Global Citizenship
Global Citizenship
Global Citizenship
MTH 3:30-5:00PM)
“Collecting Posts, Connecting the World”
Educational post
An opinion
Current news
a. Which theme has the most number of posts?
After I browsed the News feed of my Facebook account, the theme that has
the most number of posts is the PRODUCT.
c. What are the common themes that you and your classmates have identified?
The common themes that my classmate and I have identified are the
d. Have you posted in the past that is similar with the posts you listed down?
Yes, I posted about RELIGIOUS POST such as bible verses, preaching,
testimonies and worship songs, because personally it gives encouragement
and motivation to me.
1. What are the barriers to our collective learning in the age of information?
I think one of barrier to our collective learning is the spread of unreliable information
and fake news. People now a day are using social media or technologies to gather
information and be aware of what are the current issues in the local and internationally.
We learned by means of teaching but in the age of modern technology we now
learned by simply searching it in the internet. However, there are some users tend to
create news and information that can bring high risk and panic to people due to
creating false information and threats. Some information is not from credible and
reliable sources and doesn't even have evidences and basis. Another barrier is the
people's low reading comprehension. We all know that not everyone has the same
level of understanding that is why it can probably lead to misinterpretation. People
wants to gather data’s and be informed however not everyone is with the same
capacity to learn.
2. Is there a need to resist globalization?
3. Explain and justify why given fact that there is no world government, the
contemporary world does not lie on single entity or individual, the community
and the different organizations in societies?
1. As technology arises, the life of every individual becomes easy. I am free and
able to access information whenever and wherever I am. I can now do my school-
related activities without thinking the difficulty in finding sources. It helps me to become
aware and be informed even if I am in school or at home.
2. Too much explosion and used of technologies are bad. Sometimes it affects
our health physically, mentally and emotionally. It is also one of the common causes of
conflicts and fights among relationships. Quality times are being affected. Abusing
technologies may also lead to issues concerning our health and relations.