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Lesson 3 Mil

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article, many disrespectful comments by common people were shown,

attacking journalists who do their job; who try to unveil the real
truth to the public. These comments were the result after spreading
fake news to the public. People only believed what they think was the
truth instead of the real truth. This was really saddening. Watching
a large group of people fall in the hole at the same time is the
worst thing that could happen to a country.
Maybe it is true that we are already living in the post-truth era—
proofs are everywhere. People believe what they want to believe;
people believe what many believe; people believe what others tell
them to believe. We do not care anymore if the information we have is
even close to the truth. Whatever other people say (using believable
stories) immediately becomes the truth for us. Why are we not looking
for the real truth anymore? How did we end up being blind in the dark
hole we chose to fall in?
Lesson 1 –Lesson 3: Types
Introduction toof Media
Media Convergence
and (PART
Information 3)
Literacy (PART 1)

Formative Assessment: Recitation

1. What does weaponizing the internet mean?
 Weaponizing the internet. It’s a strategy of "death by a
thousand cuts” a chipping away at facts, using half-truths that
fabricate an alternative reality by merging the power of bots
and fake accounts on social media to manipulate real people.
2. What do you think are the real dangers of propaganda? Why?
 Propaganda is dangerous because it is the most memorable and
therefore most likely to shape people's perspectives. According
to psychologists, the sleeper effect is defined as a message
being more persuasive over time when it comes from a low-
credibility source. Initially, a person would believe a message
to be more persuasive from a high-credibility source. However,
over time, messages from high-credibility sources are less
persuasive and forgotten in comparison to messages from low-
credibility sources.

Written Work: Reaction Paper

Propaganda War: Weaponizing the Internet (A Reaction Paper)
Internet has changed the course of people’s lives in a lot of
ways. It is now the easiest platform to scatter information—as well
as fake information, or to be more specific, fake news. With this in
mind, how can we determine if a certain post online is true or not?
How can we know that we are still accessing the truth?
In the rant article by Maria A. Ressa, a huge pile of rotting
garbage was exposed to the public, and how people are still buying
it. One of her points was about the use of social media for political
propaganda. That is accomplished by hiring internet trolls that share
fake news in order to scare people; to unleash fear to the public
that will make them turn to the side where the trolls say is safe.
And the people, being very much gullible, caused by lack of
information literacy will then pass on the fake information to
thousand more people. During the election, a lot of Facebook pages
circulated online, sharing news about the now President of the
Philippines Rodrigo Duterte. May it be fake or not, the public would
still believe whatever they say by using some believable words and
stories. I, myself, have encountered some of these fake news online
before, and I also witnessed how people believed and shared those
things immediately, without even thinking. And the worse part is that
even the people who I thought were wise enough not to believe those,
already fell into the hole. These trolls are smart enough to
manipulate the internet, and by extension the people themselves.
More toxic people began to arise, since the people they looked
up to are already toxic to the country in the first place. In the
Written Work: Essay Writing
Since we are now living in 21st Century modern technology and media
has now evolved. Technology emerges in various things and ways. One
specific example is smart phones. It is the basic and fundamental
source of information and communication of people nowadays. Media
also emerged into social media which Filipino Youth had been using
nowadays. But sadly, the effects of media to the Filipino Youth had
been unpredictable since it has been developed couple of years ago.
Media has changed our culture in significant ways since first
becoming popular in the early 1900’s with the introduction of the
radio. A lot has changed since then, and society today has
experienced many new creations. One of the newest is social media.
Social media, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter just to name a few, has
made its way into the homes of people young and old.
The benefits of these programs are plentiful. For example, some
people use social media for motivation to get healthy with
applications such as Fitbit, Jawbone or Map My Run. Another more
obvious example is how it connects people to other people worldwide
and to local and global affairs. Though beneficial, there is concern
that social media can lead to negative behavior in Filipino Youth.
There is where most begin to wonder what age is appropriate to begin
use, and how does one prevent harmful media from “working its magic?”
Researchers believe that there are things parents should be aware of
and tips they should consider when their children open their own
accounts. Television has the potential to generate both positive and
negative effects, and many studies have looked at the impact of
television on society, particularly on children and adolescents. An
individual child’s developmental level is a critical factor in
determining whether the medium will have positive or negative
effects. Not all television programs are bad, but data showing the
negative effects of exposure to violence, inappropriate sexuality and
offensive language are convincing.
The more sexual content that kids see on television, the earlier they
initiate sexual activity, the more likely they are to regret their
early sexual experiences, and the more likely they are to have an
unplanned teen pregnancy. There is a strong causal connection between
youth exposure to violence in the media and violent or aggressive
behavior and thoughts. The motives movie characters convey for
smoking can adversely affect adolescents’ real-world smoking risk.
At this stage, they are learning how to balance their days and
interact with others. In fact, research has shown that electronic
stimulation affects sleep and mood behavior for children. That being
said, it is important for parents to monitor their usage. As social
media expands and the availability of it grows our society must learn
to adapt. It is expected that Filipino Youth will be curious, but
it’s important for their mental and physical sake that there are
limits and guidelines to be followed.
Lesson 1 –Lesson 3: Types
Introduction toof Media
Media Convergence
and (PART
Information 2)
Literacy (PART 1)

Formative Assessment: Cartoon Analysis

Media in today’s society is our life line. It comes in many
different forms to match your personal pleasures. There is magazines,
newspapers, internet, television, news, radio, and of course social
media sites. I am sure I missed many examples but I think we all get
the point. Every day we are connected to media through technology
whether it be our televisions, radios in our car, and probably the
most common in today’s society our cell phones. Through these
advancements in technology we are able to consistently check media
and see and hear it at a moment’s notice. There are many issues that
arise with this. Media can affect relationships, consume our time and
most concerning influence our opinions and thoughts.
Formative Assessment: Recitation
1. How do you know when what posted in social media is a propaganda?
How you react to it?
 Some articles and news in social media are definitely
misleading. The visuals they used can caught a lot of attention
from users. People will be very interested to know and open it,
but unfortunately, most of it are just propagandas. Some ads are
too good to be true, but what's the catch? We don't really know.
Let's all be keen to what we see in social media nowadays. Let's
think before we react. Research before we believe.
2. How can you protect yourself from being influenced by propaganda
messages in social media?
 Know the ways of persuasion and realize that you personally may
be the victim of propaganda. Most people believe that only other
people are susceptible to being persuaded and that is when
propaganda is best able to get past our defenses.
 Monitor your emotions. If you notice you are having an emotional
response to a communication, ask “Why?” Look for things that
might induce emotions, such as a false commitment, a “free” gift
that makes you feel obligated, a scarce item that induces
feelings of inferiority, a we-they distinction that elicits the
granfalloon (arbitrary group), or speeches that make you feel
fearful or guilty.
 Explore the motivation and credibility of the source of the
communication. Think rationally about any proposal or issue.
Attempt to understand the full range of options before making a
decision. Base your evaluation of a leader not on what they say,
but on what their actions in the past have shown. Stop to
consider the possibility that any information you receive may be
a factoid. Avoid being dependent on a single source of
information. One of the hallmarks of intense propaganda is
centralized communications from a single perspective.
Formative Assessment: Analyze and explain the illustration

The illustration explains and conveys that Media and Information

Literacy is a process of sharing and converting information thru
technology system. It act as a tool device of communication
where you can be involve and participate in the world does not
offer an equal opportunities to everyone.
Media and Information Literacy will be a various information
provider that will depend on the needs and ability to understand
the information we needed. Also MIL has ability to analyze,
evaluate, inquire, communicate and be part to develop the
skills, preparedness and attitudes of the users that will lead
to be a critical thinkers and responsible users that gave path
to be globally competitive and eager to develop by the use of

Formative Assessment: Recitation


Media and Information Literacy consists of the knowledge, the
attitudes, and the sum of the skills needed to know when and what
information is needed; where and how to obtain that information; how
to evaluate it critically and organize it once it is found; and how
to use it in an ethical way. The concept extends beyond communication
and information technologies to encompass learning, critical
thinking, and interpretative skills across and beyond professional
and educational boundaries. Media and Information Literacy includes
all types of information resources: oral, print, and digital. Media
and Information Literacy is a basic human right in an increasingly
digital, interdependent, and global world, and promotes greater
social inclusion. It can bridge the gap between the information rich
and the information poor. Media and Information Literacy empowers and
endows individuals with knowledge of the functions of the media and
information systems and the conditions under which these functions
are performed.
We live in a world where the quality of information we receive
largely determines our choices and ensuing actions, including our
capacity to enjoy fundamental freedoms and the ability for self-
determination and development. Driven by technological improvements
in telecommunications, there is also a proliferation of media and
other information providers through which vast amounts of information
and knowledge are accessed and shared by citizens. Adding to and
emanating from this phenomenon is the challenge to assess the
relevance and the reliability of the information.
Formative Assessment: Recitation
1. What is media Convergence?
Media Convergence simply refers to the merging of different
types of mass media such as Traditional Media, Print Media,
Broadcast Media, New Media and the Internet as well as portable
and highly interactive technologies through digital media
platforms. This results in the combination of 3Cs, i.e.
Communication, Computing and Content as all three are integrated
through technology. Media convergence has even changed the way
we receive data. Instead of getting a news report from TV, we're
getting that same report from a television station by way of the
internet and social media, in particular. For people who work in
media, convergence has changed the way they do their jobs.
Instead of reporters simply writing a story to appear in
tomorrow's newspaper, they're filming short video clips and
tweeting about it, too a smash-up of different digital
Communication and technology are just two of the areas where
convergence has been impactful. Media scholar Henry Jenkins
theorized that there are actually five categories of convergence
that we see today.
2. Why media convergence a trend that cannot be done away?
Media convergence is a phenomenon that interconnect the
information technology with communication technology. Media
convergence is cannot be done away because it is the result of
the advent of technology as industries. Media convergence
transforms established industries, services, and work practices
and enables entirely new forms of content to emerge.
3. What are other examples of media convergence?
An example of media convergence is a Smartphone that blends
together various media like music, the internet, books, and all
other media together. Another is print media, E-books converging
paperbacks with the digital technology. Also, Broadcast media
that can be streaming websites, radio, music apps, Online Radio
(converging radio with the Internet). As well as new media (the
internet) into a single device that performs various functions
from calling and texting to photography, videography, gaming and
News Websites and Apps
Formative Assessment: Recitation
The battle of the primetime newscasts has been ongoing for quite
some time already, and it is not seen to end anytime soon. When GMA
News launched 24 Oras in March 2004 to go against ABS-CBN’s then 17-
year old TV Patrol, the Kapuso news department saw the tide going in
its favor. Just after six months since it was launched, 24 Oras
proved to be the best challenger to TV Patrol’s supremacy. This even
led to the Ted Failon-Karen Davila-Julius Babao trio (Actually, it is
a rarity in newscasts to have three anchors, but it was done to make
a failed bid to forestall the possibility of 24 Oras being the top
news source in the country.). 24 Oras was very comfortable in the top
spot for more than half a decade until November 8, 2010 when Korina
Sanchez and Noli de Castro made a comeback. And the return of the two
most recognizable faces and voices of TV Patrol refueled the
competition between the two primetime newscasts.
Formative Assessment: Recitation
 One of the best benefits of print media is that it has a higher
frequency opportunity of viewing than online ads. Since the
newspaper or magazine may sit on a table or rack at a business
or home, repeated exposures are allowed. Flyers, brochures, and
other physical pieces are often reviewed multiple times and
shared with other prospects. Unlike digital messaging, print
media does not disappear after generating an impression. It
piles up, creates clutter, and is thereby reviewed once more,
even before recycling or discarding. Because of this long shelf
life, you can benefit from having your ad seen by more people,
more often.
 Another newspaper advertising advantage is that you can control
the way it looks. You have complete power over the colors you
use and the characteristics of the paper. Every aspect of
typography, color choices, graphics, and design allows you to
create a presentation that meets the expectations of your
prospects. Other types of media provide less control over these
aspects. Digital media can be subject to operating systems and
browser configurations, and television advertising only appears
and sounds as good as the technology it is presented upon.
 If you’ve ever tried to read a lengthy article online, you’ll
understand how much the digital age has nearly killed the human
attention span. People surf the Internet with multiple tabs
open, while texting their friends, and half-listening to the
television in the background. With all this constant
stimulation, it’s almost impossible to focus on a single thing
for very long. That’s why print media is the better option for
your advertising. Print readers cannot multitask while they are
reading your magazine or newspaper. This means they can focus on
what they see and be more receptive to the ads within the
publication. This benefit of newspaper advertising is one of the
reasons why so many big brands still post ads in print.
Formative Assessment: Cartoon Analysis
Some people nowadays are two faced, they act like they care but
actually they don’t. They post it on their social media to show it to
other people, but they aren’t really concerned. The problem social
media platforms have given us is we hide behind screens, allowing
others to judge us for the lives we want them to think we have, the
lives we portray online. We don’t want our friends to think we’re
lonely, so we post photos and statuses that show how much fun we can
have. We don’t want anyone to know we eat a lot, so we post photos of
artsy salads. Social media skews our perception of reality. Being
face-to-face with someone is suddenly a change from viewing him or
her through a screen.

Formative Assessment: Cartoon Analysis

Social Media may only be a decade old, but it has been very
influential to our modern society and more importantly it is changing
the way we build our interpersonal relationships with our fellow
human beings.
Visual platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat deliver
the tools that allow teens to earn approval for their appearance and
compare themselves to others. The most vulnerable users, researchers
say, are the ones who spend most of their time posting, commenting on
and comparing themselves to photos. One study found that female
college students who did this on Facebook were more likely to link
their self-worth to their looks. Interestingly, while girls report
more body image disturbance and disordered eating than boys—studies
have shown both can be equally damaged by social media.

Formative Assessment: Recitation

Digital books, sometimes also called electronic books or PDF
books, are scanned, digital facsimiles of standard printed, published
books. You can think of them as enhanced copies of the actual hard or
paperback books we have come to know and love.
When we are talking about the digital version of newer
publications, they are pretty much identical to the original. When
talking about old or even ancient publication, they are much better
than any original you would find on the shelf of your local library.
Since they are facsimiles of the original printing, this really
increases quality and helps overcome the problems of many older
books, such as yellowed pages, stains, see-through or onion skin type
paper, colored paper, brown inks, etc. These are scanned pages, not
'copied' pages, and the quality of print truly represents a better
quality than the print of the original book.

Princess Cielo B. Martin Grade 12 STEM - Archimedes

Lesson 1 –Lesson 3: Types

Introduction toof Media
Media Convergence
and (PART
Information 1)
Literacy (PART 1)

Formative Assessment: Review

 Define Media in your own words
For me, "media" refers to various means of communication. For
example, television, radio, and the newspaper are different types of
media. The term can also be used as a collective noun for the press
or news reporting agencies. In the computer world, "media" is also
used as a collective noun, but refers to different types of data
storage options.

Formative Assessment: Cartoon analysis
As humans our real method of communication
1. B should be through authentic communication that is
2. P face to face. Most of our communication is based
on non-verbal body language while a small
3. N percentage is based on written or verbal language
4. P Our interactions in social media tend to be
5. N weak ties that is, we don’t feel as personally
connected to the people at the other end of
6. N communication as we do when we’re face-to-face.
7. N “So while we’re communicating more, we may not
necessarily be building relationships as
8. F strongly,” says Dr. Paul Booth, PhD, and assistant
9. P professor of media and cinema studies in the
College of Communication at DePaul University in
10. B Chicago.
We are losing the art of communication. In
fact by a wide margin electronic communication has
overtaken face-to-face and voice-to-voice
communication. “I’m fine” in a text message may
not always mean they are fine at all. This is
where social media could get dicey. People tend to
create an image or an illusion of their choosing.
They can be whoever they want to be. It is easier
for them to hide behind the text, the emails, the
Facebook, etc. The more we think we are connecting
the more we are actually disconnecting from the
real world.

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