ENGEL 02 Fdsfsdfds
ENGEL 02 Fdsfsdfds
ENGEL 02 Fdsfsdfds
In the following lesson we are going to read about two women and some details from their
private life. There are many examples of present simple to be, all its forms. There are also
many examples of possessive adjectives and indefinite article.
• happy – srećan –
• big – velik, -a, -o, -i
• famous – poznat
• popular – poznat, popularan
Table 02.01.
• There are many examples of present simple TO BE in the text, all its forms.
Possessives are very often used. There are examples of indefinite articles in the text.
Sofia and Anna are talking about their life, nationality, work.
Kako biste što bolje usvojili gradivo, uz ovu lekciju dostupni su testovi za vežbu koji se
odnose na razumevanje teksta i vokabulara iz ove nastavne jedinice.