they shape and articulate space
by forming the streetwalls of the city.
9. Refers to a technical and political process concerned with the control of the use of land and
design of the urban environment, including transportation networks, to guide and ensure
the orderly development of settlements and communities.
10. Which of the following is NOT included in the five (5) elements of human settlements?
a) Nature c) Shells
b) Man d) None of the above